
This week there’ve been a rash of articles all outlining the latest statistics about marriage in this decade. US marriage rates are at a 150 year low and, if you believe the all-female article writers, it’s of course men’s fault for failing to be marriageable. These articles are referencing a study published last week titled Mismatches in the Marriage Market and this study reveals large deficits in the supply of potential male spouses. One implication is that the unmarried may remain unmarried or marry less well‐suited partners.

That’s right gentlemen, you’re unmarriageable and the ladies want you to shape up. If you want to experience marital bliss – despite all the inherent personal dangers for men in today’s “marriage economy” – you must make yourself “economically attractive“:

“Most American women hope to marry, but current shortages of marriageable men — men with a stable job and a good income — make this increasingly difficult,” says lead author Daniel Lichter in a press release.

The stats don’t lie and they are pretty bleak. More women are enrolled in college than ever before and more are expected to enter through the middle of the coming decade. Now, a degree doesn’t guarantee a woman a job, and it says nothing about the majors and job sectors women prefer, but a college education does reinforce the idea that women are entitled to marry an economically attractive man who himself has an education and enough aspiration to make something of himself to become marriageable.

That’s some real shit right there and we’re not even half way through this post. We’ve gotten to the point where the truth of the past five decades is apparent; gendered politics has actively, openly, disadvantaged men in terms of education. Whether this hobbling of men is via educational dispensations (Title IX) or social conventions (divorce, child support, Duluth model feminism) the outcome is now unignorable.

In most western societies today there is a separate standard of justice that applies to women. Women are receive far fewer consequences and are sentenced much more leniently than men for committing the exact same crimes. These are easily proven statistics, but even when they are brought to light the gynocentric social order doubles down and justifies them because, women.

My intent here today isn’t to depress anyone. Neither am I drawing attention to this because I’ve made a new turn to the Men Rights Movement. No doubt there’ve been many article already written about the female hubris inherent in these revelations – revelations the Red Pill community has been pointing out for almost two decades now.

The manifestations of about 50 years of social changes produced by a feminine-primary social order are unignorable. Even mainstream media sources are finally seeing these stories as the red meat du jour for the masses now. A lot of the Red Pill principles and I and many other men in the Manosphere have been drawing attention to about intersexual dynamics are now coming to light in popular consciousness.

Aww Quit Complaining

Last year I delivered the State of the Manosphere Address, and in that talk I outlined the rise of what I saw as a new Gender War (or gender cold war). Naturally I was called a reactionary, and have been since described as “overly negative” even by the organization that asked me to deliver that speech. But yet, everything in that outline has come to pass in less than a year. Of course, the easy dismissal is to blame this on election year propaganda. More than one mainstream talkshow conservative has jumped on the Toxic Masculinity bandwagon, pointing out how the Left and mainstream feminism are one and the same.

However, there have been many swings of the political pendulum in the past 50 years. Conservative zeitgeists have contributed to the same feminine-primary social order that’s resulted in men being unmarriageable today. It’s just been good politics to appeal to the Feminine Imperative no matter what side of the political aisle you happen to sit on.

But I’m a man. I’m not supposed to be overly concerned with issues like this. As long as I’m measuring up to my Burden of Performance any marginal raising-of-awareness to truths like the ones above make me seem like I’m complaining. And that’s something men are never allowed to do. It’s a very effective way of silencing men. Get them to feel like they ought to silence themselves. Real men don’t complain.

Meanwhile, it’s Broke Men who are hurting American Women’s Marriage Prospects. My good friend Dalrock once wrote a series of post around the idea that feminism would be so much more successful if men would only cooperate with it. When women are unable to optimally complete their mating (and life’s) strategies it’s men’s fault for being uncooperative. It’s men’s fault when women’s life plans don’t come together as Sheryl Sandberg told them it would. It’s men’s fault when they won’t play the approved role they should when women hit their Epiphany Phase and their sexual priorities shift.

Confirming the Red Pill

If you needed a better illustration of the Solipsism inherent in women’s nature you’ll be hard pressed to find it on a bigger scale than the dozens of stories bemoaning the lack of marriageable men today. Furthermore, it goes to prove another Red Pill truth: as a man, women don’t care who you are as much as what you are. I’ve taken a lot of heat over the years over my assessment of how men and women have different concepts of love. Men love idealistically. I rarely get any pushback on that assertion, but when I layout how women’s Hypergamous natures predispose them to a concept of love based on opportunism men and women lose their minds.

Yet, here we are. Women enthusiastically proving my point for me without me having to do any heavy lifting. As women become more comfortable in Open Hypergamy we see this embracing of their nature proudly flaunted. Naturally women will double down on this.

Of course women don’t wanna marry no bum!

And then the Trad-Cons join the chorus,

It’s men’s fault they aren’t measuring up to being the men all women are entitled to.

