Selective Breeding

Why is it okay to kick a Beta male in the balls on TV or in the movies?

The cocky Beta who gets his comeuppance with a swift kick to the nuts from a Strong Independent Woman® archetype has been standard fare for comic relief in action-adventure movies for some time now. Why is this socially acceptable? In the most recent Avengers movie Starlord (Chriss Pratt) gets kneed in the groin when he – the lovable, humorous Beta male archetype – tries to reconnect with his ‘true love’ interest Gamora after she’d been killed in the prior movie. This is just one example, but so long as the character is definably a Beta (in comparison to definably Alpha male archetypes in the story) permission is granted to ridicule him by exploiting his greatest weakness; a kick in the nuts.

We see the attacking of men’s genitals as humorous because it conveys and confirms sexual selection cues. Only Beta men deserve to have their balls kicked as a confirmation of their sexual selection status. Attacking a woman sexually is tantamount to rape, so flipping the gender script in this instance is a non-starter with comparisons in the movies. In fact, men even speaking critically of women’s bodies is regularly used as an illustration of misogyny or presented as the typical abuse women must endure from body-shaming chauvinist men.

 If we look at the popular fiction of this era – the Avengers or Star Wars franchises for example – we can see the death of conventional masculinity played out in the erasure of Alpha male characters. Tony Stark (Iron Man), Steve Rodgers (Captain America), Han Solo, etc. are systematically removed from popular consciousness. Even Thor is a has-been alcoholic who’ll now be replaced by his female incarnation in the next “Thor” movie. And this is the model of masculinity that’s left for us. Laughable Beta males and Strong Independent Woman® who step up to fill the vacuum of powerful male characters that’s been written for them to fill.


Earlier this year I read a story about a staged protest by a Russian feminist girl who poured what we were told was a mixture of bleach and water onto the crotches of men who were manspreading on a subway train. With a critical eye you can sort of tell this was staged. Guys were sitting by themselves with no one else in an adjoining seat and she’d go up to them and pour a water bottle on their crotches. I’ve see similar protests before, and if you look at the linked video here today you can see how this ‘man spreading revenge’ fantasy plays out, even in commercials. 

Recently there was another woman who’s won some sort of design award for a chair she designed to discourage men from naturally spreading their legs when they sit. And, of course, she designed a companion chair that encourages women to spread their own legs. The male chair forces men to sit like a “proper lady” should. While some men try to defend this posture as the natural way guys just sit, I read a lot of commentary about how men’s sitting posture is an arrogant display of toxic masculinity because men were somehow taught to, or feel they must, take up more space when seated. Women’s frustration is ostensibly about the space men take up with their posture, and the more militant women presume it’s a behavior grounded in some unconscious sexism. “I’m more important as a man so I need to take up space.”

But manspreading isn’t about space. It’s about a display of genitals. Men with legs spread is a natural, often subconscious, Alpha posture. It’s a hindbrain signaling of confidence in men. Now, before you write me off here, think about this; if women’s primary concern was about men taking up space, then why attack a man’s genitals to force him to close it up? Why not simply ask him to close up a bit? Why is pouring water (bleach) on his crotch an acceptable punishment? Why is a hit to the balls a reflexive retaliation?

Women’s existential fear is having their Hypergamous filters bypassed by a clever Beta male impersonating an Alpha, breeding with him, and thereby saddled for a lifetime of support with the child of his inferior seed. Women’s evolved sensitivity to this filter extends to subconscious cues men display in their posture. Ergo, a man ‘spreading’ is perceived by a woman’s hindbrain as a false signal of Alpha by a Beta male. This triggers the existential fear response, thus attacking his manhood is doing all of womankind a favor by humiliating him for his attempt to deceive women’s filters.

I’m sure there’ll be some women (and their ‘allies’) who’ll think this is a stretch, but then, why is it acceptable to kick a man in the nuts when he’s spreading? Why is it that Starlord gets kicked in the balls and we laugh? Because a Beta male tried to pass himself off as an Alpha and retaliation was due. If a guy like Jason Mamoa was sitting spread-legged on a bus it would serve as an arousal cue for most women. Alpha status recognition is an automatic subconscious subroutine, fine tuned over millennia of evolution, in women. Women’s subconscious awareness instinctively reads SMV status and prompts behavior accordingly.

She Doesn’t Want Your Shitty Last Name

Or your shitty genetics for that matter. Patrilinear surnames are a symbolic stamp of ownership for men. They give a name to his genetics – a surname is associated with a specific genetic line. A man’s legacy is his genes and those genes need an identifier. One of the more controversial topics I debate online is the refusal of men’s surname by their wives. Women keeping their last names or hyphenating them in marriage is now a common sign of their independent spirit. Marriage is only acceptable to the Strong Independent Woman® when it looks more like an egalitarian business arrangement rather than a complementary pairing of a man and a woman who understand (and accept) the nature of their own gender. Traditional marriage looks too much like “ownership” for feminist wives and nümale husbands.

Blue Pill conditioned men are far more likely to be okay with their wives’ decision to keep her name, hyphenate it, or even take her name. After all, it’s the progressive thing to do and most believe on some level of consciousness that his accepting her independence in this way will make him more appreciated by her. The truth is this: his acquiescing to her in this way only reinforces what her hindbrain has already confirmed – she’s paired with a Beta male who wouldn’t give an afterthought to insisting his genetics bear his name. He confirms the low quality of his genetics to her hindbrain.

