Bargain Abasement

“Men conquer worlds, women conquer men.” – Pook

From the time boys are about five years old, we’re taught self-control. Anyone with a young son  understands the challenge in this, but for the most part the control we teach our boys differs from what we teach (or don’t teach) our girls. For the most part, this control is necessary to curb boys’ natural proclivities to take risks, but in a feminine-primary social order this inhibiting risk comes from a need for female security . Our young minds, boys and girls, lack the capacity for abstract thought. In fact, our brains continue to develop to their fullest potential right up to 20-21 years of age. 

For millennia, adult men, fathers, mothers, the Village that is our larger social order, understood the need to place limitations on boys innate impulsiveness – usually for their own good. While these restrictions and discipline have always been a needed part of boys’ upbringing, today that self-control is taught in the context of how a young man can be more ‘correct’ by his female teachers. In the time of our old social contract teaching young men self-control and self-discipline was a means to self-mastery as an adult man. In the new social contract our gynocentric education system (and socialization) teaches boys discipline in the hopes that they will provide the security that women need.

And the way this is taught is by embedding a deep sense of shame and self-loathing of the male gender into ever-younger generations of future men. Mental Point of Origin is a constant theme in all of my literary work. I want to stress here that crushing any sense of self-priority or self-importance from boys and young men is the prime directive of a gynocentric education system. Last Saturday we discussed the “worshiping of women” on our new show Rule Zero. In this episode I pointed out that men are taught to place womankind on a pedestal from an early age. This meta-pedestalization of the feminine begins when boys are taught self-abasement as part of self-control. Essentially, all control becomes for boys is reducing themselves while aggrandizing (supporting) girls and later women. This is the main reason why wrapping your head around Mental Point of Origin is so difficult for men later in life. Their Blue Pill conditioning taught them to be servants as a means of proving their self-control.

Most women, certainly all feminists, will do their best to convince us that it’s still little girls who are taught to repress their naturally boyish natures. But it’s a cliché now to believe that little girls would be every bit as ‘curious about how the world works’ if not for a nebulous society that represses their passion for discovery. Since the Sexual Revolution our social order has done its damnedest to reverse gender roles – boys are taught to emulate the feminine, girls emulate the masculine. The Disney corporation has been the most active social agent in western culture in fomenting this reversal. Every story across all genres follows the same plot; a repressed little girl would make an even better boy if not for these Patriarchal rules she must break from. The story of Mulan is a good example. The girl Mulan must impersonate a boy in order to prove herself as a masculine equal – and to get closer to the Alpha male she naturally wants to pair with. Our popular fiction today all follows a similar teaching; girls need to break away from self-control to be more empowered.

The notion that little girls are ever taught to repress their natures is laughable in real life. If little boys are taught like they’re defective girls, then girls today are taught that they can literally do anything – and be free of any lasting consequences. In fact any restrictions, any pretense of a girl/woman requiring a degree of self-control is immediately associated with repression. This old order idea of female repression is a favorite trope for the Fempowerment narrative. The most marginal, well-meaning, criticism of women or the feminine is always steeped in ‘judgmentalism’. Being ‘judged’ is always a concern for women. For the past 3-4 generations of women, being freed from ‘repression’ is also to be free from judgement. They have an entitlement to avoid consequence.


On last week’s Rule Zero episode we asked a question: why is it so many men will abase themselves with women? If you’ve been Red Pill aware for a while it’s easy to just dismiss these guys and think they’re all just low self-esteem losers, but the belief is endemic to the 80% of Beta men. The combination of having been raised to prioritize the concerns of women above his own interest, and the notion that doing so will make him a better romantic catch in the eyes of women (who already feel entitled to him being a useful servant) turns self-abasement into a form of Beta Game.

Why does a man get down on one knee to propose marriage to a woman? Surely this old social contract form of abasement was an expectation of men. It’s in practically every romantic story ever told.

Under the old social contract a man was presumed to be above a woman in status. The old intersexual hierarchy of love followed from the man to the woman and then later to the child(ren). It was a natural, understood, dominance hierarchy prior to the Sexual Revolution. In all the old stories Disney has ever retold the presumption of this hierarchy defines the plot of the story. Of course now we’ve grown accustomed to gender swaps and expectation swaps in these retellings, but when a woman gets down on bended-knee to propose to a man – as her empowering teachers have taught her is acceptable – there’s something awkward when a woman abases herself to a man. 

One of the prime directives of feminism is this:

Never do anything for the express pleasure of a man.

