The New Polyandry

About five years ago I wrote a post called You Need Sex. In that essay I asserted a few key points about the importance of a healthy sex life for men. If I’m honest I kind of expected most of the reactions I got from that post and even now it remains one of my more contentious pieces. Even when I was in my Blue Pill youth in the 80s and 90s I’d run across the guys who always wanted to deemphasize sex in some reverse-psychology effort to get women to believe that they were deeper than the guys who just wanted to bang them. These were the guys who’d listen to a girl say something like, “I don’t see why sex is such a big deal to guys” or “Am I just a piece of ass to you?“, they’d take it to heart, and then construct some kind of personalized Game around how they respected women and wanted to really relate with them ‘beyond the sexual’.

That’s exactly what the Blue Pill teaches guys; they should always defer to, empathize with and identify with the feminine. This is Blue Pill conditioning at its most basic. It is a boy/man’s imperative to place women’s existence as more important than his own – and with men’s innate protection instincts for women this Blue Pill training is key to establishing a gynocratic social order.

But guys also have to find some way to set themselves apart from the competition in the Blue Pill sexual marketplace. They have to find someway to make themselves unique in how unlike ‘typical‘ guys they are. The miscalculation is, of course, the belief that the more alike, the more they identify, with (as?) women the likelier a woman would select them for intimacy and reproduction. 

Men are natural problem solvers. It’s part of our evolved firmware to look for solutions to challenges in our environment. This makes us constructive, creative, often innovative and more ready to take risks. It also makes us competitive and that competitiveness extends to the sexual marketplace. So it’s not too much of a stretch to see how Blue Pill conditioned young men might look for creative ways to outdo one another in the ‘female-identification olympics

One way this identification competition gets pushed to new heights is in how well a man might better devalue and abase his own sexual strategy to better accommodate that of the woman he believes will appreciate it. Taken to the binary extreme this means finding some way to devalue all men’s sexual natures. What better way to set oneself apart from other guys than to not be a guy? What better way to empathize with the feminine than to tear down the gender women say they despise?

Does all that seem kind of ridiculous? I used to think this way when I was younger. There was a time I might’ve even jumped on the “masculinity is toxic/confusing/outdated/outmoded/ridiculous” train because I truly believed it was the way to a woman’s vagina heart and mind. Even in the 80s and 90s this was a popular misconception. It wasn’t until I’d been through my first bad breakup that I realized the truth. Then I had nothing to lose by making myself more important than the women I was idealizing and behold! The women I wanted, wanted me – sexually to be sure, but they wanted to lock me down in commitment.

In my 20s I had unwittingly shifted from one sexual strategy to another, and I liked the change. It didn’t happen overnight. I had to learn to adopt the attitude, the swagger, the character that would get me laid, but I found that the most important part of playing the game well was putting my own desires well above those of any woman.

Suddenly I discovered I could easily nail the girls I could only jerk off to in my younger years. I can remember the time I first had sex with a girl I thought was the apex of hotness when I was in my teens. She was the best friend of the girlfriend of the drummer in the band I was in then. Both were swimsuit models and I thought I’d finally reached the goal. It wasn’t until after I dumped her to get with a centerfold model that I knew I’d set my sights too low.

Does that sound like a humblebrag? If you’re still held back by a Blue Pill mindset it probably will. I mentioned on a podcast recently that a majority of men will never know sex as anything but a mitigated, compromised transaction. They’ll never know what it’s like to have a woman lust after them. They’ll never experience the dilated eyes of a woman that would give anything to please him in that moment. Not because she’s obligated, but because her ego is validated at the same time her body is aching to have sex with him.

Strategic Pluralism Theory

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From a woman’s perspective, the ideal is to attract a partner who confers both long-term investment benefits and genetic benefits. Not all women, however, will be able to attract long-term investing mates who also display heritable fitness cues. Consequently, women face trade-offs in choosing mates because they may be forced to choose between males displaying fitness indicators or those who will assist in offspring care and be good long-term mates (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000). The most straightforward prediction that follows is that women seeking short-term mates, when the man’s only contribution to offspring is genetic, should prefer muscularity more than women seeking long-term mates.

from Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests of the Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

The latter quote here is a simple outline of Hypergamy, but the first part, Strategic Pluralism Theory is what I want to focus on today because this is where the “sex is no big deal” cop out derives from for men.

