The Wrong Girl

“You just married the wrong girl mate.”

“You must be attracting the wrong kind of women.”

“Not all women are like that, you need to go places where the quality women are.”

“Those girls are just damaged.”

Fortune cookie, non-comital internet “wisdom” like this abounds on Twitter and in the self-improvement sphere today.

I read a lot of these rationales from women and male allies whenever a guy makes a general, empirical, but unflattering, point about the nature of women. Even casual observations or questions about this nature are met with subjective answers that put the blame of asking back on the guy. There must be something wrong with you for even making mention of it.

As I mentioned in my last post, there’s a kind of ‘talking past’ one another when it comes to believers vs. empiricists. Notice that all of these common dismissals are based on value judgements. The nature of the conversation between these mindsets begins in the misunderstanding that both are focusing on a mutual goal.

People resort to denial when recognizing that the truth would destroy something they hold dear. In the case of a cheating partner, denial lets you avoid acknowledging evidence of your own humiliation. Short of catching a spouse in bed with your best friend, evidence of infidelity is usually ambiguous. Itā€™s motivated skepticism. Youā€™re more skeptical of things you donā€™t want to believe and demand a higher level of proof.

Denial is unconscious, or it wouldnā€™t work: if you know youā€™re closing your eyes to the truth, some part of you knows what the truth is and denial canā€™t perform its protective function.

One thing we all struggle to protect is a positive self-image. The more important the aspect of your self-image thatā€™s challenged by the truth, the more likely you are to go into a state of denial. If you have a strong sense of self-worth and competence your self-image can take hits but remain largely intact; if youā€™re beset by self-doubt (a hallmark of self-righteous Beta thinking), however, any acknowledgment of failure can be devastating and any admission of error painful to the point of being unthinkable. Self-justification and denial arise from the dissonance between believing youā€™re competent, and making a mistake, which clashes with that image.

Solution: deny the mistake.

Denial, July 11, 2012

The ideology of personal responsibility is the Swiss army knife of subjectivist rationalization. “Extreme Ownership” is a lot like the “just be yourself” non-response people will give you when they don’t know what to tell you about your lack of Game. It sounds like wisdom, but it’s really based on the presumption of knowing a guy must always find fault in himself before any other consideration. Guys rarely struggle with overconfidence, but tell him the solution to his problems lies in him self-deprecating more and that he can get behind.

In this subjectivism there are no outside variables. There is no intentional maliciousness from others, or extenuating circumstances, only how you react to them and what you did to bring them on yourself. All the blame for anyone’s bad condition rests on the shoulders of the individual:

  • Your life is fucked up? Your fault.
  • Your Game/relationships suck? Your fault for tolerating it.
  • You think women are one way ā€“ a way counter to the popular norm? You’re just meeting the ‘wrong kind of women’.

Again, value judgements replace objectivity. If your life sucks it’s real easy to presume the individual is the cause of the suck. And any analysis (even the desire to objectively analyze) of other people’s will, motives or outside circumstance is always an excuse; a redirection away from owning the suck yourself.

Maybe that person was the ‘right‘ one all along, you just were the wrong one for her? Self-doubt is a key element in subjectivism.

Your Game/relationships suck? Your fault for tolerating it. You think women are one way ā€“ a way counter to the popular norm? You’re just meeting the ‘wrong kind of women’. Again, value judgements replace objectivity. There’s no such thing as a general truth when your grasp of human nature is that, subjectively, everyone is a random unknowable snowflake. “People are people, man. Everybody’s different. If you think different it’s because you’re judgmental.

Own It

The popularity of ‘Success Porn‘ online today depends heavily on this self-evincing subjective ownership. It’s far easier to solve a person’s problems if he’s the source of his problems rather than the particulars of his circumstances. The Tony Robbins of the world have raised this to an art form. Owning your faults locks in very well with stoicism, but too much stoicism and you cancel out the emotional high that you need in an adherent to get pumped on your motivational speaking.

Guys who ‘go black pill‘ are the opposite extreme of this. Black Pill as a movement focuses on objective realities to such an extreme degree that nihilism defines it. But that nihilism is also a necessary part of subjectivism.

