Paternity, Promiscuity & “Poly”

Nature is cold and ruthless when it comes to reproduction, human reproduction is no exception. Rollo’s essay carries with it some pretty heavy implications. As has been pointed out before, monogamy is a male institution masquerading as a female institution, it ensures some level of paternity and stable bonds and expectations in order to arrive at a semblance of order among males in a community, it’s a tradeoff for order/security/reduced violence among males while at the same time providing sex at a limited scale to a majority of males, it’s a check/taming of nature invented by man that most likely allowed for the rise of civilization. This area yet again is not really about women but about a male structure to reduce intra/extra tribal violence.

We are witnessing the wholesale destruction of monogamy and indirectly the family unit. You can see the beginnings of the violence with the mass shootings by kids without a dad among whites. We see the black community in certain sectors/areas of the U.S begin to disintegrate as a stable social unit now that the family unit is absent. This is not a race issue as the black community in certain areas of the U.S remains solid/stable(the American South is one example), so it is not a race question, it’s a question of pressure brought to bear on certain sectors/areas. Any race is vulnerable to this, the Hispanic community is beginning to face headwinds among the current 18-30 generation, the number of single moms in the community is pretty high, I suspect the numbers in time will exceed that of the black community. This however doesn’t negate that the current inner city black community is the canary in the coal mine, and a picture of a possible future.


I thought these were some really good comments to start today’s essay off with as you’ll read in a moment. I’m going to try something a bit different in this post. There’s a lot to digest in what i’ve been working on lately with respect to evolved and social aspects of men’s innate drive for paternity. So rather than come out with a tightly packed essay on these individual topics I’m going to just throw out some of the concepts I’m working on at the moment. This will be a rare insight into how my writing process works, but I hope these topics will fuel further discussion in the comments and elsewhere.

As I stated in last week’s essay I’ve been reading my way through Tim Birkhead’s book Promiscuity. If you want to know what’s inspiring these ideas this is (still) it. I don’t want to call this book a ‘slog’, but I’m having to take my time with it in order to really digest it in a Red Pill sense. Any of my readers know that I’ve done a lot of work on Hypergamy to the point that I get criticized for being overly focused on women’s sexual strategy. I’m going to change this today and focus on men’s sexual strategies and how they fluidly adapt to women’s strategies.

The rise and acceptance of single motherhood over the past 50 years is a Reproductive Strategy

In The New Polyandry I proposed that with the rise of women’s independence from men, and the social unfettering of their sexual strategy (Hypergamy), women have shifted the prevailing social norms from socially enforced monogamy to a female-initiated form of polyandry. In a social environment where Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks is openly embraced, what follows is the breakdown of women’s old strategy of looking for men who best embody the both genetic and provisioning qualities and focusing primarily on one or the other in separate men depending on her state of need. A state of Open Hypergamy can only result from a social shift from enforced monogamy to female-primary polyandry.

Our feminine-primary social order then (Blue Pill) conditions men, via social reward and punishment, to fulfill these roles to be serviceable to women at various stages of their reproductive and life needs. I’ve joked that today women see men as either breeding stock or draft animals, but there’s truth to this. And men fulfill these roles in an effort to effect their own reproductive strategies that they’ve been socialized and acculturated to believe are in their best interests.

In the wake of the Sexual Revolution western cultures have removed all social stigmas that used to surround single motherhood – and even elective single motherhood. This is the necessary result of transitioning from male-primary monogamy to a female-primary polyandry and social support mechanisms designed to maintain it. Men are only now learning how to maneuver and adapt their own sexual strategies to this transition.

However, in order to accept their roles in this female-primary sexual marketplace they must sublimate their evolved drive to ensure their own paternity.

Open Cuckoldry is a Beta Male Sexual Strategy

In a socio-sexual state of Sandbergian Open Hypergamy the next logical step is convincing men to repress their innate need to know paternity and teach them that cuckoldry (and in particular, self-initiated cuckoldry) is in their reproductive interests. I’ve written about this in Open Cuckoldry. The definition of cuckoldry is tightly controlled to only mean “a woman deceiving a man to believe the children she’s born are his when they are in fact the progeny of another man.” When defined this way “cuckoldry” is perceived to be rare – though even this is changing with the advent of home DNA tests like 23 and Me. However, the latent purpose of cuckoldry is to effect women’s sexual strategy in securing the best genetic material (and validational sex) from one man while procuring the best provisioning and parental investment (and transactional sex) from another man. Socially accepted Cuckoldry is how this is effected in a feminine-primary social order.

In fact, cuckoldry is only socially acceptable when it happens in a gynocentric social framework. In just 60 years cuckoldry has become an accepted reproductive strategy for both men and women. By shifting the social norms to encourage men to sublimate their innate drive to know paternity we prioritize women’s sexual strategy above mens’. By reinforcing women’s ‘cuckolding’ men via socially acceptable means we encourage men to see adopting women’s sexual strategy as their own.

We convince men that this is a “lifestyle choice” when in fact it is social engineering that selects his genetic interests out.

  • Single Mothers —> Stepfathers
  • Female Promiscuity —> Polyandry
  • Open Cuckoldry —> “Poly” Lifestyles

To better come to terms with this shift in contemporary intrasexual strategies I propose that “cuckoldry” be defined as ” The state in which a man, either by deception or being socially convinced, assumes the parental investment responsibilities of a child he did not biologically sire”. Men adopting children due to impotency, and doing so of their own volition might not meet this definition because their choice is considered first in the decision and not as a result of seeing their choosing to be a foster father as an extension of their sexual strategy.