There are a lot of convenient social conventions that come along with a woman’s insistence on keeping her surname. Just like the excuse of men “taking up space” warrants terms like “manspreading”, women and nümales will appeal to pragmatism:

“She’s a doctor, lawyer, soon-to-be-famous-person and she need to maintain her identity for public relations reasons. Otherwise she’d totally take my last name dude.”

“I don’t want her to have a crummy last name like ‘Butts’ or something.”

“Taking a man’s last name is an antiquated symbol of patriarchal ownership of women. Haven’t we evolved past this yet? Are you so insecure in your masculinity that you’ll insist on her taking your name?”

These are a few of the cover stories, but the latent purpose is the same; women’s hindbrains must hedge their Hypergamous bets with men they know are Beta before pretending to commit to a lifetime of breeding and parental investment with them. For a woman marrying a man whom her subconscious acknowledges as Alpha, not assuming his name isn’t an afterthought to her. Women paired with a man who is a confirmed Alpha will often say “I didn’t want children, but I wanted to have his babies.”

The Alpha man inspires her to breed for his benefit.

We’re getting into sexy sons theory here, but the idea is that a significantly high SMV male can inspire women to become submissive/supportive wives and mothers. See my essay on Alpha Widows for more about this.

A woman in a good Hypergamous pairing accepts – desires – his authority, but also his genes. She doesn’t just want children, she wants his children. This then is signified (codified?) in his name passing on to her and their children. Even in ostensibly egalitarian marriages the kids generally retain the name of the male who fathered them (unless single-mom throws useful step-dad a bone and the kids change their name to his). Human beings are innately tribalistic (sorry Jordan). This tribalism is expressed in Selective Breeding practices extending from the personal to the social.

In 2019, and in the reproductive aftermath of the Sexual Revolution, these tribal distinctions are now left to women to determine in a confusing global sexual marketplace. Men’s innate drive for paternal certainty falls away in this environment. The existential fear and frustration that manifests from that drive still persists in men, but the practice of it gives way to women being the primary influencers in selective breeding – and how it will or won’t be expressed. It’s now a common practice for a woman to change the surname of children of a genetic ‘asshole’ father to that of the adoptive step-dad-who-stepped-up. Or the noble Promise Keeper son and holy protector of his single mom (and by extension all of womankind) who changes his last name to something else. 

But why? Why bother to go to that trouble if names are unimportant? If paternity doesn’t matter anyway, why go to the trouble of changing a name?

What Happens When She’s the One Who’s Out of Options?

As I mentioned, women’s existential fear is pairing herself with a Beta male who, through guile and deceptions, convinced her he’s an Alpha. But what happens when that woman runs out of options in her  Epiphany Phase? What happens when she’s forced to settle on the good-enough Beta (the guy Sheryl Sandberg assured women “nothing’s sexier”) because she can’t lock down the Alpha whose babies she wants to have?

She can continue searching indefinitely. The social conventions established by the Feminine Imperative convinces women that their sexual market value (SMV) is unending and imperishable. Those conventions also combine with others that shame men for being so infantile in preferring women who are ‘younger, hotter, tighter’. This shaming gets extended to convincing Beta men they should “align their dating strategies” to prefer mature women who “now have their heads on straight”. The idea that an older woman is more mature and therefore ought to be considered more desirable by men is conveniently positioned in women’s Epiphany Phase – so is the Myth of the Biological Clock.

Or she can settle for the less-than-ideal Beta male she’d never have opted for in her Party Years. Women have various psychological and sociological mechanisms in place to help them rationalize this settling on a Beta in Waiting.

  • Plan B: There’s always a fallback guy. Generally this is one Beta for another, better positioned Beta though. If one were “alpha” he’d already be the Plan A. (Be the A Guy). It’s important to note that if the Plan B Beta eventually ‘alphas up’ in some perceivable way, this generally throws a woman into a psychological conflict.
  • She convinces herself that ‘settling’ is really who she is in that moment. Most women genuinely believe in their Epiphany Phase rationales. Most would probably pass a polygraph test if you asked them if they genuinely felt the way they do about their decisions during this time of their lives. However, Hypergamy and its fundamental rules don’t change for women even when they believe something new about themselves. And often enough that ‘genuine’ belief is motivated by their subconscious understanding about their state n life as a result of their mating strategy.

Make Rules for Betas – Break Rules for Alphas

This is a fundamental understanding for Red Pill awareness. It’s one of the easiest indicators men can use to determine a woman’s interest in them, or her subconscious understanding of your status as a man. Is she making more rules for you to obey, more hoops for you to jump through in order to qualify for her ‘love’ (i.e. sexual access)?  She probably sees you as a Beta. Is she breaking her rules, the rules she believes she needs to follow in her new (Epiphany) phase of life, in order to get into situations where she can facilitate sex with you? Is she putting off responsibilities in order to enjoy herself with you? She probably sees you as Alpha.

This rule-setting or breaking is a basic litmus test for genuine desire. Women’s hindbrains grasp this  too. If a woman is setting rules for a man, her subconscious understands that he’s predominantly Beta. Because she needs to set rules, because it seems like logic to refuse his surname (another rule) and because he accepts these rules – even encourages them in himself and other men – his status is confirmed as a Beta. Only a Beta would need rules. Only a Beta would comply with those rules.

I should add that this is the basis of all transactional relationships. Jump through hoop (obey rule), get sex. An Alpha, by nature, would have options to replace a woman who made rules for him. Furthermore, it wouldn’t occur to a woman to issue rules with an Alpha man whose babies she wants to have. Hypergamy can’t afford to issue rules to Alpha men.

