The Truth About Standards

Most men never vet women for anything like long term acceptability. A lot of guys would have you believe they have high standards for the women they self-righteously allow into their lives, but for the most part this is internet posturing from Trad-Cons and ‘spergs‘ who’d like their circle of virtual friends to believe they have more options, or more learn-ed wisdom, than other men. After-the-fact rationalizations about how discerning a guy was in choosing his wife or girlfriend are a necessary insulation for men’s egos when they come into the Red Pill community. They get uncomfortable when the Red Pill Lens forces them to take a better look at their own choices.

The flip side to this are the guys who’ve already been burned by a woman, and by association the totality of Gynocentrism. They also tend to reverse engineering their lack of vetting. A wife who was once his Quality Woman becomes the bitch who turned on him – the living example of all women and their Hypergamous nature. Likewise, these guys never truly vetted their ex. In someways they may have been as equally naive about the nature of women as the guy still married and self-convinced that he’s done his due diligence in selecting the perfect mate.

Now add to all this a religious belief-set that is founded on marriages staying solid foundations of family formation and resistant to divorce (thus ensuring contentment and righteous living). Here we add another layer of self-blinding on top of men’s haphazard long-term mating strategy founded on his necessitousness. Surely a man’s true religion is the key to a loving and happy wife, appreciative children, strong family ties and quality of life? Men will always seek validation in the choices they invested their lives in – particularly in the face of realities that contradict them.

All of this is related to men’s long term mating strategy. I’ve written extensively on men’s innate mating strategy and the existential importance of men ensuring their own paternity. But just as women’s Hypergamy is a manifestation of their biological nature, so too are men’s imperatives in their own mating strategies. However, a distinction needs to be made with respect to Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks equalist comparisons with women’s strategies. Men and women’s mating imperatives are both antagonistic and complementary depending on the nature of the men and women coming together to reproduce.

Men’s innate, unconditioned, biological imperative is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Left to his own volition, and unimpaired by women’s Hypergamous filtering strategies, men’s innate drive is to opt for variety of sexual experience.

Critics will counter with “Well, women look for variety too dontcha think?”

While there is some truth in this, women’s desire for broader sexual experience is motivated by a search for better quality in the men she has sex with, not quantity per se. Monogamy (as we know it) is really a tool for low SMV men to socially ensure reproduction and paternity (at least in theory).

For men the motivation is about quantity. Yes, men love variety in women. Yes, men would rather there be no hindrance to getting to that sexual experience with that variety. This is why pornography is ubiquitous today, and has always been a motivator for men – unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. There’s a reason why young Muslim men are promised 70 virgins in paradise if they martyr themselves. Variety and ensured paternity, even if it has to be in the afterlife, is clearly a strong motivator for men. Rockstars and religious zealots all strive for the same goal, they just come to it in different ways.


Men are so motivated by sexual experience that it supersedes the need for food. Research shows brain cells specific to men fire up when mates are present and override the need to eat. Take this as you will, but it does reinforce the idea that for men, sex is in fact a biological need.

Left unhindered human (Alpha) males will opt for securing multiple breeding partners; in some cases sequestering them for his long-term use. Locking away harems in secured compounds is something powerful men have done since our tribalistic past. Secure mates – secure paternity with them. There’s a reason why eunuchs guarded harems. The notion that men and women were ever naturally monogamous is an idealistic social convention. True monogamy in the animal kingdom is an extreme outlier. It’s just this prioritization of sexual opportunity that makes vetting women for monogamy compete with reproductive opportunism.

Strategic Pluralism

Most men are not Alpha males. The vast majority of men in this life and in eras past only had sexual access to a precious few women in their lives – if at all. Even in social conditions that rewarded monogamy and punished infidelity men and women have always found ways to manifest their antagonistic mating strategies. As few as 8,000 years ago (post agrarianism) 1 male reproduced for every 17 females. And as few as 4,000 years ago women were out-reproducing men. Again, read and make your own conclusions, but the point is human mating strategies find ways to circumvent social conventions.

On paper, monogamy is not a bad idea. As a social convention monogamy has been a stabilizing force in human evolution, but it in no way aligns with our innate sexual proclivities. Monogamy is a sexual strategy that primarily benefits low SMV men because most men will never experience (relatively) unlimited access to unlimited sexuality outside of pornography.

In Red Pill spheres we encourage men to consider themselves the prize. I personally believe that the most important step in unplugging a guy from his Blue Pill conditioning starts by internalizing the concept of Mental Point of Origin, but why is this often the most difficult step for men? It’s hard to think of oneself as a ‘winner’ when all a guy has done is lose for most of his life. The numbers don’t add up, and all the pep rallies a guy can pay for wont account for much until the day a girl actually responds to the “new you“. Feeling good about yourself is great, but most men want a solution to their sexlessness. Remember, sex really is that important to your male hindbrain. Food < Sex, got it?

According to Strategic Pluralism Theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests Of The Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

A lot of men get confused about the masculine imperative, but for the most part I think Strategic Pluralism Theory outlines most of mens’ mating strategies. In the Pareto Principle I delved into how women separate men into different sub-groups. The popularized oversimplification of this goes something like this:

“20% of men are fucking 80% of women.”