The first sexual strategy, the one in which a higher SMV (sexual market value) male can enjoy the sexual experience of many women is a strategy predicated on what our most basic, evolved, biological instinct directs us to. It served ancestral men better to ‘hit it and quit it’ and move on to the next girl as expediently as possible for a variety of reasons. This is also a reason why women’s Hypergamous filtering is a base part of women’s sexual selection process today. The investment cost of becoming pregnant was so high that it became part of women’s evolved firmware to be hypersensitive to reproduction cues as well as parental investment cues (provisioning resources) to ensure survival of herself and her offspring. If you ever wonder why rape is such an existential fear for women you have to understand that this fear is written deep into women’s evolved mental firmware because of men overriding this filtering process by violence.

The first archetype of Strategic Pluralism Theory we could day is the Alpha archetype. This is the guy who has the luxury, by effort or genetic lottery, to pursue what I’d speculate was our ancestors’ pre-agrarian, hunter-gatherer sexual imperative. This is what guys like to call the “Natural” with women. Thanks so any number of intersexual advantages (looks, Game, social proof, preselection) it serves him best to spread the seed and women are only too happy to enjoy him as well. He represents the 20th percentile in the 80/20 Pareto distribution of the sexual marketplace.

This side of Strategic Pluralism Theory reflects the r aspect of the r/K reproductive theory. A lot of well meaning Red Pill theologians seem to think that r/K reproductive selection is only limited to the female side of the equation. I’d also point out that this applies to the male side as well. Hypergamy is women’s evolved sexual strategy, however, I would argue that men’s innate, default sexual strategy is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. This r strategy is manifested today in our base predilection for pornography. Untempered by societal restraints, Alpha sexual strategy is what men a majority would default to if given the choice. 

More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring.

I’m establishing this perspective to better illustrate the Beta side of Strategic Pluralism Theory. For sake of convenience I’m labeling men who fall into the ‘more attractive men’ category as Alphas. I don’t think this is too much of a stretch for most of my readers, but if you have a problem with this just consider the statistics laid out in the book Dataclysm. A majority of women rate 80-85% of men as “unattractive”. That last 15-20% are our ‘more attractive’ Alphas here.

This then leaves the remaining ‘less attractive men’ as the Beta cohort. 

…the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

This then is the Beta mating strategy and if it sounds like the conventional idea of monogamy you’re not too far off. This is the K side of the r/K selection theory. Before I continue I want to stress that monogamy or non-exclusivity is not a value judgement in this essay. Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks has male sexual strategy implications beyond women’s Hypergamy. I refer to Alpha and Beta as placeholder terms here.

For the Beta side of Strategic Pluralism the reproductive strategy is one that, in part, aligns with one side of Hypergamy. The 80% of ‘less attractive’ men find it necessary to compromise their biological imperative (unlimited access to unlimited sexuality) in order to successfully reproduce. This is the nuts & bolts of what is today being called “enforced monogamy”. While this idea is taken to absurd extremes by critics, the premise is rooted in Strategic Pluralism. Since monogamy serves the largest block of men’s reproductive efforts it follows that it would be the institutionalized standard for ‘civil’ society.

Monogamy is Beta

Monogamy is a social norm, if not an evolutionary norm. A lot has been written about how monogamy in its present incarnation – one man, one woman – is really the result of a post-agrarian social order that optimized the sexual strategy of Beta men. In essence socially-enforced monogamy serves the largest population of Beta males.

However, the tradeoff for women was long term provisioning, protection (in as far as the man was capable) and parental investment – all thing conducive to sustainable futures for women and their children. All that was expected of women was a compromise on the Alpha arousal side of Hypergamy. And naturally, Alpha men and most women found ways to circumvent this socio-sexual adaptation that benefitted women in spite of Beta men. 

Monogamy serves Beta men. Alpha men still get sex, broke or not.

I had the above video passed along to me by a Twitter follower about 2 weeks ago. I think he expected me to take issue with how she was defending ‘gold-diggers’ but, ironically, she unwittingly detailed the basics of Hypergamy and Strategic Pluralism Theory. She’s not wrong. Women’s sexual strategy is optimized in conditions of polygamy and polyandry, while men’s sexual strategy – the Beta sides anyway – is optimized in a condition of socially enforced monogamy. 

What’s really ironic is that this girl discounts what so many men discount when they consider Hypergamy. She couches her total perspective on the Beta Bucks, long-term provisioning side of Hypergamy while conveniently omitting the Alpha Fucks side of Hypergamy. The only consideration she has is for resource transfer – again perpetuating the Beta sex experience – and ignoring the fact that even poor men still get to bang women like her if they’re “hawt’. ‘Monogamy is made to benefit men‘, no it’s made to benefit Beta men; Alpha men solve the reproductive problem irrespective of (in spite of) socially enforced monogamy. ‘Broke men don’t get women‘,…unless they’re hot broke men.