The Inner War

If women’s existential fear is being tricked into reproducing with a Beta male, then forcing herself to settle on a suboptimal man must inspire an inner conflict in her. There are lots of controversial self-help books published by women on both sides of this conflict. Some argue for women to accept a Beta guy and just make the best of it, others (especially religious books) argue that a woman should never compromise herself and wait for the best man (the ‘soulmate’ husband God has preordained for her) to present himself to her. There are more than a few Purple Pill “relationship experts” who cater to this demographic of women, and they do very well marketing new age magic and cutesy aphorisms to resolve this inner war.

I characterize this war as a conversation between a woman’s Id and her Ego. 

The Epiphany Phase forces her sensualism-seeking, ‘hawt’, short-term sexual (breeding) opportunism to come to terms with the necessity of her long-term security needs. Alpha Fucks (her Id) wars with Beta Bucks (her Ego) in her head – and all with the urgency of knowing that her SMV is decaying to the point where she must either take action or convincingly rationalize why she doesn’t need to take action. Her Ego knows her SMV is in decline and long-term security / parenting / family is becoming less and less available to her. But her Id still wants what it wants; ‘hawt’ sex with ‘hawt’ guys. And she’s still ‘hawt’ too – the feminine-primary world says it all the time “Never Settle Gurl!” – she ‘deserves’ only the best.

Thus, the conversation leads to varying degrees of compromise to outright self-delusions prompted by outside influences (i.e. social media). Plan B is a compromise. Refusing his last name is a compromise (or hedging of her Hypergamous bets). Making rules for, and endlessly testing, a Beta to assuage the Hypergamous doubt (“is he the best I can do?”) is a compromise.

And Choreplay, that’s just sexual filibustering.

Today, the new fascination with ‘Poly’ or ‘open relationships’ is also one more methodology women are using to make a compromise between the Alpha Fucks her Id needs and the Beta Bucks her Ego knows is necessary for her future security and happiness. “Alternative relationship strategy” is the latest euphemism for Poly, but it really distills down to a means for women to find a way to balance the Hypergamous equation. She’ll marry the Beta, but it should necessarily mean she has to have sex with him. Poly relationships are a compromise.

Ideally women would love to give themselves to a worthy man. To follow his plan for their lives,…and she’d like to feel the kind of attraction to him that would inspire the trust that he would do so for her and her children’s benefit. 

“I wanted to have his babies.” — this is Hypergamy balancing Alpha Seed with Beta Need perfectly.

Today though, women wait too long. They believe the lies of their own Blue Pill, that their SMV is never depleted. They don’t look for this balance anymore. They don’t even expect to find it; one man is for a same night lay, the other is boyfriend material

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Thomas P Seager
4 years ago

Trump’s infamous “Grab ’em by the pussy,” comment revealed the reaction that a Strong Independent Woman will have to gender role reversal of genital assault. The fem-centric social convention is to treat mass-media publicized sexual assault of Beta men like a big joke, but Trump’s confidential locker room humor like criminal incite.

As your favorite Strong Independent Woman what the phrase “grab ’em by the balls,” is supposed to mean and you’ll get nothing but stammer.

4 years ago

And this is why I have always maintained that escorts are better deal than relationshits or marriage..

4 years ago

Jason Momoa’s characters are now as emasculated as those of Pratt, Hemsworth and others. There are very few masculine roles in Hollywood nowadays – perhaps guys like Stathtam and he’s on his way out. I just stopped watching those films myself long ago but from time to time my niece want to see some new superhero film and every time I watch those I end up nauseated. It is just depressing watching those guys getting their balls cut off left and right. They are force feeding their agenda into the new generations and Gods know what kind of people we… Read more »

4 years ago

I think many of us are already well aware of the modern day pair-bonding (marriage) trends, but it is nevertheless striking to see it graphically displayed: Age of marriage by country, globally: Census Bureau, Median Age First Marriage, USA: Marriage rate in the USA: These observed outcomes are in our rear view mirror. You can guess what might happen over next 5 years unless something dramatic changes. The outcomes also say a lot to us about the current landscape of courting/dating and out-of-wedlock breeding as well, since in western culture these are common precursors (requirements) to any… Read more »

Eric R Stephenson
Eric R Stephenson
4 years ago

It’s astonishing to see “strong independent” female characters in every new action movie, coming to the rescue of men.

When. Did. That. Ever. Happen.

4 years ago 😂😂😂 Gtfoh. I’m not one for violence against women. I’m also against violence against men excused because it was performed by a woman. My stance was and is, you kick me in the nuts and I punch you in the face. I’ve had women ” threaten ” a nut kick, but none ever tried it. Because we are taught that ” you never hit a girl ” from a very young age, and society frowns upon left hooking chicks that come at you like they were men, it puts us all at a disadvantage and emboldened shit like the… Read more »

4 years ago

At the same time, we live in the most abundant, automated, convenient and comparatively safe period of civilized human existence for women, where almost every potential negative outcome for women – in childhood, in education, the military, the workplace, sexual relations, marriage, divorce, retirement, medical care are alleviated by the state.

That’s the problem.

4 years ago

T Rex wants to hunt.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Idiocracy was fiction. Right? Right??

4 years ago

Remember, the pecking order is Alpha males –> most women –> beta males –> dreg women –> dreg men. The ball kicking thing is super popular with women because it negates the one objective thing that beta males have over most women: physical strength. Women resent that advantage from the time they become aware of it until the time they get put into the ground in a box, because they consider beta males to be inferior to themselves, and it really grates that even though beta males are inferior, they are still bigger, stronger and faster. Until they are incapacitated… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Rollo entertains excuses for American women not taking their husband’s last name:

“She’s a doctor, lawyer, soon-to-be-famous-person and she need to maintain her identity for public relations reasons. Otherwise she’d totally take my last name dude.”

