The Global Sexual Marketplace

Before I launch into today’s essay I want to throw out a few caveats. The first is a reminder of my long-time policy of dealing with issues of race, politics and religion; and that’s to say it’s my practice leave these topics to other blogs and other writers unless those topics cross over into intersexual dynamics that are pertinent to Red Pill awareness. I feel like I need make this clear as I’m going to get into issues of race and how intersexual relations are modified by these issues today. It’s always been my belief that the shared input and related experiences of men of all races, cultures and nationality is one of the greatest strengths of the Red Pill. So it’s with this in mind that I think we need to address some of these experiences.

What got me on to this topic was the video I’ve linked above here today. As most of you know I’m not a proponent of the idea of a “Black Pill”. That is the ‘black’ part of understanding the harsh realities of what Red Pill awareness opens men’s eyes to. Accepting the uglier nature of intersexual dynamics and how it plays into today’s sexual marketplace is often something that drives some men to a kind of despondency. It can be really depressing to have Red Pill awareness destroy your long-held Blue Pill ideals – particularly when those ideals helped to give you a sense of hope in spite of your instincts telling you something different.

When I was at the 21 Convention last October I had a discussion with Dr. Shawn Smith about the nature of the Blue Pill. His question to me was something like “Don’t you think that some guys need at least a little Blue Pill to keep them going?” I’m paraphrasing here, but I’ve actually touched on this in a few prior essays. In essence, it should follow that human beings can’t handle too much ‘reality’. This is why we look for escapisms and turn our otherwise rational minds to something like faith. The human mind tries to remain hopeful in the face of dire realities; which also follows evolutionarily. Those humans who stayed optimistic in the face of crushing reality didn’t off themselves in despair and consequently passed on their genes.

That’s the nuts & bolts of it (yes, I know there’s more to it), but is this a feature or a bug in today’s realities? Willfully choosing conscious ignorance while your rational mind knows the truth can lead to despondency and depression. It’s the observer effect – observing a process will change that process – only, you’re playing that game with yourself. So, is a little bit of our Blue Pill conditioning a good thing if it gives us a hope that keeps us alive?

I’d have to say no. Because once you unplug from the Matrix going back to that ignorance is really impossible. Something in your hindbrain knows the truth about the fantasy you construct for yourself. Again, it’s playing the observer effect on oneself. And it’s just this simple truth that makes a lot of guys who are unprepared for the anger and nihilism that comes from Red Pill disillusionment to come up with things like a ‘Black Pill’.

But this essay isn’t about dealing with that despondency. I’ve already written that essay in A New Hope. This essay is about one of those ugly truths that Red Pill men have to evolve new adaptations for. You see, there is no ‘Black Pill’ – there is only the space in between a man dealing with his despondency about a harsh Red Pill truth and his crossing the abyss to accepting that truth and doing something with that information to better his life.

Local vs Global SMP

Watch the video I linked here. It’s by Black Pill 101, a channel that specializes in exactly the harsh realities of Red Pill awareness I mentioned above. It doesn’t pull any punches and for that I’m in agreement with them. Men deserve the unvarnished truth; without it they founder. This video outlines the innate difficulties Asian men face in the Global Sexual Marketplace. One of the most common requests I get for counseling is from Asian or Indian men asking me to help them improve their game. Many of them believe I have some Game solution to their getting laid with an SMV 6-7 they know from work. Many of them think they might have a chance with a modest SMV 6 if they either had some specialized technique or they could simply earn another $250K annual salary.

I honestly feel for Asian/Indian men in this respect. When I read about Aziz Ansari’s #MeToo’ing I read with morbid fascination watching his story play out with another ‘cute’ (SMV6-7) white girl. This is the stereotypical interaction. With my Red Pill Lens I saw a girl conflicted by her attraction to Aziz’s social proof (celebrity) with her visceral reaction to becoming intimate with a guy she simply wasn’t all that aroused by. This is just my personal experience, but I’ve counseled Indian (and a few Asian) men who all share a very similar frustration – they really want to get with a white American girl but they are sexually invisible to the vast majority of them.

Black Pill 101 lays out this frustration from Asian men’s perspective. If you happen to be an Asian or Indian man I’d encourage you to add your own experiences in the comments here. But from my own interactions with these men the story revolves around their investment in locking down an average white woman. They aren’t looking to spin plates. They want an LTR with a girl and most of them tend to fixate on one they know from work or a friend of a friend. Maybe that lean towards monogamy is a cultural thing, but they all seem to set their sights on the average, seemingly attainable, American girl. And almost universally they are relegated to the ‘friend zone’ or the go ‘Black Pill’ in frustration.

I’m going to look at the bigger picture here while I try to answer why this is so commonly case. In our tribalist, hunter/gatherer ancestral past our naturalistic sexual marketplace was limited to what a very localized group of individuals had to offer. We might’ve lived in groups of 100-150 ‘natives’ of our tribe. In that tribe maybe there were 10-12 females who would’ve been potential breeding/pairing candidates for a young man.

