State of the Manosphere 2018

Tonight at 10pm eastern my State of the Manosphere address goes live. I’ll be answering question in real time in the chat, but once this is up and on the 21 Convention You Tube channel I’ll be answering Q&A primarily on the comment thread of this post.

As I’ve mentioned in my last few posts, much of what I predicted to come for the next two years, with respect to our gender politics landscape, has come to pass far sooner than I expected. I fully expect the 2019 Super Bowl advertising to be a parade of misandrous hate directed at what the Feminine Imperative perceives as their ideological and political enemies – conventionally masculine men.

Furthermore, the scope of the APA’s guidelines about masculinity is revealing itself to be much more extensive with respect to ideological purity than any real science.

The APA ruling ‘traditional’ masculinity as a psychological disorder is also proving itself to be a part of a much larger coordinated attack on who the #resistance and #MeToo believe will be their primary opposition in the coming election cycle. The Gillette agitprop video and the PETA video were only the opening salvos to build the groundwork against conventional masculinity. I’ve seen damn near every article decrying ‘toxic’ masculinity since the beginning of the new year refer to the APA guidelines as a kind of Papal bull for their believers. Expect to see more media use this as a basis for their further demonizing men as we move into the election cycle.

Speaking of which, in the first 3 weeks of 2019 we’ve also seen an almost entirely female set of candidates declare themselves as running for their party’s nomination. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Karen Gillibrand, and a few others couldn’t wait for the clock to strike midnight on December 31st, 2018. This was also something I alluded to in our December 29th episode of The Red Man Group; a vagina will be a prerequisite for consideration for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

Anyway, those were just a few things I saw coming last Fall. Let me know what you think about this talk. A lot of convention attendees told me it was one of my best. I hope you think so too.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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A. G.
A. G.
5 years ago

Dear Rollo, First of all, I cannot thank you enough for your outstanding work. To begin with, I owe to your first book almost three dozens of the women that are under my belt. But most importantly, a change in mentality that has directed me towards masculinity and ownership, and which is strongly and very positively influencing my life. Anyway, the main reason why I follow you is mere curiosity about human behavior. Your analysis obviously goes well beyond mere PUA techniques. It is all about the deep underlying psychology and, what is even more fascinating to me, how it… Read more »

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

What are the odds Oprah runs for president?

5 years ago here. Excellent video and one that should be seen by all men. This video will be shared on our platform. During a time of darkness, a group of men got together and decided that we needed a site for us to communicate and share our knowledge with each other and others, meet more men and learn from them as well. We created in hopes to be a place where men can be men without apologizing for it. In a time where men are labelled as the bad guys by society and women the perfect angels who can do… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo: what do you think of this:
Evaluation becomes less quantitative…

5 years ago

The state of our sphere:
1) Rationality and manners have left the field because the battle lines have been drawn.
2) Even though our community have provided answers and direction few men have answered the call. It takes hard work and discipline to turn iron into steel. Faggotery still reigns supreme in 2019.

5 years ago

The BIG danger is over focusing on the Metoo movement / implemetation. While it has a big mouth and needs to be monitored the reality is that a tiny portion of the population takes it seriously or had direct inolvement with the topic. In many countries outside the US it has no relevance at all. Meanwhile understanding inter sexual dynamics are relevant to EVERY man and woman on the planet, on a daily level. Lets make sure we priorotise the development of men on the topics that matter the most, and give due resource and energy to the minor challenges… Read more »

5 years ago

Your comment that Marvel as a company and franchise is loosing readers and money because no one can write masculine super hero characters is a solid insight.

There is a fear of speaking out marked by what happened to Roosh but also how Julien of RSD was once treated after the Leftist, Marxist mafia went after him because of a video he put out.

The lack of masculine archetypes is a problem.

5 years ago

Sorry for off-topic:

is there a female author who writes for women about men? Something like a female version of The Rationale Male? I’d like to read it just out of interested to get better idea of what are women being told about men.