This is a misnomer. Granted, it used to have the good intention of getting men to believe that a small percentage of guys are having sex with a majority of women, and well, it might as well be them, right?

I’m sure that was meant to be a kind of motivational encouragement for guys learning Game, but it’s effectively wrong. The reality is 100% of women are interested in fucking about 20% of guys. We can see this repeatedly illustrated in various online dating stats and the realities of what Tinder has done to the SMP. But that’s the principle, not the practice. Just because a woman wants to get with a twentieth percentile man in no way means she will be getting with that guy. The issue here is the want not the get.

The Scarcity Mentality

Most men live in a state of sexual scarcity. So to implore a man to believe he’s actually the prize, or he should consider himself the prize, is an alien thought to him. Whether he acknowledges it consciously, his hindbrain understands the realities of his present-state sexual market value and it understands the reproductive equation it’s tasked with solving in (hopefully) a prosocial way.

Any time a woman actually shows an intimate interest in a low SMV man he will instinctively overlook the “deal breakers” his rational mind would otherwise give him pause to consider. Remember, sex supersedes hunger in the evolved scope of things for men. There are no considerations for ‘red flags’ with a woman when reproduction is of more strategic importance to his hindbrain.

When I’m listening to shows like Before the Train Wreck I hear the same predictable problems voiced by young men over and over again. There are consistent red flags these man should’ve seen before committing to a woman. And as a third party to this, we’re always dumbfounded by how the guy couldn’t have seen the signs before acting or committing to a woman’s mating strategy in order to facilitate a compromised version of his own strategy. Men’s rational process (particularly young men’s) are bypassed by sexual instinct and the hindbrain realization that his breeding opportunities are few and far between.

75% of college men would agree to have sex with a (semi-attractive) female they just met on campus while 0% of women would do the same with an unfamiliar male. Most men simply do not vet women for long term compatibility. The nature of our biology and our access to reproductive opportunities makes vetting a hindrance to solving a reproductive equation. In short, most men can’t afford to miss out on breeding opportunities.

As I outlined in Instinct, Emotion and Reason, our rational process requires time to be fully useful to us. The Instinct and Emotional processes are far quicker in their assessments and immediate effect on us. While men may innately prioritize reason before emotion, Instinct beats all other processes in speed and efficiency – if not accuracy. In our feminine-primary social order we further complicate (and disadvantage) men today by teaching them that their emotional response is the “correct” one to base decisions on. We conditions men to prioritize the Emotional process from a very early age. Again, all this makes actually vetting a woman for intimate acceptability almost offensive to the average (Beta) man today.

And this discomfort with holding any standards for women to receive his intimate approval also serves women’s sexual strategy.

You Just Got Lucky

There is a social aspect that comes into play with respect to men pairing up with women. As western societies have become more gynocentric the need to establish limitations on men’s mating strategies, and the simultaneous unfettering of women’s strategies, becomes apparent. In short, men simply aren’t allowed to hold standards for women to follow. And it’s offensive for men (not women) to even suggest the criteria women might need to ‘live up to‘ for men’s consideration of commitment.

Rich Cooper’s engagement on this one Tweet should illustrate what I’m getting into here. I’ve seen other variations of this message serve as outrage fodder for local news programs. The point is that a man making even marginal requirements for a man’s investment in a woman is met with extreme hostility. If your goal is getting social engagement there’s no better way to get it than by having the audacity to tell women they should qualify to a man – in any context. The idea that there is a man somewhere on planet earth who would voice his conditions for intimacy with women is unconscionable in gynocentric society.

But why? Why do women and their ‘allies‘ become so incensed by this? Because it commits the cardinal sin of the female power structure; it removes a degree of control away from women’s Hypergamous choice. If a woman must qualify to a man – in any context – it also sins against the maxim of the Strong Independent Woman®:

Never do anything for the express purpose of pleasing a man.

Notice how hostile women become when any man would place conditions on his terms for intimacy/commitment. This is a challenge to women’s unilateral control of Hypergamy in the social order. But more so, it is an affront to women’s Existential Fear:

The Existential Fear in women is that their innate Hypergamous Filter, their Feminine Intuition, might be fooled, and by being fooled she may either die or have her reproductive potential compromised for her lifetime by bearing and raising the child of man who is a suboptimal Hypergamous choice for her – a man who exerted his will over her Hypergamous choosing filters.

That a Beta male would ever hold conditions for his commitment triggers indignation in women.

Even Alpha men must never put terms on their commitment; men should feel blessed that any woman would have them. When Beta men reflexively default to social self-deprecation around their wives or LTR we see this social convention confirmed. We are conditioned to feel “lucky” that a woman lowered her standards to accept a man as her mate.

This is the intersexual poker game women play with men on whole. Entitlement, solipsism, anxiety over optimizing Hypergamy, all that competes with the foreknowledge that her attractiveness will decay over time. Women’s hindbrains know that their sex appeal, their agency in achieving that optimization, is ultimately perishable. Now add to this the anxiety that a Beta male might ‘trick’ her into choosing him as a mate and you can see why the Sisterhood will rally against men holding any demands for their interest in a woman.

