Respect Reconsidered • Part II

Respect comes very cheap today. In the last essay i made the case that there are gendered forms of Respect, each with their gendered understanding of what a universal idea of respect should entail. The same misunderstanding applies to our gendered concepts of Love; each sex presumes the other accepts and acknowledges their own ideals about love – men approaching love from outwardly expressed idealism, while women’s is rooted in inwardly (though increasingly outwardly) expressed opportunism.

For the most part this division of approaches to Love is something both sexes hold personally, and unless that person is an artist or a poet the expression of that approach to love is something we reserve for those we come to love. Love, like religion, is usually something we have a personal belief about, but it’s generally something we don’t broadcast to those we don’t love.

Respect is different. Our ideas of what defines respect is something we will broadcast because that ideal for Respect is something that’s socially expedient in getting the things we want. The first time I was told, “You don’t respect women!” was when I was 19. Even then, in my Blue Pill delusions, I saw a contradiction. The women (and sometimes men) who were telling me I didn’t Respect women were almost always after something. No one tells that you ought to be more respectful because they want you to be a better person, nor are you corrected because the ideal of respect was even a primary concern. No, people tell you to show respect when they want something or they have an interested invested in you deferring respect to the person or thing they believe you ought to be paying respect to.

Pay Tribute or Pay Respect?

In fact, the idea that one ought to “pay” respect to something or someone else really sets the context for the utility that Respect represents to them. You “owe” respect to an ephemeral ideal in the same way you “pay your dues”, like a personal debt that someone insists you owe because you want to be reverent of the concept of Respect. And this basis for Respect is why I say Respect has been cheapened today.

Even when I was 19 and women would attempt to shame me into deference to women with Respect, I saw the contradiction between women and men’s concepts of Respect. My male idea of Respect was one of the few things my father had imparted to me. So, naturally, I questioned the idea, “What do women actually do that’s worthy of my respect?” Respect was earned. Lord knows I hadn’t done much to deserve anyone’s respect at 19, but I did know that deeds and acts were something a man had to do to gain respect – and maybe somewhere along the way acquire integrity (another container word). My smart ass response was “I don’t know any women who deserve my respect.” And that was true, but every Blue Pill conditioned guy I knew then would tell me, “You’ll never get girls to like you with that attitude mister.”

So, basically, if I wanted a girl to be intimate with me I had to feign respect for her because she’s a girl? The Blue Pill teaches men, yes, and the better you are at pretending it the more a woman will appreciate you. This is where the debasement of Respect (as an ideal) in our feminine-primary social order begins. Unmerited respect for women only reinforces the Women are, Men must become principle. Men must become, men must qualify, men must perform. As such, male respect is something that is almost always in flux. Women’s respect just is, and thereby female respect is something more static.

Respect for the Sake of Respect

In a gynocentric society the predominant definition of respect, the one that is transferred to virtually all aspects of that social order, is the female concept. Automatic, deferential, but ultimately unmerited respect simply for being – female respect – is considered a useful tool, but cheapens the ideal of respect and what makes a person respectable.

When I outlined the difference between male and female concepts of Love, one of the first things men do is get indignant. They don’t like the idea that women don’t share their own ‘love for the sake of love’ idealism. My point was that women “fundamentally lack the capacity to love a man in the way he thinks should be possible for her.” This is difficult for a Blue Pill conditioned guy to wrap his head around. Much of who they are was built on the premised goal that women will “love him as much as he loves her”, so to suggest that this isn’t possible for him means that “women fundamentally lack a capacity to love men, period.” They conclude that if women cannot share his idealistic approach to Love then they cannot legitimately love him. His concept should be the only acceptable concept and therefor rejecting his concept is rejecting its legitimacy.

This same singleminded interpretation applies largely to women and their form of respect. If men would hold a woman to a merited, male, standard of respect, rather than a default deference to respecting her for no measurable reason, then those men don’t believe in Respect at all. It’s her way or it isn’t real.

Most men are afraid to appear disrespectful to women. This fear is compounded by the mass effect of a globalized sexual marketplace

When I was 19 I was concerned that I’d done something wrong. Why would women presume I didn’t respect them? I was perceived as a Jerk and I just knew that that wasn’t what women really wanted. I didn’t know it then, but this was a shaming tactic being used to keep me in line as a prospectively useful Beta. In a way I suppose it was a meta-shit test. An Alpha man wouldn’t care if women thought he was respectful. A sure sign a guy is Beta would be reflected in how he responds to being accused of disrespect of women (really ‘womankind‘).