5 years ago

Dear Rollo, Many thanks again for your work. My twenty-year-old son has now read ‘The Rational Male’ from cover to cover. Fantastic! He came on a visit a couple of weekends back and told me, ‘What I like is that it’s not about hating women—it’s just about understanding how they operate.’ (He’s studying mechanical engineering, so he often expresses himself in technical terms.) I have a couple of question to join the list. In Chapter 1 of your book under ‘The Cardinal Rule of Relationships’, you state: “In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks, Rollo. The bad news is that things are hopeless. The good news is that the situation isn’t serious, kind of like an illusion. If you simply see the situation as a bad joke, you can gently mock the jokers and it will not hurt you. I have an example of this from last night. A man was at the bar with his wife and we were chatting with the woman bartender. The woman ordered a shot at room temp. The man ordered a shot of a different liqueur chilled. The bartender teased the man about being a pussy because… Read more »

5 years ago

D from here,

The war is on fellas. I don’t know about y’all but I’m excited. It’s time for the real mfers to step in and interject. Be the light and lead the way. Especially for the younger guys.

5 years ago

Feminist Imperative, not feminine imperative. Semantics, I know but still.

[No, Feminine Imperative: ]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Feminist Imperative, not feminine imperative. Semantics, I know but still.

Don’t confuse the symptom with the feature; feminism is merely the current instantiation of the FI. In European history the cult of Courtly Love predates feminism by centuries, yet it clearly and obviously is another form of the FI.

If “feminine” bothers you, use “Female Imperative” instead.

5 years ago

“EPISODE 14 – Chemistry Iron Rule of Tomassi #3 Any woman who makes you wait for sex, or by her actions implies she is making you wait for sex; the sex is NEVER worth the wait. When a woman makes you wait for sex you are not her highest priority. Sexuality is spontaneous chemical reaction between two parties, not a process of negotiation. It’s sex first, then relationship, not the other way around. A woman who wants to bang you will find a way to bang you. This Iron Rule is based on a fundamental Red Pill tenet – attraction… Read more »

5 years ago

VA Gov supports “post birth” abortion…

5 years ago

Rollo, we’ve been watching the Female Imperative move more aggressively than ever to extort control over the workplace, culture, politics, education and so on. It’s all happening so fast now — e.g. the APA — that even metoo seems like yesterday’s story. But how do you see this latest wave trickling or bubbling down to the grassroots — the individual male-female relations you’ve addressed so well in your core writings? This is the angle to keep your eye on. Is it all mostly just background noise or do you see the game changing in new ways at ground level, the… Read more »

5 years ago

Excellent presentation Rollo!

5 years ago

Here’s a question from a different angle (excuse me if this has been answered prior); If the concept of the “red pill” were a product – how would it be marketed to males in HS (say 15-18) prior to entering college where’d there would be immense pressure to genuflect at the pillar of feminism, socialism, and other ideologies that grow on campus? Recent convert and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I knew some of the dynamics of male-female relationships when I was younger…a lot younger. TRP on Reddit is quarantined…can that be a blessing in disguise?… Read more »

5 years ago

Another blatantly flippant misandry commercial.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

VA Gov supports “post birth” abortion…

Inch by inch. Let’s see – “post birth” – hey, that’s my age. I’ve been expecting this…

5 years ago


Rollo covered a lot of that red pill parenting in his third book The Rational Male Positive Masculinity.

One of the essays included in that book is excellent, in regards to your question:

Also search for the essay series Red Pill Parenting in the search box.

5 years ago
5 years ago

“Marvel as a company and franchise is loosing readers and money because no one can write masculine super hero characters . . .”

It’s worse than that — they are hiring writers who actively despise them.

5 years ago

What is the diff between abortion and murder? If abortion can be justified because of the mother’s mental health, why wouldn’t it be justified for a mother to kill anyone for her mental health?