Anything a woman might do just to please a man is abasement. It smacks of the repressiveness little girls are told still holds them back in spite all the world’s attempts to advantage them. Doing something, wearing something, being something or behaving in a way that might intentionally please a man is the antithesis of the Strong Independent Woman® ideal. But yet, women are taught that they should expect to live in Sadie Hawkins’ World where they should feel empowered to ask the man on a date and ask him to marry her if he merits it. Again, it’s all part of the gender reversal we’re expected to embrace.

But when you see it, when a woman is doing the proposing, it doesn’t feel empowering. It feels awkward, backwards. Social constructionism says that awkwardness is the result of society teaching you stereotypical gender norms; but those norms haven’t been the standard for at least 4 generations. Disney’s taught us different for some time now. But it still looks weird. The man is supposed to initiate. The man is supposed display and she is supposed to choose. The man is supposed to abase himself, right?

Male abasement is a sign of submission in an age that expected him to be an Alpha already. There used to be a time when men were expected to be the masters of their lives. Men understood their  Burden of Performance and built a life around creating (conquering) their own worlds. Certainly this achievement was motivated by finding a wife, but more so because of his innate sense of idealism.

The Ideal Man

The old social order expectations of men are still what women feel entitled to in the new order:

  • Superior Physicality: He must be more than her equal in height and strength. Muscularity is an ideal in men. Women hold far more strict and static ideals of male beauty than men have ever held for women.
  • Superior Dominance: He is respected, deferred to and sometimes feared by his peers. He holds status, power (in the traditional sense) and honor that is confirmed and reinforced by others – but only insofar as it can be useful to a woman. Women tend to have an immature understanding of the nature of power.
  • Superior Confidence/Competence: He must be more innovative and competent than herself. Competence is directly tied to the Hypergamous doubt – “Is he the best I can do?” If she is more competent (or she believes she is) than he is it upsets the natural intersexual dominance hierarchy and ultimately his Frame control. Confident competence is the foundation of a woman’s need for long term security.
  • Superior Mastery: He must be a master of himself and the world he directs. Again, this is tied to a woman’s need for security which he must ensure in the long term; even into his old age. He must “Just Get It” with her and understand women in general – this is derived from experience and being supremely desired by other women.

For all of this mastery the ideal man is expected to possess, the fantasy is that he must abase himself to her due to her uniqueness. The power of love is what he must defer to. Even today, in a post Sexual Revolution era, this chivalric ideal is still an unspoken expectation. That ideal is a superior man who abases himself to her, and only to her. This is the Beauty and the Beast archetypal story. The fantasy ideal man is only beholden to her particular charms. Men conquer worlds, women conquer men.

A few years ago (2012-13) I did a series of posts about the chivalric ideal. In those essays I proposed that the western concepts of chivalry, bastardized by the influence of ‘courtly love’, were an extension of power by the feminine. Essentially chivalry was feminism 1.0 in that it leveraged men’s obligations of honor to benefit the Feminine Imperative. Chivalry was a Male Space into which women inserted themselves (via courtly love), assimilated the principles and rewrote the rules to better fit themselves. We still see vestiges of this today when women post something on Facebook or Twitter stating that “only a ‘real’ man does the things that benefit me, my sexual strategy and my ensured survival and happiness.” 

Male sacrifice now extends to a man abasing himself for an entitled benefit of womankind. It’s no longer just an expectation of undying love and commitment, it’s a surrendering of his evolved imperatives.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

“I’m providing a public service to the men of the world by trying to convince people like you to get off the fucking internet and go get yourself ripped with money so you can start fucking some 9’s and 10’s.”

Keyboard alpha identified. Troll harder.

4 years ago

“kfg. What’s your physical condition(s) / disability(-ies) ?”

I attach no moral judgement to your being a bit “slow,” but it’s up to you to keep up or get left behind.

4 years ago

kfg. You previously implied you had a condition of some kind. Your reply made no sense.

4 years ago

Fact. You wouldn’t recognize sound advice if it hit you in the face. Best of luck to you. You’re gonna need it.

4 years ago


Brah. What’s your Twitter handle / landing page? Let’s get there already.

4 years ago

I’d give a penny to hang out with Coolio and his best guy buddies at a dinner party. I bet they are enraptured by his straighforward, non-judgmental, solid advice. And they don’t even have to beat it out of him, him just volunteering it at will. “What you decide to do with your life comes from within.” That’s not actually true. According to deconstructions of the top 1%ers. As was described in Robert Greene’s Mastery and Daniel Coyle’s The Talent Code. Ignition/spark/and motivation to decide on a purpose and mission comes from external sources (and sometimes mentors). Btw, Coolio. I’ve… Read more »

4 years ago

Coolio is a little like the stage name Johnny Rotten. It had its day.