I’ve seen Jordan Peterson and more than a few notable evo-psych professors make a similar mistake. They deliberately make Hypergamy solely about the Beta Bucks side of a dualistic mating strategy. Mostly this misdirection is due to personal bias or a want to present the feminine in a positive light. But likewise we also tend to see focus of men’s sexual strategy centering on what long term resources a man has to measure his worth by. Historically, women have generally been the losers in a social order based on a monogamy that tries to ensure that the most men (majority Beta) are solving the reproductive problem. Because women lacked the same resource generating capacity of men, because up until 50 years ago women needed men to solve the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy, monogamy was a at least a workable solution to their own reproductive problem.

In 2018 this is no longer the case. For all of the bleating of women wanting a ‘good man’ once they exit the cock carousel, the reproductive problem they’re trying to solve isn’t founded in the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy it’s on the Alpha Fucks side. For as much as the women in this video tried to defend their mercenary sexual strategy of being justifiable gold diggers they really didn’t need to. All of the provisioning needs side of Hypergamy is relatively provided for for women in western cultures today.

The monogamous priority – the one that tried to ensure that most Beta men reproduced – that priority has now shifted to a neo-polyandry. This new social mechanic attempts to solve the Alpha Fucks side of the reproductive problem for the largest number of women. Just as patriarchal monogamy attempted to aide men who wouldn’t otherwise reproduce, the new polyandry seeks to ensure that even the lowest SMV women are entitled to breed with an Alpha male of their choosing.

Once all social stigma and religious buffers were removed from Hypergamy (since the Sexual Revolution) it has been a rapid shift from a male-beneficial monogamy that’s been the social norm for millennia to a form of polyandry that benefits the female sexual strategy.

I’ll be continuing this post in the next essay, but before I leave this essay let me reiterate the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies: For one sex’s strategy to be fulfilled the other’s must be compromised or abandoned. Think of this on a sociological meta-scale.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago


“Circumvent” does not mean what you think it means…

5 years ago

“from an evolutionary perspective I don’t think Beta men are suppose to re produce

Why would you want more of those?*

Beta males help keep the machine moving forward:

5 years ago

@Anon – Surprised that Bell Hooks is still around? Her books are mandatory reading for any intro Women’s Studies course….She’s truly batshit and no kind of intellectual. I listened to one of her lectures and was stunned by the lack of intellectual rigor she displayed, among other things.

If you have a daughter in college in the U.S., she’s very likely read Bell Hooks.

5 years ago

I HIGHLY recommend reading the work of Gangestad and Simpson’s colleague Marco del Giudice, who’s done work on the developmental psych of r/K. It is a dramatic oversimplification (and error IMO) to consider these the respective strategies of attractive and unatttractive men. Lots of evidence to show that class and early life environment are a much greater influence on adult mating strategy. Gangestad has done great work on female mate preference across the ovulatory cycle and DG shows very convincingly that early life environment creates men and women who both express and respond to idealized male short term traits, that… Read more »

5 years ago

I can imagine the situation in the future where a woman in a polyandrous relationship with the beta man living with her says to her, “hey let’s fuck”. To which she replies, “I’m not feeling it today hun”, followed by a big hug and a kiss (on the cheek) only to be fucked every which way by the alpha that same day who only visits once per week. This behaviour is expected in society. Shudder.

5 years ago

@Sentient How did I not know about this show? Joey from Cheers plays himself as an exaggerated asshole.

He is the ultimate alpha–zfg, The duplicitous nature of…everyone. Great premise.

5 years ago

New interview

47 min mark

5 years ago

@JohnD “I can imagine the situation in the future….” Back in my college days I would take a bus to a satellite campus daily. On the ride, I sat beside the sweetest couple, typical high school sweethearts. The guy was one of the nicest caring guys I had meet during my college years, truly into helping humanity, always doing charity work and such. That couple seemed perfect, both going to the same college together, similar class schedules. A few years later, I heard in the news that he had brutally killed her and their young kids and then killed himself.… Read more »

5 years ago


“In unstable or unpredictable environments, r-selection predominates”

“In stable or predictable environments, K-selection predominates”

These fit well with the theory that hypergamy levels increase under duress as in financial instability, weak male partner,civil unrest, global warming ect.

5 years ago


Interesting study.