In truth, a default respect for women is really worthless from a male perspective. I’m sure that just my typing this out will be enough to trigger most women, but if you are triggered, it’s more important to consider why you are. A default respect for females may seem like a socially correct perspective for an “upstanding leader of men” Blue Pill Alpha archetype, but it is men who adopt the attitude that women must qualify themselves to him who engender genuine respect among women.

Flipping the Respect Script

This is an important lesson in Game as well. One of the first things many of the old school PUAs would teach an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) is to flip the script with respect to who is qualifying whom. The natural presumption for most Blue Pill men is that they must always qualify to a woman. Usually this entails proving his quality in various ways (buy her a drink, pay for dinner, carry the conversation, etc.), but the operative assumption is that she is the one whose Frame he is entering into. The PUA fundamental then was to flip this ‘natural‘ script; to get her to pursue him. In doing so, her subconscious confirms his high value – why else would she pursue? If a guy could cleverly tease this pursuit out of her it then creates a perpetuating feedback loop about him [until he fucks it up somehow by reverting to qualifying to her].

Flipping the qualification script with a woman presents one very difficult hurdle for the AFC: he must risk offending the social convention that tells him he must never disrespect a woman. This is where the larger, social, respect dynamic becomes apparent.

From a Beta male, Respect is cheap. Most Betas’ attention comes for free and is steeped in the idea that he must never upset the respect dynamic. But just like love, attention and interest, women don’t value Respect that is easily had. Too much circulation makes the price go down, and scarcity makes the price go up. We constantly tell men to make, and consider, themselves ‘the Prize‘, but to do this a man must risk offending a default female respect to shift the Frame to a default male respect. This is counterintuitive part of unplugging and learning Game.

That deference is what is expected. To respect women is common. What is uncommon is a lack of female respect. Therefor a default respectful deference is basic and plain to a woman. But it is the man whose respect a woman must earn who make the most significant impact and inspire the greatest emotional investment on her part. As I’ve stated in many essays, never deny a woman the satisfaction of believing she’s figured you out with her feminine intuition. Women expect a worthy Alpha to command respect amongst his peers, but also to expect her to earn his respect. And in her meriting it, she then holds a new respect for him.

Respect, as social dynamic, is an attempt to govern the terms of communication. Respect also has its utilities. It’s a rational for an easy dismissal of uncomfortable facts. For instance, Mansplaining presumes a lack of respect for women by a man who is trying to define what ought to constitute respect. It is a means of controlling a narrative. A “lack of respect” is an easy way to poison the well in any debate and also serves as the basis of a lot of straw man arguments.

Higher Love

Respect is defined by the party who decides what it is, and who should have it. In this way Respect is intimately linked with Frame, and since women’s form of respect is the socially predominant one today, the starting point of most intersexual exchanges begins with the presumption that a woman should control the Frame by means of a default, unearned respect. And to some hopelessly Blue Pill men who invariably mix that conditioning with religion, this respect then becomes a form of Reverence for the female.

In Part I of this series I dropped this line:

God is Love
[…] I’ve been exploring the way men and women idealize the concept of divine love from a god or some metaphysical source. Each sex has a gendered concept of love that they believe the other sex shares with them, but in fact doesn’t naturally come to without some education or experience.

To which a commenter left me this in the comments thread:

“God is love”. Rollo, this is just one more on the heap of things I am struggling with regards to my “christian faith”. I am very much looking forward to reading Alpha God and eventually your 4th book.

Unconditional love is the main message of the new testament. Could it be that Christianity is really that feminized not just by “the village” and feminized church today but actually? Could the New testament be a watering down of the old Jahve Religion? 


While I’m not planning on exploring Red Pill concepts of “unconditional love” on this blog, I will be picking apart the implications of how men and women’s differing concepts of love come to define, or set the understanding of an ideal of a ‘higher love’ (don’t sing the song, don’t sing the song,…).

So what does this have to do with Respect?

Everything if you consider the gender whose definition of what Respect should be is the socially predominant on at any point in history. Performance defines men’s existences. Performance determines respectability for men and earning one’s way into Heaven might be the highest form of respect, right?