There are dozens of studies that correlate divorce with women earning more than their husbands. In fact, women are reluctant to admit that they out-earn their husbands. Throughout the history of this blog I’ve shown the evolved reasons for this dynamic, but what the articles all dance around is women’s natural evolutionary desire for men who exceed them in all aspects. But because we’ve opted to believe in, and standardized on, social constructionism we lay all of that on “societal expectations” of men and women. In a future essay I’ll be defining how the cope of humans being ‘above it all’ in their evolved instincts is the root source of many deliberate misgivings about intersexual conflict. For now, understand that blaming any inconvenient intersexual truth on a nebulous “society” is the go-to rationale for a feminine-primary social order.

If only men would evolve and rise above what society foists on them we women would be happy” versus “Men need to accommodate women’s success by making themselves more ‘economically desirable’

And “Oh, but love is important too, *wink wink*.”

“Many young men today have little to bring to the marriage bargain, especially as young women’s educational levels on average now exceed their male suitors’,” Lichter says.

It’s interesting that some articles advocate for marriage as a “stabilizing force” in society, all while never (maybe deliberately) seeing the economic risks of disaster that the divorce industry incentivizes in women. There’s nothing stabilizing about promoting marriage between men you’ve deemed “economically unattractive” and women who feel entitled to a man who exceeds their Hypergamous expectations. There’s nothing ‘stabilizing’ about the incidence of divorce between couples where the man is unable to out-earn his wife.

Naturally we want to make this a ‘his‘ problem. He can’t get over the fact that she makes more, has more education, etc. He’s insecure in his masculinity and must feel threatened by Her success. Or it could be the fact that on an instinctual level he understands that it’s an evolved imperative for a man to provide for and protect his family. This is the fallacy of Rise Above It. No matter how enlightened and progressive we’d like to think we are nature drags us back to reality. It’s not a socially constructed problem – if it were it would be easily solved – it’s a human nature problem. Women reveal the true Hypergamous nature in articles like these. They want a man who they can naturally look up to, respect and admire. That’s the natural truth coming out, but they source the problem in a socially constructed fantasy that it’s men’s insecurities that are holding them back from completing women’s mating/life strategies.

Women don’t need to get married anymore. The average age of first marriage is hovering around 27 years old for most couples. Studies also show that more than half of young people in America don’t have a romantic partner. We’ve all but eliminated the Beta Bucks side of the Hypergamous equation for women. Open Hypergamy (and Open Cuckoldry) are the logical outcomes of this provisioning insurance we’ve made ubiquitous for women over the last 40 years. Yet, women still want to be married to a man who outclasses them in all areas of life. They feel they deserve that guy. Their hindbrain knows they do, but the nebulous society still encourages women to believe there’s never been a better time for them to be single. This is the message women are being fed as they complain about men’s not living up to being their “equals”.

Nearly half of working-age women will be single in 2030, a new Morgan Stanley study predicts, a demographic that will drive increased sales for companies in the athletic wear, cosmetics and clothing sectors.

The investment bank’s “Rise of the SHEconomy” report says 45 percent of working-age women between 25 and 44 in the U.S. will be single women in 10 years, Forbes reported.

Single women will drive the economy in the next decade and savvy businesses are already planning on exploiting this demographic. But yet it’s men’s fault for not being marriageable and/or avoiding marriage altogether?

Too many people think I’m down on marriage. Apparently 23 years of what most guys would consider an ideal marriage isn’t enough to convince them. Honestly, as an institution – socially enforced monogamy – I think marriage, based on evolved gender difference complementarity has been the foundation of the success of western culture. But maybe we’re at a turning point in human history where traditional marriage is left behind, replaced by feminine-primary polygamy with all its inherently violent risks. It seems we’re heading in a direction where we convince Beta men it’s in their reproductive interests to abandon their evolved need to be invested in their own paternity – and that attending to and raising the children of men that women selected before them makes them ‘better men’.

There’s a lot more to the anti-marriage reasoning than just the “losing half my stuff” arguments.

It really sucks for a guy like me who’s managed to make a Red Pill aware marriage work in spite of all this. Guys get confused. How can I be anti-marriage and still married? But it’s just that dichotomy that tells the you about the nature of what marriage has become for men today. The way we do marriage today has the potential to be the most damaging decision a man can make in his life. It may even end his life. But despite all that I still believe men and women are better together than we are apart. We still evolved to be complements to the other.

It’s the coming together and living together, and all the downside risks to men today that I have no solution for at the moment. Maybe it’s going to take a war or a meteor striking the earth to set gender parity back in balance, but at the moment there’s only a future of sexual segregation to look forward to.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

“Because a good part of the “alphas”, or of the people with a strong need to picture themselves as alphas, finds it the best to do to reproach awoke men, telling them they are lazy, whiners, not real men and all, because (and here the feminine-primacy-boosting mantras are reinforced, as if they needed reinforcement) real men just face up to and take anything destiny, culture, the legal courts, and so on throw at them.” No. Not this. Real men don’t merely take anything thrown at them. Like Marines, real men adapt and overcome. “This is an attitude that prevents men… Read more »

4 years ago

“I don’t know of any participants in the manosphere telling any average guy to get married.” If average were what it was 50 years ago, we could tell average guys to get married because it worked because average guys 50 years ago had balls and could do things like fix things and work on cars and lead well. But not today’s average guys. No, the message today has to be for average guys to improve themselves for themselves and worry about women later. Average guys have to become better than today’s average and relationship skills need to be developed. Marriage… Read more »