5 years ago

My choice is to rid my country’s body politic of all people who have knowingly participated in murder by abortion. If necessary, I will put them in artificial wombs and dismember them inside without the benefit of anesthetic.

5 years ago

Code names
Osiris – Thadeus; Logos – Niobe; Nebuchadnezzar (Neb) – Morpheus; Mjolnir (Hammer) – Roland; Caduceus – Ballard; Gnosis – Ice; Vigilant – Soren; Icarus – Ajax; Brahma – Kali; Novalis – Tirant. Concept artwork reveals the names of the remaining two ships: the Ganesha and the Vishnu.

2019 con Poland

5 years ago

Hooking Up Smart is one blog you could check out, if your gagging reflex isn’t too strong. It’s mostly dating advice for gals, pretty mainstream, doesn’t try to be particularly hip or snarky.

Susan Walsh ran it for years, but now some younger woman has taken over. I think it was Walsh who controversially wrote a Wall Street Journal piece advising chicks to nail down a guy during college rather than riding the carousel through their 20s — the idea being they’d never have a better selection of up-and-coming men to choose from.

5 years ago

Another men-are-morons ad I saw tonight:
Cute girl is moving out of the apartment while her idiot now ex-boyfriend is sitting there oblivious, wearing VR goggles and jerking spastically. And this is an SUV ad, not some femalecentric product.

5 years ago

a vagina will be a prerequisite for consideration for the Democratic nomination in 2020.

Good. The electorate has already demonstrated that it has no interest in putting a wrinkly old white bitch in charge. 53% of white women, when given a choice between one of their own and the Pussy grabber, voted for Daddy. So scratch out Gillibrand and Fauxcohontas. Harris is going to turn out to be a shit how as well. Bring on more wimminz.

5 years ago

No wrinkly old white women… is just an outgrowth of the prejudice against old white men that is common. Their anti-Semitism is now becoming more open and known as well. This is revealing that 3-4th wave feminism has been usurped by WOC, as they must be the most oppressed. Oppression is not grounds for leadership and venting peoples prejudices does garner some support but not the noble kind.

5 years ago

The point of the talk where you describe what it was like watching sitcoms in the 90s: “My old man isn’t like this guy” Really hit me for some reason. I was 25 years old in 1996 (the year-point of reference you gave). I was 4 yeas shy of an impending frivorce I had no idea was coming. At that point in my life, I thought I was a standard American husband doing everything right. The idea that the entire system had gone into full misandry mode was nagging me, but only in a very vague sense. And you are… Read more »

5 years ago

Heh heh… came across this on an old post.

It is so choice… Never gets old.

5 years ago

You’re so right, men buy the SUV but women drive the buying decision. Ford F-150s are about all we have left, so run for the hills if those ads go soft this Sunday.

The theme of the SUV ad I saw seemed to be that it’s easier to find yourself if you have a roomy hatchback for the journey. Eat Pray Drive

5 years ago

The man in the VW ad is now single and will be making 100% of the household buying decisions.

The premise of the ad defeats itself.

wahoo Mcdaniels
5 years ago

@Rollo Watching this video shortly after watching the latest Florida RMG video,one question is foremost. You and Elliot were in agreement on a probable next step for TRP men being a return to religion. I see Feminism as a new religion coupled with consumerism,the “modern female” is off the chain as a result of these belief systems. Men have been corrupted by the feminine religion and TRP is the main cure for this corruption. Everything in nature stems from the union of male and female. Do you believe this new religion will have to be exclusively male for a time… Read more »

5 years ago

Re Bezos:

A rather butthurt feminine “It’s not my fault I cheated, its the fault of the person who caught me at it” approach.

5 years ago
5 years ago

If men can keep their balls in check enough to stop themselves from cheaply committing and put the right price (for which they need a high value life in the first place), we’ll see the feminine imperative unravel.

5 years ago

Women make car/buying decisions?

Fuck. I’ve been doing it all wrong.