More next week.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Respect for God is a whole ‘nuther animal.

4 years ago

The reward of an eternity in Paradise is so great that it would be impossible to earn by one’s deeds on earth, even if you lived for a thousand years. I’m eagerly anticipating the next book Rollo.

4 years ago

Respect for women is also tried to self-respect. Self-respect is tied to tolerance or how much of a specific behaviour you can accept or put up with. I stopped following up with a few of my plates recently meaning If I asked one to do something and they didn’t immediately jump on the idea I left it. It made things easier for me to sort. If I don’t hear back I make other plans. To follow up with “so are you free or not?” Lowers my value and therefore my self- respect. Another KPI in the respect department is your… Read more »

4 years ago

Love without conditions is licentious, and is therefore not really loving at all. True love guides a person via conditional treatment, including discipline, to manifest their best self. If you really love yourself, wisely, you will be self-disciplined. God’s love is conditional.
This guy explains some of that:

4 years ago

I’ve been trying to think of a woman that I actually respect and the only one I can come up with is a chick that I used to work with river rafting over 20 years ago. She was a petite and pretty girl who had more technical ability and courage than most of the other guides that I worked with. Which means that I only respected her because of masculine traits, not feminine ones.

Hans Erich
Hans Erich
4 years ago

There is no such thing as unconditional love. It’s an illusion of Beta males and a tool for older woman to control men. Not even your mommy dearest loves you unconditionally.


[…] Rollo has a new article up about respect. […]

4 years ago

“Unconditional love is the main message of the new testament.” The guy must be reading something other than the new testament. God doesn’t love unconditionally. He makes an offer, & those who reject the offer will be thrown into outer darkness where there is ‘weeping & gnashing.’

El Zorro Plateador
El Zorro Plateador
4 years ago

Respect is all. — Pook

4 years ago

” religion ” is a suckers game. It works well in those who desire a feeling of submission and being controlled. Religion is a man made construct that doesn’t really have anything to do with God or spirituality. If you doubt this, spend a year observing how the most God -filled people interact with others or with their environment. Anti abortion/pro death penalty? The poor? Money? Like most of western society the focal point has always been on the sexual aspect. It’s more titillating to the masses. People say that ” religion ” should always be respected…. But watch how… Read more »

4 years ago

Blaximus ” religion ” is a suckers game. It works well in those who desire a feeling of submission and being controlled. Religion is a man made construct that doesn’t really have anything to do with God or spirituality. If you doubt this, spend a year observing how the most God -filled people interact with others or with their environment. Well we agree on something in this. I tend to the idea that religion is fundamentally an instrument of social control. The primary reason for the falling off of “religion” has been the development of more efficient means of social… Read more »

4 years ago

Ignore the fake gamer.

4 years ago

“Anti abortion/pro death penalty”

distraction. big surprise.

4 years ago

“I don’t understand how anyone who spends any time in the manosphere can follow any sort of spiritual system centered around a virgin birth and a man who went along with that.”

“I don’t understand.”


4 years ago

“I don’t understand how anyone who spends any time in the manosphere can follow any sort of spiritual system centered around a virgin birth . . .” This exists in a world where the Sun can be spoken into existence and made to stand still in the sky. If miracles can happen then, you know, miracles can happen and it’s a rather small miracle compared to others which preceded it. Also, the spiritual system is not centered on the Virgin Birth*. Paul and Mark, the earliest of surviving writings that we consider Christian, don’t even mention it. The spiritual system… Read more »

4 years ago

Women will start hating you when: You are good-looking, or better looking than most in her male circle and you’re climbing up the SMV ladder. You don’t give in to her demands. You withdraw your attention from her. Ok, but how do you withdraw attention ? You do it gradually. STEPS from withdrawing yourself from a woman’s: -Stop reading (and obviously replying) to her emails -Stop following her social media feeds. You may only post this pic… BFFs before you stop following her. -Gradually stop the phone and text exchange. Text replies examples: Kind off, What, Oh, Comma, Chinch Chong… Read more »

4 years ago

The pic didn’t make it.