Men often acquiesce to the mindset that they ought to feel fortunate that a woman would ever have them. They also foster this necessitousness in other men, usually as a form of Beta Game.

This endemic sense of metaphysical gratitude is what prevents men from even considering having standards for women. It also polices other men from holding standards themselves. How dare you be so arrogant as to expect a woman to live up to your demands? Just be glad the gods took pity on you and granted you a wife when so many Incels are at home with dick in hand. Tsk, tsk.

When a man ever has the temerity to evaluate women’s worth he’s made into a pariah. Today we expel boys from school for making lists rating the girls in their classes. Meanwhile women develop apps to do exactly the same for the men they’ve dated to inform other women. In a fem-centric social order only women are allowed to hold standards. This fact is a manifestation of a larger power dynamic between the sexes today.

A list of qualities a woman should have to please a man, to hold his long-term interests, goes viral and makes the evening news. Those men then become the easy, chauvinistic, villain to hate – “Can you believe that men like this still exist?!”

Eligible Bachelors

In my last post I made mention of how women were in crisis mode about the lack of ‘economically attractive’ men today. The articles about this crisis center on the idea of “eligible” men. Even the wildly popular show The Bachelor is built around the idea of men’s ‘eligibility’ to be considered for women’s approval. Qualify. Prove your quality. Be worthy of a woman’s love. Be ‘eligible’.

A female-primary social order – an order dedicated to maintaining feminine social control – needs to ruthlessly control which man is eligible for women’s consideration. It’s never the other way around. ‘Eligible’ is a way of psychologically maintaining a superior station of value for women.

Always bear in mind, women break rules for Alpha men and make rules for Beta men. But on a social scale it helps maintain the power imbalance if even Alpha men believe the same mythologies as Beta men.

This essay is the first in a series meant to establish a hierarchy of relationship needs that men might consider to help them accurately vet the women they allow into their lives and to enact these standards.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Some of you have probably realized that there’s an @$$hole pretending to be me and he obviously doesn’t sound or think like I do.

4 years ago

@Blax “Hint: you can’t print more money or QE your way out…again, and you can’t lower interest rates any lower.” Actually, you can. It will cost those with money and those who are relying on interest rates for income. @HABD Sorry, I totally misread that comment, lol. I think that I was assuming shtf context for individuals and their plans not working. Why do you think that Soros is pushing socialism? The revs of 1848 happened because socialist leaders were pushing revolutions. The revolutions didn’t arise organically because of sh*tty economic conditions. There was organization and money behind the revs… Read more »

4 years ago

Ben Horowitz is pushing a book. He was on CNBC this AM and his criticism of WeWork made me lol. Take a look as I see it no different than the what happens when there’s no one watching the watchmen, blind devotion and self-service above all…and this is coming from this guy, a narcissist. “It’s a word that’s thrown around a lot but that’s very hard to grasp, let alone implement in a sustainable way. Horowitz learned firsthand as a CEO how elusive it can be when he took stock of his company, only to discover it was made up… Read more »

4 years ago


C’mon man UT has a ton of good looking girls.


4 years ago

Sun: “People assume I can get laid easily, yet they don’t understand why I don’t take what throws itself at me. ” Palma: “Interesting post, feels exactly like where I live now.” I was thinking about posting in Field Reports, but I’m glad I waited because I can relate to this. Non-dancing trigger warning @Blax, lol I woke up with a hangover because I’d been drinking rum all night like in my college days. lol I still banged Mrs. Gamer in the morning, but then had dry heaves when I tried to walk, lol. douche bag, lol Oh, well, I… Read more »

4 years ago

Hint: you can’t print more money or QE your way out…again, and you can’t lower interest rates any lower.”

Actually, you can. It will cost those with money and those who are relying on interest rates for income.

Interest rates have been fairly flat for a decade. This is one of the reasons the stock market is so ridiculously high. Cheap money.

But when was the last time you got a loan at 1.7%?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

@Anonymous Reader I was speaking more to the topic of the article at hand. I’ve spent my time in town thus far having to first build a network of male friends in new place, and been far less concerned with seeking out more hunting grounds. I’ve also been either working furiously in a new division or job hunting (or in my current case new job) as a result of the first place I worked at laying me off only 6 months after moving here. It’s been unexpected and a helluva lot of work, resulting in me basically going monk mode… Read more »

4 years ago

@Novaseeker The broader issue, though, is that many of us have been moving away, to be honest. The sphere is kind of broken at the moment. I don’t know if it will recover. It’s in the worst shape it’s been in since I first began participating back in 2008. The spirit of things is different — it has morphed from a clearinghouse of ideas concept (take what you want, leave the rest) to an ideological and generational fight over ideas and rightness … and that, frankly, sucks. Amen. Despite that condition, I believe there is still plenty of material to… Read more »

4 years ago

The edit button got lost again.

In regards to EhI:

(But that doesn’t mean he has doesn’t have a fair amount of wisdom about human nature and behavior and an opinion on how someone can change around themselves if needed.)