It gets a lot wrong in the problem solving department, but what Black Pill gets right is their understanding of the shifting of causality. For Success Porn gurus, optimism is an easy sell in an age of negativity. So maintaining the idea of an endemic negativity in the culture is a necessary part of the ‘rise above it‘ mantra. You don’t have to actually defeat anyone else today, you have to defeat the worst parts of yourself. It’s much easier when there’s no real external opposition and it’s just you against you.

All the salesmen of the “feel-good pill” have an ironclad rationale; people are the source of their own misery. ‘Own your problems’ is a go-to answer because it gets the salesman off the hook with respect to actually analyzing and solving anyone’s problems.

This is the counselor’s dilemma: Most people’s internal struggles are personal to them and require a personal understanding and interaction on the part of the counselor. That kind of personal investment is tough to do when you’ve got 10,000 people in a concert hall all begging for you to solve their unique set of problems. Thus, finding a way to convince the majority of a commonality in their personal problems with those of everyone else is necessary. Personalized subjectivism fills this need for the believers, but it has to have a common root that everyone can commiserate around ā€“ me against me.

Subjectivism, social constructionism and blank-slate egalitarianism are the -isms that have defined western cultures and their thinking for the past 60 years. Now, I know the tone of all this seems like I’m picking on Trad-Cons or the new wave of Manosphere Moralism today, but it’s also a mistake not to highlight just how this subjectivism pervades the ideologies of the Village, social justice, intersectional feminism and religion steeped in the Feminine Imperative today.

One common theme I see in researching how feminism and the Feminine Imperative are assimilating mainstream religions is where almost all of them end up ā€“ this same, all-is-one subjectivist belief set. In every instance of the Feminine Imperative assuming control of a faith, that faith is converted to unitarian tolerance, then acceptance, of elements that religion was opposed to in its prior iteration. Clear, distinct, articles of faith are replaced with an unconditional doctrine of inclusiveness that homogenizes separate faiths into one global faith based on the ‘cult of love’.

In my upcoming book, Religion, I detail this ‘cult of love’ and it’s end-goal of creating a unitary world-faith that’s dependent on the Feminine Imperative defining it. For now, its enough to consider that this push towards a one-world religion will find its foundation in the same subjectivism we’re seeing clash with objectivism in the ‘sphere today.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Yes, and as you point out it’s both macro and micro. We are told that traditional (masculine) western culture is not any better than anything else out there, and probably worse due to massive historical sins. Students in college are brainwashed to deride masculinity, and western civilization built by men. On the personal level, most people, media, and the current culture tell us no person is better than anyone else, and how dare you judge. In fact, trying to be objective is naughty and makes you the bad person. People have told me their experience is valid, despite it being,… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Andrea Tate is wrong for me,at first glance her legs look to be crossed after more study she is definitely manspreading and I can’t find her attractive. Having already been down the road of total ego deflation,to the point of loss of motivation. Then rebuilding into someone without regrets the freedom I have scares some,the lack of self deprecation scares some. The women need a man to confess and beg forgiveness but only for alpha crimes. The men need to police each other and be policed in order to fit in,as they don’t, can’t fit in and maintain a pair.… Read more »

4 years ago

Essays like this are why I read what Rollo writes. The first half just sounds like it I’d giving ammo to the black pilled mgtows, but that doesn’t matter, because seeking the truth is more important than starving or feeding any particular ideology.

Some problems aren’t your fault. But a man still has to make the best decisions he can in whatever situation he is in if he wants to move past the problems.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“You chose poorly” is a static analysis that doesn’t take into account the fact that people change over time in both good and bad ways.

Of course “Sux to be you” is so much easier than actually trying to help someone. It’s also much, much easier than actually thinking. Therefore it is popular.

Peter hauer
Peter hauer
4 years ago

Womenā€™s basic insticts are dangerous enough that we need to ask:

4 years ago

Christian churches today are going globo-homo with their rainbow flags hanging in clear display along major roads. Messages and signs talking about “we are all one” and “love everybody” is a nice inconspicuous disguise for this globo-homo agenda in churches today. Like Rollo said, the feminine imperative and sisterhood is making Christian churches a globalist front, just like corporations have been doing for years already. The globalists don’t like cultural traditions and individualism because they want to destroy all identity. I guess this was part of the new world order all along.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

In every instance of the Feminine Imperative assuming control of a faith, that faith is converted to unitarian tolerance, then acceptance, of elements that religion was opposed to in its prior iteration.