Here’s the link:
comment image

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

When did YouTube’s golden boy cease to be its golden boy? When he dropped a meme that was a scathing rebuke of the default respect for women. After that they took great pains to bury his material despite his subscriber counts continuing to climb. The message: “It doesn’t matter how big a draw you are to our platform, we’ll force your compliance with the narrative or bury you”. Meanwhile YouTube’s female CEO worth 9 figures reassures all men worth under 7 figures that they are the source of her burdensome oppression because we don’t respect her. I wonder if… Read more »

Tom Hale
Tom Hale
4 years ago

As Biggie said, don’t chase em replace em

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


4 years ago

People have sex. Words have gender.

Sex is inextricably tied to physical structure – and thus reality. Gender is an arbitrary classification applied for convenience’s sake. It is entirely imaginary.

That is WHY the left wants you to use the word “gender”. They want you to not think about reality as it applies to their schemes.

That is why it matters. And that is why you should not.

Michael Davis
Michael Davis
4 years ago

“God is Love…” Assuming you believe that God is the Father of humanity (or, as Paul put it, the Father of our spirits), and that Christ was in the express image of His Father, then you can see the mental acrobatics people go to in trying to twist this phrase around. Paul said that a man should love his wife as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself for it. Christ communicated straitforwardly His expectations for his followers. He was merciful when they repented (that is, if they recognized they had done wrong and tried to make amends and to… Read more »

4 years ago

“We’re a generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if an all female reboot of Fight Club is really the answer we need.”

But as far as I can make out from what’s out there that isn’t what we’re getting. It sounds more like an all female reboot of Lionheart. At least Bella Thorne goes against the current trend of making all the Kung Fu princesses about 5′ 1″ in thick socks.

4 years ago

“That is WHY the left wants you to use the word “gender”. They want you to not think about reality as it applies to their schemes.” Really? Take about 6 months and forget about labelling people, and just listen to what people say/think without any regard for who they profess to be. Lots of people with lots of megaphones, all mostly absolutely full of shit. The blue pill says ” Thou must pick a side!!!!”. Gotta belong. I never look to see whether an argument or thought is ” left or right “. I look to see if it is… Read more »

4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago


4 years ago

Wow all this God/Religion dogshit is a real blog killer ain’t it.

I cannot respect anyone who believes/follows these man made control systems, y’all need to deal with reality or reality will deal with you.

4 years ago

Thanks for the post Rollo. Respect is an important concept and this series is clarifying these sexed differences in the concept.

Personally I don’t care that much about the religious facet on this series, which seemed a bit out of place to me, but from the comments so far it is relevant to other readers.

4 years ago

“In September 2018, California became the first state to legally compel corporate board diversity with a law mandating that every public company in the state have at least one female director by the end of 2019. The law set off a scramble to find hundreds of female directors, many of whom don’t fit the traditional mold. If companies fail to comply with that mandate, they face a one-time fine of $100,000. By the end of 2021, the law’s requirements ramp up, compelling companies with five board members to have at least two female directors and at least three on six-person… Read more »

4 years ago

Propaganda book junket du jour This creature is going to instruct the culture on boys and sex Over/Under on how many subjects she blew? [Complete with fag art direction] “knew nothing about Cole before meeting him; he was just a name on a list of boys at a private school outside Boston who had volunteered to talk with me (or perhaps had had their arm twisted a bit by a counselor). The afternoon of our first interview, I was running late. As I rushed down a hallway at the school, I noticed a boy sitting outside the library,… Read more »

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago


“Propaganda book junket du jour. This creature is going to instruct the culture on boys and sex. Over/Under on how many subjects she blew?”

Why did you select a picture of a man in drag to represent the nice New York Times book author. That was not very nice. She is just trying to do her duty in the re-education of Western boys 🙂

Have a wonderfully Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

4 years ago

“No, people tell you to show respect when they want something or they have an interested invested in you deferring respect to the person or thing they believe you ought to be paying respect to.” Rollo’s formative years created transactional world view from a learned mistrust of women. Repeated early intersexual relationship failure and disappointing results created mistrust in his father’s advice specifically and in women generally. Rollo realized he can’t trust his father or women and stops trusting or expecting much from either. Guess what? Rollo feels better as his expectations of women we’re lowered to a transactional nature… Read more »

4 years ago

All men are the sum total of their experiences or lack thereof. Red pill doesn’t erase one’s experience, but it might inform a different perspective. Eh I have read all of Rollo ‘s work, and I don’t see what you’re seeing. You’re cherry picking the things that don’t jive with your experience. That’s a disagreement that doesn’t change the truthfulness in the presentation. Hypergamy is real, and it isn’t always solely related to ” stuff ” or ” things ” or ” semen “. Women want their needs met always and will ” sacrifice ” their wants for love or… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Simps and hedonistic, reprobate players need to become one integrated being again. And in that wholeness, become capable of the love they want to see in their women.