5 years ago

When a man makes the decision:

David Eagen
David Eagen
5 years ago

I had thoughts about the ad coming from you, but didn’t want to entertain them for too long. I think it was about 2 min of thinking in the aggressive Donovan voice and thinking guilty thoughts about how the email looked. Then I thought if it was you how funny it would be and turned the voice into TFM and the girl. The audio show felt even better. You are fun to play with. Thank you very much for your time it means a lot to me

5 years ago
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Western man litigated and legislated himself out of his only defense against the demise he now faces. No amount of philosophizing and intellectualizing will change the inevitable. Womankind will increasingly dominate society until it completely collapses. She will increase the imposition of her imperative with her snarky tongue (there is no plant named “father in laws tongue”), her innate propensity towards ill will & negativity (she hates the male who supports and defends her with his life. She willfully murders her own fetus simply because she thinks it may inconvenience her) and her feigned respect for honor (hypergamy doesn’t give… Read more »

Nathan Frazier
Nathan Frazier
5 years ago

Excellent content in speech, though presentation could use some work (a bit rambling at times).

Question: Given the recent APA propaganda (masculinity is toxic), how can the red pill community react to the Feminine Imperative’s (FI) inroads into the professions (psychology, law, medicine, etc..)? Seems like the FI will move the “Overton Window” such that rational questioning will become a thought-crime/real crime.

Do we need a Redpill ACLU? Thoughts?

5 years ago

Red Pill ACLU…the homeschoolers have a legal organization that they can join which will defend them against truancy charges…the fee is modest and the organization does a good job…a Red Pill legal defense organization might be something that people would join if they saw a need.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Reporterette asks Gronk dumb question.
Gronk give lesson in arithmetic.
Other girls ofFENded.

lol @ the comments. .

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

Other girls ofFENded.

Female reporter opines:

“Women reporters have enough to deal with covering a testosterone-fueled culture as it is.”

“It’s demeaning and is yet another example of how the NFL is a boy’s club that has little regard for women.”

Is journalism dead, or just on life support?

5 years ago
5 years ago

@ Rollo

Part of the message I get from your post is that you are against gynocracy—the political supremacy of women. However, I don’t want to take for granted that this means you advocate for androcracy (or phallocracy)—the political supremacy of men. I used those two terms to search your archives and found no mention of them.

Question: What is your position on androcracy?

Magnus Stout
Magnus Stout
5 years ago

Response to ex-cartoonist’s question RE “position on androcracy?” I think this is a false equivalency. The sexes are not equal and never will be (doesn’t mean we can’t respect each other though). Rollo specifically mentioned in his speech that he comes from more of a scientific/empirical background. He is more concerned with “what is” rather than “which should be.” Feminism—like communism—is a utopian fantasy; both posit that if we socially engineered the population enough we will fix every issue. Dostoevsky was prescient when he wrote “The Possessed” (sometimes translated as “the devils”) back in 1871–which captured the spirit of what… Read more »

5 years ago

Did a guy work out the math for her?

What women and their male enablers did to journalism — and sports reporting is a shining example — is coming soon to a profession near you.

having a bad day
having a bad day
5 years ago


News from the IoT panopticon:

i thought IT depts were going sjw… how did this (coding/analysis assumptions)

Instead, the cameras analyze faces to make inferences about shoppers’ age and gender.

get through the culture police?… without triggering somebody?…


good luck!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Did a guy work out the math for her?

That’s one theory, but IMO it’s out of date.
Reporterette’s a modern girl, she’s always on her phone; the calculator app is right there, so…a slight delay followed by eye rolling and maybe a snort…

5 years ago

It’s non-inclusive of me to think so, but any sportswriter should be able to work a wide range of basic stats in his or her head — even The Gronkowski Coefficient.

Speaking of numbers, today’s Marginal Revolution blog presents still more long-winded papers from gals complaining that economics is not gender-diverse enough. I won’t bother to link.