This can easily be seen in church after church, across multiple denominations. It will be interesting to see how World War T plays out, because it’s one thing to accept sweater gays and lipstick lesbians, it’s another different thing to welcome men in dresses.

4 years ago

“male allies”


A nicer way of describing males who attempt to curry favor with women in the hope of being able to get sex from them, such allegiances rarely if ever work and only advertise how low down the hierarchy these males must really be.

4 years ago

On the plus side when talking to women about why past relationships didn’t work out I do say “She wasn’t the right girl for me…”

While I say this knowing there is no “one” it’s usually enough to spark a girl’s hamster and her hypergamous nature will see me as a higher value guy she wants to “win” over…

Try is some time….tell a girl “You’re all WRONG for me…” watch how their hamster suddenly explodes and they start qualifying themselves.

4 years ago

I’m sorry bro but you sound more and more like an autist with every passing year. No wonder they booted you from the 21. U wanna talk black pill nihilist objective extreme, take a look in the mirror.

4 years ago

@ Lel

Troll harder.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago
4 years ago

In my upcoming book, Religion, I detail this ā€˜cult of loveā€™ and itā€™s end-goal of creating a unitary world-faith thatā€™s dependent on the Feminine Imperative defining it.

When is this book going to be available. I would love to read it. I can’t wait.
I’m in constant conflict with the Great Whore, goddess cult, cunt worshipers, Christian Feminists, or whatever you call what our churches have become.

4 years ago

Those comments by “LawyerGirlMiami” were so deep. She is probably an “educated” lawyer too. This is what you get when you empower women. These Jerry Springer types are the majority. Rap music, Nike shoes and chicken tenders y’all. We are the aliens, they are actually the normal “normies” people now. Their world makes perfect sense to them. And it’s all good!

4 years ago

*Clear, distinct, articles of faith are replaced with an unconditional doctrine of inclusiveness that homogenizes separate faiths into one global faith based on the ā€˜cult of loveā€™. * As an atheist, when I point this out, I always get agreement from the religious conservatives I talk to. And then that’s immediately followed by the whiplash of backfire when they attempt to claim that a return to religious conservatism, or worse yet, puritan values, would magically make everything right with the world again. I do what I can to point out that it isn’t the subversion of their specific flavor of… Read more »

4 years ago

They are ALL The wrong girl until they get themselves straight for the Right Alpha.
Even then the change isnā€™t usually permanent.

4 years ago

@Rollo: I used to see a lot of this (and it is still there) in MRP reddit. I have to say major props to several of the great commentators there (at least when I used to frequent it), but at some stage Red Pill does go beyond just “AWALT” and “Own your shit”. Certainly there is indeed a very big share of my (past) behavior that lead, say, my wife to where she is at right now… OTOH, as @Sentient went through… I wanted to see if it really was just me or if it was her. I was never… Read more »

4 years ago

I detail this ā€˜cult of loveā€™ and itā€™s end-goal of creating a unitary world-faith thatā€™s dependent on the Feminine Imperative defining it. For now, its enough to consider

it’s end goal -> its end goal
its enough to -> it’s enough to

4 years ago

The message ” own your shit ” is a perfect message for young men. Full stop. The problem is when that message becomes some sort of mass media self help chant. That doesn’t mean men shouldn’t understand that in the end, they are responsible for where they find themselves in life. Owning your shit also encompasses having the knowledge and understanding of ” forces ” and mechanisms aligned against you and your objectives and well being. That’s your duty. Churches, clubs, social status, money, big dick…none of this means anything until a man can pull his head out of the… Read more »

4 years ago

IAS Don’t discount that your plates have yet to see any beta behaviors from you. Steep them in a few years of that, then see how alpha they think you are. Familiarity can breed contempt… Which leads back to burden. What is burden other than owning your shit? So in a relationship reset, those less familiar with you may see your alpha much more clearly and quicker than your LTR… Takes her a while and usually takes preselection from other women to really open her eyes. Then she has to test if it is real or a hoax. AWALT is… Read more »

4 years ago


“Christian churches today are going globo-homo with their rainbow flags hanging in clear display along major roads. Messages and signs talking about ā€œwe are all oneā€ and ā€œlove everybodyā€ is a nice inconspicuous disguise for this globo-homo agenda in churches today.”