There are general arousal cues that are universal to all humans across cultures. Natural cross-culture beauty standards is something that’s been widely studied since the mid seventies – globalized beauty standards and physical prowess cues – however, the context in which those cues are expressed are (were) buffered by whatever that localized sexual marketplace (SMP) can realistically manifest.

Example: Height in men something universally agreed on as attractive/arousing for women. This is a globalized attraction cue in women. Girls all over the world overwhelmingly prefer a man to be taller than they are. This is an evolved preference because the survival implications are that a taller man is (generally) an easily identifiable aspect of physical prowess. Height implies a capacity for protection, an imposed dominance, and is a signifier of presence in a male dominance hierarchy. Whether this is the actual case is irrelevant. All that matters is that a woman’s preference for tall men to breed and pair with.

The average height of a Filipino man is around 5′ 4″. Prior to the Spanish colonizing the Philippines all Filipino women knew of men was that 5′ 4″ man. And to the 4′ 11″ average Filipino woman that was attractive. A 5′ 6-7″ man was a giant by the local SMP standards.

But the global SMP standards are simply ‘taller men are more attractive’. So when the Spanish/Western peoples came to the island it introduced Filipinas to a new standard: the 5′ 7″ Spanish man. Now the globalized SMP began to modify the local SMP. Then, eventually, along came the first 6 foot tall Caucasian European guy. Then the first Black man, etc. Gradually the localized (previously tribally-defined) SMP to include the new possibilities of women breeding/pairing with men outside their own tribe.

Localized Contingencies

This is only one easy example of how a globalized standard of what defines the whole of the sexual marketplace redefines, and often replaces, the localized standard of attraction/arousal for women. There are many other ways this out-tribe influence introduces a new global standard for the SMP. This can include force as well as by invitation or local social norms shifting to accommodate the new global SMP. When a tribe is conquered by another it forcibly alters the other’s sexual marketplace standards (War Brides).

As such, societal standards shifted to favor social practices that defended the local SMP integrity of that tribe. This is nothing groundbreaking – tribalist humans have been creating social and religious contingencies to buffer agains women’s Hypergamy, and to solidify the integrity of the local SMP for millennia. And these norms affect both the men and the women of that culture.

Cultural norms that forbid intermarriage (really interbreeding) of women with out-tribe men are common, but there are also:

  • Prearranged Marriages
  • Guarding/Prioritizing Virginity
  • Buffering Against Hypergamy
  • Socially Enforced Monogamy

I should also add that there is the Samson Contingency which is a buffer set against (powerful) men taking out-tribe wives. It may’ve been acceptable to have sex with out-tribe women (rape or prostitution), but for the integrity of the tribe, that man was only to form lasting bonds (via marriage) from within that tribe. This kept vital resources within that tribe.

A Modern SMP

In an upcoming essay I’ll be exploring the deeper reasons why Blank-Slate Equalism is so difficult to purge from our present-day social order. However, I need to detail a bit of this now. We live in a feminine-primary social order (the Gynocracy), but without the Blank-Slate much of the preconception of it collapse. One reason Blank-Slate Equalism remains a social norm (despite a world of empirical proof that destroys it) is because it serves to disguise the ugly realities of a sexual marketplace defined by human evolution. Particularly so in an age of expanding SMP globalism. It’s not just culture, politics, ideology and socioeconomic considerations that are tied to globalization; a global scale sexual marketplace is following among all of this.

In the age of global mass communication our localized (tribal) SMPs are replaced with a global standard. That global standard destroys the old local SMPs, but it also selects-out the men who don’t measure up to its standards. This is something I think most MGTOWs and all Incels instinctively know: according to the global SMP selection criteria there are some men who will simply not be selected-for. If the Black Pill 101 video about how Asian women don’t select Asian men for mating opportunities is any indicator, I think Asian and Indian men are facing this head on today.

Now, I expect the first rebuttal to this proposition will be that the present, global SMP is a reflection of Westernized beauty standards and horribly distorted expectations. Asian/Indian men seem to want nothing to do with the native women who are ruthless in expressing that they want nothing to do with them. What globalized demographic is really left for these men? The same might be said about socially inept white men seeking an easier sexual marketplace in Asian women. All of this is simple deductive adaptations men will naturally resort to when it comes to solving the problems of sex and reproduction.

I’m totally accepting that there is a societal influence in all of this. However, I think the incentives to look into the opportunities that a larger global SMP offers is still based on Darwinistic principles. Even Western romanticism is still founded upon natural female arousal cues that define the larger SMP. The global SMP is rooted in the naturalistic, evolved (not socialized) elements that trigger arousal, incentivize parental investment and play off women’s dualistic sexual strategies (Alpha Seed/Beta Need).

The Global Social Order

Finally, I want to point out that while our expanding globalization has given rise to a global SMP, that expansion is rooted in Gynocentrism. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution an unfettered, unconstrained Hypergamy has dictated this global sexual marketplace. The world-scale SMP is driven by women’s prime-directives, not men’s. As women are afforded more authority to direct society, their reproductive interests are what defines the global SMP. And all unchecked and unbalanced by any male interests. This is important to consider when we see the old tribalist, local SMPs decay to extinction. The checks and balances on Hypergamy that existed in the past were the creations of a smaller localized SMP. One that was familiar with the risks and results of allowing men and women of that particular tribe to reproduced without thought to the integrity of the tribe.