5 years ago

John D shudders, while Centuries goes to poke his worst fears with a sharp stick in the side of his torso. But it makes me wonder…What are you going to do about that? Attach a lot of importance to that? Go and protect your ego and act out in ways that are not in your best interest? Guard your fucking heart like it’s vulnerable as all hell? Be Butt-hurt? Show Butt-hurt? Crawl into a shell? You still have a healthy (physical and psychological) life to live out there in front of you. You still have choices to make. You still… Read more »

5 years ago

@scribbs Gaming female relatives… Gotta a new female granddaughter and have been gaming her. I’m not as good at comfort as the women and usually let them handle giving the baby comfort. But I play aloof with her and give her thrills by lifting her in the air and giving her “plane rides”. Sometimes the baby prefers me to comfort her and she frequently stares at me as if she has a crush. The baby likes to rub my beard when I haven’t shaved. It’s funny how female babies are pretty much the same as other females. Bring pleasure and… Read more »

5 years ago

Today’s case history: Woman from quiet Connecticut village ends up dead along the seedy Bridgeport shoreline.

“Emily Todd turned to the internet, perhaps in the hopes of finding the man of her dreams, and instead found a nightmare. ‘About two weeks ago, she met Brandon Roberts on a dating app,’ Police Capt. Brian Fitzgerald said….”

How have women (and men for that matter) “evolved” to get themselves into this kind of mess?

(Speaking of evolving, also note the changes in her appearance in just seven years from that high school yearbook photo.)

5 years ago

” . . . note the changes in her appearance in just seven years . . .”

I was thinking the same thing about Bridgeport.

5 years ago

A Hack. I’m all adapting to my environment and maximizing the outcomes which serve me. I have truly internalized that I’m not interested in marriage. Ergo, I’m, interested in spreading my seed far and wide. It’s axiomatic. Other guys do the math differently, so be it. There is a paradox among under-25 hotties, hb7.5 or better, white girls, of a certain background for the most part, usually from some part of American suburban Whitelandia. The soft and hard feminism showered on them from their earliest days, from education to every sports league to special programs and messaging and encouragement for… Read more »

5 years ago

These are the girls you can sexualize an interaction with almost instantly. And they simply don’t get the competent, 100% alpha dog vibe much in their generation.

even 10% alpha is a rarity in the under 25 male set

5 years ago

(continued) Giggling, sorry about that. I bobbled a bunch of stuff and posted that without being done. So the way life shows up for these hot, high performers is that it basically lays down at their feet. They get hit on all the time – cock is plentiful. They don’t know what “thirst” is. But they still have the same back of the brain shit going on as every woman, so she’s looking for a man to be more powerful than her and to stand up to her. Her power and high achievement doesn’t make her calm and satisfied. In… Read more »

5 years ago

Fatherhood in the animal kingdom

5 years ago
5 years ago

“What better way to set oneself apart from other guys than to not be a guy? What better way to empathize with the feminine than to tear down the gender women say they despise?”

Basically trying to get sex in the present by agreeing to help make it harder for them to get sex in the future.

Those birds do eventually return to roost.

I’m looking at you Mr. Weinstein.

Just as short sighted as a woman riding the cock carousel till she’s nearly hit the wall.

5 years ago

Here you go Rollo. More grist for the mill. hanks to Lana Del Rey, Twitter twinks with too much time on their hands, and all of our collectively missed therapy appointments, “Daddy” no longer means just your actual father, and instead can refer to, as Saturday Night Live put it, “a hot middle-aged guy with a big job.” With this week’s host Matt Damon and cast member Kate McKinnon playing co-anchors, the show reimagined the Westminster Dog Show as the Westminster Daddy Show in which the judges are looking for the best “men over the age of 46 with a… Read more »

5 years ago

Ok this is funny…

It’s unclear what the winner of “Champion Daddy” actually gets aside from a wreath, but we assume it’s bragging rights at a steakhouse bar, a comfy seat in the dressing room during your Gucci shopping spree, the scorn of his ex-wife, and, in about 10 to 14 months, a lot of millennial-style drama that, frankly, he’s just too old to deal with.

5 years ago

@Sentient… It’s unclear what the winner of “Champion Daddy” actually gets aside from a wreath, but we assume it’s bragging rights at a steakhouse bar, a comfy seat in the dressing room during your Gucci shopping spree, the scorn of his ex-wife, and, in about 10 to 14 months, a lot of millennial-style drama that, frankly, he’s just too old to deal with. The more shit-libs and soyboys mock it…they more they make it clear what turns women on. As someone who’s made it his mission to only bang girls below 30…I can tell you that apart from doing real-man… Read more »

5 years ago

PS Sentient….making an Old Fashioned starting with buying the right whisky isn’t HER job…it’s mine. HER job is to dress hot, show up looking and smelling great and ready to bang.