4 years ago

“You wouldn’t believe me anyhow. And age has nothing to do with it. Experience is the greatest teacher.” Ok. Fair enough, though experience creates opportunity. You choose not to conceal. That’s the opposite of authenticity. Ease up on the cynicism, btw. I’ve no reason not to believe you. Cynicism reflects existential insecurity. I’ve no interest other than getting to know you better. Then again your insecurity will not allow you to accept other people operate outside of pure self-interest, right? That’s why you don’t answer questions here. You perceive there is nothing to gain for you thus you balk. Bear… Read more »

4 years ago

“You choose to conceal.”

4 years ago

Somebody was asking for this:
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4 years ago

@Blaximus: Everything is just personal with you… you can’t have a conversation unless it’s all about you and if it isn’t the other dude is a “clown” or whatever. You really do need to get off your computer and start meeting real girls in the real world. Plough through and make the mistakes so you can post real advice about how the girls of tomorrow see “alpha” and the man of tomorrow. You’re still yesterday’s man. Girls now see masculinity very differently. In many ways it’s MORE of a turn on for them because it’s seen as so “Dangerous” as… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Coolio, right on topic abasing himself for 9s & 10s by trying to look good and chase money.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

@Eh Intellect

Thanks for the feedback, and a reminder that if I’m fighting things too much (or maybe at all) I need to look how congruently I’m being.


wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago


“You’re still yesterday’s man. Girls now see masculinity very differently. ”

Followed by this

“The other major theme among girls in their 20’s is “Nostalgia”. They all LOVE LOVE LOVE old music, old movies, retro clothes and masculinity in the form of dominance.”

Sounds like you have it figuring out. Any ways me and Blaxie are gonna move in wit Coolio till we get making some money and get ripped. Not

4 years ago

wala-wala Yes, Blax monologues. Yes, Blax has no interest in getting to directly enjoy another’s company here. He is a really decent loving guy who desires good for his family, neighborhood and community. Would you agree to that? Full stop. Now we can argue preferences and methods to that objective all day long but I’d never impugn someone’s intent. You too, wala wala. You’ve got a lot to offer. Frankly, I don’t know much about you short of you threatening my life a few years back…I hold zero grudges btw. Could you give us a short bio? You seem sincere.… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Just Beers

I’m gratified you give a damn. You are a dying breed even to mention it. Esprit de corps is all we got, you know?

Let’s start there.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Walawala, I (and most all of us) agree with the basics of what you’re saying re: women’s general response to dominance, solid frame, etc. With many of the women I’m with, it’s a hunger for it, but also a relief. Almost like “thank goodness I’m with a man.” And that’s with me still needing work, still with some blue-pill moments. I’m entering my later 40’s, been single for the past three years, have a son, and it’s really been amazing, and weird, to see the dating world change in just a decade. I was wrapped up failing to patch my… Read more »

4 years ago

@Just Beers @Eh Intellect Thanks for the feedback, and a reminder that if I’m fighting things too much (or maybe at all) I need to look how congruently I’m being. Thanks Our red pill tribe had a little riffing going on today. In stride, so as not to be so attached to the internet and all… It had to do with this thing you are referring to as fighting. Internecine fights with yourself. And fighting the external world. EhIntellect pointed out that: “RP has built in scapegoats…women, Hypergamy, The Feminine Imperative…to keep the blame from one’s own actions and thus… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Just Beers Lol. “thank goodness I’m with a man.” This is what I’ve been banging away at. Women are not in control. Enough with the FI dominance hog-wash. Women deeply want a man who isn’t beef-fisted thumb-screwing masculinity and allows for them to tumble into a comfort of his frame. RP pushes little but inter-sexual insecurity. RP is helpful to regain some sense of raw masculinity in the case of collapsed frame but is antithetical to sustainable relationships with women, of all sorts, in the short and long term. Only self-hating women will couple with ScribblerG types. It’s not… Read more »

4 years ago

@Just Beers First off welcome to the rest of your life. It will take some mindset adjustment but speaking from experience don’t just read go out as much as you can and practice. The whole PUA thing seems to have waned but iprinciples is game remain. One thing I hear from my mid 20s plates constantly is the idea of how they hate “boring conversations”. The old pua routines work because they were aimed at helping awkward guys find ways to to start and lead conversations and sexualise them. Example: 24 year old I’m gaming. She asked me “did you… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

@Palmasailor, re: the dating scene… mine is just one experience, of course. And it’s likely that I am the biggest thing that’s changed, not the women at all, but… The access to women is simply through the roof now compared to the way (I perceived) it was. Granted, I was quite myopic, blue-pilled in various ways, but the dating apps have really warped things. And I’m with Eh Intellect when we briefly mentioned his old review of Anatomy of Female Power, things are actually worse for many men since that book was written; because, conversely, women have access to that… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

kfg. What’s your physical condition(s) / disability(-ies) ?