This is why Blank-Slate Equalism, as big a lie as it is, is so necessary to maintaining the unfettered Hypergamy that the global SMP is based on. Without its social constructionism, without its presumption of coequal agency, the Gynocentric power base is replaced with conventional, evolved gender norms that would favor men’s influence in the global SMP. Gynocentrism needs Blank-Slate Equalism to disguise its authority and influence. Notions of ‘Equal Value’ and social constructionism are needed to cover the ugly Darwinsim that unchecked Hypergamy thrives in.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago


““not fuck it up” = don’t be boring/weirdo/creepy. If you wanna call that “Game” lol ok bro go ahead, but that’s not really game to me.”

Of course that’s not game. And “don’t fuck it up” isn’t going to get you laid unless the girl is leading.

Here do a hypothetical. 4 girls in a group of 8 good looking guys. Who all happen to look exactly the same. Who gets laid?

5 years ago

““don’t fuck it up” isn’t going to get you laid unless the girl is leading” If you’ve got experience with and know what the ‘window of opportunity’ looks like, you can take her home, when the situation presents itself. I don’t want to make it seem like “don’t fuck it up” is something so easy a caveman can do it. Because you need massive experience to be able to detect these unconscious signals and know what to do and when. Just that, to an experienced seducer, this is a walk in the park, compared to seducing a girl who isn’t… Read more »

5 years ago

lookism debate: Gamer in Wonderland @J I was thinking about last night and it seemed unreal, like a dream–how could a fat, old, bald sperg like me be such that young, hot girls ask me to dance? In a new-ish venue where I’m not a regular? Unbelievable, right? After all, I must be misreading social cues due to autism. But autism doesn’t explain hot young women remembering me after months. Or asking me to dance. And my salsa really isn’t very good–I do it so rarely that I’m very rusty. There were many handsome young white guys who were far… Read more »

5 years ago

Previous page there was talk about women being the gatekeepers of sex.

I don’t see it that way. That might make a.difference in how one relates to them in some small fashion. Women hold no power. Only if they were a limited resource for sex would they be gatekeepers.

There’s billions of them, so fuck that noise.

One finer than the next if you wish to do the legwork.😂 turning upper hand many women can manage is sex. Take that advantage away from them first inside your head. Fairer sex, gatekeeper, blah blah blah.


5 years ago

My wife has a right of refusal regarding sex because I’m not prone to rape or unwelcomed force.

Dollars to donuts I can get strange poon in 24 hours or less. Gatekeeper mode disabled.

Thanks for playing.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

@j – thanks for the answer, I understand better now. I don’t agree, but I have very some very specific thoughts on it – I’ll try to write it up in a day or so. I’ll leave you with this post from @IRL (not me), which is one of the better summaries of “looks” that I’ve seen. I don’t have the link to where he posted it on some old thread, I just copied and saved the whole thing because it made so much sense to me, but it’s @IRL’s, not mine (it closely tracks the kind of thing YaReally… Read more »

5 years ago

Blax, women hold the gate against betas and alphas hold the gate against women.

Saying women hold the gate against men” ignores the fact that there is a significant difference among men as to who can easily get pussy and who can’t. Alphas and betas.

Women actually compete for sex with alphas. I’m sure that there are women who feel that they are being denied sex with you, so you are holding the gate against them.

5 years ago

j: “Because you need massive experience to be able to detect these unconscious signals”


5 years ago

j is a RSDMAXXXXXXXXX shill.

Nice product placement in your gayass expensive FR.

5 years ago

Re: gatekeeper 🔒 Why you gaming her? ‘Uh….uh…cause it’s fun?” No. You want to fuck her (I don’t need to hear married guys chiming in here with your “it’s to keep my skillset sharp” bullshit). I’m gaming her because I know that if I make her laugh, make her cry, make her feel comfortable, connected, horny, and wet, she’ll be spreading her legs for me at the end of the night. If I don’t do any of that (seduction) and I say, go up to a random girl I like, and be like “I want to fuck you. Let’s go”… Read more »

5 years ago


“I’ll try to write it up in a day or so”

Alright look forward to it

5 years ago

There are two women who have asked me on dates this year and a couple who chased me on fb. Bearing in mind the Iceberg Principle, that means that there are about 24 women who know me and wanted to bang me in the past year. I don’t give out my phone no. much.

I’m definitely the gatekeeper wrt at least the four women.

Blax, how many women have asked you on dates the past year?