My “friends” think there’s some other transaction involved. There isn’t. Rollo wrote once girls want a guy to “just get it…”

5 years ago


ya missed something.

look at who SNL casted (deliberately) as the judge:
comment image

Looks like more “below average women entitled to the high SMV men” propaganda to me.

“Inferiority of young guys today?”


5 years ago


My “friends” think there’s some other transaction involved. There isn’t. Rollo wrote once girls want a guy to “just get it…”

J can take notes… J that imgur is aptly titled… #negotiating

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

There are any number of YouTube vids featuring Lana del Rey and “Daddy”. Here’s one.

“Daddy” is a thing among the 20-somethings.

5 years ago

“Daddy” is a thing among the 20-somethings”.
comment image

5 years ago

Careful what you feed your brain.

5 years ago

@blax lol. Tell that to everyone who’ve made them the 5th most downloaded podcast in the world: “the podcast started when the two started talking about sex at a bar while on vacation, and the candid conversation attracted an audience. “People came up to us and said ‘You need a show, because I would listen to this every day.’ Since its premiere on Barstool Sports in October, Call Her Daddy has only released 13 episodes, but has gained over 10,000 reviews on iTunes and averages 4.5 out of 5 stars.” I’m not a listener…just agreeing with @AR’s point on… Read more »

5 years ago

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Alpha widow? Sure.

Woody Allen’s</> alpha widow? Well then…

Sixteen, emerald-eyed, blond, an aspiring model with a confident streak and a painful past: Babi Christina Engelhardt had just caught Woody Allen’s gaze at legendary New York City power restaurant Elaine’s. It was October 1976, and when Engelhardt returned from the ladies’ room, she dropped a note on his table with her phone number. It brazenly read: “Since you’ve signed enough autographs, here’s mine!”

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

For your amusement: as for this whole “Daddy” thing, I remember in Das Eighties when the famous Tipper Gore along with various U.S. Senate fundies and reformed hung over hippies had a ManBearPig fit over naughty/druggy rock lyrics, backwards tapes (“backmasking”) and whether this or that Judas Priest record made you so low down you wanted to stick your head in an oven. (Which actually, I can see that). One candidate for Mme. Tipper’s perusal was Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m On Fire”, the first line of which is “Hey little girl is your daddy home, did he go away and leave… Read more »

5 years ago

“And the questions men ask most often? How to pick up girls (naturally) and how to go down on her,”


asking girls how to pick up girls and eat pussy

retarded blue pill timesuck.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

For your amusement: as for this whole “Daddy” thing, I remember in Das Eighties </i

Memory Lane – ok to visit, not such a good place to live.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


To me the highlight of that article is when she’s off with Fellini as a “platonic muse” and Woody Allen calls for Frederico. “You left me for Fellini? That’s so cool!”. Woody Allen, uber-nerd.

The pic you posted is interesting, her body language suggests to me she was not comfortable in the pose or skimpy covering, but was determined to go through with it.

@j those “Daddy” girls are girls for entertainment purposes only. It just shows how much Beta thirst is out there.

Anyway, Fleezer said what I had to say, said it better.

5 years ago

Blah blah blah.

5 years ago
5 years ago

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Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks)
5 years ago

I am taking as given ol’ man Konisgberg’s penchant for teen trim and his other creeptastic activities (at which Society sez tut tut publicly but privately go “DAMN! Cool!! Why didn’t I think of that?”). Whether such churlish behavior sufficiently curdles your willingness to view his work is your lookout. I say this without snark. In my Buster Brown days I had several relatives who could not stand Frank Sinatra because he behaved like a pig offstage. They were right, he did. I think most of us, open-eyed, saw that too but considered the art to be more important. The… Read more »

5 years ago


Actually feminism would have gotten nowhere without men. White-knighting gave birth to feminism and continued its progress.

5 years ago

“I had several relatives who could not stand Frank Sinatra because he behaved like a pig”

Frank married Mia. Woody didn’t make that mistake.

A got on the train a bit too late to hang out with the Beatles at the ashram; on the other hand that means I wasn’t trapped there with Mia, so I’m content.

5 years ago

“Frank married Mia. Woody didn’t make that mistake”.

But it looks like Frank managed to cuck Allen into raising his biological son:

as if we needed more proof, Sinatra was Alpha

5 years ago

one more time
comment image

5 years ago
5 years ago

I think Ronan looks a lot more like this…

Probably wearing the same underwear.