You also can’t divorce leftist/Marxist/Equalist politics from this religion.

Fervor… Fanaticism and ultimately deadly violence for the unbelievers is what’s in store.

Doubt this? Spend some time in a large Pride Parade or kids that gathering.

We are going to face Trigglypuffs with full auto weapons.

4 years ago

On “wrong girls”….

Um yeah there are definitely wrong girls. And those girls aren’t very mysterious.

Red flags are real.

Most divorces I encounter were obvi from the start. Some to the point where bets were placed at the wedding.

4 years ago

“Kids that” should read “pussy hat”…

4 years ago

@Rollo. Well written. This is right up my street. I found it vey interesting when you wrote about Self Help Gurus and Stoicism. From an APA point of view Stoicism is bad. From a Self Help guru, who is hawking his services, Stoicism it is good. Both are wrong. Stoicism is neither good nor bad and that is the point. Many, many online Positive help salesman are just full of empty platitudes. For example. ‘Happiness is a choice. So, today choose to be happy’. That means absolutely nothing. it is just a strap line. ‘Self mastery’ is a big buzzword… Read more »

4 years ago

“Fortune cookie, non-comital internet ā€œwisdomā€ like this abounds on Twitter and in the self-improvement sphere today.”

Well isn’t that great with social media? Now people with that kind of thighs and way of exposing them can share their thinking to crowds ā€” crowds interested in their thi…nking ofc.

Similar mechanics at play in academy too ā€” since persons with that kind of thi…nking are in plenty of teaching positions in academy too (lower education grades it’s a given, those are nearly occupied by thi…nkers like those; I mean like that one.

4 years ago

“We are going to face Trigglypuffs with full auto weapons.”

That will be some unpleasantness to deal with, but isn’t the real problem. The real problem is that behind the first wave of Trigglypuffs will be a developing Che.

4 years ago

“Um yeah there are definitely wrong girls.

“Most divorces I encounter were obvi from the start. Some to the point where bets were placed at the wedding.”


“There is no wrong girl, there are just girls.”

and blax knows this too (why go about vetting, if they’re all just girls, hmm?). but doesn’t want to disagree with rollo.

Very dangerous message you’re sending to fresh red pill newbies with this op.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

There was someone named LawyerGirlMiami here? I don’t see a comment.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

There’s a difference between vetting for willingness an controlling against vindictive behavior.

4 years ago

“Very dangerous message youā€™re sending to fresh red pill newbies with this op.”

I’m not sure what the message he is sending to newbies is. It seems to be a backlash about watch carefully the Balkanized messages being sent by content providers in a Red Pill space on the internet. There is a lot of Noise out there.

Idealizations, Social Conventions, The Matrix and All…

It’s more about getting a clear self-development signal without all the fucking noise.

4 years ago

J A man must vet according to his skill/ability and what he wants. Some men can tame the wildest of bitches, most men cannot and should stay light years away from them, but still,they are all girls. A vast majority of men, particularly young men…ahem…. Don’t vet or don’t get properly. Who’s fault is that? My brother in law told me a few years back that he’d bet that my marriage with his sister wouldn’t last long at all, because he thought no sane man could out up with her ” strongheadedness ” and mean streak. Same story with my… Read more »

4 years ago

“heā€™d bet that my marriage with his sister wouldnā€™t last long at all, because he thought no sane man could out up with her ā€ strongheadedness ā€ and mean streak” Strong personality /= background/upbringing. You choose your wife (besides her hottness) because you knew how she was raised. Her values aligned with yours. and throughout courtship, demonstrated qualities such as loyalty, maturity, and trustworthiness among other desirable traits suitable for long term partnership. She is the right kind of girl for that. If she’d demonstrate the opposite of those qualities (disloyality, immaturity, untrustworthy etc.,) then you’d know she’s not cut… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m not big on pretense.