Can confirm. A couple of 30-something associates who managed to get married at the age of 29.999 trotted out the “professional title” excuse. One of them has moved from keeping her name to becoming hypenated with “hername – hisname”. Of course the name she kept around came from her daddy…

4 years ago



Well stated.

4 years ago

“And this is why I have always maintained that escorts are better deal than relationshits or marriage..”

I’d be ashamed to admit that I’m a Darwin Award candidate or that I will settle for being half a man instead of working to make myself into a man whom women want to have sex with. And I suspect that many men here view your philosophy with loathing.

but different strokes…

4 years ago

One of my new plates is a 24 year old writer. Interesting to see how she “gets” all the game concepts without understanding the specifics of them. It’s intuitive for women. She understood the idea of pre-selection without knowing it until I explained it. When she understood it she realized it governed some of her own behaviours. She understood the concept of “cock-blocking” but didn’t realize it had a name. She just saw it as someone trying to divert her attention from me and only made her more curious. She understood the idea of a “neg” but called it a… Read more »

Making a Crab Face
Making a Crab Face
4 years ago

Don’t overthink it, bro: It’s about feminists denying an obvious difference in men’s and women’s bodies.

Look at the typical male body shape: V-shaped. His center of gravity skews higher than the average, pear-shaped, woman’s.

As a man, spreading your knees when you sit means you have a wider base of support for the weight that is distributed more in your shoulders and chest and less around your hips. Pure physics.

For a man NOT to spread his legs when he sits will require more energy to support his spinal column upright; it’s uncomfortable and tiresome.

4 years ago

Lol the “typical” male body hasn’t been v-shaped for decades at least. Penis Envy is a thing.

4 years ago

Today though, women wait too long “. Ain’t that the truth! About 6/7 years ago I had a brief thing with a newly divorced late thirties milf (SMV 6) she was sexually very up for it and after about 3 weeks she asked me to make plans to do something, I replied that I couldn’t as I had another date that evening! She was incredulous, she’d just assumed I would only be seeing her and told me that it was a dealbreaker for her and that if I went on the date that she wouldn’t see me again. I could… Read more »

4 years ago

Muslim women traditonally do not take their husbands last name, although the practice is spreading in the modern era. The children do take the fathers last name though, and this is considered very important: family linage is preserved according to the male line. In fact Arab Muslims typically state their linage back to their father, and their grandfather on the male side, in their names. Umar Abdullah Hassan AlDossary has a father named Abdullah and his fathers fathers name is Hassan, and is a meber of the AlDossary family, which in the arab world is considered a tribe. This practice… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo: good post. A bit painful still for me. @Blax: infrequently when my wife is around and gets really pissed off she “threatens” me about kicking in the balls. I tell her she should be smarter than physically attacking someone that is much stronger than her. Probably not the best way to pass that particular shit test (which is way past the boundary of acceptable shit tests IMO, which means I already failed previously). @Novaseeker: good comment, and again, a bit painful for me to read. Exactly that, they resent the beta being stronger (see above @Blax). I will sometimes… Read more »

4 years ago

I wish you would have touched on sperm banks in a post titled “selective breeding”

4 years ago

Watched Avengers Endgame for the first time a few nights ago. Blown away at obviousness of the doing away with the alpha males, and promoting the female heros (with butch hairdos and all lol).

In contrast, I watched Once Upon A Time in Hollywood last night. Brad Pitt’s traditionally masculine character was refreshing. Total bad ass in a low key way. Solid film.

4 years ago

Ain’t that the truth!
About 6/7 years ago I had a brief thing with a newly divorced late thirties milf …

That story brought a tear to my eye… not

4 years ago

“Today, the new fascination with ‘Poly’ or ‘open relationships’ is also one more methodology women are using to make a compromise between the Alpha Fucks her Id needs and the Beta Bucks her Ego knows is necessary for her future security and happiness. “Alternative relationship strategy” is the latest euphemism for Poly, but it really distills down to a means for women to find a way to balance the Hypergamous equation. She’ll marry the Beta, but it should necessarily mean she has to have sex with him. Poly relationships are a compromise.” This explains the poly trend perfectly. She wants… Read more »

4 years ago

Question for the board….Is a 40 year old male going through a “midlife crises” (i.e., exercising his desire to be with younger, hotter, tighter now that his SMV affords him the opportunity to do so) any different than a woman leaving her beta husband? And if not, does the board generally feel this behavior is acceptable?

4 years ago

There’s no such thing as a mid life crisis. There is such a thing as life changing as one ages, and how one reacts to it. Not a crisis. I don’t know about ” younger,hotter, tighter ” shit, lol, because it seems a pedestalization imo. Depends on why a man would choose to seek young women what’s the motivation. Is it because you think they are off limits? Do you think you’re breaking some kind of taboo? The only reason for a man to seek out any particular ” type ” of woman is because it’s what he wants to… Read more »

4 years ago


Forgot to add “asking for a friend”…

Named Salon.