Well, ,no one has ever actually seen kfg but here is one artistic rendition….
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…but only when he’s angry.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

kfg. You previously implied you had a condition of some kind. Your reply made no sense.

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4 years ago

Liz. An obvious woman’s name. Who the hell is Johnny Rotten? You’re spending too much time watching TV, when you could be working on tightening up your flabs at the gym. Your goal as a woman should be to look like you’re wearing spanks and girdles all the time, only without the spanks and girdles. EI. You’re too concerned about who somebody is. I don’t have the time to put my life story on the internet. And even if I did, I wouldn’t. Only fools put up personal information on the internet. You can listen to sound advice that makes… Read more »

4 years ago

Anonymous Reader. You’re a dip shit. Nobody knows what your stupid pictures are referring to. Get a grip.

4 years ago


Hey Coolio,

What do all your guy friends think of you in real life, while you are swole-ing it up and making your millions and directing your sons to be strong, courageous and masterful?

You must have great dinner parties and out on the town get to-gethers to talk strategy.

Good for you. Go along to get along…

Peace, dude. You’re black, right?

4 years ago

” You really do need to get off your computer and start meeting real girls in the real world. Plough through and make the mistakes so you can post real advice about how the girls of tomorrow see “alpha” and the man of tomorrow.” …. I can’t… Wtf??? 1) I make a living on ” my computer “. 2) I never stopped” meeting girls ” . That how I can laugh at all that other stuff you typed. Look, men have different lives and different experiences. I’d guess you were in a relationship or something for a long time, and… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blaximus Deep breaths dude.. It’s not all about you. But when a guy here posts a serious question and you respond by talking about something you did IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! How exactly is that relevant? Shit changes quickly and unless you’re in it and meeting people and gaming women and going out….your high school experiences are….like most of your posts…. quaint. You really don’t know how young girls think and act and what motivates them. It’s not what you remember back in your Fast Times at Ridgemont High days… Shit’s changed dude.. You need to change with it and experience… Read more »

4 years ago

@Palma A few ways I meet younger girls: the usual bar/street action. There’s a few ladies’ nights that attract a more professional younger crowd. Go dressed up and open. IOI’s everywhere. Second is through my DJing and Latin Dance circle. This is immediately helps to differentiate you by DHV. But it’s also a personal passion of mine so girls immediately get that in their attraction switch: Leader of Men and Pre-selected by other women who always come by to ask a question or dance or say “hi”. If you can pull off the ZFG and suave older dude vibe, as… Read more »

4 years ago

SJF. You’re are about as sharp as a bag full of donuts. I never said anything about having any sons. Me and my friends don’t go to dinner parties. We’re too busy doing other stuff. Go along to get along ? What the fuck are you even talking about. And there you go again with that black thing. You keep wondering if I’m black. You seem to be hyper focused on black people. There’s something wrong with your brain. I recommend you lay off the booze and the drugs. Palmasailor. Nice try – trying to get my age out of… Read more »

4 years ago

@Palma “A switch went in my head a couple of years ago and most age appropriate ones totally turn me off even though they’re queuing at my door more or less.” Totally understand this and it did in mine too around 10 years ago. My friends are lowering their standards by aiming for MILFS and the ones lining up at your door…. That Groucho Marx line about “you’re only as young as the woman you feel” is true. But some things to watch for: don’t lower your standards for younger girls either. Lots of younger girls are 5’s and 6’s..… Read more »

4 years ago

Coolio Why are you spending too much time on the internet? I already banked 1.3 million in my 401K. Are we good yet? How you pose. What else you got? Go along to get along ? What the fuck are you even talking about. And there you go again with that black thing. You keep wondering if I’m black. You seem to be hyper focused on black people. There’s something wrong with your brain. I recommend you lay off the booze and the drugs. My brain is fine. Yours can’t be tested. We’ve already been through that. No booze here.… Read more »

4 years ago

And God forbid, I’ve been married for 29 years, Coolio.

Yeah, and she’s a good fuck, three to four times a week. With a good form, fit, figure and face.

Go figure, how the fuck did that happen?

And the two golden children?

And you are top 1%? Good luck with that buddy. Got it all figured out, right?