4 years ago

This article illustrates how hypergamy and female entitlement are alive and well. Feminism has taught women to be independent and to do nothing for the expressed pleasure of a man. Yet men are ridiculed for not living up to the female imperative and failing to provide women with what they are entitled to have. Do everything for women but don’t expect anything from them in return. Feed my hypergamous need you losers. The second graph is alarming. Especially now that approaching or looking at a woman can be considered a crime. Nice job ladies, way to go running off all… Read more »

4 years ago

“Total misrepresentation of Married Red Pill. MRP is becoming red pill aware after marriage. After being married. And wanting to stay married.” “Oh shit I am standing in a fire. Let me just stay right here even though I’ve now dispelled any and all illusions that this is beneficial for me whatsoever.” That is willingly and consciously remaining asleep despite being forcibly awakened. Peak blue pill. Also, F. At least the random blue pilled cuck can still believe in love and companionship and shit because Disney said so. Then you look at the ones who are allegedly alpha and red… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m getting bored of the blue pill controlled opposition, so in closing: 1: PUAs are dancing monkeys giving females what they want and validating and amplifying their progressively worse doubling down on the bad behavior. They’re also merchants very intimidated by anyone who realizes that spending a few thousand on a class and a few hundred on clothes and a few dozen on drinks and whatever else is still buying sex and at significantly over market price at that. 2: TradCucks are also part of the problem by being a bunch of pussy apologists who will happily pay for Pretty… Read more »

4 years ago

This article illustrates how hypergamy and female entitlement are alive and well. Yes it does. That is the nature of Hypergamy. Hypergamy=entitlement. The want for better. Feminism has taught women to be independent and to do nothing for the expressed pleasure of a man. Yes it has. So what? It is En Force, currently. Why would you invest in that and give your energy of anger, bargaining or depression. That is only you in IT’S Frame. It’s energy depleting. So what have you done about that except think about it? It is a numbers game, haven’t your heard. That is… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago

Anon jumped the shark.


4 years ago

I’m perceiving Anon’s definition of a TradCuck as someone that took something from him, so he projects a TradCuck is miserable in his choice. TradCuck’s are are a problem, because why? Not everyone winds up in rehab like Jordan Peterson did last week. Because of Red Pill, not Blue Pill. What is a TradCuck, btw? Someone that has a wife? A married guy? Someone that decided to do something he wanted to do? Co-parents with really cool, autonomous, good children? Any other guy than Anon? What? And wtf is a goyim here? Define it, here. I have no idea. And… Read more »

4 years ago

“It’s all emotional vomit, shame games . . .”

Yeah. I was hoping for some entertainment from you, but in the end this is all I got before you flamed out. Bummer.

4 years ago

Fun fact: Blacksmiths use fire a lot and somehow generally manage to avoid getting burned badly. Anon needs to head over to the smiths and tell them that they need to find new work.

4 years ago

Remember, Weston Price was an unscientific hack. Give your kids scientific soy formula, eat your corn flakes with soy milk and avoid animal products, it’s good for you:


4 years ago

….demanding we fill some lofty standard in exchange for nothing… Hypergamy doesn’t care. Except that you have something to exchange for inter-sexual dynamics. You might even want to be attractive. You might even want to tell your adult son: https://dannyfrom504.com/detinennui32s-advice/ The following is an excerpt from a more comprehensive, detailed Red Pill Parenting advice summary for 18 year olds. Needs exponentiality based on age. Multiply X10 for each decade if it feels simplistic for you. Do read the article in the link. Written by one of the greater content providers in in the manosphere back in 2011. It’s old. Your… Read more »

4 years ago


Anon’s ” definitions ” we’re for shit. His stats were made up.

What’s odd is that he garnered a little support here, even while jabbing at Rollo and everything else. After 2 or 3 screeds from him everybody should have saw through him like wet toilet paper.😂

But incels need outlets too I guess. Like.sentient said, 4 Chan spilling over.

no sharks were harmed

4 years ago

And for a bit of masculine inspiration:

Yesterday Sandy Cortmann buddy jumped onto Ginkel Heath outside of Arnhem, the Netherlands. Cortmann is a survivor of that meat grinder known as Operation Market Garden. Cortmann is 97 years old.

4 years ago

…. But writing styles are like finger prints.

Anon sounded stylistically similar to someone that posts here, as did ” coolio “.

4 years ago


Be kind to Anon. He has other things to do. That Manifesto isn’t going to write itself…

4 years ago

Be kind to Anon.:

Easier done if he would define his motive. Or end goal, purpose and mission. The minimum requirement of a manifesto, which often goes without saying–before the manifesto is manifest.

Wait, though, you’re not talking about Elliot Rogers’ are you?

If so, I’ll take all I said back. And remand him to his mother’s love.

4 years ago

…. But writing styles are like finger prints.

Anon sounded stylistically similar to someone that posts here, as did ” coolio “.

I agree it seemed like a sock puppet.

4 years ago

“…. But writing styles are like finger prints.