The Ur-skeks are even ugly as fuck so anyone could look at them and say that it’s “game” that makes them capable.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Hope is not a strategy.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


He’s already said what you’ve said before in other articles, only that he encourages men to fuck with those variables for personal gain. That’s a good thing and it is in line with the truth. That it’s there to be fucked with.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


But it only manifests in certain ways and only tends to be allowed perpetuate itself by certain means.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Rollo believes that women are driven solely by sex for stuff or sex for semen

This statement is nonsense. It is as if you have not read a single essay on the site, just some sort of cartoon version in your head after a long night of too much alcohol.

Question: Are you trolling or ankle biting?

4 years ago

Is Eh now Purple Pill… Or outright Blue Pill? Damn!
At least according to his posts, he was one of the success stories in the FR section, with regards to “Married Red Pill” and turning his marriage around.

I never quite got why he was getting into so many physical confrontations in his FRs.

4 years ago

I never quite got why he was getting into so many physical confrontations in his FRs.

Truly? This was never a mystery.

4 years ago


Pop another blue pill if that makes you feel better about your life decisions.

4 years ago

😂 Eh is alright. He’s just somewhere else. Like being in an alternative limbo land. Us old guys can’t afford confusion and flip flops later in life. It’s dangerous. Mental point of origin is good for you. Hypergamy is a real thing. Being in a ” good place ” after spending years in a ” bad place ” doesn’t minimize truth. It isn’t supposed to cause confusion. Anyone can change their lives and circumstances for the better, but the trick is not to lose yourself and a realistic understanding in the process. There is no magic and 99% of people… Read more »

4 years ago

“one sex kills another’s sexual strategy”

Straw man off the port bow. General quarters!

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@liz – sure it was. His FRs invariably went something like “..and me and my wife were out and dancing and having fun and some hot young girl was eyeing me up and I chatted to her and went back to my wife and then suddenly the girl and some other big guy shouting and the guy started pushing me on my chest and my wife and I had to beat a hasty retreat” Presumably he was telling the truth about not verbally and overtly picking fights by insulting random guys etc. But at the same time there was clearly… Read more »

4 years ago

If Eh communicated like a human being, I’d have a different impression.
But every interaction made me think the above was no great mystery.

4 years ago

“I empathize with guys who are hurting. There is hope. It’s not here.

Happy holidays.”

Was Eh’s account hacked by a feminist at HuffPo or Jezebel? That level of passive aggressive communicated there sounds completely feminized.

4 years ago

Nah. As Liz notes that carrier has been there all along, it’s only the signal that has varied.

4 years ago

Congrats to Rollo for cracking the 50k followers barrier on twatter. Ban must be coming now… 😛

4 years ago

One of the things my wife told me is that if we had boys, she would teach them to respect women. I just laughed and told her that I would tell them not to believe her. After reading this blog installment I think I understand why I said that. Respect for being vs respect for accomplishment.

4 years ago

Let’s be clear. When Rollo discusses God, if you don’t like it, try to find something else to do. Don’t sh*t on people who believe in God. Kfg is about the only atheist I’ve found who has some concept of Christianity and isn’t a f*cktard when he discusses it. Now, to be even-handed, there are plenty of Christians who are f*cktards when they discuss Christianity, lol. Respect for God has to do with submission to a sovereign to whom you owe fealty in a lord/servant covenant, kind of like the old feudal system. That’s why I said that respect for… Read more »

4 years ago

“I never quite got why he was getting into so many physical confrontations in his FRs.”

Eh never bothered to calibrate other people. He figured he could use social skills to brute force his way through any problems which encountered him. I also don’t think that he gave much comfort.