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

“Question for the board….Is a 40 year old male going through a “midlife crises” (i.e., exercising his desire to be with younger, hotter, tighter now that his SMV affords him the opportunity to do so) any different than a woman leaving her beta husband?” “Midlife etc” is a guy realizing he’s been duped. Trajectory is from deception/fantasy towards reality. “I need alone time” is a woman leaving reliability/real for some fantasy “before it’s too late” (already too late). Trajectory is from reality towards fantasy. “And if not, does the board generally feel this behavior is acceptable?” Acceptability is not something… Read more »

4 years ago

Dis-illusion may not be fun, but it is a positive thing, not a “crisis” unless you make it one for no good reason. You ought to be seeking it.

Work out that your relationships, career and money are all types of sham early enough and there is no need for a “midlife crisis.” You’ve already got it sorted.

4 years ago

I also perceive that women can’t stand being deceived the other way. If they perceive their man as beta, but he leaves her for other options or basically cheats on her with another woman, it completely screws with their self-assessment of their own ability to assess alpha in men. Its situations like this where lies come out about him “being gay” or “having a small dick” come out. Even if she “divorces” the “beta” as a result, she will question her own ability to measure a man for the rest of her life.

4 years ago

I also perceive that women can’t stand being deceived the other way….

I should also have said that this fits neatly into explaining why women’s choices (in the general sense) are FORCED onto a society, because so much of a woman’s base existential fears are bound up in her choices. Women are biologically pre-disposed to want total choice freedom in everything, especially freedom from negative consequences of those choices.

4 years ago

“Work out that your relationships, career and money are all types of sham early enough and there is no need for a “midlife crisis.” You’ve already got it sorted.”

This is pure gold for those who understand, it’s not just women you gotta sort out. In fact the other areas may turn out to be much harder.

4 years ago


“Women are biologically pre-disposed to want total choice freedom in everything, especially freedom from to avoid negative consequences of those</strike? choices through submitting to male leadership.”

There you go.

4 years ago


“Women are biologically pre-disposed to want total choice freedom in everything, especially freedom from to avoid negative consequences of those choices through submitting to male leadership.

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago

@ IAS Holy crap – your wife threatens to kick you in the balls when she gets “really pissed off”? I’ve been married for over 17 years, and can assure you I (or name a pro-noun….our daughter, her bosses, the entire world…women are happy unless they are un-happy about something) more than once she has been ‘really pissed off” at me or several other people…has never threaten or even joked about hitting a man in the balls, any man let only me. The very fact you even married a woman like that says a lot – like why would you… Read more »

4 years ago

So, by that reasoning, women in general will never accept rules/laws/consequences so long as they perceive no alpha in their lives?
This would seem to hold significant implications on how women from beta fathers turn out as adults.

4 years ago

“Is a 40 year old male going through a “midlife crises” (i.e., exercising his desire to be with younger, hotter, tighter now that his SMV affords him the opportunity to do so) any different than a woman leaving her beta husband? Why conflate the two? They could be strategies, or desperate measures. Why not give a hypothetical backstory in either case. Otherwise it is just a Strawman question. IOW, why did the male exercise his desire? What happened? Why did the female exercise an option to ditch the beta? What happened? “And if not, does the board generally feel this… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Redpill newbie,It would be more acceptable if she would pay him enough alimony to be able to afford to party with the younger hotter hbs.

In this hypothetical sich, was he her best option? did she let herself go? is she so bored of spending his money and getting her pedicure she needs more excitement? is he too busy supporting her rock and roll lifestyle to be a part of it? does she bring anything at all to the table besides her ass?
If not there is always better ass.

4 years ago

“Question for the board….Is a 40 year old male going through a “midlife crises” (i.e., exercising his desire to be with younger, hotter, tighter now that his SMV affords him the opportunity to do so) any different than a woman leaving her beta husband?” People can (and will) give any name they want to behavior they don’t like. “Midlife Crisis” is just a name, which should generate about as much fear/offense as any other arbitrary label. As to a guy being duped… If he’s been duped, I’m willing to forgive some silly behavior in response to betrayal, why wouldn’t I… Read more »

4 years ago

Reality is only 20% males could be considered top tier or alpha status by women, which is backed up by data analytics on swipe apps. So 80% women are forced to “settle”, leading to 50% marriages ending in failure. Those red pill truths can be difficult to internalize.

4 years ago


Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


It isn’t actually true, it’s just guys want to see the round peg go into the round hole so they believe bullshit.

4 years ago

“Reality is only 20% males could be considered top tier or alpha status by women, which is backed up by data analytics on swipe apps. So 80% women are forced to “settle”, leading to 50% marriages ending in failure. Those red pill truths can be difficult to internalize.” Careful with that ” swipe apps ” shit there. I think it’s more like, maybe, 20% of males are ” alpha “. Women can recognize those dudes easily. The question is how does she see you in relation to that ” top tier”?. 80% of women are not being forced to ”… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


The communist youth-style cap is a dead givaway that jerky golem is an alpha.

4 years ago

Multipe internet sources show anthony peace is ghey as fuck.