5 years ago

Asd Don’t remember about dates. There are 2 21 year olds that keep saying ” we should hang out “, but nobody has said ” date ” specifically. Lol, I was supposed to write an fr about this one chick above, but I kept forgetting to do it a and now I can’t remember half of the conversation. I don’t know. If I wanted to date/bang a chick, I would remember if she offers to ‘ to date ‘. J, Not sure which married omg’s you are talking about😁 but I Game chicks because it’s part of me. I’m not… Read more »

5 years ago

Not sure which married omg’s you are talking about😁 but I Game chicks because it’s part of me. Then there’s Rollo’s Plate Theory posts we could refer men to who maybe haven’t internalized spinning plates yet. I really don’t Game broads much because I don’t want to put a lot of effort into running away from them. Just doing what I do already keeps me hopping as it is. I guess that’s Game, too. None of the broads I dance with have my phone no. One was a girl I know who said that she wanted to invite me to… Read more »

5 years ago

J, 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Okay, seriously for a sec. Do you think it’s easier for a guy that’s never, ever had any apprehension or issues with talking to wimen, all of them, in any kind of situation, across an entire lifetime? If a guy has problems of any kind talking to women, then he only ” learns ” how to talk them into sex, but otherwise doesn’t want to be bothered by them, under those circumstances do you believe that sexy talk guy will not understand that there are other, more precise ways to get to know women, and that 99% of… Read more »

5 years ago

Asd I’m going to hit the sack. Big day of heavy ass show to shovel tomorrow. It is March, right? But one last thought before I lay me down to sleep. I do not get the idea that Game is something that has to be planned and thought about. I don’t believe I’ve ever thought to myself things like ” …make her laugh ” or ” read her subtle whatever ” consciously. I’ve said it before: that shit sounds absolutely exhausting. And yet, chicks laugh their asse s off around me. Hmmmm….what gives?s Could it be that I like to… Read more »

5 years ago

I do not get the idea that Game is something that has to be planned and thought about. I agree that Game should be fun, but you have to start somewhere. Improvisational playing is a skill, like anything. You can’t avoid the progression from unconscious incompetence all the way to unconscious competence. Surely you’ve planned practical jokes before? Creating jokes takes serious thought unless they just fall out of a situation. I’ve said it before: that shit sounds absolutely exhausting. And it was for you, too, way back when, until you had enough skill that you didn’t have to work… Read more »

5 years ago

@blax “I don’t believe I’ve ever thought to myself things like ” …make her laugh ” or ” read her subtle whatever ” consciously” lol me neither. I was just listing some of the things that I always do with girls (there’s no mental “hmm let’s see I made her laugh already check ok now I need to make her horny” checklist) that have lead to successful encounters. I often have no idea what I’m gonna open a girl with. I don’t have a “go to” opener, as all my openers are situational. just go in, and think of the… Read more »

5 years ago

Feminism and the FI

The FI has a laffer curve distribution.

There’s a precipitous dropoff after a steep ascendancy. Feminism as a FI force multiplier takes women only far as the FI is divinely engineered for a balanced environment.

The FI has a negative feedback rate-limiting characteristic to it. Example: Western women have never been more empowered, and never unhappier. The FI has a characteristic benefit function if allowed to govern women’s needs.

The unbridled FI doesn’t provide unlimited satisfaction to women. More is not more or better.

5 years ago

Comparing Alpha in any way to something created, ie. money, power, status, is comparing mystery-infused Alpha apples to conceivable, knowable physical-stuff oranges.

Alpha is undefinable as a tangible. Alpha is better understood as a feeling than a grammatically defined adjective. Any attempt to define Alpha concretely reduces the greater understanding into something less then satisfactory.

There’s some things we shouldn’t f*** with, nature knows this, and by design frustrates our vain ambition. It’s not nature’s fault man doesn’t want to adhere to its laws.

“Hypergamy doesn’t care” is a subdomain example of this.

5 years ago

” this shit ain’t for everybody ”



5 years ago

“As women are afforded more authority to direct society, their reproductive interests are what defines the global SMP. And all unchecked and unbalanced by any male interests. ” Not entirely true. 1) Male interests are served by natural forces outside of human control. The more artificially configured the SMP, the less satisfying the product of that marketplace for both sexes. Men might not be served as well as they could be but enabling women beyond their natural tendencies doesn’t serve the female reproductive strategy either. 2) Reproductive interests without vaginal-delivery reproduction isn’t useful a description for AF/BB. AF/BB is based… Read more »

5 years ago

R.I.P. Keith Flint.

” Firestarter ” was a song I hated to love. It was like a virus in my ears that made me bang my head, and nothing could get it out.

5 years ago

@Ex Cartoonist – Lol, you don’t even know what Blue Pill or Red Pill mean i guess. How long have you been reading here? Blue Pill is essentially about internalizing the gynocentric, romantic/chivalric, male shaming culture we live in. One can be socially dominant – which is what and all that “alpha” means, and still be blue pilled. In fact, it’s very painful but doable. You do realize that “alpha” in and of itself is quite a weak idea to apply to humans as its drawn from the pack behavior of animals which humans have moved far beyond, even as… Read more »

5 years ago

ASD: “There are two women who have asked me on dates this year and a couple who chased me on fb.”

FYI, fb friend requests aren’t date solicitations though if you’d give us literal, unadulterated, word for word deets re: “chased me on fb” we’d be all ears.

Your personal interpretation is worthless. You dissemble like a boss.