4 years ago

This comment is about what I’ve noticed about female sexual wiring. For female babies, it’s there from day one. It doesn’t wait for puberty to arrive before the wiring becomes active. Female babies look to strength for protection. The baby will run to me if she’s afraid rather than to the women. The baby will hide between my legs and rub her head against my crotch. It’s sexual without being about sex, because puberty hasn’t arrived. It’s a kind of sh*t test. The baby likes to be thrown in the air and manhandled. But there are times when she wants… Read more »

4 years ago

“Respect for God has to do with submission to a sovereign to whom you owe fealty . . .”

This is what the NT word commonly mistranslated as “meek” implies. Literally it means “broken horse.” In Arabic the word is . . . wait for it, wait for it . . . muslim.

4 years ago

Nice bit of writing, @Rollo. I enjoyed your style and pacing here. The reason I identify as a “conservatarian”, when pressed to put a label on my politics, is that I believe that social order matters. I believe that culture is upstream from everything, not just politics. Culture includes politics is a better way to say it. They are interdependent upon each other, both forcing and feeding back to each other in various ways. What is our social order currently? Polyglot, decaying, atomized and alienated, a morass of lowest common denominator beliefs which keep us from killing each other most… Read more »

4 years ago

To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. “Respect is gone, there is nothing we agree to respect anymore.” And the poppies grow on the fields where respect died and was buried. Any who can still hear the call of those troubled souls who cannot sleep are openly mocked for it. The glittering gold of respect held out by the old men of 1914 turned out to be a rather low grade of fool’s gold.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Beta bux country tune of the year, or “3 minute summary of why married Game matters”.

4 years ago
4 years ago

That line,

” Poppies for young men, death’s bitter trade ..”

Has been rattling around in my head for 30 years.

4 years ago

Anticipating book 4. A lot of the respect dynamics are being force fed to men who work office jobs. Respect all the women, or beer prepared to have a “tail between the legs” visit with HR is the undeniable constant.

4 years ago


4 years ago

“The bots are breaking themselves on my rational blog” Who and what bots are you talking about lately? Seen to us or deleted by you? And maybe you should comment on your blog more often…It would enhance book sales. And not ignore your regular commenters to high heaven. It’s been years now you don’t give feedback to the comments. Why is that? Because you want group-think? I’m not a big doubter. My buddies that moved on are… In regards to explaining the true nature of women. 20/30 years married. And blah, blah, blah. Sex on tap. How the fuck did… Read more »

4 years ago


There are lots of wordpress plugins that deal with bots pretty well. They get em with the email, ip and everything. Here is one…

Fire and Fury
Fire and Fury
4 years ago

Waiting for your 4th book Rollo. I’m not so happy you’re dealing with religion. I think you should keep it in side bench. Are you trying for any revolution Rollo or breaking down a dynamic? Waiting for it, pal.

Mann Splainer
Mann Splainer
4 years ago

Idolizing women as if they were god and giving them unearned respect will get ya kilt quick. Women now run the world. Men built, maintained, fought and died for all of civilization, while women simply colonized and appropriated these stunning achievements from men. Bezos recently lost billions to his X. Stories such as his abound and will only increase. Women are smart – they don’t marry down. Men? Men are dumb as rocks and are kept that way for a reason. I love the vocals and melody of the below song, but I hate the words and blue pill sentiments.… Read more »

4 years ago

The bots are breaking themselves on my rational blog”
Who and what bots are you talking about lately? Seen to us or deleted by you?

Might even be a bot complaining about bots.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Well, thank you for the post Rollo. Always good to get the juices flowing.

It’s interesting to read Peggy Orenstein’s “What it Means to be a Man,” in the latest issue of The Atlantic. Interesting, infuriating, sad, how much she gets wrong and backwards.

Predictably, she lumps stoicism with toxic masculinity. Hierarchical structures, based on competence and experience, too, are toxic.

There’s more. It mostly smh material.

It’s tragic to think that people will read the article and consider it wise or remotely correct.

Eric Copenhaver
Eric Copenhaver
4 years ago

I’m just here to give props for the use of an image from Dai-bosotsu Toge, or “Sword of Doom”, 1966.

Perhaps the darkest psychological exploration of madness and sadism in the Chanbara genre (‘sword fight movies’) of Japanese cinema. Big name actors and crew, including Mifune-san. (Made and re-made many times in the pre- and post-war periods). It’s worth hunting down to view. It’s slow, dramatic, bloody, and the double-finale will leave you shaken.

“An evil mind… an evil sword!” has many meanings, on many levels of a man’s life.