Ramble on pontificating, dude. Go for it…

4 years ago

Coolio, “I choose to conceal” The point is this, boy: If you conceal here you conceal a lot more IRL. You are weak. I mean nothing you say can be considered legit as you literally are scared to be yourself. You come here, tell us your opinion, demand acceptance. You can not do that IRL. You don’t do that IRL as you fear social rejection and attendant loss of security. You, Coolio, are a pussy. I mean, physically, emotionally, mentally weak boy posing. How long you think that’ll last, you social retard. You try to pull this behavior anywhere else… Read more »

4 years ago

Coolio as Hulk, Jonny Rotten? Oh fuck no this phony deserves no such credit.

What type of guy hangs out masochisticly an anonymously online baiting insults?

Oh yeah this unknown wretch:


4 years ago

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wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Coolio could be the Scribbler.

4 years ago

Nah. Scribbler was as honest as the day is long. High Horse Kacey Musgraves Oh, I bet you think you’re John Wayne Showing up and shooting down everybody You’re classic in the wrong way And we all know the end of the story ‘Cause everyone knows someone who kills the buzz Every time they open up their mouth Yeah, everyone knows someone who knows someone Who thinks they’re cooler than everybody else And I think we’ve seen enough, seen enough To know that you ain’t ever gonna come down So, why don’t you giddy up, giddy up And ride straight… Read more »

4 years ago

@ wahoo Good analogy and here’s why both struggle for acceptance on- and offline: They look to improve others but not themselves. They tacitly admit a need for improvement though stop short of examining their own failures for fear of loss of ego. Because the Gimp and Rage Man have externalized their egos here and IRL they believe they are improving the world. They value their ego thus seeing it IRT publicly they value it there too and are offended when other’s define their strength as weakness, which it is. It’s not expanding one’s consequence. It’s collapsing it. Those two… Read more »

4 years ago

What age did you make your first Mil then?

He was five. By age 18 he’d gathered 100 million.
Then, he went online and started telling people how smart and rich and successful he is, choosing the handle “Coolio”. If only we were all as successful, rich, and smart as this person obviously is…But alas, I’m just grateful for the cyber contact of a really (self described) successful smart rich person.
Thank goodness everything everyone says on the internet is true.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

SJF, Scribs speaks his mind. As a matter of course we need to honest with ourselves above all else. He did allude to his ability to write different personas and went so far as to accuse Rollo of doing the same. EH, I was reffering to the theme of “get of the net” ” go fuck some 9s & 10s” “you guys are dumb” ” I make tons of money” ect. The only real difference is the “go to the gym” order. I can see your point of the small man syndrome showing up in both styles,I started ignoring this… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blaximus, I’m a newbie in regards to the manosphere having found the rational male 2 years ago. I have read all of the material Rollo provides here and I must say that for men it can be life changing. I really enjoy the comments as much as the articles and the last exchange between yourself and walawa was interesting because it demonstrates how 2 men can see the same thing and have two different levels of realisation. The idea that men who I assume read rational male can still harbor a level of obsession with young women to the point… Read more »

4 years ago

“they are just girls [with better bodies]”
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But beside that. Yeah they are just girls 😀

4 years ago

Certain “red pill” characters such as Coolie just don’t see the irony, they become parodies of themselves without even realizing it. Lift, Money, Girls , Guns, Jeeps, etc. The obsession with younger women continues unabated, once again showing a non complete understanding of women to begin with. Nothing wrong with bedding them but they don’t offer much beyond that, in fact takes more management. The allusion that they offer more than the physical is where the hang up happens, it’s putting them on a pedestal. With regards to being honest with yourself, that’s the first step and most don’t even… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Foxguy I think the pedestal stuff is borne of a level of desperation. The pictures above show the level of maturity of a young man and that’s fine . Young men have been raised with porn everywhere and they are conditioned to worship the female form, particularly young females. All of current society is geared towards women and subservience of men and young men are easy and highly maliable targets. In reality a woman’s body has nothing at all to do with you or me and it’s only pertinent if men react in ways that pay higher levels of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

HammerSmith I think the pedestal stuff is borne of a level of desperation. No. Boys are trained in the West from an early age to put women above them. It is an aspect of the Cult of Courtly Love that dates back centuries. Young men have been raised with porn everywhere and they are conditioned to worship the female form, particularly young females. Lol. You have cause and effect reversed. Men have admired young women since forever. It’s biological. It’s chemical. Porn exists because men are attracted to young pretty girls and therefore will buy / click stuff. Porn exploits… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

wahoo McDaniels
Coolio could be the Scribbler.

Coolio’s just a noob.