That’s an important distinction; having the choice to adopt versus adopting a single mother’s children as a means to his own reproduction. Many men who involve themselves with single mothers initially do so as a means to reproducing with her himself; ergo, a sexual strategy.

Wifing up a single mother and adopting the children sired by another man is a Beta male sexual strategy that has developed in the wake of feminine-social primacy. The cost of his own reproduction, assuming this occurs is, is an exchange of his reproductive efforts and resources invested in another man’s genetic legacy – a choice that was made for him, via a woman’s sexual strategy, before he ever entered the picture. As reproductive stresses continue to escalate in modern (western) societies, more Beta men will see (subconsciously) accepting their own cuckolding as a necessary state if they are to reproduce at all. With 43% of children being born out of wedlock today it’s easy to see that an ever increasing number of men will chose to exchange their innate drive for paternity for reproductive access.

“Poly” Lifestyles are being socially reinforced to facilitate women’s sexual strategies

Men’s drive for paternity is more difficult to sublimate in Alpha men than Beta men. In Promiscuity Tim Birkhead details the innate drives male animals have with respect to ensuring their own paternity:

The issue of paternity is at the core of much of men’s behavior – and for good evolutionary reasons. In our primeval past men who invested in children which were not their own would, on average, have left fewer descendants than those who reared only their own genetic offspring. As a consequence men were, and continue to be, preoccupied with paternity and this has shaped not only many male behaviors but, perhaps surprisingly, some female behaviors as well. The most obvious way in which men’s preoccupation with paternity manifests itself is in jealousy – watching a partner and keeping her away from potential competitors.

Promiscuity, Tim Birkhead pg. 33-34

In my counseling I have had to deal with the constant of jealousy in every man I’ve talked to about a breakup or divorce.

“Rollo, why can’t I get the thought of her fucking another guy out of my head? The thought makes me physically sick.”

There is a physical aspect to jealousy for men and particularly so for deeply pair-bonded Beta men whose sexual strategy it is to invest more fully into one partner due to a scarcity mentality (see strategic pluralism theory). When I talked about men committing suicide in Zeroed Out I should’ve stressed the importance that mate guarding and jealousy play in a man’s physical condition when he’s had his ‘soulmate’ leave him for another man.

There are two latent purposes in men evolving a capacity for this physical distress – fomenting parental investment and ensuring paternity via mate guarding. Why is it that men take so much longer to get over a woman than women for men? For women the War Brides theory explains this neatly, but for men the long physical disconnection comes from our innate drive to ensure paternity and the confirmation of mate loss to a rival male. This is the degree of preoccupation with paternity Birkhead describes above – it is so existentially important men evolved physical manifestation for it.

Now, if you can stomach the new age sophistry and rationalizations of Dr. Geoff Miller for a “Poly” lifestyle you might want to watch a bit of this video to grasp the next concept I’m developing here:

I’ve included this here because it’s a prime illustration of the cognitive dissonance necessary today to justify a Beta male’s acceptance of his own cuckoldry and laundering it to convince himself that it’s actually in his own best interests. After all the confirmation of the importance of, and preoccupation with, male paternity, (and the sometimes violent fallout that results from it) it seems counterintuitive for a man to convince himself that sharing his woman is at all a good idea.

Have a look at the collage of images I’ve used for today’s header picture. This is a collection of relatively recent articles promoting the idea that “poly”, if not outright cuckoldry, is a positive, progressive trend. Why is poly in its various forms so important to us socially? The free love generation and 70’s swingers didn’t have anything like the impetus we see now. We have more than enough research showing that women’s capacity to pair bond with men in the long term decreases with every new sex partner. We know that (Beta) men can feel a natural, physical jealousy at just the thought of their pair bonded mate copulating with another man. Even Dr. Fleischman admits she struggles with “feelings of jealousy” in their “poly marriage”. But here we have the promotion of the idea that cuckoldry actually makes a man ‘more secure in his masculinity’. Why?

Why pretend to monogamy while openly practicing open cuckoldry? Why not simply stay single, practice non-exclusivity and honestly spin plates?

Because unfettered Hypergamy is the preeminent sexual strategy in this era. And men have adapted their sexual strategies to be contingent on it.

I believe what were observing in all this is men adapting to the changes women have installed in the global sexual marketplace according to feminine social primacy. In Strategic Pluralism Theory, lower SMV men are by necessity predisposed to investing their reproductive efforts in a single woman (K selection) rather than applying himself to spreading those effort to various women (r selection). Across the animal kingdom female sexual monogamy is the exception rather than the rule.

Monogamy can occur either because a female chooses to remain faithful to one male, or as a consequence of a particular lifestyle.

Promiscuity, Tim Birkhead pg. 43

In today’s global sexual marketplace Beta men are socially rewarded for abandoning their sexual strategy and to abandon their innate need to ascertain paternity. This is done by promoting social and status rewards for compliance with the objective roles women need men to play in their sexual strategy. We saw exactly this last Fathers Day. Step-fathers, the dutiful cuckolds, were celebrated while biological fathers are largely vilified. Single mothers who assume the role of “father” are likewise celebrated.

But (Beta) men adapt themselves to the role that they believe will best serve their reproductive interests. Thus, we have a chorus of men police their thoughts and the thoughts of other men to affirm their beliefs in that strategy.