4 years ago

Fact, Stay with me for a minute or two. Question: Are you afraid of women? Scared? Are you different from women, or do you perceive yourself as their biological equal? Believe it or nah, there was once a time when men didn’t put a lot of ” stock ” or thought into what women were saying, thinking or doing. Men did man shit, women did women shit. Somewhere along the line men started fretting about what women were doing and thinking, which wasn’t the kicker – the kicker was when men abdicated the Man Throne and came down to the… Read more »

4 years ago

“So, by that reasoning, women in general will never accept rules/laws/consequences so long as they perceive no alpha in their lives?” You and practically every guy commenting assumes women are beholden to AF negotiation (Fuck me and I’ll give u my time) or BB negotiation (Fuck me and I’ll give u things.) IOW, women respond to protection with $ or protection with fucking or a combination of both but some situs are better, blah, blah, blah. Nothing else. Ok. I’m gonna say it again…there’s no practical difference between AF sex and BB sex as one deals in negotiated sex for… Read more »

4 years ago

Eh lol. Hold up. You’re conflating Archie’s question and pua with this subject. The difference between AF and BB is real and true. It’s a perception of the female. Females will see a dude as ” Alpha ” when in fact, he’s not a ” real ” Alpha – if he understands the do’s and don’ts wrt to women. This is why I steadfastly claim that any man can become ” alpha ” for the most part, in the eyes of females. Women think they want Betas for protection and provision, and they will accept these things gladly, particularly once… Read more »

4 years ago

Watching a film with the GF last night ( The Book of Eli ). There is a scene where some bad men capture and are about to Rape Mila Kunis’s character and the GF pronounced “I’d rather be killed than raped !!”. I told her I thought she was exaggerating and that surviving and taking revenge would surely be a better outcome ? She assured me that even if her attacker was to be murdered in revenge that she would still prefer to be DEAD as “I just KNOW that it’s something that I could never get over and I… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

@ IAS “…infrequently when my wife is around and gets really pissed off she “threatens” me about kicking in the balls. I tell her she should be smarter than physically attacking someone that is much stronger than her. Probably not the best way to pass that particular shit test (which is way past the boundary of acceptable shit tests IMO, which means I already failed previously).” A far better response would be no response apart from a smirk then ignore her. Or perhaps tell her “How about you come suck my balls instead, silly girl…” with a grin. Amused mastery… Read more »

4 years ago

“Forget about negotiating with her or any women (unless it involves job/money ).” @ Blax Guys like Archie are in perpetual negotiation with women, men, everyone. His (and PUA’s generally) take on marriage (and women generally) is: “When she tumbles down the SMV below yours, which, over long enough time it will (Just check out Rollo’s SMV graph…do you married guys even TRM?), AND you still hang in there with her, then you are sacrificing your options. Thus, at that moment, she gets more from you than you from her. You, sir, are a irrational married beta chump. Prepare for… Read more »

4 years ago

😁 Eh Archie is cool. I read occasionally. If a guy is totally immersed in pua as a ” lifestyle “( I laugh at the whole ” lifestyle ” thing ), then there’s a heavy investment there. All that reading and studying and watching videos that goes on for years and years. It’s only one way or many to have sex with a woman on your terms. Naturally if the concentration is solely on having sex, because of course no woman is worth anything at all outside of sex, then most conversation, ime, with a pua ( with exceptions… Read more »

4 years ago

“And nothing you or I or anyone can say will penetrate because ” workaround “.”

Agreed. They refuse to know.

Beware these guys as they’re closed-minded and redefine limitations as success, and vice-versa.

Collapsing frames. Similar to asphyxiation by their own pet PUA boa constrictor. Every exhalation creates less room to breathe, PUA’s call it ok as they can still breathe, albeit less, and it is their loving pet, of course..until eventually they can’t breathe no more and they wonder what went wrong.

4 years ago

“Somewhere along the line men started fretting about what women were doing and thinking, which wasn’t the kicker – the kicker was when men abdicated the Man Throne and came down to the level of doing women shit instead of Man shit.” While PUA does got P in V , the above by Blax is why I say be cautious with it. PUA encourages you to do all these routines and shit that are tailored to women . It would be far better to develop yourself into something worthwhile and then simply present your true self to the world instead… Read more »

4 years ago

“Some would be shocked what one can get away with women when you are your true unapologetic self, you can be sweaty, wearing gym shorts , hair all mest up and you still get takers.”

Yo wut up shawty 😎
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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


You and practically every guy commenting assumes women are beholden to AF negotiation (Fuck me and I’ll give u my time) or BB negotiation (Fuck me and I’ll give u things.)

Dog logic. Women are beholden to their own nature first, then to other things.

I’m gonna say it again…there’s no practical difference between AF sex and BB sex as one deals in negotiated sex for time and the other in sex for money.

Looks like you are reverting to a previous mindset for some reason.

Desire is not negotiated. You know this.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Playdontpay There is a scene where some bad men capture and are about to Rape Mila Kunis’s character and the GF pronounced “I’d rather be killed than raped !!”. Lol! That’s what she says watching some movie in a safe, quiet room.At they time she meant it. Faced with an ugly reality she’d change her mind. Then she’d say something else. Because your GF is descended from a whole lotta girls who got raped, not killed, and lived to push out at least one baby. Or from girls whose village got burned and she survived by screaming to a man… Read more »

4 years ago

“Desire is not negotiated.” Her: I desire your p in my v. All I negotiate from you is your time. I want nothing but your time and physical presence. Not your seed as I will prevent any chance of pregnancy. Not stuff after either, I don’t like skittles. This transaction benefits me, the woman, as I am externally validated by you, the man, who forfeits your time to bang me and not someone else at that moment. I repeat, I want nothing but your time. Sex makes ME, the woman, feel good. Him: I agree to the terms of the… Read more »

4 years ago

@palmasailor Thanks for the input. I agree “she” would upgrade if she could but most of the men on this board would look at her decision to do so negatively. @Rollo has talked about his sister-in-law leaving her husband and it is never mentioned positively. Why the disparity? Why would most of the men on this board congratulate me for enjoying my improved SMV whereas they would bitch and moan when a woman exercises that same optimization? Also, for the board questioning my use of the word “crises”, I put it in quotes for a reason. @Rollo has written an… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Eric R. Stephenson It’s astonishing to see “strong independent” female characters in every new action movie, coming to the rescue of men. It’s the narrative. It’s the myth that everyone is supposed to believe, or at least pretend to believe. Part of the larger feminist “blank slate” fallacy, that women are just men with boobs, and therefore upper body strength is a social construct. Or something. On the topic of strength, US Powerlifting goes against the Woke – bans trans from competing in the women’s category. We’ll see where that leads. The M -> F trannies not happy, obviously.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

It’s not as overt as written above. Yet the subtext of AF sex is no different than BB sex, just exchange provisioning of his personal time and physical presence for providing his personal property for sex.