4 years ago

@Scribbs is right on with the below: “What is our social order currently? Polyglot, decaying, atomized and alienated, a morass of lowest common denominator beliefs which keep us from killing each other most of the time, nothing more. We have no sense of unity or fraternity any longer. You see, our culture has already been destroyed so when discussing respect, start from the assumption that our reference is retrospective. These social codes/memes only exist if enough people assent to them. If one says that Western notion of respect no longer exists in our pidgin, degraded, divided low culture and social… Read more »

Fire and Fury
Fire and Fury
4 years ago

We have no unified, uplifting culture or set of values as a people, everything else is just noise. Rome went on for 400 years like this, we could twist in the wind for quite some time, but I don’t think our adversaries will allow that Think about society, what is society? A group of people? I’ve seen many time a kid/guy getting beaten up and everyone around them is walking. Society is a concept that everyone is united, where the reality is everyone is for themselves. Like a lioness hunting a zebra, every zebra individual is running for their own… Read more »

4 years ago

Women intentionally try to conflate “respect” with “courtesy.” I exercise courtesy toward everyone unless they abuse it, then they are denied even the most basic courtesy. I owe no one – man or woman – respect until they earn it.

4 years ago

Sure, God is love…with vengeance too. I only know the Hebrew Bible, maybe you kids have more emphasis on love… Rollo: “Performance determines respectability for men and earning one’s way into Heaven might be the highest form of respect, right?” Yes, but you can never know which man has actually earned it, some men are rewarded in this world to remove their reward in the next. The default flow of spiritual energy is God -> Man -> Wife -> Kids There is more depth to this than I can get into here, but in a sense we men are to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


The bots are breaking themselves on my rational blog

Thanks for all that anti-bot work to keep the blog comments open and useful.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Just Beers It’s interesting to read Peggy Orenstein’s “What it Means to be a Man,” in the latest issue of The Atlantic. Interesting, infuriating, sad, how much she gets wrong and backwards. Well, duh. Cats can’t really explain dogs, can they? Plus no way any genuine red pill text is likely to be published in Atlantic, it’s way too SJW converged to let any truth out. Generally, when we read text about men written by women, a useful game to play is “Spot the projection”. It’s typically in the first paragraph, but sometimes later. Not a good drinking game unless… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago


As a man who can hold his liquor, that drinking game is the route to alcohol poisoning. Every single one of those articles I’ve ever perused is an IMAX theater. Projection that’ll make your jaw drop.

Lord of Skies
Lord of Skies
4 years ago

“You have to earn respect” is bullshit. Some seem to take this to mean that they do not need to respect others until they got some proof that it is warranted. Until that happens, they are free to disrespect everyone. You do not know me. You do not know shit about who I am, what I have endured, what crosses I bear, what I have done to others, what I am capable of doing. I may be a narcissistic psycho, I may have killed people, I may have saved lives, I may have raised a dozen orphans, built a business… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

Reading comprehension and retention is hard.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Lord of the Flies

No, do not respect anyone. Simply be civil, or courteous, with strangers, neighbors, etc.

Respect the value of civility (peace amongst others). Respect? Reserved for those who are deserving.

4 years ago

Thanks, kfg. I looked up the word “praus”. Seems that it had to do with turning wild horses into war horses. Not merely “broken”, but trained, obedient, and useful to its master, like a war horse to its rider. Intelligently submitted.

Sure, “Islam” means “Submission”.

4 years ago

That’s a very ” Christian ” thing to say….


….does ” Christian ” mean ” hypocrite ” by chance?

Eric Copenhaver
Eric Copenhaver
4 years ago

@ Rollo Tomassi >> yes, I do agree, from the masculine perspective and definition as you’ve outlined them. In my case, I respect the ‘performance choice’ of a pic from Sword of Doom. It suggests knowledge of a seminal work of cinema that is outside the general purview of the average or even above-average American movie buff. A comment>> Perhaps you mentioned it, perhaps not… respect for prior accomplishments bears on any current measure of respect? I don’t remember mention of such a component, in the articles. The emphasis seemed to be on current actions deemed worthy of respect [burden… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