5 years ago

@Sentient Lmao. I knew you were gonna defend that fucking pedophile. Allen’s own words: “I think he is [my son], but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. I paid child support for him for his whole childhood, and I don’t think that’s very fair if he’s not mine,” the four-time Oscar winner said. Allen added about his 73-year-old ex: “Also she represented herself as a faithful person, and she certainly wasn’t. Whether she actually became pregnant in an affair she had … ” Mia: “Farrow told Vanity Fair magazine that she and Sinatra “never really split up.” When she was… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

In my Buster Brown days I had several relatives who could not stand Frank Sinatra because he behaved like a pig offstage. They were right, he did. I think most of us, open-eyed, saw that too but considered the art to be more important. I used to have some WWII generation men in my family who varied a lot in their politics, but they all agreed that Sinatra was a mobbed-up bum. “Mobbed up” referred to known Mafia associations that were a permanent taint – imagine a popular modern singer who knowlingly would hang out with the Sinaloa Cartel to… Read more »

5 years ago

J I knew you were gonna defend that fucking pedophile. Ummm… how is suggesting Ronan looks more like his mother defending anyone? [they could be twins…] Look, I know thinking is not your strong suit, but let’s examine these claims for posterity… You produce quotes which on their own prove paternity is… inconclusive… So that’s just stupid. Sex with a sexually mature 16 year old is “pedophelia”? BP much hoss? You know countless 16YO girls are getting banged right now? Don’t cuck out on me J… As to Allen’s “status”… well he’s banged untold numbers of women and really only… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

The picture header of the last post tells it best. Trench warfare… “The manosphere” “The red pill” “The blue pill” “Alpha fucks” ‘Beta bucks” “Feminine imperative” “Hypergamy” and most significant of all….. “The Matrix” These are all metaphors, are they not? Metaphors & memes employed as weapons in a sociopsychological war. An emotional war. An emotional war wherein verbal implications and explications are launched against ones enemies as the enemy does the same. A war, not over physical territory or resources, but over sociopsychological dominance (rather the pretense thereof) wherein battles are fought over “feelings” of independence and dominance and… Read more »

5 years ago

Woody could teach a number of PUAs a thing or three about storytelling and DHV’ing… and sexualizing… lol

Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

Feminism claims to enable women to fight like men while it actually makes men fight like women.

The manosphere is the most glaring confirmation of this truth.

5 years ago

” . . . trench warfare is no longer the preferred form of warfare.”

Trench warfare was never the preferred form of warfare. That’s one of the things that made it so deadly.

5 years ago

@Sentient “Ronan looks more like his mother defending anyone?” You’re implying that just because Farrow’s son does in fact share Sinatra’s “blue eyes and facial features” (Allen’s words), Allen could still be the father. Because even though Farrow’s son looks nothing like Allen, he still looks like his mother. We could use that same argument for every guy out there, whose ever been cucked into raises another man’s offspring that looks like his mother. “You produce quotes which on their own prove paternity is… inconclusive” My quotes reveal, Mia was still fucking Sinatra (and probably other men as well) while… Read more »

5 years ago


Wow , this isn’t the battle ,just an exchange of information.

Understanding ;”form a mental model constructed from a dubious position. Such are these metaphors… Manosphere, alpha fucks, beta bucks, hypergamy, all of these are psychosocial paradigms.”

Not weapons cheese and crackers.

If you can’t see things for what they are then you will fight them,you will lose.

5 years ago

There is a market for freeze dried water and instant foxholes comes with free clear bag and duck tape to keep the fumes out.

5 years ago

Primus: 16YO girls are getting banged right now?”

Secundus: by 41 year old ugly fucks? really?

Yes. Really. And perfectly legally. Whether you like it or not. Are you really Blue Pill Morals offended by that, or are you just using it as a cover over the mental discordance?

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

“You know countless 16YO girls are getting banged right now?” “by 41 year old ugly fucks? really?” Yes really. I am aware IRL of several such old fucks assignations with more or less the same age spread. Two immediately come to mind: One guy was a cop, another a lawyer. The chickie-pies in question were eminently sufficient caliber for rogering. None were celebrities, just folks fucking. And then there’s our God Emperor. Surely you don’t mean to include him, you’ll be deported. How dare you go clucking against the God Emperor? Criticizing his exploits about which he brags himself? Enemy… Read more »

5 years ago

“high status beta” yep Women are punishing these men for the transactional sex they had back then. Still this does not make them less hypocritical for accepting the transaction in the first place. The story goes as this: Director/Producer: fuck me and I will make you rich and famous. Actress: I would like to be rich and famous Once actress rich and famous: HE RAPED ME! Also notice where most of the accused men stand regarding Looks. How come not one good looking actor is ever accused of sexual harassment? You never hear about Sean Connery, Brad Pitt, Leo Di… Read more »

5 years ago


hmm you really just gonna take out the word “countless” from his quote? lol

I’m aware of age of consent is lower, outside the United States. And although I’ve never seen a hideous old man making out (or even just fondling) with a girl that looked to be in the 14-16 year old range, in my time I’ve spent in Western and Eastern Europe, I’m sure there are some rare guys who can pull it off. Just not “countless”.