Subtext? Lol.

I choose neither.

Yeah, you’re the Only Real Man In The Room, you’ve struck that pose before. Plus any man who isn’t “doing it” your way is “doing it wrong”.



4 years ago

Slightly relevant – I grin whenever I hear this one
Kelsea Ballerini – Peter Pan

4 years ago

Darn not that one… this one

4 years ago

One more time for the win

4 years ago

@ TheRedPillNewb For most of the history of human civilization, men married women significantly younger women, 10- 20 years younger. Women got a better provider. Men had less incentive to trade in the wife for a younger model. Its only in the post WWII era with feminist push for equality that women started marrying men close to them in age. Its been a contributing factor in the increase in failed marriages. Men and women age differently, women lose their fertility before men, and feminism can’t change that. Feminism in denial of evolutionary biology is the real issue. Sounds like you’re… Read more »

4 years ago

“but her Hypergamy has ruined any chance she had of finding someone she could accept.
i see this with my sister

4 years ago


Congrats Bugatti.

Men doing ” Men Shit “….lol.

4 years ago

These feminist bitches are getting out of control. Now we have to worry about Manspreading??? I sit that way because I have BALLS. Sitting with my legs closed smashes them. Shut the fuck up already. Women once again trying to control men’s behavior because they can’t control their emotions. How about we make push-up bras and makeup illegal so we can see the real you? It’s basically false advertising and I might not want to waste my alpha time on your fake self. Women are selfish, solipsistic and hypocritical. Any thing that suits them and their hypergamy is fine, but… Read more »

4 years ago


I think most RP men (here in the boards or otherwise) don’t blame a woman for leaving a weak beta for a better prospect, but there are some important details in the situation with Rollo’s sister inlaw. There were kids, and those kids lost their father, at least to some extent due to how the “trading up” took place.

When a guy “trades up”, if he neglects his kids, most here would be as critical of that as they would for women trading up with similar negative outcomes.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Fact Its only in the post WWII era with feminist push for equality that women started marrying men close to them in age Nah. That’s way too broad a brush you are painting with. Don’t overthink. My tentative opinion about current age diffs in newly married: it tends to be 1 to 3 years at the most because 20-something marriage patterns look a lot like their social patterns from high school / college: if someone pals around with a group of friends that are all juniors or seniors in high school, the reference experience for relationships is set at “1… Read more »

4 years ago

Just won the lottery and got instagram model with 16k followers to give me her phone number. That’s right I’m 1 in 16,000. Single mom with C-section scar and mixed race bastard kid. Never had stable job. Modeling career not working out like she planned. Wasted her prime years with degenerate alphas. Now taking applications for high level beta males to use as ATM cash dispenser. But damn she is still hot milf. Wonder if there could be way to sample the merchandise?

4 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader

Pop another blue pill if that makes you feel better about your life decisions.

4 years ago

“Just won the lottery and got instagram model with 16k followers to give me her phone number. That’s right I’m 1 in 16,000. Single mom with C-section scar and mixed race bastard kid. Never had stable job. Modeling career not working out like she planned. Wasted her prime years with degenerate alphas. Now taking applications for high level beta males to use as ATM cash dispenser. But damn she is still hot milf. Wonder if there could be way to sample the merchandise?’

Men ( actually ) doing.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


I know a little lump who’d love him. And he looks like he’d be determined to have her.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Pop another blue pill if that makes you feel better about your life decisions.

Lol. You’re wrong about age differences, that’s all. Learn a Fact from history for a start.

PS: Don’t be so butthurt.

4 years ago

TheRedPillNewb “Also, for the board questioning my use of the word “crises”, I put it in quotes for a reason. @Rollo has written an amazing blog post on the subject. But I do think it is a “crises” because the man is torn between exercising his superior SMV or fulfilling his life-long promise to a mate that has presumably done nothing wrong except get old (and therefore less attractive). That is a moral crises for many of us…and not one that is easily resolved with “she would do it to you.”” I don’t think a majority of men will ever… Read more »

4 years ago

Why the disparity? Why would most of the men on this board congratulate me for enjoying my improved SMV whereas they would bitch and moan when a woman exercises that same optimization? RedPillNewb — Uh, no. What we would say is that women are women, it’s stupid to hate them for acting in their own interests, and that the key is understanding them and arranging your own actions and life in light of that knowledge so as not to be surprised and/or burned by women acting like they are naturally set up to act. Guys go through an “anger phase”… Read more »

4 years ago

Welcome to EhIntellect’s Q and A Corner.

We’ve got another incisive question from long time reader Professor Befuddled: “So?”

Wow. there’s a lot to unwrap there. What does Rodney Dangerfield think?

AR gives me a Judge Smales vibe, btw. Everyone is a lowly ditch digger. All order, no mystery.

Ted Knight had the most memorable lines, btw..