Anon sounded stylistically similar to someone that posts here, as did ” coolio “.

I agree it seemed like a sock puppet.”

Lmao he’s not Scribbs (notice lack of ‘hb9’ talk). All angry MGTOWs just talk/write alike.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

You can say what you want about Anon but I think he has a point. To those who don’t get what you guys are doing it looks like a bunch of capitulation and it shouldn’t be that way. In his mind, a woman that mouths off should be fearing a backhand. But make the backhand illegal and she stops fearing the backhand. It’s frustration and it’s a feeling of powerlessness that comes from knowing that despite what you do to make yourself someone she wouldn’t do that to, women have the option of disrespecting you just to see what your… Read more »

4 years ago

If you’re not very careful and take precautions against it you might end up learning something new every day. Today I learned that Rollo follows my favorite Native American motorcycle road racer. If you aren’t familiar with him, here’s an on topic sample:

4 years ago

@Anon is angry, it’s a legitimate place to be especially for a young male, I have hope for him. Young people have been handed an economic/cultural/society/sexual shit show at large here in the USA , anger is a good response to it. I felt much the same when I was introduced to the red pill , eventually the possibility exists for moving on to a more constructive mindset, but anger comes first, I get it. Anon, you have good opportunities once the anger phase passes with the right mindset. I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss some of what he… Read more »

4 years ago

On the income discussion, I had a single mom dental hygienist who was coming hard for me, good looking, it started playful on her part then she more wrapped up as time went on, I was just amusing myself didn’t have any expectations. She wanted to know what I did for a living, I always told her I washed and vacuumed cars. She knew it was bullshit but she liked the fact I wasn’t going to play the income game with her either way, testing. I was at a table with another group of guys and the waitress asked us… Read more »

4 years ago

Single, childless women who work
– buy more stuff
– buy more expensive stuff
– buy more expensive stuff regularly

Invest in wine, cat food, shoes and birth control companies, they are gonna make a killing.

4 years ago

“Money/workouts/muscles is also not the sole answer , “ and PUA game won’t keep you from getting dumped either…and if you get dumped as a PUA you’ll get dumped in a marriage…which puts you at risk in a marriage of being frivorce-raped…you need to keep hand…which means that you need to enforce your boundaries when a woman tests them…which means that you can’t be insecure…which for most guys means fixing their self-image and accepting their masculinity as a good thing…and you need solid relationship skills if you are to have a happy relationship…and it’s controversial, but I would argue that… Read more »

4 years ago

Something I know something about (at least in retrospect), and something many get wrong. The question comes up, “Should I get married?” The answer is if you want to, and if you can find a wife to marry. An interesting way of thinking about marriage, came from a video series I recommended some time ago from a very entertaining content creator called ChroniclesOfJudah 144, “The Difference Between a Wife and a Concubine”. I know common-sense sounding advice like vetting and they’re all just girls are popular here, but I found his arguments, from a christian scriptural perspective persuasive, as a… Read more »

4 years ago

Something I was taught @ age 15 or so : ” you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife “.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Weird, @Anon is living his life and gave good analysis. What he didn’t refrain from, sadly, is taking shots at the OMGs here. Sure he’s angry. It’s actually a healthy response, as long as one moves forward from it. @Blaximus, you asked on the thread up if anyone here has gotten worked over by the state. Yes (but does it matter if anyone HERE at that moment we’re victims of it?) And even if one doesn’t go through to court-mandated settlements, the threat of court and the state are ever-present in the background or foreground of all relationships in the… Read more »

4 years ago

Just Beers

“Weird, @Anon is living his life and gave good analysis.”

So the guy who lives alone, makes less than $50k a year, lifts, plays video games and jerks off to porn is the credible source of wisdom on women?


I saw a probable virgin who can’t get a girl to touch his pee pre making a necessity a virtue.

4 years ago

Beers I don’t read married red pill Reddit. TRM is the only community I regularly read. The only time I ever consider the ” threats ” of marriage is when I read someone talking about the threats of marriage. Imo/ime, there are many ” threats ” out in the world, and there always has been. Part of going from an infant to a man is facing threats and figuring how to deal with them. That’s the difference between a boy and a man at the core. Re: angry anon taking shots…😂 his ” shots ” are small caliber and really… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m not a supporter of ” organized religion ” per se, because it seems to weaken many men instead of giving them strength.


It’s unpopular to tell men to ” be a man “, and imo any ” church ” that doesn’t address these things isn’t worth a damn.

Idk, what is it about things being easy that’s appealing over the long term?