5 years ago

@Culum While I wait for your thoughts, let me debunk @IRL’s post real quick “looks matter only if there’s nothing else that spikes her RAS stronger” You mean if a guy above her Looks Threshold comes in set with better game, than the guy (whose also above her Looks Threshold) that’s boring the fuck outta her? yeah absolutely. but if this guy below her Looks Threshold, comes in set, it’s immediately “ewww go away”. “good looks ping off as something ‘positive’, average as ‘neutral’ and bad looks, or even worse “ugly and ungroomed, unhealthy”, as ‘negative’” Positive = “Yeah, I’d… Read more »

5 years ago

@ scribblerg You’re right, I’m not that clear on what Blue Pill and Red Pill are. It seems clear enough when I read Rollo’s articles, but I struggle when participating in the comments’ threads. ‘Blue Pill’ and ‘beta’ often seem to be used interchangeably and I get confused. Part of this is trying to understand exactly what ‘Beta’ is. Some commentators treat it as an insulting negative which real men should avoid, whereas others present Beta as a mindset with both positive and negative aspects, just as Alpha has positive and negative aspects. I secretly want Beta to have a… Read more »

5 years ago

In his own castle everyone bent their knee to Roland.

In the castle of Charles Roland bent the knee and died far from home under Charles’s command.

5 years ago

Alpha and Beta are not functions. They are heuristics.

5 years ago

@ex-cartoonist: “I have zero interest in pretty much everything the Manosphere claims every man should do (e.g. lifting, spinning plates, sport). In my work life, I’ve tended to play Mr Spock to someone else’s Captain Kirk and it’s a role I play well and am well-suited for in both talent and temperament.” Another reason I suspect I’m Beta is my inability to stop admiring Jordan Peterson. I read so many comments on the Manosphere about what a beta JBP is, yet whenever I click on a Youtube video of him speaking or being interviewed by some hostile feministic journalist, I… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Ex Cartoonist – Wow, you are very confused about alpha and beta. I have made numerous comments here trying unfuck people’s minds about this. Calling alpha/beta a mindset is an absurdly stupid POV. Not that such BS it isn’t very common in the pseudo-intellectual, Lysenkoish garbage “science” used by so many preening douches in the manospher. The incel video referenced in this piece being a classic example of the pseudo-scientific “data driven” nonsense peddled to Red Pill men who have no business forwarding the ‘theories’ and analysis they do. So listen up, this time, k? Alpha & Beta –… Read more »

5 years ago

“Your real problem is epic arrogance. You think you are morally superior to me…”

@ Scrib

I didn’t read that at all and only you can feel he’s arrogant which is epically hilarious in irony alone.

Holy inferiority complex.

Funny too how it takes hundreds of words for us to figure out that your upstream commentary has an origin of fear.

5 years ago

@KFG – Well said, but I have one tiny problem with Rollo’s statement in that article. There is no killing of one’s “inner beta”. There is a killing of the Blue Pill idealism that is deeply embedded into a beta mans identity though. Blue Pilling is far more toxic for beta men cuz they are always seeking a “reason” for why the “other guy” seems to always get the girl. Or why the girl always fucks “the bad boy” (not even true often, it’s just that betas have make demons out of alpha dogs to feel better about themselves). I… Read more »

5 years ago

Alpha is not social dominance, in a red pill / manosphearian sense. If you are an actual wolf, then OK. Social Dominance is often a result of Alpha behavior. Peel back “what” makes one socially dominant and you will reveal The Alpha Triad traits on display – dynamism, passion and authenticity. The Sigma concept exists to account for Alphas that aren’t socially dominant. Typically because they reject or have no interest in leadership or even the group. Cartoonist – if tou want to delve into tgis further check out The irreducible traits… A lot of manosphere guys confuse Masculinity… Read more »

5 years ago

@Eh Intellect – Spoken as only a true angry little beta boy would. But please, carry on tearing me down as it’s the only way you can build yourself up. Buffering slows a man’s Red Pill development, you’ll have to let go of those buffers at some point, why not do so today?

5 years ago

@All – And I’m out. I love Sentient, but he’s spinning mythology in his comment. Period. Zero science or actual objective evidence to support what he’s saying about alpha. It’s just some shit he made up while taking a crap or something. Maybe it’s interesting, maybe it’s not. But I’m 100% correct on what alpha is and isn’t in reality. The rest is primarily Manospherian mythology designed to suck betas into hero worship and/or the unachievable goal of “alphaing up”. Ugly truth, but then again, I don’t give a fuck about how you guys feel about these truths. Hey, maybe… Read more »

5 years ago


“Zero science or actual objective evidence to support what he’s saying about alpha.”

There is loads of objective evidence, just look around. You see zero guys who are alpha who aren’t “socially dominant”?

Go back to why Alpha is attractive to women. It’s pretty clear women are attracted to guys who have zero social dominance.

And that provides the headspace to theorize… I said plainly this is a theory amd hypothesized the Evo science around it

We are not wolves…

Tell me how it is someone is “socially dominant”? What are the universal traits? The irreducible traits?