What makes a chick untrustworthy? Everything has a reason. Understanding the reasons serves a man well, especially later in life if his girl suddenly changes and becomes disloyal and untrustworthy – because these things have reasons.

Bpd not included….Like batteries.

4 years ago

A follow up to this post might be: “Some Assembly Required.” All girls are “The Wrong Girl” to some degree and all girls require training for them to behave like you want. The training inherently teaches them to accept your frame (i.e., submit). You have to gauge each girl to figure out what training she requires. I ran into a buddy last night and he told me about his crazy ex. She had another boyfriend while she was his gf and there was “Let’s you and him fight” drama. Then she stalked him after he didn’t wanna have anything to… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

This is a pretty good class for vetting.

Max Cantor
4 years ago

Very good, Rollo.

That biatch , LawyerGirlMiami, evidently is trying to mulch of Andrew Tate’s name and online fame. See how she swings the right and wrong girl concept, in direct violation of ROLLO’S NUMBER ONE RULE, which is There is No one [inserted: right] girl. Nice try, girl ! Better luck next time. [Hint: go take a hike].

NTS: Anytime you take a “hint” from a woman you fail. (NTS =Note To Self]

Until next time.

Your man,

Max Cantor

4 years ago

Rollo, am I understanding you correctly? This is my attempted interpretation of what you just dropped: If reality hurts because you are beta, then how do you deal with this? Denial of reality. Denial of the fact that reality is a mixture of your control/out of your control. This can either be in the form of Black Pill ā€œall nature no nurtureā€, where you abdicate all responsibility because itā€™s not your fault, and you therefore feel better about yourself. But it can also take the form of tabula rasa ā€œall nurture no natureā€, where any defects you have are the… Read more »

4 years ago

“What makes a chick untrustworthy?” Catching them in lies for one thing Her telling someone else, shit you explicitly told her NOT to tell anyone. Or straight from The Art of Manipulation: “The way to know whether you are dealing with a trustworthy person is by listening to the person tell the same story twice. If a person relates a story differently each time he tells it, you are dealing with an untrustworthy liar. Habitual liars soon get so used to changing stories to fit the purpose at hand that they often forget how they told the story the first… Read more »

4 years ago
4 years ago


” would you still marry a girl that has shown herself to be untrustworthy/immature under the pretense that you can change/tame her?”

#1 rule for marriage – Have Hand.

#2 rule – Never Lose It.

4 years ago


“But why not vet for someone who IS trustworthy?”

Is this an entirely new concept for you?

4 years ago


“#1 rule for marriage ā€“ Have Hand.

#2 rule ā€“ Never Lose It.”

thank you, captain clichƩ.

4 years ago

See the “lion tamer” pic J….


4 years ago

One thing worth saying about women who might be very spirited and feral…Katarina in “The Taming of the Shrew” was a headstrong ballbusting harpy at first, but after being tamed, she went so far as to scold other women publicly for not obeying their husband…women like that will follow you into hell (metaphorically speaking).

And intelligent women who are trained can be invaluable for helping you complete your projects as well as protecting your offspring when you are on a trip.

Sometimes a girl who takes a lot of work to train is worth it.

4 years ago

Sometimes all you need as an image, heck just look at her picture, short dress/heels/legs spread out(subconsciously triggering the ready for your cock reflex :))/AR-15 in her hands. It’s an unintentional parody of what the social media red pill has become, a joke really, crazy how some Red Pillers laugh at #ClownWorld yet they themselves imitate it and sometimes do a better job of it. These women women are flooding the red pill and making probably good money out of it, the overall twitter red pill movement is done at this point, time to start from the ashes. None of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

None of these women claiming they are red pill are actually red pill, real red pill women show you by their actions not their twitter posts do not exist.

Even the bestest Ride or Die girl is not Red Pill.

Because they are all girls.

4 years ago

@AR. I agree there is no such thing as a Red Pill woman. It defies logic. A woman can be aware of Red Pill praxeology but she has no real understanding of how it feels because she is not a man. It is just a woman’s way of infiltrating a ‘men only’ club. It is like men being feminists. And lord we know there is plenty of blue pill, orbiters who profess to be male feminists. “I want an equal and fair society were men and women are the same and get payed the same”. Oh do you. Or, is… Read more »

4 years ago

Well Skidmore clocks in at 27 here…

Underperforming as usual…

Of course Vassar, Wesleyan, My Holyoke and similar are on here.