4 years ago

Going back to an earlier thread, Knight earned 5 WWII battle stars. He dropped out of high school to volunteer. Not a silver spoon Hollywood snowflake. Like Bob Hope his bumbling character was an act.

He was more experienced than the rest of the cast put together, one of the last to come up the ladder from doing local radio and TV kids shows, then commercials, voice work and bit parts. I think he was the only person my step-father worked with in local broadcasting that he only spoke well of.

4 years ago

I’m not sure what TheRedPillNewb is actually up to.

What’s the premise?

Why are you here?

What do you take issue with?

Where did/do you come from?

Are you trolling, or do you have an issue with Red Pill?

4 years ago

Oops wrong thread.

But I may be, no, Am too disinterested to correct it.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Welcome to EhIntellect’s Q and A Corner.

Lol, what a lame transition. Needs work. Try again…

4 years ago

“Needs work.”

And Big . . . Jim . . . Slade!

4 years ago
4 years ago

and the facts on the ground go a very long way to inform their behaviors.

4 years ago

Its entirely rational for older men to date younger women.
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Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@foxguy – no, that’s like a caricature of PUA. It’s pretty much what the New York Times would say about it: “just be yourself, don’t worry about all these PUA tricks and manipulations and the right woman will come into your life”. It’s kind of like me (who has never boxed in his life), telling Blax “Yeah, so all boxing does is teach you how to punch someone’s face hard”. I guess that’s actually true on one level, but I’m sure Blax would tell me there’s a LOT more to it. The old Heartiste definition of Game was “applied charisma”.… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi I don’t think I am a numale. I don’t need signs of power of ownership over others just as there’s no chance they get them over me. In fact, I can’t even kick off relationships any more because, as a reaction to the misandristic propaganda poured down on us all full time, I started to look more closely at male-female relationships and noticed that “courtship” is a series of acts of submission and flattery (which is submission too) that the male has to perform with her because her zygotes are in much shorter supply than his, and this… Read more »

4 years ago

@kfg Dis-illusion may not be fun, but it is a positive thing, not a “crisis” unless you make it one for no good reason. You ought to be seeking it. Work out that your relationships, career and money are all types of sham early enough and there is no need for a “midlife crisis.” You’ve already got it sorted. Yes, but disillusion won’t come about without some serious sufferance (crisis). So the two ides are more often than not lumped together, and dis-illusion is labeled as crisis. Also, relationships career and money are shams, but yo live without them is… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Regardless of signs of ownership being disdained by the enlightened losers of the world, ownership still persists.

Henpecking women need to be abandoned while you consolidate your ever-increasing clout. It’s part betting on yourself and part being able to display what you’ve already accomplished.

You take time in the abstract world of your mind to create a plan. But you can’t keep living in the abstract world while you’re outside trying to act because everything isn’t yet in it’s proper place.

4 years ago

Game is more than CH’s “old” definition of Game. It’s more than “the language of female seduction.” Game is more than “a mating dance”. Game has to do with dealing with other people in a way that helps you accomplish your immediate objective, whether that objective is sex, getting a better job, getting better friends, getting invited to parties at Playboy Mansion, panhandling, etc. Some broad was hitting me up for a date over text and running “game.” Lol, “who are you” is my response. Oh, yeah, people being comfortable with being a Darwin Award Candidate is also part of… Read more »

4 years ago

” (which is submission too) that the male has to perform with her because her zygotes are in much shorter supply than his, and this elevates her standing in the mating market.”

My shit is in short supply. It must have tremendous value!

4 years ago

Palmasailor There is something going on in some geographical areas like this one though, and I think it’s that a lot of women have never experienced an Alpha male. Seriously, here, no “man” in the street can hold eye contact, they all look down and scuttle off. I could go a week or a month here and not see another man I would consider a “handful”. If I did it would probably be a tourist. So in some places, when women encounter an Alpha they have no idea what to do with it, the feelings that the encounter create scare… Read more »

4 years ago

Bro. I’ve read nearly every post here and bought all 3 of Rollo’s books. I’m not trolling. I am newly addicted to RP and learning. I am personally having the “crises” I referred to and seeking answers. I feel guilty and would like to resolve these internal issues.

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

“I am personally having the “crises” I referred to and seeking answers. I feel guilty and would like to resolve these internal issues.”

We are all of us brothers first.

4 years ago


Actually, Mrs. Havercamp has the best lines.

Are we still having tea?
3.That must be the tea


4 years ago

This ‘n That… Unpleasant Red Pill truth: Alphas reproduce. You might be able to “pull” a girl in four minutes, but if you don’t reproduce, you ain’t alpha. You might have a notch count in the hundreds, but if you don’t reproduce, you ain’t alpha. Being a PUA with a big notch count is no guarantee that you are alpha. You have a right to not reproduce. You have a right to be a PUA and not reproduce. You have a right to be a Darwin Award winner or candidate. But you cannot be Red Pill if you claim to… Read more »

4 years ago

“Munro: Cornell Study Shows Stagnant Wages Hurting Marriage in U.S.”

4 years ago

@Blax killing it tonight. @Ads – Sigh, I don’t want to reproduce – I just want to cum inside them. See: T-Rex doesn’t want to eat, it wants to hunt…I’ll be with my hb9.5 on sunday for and will cum inside her again, which she calls “her favorite thing”. only god knows how many kids i have. women don’t chase me down for paternity or child support, they have you fucking pussies to take care of all that, hehe. they just want me to fuck them. hb9.5 (perhaps the hotttest woman i’ve ever fucked, 19yo – 5’11”, model quality beautiful)… Read more »

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