5 years ago

On this notion of “alphaing up” or going from beta to alpha. Scribbs says he’s never once seen it. This has been posed before. It’s an interesting question. Scribbs are you saying alpha is genetic? I’ve seen a fair few guys “flip the switch” and throw off their beta “act”, which is what it was… Scribbs self describes this above. So the question remains… How many men are still acting beta? How early did they start this? It’s well known children act more alpha and this is conditioned out of them earlier and earlier. How many natural born alphas are… Read more »

5 years ago

Mass office?

5 years ago


“Harsh adversity can convert a beta into an Alpha in some circumstances.”

I agree. The question is though can you go back to an early age and observe alpha then?

I have my own experience but it’s corrupted by this “early age” observation.

So come on group… Spill it. Any early age betas convert?

Would be nice if Rollo weighed in here…

5 years ago

@EI FYI, fb friend requests aren’t date solicitations though if you’d give us literal, unadulterated, word for word deets re: “chased me on fb” we’d be all ears. These were old ladies seeking attention whom I met in the Philippines when they started flirting with me in a Wendy’s. They were trying to keep in touch for when I returned to visit. Logistics. You just have to understand how these things work. I’m not saying that I never dissemble, but in this case you are wrong. If anything, I’m conservative in my reporting. if you’d give us literal, unadulterated, word… Read more »

5 years ago

Palma I agree that circumstances can literally force men with dominant beta tendencies to alpha up. Or die. Any of adopting a dpa mindset at put it into action, but many will not do so. I’m less.clear on the ” socially dominant ” thing though, as the corporate environment has managed to infect a lot of general society allowing the most beta of men to ascend to leadership positions. lol, I’m sure those betas think they are alpha because of the deference others bestow on them. I’m solidly in the ” men can be whatever they want to be,… Read more »

5 years ago


“I’m solidly in the ” men can be whatever they want to be, and it starts inside your head ” camp, so yeah, a man can definitely alpha up.”

Sure you can believe this, but we want evidence. Your story paints you in the childhood alpha camp.

5 years ago

@ scrib

Your insults are multivitamins. I’m not worthy to tie your sandals but at least I can tie my own.

5 years ago

“I’m less.clear on the ” socially dominant ” thing ”

As you should be because it’s generally irrelevant to the greater debate.

If it isn’t clear from the get-go it probably isn’t helpful.

That’s why scrib is deceiving himself. He equates word count with intelligence.

There’s a correlation with parsimony and clarity and intelligence.

Scrib, stick that in your Dragon Naturally Speaking and dictate it.

5 years ago

“Pay attention to what women do, not what they say.”


C’mon man! Not another dodge.

Give us what they wrote to you and we’ll be the judge.

What’s the downside?

5 years ago

Often what makes a guy Alpha is the same thing that socially marginalizes him.

But he generally doesn’t care so it’s all good.

5 years ago

@ scribblerg

I appreciate what you wrote about alpha and beta; I’ve also read some of the material on chivalry you linked to. I’m a slow thinker so I need time to digest things, but thank you.

Regarding your colourful descriptions of my character, I’m not sure what to say. You’re the same with everyone, so it’s hard to be offended. I need to think about it.

@ Incubus Rising

You asked why I’m here, even though I’m not interested in lifting, etc.? Because I love Rollo’s blog and it makes me question my assumptions about being a man.

5 years ago

@Palma – Great question. Fyi, I forgot to mention you as one of the guys I get a strong alpha hit on from this forum. The actually true answer is that we don’t know how much social dominance is socially constructed versus genetically determined. So, if we are being honest with each other, neither of us can say for sure. And what I was saying is that “I never saw it” – not that it can’t happen, two very different statements My hypothesis? Instead of mentally masturbating in this comment section, I read books (some of you guys would be… Read more »

5 years ago

In other words what makes a guy human Alpha is his ability to subdue his shame. How well he performs in his particular social context is dependent on how well he submits himself to the social norms. Gangsta guy submits himself to the StreetWise gangsta life and is considered Alpha as he’s doing what he pleases but within that expected context. He is laid like tile until he is gunned down in a hail of bullets. Then we pour malt liquor all over his casket. Country club socialite guy submits himself to those swanky socially polite rules, and flourishes by… Read more »

5 years ago

“Instead of mentally masturbating in this comment section, I read books…”

RP translation: “Instead of mentally masterbating in this comments section, I’m mentally masturbating to my books in the privacy of my own home. Can’t you see the difference in fags?”

5 years ago

“I get a strong alpha hit on from this forum.”

Said no Alpha ever in any context.