I’ve been helped individually a huge amount by him. He has certain functional features that are near superpowers in cutting through the noise and getting to the signal in individual, not universal, situations. Whereas, TRP obviously shoots for universal truths of human behavior.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@EhIntellect I wrote about this lesbian threesome bait-and-switch stuff, I’ve seen it happen IRL and it always ends up with the husband dick-in-hand. I and two of my married friends were invited by the acquaintance husband to watch her sex another female known to us. I realized IRT it was a tease to offer up our wives to her. She overtly solicited to sex my buddy’s wife as he stayed for the show I walked out of. Both my buddies are now divorced. what part of your buddies (and Kenny too…) failing all those sh*t tests is @Rollo’s fault?… bc… Read more »

4 years ago

“Interest rates have been fairly flat for a decade. This is one of the reasons the stock market is so ridiculously high. Cheap money. The stock market is high because corporations are beating analysts’ expectations. Low interest rates reduce risk to corporations and encourage borrowing from banks and corporate investment in their business. A major impact on business and one of the reasons that corporations are beating analysts’ expectations is because of a reduction in regulatory compliance. Another reason is that the international business playing field is being leveled. Europe’s growth has been reduced and China’s growth has hit a… Read more »

4 years ago

Put your money where your mouth is.

Show me 10 studies stating wages are up 4.5%.

You’re retired, right?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Random data point / anecdote Sitting in a coffee joint at the end of lunch. Two white women arrive. One is a middle aged girly with a pretty good die job comes in, she looks Midwestern in the big hips / bust mode. Probably a mix of German / Scandi. She still has a waist/hip ratio of 0.65 or better, certainly taking care of herself. She’s meeting a 20-something girl with what looks like an engagement ring to talk about other people, other people’s marriages and weddings and stuff. The 20-something girl is slim-hipped, her shoulders are wider than her… Read more »

4 years ago

“@Rollo only describes the process, and then when THAT process works EXACTLY like he has described, with the same PREDICTABLE results… every… fk’n… time… you’re pssed off?…” Lol. No ego here to defend. What you describe is true. Repeating suboptimal process yields suboptimal results, repeatedly. RP is essentially worthless beyond not afilliating with women. That process you describe leaves a guy firmly mired in transactional sex, transactional relationships, and transactional self-awareness. Stopping there is self-sadism. There’s nowhere to go. Is that what we now recommend here? There’s no such thing as unconditional sex in RP. Calling it so desire sex… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

@EhIntellect The only thing anyone gets for free is varying levels of self-deception. It’s all on a scale, even if its near 0 or 0. The problem isn’t abstract and in the realm of imagination, having nothing to do with what people MIGHT do. It has to do with what people have DONE. 60s, 70s, happened. Child abuse happened. Tribalism is happening, people selling eachother out is happening. Henry Kissinger existed. Gloria Steinem existed. Patton existed. Washington existed. Hefner existed. The will to power is here. The people who vehemently deny it are here also. You can disown their deeds,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Eh the basis of RP has just enough useful truthiness to be deemed credible yet unworkable IRL if carried out. Nonsense. Plenty of men use RP / Glasses to see clearly what is around them and how to navigate the world. Did you slip back into the depression phase, perhaps? Rollo is not evil, he’s more like AR. That is, they’re both invested deeply and have lost the ability to self-examine. LOL @ your passive aggressive attempt at trolling. You’re not a god, and you don’t know what other men are thinking except from their writing. People use that ignorance… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

The “manosphere twitterverse” was meant to help direct you.

Sure, and “who? Where?” should give you a clue on how I regard the Twattersphere.
There’s always someone trying to AMOG Rollo with Twatting. It doesn’t mean much, does it?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Novaseeker He’s been moving away for a while. It’s not new … it’s been in most of his posts over the last few months if you read them — most of it is criticism, sometimes more veiled than this one but criticism all the same. Eh has been clearly moving in the direction of morality and making the right choice and a more holistic approach for a number of months now — it’s obvious if you read his comments over the past 4-6 months. He’s been trolling and complaining. He wants someone to spoonfeed him “oughts” mixed in with the… Read more »

4 years ago

@Eh Intellect:

You do give the appearance of trying to knock down a straw man via argument by consequences I find distasteful.

4 years ago

“It has to do with what people have DONE.”

The past literally doesn’t exist unless you care to live in the past.

4 years ago


“ should give you a clue on how I regard the Twattersphere”

Are you also clueless about Rollo’s recent youtube videos (The Problem with Polly, Why Sex is Impotent)?

4 years ago

“The spirit of things is different” not for me. the work i’m doing now is the hardest stuff of all so far. so a bunch of you are burned out when i’m just getting ready to start my diagonal run lol go thing i can hit an open net “it has morphed from a clearinghouse of ideas concept (take what you want, leave the rest) to an ideological and generational fight over ideas and rightness” i see this as progress. it’s fucking impossible to get people to consider how their definition of “right” came to exist. maybe we’re just getting… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

You do give the appearance of trying to knock down a straw man via argument by consequences

Arguably a form of binary thinking. Like the prohibitionists who can only “see” worst-case outcomes. “Father, dear father, come home with me now!”; “Guns cause crime, ban all guns!”


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Are you also clueless about Rollo’s recent youtube videos

Generally find videos and podcasts are not worth the time required. I can read an entire essay in text much more efficiently than I can listen to someone read it in my ear.