There ARE countless 16 year old girls getting banged out by 13-25 year old men, obviously.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


The manosphere is the most glaring confirmation of this truth.

Then lead by example. Or stop whining. Pick one.

5 years ago


Uhhh Mia Farrow has blue eyes…

There ARE countless 16 year old girls getting banged out by 13-25 year old men, obviously.

So on the 26th birthday, that is when you polish off that suit of armor Mr. White Knight? would it help you if Woody had leg extension surgery or hit the gym?

Repeat RP 102…

5 years ago
5 years ago

“I’m aware of age of consent is lower, outside the United States.”

A few miles from where she picked him up. I’ve stood in Manhattan and looked at it. NY has the highest age of consent in the northeast. She was old enough to marry without judicial approval without moving across the river, however.

“There ARE countless 16 year old girls getting banged out by 13-25 year old men . . .”

If all the girls at Skidmore were laid end to end, I wouldn’t be the least surprised, and you could count them.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sentient to J
Uhhh Mia Farrow has blue eyes…

And Woody Allen has brown eyes.

The genes for blue eyes are recessive.

Obvious conclusion is obvious.

Mendelian genetics used to be taught at the mid-high science level…
Perhaps all that global rocket warming science gets in the way?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

So anyway, as I was saying before, this whole O Tempora, O Mores aspect is really curious. The SJW’s clearly want to hand out a scarlet P to Woody Allen and Mia Farrow for getting in bed with a 17 / 18 year old, but nothing else about the scene bothers them. It’s remarkably inconsistent, in fact it is incoherent. Maybe it fits in with the whole notion that adolescence now lasts until the age of 21, or 25? One thing is for sure, the 80’s are over and the Boomers are not setting the public “moral tone” anymore. Too… Read more »

5 years ago

Was treating girl independently,
She was making, baby for me.
Baby was born, I go to see . . .

Eye was blue; it was not by me.

Not me, but some people they say,
The men are leading the women astray.

5 years ago

“The genes for blue eyes are recessive.

Obvious conclusion is obvious”.


5 years ago

J I carry genes that could produce green/hazel eyes. My wife’s mother had hazel eyes. My eyes are medium brown, and wifey’s are as well. Genes are fascinating things. When wife was pregnant, I bet her that are child would a) be of a lighter complexion that both of us, b) have eyes much lighter than both of us, possibly hazel/greenish, c) have a reddish auburn /brassy hair color. I.was.correct on all counts. 2 Brown eyes people produced a child with light Amber colored eyes, depending on the light, with hints of hazel. daughter looks like me ( which… Read more »

5 years ago

If a young men doesn’t spend a lot of time around old, uglier men, he will not see what they do or who they bang. Old dudes bang young chicks all the time. This has been going on forever. And no, you don’t have to be a famous actor or musician. Most women never have access to famous people. Old(er) men that aren’t around young chicks ( 14-17) will never bang any of them, regardless of age of consent. Understand this, mister ” I don’t have any female friends… “😁, lots of young girls go through a super ” horny… Read more »

5 years ago

…. Pua sucks at teaching guys the Nature of Women.😂

5 years ago

” Da Field!!!!!!! ” translation: controlled environment.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Sure, in theory Woody Allen could be carrying a recessive. Old style Mendelians would label that Bb, mate with Mia’s bb and the offspring could be bb. I know a serious churchgoing couple, both brown eyed, one of their children has blue eyes, paternity is certain. Recessives happen.

Odds are not in favor of that in this case.

Frankly, I am not sure why I should care who Rowan Farrow’s daddy is anyway.

5 years ago


Bb and bb make what?


5 years ago

“Odds are not in favor of that in this case”.

comment image

5 years ago

Primus: 16YO girls are getting banged right now?”

Secundus: by 41 year old ugly fucks? really?

Teenage girls walking with their parents in the mall have eyefucked me. I’m no young 41 yo either.

5 years ago

“Odds are not in favor of that in this case.”

How are those being calculated AR? Do you know what Woody’s grandparents eyes looked like?

My wife and I both have brown eyes and a few blue eyed kids. Why? We have parents and grandparents with blue eyes…

Mendelian you say? Yup.