We have men write sanctimonious, self-affirming essays about how they believe they are more “secure in their masculinity” for allowing, encouraging, the women’s they’re ostensibly bonded with to have sex with other men. Then they wait for their male peers to pat them on the back for ‘evolving above their biology’ and their naturally jealous impulses.

This is not seeing the forest for the tree though. What is the larger function of all of this? Why is the ‘progressive’ take on self-affirming cuckoldry one that Beta men are supposed to find rewarding?

Because it’s necessary to perpetuate the unilateral control over the human reproductive process men ceded to women after the Sexual Revolution.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

“if you can successfully play with someone’s emotions, you can make even the most “rational” person commit foolish deeds.”

If the target has wisdom, it makes makes this more difficult to accomplish.

Rationality <> wisdom

4 years ago

..if you can successfully play with someone’s emotions, you can make even the most “rational” person commit foolish deeds.


And H/T to Rian Stone: “The greatest curse of the intelligent person is that he can rationalize anything”

4 years ago

Blax, I asked a server who’s friendly to me–very plain, I never get drinks from her, but she’s still very friendly to me–whether waitresses are territorial about their table. She said that waitresses at that bar are territorial about whom they serve–the server said that waitresses at that bar want to serve their friends. So it seems that my supposition about waitresses bonding to customers is correct–at least at that bar. This is what I observed at the bar as well, so this server’s report is confirmation.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

j, anything that gets a “man” in the panties of a girl that is taking a substantial risk of getting an STD or is trying to weaponize her snatch to get even for the last infection doesn’t qualify as game. it doesn’t matter her HB rating, she is no longer game herself,she is disqualified as to risky.

No man with half a brain would even want to know how to pull off something that stupid.

one thing I will say for setting your sights higher is there is less risk,not substantially less only a small percentage.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@j – you’re missing the point. We’re talking about you and what is in your interests – not the girl. Yes, “chlamydia = flu” is a cool reframe and all in Game terms and you handled her well, but that’s not the point. It’s not a surprise to anyone in the TRM comments that you can get girls to do what you want by driving their emotions. We are saying that doing this is not in YOUR interests. It’s not good for YOU. I’m all for men taking risks – even extreme risks – with their eyes open and knowing… Read more »

4 years ago

Well someone put Heartiste back up.

Looks like a full archive minus comments.

4 years ago

From J’s “texts”:
I’m #5 on your list. That’s at least 4 other people who affect my vagina”

Well, thank goodness she isn’t #6. I’d hate to think she was a skank.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

I’m not the sharpest chisel in the drawer,I’ve been reading here for 4 years and the question just hit me. Does “Blue pill conditioning” remove, eliminate or leave out any question of female integrity??? As far back as girls started to get my attention men and freinds were giving me advice and repeating old adages. If it’s too easy leave it alone, or if it smells like fish it’s a dish like colone leave it alone. Women wanted to avoid two things mainly becoming an old maid or a slutty reputation. I like George Carlin’s take on average inteligence ”… Read more »

4 years ago

“Does “Blue pill conditioning” remove, eliminate or leave out any question of female integrity???”


wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“Misogyny!!!” LOL

Seriously only the older men talk about the discernment of men with regards to women usually when drinking. The women on the other hand can read me well enough to qualify themselves to me with a comment about another woman’s dress or attitude-demeanor,as in “did you here what she said to that guy?”or ” get a load of that slutt”.

Dicks have always been easier to maintain than Vajnas and any women that have the appearance of low self maintenance or sloppy are better left alone,game or no game.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

I’m of a mind to speak with the commissioner and suggest he revokes j’s playa card until he gets hit in the side of the head by a fast ball. All joking aside,a man has to at least know of a dozen ways to get burnt before he plays with fire.

4 years ago

@Rollo Superb piece which puts the modern and confusing quandary of female polyandry and open hypergamy in a nutshell. I have experienced this first-hand. My last LTR (Babushka) operates exactly in this fashion: she enters into more or less long-term Beta-provisioning relationships in an attempt to satisfy her emotional feelz, while keeping one or two Alphas (if she can get them), or Beta-orbiters if she can’t, to satisfy her ‘gina tingles. Whenever she is at risk of being discovered by one of her lovers, she simply breaks it off with them and replaces them with a new’ dancing partner’. This… Read more »

4 years ago

A relevant recent article for the OP on the emergent paradigm:

4 years ago


Interesting article link….

But this final paragraph contains the kernel of truth which all the women I have known cannot fathom (and probably because they can’t):

“Eventually, Susan says, she realized she was confusing power with novelty. She called off her affair and talked to her husband instead. “I had made something happen for myself,” she says. “It was a way of claiming independence. But once I had that, I understood: People who are truly empowered don’t need to lie or betray trust.””


4 years ago

And dovetailing that last one is this WSJ article (it’s behind a paywall) which Rollo just linked in his Twitter feed:

Upthread someone claimed that single motherhood is purely a class issue. Um, well … not so fast … it’s still mostly a class issue, yes, but that’s changing fast.

4 years ago

I can’t imagine raising another man’s child. I just can’t have respect for men that do.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Not even once.

4 years ago

@MuleFool42: It’s easy when your head is full of injunctions regarding widows and orphans. Until someone mentions “alpha-widow”.

4 years ago

@TantumErgo “But this final paragraph contains the kernel of truth which all the women I have known cannot fathom (and probably because they can’t)” Add nearly no introspective powers and relentless cultural programming imposed on every side of society to stir up “pride” and misandry (the programmed “see and do” and function as programmers, in turn. It’s a ripple effect, only the first input is needed), and you have a very unpleasant sum total and countless women that, right because they are strong and independent, can’t find any better reassurance about their worth than spiting, undercutting, and tricking their mate(s).… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  TT


A nicely distilled take.