4 years ago

JB I pop over to MRP reddit, but only infrequently. I came to it when I was three quarters or more up on the learning curve of my Reconstruction. I had already read and understood most all of the sidebar material. I never contributed for a number of reasons. One is I could never come up with a good user name (kidding…), I already knew most of the steps of dread and didn’t need to go beyond about level 5 (which most competent men shouldn’t need to go beyond) and then later found that the vernacular and ideas were somewhat… Read more »

4 years ago

With regards to marriage and the divorce rate, for a more aware red pill man that knows himself the divorce rate should be dramatically lower and if there is a divorce it will most likely be initiated by the man. If you want to get married and have kids you should go for it, it is a worthy goal if you have it, but in order to be successful it will not be what you see on TV/Media or that of your friends or even what Rollo & Company advocate. Marriage is not the boogeyman some make it out to… Read more »

4 years ago

“I’m not a supporter of ” organized religion ” per se, because it seems to weaken many men instead of giving them strength.” Organized religion has come to be dominated by a single branch of Religion, the Personal Savior religions. They are so dominant that most people today cannot even conceive of Religion in any other terms. “God is love,” and all that happy horseshit. They’re actually relatively new and first arose about 2500 years ago and before then the idea of a “loving god” would have been viewed as some sort of insanity. The hardness of everyday life stood… Read more »

4 years ago

@SJF “Dread is an early tool, then it is less necessary. Saying this would be criticized for being purple pill or worse. But it is less adversarial and more healthy in my opinion.” More dread brings more drama. You need more drama at the beginning of your self-improvement turnaround and occasionally after that. Or you can go out constantly like I do and the wife learns to live with it and drama diminishes. So if dread stays at a constant level, drama will decrease over time. @foxguy “With regards to marriage and the divorce rate, for a more aware red… Read more »

4 years ago

“Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen… the hell with you!”

4 years ago

as we speed headlong into Open Hypergamy, the old “divorce rape’ threat is going to go away… A tale from The Front: At an upscale lounge, on a Sunday night. So kinda quiet. Do my “Bar Posture” thing next to a girl sitting on a stool, she has two guys to her left on stools she is chatting with. So after a few minutes I get the arm tug and the open. Start chatting with her. She’s on a a “road trip” taking three weeks travelling across the country. Tells me she makes money online. I ask her if she… Read more »

4 years ago

” . . . women will have live in house husbands, and go fuck alpha’s when and where they want to.”

That will be a minority. The majority will have alphas who make booty calls when they are wanted and a number of orbiting choreplay husbands who are rarely and pseudo-randomly allowed into the house, like a slot machine that pays off in sexual attention. Just enough intermittent reinforcement to keep them coming back to mow the lawn.

4 years ago

To my mind, there are few options to returning the western world to a stable structure, and none of them are pills someone would willingly take. In fact, humanity does not seem to be evolved to persist with stable social structures. That could be due to hypergamy, but it almost doesn’t matter. The western world was not designed to survive the unbelievable levels of success it has enjoyed. But all other systems are not designed for success. Humanity’s choice seems to be either choosing a society that restricts women’s choices (Islam, ancient Christianity); Or one that grants full equality under… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Is TRM the new Chan hangout?

There was a mini-flood of screeching MGTOW that dropped into Dalrock’s comment section earlier in the month. It’s died down now, perhaps some of them have drifted here.

A lot of them seem to be somewhere on the autism spectrum; the severe binary thinking that shows up in their emotional rants is one obvious clue, the near total inability to calibrate to anyone else is another clue.

The inability to engage in simple verbal communication using logic is another clue.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Feminist feelings based “conference” eliminates conferencing:

If only such badges worked that way in real life. I’d be “red-badged” in several venues all the time. So much more useful than the venerable No, I will NOT fix your computer T-shirt, which is too domain specific.

JB (formerly Just Beers)
JB (formerly Just Beers)
4 years ago

@kfg re: looking toward a transcendent being as one’s MPO My ex is a 12-stepper, and used to use consulting her “higher power” as an excuse to do whatever she wanted, and to not taking responsibility for her decisions. In my eyes, it falls right into the innate solipsism theme. If anything blew apart my relationship the most, it was my outwardly expressed disdain for irresponsible behavior re: one’s autonomy and how that spilled over into the raising of our son. And if one is all into “higher power” and “mysterious ways” it’s an effortless step into ignoring one’s own… Read more »

4 years ago

“The inability to engage in simple verbal communication using logic is another clue.” Anon is repackaging stuff into alleged wisdom and understanding. In a bitter and biased way. (not that there is anything wrong with being in that stage for him. Right now. ) And not all of what he was saying was worthless to others in his situation. But wisdom and understanding are at a higher level and can be formulated in any number of ways. Just like the fact that there are 400 to 4000 Religions. (Notwithstanding the fact that religions are ideologyy based, rather than praxeological based… Read more »

4 years ago

@JB Russell Brand’s revised 12 step program, 2017: 1. Are you a bit fucked? 2. Could you not be fucked? 3. Are you, on your own, going to ‘unfuck’ yourself? 4. Write down all the things that are fucking you up or have ever fucked you up and don’t leave anything out 5. Honestly tell someone trustworthy about how fucked you are. 6. Well, that’s revealed a lot of fucked up patterns. Do you want to stop it? Seriously? 7. Are you willing to live in a new way that’s not all about you and your previous, fucked up stuff?… Read more »

Gorgeous George
Gorgeous George
4 years ago

Rollo wrote above: “…as a man, women don’t care who you are as much as what you are…” and I came across that expression in the rationale male books I and II. I need to break this down to nuts and bolts: If woman cares (more) of WHAT I am, then I am a tool / means to an end for her to realize her goals, to provide for her whatever needs. If so, what’s the meaning of the WHO in sentence above?
Rollo? Anyone?