@Eric Copenhaven “ A comment>> Perhaps you mentioned it, perhaps not… respect for prior accomplishments bears on any current measure of respect? I don’t remember mention of such a component, in the articles. The emphasis seemed to be on current actions deemed worthy of respect [burden of performance]. I for one, do not hold men to Janet Jackson’s standard: What Have You Done For Me Lately? If a man has earned my respect, he gets to keep it until he acts with immorality. I may be an ‘outlier’; I’m an INFP from a small family with a small circle of… Read more »

4 years ago

There isn’t just a war on the masculine, there is a war on the old as well. More specifically on the memories of the old. To give an old man respect for what he did when younger would be to acknowledge those things you’re trying to stuff down the memory hole as fast as you can. The Orwellian machine must denigrate those who just won’t die off fast enough specifically for those past deeds worthy of respect. They teach this denigration in the schools these days, with many pedagogues considering this to be the purpose school. All hail the Red… Read more »

Eric Copenhaver
Eric Copenhaver
4 years ago

@ Just Beers… Spell my name right, Byr-otch! Thanks for the Briffault’s bit. Seems logical, to me. (Female ‘game’ can be a ‘spinning plates’ activity, too. Not all ‘association’ is immediately beneficial: sometimes they are just lining us up!) War Brides is a good article, true. I will revisit it. “Perhaps this is part of the reason why men so highly value loyalty and duty in friends. It’s likely also the reason why FRAME is discussed so often here.” < Can Confirm, the first part. The “war of the sexes” is not metaphorical. Best to have good men at one’s… Read more »

Fire and Fury
Fire and Fury
4 years ago

There are fifty shades of respect. Barrack Obama is a very respected charming person doesn’t mean he can fuck around. I fuck respect.

4 years ago

@Fire and Fury “Barrack Obama is a very respected charming person doesn’t mean he can fuck around. I fuck respect.” Most of the respect for him, at least as I saw it, was respect for the office of the President. On that note the insane hypocrisy with these women and leftists, always present, drives me up the wall. They decry ‘privilege’ and ‘institutionalized X (patriarchy, discrimination, etc)’ yet at the same time flood previously male spaces and demand the respect built into those spaces by the unbroken chain of men who built them. For example they’ll yell about male privilege… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

“Obama, specifically, demanded the respect that a Nobel Peace Prize was supposed to confer but did nary a thing to earn it. ”


I missed this demand. How did it come about? Right of Center here btw, so not trying to defend, just looking for clarification

4 years ago

Blaximus kfg
Happy holidays

4 years ago

There was no demand. It’s easy to miss

Merry Christmas.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

What it is! The Politics of Pussy, the media tells them what to think, the player learns the status-quo and uses it in game. This is literally the rise of the green weeny. This has been going on forever. The loss of respect for elders is based in green weeny syndrome. If they (them there those guys) can convince youth that old people caused climate change,then dissing them will get junior laid. He can get away with it not because gramps can’t beat the daylights out of him,rather that he won’t. When I read this ” If a man has… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

emery, was it about respecting the man that holds the prize,or about taking away the respect of the prize itself?

“Blitz Blitz a ballroom blitz.”

4 years ago

Wouldn’t be Christmas without Tony Kelly reminding us “they are all just girls”

Fire and Fury
Fire and Fury
4 years ago


Where is ur frnd palma?

4 years ago

A habitual exchange with my ex-wife:
Her: “You don’t respect me!”
Me: “You mean I don’t agree with you.”
For her, respect was agreement and submission to her choices.

4 years ago

By a funny coincidence I have been thinking on this myself, and on 11.29.19 I wrote in my own personal “Observations” (just a journal I keep of thoughts I think are worth writing down) that: “Respect for women (on the part of men) is a different animal than respect for men. Simply put: men respect other men based on their criteria for manhood, and the degree to which other men live up to this – they are held to a rigid standard. Men respect women for their adherence to a standard of womanhood/femininity. If a woman wants to enter a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Simply put: men respect other men based on their criteria for manhood,

Put another way, “Men become…”

The concept of women demanding “respect” just for BEING women is a wrinkle I hadn’t put as much thought into, even though I “know” this, tacitly.

Because “women are”.

By the way, the modern perspective of seeing everything through women’s projection is at the root of the $tar War$ movie with the girl who “just can” do everything without any training.

4 years ago

In Scott Adam’s book, “Win Bigly,” he briefly discusses pickup artists being successful because they advertise their skills, not because they are nice guys. Interesting read.

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