The Twatterverse is mostly like a mid high lunchroom and I choose not to participate. I look at a few timelines, typically starting with Rollo’s, but only do that sporadically – once every couple of weeks. It’s just time consuming.

Is there a point you are trying to make?

4 years ago


“Is there a point you are trying to make?”

You are living in an old folks home here

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

@EhIntellect “You stand at a crossroads, like right now, where ever that may be. The best move forward is the correct one. Any other move is the wrong one. You choose.” ^This right here is an appeal to the majority. Mind you. A Majority of your own imagining. Many people are sick of not being their own MPO. You forget that the people who’s boots you’d lick would never forgive your ability to see through them. So your meager desire to be at the helm of your own ship would single you out for scrutiny. They’d criticize your ability to… Read more »

4 years ago

“i see this as progress. it’s fucking impossible to get people to consider how their definition of “right” came to exist. maybe we’re just getting to the real shit now and all the pussies are dropping off because it’s uncomfortable. most people are only willing to be broken down if there’s a guarantee that something to replace what was destroyed will be provided prepackaged and approved lol’ Truth 37 years ago I went soul searching to question the myriad of messages/noise surrounding me. The ” answers” I found, the conclusions reached, serve me right up until today. But it wasn’t… Read more »

4 years ago

Fuck the Red Pill. Purple is the new Red…

“Stoic the Red

Follow Follow @StoicRed1
Hear ye: I’m going Purple. My heart chakra is wide open. Henceforth I shall not fuck, but make love. In rose petals. With beautiful, 60 year old women. After a night of dancing & positron vibrations.

I shall copulate with the fervor of Kenny G. Or Yanni.

With a tear in my eye.”

4 years ago

“The Twatterverse is mostly like a mid high lunchroom and I choose not to participate. I look at a few timelines, typically starting with Rollo’s, but only do that sporadically – once every couple of weeks. It’s just time consuming.” This is fascinating to me. Stuff like Twitless seems to become almost like a religion of sorts, where folks are compelled to spend time reading/looking at ” stuff ” every single day. But what’s more fascinating, is that if you don’t spend time on twitter or insta or _____, folks make the statement that you’re somehow ” old “, lmao,… Read more »

4 years ago

“Stoic the Red

Follow Follow @StoicRed1
Latest poetry: “On chakras”

In fantastic wonder I betimes
how early hominids
far out yonder
opened heart chakras
that they might
mate like gentle thunder

While surviving and roaming in those heady days

Afore auto erotic

4 years ago

Uses Instagram, but can’t tell how it all works from magic = computer literate.

Has been designing and building the hardware and algorithms that make it all work for half a century and has a framed check from Donald Knuth hanging on the wall, but doesn’t use Instagram = computer illiterate.

4 years ago


4 years ago

@Palma @Novaseeker “I am pretty much done” Really? – no more free content that you can take anything from? @Rollo has contributed a lot of his life to it and I think this is a pretty incredible place and there’s nowhere like it. Some try to contribute, some just take without realising that there’s a limit to what you can take if you don’t contribute. Not a given limit, but a practical limit. (full disclosure, I communicate with Palma offline, but I wanted to state this publicly.) The thing is, what Nova and EhIntellect are advocating for is not that… Read more »

4 years ago

Your source only looked at hourly wages, right? “The median family income for the United States is $75,500 in FY 2019, an increase of five percent compared with the national median income for FY 2018” › portal › datasets › Medians2019r By the way, as long as we’re discussing redistribution of wealth…academic costs go up much faster than the rate of inflation, as do health care costs. Redistribution of wealth to liberal academics and hospital and insurance administrators. If you really want to reduce the cost of health care… …eliminate Medicare from necessarily being the lowest cost health care… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

@SJF Personally I’ve not been around the ‘sphere as much as I’ve been gaining more from doing than discussing. Granted being sent back to square one over the past couple years has been difficult, but I’m more or less back on track now. Frankly though the messages I hear when I stick my head back in have become repetitive and/or redundant. I suppose once the most important basic ideas become ingrained in your thinking and integrated in to your personality, you naturally follow the same path to the same conclusions without even reading along anymore. For me it’s become far… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo So, we all know life is tough. And you are busy. And that we should be aware, always. Except it apparent that your audience is increasingly unaware prior to coming here. You know, the ones buying your books. You grew up on forums. A forum format was one of discussion and hashing through questions and answers. Similar to reddit forums. And SoSuave forums. Similar to the Glocktalk, Ar15, State Sportsman’s forums I used to participate in. So, while my buddy EhIntelllect, from my interpretation, not his, thinks your realm is self limiting. And critical of some our realm. And… Read more »

4 years ago

@Sun Wukong Great thoughts. You were a great help to me 3-4 years ago as a teacher when I was in an ignorant space. I really want to thank you back then for the discussions offline. You had immense skill, but still had that hobbled self doubt, but not really from the background of your upbringing from shitty people. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I used to think you turned out admirable from your upbringing. I still do and even more. I’m sure there is some back-story to your avatar name Sun Wukong. I drove to work… Read more »