4 years ago

“No, I will NOT fix your computer”

Did I build it for you? If yes, give me a hundred and fifty bucks and go to the back of the line. Be aware that it might take a while, but don’t worry, I’ll get it sorted for you.

Did “HP” build it for Walmart? If yes, give me two hundred and fifty bucks and go home. I’ll take it out in the woods and shoot it for you.

4 years ago

Anon may be burying himself under piles of verbiage, but two points do stand out for further consideration: 1) Feminism paradoxically has set MEN free, and 2) Women are foolishly kicking an own-goal by undermining the institution of marriage.

Regarding Rollo’s chart on college attendance, I’ll add that women may also someday be sorry they’ve gone all in on higher education — as students and as academics. Between the crippling tuitions, spurious research and ridiculous rhetoric, the college bubble looks ripe for a big bust.

4 years ago

Rollo wrote above: “…as a man, women don’t care who you are as much as what you are…” ….If woman cares (more) of WHAT I am, then I am a tool / means to an end for her to realize her goals, to provide for her whatever needs. If so, what’s the meaning of the WHO in sentence above? Rollo? Anyone? “Who” has no meaning. You gotta remember, her life is a made-for-television drama starring her. Much like it was when she was playing dollhouse and teaparties at age 5. It’s Lifetime – Television for Women! Who you are is… Read more »

4 years ago

“1) Feminism paradoxically has set MEN free,”. This is something that I believe and stated herein before, but as pointed out in this blog, men always have the “burden of performance” to contend with. Has feminism really set men free from that? How much does a man owe his society to keep carrying that burden? The myth of equality free’s men at first glance from the burden of performance, yet women still hold men to it covertly. If you are carrying on to impress women, female validation, or to be attractive to them, you as a man are not free… Read more »

4 years ago

The burden of performance for a man has very little to do with society ( besides not slaughtering lots of folks ).

Please, for the love of Crom, leave ” society ” out of your calculus.

4 years ago

Even if you crawl off into the woods to be a solitary mountain man, the rabbits you need to keep you alive are not going to set their own snares.

4 years ago


How do I contact you?

4 years ago

A man has a ” burden ” just from being born male. Even if there aren’t women around for thousands of miles. It ain’t about them. Let’s say your a farmer raising chickens for your own personal use ( meat and eggs, yum.) And a wolf shows up almost nightly to raid your hen house and abscond with a chicken every night. No women in your farm. What are you, as a man, supposed to do about this? Do you sit by until the last chicken is gone? Or you and your buddies are out in the woods and you’re… Read more »

4 years ago

“1) Feminism paradoxically has set MEN free, and 2) Women are foolishly kicking an own-goal by undermining the institution of marriage. So what are you going to do about it to accomplish your inter-sexual goals? I’m reiterating what KFG analogized about. I don’t believe Anon stated whether he was satiated with his strategies. Or that they will always play out well as a risk strategy. It’s one thing to be stuck in analysis, awareness and stasis. And it pays to have a payout at the end of your strategy. It’s another thing to have a good action plan for what… Read more »

4 years ago

These days my burden of performance is to myself and myself only, society has little to do with it anymore. Once you adopt this mindset you will be very free but the catch is that underlying foundation society provides is gone and it makes things tougher short term but with the possibility of true mental freedom.

As to women, who cares , they can’t appreciate it anyway, use them and move on.

4 years ago

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They all start out pretty much like this. Almost exactly the same.

Look inordinately powerful and life destroying to you?

What changes?

Is this a hb9 model or a landwhale?

Feminist, serial killer or submissive housewife?

In 16-20 years, how will men perceive her, and how accordingly, will they act?

4 years ago

“Being ” free ” means being like most women.”

Being free means choosing and pursing what YOU want to do with your life. Not on what you should/supposed to do. That’s living your life on other people’s expectations. #beta.

….Won’t stop other people for tryin’ shame you tho.

OMG = “lol @ banging old women”.
PUA = “lol @ banging bar sluts”.
MGTOW = “lol @ playing with yourself”.

4 years ago

@J “lol @ banging old ladies” There’s truth and misunderstanding here. First, there’s married goggles so that you see the girl you’re banging as she was when she was young. Then there’s the light’s out impact on eyes and wrinkles go away when a girl is lying on her back. Sure, it’s a fantasy. But if it makes you happy…. “lol @ banging bar sluts” lol, I don’t ever recall calling girls PUAs bang “bar sluts”…they’re just girls…but I do recall asking PUAs to come clean about how often they get dumped or how often they have to dump a… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Blaximus–If young men could tell the difference between a whore and a housewife, Rollo could probably shut down this blog and work on the next problem. As endlessly discussed, young women are emboldened to dress, act, and speak like whores. Young men are encouraged to accept this as normal behavior–be supportive, encouraging and non-judgmental. So, how, with all this camouflage could a young man be expected to know the difference? @ All, Marriage works for some men. TL/DR for most. Even, some of the Old Married Guys seem to be fuzzy on the details of wife versus concubine. Now,… Read more »

4 years ago

@theasdgamer “there’s married goggles so that you see the girl you’re banging as she was when she was young.” You’re the second guy to mention this “married goggles” phenomenon to me. But I wonder if its something some guys have while others don’t. What would explain guys cheating (or being very tempted to, but ultimately deciding not to go through with it, because honor or whatever) on their wives with younger attractive girls? “how often they have to dump a girl because she’s wanting a LTR” Its inevitable. Usually after 6 months. Sometimes sooner. sometimes later, depending on how often… Read more »

4 years ago

I stopped by over a cup of coffee to see if anything worth reading has popped up in the last couple of months.