And for me the irony is that ‘strong independent’ (TR) women are anything BUT..

The ones that I have known are, rather, fecklessly sollipstic, frequently narcissistic, and perpetually seeking emotional reassurance and validation through serial sexual encounters: they are emotional junkies who can never fill the void in their lives.


4 years ago

@TantumErgo Most speech/social media writing is make-believe. I mean if you are confident of something why state it (even more: why state it regularly?). So what’s stated (a lot or even frantically) is something that isn’t really believed, but desired. So you have these inversion games. Women who will super-fast kick the ass of anyone showing any attachment (or even genuine interest for) to them will trumpet that they want none else but a sweet, upright, good guy but can never find one. People who know no better than imitate the last trend will insist on using the word “independent”… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  TT

@TT I have to agree with everything that you have said here. 🙂 “”Most speech/social media writing is make-believe. I mean if you are confident of something why state it (even more: why state it regularly?).” Exactly! There is a beautiful classical Spanish maxim which encapsulates this: ‘El silencio es de oro: las palabras son de de plata’ – which means ‘Silence is golden: words are but silver’. The more a woman ‘protests’ about what she wants, the less I listen, because experience has taught me that most women simply cannot reconcile the verbalisation of their wants and needs with… Read more »

4 years ago

J, you stupid motherfucker…

Chlamydia is like the flu??? 2 years I suffered from the shit recently. Same with candida. Stop being so fucking stupid you moron.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@Palmasailor – yes, that’s better wording. That’s what I was trying to get at..

4 years ago

: would you care to comment on the strain of comments about STDs / STIs?

4 years ago

@ Blax Laughed out loud. Hakeem. You forgot to mention Bubba though. A friend of a friend of mine, total “Alpha” player, banging hundreds of chicks, has binders full of photos of chicks he’s fucked, ball gags in their mouths, bondage, etc., like it’s a fucking Nobel Prize…. Just went to prison for banging a minor. 4 years I think? Or was it 5? I don’t remember. My friend took the “condoms are for Beta males” route, was relentessly cumming in girls that were also not using birth control and is now completely emotionally/mentally fucked up from a late term… Read more »

4 years ago

@J Since you posted that ‘Text Game” I’m guessing you’re open to feedback or discussion about it. Wow…It should be headlined: “Text OVER-Game” This is a long exchange that sort of makes you sound like….well…a jerk and not in a good way. There’s “playful jerk” and then there’s uncaring asshole. This girl is looking for some sort of comfort after getting an STD and you send a photo of a menu featuring…crabs? I laughed. I’m sure she didn’t. I’m all for bashing shit-tests but there comes a time in every interaction where dialing it down and just dropping the girl… Read more »

4 years ago

“There’s “playful jerk” and then there’s uncaring asshole”

lol you tryin say chicks don’t dig uncaring assholes?

I know this girl. And what she responds to. Matter of fact, 10 minutes after I posted that string of texts on Sunday for ya’ll (….which I see I’m at 7 dislikes as of right now), she sent me this:


sorry about your suffering, dog.

4 years ago

That’s one of the downsides of young incel dudes gathering in forums on the internet. Pua becomes the new dungeonS and dragons. Endless non stop chatter about ” how “, and an awful lot of stupid and childish bullshit. Building an identity from scratch, using data from other men without understanding that a lot of it is pure Game garbage because there’s no real point of reference to start from. where do you think the whole ” be an asshole ” thing comess from in the first place? I mock the dumb assed idea of a man trying to shift… Read more »

4 years ago

If you are a man, and act like a man, women and soy boys will call you an asshole.

This is not the same thing as actually being an asshole.

4 years ago

“But I’m starting to have doubts about the authenticity of all of the shit – the texts, pics, and all of it. A little too over the top.

You mean it doesn’t sound like a natural human interaction for a woman to text back, after getting the clap, “I know I’m 5 on your list of vaginas” and “now i just want to cuddle”? That might sound a little like….someone is trying to make people believe he has a string of pussies and they’re all cool with that (lookit me!)

No way! Take your disinformation elsewhere!

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

To be fair to @j, while I have my differences with him, I have no doubt he’s real. Everything he posts is not just possible, but plausible and I’ve met people like him.

4 years ago

Liz From what I can tell from following the ” instructive links ” to forums, is that guys that have had very little interaction with girls all gather to compare notes and talk about what ” somebody said/wrote ” ( usually negative) about who and what women are. Now, or course there are women in the world who are hopeless dupes, just like some men, but to posit that one can find an endless stream of chicks that have no self respect, not even a base level, is not a real thing. And taking advantage of these types of women… Read more »

4 years ago


Yes, anything is possible.

But not buying this .

4 years ago

: would you care to comment on the strain of comments about STDs / STIs?”

Not hardly.

Not all strains of STD’s are the same.

4 years ago

@Rollo: “Why pretend to monogamy while openly practicing open cuckoldry? Why not simply stay single, practice non-exclusivity and honestly spin plates?” Because, this removes Beta Bucks from the Hypergamy equation. And women will not allow that to happen. No matter how much they screech about being “strong and independent”, the reality is that women are aware of the existential threat they face without the Beta Bucks (be it resources from a boyfriend/partner/husband/ex-husband, or from the State which forcibly takes money from Beta men via taxes and distributes it to women, or from their employer because women mostly work for men,… Read more »

4 years ago

@Incubus Rising:

What if women could dally with the plate spinners and the Beta Bucks still volunteered to orbit while showering resources?