4 years ago

Hammer, “In reality a woman’s body has nothing at all to do with you or me and it’s only pertinent if men react in ways that pay higher levels of unearned homage. The key being Unearned Homage .” Yeah this is one of the key issues, and it’s one of the key issues in my opinion with regards to the red pill unearned homage to young women. I could understand it if guys where actually reproducing with them as that would increase the possibility of a healthy baby, in other words a concrete outcome but they aren’t as it’s too… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

No woman, young or old should be put on a pedestal not even your mom,

Of course. Because if “they are all just girls” then mothers are “just girls”, too.

All women shit-test. Mothers are women. Therefore mothers shit test men around them, including sons and even grandsons. Seems obvious, but the first time you actually notice what’s going on it can make yer eyes hurt.

4 years ago

“There were two overweight girls in a bar that said they were going back to their room and “was I coming” – problem there was that one of them smelt too bad and I just couldn’t stomach it

lol. THAT was the problem? 😆

4 years ago

@Palma “I just missed the signals I would never miss with older women because my brain just hasn’t been programmed to see them.” It happens. I get an IOI on the train and don’t act on it because I’m in shorts or sweats… I’m out at the bar and get an IOI and don’t follow up because the girl’s a bit fat. Or sometimes I’m not in “game mode” and this slips by. I’ve tried to get around that by internalizing the vibe and always being ready to open. The other notable difference with some younger girls is they are… Read more »

4 years ago

@ HammerSmith “Young men have been raised with porn everywhere and they are conditioned to worship the female form, particularly young females.” You are correct. Natural desires….I’m not sure exactly what AR is referring to…perhaps he means evo-bio…if so it doesn’t work that way for humans…dog porn doesn’t work on evo-bio-all-the-time dogs. So there’s something else going on with humans and porn that we respond to something other than the real thing. This conversation smacks of the sexual education debate, btw. A house labeled “Danger: typhoid fever within” doesn’t attract passersby. “Danger: naked women inside” sure would (what could be… Read more »

4 years ago

Palma It’s a blind spot, I’m not seeing the wood for the fucking trees and my calibration sucks. I need loads and loads more time in the saddle with younger women just pinging it until I find the sweet spot and I think I’ll knock them over like skittles. You can work the daylight hours as well. With the added benefit it fits into your day. Just go post up in a coffee place near a uni or some other concentration and game away. Game isn’t only night and bars. Even if you don’t close these girls more reps will… Read more »

4 years ago

““married sister” wanted a threesome.”

@ Palma

Clarify if she meant her husband and you and her or something else.

4 years ago

Feldman ups the ante…

“Men: Your #1 sex organ is your eyes. What you see goes right from your brain to your junk.

But that’s not true for her.

Her #1 sex organ is her heart. What she feels about you is what turns her on.

Your six-pack is meaningless if you behave like an asshole.”

4 years ago

and Bruno hides in plain sight again…

Only in Pennsylvania is there a game called cornhole.
When I was growing up, that was a term for, uh, something else.

4 years ago

“If you feel that the version of TRP you’ve been following, hasn’t worked for you and you just sense your outlook spiraling down…
I can share w u some new perspective that has hope, positivity, & optimism

Please DM me.
100% confidential guaranteed.”

Hmmmmmm. You would think someone so committed to helping men might share this “secret message” with his audience…

4 years ago

‘it was her that wanted the threesome.”

@ Palma

What type of threesome? Women can have FFM threesomes easy enough without asking random strangers.

4 years ago

” What type of threesome? Women can have FFM threesomes easy enough without asking random strangers..”

I won’t say nuffin’ because it’s personal.


But that’s true, FFM threesomes are probably the most common.

4 years ago

“All women shit-test. Mothers are women. Therefore mothers shit test men around them, including sons and even grandsons. Seems obvious, but the first time you actually notice what’s going on it can make yer eyes hurt”.

It really gets your nogging joggin when you consider all those boys who shoot up schools and their general lack of father involvement in their lives. It’s almost as if part of male responsibility is to tell women to stfu when they’re being too socially testy.