It’s amazing to see all you people are still on here complaining about the same old stuff.

Regarding some of you thinking other people are masquerading as me on here.

Not possible.

There is only one Coolio – and I am The One.

4 years ago

I might have to start my own blog.

I could call it something like “The Beyond Rational Male for Extremely Superior Human Beings”.

The only problem with that is there’s only been about ten of us on the planet since the beginning of time, and the other nine spent their whole lives trying to catch up to me.

4 years ago

I don’t believe I’ve seen/read anything about the complaints regarding the wage gap. Apparently compensation has increased in equality. You got your wish girls.

4 years ago

Was the picture in the post of Cory the Alpha Buda? If so, can we revisit what it means to be Alpha?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Sock Puppet A “leaves” and then Sock Puppet C just “happens” to show up.

lol. How predictable.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

To fix the existing band would cost about $1X

Problem solved right there. Why all that other drama necessary?

4 years ago

There’s a lot more to the anti-marriage reasoning than just the “losing half my stuff” arguments. When I got divorced I didn’t lose anything, I was poor at the time. But my ex-wife immediately re-married within 3 months of the divorced being finalized. We were separated for a year which means she must have met her new husband within that time. He was older than her and she was nearly 40 I’d heard he was over 60 with 2 grown children who immediately suspected she was a gold-digger because he was very wealthy. My ex-wife wasn’t in it for the… Read more »

4 years ago

“Was the picture in the post of Cory the Alpha Buda?” Yes. He settled for less than his potential. But then again, maybe he didn’t do the work to have potential in the first, second and last place. Or stick to his purpose and mission. But he sure was cool at one time. The back story is probably interesting. Who knows? Does it apply to you? What are you going to do about it? If so, can we revisit what it means to be Alpha? No. That would be like beating a dead horse. Corey doesn’t change the discussion. He… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Yeah, that’s Corey Worthington on he island of Bali in 2015 getting hitched.
Last year he was in the Aussie “ninja warrior” game.


Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago
4 years ago

“Men love idealistically. I rarely get any pushback on that assertion, but when I layout how women’s Hypergamous natures predispose them to a concept of love based on opportunism men and women lose their minds.” Women love opportunistically. I’d argue that men also love opportunistically. The feeling of idealistic love comes from scarcity mentality mixed with blue pill conditioning. Roissy wrote: “A man loves a woman until she gains 50 pounds. A woman loves a man until he loses his job and goes unemployed for months on end.” The concept of idealistic love is part of the Matrix. If we… Read more »

4 years ago

Novaseeker improvement and the state of “males” or men all needs reflection and a porn improvement, Dancing and fitness and gym all help me with that. According to TERRY GASPARD 1.Wait until you’re at least in your late 20’s to tie the knot. 2.Select a partner who you have both chemistry (physical and intellectual) and compatibility with (share interests). 3.Discuss expectations for your relationship with your partner on a regular basis. 4.Learn good communication and repair skills to manage conflict. All couples experience conflicts but leaning to bounce back and repair hurt feelings is crucial for a couple’s long-term success.… Read more »

4 years ago

Help…. This marriage thing…

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

Spiking a girl’s emotions…

4 years ago

Spiking her emotions


…. It helps to be able to drive ” stick “.

4 years ago

theredpillnewb “Was the picture in the post of Cory the Alpha Buda? If so, can we revisit what it means to be Alpha?” You’re probably just confused about what you think “Alpha” means… Alpha is as Alpha does… when one stops acting ‘Alpha” one ceases to “be” Alpha. Alpha is not a cliff vesting, or a certification that attained once is forever, like a college degree. Cory was Alpha because he displayed Alpha traits… when he stopped doing this, he stopped being Alpha. It’s a continuous recertification… File under B for “Burden”… [what “Alpha” is… https://newlyaloof.wordpress.com/2016/12/02/sentients-dynamic-passionate-authentic-framework/ ] OG Cory… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=968yNvFiVH0… Read more »

4 years ago


” take off your glasses… ”

” no ”


4 years ago

@ Rugby Your mental point of origin and frame….. Is best for your and her frame. She will be grateful and thank you in order for her best interest. Make order out of chaos for yourself, and enjoy the mystery of the feminine. It ensures complementary-ness. Otherwise your post begs for equalism. That is not normal order. It makes you and her neutered. Don’t do that. It is boring. And things will go downhill, until flat-ness. Order + mystery = liveliness with masculine/feminine polarity and preserves the erotic component in an LTR. A necessary component, which is implicit in a… Read more »