BTW here’s an update on that male contraceptive gel we discussed once.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

It’s non-inclusive of me to think so, but any sportswriter should be able to work a wide range of basic stats in his or her head

Lol. So?

Magnus Stout
Magnus Stout
5 years ago

Roosh being banned, Goldman being fired. As Rollo stated….. who’s next? I’ve been reading Dostoevsky’s Demons again. Enforced equality demands the suppression of all individuality and independent thought (this is our current identity politics). In that novel, Pyotr Stepanovich predicts that, when the revolution comes, “Cicero will have his tongue cut out, Copernicus will have his eyes put out, Shakespeare will be stoned,” all in the name of “equality.” Look at our reality now–Cern suspends male scientist over remarks: “A senior Italian scientist has been suspended after he sparked fury during a presentation at Cern, the European nuclear research… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Speaking of numbers, today’s Marginal Revolution blog presents still more long-winded papers from gals complaining that economics is not gender-diverse enough.

The solution is obvious.

If girl econs have no bread, let them eat cheap chalupas…

5 years ago

Screenwriting research

red pill truths

5 years ago

Magnus Hello sir. Re: Roosh being banned or whatever, I will be 1000% honest here with a different take than that of the usual ‘ mainstream ‘ Manosphere for just a second. Maybe what I say as a mature, older red pilled man for the majority of my life, and maybe what I say will make no difference at all. But since The Rational Male is mostly the only site I bother to read consistently, and I feel a higher degree of comfort here, I’ll opine. I personally found Roosh to be a sorry example of a ” man “.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Since Amazon is heading for near monopoly status on retailing and now e-Pub publishing of books, we should care about any banning that low level SJW’s may pull off there. Roosh, Vox Day, whoever, because of the overt censorship aspects. In coal towns of the late 19th and early 20th centuries the company often owned everything. The land, the roads, the housing, even the local store. “Company store” is a term with some semantic freight to those men who understand the history. Just for a start, you could buy only what the Company decided to stock, and you could go… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . you could buy only what the Company decided to stock, and you could go waay into debt, too.” The trick was that whenever and wherever they could they paid in company scrip, redeemable at the company store. They didn’t pay enough to live, but offered easy credit. It didn’t take very long before you couldn’t get away from them. You were effectively indentured by the debt. Laws requiring payment in cash and the abolition of debtor’s prison were largely due to fight this. Amazon won’t be able to pull off anything like that until they are… Read more »

5 years ago

One of the tricks to leadership, true leadership as opposed to the capitalist model ( uh oh, shots fired..), Is being different enough from ” standard “, without being so different as to be unrelatable. Amazon and Wal-Mart fake this very well. Men need to be able to identify this and replicate it for the greater good. Preferably from a ‘ real ‘ place. K-12 kids have been trained and brainwashed by the universal babysitter of television and media to follow the program(ming). Voices outside of the state sponsored and approved messaging system sound foreign and strange to their ears.… Read more »

Anonymous Reade
Anonymous Reade
5 years ago

Blaximus K-12 kids have been trained and brainwashed by the universal babysitter of television and media to follow the program(ming). Dunno who under the age of 50 watches “television” anymore, but for sure there’s a lot of messaging out there on Netflix and other sources that are all over the phones and tablets of young men. That includes tunes. Just a couple of hours ago at a coffee shop the girls in charge of the place chose the audio stream. This tune was new to me. I’m sure I’ll be hearing it more. Came out September 2018. Multiple LOLZ to… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol. Clarification: ” television ” ( hey, I’m older. Sue me ) includes all of the streaming shit services that have convinced people young and old that they can start at valid nonsense everywhere they go, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And that goes back to my original ” babysitter ” point. Even 20-somethings are still being babysat by electronic devices and endless services. Pacification to a great extent, unless a ” cause ” becomes all the rage. Then phones and tablets are turned into signalling devices. Lol, the silliness factor cannot be overstated. Regarding ‘ music… Read more »

Magnus Stout
Magnus Stout
5 years ago

Hi Blax, Good points with Roosh. I agree. I feel the same way about Alex Jones. Both can be ridiculous figures. But…. censorship is becoming vogue now due to the tech-monopoly and SJW. Add artificial intelligence (will supplant and be superior to human filtering soon) and a China-like “credit system” to rank citizens and I am reminded of Orwell’s 1984: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” The Gynocracy cannot beat the Red Pill because it is based on objective reality. It must therefore be shamed and silenced. For that… Read more »

5 years ago

We cannot help them by forcing 1920 on them.