4 years ago

Hammersmith – “The idea that men who I assume read rational male can still harbor a level of obsession with young women to the point of proclamations that pursuit of them is any kind of pinnacle is troubling. Young women are fun to spend time with depending on how much you obsess over them. I have friends with benefits that are in their twenties and I turned 60 earlier this year. They are fun mostly because they are energetic , as am I. I don’t think heavily about them though . You say they are just girls and that is… Read more »

4 years ago

I stopped by for a cup of coffee, and I couldn’t help but notice that a lot of people seem to be fired up about Coolio since last night. Might take me several days to get through all the comments. I don’t sit here for too long. Got stuff to do. SJF. I see where you wrote me a nice poem. Must have taken you awhile. Thanks. I had no idea you had such deep feelings. But you still need to work on that obsession with black people. You might want to try some mood stabilizers. EI. You’re too hyper… Read more »

4 years ago

Liz. You jokingly eluded to the fact that people shouldn’t believe everything on the internet. Absolutely correct. That’s why it’s useless to put up any details of your life. You can make that shit up all day long. But what you can’t make up is sound advice. If something sounds like it makes sense, then it probably does, and it doesn’t matter who said it.

4 years ago

“There’s no telling what somebody like you would do with it.” The Giimp is exactly the guy you never trust in a fight or with money or the truth. He’s invertebrate. I don’t blame him. He’s never had spine thus he’s never known he hasn’t but says he does and yet lies there immobile. Single mom, no father figure, daddy issues. Gimp is a paper-thin caricature of manhood. Lol. He doesn’t grok he’s a wonderful example of slow-motion implosion. Oh God in heaven, I pray this retard man-boy never leaves. Juxtapose Gimp to YoungShagger. Which one was ZFG, acted on… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I stopped by for a cup of coffee, and I couldn’t help but notice that a lot of people seem to be fired up about Coolio since last night.

Sure thing, Cap’n Try Hard. You go right on believing that.

Ed Bernays and Norm Peale called up, said yer doing it all wrong. Those two don’t usually agree on very much.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
4 years ago

Blax In fact, all of y’all ” older ” gentlemen need to weigh in ( long time lurkers included ). What is your opinion of this ” you haven’t lived life unless your banging a 20 something year old hottie “? Perhaps ironically, I believed this until I was introduced to TRM and other manosphere sites. The lessons of the sphere are to shed the yoke and blinders, and become your own man. To whatever level you can bear or make it work, you stop using anyone else’s measuring stick and use your own. TRM can help you orient and… Read more »

4 years ago

EI. There you go again. Every time you open your mouth, you confirm what I’m telling you. You’re too concerned about the details of other people’s lives. To the point of making shit up that’s not even happening. If you were shooting at a target, you wouldn’t have hit anything. Scroll up a little bit. Some guy mentioned something to you about a threesome – which was a mistake to begin with. He shouldn’t care whether you know that or not. But then you ask for details about the threesome. Extremely strange and weird. You need to get out of… Read more »

4 years ago

Why does a man get down on one knee to propose marriage to a woman?
So he can speak to the heart of the matter.

4 years ago

Anonymous Reader. Am I supposed to know who Ed Bernays and Norm Peale are ? I don’t. And I couldn’t care less what they think. But you obviously care what they think – when you shouldn’t be caring about what anybody else thinks.

4 years ago

Pro Tip, working on your body is as essential as working on your mind.

4 years ago

Blaximus. (Peale and Bernays) Pro Tip, working on your body is as essential as working on your mind.

Absolutely correct. I’ve still never heard of them, and I’m not going to bother looking them up. Like I said before. It doesn’t matter who comes up with the good advice. Going out and making it work for you is all that matters. I’ve been doing that my entire life. Sound advice is sound advice. It doesn’t matter where it came from.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Re-inventing the wheel: not always as easy as it looks.
comment image?itok=A5JkYKUu

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I’ve still never heard of them, and I’m not going to bother looking them up. Like I said before. It doesn’t matter who comes up with the good advice. Going out and making it work for you is all that matters

Self-contradict much?

4 years ago

The Gimp measures himself with himself and unsurprisingly always measures up.

The Gimp at the gym watches someone bench 400#. The Gimp says to himself and anyone who’ll listen “I can do that.”

All talk, no action. Odd The Gimp hasn’t an idea how hokey The Gimp appears. Oh right, The Gimp has nothing to compare himself to but himself.

I did enjoy the one bonafide he shared….”education completed”. Lol. He’s learned it all…I looove The Gimp. What will he say next?

The Gimp’s got the irrational confidence thing down like crazy.

4 years ago

Nostalgia…what young girls do when they are trying to get older men’s attention. A U-21 college student recently told me that she had watched a WW2 movie (“Inglorious Bastards”) . Total fantasy movie, but she didn’t know that…probably didn’t watch the movie and just wanted my attention.

4 years ago

Anonymous Reader. You’re not making any sense. But I can see that you’re online buddies with EI – so the fact that you don’t make any sense actually makes some sense. Be specific. What the hell are you talking about ? I’m starting to get the impression that you and this EI guy are a couple of teenagers that never leave your parent’s basement. You’re both extremely weird. You’ve got way too much time on your hands if you’re spending it looking for pictures to communicate, especially when the pictures don’t make any sense to anybody except you and other… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

If only Great Books For Men would show up…

4 years ago

“Measure yourself against yourself. You might have to think about that for awhile.”