4 years ago

“I appreciate your family problems,Rollo” Oh, my fucking God, Jesus Christ, Rollo. The biggest thing I say was my wife being the best official nurse in the world laying her dad and her father (the latter coming first) down to lay in their deaths. And also me accepting my father’s death five or so years ago, IDK. One of the best judges of character is how one puts one’s elders down. How one accepts the death of one of great character. Which is recursive to how you own and live your own fucking life; ReALLY. Allowing all that. Accepting… Read more »

4 years ago

@SJF “Actions will always trump, learning by doing.” …except when they don’t…you need to not have a bunch of false beliefs that will screw up your interpretation of your results…the RP is necessary for growth, but not sufficient for growth… …Game…politics is a game and it’s useful to LARP it occasionally to see if your predictions based on your Game come to pass… …I watched Trump, Jr. on Fox this a.m. and it was interesting to watch him game Fox by telling them what they wanted to hear…you may even agree with it and still recognize the Game… …Epstein…he’s back… Read more »

4 years ago
having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Novaseeker The broader issue, though, is that many of us have been moving away, to be honest. The sphere is kind of broken at the moment. I don’t know if it will recover. It’s in the worst shape it’s been in since I first began participating back in 2008. There isn’t much new being said by the content producers, and the comboxes are all about generational fights, primarily, over and over again. It’s not just here, it’s everywhere, because the content producers on blogs are disproportionately older, while the younger generation doesn’t generally create blog content (that’s for oldbies) and… Read more »

4 years ago


I can’t believe I’m going to disagree with you ( just be global warming or something😁),
But I do not see how ” reality ” could possibly be draining or difficult.

In fact, my hope is that reality would rule the day. I feel drained by the ” fantasy land ” stuff. Ideally people would live in reality and save the other stuff for amusement parks and vacations.

4 years ago

The essential problem with reality is that it isn’t tuned to provide you with an infinite supply of the warm, pink fuzzies.

The essential problem with fantasy land is that it demands an infinite supply of the warm, pink fuzzies.

The essential problem with contemporary society is that it is fully invested in the cognitive dissonance between the two.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Blaximus HABD I can’t believe I’m going to disagree with you ( just be global warming or something😁), But I do not see how ” reality ” could possibly be draining or difficult. In fact, my hope is that reality would rule the day. I feel drained by the ” fantasy land ” stuff. Ideally people would live in reality and save the other stuff for amusement parks and vacations. my point must not have come through then bc that was the point i was trying to make…lol the ‘seeing reality’ isn’t what actually causes the malaise… i like seeing… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

dealing with them as they live in that BP fantasy land is what causes the ‘reverse gaslighting’ effect… like everybody else is trying to gaslight you everybody else and you (but you are RP, so you can see the reality), instead of just one person being gaslighted… if that makes sense…lol

fifm (fixed it for me)…lol

good luck!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

@HABD, Blaximus, kfg

It’s like this. The Glasses take some getting used to.
comment image

4 years ago

Today’s youtube presentation by Rollo (and guests) will be on Poly. If you comment during live chat your comment will be seen by about 600-700 people.

Poly is being used as a “free pass” by women. However a former business partner of mine has successfully used Poly for years as a way of having plates. His lifestyle is basically MGTOW with plates. Seems very happy, travels a lot and can hook up because Poly is not cheating.

4 years ago

As the demographics of youtube viewers is younger than here, you might see the reply “Ok Boomer”. This article explains it: From the article: Some might say the slogan is cruel, but for young people whose future is weighed down by unprecedented amounts of student debt and low wages, and the uncertainty of how climate change will affect their lives, “OK Boomer” sends a message to a generation that tends to lack empathy for their younger counterparts. One woman the Times spoke to, 18-year-old Nina Kasman stated, “Everyone in my generation can relate to that experience and we’re all… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Owning up to what they did would be a loss of face and a negation of the WASP’s weapon of choice; Gaslighting.

4 years ago …look at this guy😂 Born 1961 so technically at the boomer tail end. African American, so 90% of that ” boomer ” shit doesn’t apply to me whatsoever. But again, it’s interesting to watch the phenomenon. I’m in the 25th row 120th from the left. Yes, things have gotten much worse for young people coming up, but a catchy saying will change absolutely nothing at all. Y’all better learn to fight. I read somewhere recently that there are 600,000 + millionaire millennial s. Hmmmm….. So it seems to me that some folks are figuring some things out, but why… Read more »

4 years ago

“I heard Woodrow Wilson’s guns . . . “

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

Regardless of intersexual dynamics and so on and so forth, here’s the reality caused by the current exploitative, corporate capitalist system and not being your own MPoO and in control of your life. Ignore, deny or obfuscate at your (and your families/communities/societies) peril, but this destructive system of greed needs a complete overhaul before it collapses under the weight of its own bullshit and inequity, let alone the impending environmental catastrophe that is already upon us. And these figures are just from little ole Australia (24.6 million humans). The USA must be close to a $trillion+ in lost productivity at… Read more »

4 years ago

“wellbeing leaders”

Just shoot me now.

4 years ago

Hypergamy is a dualistic mating strategy. Women have two conflicting mating strategies. I wonder how many of you have stopped and actually considered what that’s like for a woman? Not easy, and it’s even worse for those who are aware of it because knowing it doesn’t change it. Like she can’t help it that the thug maker her wet… Society constrained women from pursuing their short term, alpha fux urges in many ways. But doesn’t now. So all women pursue the hottest guys, the guys who turn them on the most and now that they can earn and support themselves,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“wellbeing leaders”

Dude, where’s my Soma?