But hey, keep signing up for those Social Science degrees girls…

[I keed I keed… 100% certain once the Unitary Universalist Women’s Party (Platform – abortion, abortion, male shaming, abortion, free Dildos and Rose, cat suffrage) seizes power all female loans will be forgiven and you will now pay for your STEM and Finance degree along with her Lesbian Studies degree)

4 years ago

That list reads like the story of my life. Just shoot me now.

4 years ago

Reck and Feck Dream Johnson

Stop lurking FFS. You have something to say say it little bitch…


From Rollo’s twatter…

Crazy broke bitch latches on to dude, drains him and moves on…

Completely missing her purpose

“I became super aware that something huge was missing in my life, ”

That the something was kids…

4 years ago

“A woman can be aware of Red Pill praxeology but she has no real understanding of how it feels because she is not a man.”

However, it breaks her covert sexual strategy, making her unfeminine and thus undesirable. Something a lot of Red Pill men looking for “Red Pill” women are going to have to learn the hard way I’m afraid.

4 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@KFG. Indeed. I have never actually met a women who says she is Red Pill aware. I have watched a number of You Tube channels of ‘Red Pill’ women and rolled my eyes at the comments from male orbiters. One channel I watched was a ‘Red Pill’ 14 year old girl. How the hell on this god’s green earth does she understand how a man feels when he wants to put a shotgun in his mouth after he has been zeroed out by a woman he loved for 20 years. I class the 21 Con ‘men’ as no different from… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@KFG. A lot of it is down to women feeling the Red Pill is a threat to their empowerment. So, it’s like having a vicious dog. If you can tame it, the dog is then no longer a threat.

4 years ago

Caption Contest…!

ADJ: “So I said, of course officer we aren’t gay… I don’t know how that dick slipped into my mouth!!!”

4 years ago

Caption Contest

“TFW you’ve spent six months touting the reddest of RP gatherings in the reddest country on earth and all you got from it was this stupid gif…”

4 years ago

There is a lot more work in taming a feral, intelligent shrew, but when they submit, you can delegate tasks to them and they will accomplish those tasks.

But you have to have your skills down pat and not too many men do that. Nor do many men train their women, and it shows. If you feel like it’s wrong to train your woman or that you shouldn’t have to train your woman…can you feel the hand of the FI on your shoulder?

4 years ago

Caption Contest

“Guys… guys… Drink up. This place thinks I can pay for all this stuff… Lol”

4 years ago

Of course Vassar, Wesleyan, My Holyoke and similar are on here.

I mean heck, you could send your precocious daughter to the exclusive St. John’s College (#5/7 on that list) for ~$220k all-in, where they only study “great works” books with individual “tutors”, and she may very well take that degree and use it to fuck and suck on camera for loser neckbeards everywhere: [NSFW link, folks, just a warning.]

Hey, I mean at least she read some Plato and stuff, right? Totally worth the cash, no doubt.

4 years ago

Caption Contest

“So my boomer dad is all like “Anthony you can’t marry a hooker!” Ya believe this fucking guy? Hold my wine pops!”

4 years ago

Rollo has an alien sized skull that holds a massive brain, the beanie makes him look more human.

4 years ago

Dispatch from the Gender War:

Marvel Studios has announced an upcoming movie featuring the new 5′ 3″ 110 pound Thor with tits.

4 years ago

Yeah, I guess those are technically tits, but there’s nothing super about them…or who they’re attached to.

From star wars to marvel comics. Next Adam Driver will abandon kylo ren to take up his new role as wonder wom…er…wonder person.

4 years ago

@KFG: not very surprising, particularly as they had made Thor female in the comics.