The Gimp weighs himself with a tape measure.

4 years ago

“But I can see that you’re online buddies with EI –”

LMFAO. GOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. AR and I are bff’s. Good call. He taught me my best moves. AR was my undergrad mentor at a Midwest redbrick college.

We coffee twice weekly yet even.

AR, we’re on for next Tuesday, as always?

4 years ago

EI. Your words don’t make any sense. Re-read your own words. And it’s obvious you couldn’t digest what I was telling you. I even predicted that you wouldn’t get it. And – you didn’t. In your case, you need to think about it for a very, very long time. It doesn’t have anything to do with anything anybody else is doing. It has to do with what you are doing, and pushing yourself to do more – for you – not for somebody else – or because you’re trying to keep up with what somebody else is doing. It’s about… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

AR, we’re on for next Tuesday, as always?

Sure, no prob. One thing – if you have two cuppas the second has to be decaf.

4 years ago

“if you have two cuppas the second has to be decaf”

As always.

I’m in it for the convo. It’s not about coffee. Yet I’m a purist as you know….after 10 AM no milk.

4 years ago

“You – should continuously be trying to outdo – you.”

Neat-o, The Gimp is officially the TRM resident Tony Robbins.

I’m must shape a new frontier in this very IRT living-in-this-moment of meeting of preparation with opportunity decision. LikE. RigHT. NOW!!!!.

4 years ago

EI. You actually accomplished outdoing you. You make yourself out to be more of a fool every time you open your mouth.

4 years ago

When looking around, it appears to me as if men are in a state of artificially created mass psychosis regarding women.

And is not just about individuals. It is as if their collective energy is influenced by their feminist conditioning.

The behaviour and energy of the men around you affects you, too: even if you feel brave to be unapologetically masculine with women, somehow this collective attitude prevents you to act it out.

Unless you took the Red Pill, and you already do not give a f*ck.

4 years ago

The Gimp fears exposure and competition as there’s no there there.

The Gimp is his own judge handing down light sentences of time in the squat rack and lectures of money is important.


Oh j sends me porn. He’s reeeeealy sweet on me now. At first it was ” I don’t even read your comments, brah.”

Translation: I’m accurate re: j’s incel life.

4 years ago

The thing with porn is this….it not about naughty or nice…

If j isn’t benefitting monetarily from his obvious porn obsession (so much so he think there’s shock value to it, how lame) it is a frame collapse.

I’ve no doubt he needs validation. Tough spot to be in, always beggaring.

4 years ago

Whoever that is in the imgur needs to buy some furnishings and get the mattress off of the floor unless he’s a poor frat boy . Is this what the current generation considers having sex? Is this how many young men live today?

4 years ago

Looksmaxxing is.expensive.😁

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Looksmaxxing is expensive

Yet Abricombie & Fitch isn’t doing well. Go figure. a

4 years ago


Brick and mortar stores are mostly on life support. The A&F kids are moving along to the next thing/fad.

4 years ago

@ Blaximus

I’m seeing something worse than just arrested development .

4 years ago
4 years ago

I used to like A&F, but they went broke in the 70s when going on safari fell out of fashion. Never had much use for its skinsuit.

4 years ago

Worst part of this? All you fucking pussies who play ball with women’s delusional sense of their own worth and power make it much harder for the rest of us who don’t put up with any of that bullshit. Worst of the worst? The white knights who undermine actual independent men who know their own worth. Saddest? None of this gets the pussy boy or the white knight laid, but he does get the satisfaction of being seen as a “good guy”. And if he does happen to get laid, it’s sympathy sex. Like even if he does try to… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Everyone.

Do you encounter many young 8’s and 9’s?

I don’t see a lot of them up close and personal . I currently have 2 friends with benefits 1 23 and the other 30. I would say that they are 6 and 7 which I think is well above average . They’re very pretty girls with great bodies.

But I’d say I’ve never saw an honest to goodness 9 anywhere.

4 years ago


You’re wasting your time. 90%+ of the people that come to this website have their head up their ass and locked in place – the key got thrown away – and the key can’t be found. Their heads are permanently stuffed up their ass.

Watch and see.

It’s only a matter of time before one of them pipes in and says something stupid.

4 years ago


Go check some of the comments I’ve left on here for the last couple of days – and then look at the responses that come back.

You’ll see what I mean.

4 years ago

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