“I’ll give you to the count of three to get your sorry, no good, cheating ass out of here…one…two…[ratatat tommy gun fire]…three”

5 years ago

One of the tricks to leadership, true leadership as opposed to the capitalist model ( uh oh, shots fired..), Is being different enough from ” standard “, without being so different as to be unrelatable. I see where you get your model of masculinity…Old Joe (cough-Stalin-cough)…thassa joke Son, I say, I say, thassa joke XD Seriously, I think that you mean “mass production”, not “capitalist”. Standard 48 Laws of Power stuff you are selling… Mr. Natural, you had me chuckling with your discussion about figuring out how to speak to young men in language that they understand. But since men… Read more »

5 years ago

Rollo this was your best seminar as it seems you found your public speaking voice and the stream of consciousness necessary to use it. Your readers (both here and from your books) are a rapt audience, who are more than content to see to you. As long as your mouth is open and words are coming out, we’re satisfied. But for the men discovering your work today, this talk will pique their interest. The format, the interaction with the attendees and the delivery was faultless.

5 years ago

Rollo I did disagree with some of the points you made. The topic of birthrates is a specious one since our planet has a population above it’s carrying capacity.

Neither do women worry about the Manosphere when they have a power to break the bond any man has with another.

The lost boys will be found. It’s just a matter of who finds them first.

5 years ago

Birthrates are not above capacity. Lot of empty or nearly empty space all around.

Cities in the other hand….

5 years ago

“Lot of empty or nearly empty space all around.”

If all you need is a place to warehouse people.

5 years ago


Absent immigration, almost all western nations (and China) would go to extinction in about 50 years. Some, like Japan and Italy, in about 30 years.

Doesn’t this suggest to you that there’s a slight problem?

Hint: The problem is due to your use of the word ‘planet’.


statistical mechanics

5 years ago

One day the only empty space on Earth will be between your ears Blaximus.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus Pacification to a great extent, unless a ” cause ” becomes all the rage. Then phones and tablets are turned into signalling devices. A lot of people in their 20’s live in an alternate reality inside their phone. Their parents live in an alternate reality inside of FaceBook and/or television. I know a man in the heavy equipment business. He’s regularly telling the 20-somethings on his crew “Get your face out of your phone! Now!” for reasons that should be obvious. Latest object lesson a couple of weeks back: excavation in the street a couple of towns over, so… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago

I don’t see how you arrived at that conclusion?
A family of four requires 2 acres of land to feed them. This doesn’t take into account the hydrocarbons needed to produce the food and transport it. Which is a dwindling resource itself.

5 years ago

” . . . go to extinction in about 50 years. Some, like Japan and Italy, in about 30 years.”

There are 10s of millions of Japanese and Italians alive right now with a life expectancy double that.

I note that if current trends continue I will be dead within a week, fried to death.

I also note that between 1946 and 1964 (American immigration act, 1965) there was a baby boom. Now as a natural consequence, there is an elderly boom. The population is not in thermal equilibrium.

5 years ago

And of course if the global population cannot expand forever, it won’t.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Debates about under / over population are not the most boring debates, but they are close.

Hey, another topic:
How about that Gulf Stream? Is it flowing OK? Should we be talking about how to make it flow more better?

Lol @ dorm room level “debate”.

5 years ago

” . . . that Gulf Stream? Is it flowing OK? Should we be talking about how to make it flow more better?”