Just shoot me now.

Citizen, wait for your turn!

4 years ago

“Some might say the slogan is cruel, but for young people whose future is weighed down by unprecedented amounts of student debt” shit, Boomers forced you go to college and rack up that gigantic debt…sorry… “and low wages” Boomers scared you out of STEM, too…sorry… “the uncertainty of how climate change will affect their lives” Boomers failed to create that climate control machine thingy…sorry… Boomers were too busy trying to end the Cold War…sorry…the Cold War was a real thing and truly scary… you don’t even get a “Fuck you” from me, lol… @kfg @SJF @Blax…this younger generation…smh @HABD as… Read more »

4 years ago

Silver Fox, you live in Australia, so you’re excused for not knowing which way is up.

4 years ago


“I know, bringing up a female POV is always verboten here. But in fact, the RP has made me much more empathetic to what it’s actually like for women. You see, if you spend a lot of time with different women, having sex with them, they open up. They tell me how they feel about being monogamous at all. Many young women do not want children at all.”

Let’s not forget though that what women say really doesn’t matter.

4 years ago

Asd, We can’t just shake our heads at the younger generations because the ” doers ” are not immortal. Somebody has to keep the lights on while we take that dirt nap. I think every generation had that ” old folks just don’t get it ” thing. It’s natural for the most part. But you grow out of it, grow up and mature, then all of that crazy old outdated shit that the old folks tried to tell you starts to make sense. I think what’s causing this extended disconnect is that society in general is trying to keep people… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

I wouldn’t let the millennials and genZ off so fast either. If all they’re mad about is being poor, what’s all the gay shit about? And all the soy? And all the prog-marxist bullshit? And all the simping?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


I think it’s a two pronged attack, first tempt with dependence, then shit test(shame, guilt, racial expletive) whenever they say, “why shouldn’t I be able to improve my situation without you denmothering me?” Until they shit test themselves.

4 years ago

Lol. That’s programming and mind control. It’s what happens when men abdicate positions or authority over wome n and children, and let everybody be ” free unhindered spirits ” and shit.

All that does is confuse the fuck outta everyone.

I’d like to see a study, comparing the number of Gay individuals today with 50 years ago, and put it on a graph. Label it ” The Shift To The Feminine Frame “.

4 years ago


I guess it would have been 😎 cool if life was as easy ” back then ” as young people seem to think. Jobs just throwing money at you, women throwing pussy at you for sayit” hello “, and no screeching feminist anywhere to be seen.

I remember getting my driver’s license during the ” gas shortage “, mile long lines, odd/even days….lol.

And how many fine women weren’t fucking because ” saving myself “. No, you didn’t even need game for that.

Everything just worked out because ” easy”.

4 years ago

I saw a YT video a few years ago by a young girl who had just watched her first 70s movies. One of the things she said that really struck her was that she didn’t realize how poor everyone was back then.

Honey, that wasn’t poverty, that was the 70s. You wouldn’t have lasted 48 hours.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Honey, that wasn’t poverty, that was the 70s.

What’s she tawkin’? Huh? Huh? Whut?

4 years ago

Just coming from a stressful car geek forum reading session. Stressful, because all sections on sporty cars were ripe with “men” writing stuff like “I went to the dealer, wanted to get my dream car X, but there was no way to persuade wife, she said we’ll keep the car we have for another 10 years/she said we should get car Y instead, and now we have Y”. Now you don’t ever read a wife writing that stuff about her husband, neither if she speaks of her car (which she sees as exclusively hers, and not concerning anyone else in… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax +1 on your last “rant.” Blue pill narrative (aiming at “mind control”) They tell minorities “You’re victims.” They tell men “You’re oppressors. You need to be kindler and gentler.” They tell women “You can have it all. You can be as powerful as a man.” They say that capitalism is oppressive. (Crony capitalism is oppressive, but small business is not.) They say that govt. is here to help you and you can trust govt. They say that if someone does well, it’s because they’ve screwed other people. It’s based on a fixed-resources mindset. They haven’t read Adam Smith. They… Read more »

4 years ago

Honey, that wasn’t poverty, that was the 70s. You wouldn’t have lasted 48 hours.

Military housing is a real blast from the past. They have houses dating back to the 50s or so, then the newer ones. So one can juxtapose the way a 60s/70s O7 lived compared to 2019. Same rank, vast difference.

4 years ago

Just to add, one can also see the “planned obsolescence” aspect. Old housing has lasted, the newer is larger and more lavish but things start to fall apart within months. And if a hurricane hits forget it.

4 years ago

Kfg I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the public ” education ” system is anti education. I’m embroiled in a constant battle with the board of ( anti) education, but almost no one with even a modicum of power wants to take them on and hold them accountable for the rules they put in place and the lackluster results. When my wife first became a teacher, and started off in preschool 3-4 year olds. It was frustrating and I didn’t think she would stick with it because the rules she had to follow turned preschool into babysitting… Read more »

4 years ago


I’ve always purposely bought ” old house ” for a reason.