4 years ago

comment image

“Cancer Hat eh?” – D. Beckham

4 years ago

comment image

“J Shizzle… Mo fo better step back with that shit fores I buss his ass.” S. Dogg

4 years ago

@Rollo: listening to you live with Pat (Crying Game) and something just hit me as you were talking about the Emotional focus of women. The rise of “Emotional Intelligence” as a concept is a part of the Feminine Primary social order. I remember recently two women (of course) I know were discussing the school system and the lack of focus on “Emotional Intelligence”. They agreed that the school system was defective in this respect. The most reasonable of the two was saying they should add some focus on that, whereas the other was implying it should be more of a… Read more »

4 years ago

Emotional intelligence???


We’re in the age of over-labeling.

4 years ago


Don’t know how Lenny Kravitz isn’t the first person that comes to mind when you think beanie. It’s his brand for fucks sake šŸ˜‚

4 years ago

It’s not exactly a new concept.

Just that Goldman’s book brought it into the mainstream….

….24 years ago.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Because ADJā€™s a cunt…

That’s rather rude.

4 years ago

Lenny Kravitz?

Hit it Blax…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


Science fiction / fantasy requires a suspension of disbelief.

Neta-Lee Hershlag is almost 40 years old…some special suspension will obviously be required. Or a body double. Or both.

Clearly we are not at “peak stuporhero movie” yet. Yawn.

Of course, for a lot of boys entombed in the K – 12 machine, comic books used to be a way to distract out of the tedium. Can’t have that…

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


Dispatch from the Gender War:

Marvel Studios has announced an upcoming movie featuring the new 5ā€² 3ā€³ 110 pound Thor with tits.

and is the new Mjƶlnir going to be a curling iron?…lol

good luck!

4 years ago

” . . . they had made Thor female in the comics.”

Indeed they did, but they didn’t make her a Shrinky Dink.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Shrinky Dink

5 ‘ 3 ” tall, 110 pounds (7.8 stone)
1.6 meters, 50 kilos

Gonna need the camera operators from “Lord of the Rings” to make this hobbit look big.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Tim’s skull is just shaped that way, you bully. YOU on the other hand should have laid off the radioactive whiskey.

4 years ago

A person is responsible for their own decisions but those decisions don’t get made in a vacuum.

4 years ago

Just goes to show you how important screening is when your looking for a girl with long-term dating potential. Its getting harder and harder these days in the west unfortunately.

Ergo Slugg
Ergo Slugg
4 years ago

It’s just social Darwinism, part 2. Skills/character/frame/whatever failings on YOUR part are why you aren’t having success…but send me $129.99 down and $29.99 a month, and you can improve your skills/character/frame/whatever. Multilevel marketing at it’s “finest.”

Whatever is best for “her” benefit is the RIGHT solution. Run, run quickly from the hucksters.

Dr. Banner
Dr. Banner
4 years ago

I’d like to only comment on the aspect of “Success Porn.” I think you only just touched on the subject. It is this humble dude’s opinion that social media is now about a person’s constant progression up. Bigger, Better, Badder, Awesomeness of achieving one’s supposed goals. Even sitting around the house is elevated to a level of profound self accomplishment. In a recent conversation with a woman I was asked “so what are working on now?” I replied, “The usual.” The conversation then devolved into her pushing the idea that a person standing still is a failure. To which I… Read more »

4 years ago

“Its getting harder and harder these days in the west unfortunately.”

Boys, it has always been hard to find a girl suitable for a LTR. That’s why The Bard wrote “The Taming of the Shrew” back in the sixteenth century so that men would know that they needed to be able to train girls for a LTR.

4 years ago

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Dr Banner

In addition to hypergamy, do not forget solipsism of the “what have you done lately that interests ME.

Please consider this educational vid, it is a bit dated but the message is still current.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


That is a fine train…mighty fine!

4 years ago


Well what do you have “left over” when you’ve eaten the mastadon meat?

4 years ago

If this isnā€™t the genesis of this post, it certainly could have beenā€¦ As soon as I heard that Rollo had been booted from the Red Man Group, I downloaded some available episodes–thinking they may not be available much longer and maybe there was some additional value I would be missing, especially in light of diminishing TRM commentary. I downloaded the audio for Red Man Group Episode 17. The episode was dominated by George Bruno. He has a wonderful radio voice. He is clearly the most polished in terms of presentation and exudes confidence. As I listen, I realize–heā€™s talking… Read more »

Dr. No
4 years ago

Is this what is meant by epiphany?