4 years ago

@KFG: “What if women could dally with the plate spinners and the Beta Bucks still volunteered to orbit while showering resources?” Yes, Women can and will dally with the plate spinners. And they will also have Beta Bucks volunteering to orbit while showering resources. But all the above is “uncertain”. It can be yanked from under her feet any moment. Nothing gives her the guarantee of Beta resources flowing to her permanently than being in a Monogamous (in name only) Marriage. It promises her resources while being in the relationship and long after. And I am also aware of women’s… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Hard to legally mandate the rescinding of male rights when men are so much faster than the cops.

4 years ago

@J: What the heck was that? When did infecting a girl with an STD become an Alpha Trait? And you have all this conversation on text? Jesus Christ, you just handed your “STD infected” balls to her. She can use this against you in a court for infecting her “without her consent”. I know this is crazy, but she can in today’s clown world. Get a grip over your life. There are many ways to get a woman smitten with you. Giving them an STD is not one of them. Don’t you feel any guilt of remorse for “raw-dogging” a… Read more »

4 years ago

From what I have seen, J boosts the HB level of his girls a couple of points. Idk, maybe on the coasts girls aren’t as pretty as they are here in flyover country. Including the hispanic women. They are prettier than on the coasts. I can’t explain it–maybe the water or air? Maybe fewer STDs? As SJF wrote, different strains of STDs will give different results. I have read online that some strains of HPV will give you throat cancer and others won’t. And I keep reading about superbug gonorrhea, but that stuff can’t outcompete the wild type. Plasmids take… Read more »

4 years ago

Culum, Palma:
To me, this text exchange looks highly contrived.
That doesn’t necessarily mean it IS contrived.
Sometimes life does hand us dark parody.

4 years ago

@theasdgamer “From what I have seen, J boosts the HB level of his girls a couple of points”. no. I rate girls what I honestly think they are. If you go threw my field reports, I mostly rate the girls I bang 7-7.5. Ya’ll started saying I bang 5s and 6s, so then I decided to start taking photos and uploading them to imgur. To put an end to that nonsense. “maybe on the coasts girls aren’t as pretty as they are here in flyover country”. I know the type of girl that you like. You’ve said that you like… Read more »

4 years ago

@Incubus “you just handed your “STD infected” balls to her”. Both of us have been STD free for months now, homie. Her original text was on April 10th. We got it taken care of right away (if you wait too long to get it treated, THEN bad shit can happen to you like our pal @Hunn). Throughout that time I was passively texting her, while fucking other girls no fucks given. Sentient just reminded me of her on the first page of this post. So after a night out, I decided to text her (I called her first) to meet… Read more »

4 years ago

@J From the exchange you posted THIS girl seems to have such low self-esteem even infecting her doesn’t stop her chasing. No idea your back story or history with this one but in general girls eventually tire of “uncaring asshole” because they have options. This girl is infected….for now YOU are her only option. So your asshole game is working…for now. But this is a slippery slope. You start believing your own alphaness based on this and you’re setting yourself up for something at best mildly annoying, at worst a crazed angry stalker who finds a way to make this… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

j,you know how to get rid of the crabs? you shave 1/2 then get a pick or a sharp knife,light the other half with kerosene then stab the little bastards as they run out of the flames.

4 years ago

@walawala “I’ve made enough mistakes to know that this is at the very least over-gaming to the point she’ll be chasing you when you least want it”. noted. “while you quietly delete and block her and hope she doesn’t track you down again”. I’m not worried about being tracked down. Ever since 2017, I’ve gotten in the habit of giving girls a fake name, fake boring job that they don’t want to know any details about (they do ask eventually, but you just change the topic right away. Frame control) (if you lie to them that you have a High… Read more »

4 years ago

“Text OVER-Game” lol just because a guy does x and gets his dick wet doesn’t mean x = controlled advantageous game “I know this girl. And what she responds to.” lol. lots of text attention. lots. like girl levels of text attention “.which I see I’m at 7 dislikes as of right now” why the fuck would anybody care about such things unless it was about an income stream or the path to one… textboy productions presents: “How to fuck garbage girls and pointlessly spread disease” probably not a lot of sign ups for that talk ” I have no… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

I was 18 and had just started this new job, one of my co workers was a hard 8 giving slight IOIs, so I worked up the courage to hit her up for a date.(ya this was pre hookup days) She agreed to next weekend (pre flaky also) we went out and partied ,I took her back to my place and had warned my roomy to be gone. The sex was fair and we cleaned up and I gave her a ride home,she was still living with her parents and working the summer pre college. Couple of days later and… Read more »

4 years ago

” so then I decided to start taking photos and uploading them to imgur. To put an end to that nonsense.”

Lol, everybody saw your photos and rated them…6’s.

“You’ve said that you like big tities and you think Elizabeth Hurley is a 10. Soooooo sorry brah I don’t care about what you think is “pretty””

To each their own…and your own is pretty peculiar.

Liz Hurley, 53

4 years ago

@Rollo: Off topic; perhaps of interest:

From its effect on the world, 8chan could be ranked as one of the internet’s most dangerous sites. Some have even compared it to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda or ISIS. The pattern is similar: men – and it is always men – find their way there, and get radicalised into an extreme ideology which drives some of them to violence.