That’s a profession.

5 years ago

@ollie This doesn’t take into account the hydrocarbons…Which is a dwindling resource itself. This is speculative. Crude oil and natural gas may be generated by the magma. We don’t know that hydrocarbons aren’t being replenished. In the U.S., we export food to feed the world. Don’t believe the pointy head nonsense from scaremongers. I’ve seen lots of it over the years and it always turns out to be tripe. We were supposed to be out of oil by 2000. Out of food likewise. There was the nuclear winter scare. Etc. All tripe. @kfg you forget the feuds and organized crime… Read more »

5 years ago

“…without enough young workers, the social security system can’t be maintained . . .” Aha! ” . . . you’ll see greatly increased mortality.” I already implied that. It naturally follows from having an anomalously high elderly rate, no matter how they are treated. I note that they’re not part of the breeding population. There does appear to be a damping oscillation though. Big Baby Boom>Baby Bust>Mini Baby Boom (Xers get fucked out of ever being the majority)>Current Baby Bust. Not that it matters. Shit’s gonna happen. AR is basically correct. “In Japan you have Koreans and Chinese and other… Read more »

5 years ago

For.The sake of.accuracy,

Humans ( or animals ) do not require ” oil ” in order to live and thrive.


5 years ago

… Or social security

5 years ago


How many race cars do you drive?

5 years ago

Rollo, I know as of late your attention has been more on the macro side of hypergamy, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on women’s need of attention and validation from other men.

“I’m in Love. But I Still Crave the Attention of Other Men.”

5 years ago

@theasdgamer The abiotic petroleum theory has been discredited. But even if you wanted to believe it to be true you would have to accept the replenishment rates are far below the usage rate of petroleum. Overpopulation is a self evident truth. China’s forced sterilisation program has resulted in 336 million prevented births. In the west we prefer to achieve this goal through social engineering. Empowering women has led to lower birth rates, which is what was intended. But to us red pill aware men it’s an inconvenient truth. It implies we won’t be getting our jollies, so we must pretend… Read more »

5 years ago

The abiotic petroleum theory has been discredited.


Overpopulation is a self evident truth

“Overpopulation is propaganda pushed on people by the elites.”


5 years ago

Proponents of the abiotic theory are not without their evidence, however. These scientists point to the fact that oil reservoirs have been shown to refill when left alone for periods of time, something that does not fit with the biotic theory. They also point to the presence of oil on meteors and other bodies that do not and never have supported life.

NB: The above site favors the biotic theory of petrogenesis.

5 years ago

clarification: I used the word “petrogenesis” to mean “formation of petroleum”…the common meaning of this word is “formation of rock”

5 years ago

he abiotic petroleum theory has been discredited.


Overpopulation is a self evident truth

“Overpopulation is propaganda pushed on people by the elites.”

If you’re willing to use denial and scapegoating on this topic, where else would you be prepared to use it?
The red pill has many unflattering truths and doesn’t point to a immediate rosy future.
Perhaps you’re partial to a sprinkling of denial to help the medicine go down.

5 years ago

@RPA She’s competing with herself and other women. Probably not in the hot zone, but definitely in the crazy zone on the hot/crazy matrix. Next. “I’m a 24-year-old woman still solidifying her identity…. As a feminist, it pains me to admit that I got so much validation from male attention…. Is this something all people in relationships contend with? Will I grow out of it? Is there something missing from my relationship? How do I block out societal expectations of women and continue to grow into a more genuine person who gains validation and happiness from within?” She won’t… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Ollie

When they were passing out brains, you thought they said trains and you missed yours.

5 years ago

The Mystery of Methane on Mars and Titan

It might mean life, it might mean unusual geologic activity; whichever it is, the presence of methane in the atmospheres of Mars and Titan is one of the most tantalizing puzzles in our solar system

Hint: Methane in those places didn’t come from decomposing plant and animal remains.

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