Realizes she has been following the wrong faith all along

4 years ago

Quite a few of you all in the peanut gallery have the FI on your shoulder when it comes to training women.

4 years ago

Women and FI-approved white knights would vote against training women. They couldn’t argue against it, but they’d vote against it.

Of course, the wisdom from the Old Books made it clear that all women require training–not just the obvious shrews.

4 years ago


I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. I do understand the “well, your relationships suck because you just keep picking the wrong women” or “you chose poorly”.

Giggles used to say this after she broke with the manosphere and started HUS 3.0. “All those guys licking their relationships wounds. They just picked the wrong women.” “You chose poorly.” It rang false then and it still rings false. There’s a lot more to it than just “you chose poorly”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

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4 years ago


4 years ago

I am particularly glad that the red train is fine.

4 years ago

@theasdgamer Men being potentially and originally more violent than women, everybody requires some training if a society is to evolve into civilization, or upkeep what it has civilizationally achieved. Men were trained from an older time, and more strictly, than were women for that very reason. They are still being trained, the women in an anti-civilization way, the men to blame themselves, co-operate to civilizational sinking or at least idly behold it. The trainers, and training designers, are naturally those with the most power in a society. Little observation is taken to see at what speed, and in what direction,… Read more »

4 years ago

“Men being potentially and originally more violent than women,”

Feel the hand of the FI on your shoulder?

“We all need training, what makes the difference is the purposes of the trainersā€¦ if constructive or disruptive.”

Tactics of distraction…I bet you’re socialist.

4 years ago

Rollo, we may hope to get some metaphysical idea about “objective truth”, but we can only come at it subjectively. The postmodernists were quite correct about that.

It is very difficult to screen out our subjective viewpoints. I think that it can be done if we are careful and look for corroboration from other observers and test thoroughly.

4 years ago

It seems to me that, in this post, Rollo’s targets are the purple pill “self-improvement” scammers.

4 years ago

One of the things I think illustrates something of what Rollo is getting at here would be being mugged. If you go into the wrong section of town and get robbed, it is your fault in that you went into the bad section of town. However, you are still the victim of a crime. Someone acted on you. Someone did something to you. It is similar in playing a game of chess or backgammon or a sport or something. You aren’t the only one playing. You aren’t the only actor in the situation. You might have chosen the statistically correct… Read more »

Dr. Banner
Dr. Banner
4 years ago

Sentient Lol. Good Point. After the Mastodon meat is gone I pride myself on letting nothing go to waste. I have tusks, the hide, the bones, and that sense of accomplishment smirked across my face. The modern me has a house (paid off) a car (albeit modest paid for) and surplus resources. Oh and there is the education levels achieved. All said your point is true and succinct. Sometimes getting caught up in the refinements of modern life one can forget the primal brain. She may find me adorned with necklaces made of saber tooth lion’s teeth. Lounging on numerous… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

If the onus of problem solving is on the individual then all the Success Porn guru need do is point out the problem and leave it to the individual to solve it.

It’s a great way to ensure repeat customers, and build up a supply of regular clients.

4 years ago

@Rollo Excellent article, and it highlights the main problem for men today: how to accept responsibility for your life, while simultaneously understanding that many (or most) of the problems you’re facing in your life right now are not your fault. It’s a tightrope. Lose your balance and fall to the left? Victim mentality. Fall to the right? Self-effacing and Self-deprecation, i.e. ‘beating the shit out of yourself.’ The true path is narrow. What many men in the ‘sphere forget is that trees grow silently and slowly. Blue Pill men can be thought of like mustard seeds, and TRP provokes them… Read more »

4 years ago

Finding fault is a waste of time. In the end, you’re probably the only person who can solve your problems. Whether someone else downloaded a mental program into your brain that weakens you is really irrelevant. You have to unload the program yourself. Of course, it helps to have folks like Rollo who can help us understand those hostile mental programs. If you go into a high-crime area and get mugged, blaming the mugger isn’t gonna get your stuff back. If you don’t wanna lose your stuff, either you avoid high-crime areas or you defeat the muggers. Red Pill is… Read more »

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