The ”extreme ideology” seems to be misogyny even though the photographs tell a different story.

4 years ago

Are you our one real live groupie in this Male space ?
I’m only asking as it’s an agenda point at the RM London summit occurring in Marylebone in about an hour.

Although I do fly for free now, and it’s flattering to be an agenda point, that’s too short notice.

No guns are permitted by the way.
I never leave home without old blue since I live in the land of lions and bears, oh my!

4 years ago

Fleezer always keeping it 100% real.

4 years ago

@fleezer “just because a guy does x and gets his dick wet doesn’t mean x = controlled advantageous game” I got her from “I don’t think i can see you anymore” and “I can’t go back to you showing up and fucking me like before if i can’t trust you” to me going back to raw dogging her, doing nothing but passive text game…. “lol. lots of text attention. lots” “use of text for anything but confirming logistics” My bad. Decided to use text to reframe me infecting her with an std into something less severe, then passing her lame… Read more »

4 years ago

The game has certain rules, ignore the underlying theory and framework and you will pay the price sooner or later. I see where guys like J are coming from I used to think like him, it cost me big, don’t play the psychopath game unless you are one, yes it does work with girls but at a very high cost to yourself. At the end of the day you are no better than these cuckold/polyamory guys because you are still in her frame. You need to be your own mental point of origin. The whole “Alpha” definition the sphere has… Read more »

4 years ago

I’d be real careful trying to fit “getting an std” into the Alpha Bag. I mean in J’s story who is the Alpha? The Girl that gave it to him first? The dick behind that?

Who is patient Zero here…?

4 years ago

But J’s ok. Other than his acting like a 16 YO and thinking 7’s are 8’s etc. Maybe he will come round. I actually thought your text was good (pitting aside Fleez’s refinements) J. One day you’ll grow out of this “playa/slaya/forum Alpha” self identification. Then the real fun will start.

Also like to see you advance your game from Saturday Night specials…

4 years ago


I used to play every ” shooting ” game on the boardwalk at the shore, and I always won a prize. Usually the big, gigantic prize ( stuffed animal that you’d have to tie to the roof of your car to get it home ), or some electronics that came in a ” reconditioned ” box.

That makes me a marksman because ” targets hit “.

I’m mulling over going to Afghanistan and ending all of this Taliban bullshit over there.

First I’m going to make a forum for other boardwalk game shooters to get useful insight.

4 years ago

@ Fleezer Lol, +1000 @ Foxguy “I see where guys like J are coming from I used to think like him, it cost me big, don’t play the psychopath game unless you are one, yes it does work with girls but at a very high cost to yourself. At the end of the day you are no better than these cuckold/polyamory guys because you are still in her frame. You need to be your own mental point of origin.” I understand that a bunch of these ” forums ” are aimed at guys that are completely clueless, and they need/want… Read more »

4 years ago

We had some excitement at the Gamer house today. The Little Dickens ™ managed to launch herself off the bed onto the floor. No serious harm done. Guess who was watching her? Yep, Yours truly. In two seconds she managed to go from a sitting position facing me, turn 180 degrees, crawl three feet and launch herself onto the floor. She has a couple of scrapes on her face and maybe a bruise. One year olds are in Self Destruct Mode ™. Oh, yeah, she’s taking steps and can reach the front door latch and open the door. We have… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

So what now? Y’all wanna make red pill conduct guidelines?

4 years ago

@ Yollo

What do you mean?

4 years ago

@Blaximus You make the point well as do others that this “Red Bag of Courage” that is an std isn’t some mark of “alpha”. I don’t say this to diss anyone and think it’s a good discussion point that J raises. So this isn’t a personal jab it’s a wider discussion about the dynamic he describes which pops up all the time in male/female sexual dynamics. A cocky-funny attitude with a girl who’s infected isn’t “alpha”. The whole “art” of game has somehow been dissed by guys who haven’t been able to overcome the basic core tenants of it: overcoming… Read more »

4 years ago

@walawala “A cocky-funny attitude with a girl who’s infected isn’t “alpha”” She’s NOT infected and neither am I for that matter. Don’t know how many times I gotta keep pointing this out lol. She was told by her doctor she had the disease on April 10th. That’s when she let me know she had it and had already taken the pills to take care of it, told me to get my ass treated, and inform me that she would be dumping me. and 2. I never said anything about “alpha” lol. I posted the text string just to show how… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blaximus The danger in acting ( lol….acting ) like a psychopath is that the actor doesn’t understand the drivers and thought process behind what’s clearly a mental disorder. Why do you want to act like you have a mental disorder? Because ” girls ” may be more attracted to it? Careful there partner. True psychopathy is a brain disorder. A functional wiring disorder. Not necessarily a “mental” disorder. Psychopathy is not the same as sociopathy. Sociopathy is a mental disorder. There is a distinction. I’ve mentioned this quite a few times before, after reading and understanding Kevin Dutton’s book The… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago

@SJF Thanks, I think. Is there a vid of grandad reflexes? lol That little girl goes up a step every 2-3 secs when she climbs the stairs. Terribly strong and quick for her age and she has this game where she tries to throw herself off the bed and whoever is with her is supposed to catch her. The baby was still for several seconds before she made a made dash for the edge of the bed and I was caught napping. She’ll try to throw herself back out of my arms and get me to catch her. Good thing… Read more »

4 years ago

“And she likes for me to throw her in the air and hold her in different positions and let her ride on my shoulders.”