5 years ago

@Eh – LMFAO. It’s like I cast you to play my foil. Keep it coming, it’s just too perfect. Meanwhile, your real life races by…

5 years ago

“That’s why guys like Scrib are phony stuffed shirt Alpha. They care oh so deeply to project themselves onto other people. That weakness personified. Alpha is not about force-fed command or dominance it’s more about acta non verba leadership where others free willingly follow…irrelavant of money, physique, social status, intelligence etc. At least in the human context.” When I was hanging out with my wife in the lobby of the Trump Hotel on Sunday, having a couple Sour Monkey beers for a couple hours, we were in some comfy wing backed chairs sitting right next to a large group of… Read more »

5 years ago


5 years ago


“it’s more about acta non verba leadership where others free willingly follow…”

Alpha is attractive to men as well as women. It’s not sexual in this regard.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Funniest? @Eh thinks Alphas are socially marginalized, lol. I couldn’t make this shit any more perfect, seriously. Do you see how deranged and wrong he is on just about every point?

Angry Beta bitches stuck in Blue Pill self-alienation will bleat a lot guys, don’t worry he’ll come out of it eventually…

5 years ago

There are alphas in all social contexts. Men and women find value in them qua them. Charisma. Yes. IDGAF, social calibration, patience and a solid center of gravity are charismatic AND tailored to an Alpha’s preferred venue. Moreover, he needs zero external validation to have complete, unyielding faith in himself. External validation: Any source of pride beyond our core existence. That includes IQ, intelligence, physique and even notch counts too. Scribs preferred venue is tossing off to his Poindexter irrelavant musings hence his MPoO is not within him qua him. It is in externally validating books or facts or history… Read more »

5 years ago


Damn bro. You can’t let an old man with a lifetime N-count of 1, easily trigger you around like this…it’s embarrassing lol

5 years ago

@Eh – Palma reeks of social dominance, which is all alpha is. You? You reek of beta rage and fecklessness. Not social dominance at all. Sure, you talk a lot, but you don’t say much worth paying attention to. I know, you don’t get that. But the rest of us do, bunky…

VoxDay would call you a “Gamma”, lol.

5 years ago

“What I do think is that they are set in place very early in life.“… -100… There is something called imprinting which occurs when you’re young that impacts sexual choices, but you’re generally off base on this…. We need to give betas better advice than to just “alpha up”.… +1… “Why not just teach them social intelligence“… +1… 2) And it would be helpful to have a group of red pill friends who help them to discover their masculine identity so that they can celebrate it and be confident in it…. 3) And it would be helpful to have a… Read more »

5 years ago

Funniest? @Eh thinks Alphas are socially marginalized, lol.

think “wards of the State,” Bunky


5 years ago

J, what’s your dump count? You have yet to get back to me on that.

5 years ago

VoxDay would call you a “Gamma”, lol.

…and you as well, scribs

5 years ago

Scrib wants me to fuck him. I’m used to closeted homo come-ons.

5 years ago

Good news! Daughter Gamer has a locums position in April for two weeks at 1500/day + 175/hr over two hours per day…and she has an offer for a hospital position at 500k/year + annual help with student loans + 4k for education in a small city with a big urban draw. Her local rental house is ready for prospective tenants and maybe SIL will be available to meet this week. And DG has another face-to-face interview scheduled. Travel required.

5 years ago

Whew. Scrib had me on the ropes, didn’t he? Lol.

Moral of the story: External validation is bad juju. It’s the source of your thumbscrews and ruin. If ya gonna have them for God’s sake don’t parade them around as virtues online.The internet is full of asshole trolls.

Which brings is to “what is RP”: It’s a path to unbuffered reality.

5 years ago

Scrib ironic quote of the day:

“Sure, you talk a lot, …”

5 years ago

“Last Wednesday, the Supreme Court of British Columbia (B.C.) ruled that a 14-year-old girl may undergo transgender hormone “treatments” to support her transgender identity as a boy — without her father’s consent. The court went so far as to threaten to penalize the father’s speech. If he calls his daughter a girl, that would constitute “family violence,” which would be punishable by law.”

5 years ago

Think looks are all genetic? Think again. Incredibly interesting video on how diet effects appearance, how much our diet has changed for humans and how it drives even our appearance. What do we think is attractive and why? Hmmmm.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation:

5 years ago

Fascinating topic. The subjects here happen to have the closest proximity, cultural understanding and opportunity to some of the most attractive – not to mention feminine – females on the surface of the planet. Just my opinion. And they’re blowing it!? If it is true that these men are genuinely frustrated with the sexual receptiveness from the friendly, but friendzoney, American women in the workplace, then with so much fail, how can they not default to stop what obviously isn’t working, and amp up their masculine feature sets? JFC, watch any Bollywood film (if you can stomach it) and the… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . some of the most attractive – not to mention feminine – females on the surface of the planet.” I find the stereotypical nose problematic, but then I’m a Euro. Other than that I won’t argue. ” . . . they’re blowing it!?” The culture is patriarchal and strongly gynocentric. Arranged marriages are still culturally preferred, if not officially. Displays of public affection we take for granted as part of “courting” may be criminal there. They do not have the same intersexual background we do which puts them at disadvantage here. ” . . . watch any… Read more »

5 years ago

Q: What would happen if more Asian and Indian men starting doing 48 and 72 hour fasts, hauled themselves into the gym to do squats, deadlifts, curls and bench 4x to 6x per week and got fucking ripped?