My current home was constructed in the 1920’s, and hurricanes, including Sandy, didn’t do damage. A lot of the shore homes that were total losses were mostly newer construction. They literally blew apart.

4 years ago

The planned obsolescence model (in this case housing) seems a metaphor for so many other things.
It’s a paradigm that has permeated.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Yeah, comes down to dollars but there are dollars each way.
It’s more short term incentives versus long term incentives, and socialized costs versus privatized gains.

4 years ago

For example (and then I’ll go), take the military housing situation. The reason O7s have it better now…privatized housing. Companies have an incentive to please the people who have the power and influence. The plebs not as much (so there is a big disparity between O5 and O7, not so much between O1 and O4). Back in the days there was no privatized housing there was not as much difference, and everything was made to last (because the same people would face the consequences in the near future for shoddy work…not so now). Both are government money but one is… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Kingston, NY prepares for the end of Kapitalism by inventing barter.

4 years ago

I remember a time when Georgia Tech was a totally black school and graduated a ton of engineers. “Maths is white supremacy” lol Education is being used to oppress minorities…by minority educational administrators. By union leaders covering up for incompetent union members. By white liberals supporting all this sht. But almost exclusively in the inner city. Minorities in the burbs do fine because the schools are good and parents don’t put up with sht. I think that I’ve told the story about a time when I was a private tutor and I had a black student in an inner city… Read more »

4 years ago

watching Political Game I was LARPing political game by watching Pelosi’s speech about the impeachment circus. If you were paying attention, you noticed that she began her speech saying that she was trying to protect “democracy.” At the end of her speech, Pelosi quoted Franklin about the “republic.” Now, my civics class distinguished between a “democracy” and a “republic.” Different forms of govt. In the Athenian democracy, citizens could be forced to leave by a popular vote. Not so in the Roman Republic. In one you have popular sentiment imposing punishment, but in the other you have laws imposing punishment.… Read more »

4 years ago
4 years ago

Blax, if people don’t check up on companies’ reputations and their work, then they will get cheated. It’s not about profits, but reputation and holding companies accountable.

“Expect, but inspect.” –Ronald Reagan

My house was built in the ’90s as was the house across the street. When a tornado passed over both houses, the house across the street lost its roof, but mine didn’t. The difference was workmanship. My home had been built by the owner and he made sure that it was sound (as far as he knew).

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

History of Georgia Tech…

…in this timeline, anyway.

4 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


So? What’s the action item?

4 years ago

Cutting interest rates is a tool, not something you do every 3-4 months. In this case, it doesn’t perk up the economy, but the stock market loves it…until they don’t.

4 years ago

Blax, I don’t think that you Never Trumpers realize how much Trump supporters despise you because of what you all say–and there’s a whoooole lot of Trump supporters out there. When Never Trumpers badmouth Trump with boos at a ball game or when Never Trumpers attempt to remove Trump repeatedly thru impeachment inquiries, Trump supporters see that as Never Trumpers saying a big “F*ck you” to Trump supporters. Calling Trump supporters “Deplorables” just alienates Trump supporters and furthers division. If civil war gets hot, I sure as h3ll wouldn’t want to live either in California or in the northeastern states.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Cutting interest rates is a tool, not something you do every 3-4 months

For sure it’s not something I do at all. What’s the action item? Wringing my hands?

4 years ago

“What’s the action item?”

Invest in stocks/bonds/ETFs/CDs.

4 years ago

The biggest pernicious effect of low interest rates is that too many black people can get a low interest mortgage.


4 years ago

I really hope this combox stays focused on the red pill aspects of female and male sexual interactions

4 years ago

Another great post. A learning opportunity for me here! I read this, “Most men simply do not vet women for long term compatibility. The nature of our biology and our access to reproductive opportunities makes vetting a hindrance to solving a reproductive equation. In short, most men can’t afford to miss out on breeding opportunities”, …and noticed I am in the low % of those who would not simply have sex to have sex. I think this is a good news/bad news thing, so I am trying to go deeper than the obvious observations of what this means. Good: I… Read more »

4 years ago

I think your conclusions are partly wrong. You say it is about options (I want it now or i get it never). I tested it on a friend. In short, the women were gone. I said to my friend “Do not worry, they’ll be right back, it’s just a game, My friend did not believe me, but they came back in five minutes. Everyone knows, that every woman plays such games. The point is: my friend is not stupid and realizes it but he is so arrogant that he can not believe (not see) that a woman dares to disappear… Read more »


[…] are tough questions for most guys. I’m often asked how to vet a woman for a relationship or marriage and the hard part of coming up with a list of qualifications is that you have to […]


[…] are tough questions for most guys. I’m often asked how to vet a woman for a relationship or marriage and the hard part of coming up with a list of qualifications is that you have to […]


[…] good in. I’m often asked how to go about vetting a woman for a long term relationship, and I’ve written essays about how most men simply never actually have the luxury of holding (much less developing) […]


[…] I’m often asked how to go about vetting a woman for a long term relationship, and I’ve written essays about how most men simply never actually have the luxury of holding (much less developing) […]


[…] The Truth About Standards […]

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