4 years ago

@ Rollo “Rollo, why can’t I get the thought of her fucking another guy out of my head? The thought makes me physically sick.” “There is a physical aspect to jealousy for men and particularly so for deeply pair-bonded Beta men whose sexual strategy it is to invest more fully into one partner due to a scarcity mentality (see strategic pluralism theory). When I talked about men committing suicide in Zeroed Out I should’ve stressed the importance that mate guarding and jealousy play in a man’s physical condition when he’s had his ‘soulmate’ leave him for another man. There are… Read more »

4 years ago

Just got back to this, busy life going on. Let me clarify something – I’ve never once gotten a woman pregnant that I didn’t intend to. I’ve gotten exactly 2 stds in 41 years. One was from the first women I fucked, a real slut but I didn’t learn from it about how some women can be. Got my wife pregnant three times, she had two miscarriages. I wanted a brood, as many as we could have, 4,5 maybe more. Not to be so. My point? I’m responsible for where I stick my dick. I’m very selective in my own… Read more »

4 years ago

Re: @Sentients use of birth control number, 15.6%. Considering that only about 20% of women in that age bracket are sexually active/promiscuous that sounds about right. Most of the young hotties are on BC. Fyi, that makes the sex shittier. I can tell when a girl isn’t on the pill…She tastes different. Her skin is different. Her breasts are different. Fact is a woman can only get pregnant during a pretty short window of time during the month and if you don’t cum in them, well, then it’s highly improbable. And after all, the carousel riders I fuck think cumming… Read more »

4 years ago

This is the last text exchange with a plate that drops in once a month or so

Which is exactly what an authentic exchange looks like.
Not some textual equivalent of an RSD video.

Hope you had a good meeting.
I really do live in the land of lions and bears (3 bull elk in the yard yesterday).
-groupie out
(and then there were none)

4 years ago

@palma “Doesn’t take any game to pull those”. Nah still takes game to pull them. You’re probably referring to the ugly ones tho. “I don’t know how surrounding yourself (or banging) anything with self esteem that low can actually amount to an addition to your life”. Umm she hot, rich, lives alone and her personality isn’t all that boring. That’s really all I’m looking for right now. If she so happens to be fucked in the head, welp….not like I have any long term aspirations with her. “Notice there is no actual damage done to the cat”. lol WHY would… Read more »

4 years ago

“So you lost control?”

What are you kidding me with this shit? I gave her a disease that could have left her unable to ever get pregnant. And you’re comparing that to your ching chong shit testing you about her canceling her fake plans to see you?

you still the man tho.

4 years ago


You might try to have sexually open relationships, where both you and she can, and should, have some sex with some other people.

There are quite a few upsides to that setting, broadly speaking it blows tenseness and stress off of the relationship, and it makes being morally faithful, and having no lies to deal with, more likely and easier.

4 years ago

a lot of guys like me are on a raft on the river between Blue Pill and Red Pill

“Hesitation is the enemy”.

Flip the switch.

You might try to have sexually open relationships, where both you and she can, and should, have some sex with some other people.

No. You either spelled GFTOW wrong or you don’t know what you’re recommending to a guy who’s more in his head than out in the world. I expect KJ-ing.

Cats are not dogs are there’s no symmetry.

4 years ago


4 years ago

it’s funny that there’s a constant itch secondary to the incomprehensibility of women. the essential principle people really need to recognize is that women may not want to be logical. they are quite capable at reasoning but they may not care about logic. logic serves the truth. and that is not woman’s interest. I don’t think that ”love” was always man’s main interest. it has become a cultural and worldwide phenomenon. I do not personally know the history but I think there was a shift in European perspective about love when Rousseau was around back in the Renaissance. and well,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I think there was a shift in European perspective about love when Rousseau was around back in the Renaissance.

The Renaissance (UK /rᵻˈneɪsəns/, US /ˈrɛnᵻsɑːns/)[1] is a period in Europe, from the 14th to the 17th century,
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (/ruːˈsoʊ/;[1] French: [ʒɑ̃ʒak ʁuso]; 28 June 1712 – 2 July 1778)

The Rennaissance was done at least a century or two before Rousseau was born.

Thanks for playing.

4 years ago

@Rollo Thanks again for writing this. I just backtracked and am reading your “The Existential Fear – Men” article. It is the only thing keeping me afloat. I am losing my shit right now. I am calm outwardly but I feel like there is a fucking volcano erupting inside of my head. Your essays are helping me understand why, and not feel like I’m going insane right now. You don’t get all the credit, though. I gotta give some to Jimi too: This insane rage and confusion and absolute shattering of my reality is probably the pre-requisite I… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Softek

@Softek “This insane rage and confusion and absolute shattering of my reality is probably the pre-requisite I needed to look down the path to spinning plates and being my own mental point of origin. I have not taken a single step on that path yet. But I’m looking at it. Which is more than I was doing before” And so it begins … for me, as well as for you. 🙂 You have had some excellent advice from the experienced wise heads in this forum, and I certainly cannot add to this from my almost non-existent toolbox. That said,… Read more »

4 years ago


You need help from Frank and Bob:

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


You were choking on tofu for a second there.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Softek,may as well get used to it.

4 years ago


Lol. Thanks for the incisive and illuminating response. I was off by a few years. do you actually know anything about Rousseau. or the enlightenment in general?

you really dunno how to read arguments or think critically huh? Are you a woman.. to concentrate on the irrelevant and mundane? If you can understand, try again.