4 years ago

Speaking of making order out of chaos. That was Jordan B. Peterson’s purpose and mission. And so he worked on that to tame the demons in his head. Over and over. And it worked for a while. Until something happened. And then chaos ensued. And he tried to medicate it. And then got hooked on cheat code medicines. And then ended up in rehab. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) But you can’t have all order, all the time. You have to have the strength, courage, mastery and honor to face uncertainly. And make peace with marriage or… Read more »

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

SJF I know action over words i was joking with the GIF’s thing. Been dating this women in a way but my frame is weak and my mindset could use some updates in the when i find the image links ill shoot you over where i was in the mouth of June. Palmasailor Was pulling an all night shift the girl im interested in wants to climb mt rainer with me. Not sure i can get married i love women and we need them to copy are genes but it seems women want marriage more than men because they can… Read more »

4 years ago

You must see the irony here. The guy we’ve been calling the ALPHA BUDDAH turns out to be a beta loser with zero game. At a minimum there is some rich irony to this.

Because let’s be honest….we all see the irony that the male romantic interests in Eat Prey Love and Stella Got Her Grove Back turn out to be frauds using the old hags for their citizenship.

So a little bit of self reflection and a good laugh is deserved at least!

4 years ago

@Rabbi What you’re describing is simply society placing limits on a woman’s natural hypergamous nature. The orthodox jewish community shuns promiscuity and jewish women know that doing so would ostracize them from their friends and family. There is tremendous pressure placed on orthodox jewish women to get married and have children young. Where I live it is common for them to be married between the ages of 17 and 20 and have children immediately. Given this, there is no opportunity for young women to ride the cock carousel or even optimize for Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. Plus, their options… Read more »

4 years ago


“The guy we’ve been calling the ALPHA BUDDAH turns out to be a beta loser with zero game.”

It should serve as a cautionary tale. Not a big mystery that someplace along the line Corey was no longer the MPoO for Corey.

Divorce courts have been full of the formerly Alpha. Emphasis on formerly. Ever see what happens when the HS Jock gets the homecoming queen and they get married?

[File under Betaization]

4 years ago

” . . . we bring men – even entire communities – together at the highest quality, scale, and professionalism the men’s community has ever seen.” — ADJ
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Gorgeous George
Gorgeous George
4 years ago



Thanks for breaking it down. That sounds about right, every woman is a star in her own TV show where everybody else is a cast for her own benefit. On global level you have a matrix of TV shows manipulating Men and other women and the reason the matrix hasn’t collapsed is because of blindness of Men to sacrifice everything for a occasional “cookie for a good boy”.


Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Cosmopolitan Gangland

4 years ago

Cause nothing says President of the “Manosphere” like this:

“In 2020 we’re even building the first ever manosphere convention for women: The 22 Convention”


4 years ago

The JBP rehab left me thinking that no man is truly immune to hardship, he seemed to have most of his stuff sorted out.

Just goes to show the journey is never complete for a man.

4 years ago

Some of us are blaming modern men for women’s marital rancor. No. The problem is that masculine agency –as well as the requirements for its healthy evolution — has been institutionally devalued for some 50 years. As soon as you develop the dexterity to piss standing up, the village starts lecturing you about toxic masculinity. Girls are better listeners — they are our nation’s real leaders. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were in charge instead of those mean boys? Enjoy your Disney, kids! THIS one is about a super smart and funny girl and a super dumb and daffy… Read more »

4 years ago

Well ignore the menz. Carry on.

Aryan Blindboy
4 years ago

Sanctimonious : making a show of being morally superior to others… Man Up!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


” . . . we bring men – even entire communities – together at the highest quality, scale, and professionalism the men’s community has ever seen.” — ADJ“

The memes just create themselves.
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Don’t even need a caption.

4 years ago

@Gorgeous George

WHO = your personality, quirks, likes/dislikes, favourites, feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears, happiness, doubts

She doesn’t care about all of that. She might pretend to be interested, but only as a way to make you ask her what shes interested in, which is what she really cares about.

4 years ago
Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Nobody here ever really liked JBP except rugby. He was like a seam busting on the misandric titanic. He only dated his wife, she has bigger arms than him, and he was handing advice out like Good’n’plenty on Halloween.

There’s Successful alpha, Unsuccessful alpha, Successful Beta, and Unsuccessful Beta.

There’s also the rest of the status hierarchy and the many geeks that claim it doesn’t exists.

You can have a thought that can be the thought of an alpha. But you can fail to become such an alpha.

4 years ago


“She wanted to know what I did for a living, I always told her I washed and vacuumed cars. She knew it was bullshit but she liked the fact I wasn’t going to play the income game with her either way, testing. I was at a table with another group of guys and the waitress asked us what we did for a living , I responded we bag dog food for a living laughing, she understood straight away my point but almost all the guys got annoyed because they just don’t get it.”

Nice. Well done.

4 years ago

It’s hard to compliment marriage/birth for ones-self…
trust Frame and self composure

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