5 years ago

I’m very impressed by the ability to suck up to someone. lol

5 years ago

“What would happen if more Asian and Indian men started getting rid of their Blue Pill beliefs and became happy with their masculinity?”

5 years ago

fascinating video post kfg.

Thanks for putting that up. I can’t stop watching it.

5 years ago

Interesting about diet and jaw size. Our oldest has the biggest jaw in the family. His wisdom teeth came in and there’s still room. There are spaces between his teeth. But he was also the pickiest eater. Think he only ate about 5 different foods until he was 12 years old.

5 years ago

The idea that a highly varied diet is necessary is something that came out of nutritionist conferences. They decided that it would be easier to tell the stupid, unwashed masses to eat a whole bunch of different stuff and let the statistical variance deal with the specifics than it would be to actually teach them the nutritional knowledge to select a specific handful of things to eat that met their needs. The bulk of the Standard American Diet is now composed of four basic things: wheat, corn, soy and sugar. The processors have learned to disguise these four things as… Read more »

5 years ago

” Growing up in Northern California….”

Lifting for extreme size is mostly a western thing. In a lot of other cultures, bigger men mean manual labor and superior strength earned the hard(er) way.

5 years ago

kfg I always wondered why my great uncles and that generation were so fucking huge and ripped and strong and basically never got sick….massive strokes and heart attacks at 90 years old aside. Down south, it used to be that folks ate everything and anything. I remember being offered a piping hot plate of pig brains and how nauseated it made me, but I was forced from time to time to eat pig and bull testicles. But just like the video shows, photographical evidence shows the changes over generations of dietary adjustments. My great uncle Sidney was all of 6’10”… Read more »

5 years ago

“Think he only ate about 5 different foods until he was 12 years old.”

Because, as a mom, you collapsed to his infantile desires. Fail.

GTFO and goodnight to all my peeps.

5 years ago

Lots of laughter around ” just lift bro “, but imo, it’s better than going Black Pill and wasting your time.

We all get the exact same amount of hours in a day.

5 years ago

” . . . you collapsed to his infantile desires. Fail.”

When I were a wee lad my mother had a hard time keeping me from eating butter by the stick. Turns out my infantile desire may have saved my life.

5 years ago
5 years ago


Have you done a blog on marketing and branding? I’d be interested in reading your thoughts about it.

5 years ago

Lots of laughter around ” just lift bro “, but imo, it’s better than going Black Pill and wasting your time.
I call BS on this. I’m 5’5 and weight 155 and lift pretty hard for my 60yo frame. I can start fucking my 125lb gf on the couch downstairs, lift her off the couch while still inside her and carry her upstairs to the bedroom to finish off. She loves that shit.

But yeah, it’s not just “just lift bro”. Game has a lot of importance too. But lifting is more importanter

5 years ago

Google is paying men less than women for comparable work.

5 years ago

Fail. GTFO

Thumbs up, 7 up.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago


That guy should chew on a compass, because he looks like his features are upside down.

5 years ago

@ kfg

Between all the eggs and chicken breasts at your childhood dinner table a stick of butter was a perfect addition to your proto Atkins diet. Ketone heaven, steady blood glucose levels.

I love your mom..

5 years ago

@ kfg

What’s your objection to butter? I love it in stick, pads, whipped, salted, or no salt.

I love your mom.

5 years ago

From Rollos twitter feed: Who’s-his-face preacherman: “Every time we stop calling sin, sin and start calling it a “disorder” women and children are the first to lose.” This is akin to a headline: “Tornados strike Kansas! Women and children affected harshest!” Or akin to a homily titled: “Your sin sends the wife and children to hell first.” It presumes the women and her offspring require immediate attention where men, again, are left to figure it out on their own. The writer is suffering from WK, savior schema, FI biases or he’s furtively manipulative but that’s probably giving him too… Read more »

5 years ago

So basically this vid tries to build on data from online dating apps from america, that shows asian females are the most popular of females, and asian males the least popular of males. There are lots of reasons for that. One reason not mentioned, is that white women in america have become so overweight, and have been so brainwashed in toxic feminism, that the more slender asian women coming from more traditional cultures seem more desirable to white males. Asian women find themselves suddenly flooded with social options and attention from white males.

5 years ago

Meh. Missing a huge point, in that the “local SMP” as he calls it also emphasized more stable pair bonds because there were only so many hot girls to even see with your own 2 eyes, so non high status men would devolve their standards down as much as the women.

5 years ago
5 years ago

@ Palma

Obesity took off in the Golden 90’s.

“While there were no statistically significant changes in youth or adult rates compared with the previous survey in 2013–2014, rates have increased significantly since 1999–2000, when 13.9% of children and 30.5% of adults had obesity.”
comment image

5 years ago

I’ve posted this question to people in the business of obesity:

Is there only so much right-shift in the obesity epidemic nature bell curve nature will allow?

Obesity isn’t a solitary pursuit. It requires enablers everywhere to keep these people upright.

Have you lately been encumbered by someone being fat. Have you had to squish yourself into a wall to accommodate another’s bulk.

I have….everyday and that’s just the observable greedy nature of gluttony.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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