Thanks for trying to play though.. @anonymousreader

it’s… cute 😉

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


The gucci bag is for convincing others that you are loved. The mimosas are for convincing yourself that you are loved by you.

4 years ago


“Haven’t done it yet, but the thought “why not?” comes to mind. Or “of course you should do it. If only for yourself. Take some of your balls back, for Christ’s sake. Also because fuck that retarded bitch.”

There you go.

What come next class?

You know it…

4 years ago


Nice attempt at deflection. It’s . . . cute.

Rousseau helped bring in (some decades after his death) the Romantic Era.

4 years ago

The Sorrows of Young Werther is the cringiest book ever with red pill lenses. I had once the (bad) luck to watch it in the opera: I literally had to force myself to stay put and not slap the singer for being so clueless.

4 years ago

@ kfg Frank Sinatra? Or Frank Zappa? Those are the only two musical Franks I know and only Three Little Birds is showing up. Been having issues with links showing up in the comments, lots of blank spaces. I’m not at the Frank or Bob stage yet, still at the John and Paul: @Sentient, wahoo Processing. I appreciate the support and validation that my gut instinct here is the correct one to go for. What was the link, wahoo? Not showing up. Curious. @all Reading the Bible helps. I especially enjoy this passage about adultery: “The scribes and the Pharisees… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Softek,that link was Abandoned and alone by BAD COMPANY off in the company of strangers. Kfg’s was Frank Zapa broken hearts are for assholes. There’s lots of fish in the sea for a young man as you are,like a huge forest of different trees don’t waste effort chopping the same piece all the time.When I was single and living in the city today was the day to hit the big park and join the festivities seldom went home alone. Today some of the old mountain men are stopping by to help me set a beam and parlay about some dirt… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Thanks for the incisive and illuminating response. Always willing to teach. I was off by a few years. Will you loan me a few Euros? About 200 to 300 will do. do you actually know anything about Rousseau. or the enlightenment in general?<?i> Yes. you really dunno how to read arguments or think critically huh? Are you a woman.. to concentrate on the irrelevant and mundane? If you can understand, try again. Produce an argument first…without silly factual errors. Then we’ll see if it’s worth any effort. PS: The cult of Courtly Love is what you should be inspecting. Start… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

HF The Sorrows of Young Werther is the cringiest book ever with red pill lenses. I cannot offhand think of a cringier one, but give me some time… Goethe was 24, writing in the “Sturm und Drang” period of Germanic fiction. “Men are the true Romantics” – Rollo Tomassi For those who cannot be bothered to search: . Note that the book is in epistolery form: it’s a collection of (fake) letters that should have been marked “Return To Sender”. I had once the (bad) luck to watch it in the opera: I literally had to force myself to… Read more »

4 years ago

@w0man1 @Anonymous Reader has already put you straight on Rousseau versus Courtly Love: “PS: The cult of Courtly Love is what you should be inspecting. Start with Eleanor of Aquitane…” But see also @Rollo: “The Feminine Prerogative has been an accepted social norm since the early Renaissance and the advent of ‘courtly love’. Like the Position Insurance”. I would suggest that you start with La Chanson de Roland: The invention of Chilvalry / Courtly Love— the forerunner of Western societies’ motion of Romantic love — goes hand-in-hand with the emergence of Feudalism in the early Norman conquests… Read more »

4 years ago

@Playdontpay… “TRT gives you….better results in the gym and more Alpha mindset for me absolutely no downsides or negative side effects at this level.” And… “..So if you wanna BB chicks without the risk of child support etc High level TRT May be an option worth considering…” “About 6 years ago I was out with a 23 year old….I’m about 45….” FFS….”No downsides or negative side effect”????? Do you know what Prostate Cancer is? Do you know what Prostate Cells need to survive? Since you must be 51 yo by now….chances are you ALREADY have Prostate Cancer! Chances close to… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

In these times of changing values and definitions,the acronym APA now represents the American Political Association with A Psychological Accreditation. Now they are the APA,APA. Poly APA if you will.

4 years ago

From the article RT posted:
“other types of ethical, non-monogamous relationships.”

I love when they use the vague term “ethical”, which leaves the door open for any ex ante rationalization for behavior. Those who believe they hold the moral high ground and want to enlighten or control the rest of us are always hypocrites and almost always morally bankrupt.

4 years ago

Man! I saw that Miller & Fleishman vid and I was like “What do the TRM commentariat think about this?”

I’m sure, as you always point out, this is the way they’ll push the poly “lifestyle” more – that this now “backed by evo-pysch scientists and practitioners”.

Did you see the part where Miller actually proposed this as a good idea & lifestyle for countries like China??🤣🤣🤣 Does this dude know men?!


4 years ago

“Does this dude know men?!”

No. He measures them all by himself.

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

Like Rollo said, we are being actively indoctrinated:

Fake article – anyone half-conscious will note both the “questions” and “answers” are being written by one person – and not a very bright one, at that.

Time for a hard reset.

Brian O'Donnell
Brian O'Donnell
4 years ago

Hey Rollo love your content but I have some disagreements with your thoughts on poly relationships. I believe poly is for alpha males and low smv beta cucks while “monagamy” is for beta male providers. As a red pill man I see four options you can take. 1. Be “monagamous” and you chest behind her back and she cheats behind your back because our nature is to spread the seed and if you can you will and if you can’t you wish you could and she will to because other then female nature women are humans and variety is the… Read more »

2 years ago

In the United Kingdom it’s illegal for a man to get a DNA test of his children without a woman’s consent. It’s a feminist country.

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