5 years ago

The “chance” is 50% with Bb if you are keeping score J.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Do you know what Woody’s grandparents eyes looked like?

Nah. Don’t really care, either. In terms of probability the way to bet is “brown”, though, given the genetic history of Ashkenazi Jews. Still don’t care, though.

Why does it matter who Ronan Farrow’s daddy is, anyway?

5 years ago

How come not one good looking actor is ever accused of sexual harassment?

James Franco


Chris Hardwick

Scott Baio

Michael Douglas

Corey Lewandowski

Nick Carter

Ryan Seacrest

Russell Simmons

Someone hasn’t been paying attention.

One thing all the accused have in common whether they are good looking or not–deep pockets.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

In anticipation of some autistic sperging, yeah, I’ve met blue eyed Jews, such as the very pretty blonde Ukranian I met working at a kosher restaurant once. Still the exception, though. Kind of rolling boxcars or snake eyes.

5 years ago

Something some people who don’t know about eye color might find interesting. Hazel eyes can appear different colors depending on light and colors around them.

5 years ago

“In anticipation of some autistic sperging . . .”

Well, since you brought it up.

“Kind of rolling boxcars or snake eyes.”

1:36. Blond/blue eyed Ashkenazi – 1:12.5. Lot’s of German and a bit of Slav in the gene pool, although the mix occurred mostly in the first few centuries AD. Quite a few are born fair and go dark by adulthood.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Well, since you brought it up.

Ok, volunteers are always welcome.
Exactly why should I care who Ronan Farrow’s daddy is? Why?

5 years ago

“Exactly why should I care who Ronan Farrow’s daddy is?”

Ya got me swingin’.

5 years ago

I’m more interested in seeing how he handles his mother’s [no dispute… lol] predation

Maybe Roosh can pose some questions to him at the next red carpet event…?

But will he have his light blue contacts in? One wonders…

5 years ago


I may be mistaken but I believe Military intelligence has had a decisive impact if not significant impact on the outcome of most wars.

5 years ago


Cross the abyss.

5 years ago


Alternatively you could try to capitalize on the current situation, for instance apparently Tate is franchising his pimp business;

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Military Intelligence

Man I know who went to the sandbox a couple of times once said that’s a contradiction in terms. Mutually exclusive, as it were. Maybe he’s just cynical for some unknown reason…

5 years ago

AR – LOL – I almost took out the Military before posting….

5 years ago
5 years ago

This paragraph got me thinking.

Once all social stigma and religious buffers were removed from Hypergamy (since the Sexual Revolution) it has been a rapid shift from a male-beneficial monogamy that’s been the social norm for millennia to a form of polyandry that benefits the female sexual strategy.

There are traditionally polygynous societies where women are forced to wear veils. Do they shield Betas from temptations? Is that another strategy to keep them unwittingly happy?

5 years ago

“Teenage girls walking with their parents in the mall have eyefucked me. I’m no young 41 yo either. Like 17 year olds in threesomes with a married couple” A long, long time ago (back in 2006, if I’m not wrong) I discovered a blog made by a swinger couple from my own country. They seemed to be upper-middle class people, living in a small rural town, both in their late 30s (the explicit sex photos they posted of their adventures never showed their faces – only bodies). In one of their posts, they talked about a recent threesome they had… Read more »

5 years ago

A man building a future for himself won’t be doomed by a woman. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Because of immense opportunity provided by men ( beta and otherwise), by the time the average girl reaches her mid twenties, she has a ‘ secret ‘ or two, and most times no one will ever know. Ever. The smaller the mental impact a man makes on a woman, the higher the probability she’ll wins up in a threesome, or just give it up to some random guy in some random place. It’s very hard to stay innocent in society over… Read more »

5 years ago

But most likely you will never find that out.

5 years ago

When I talk to the old timers, they tell me that’s always gone on in the company,

IRL this is the equation: Men + Women + Opportunity = Sex.

Only on the Manosphere internet is this a problem…

5 years ago

@blax “Little did he know that his princess (who filled his HI5 chronology with love promises and sweet messages) was indulging in orgies with men and women. After all this time, this story still haunts me. Not only it’s a proof of how perverse and deceitful women can be (even at a very young age), but also how a man can work so very hard in order to build a future for himself, not even knowing his “future” is already doomed.” “by the time the average girl reaches her mid twenties, she has a ‘ secret ‘ or two, and… Read more »

5 years ago

“Not only it’s a proof of how perverse and deceitful women can be (even at a very young age)” Perverse and deceitful as terms are subjective and your anecdote is confirmation bias. The following is not a judgement on anyone, just an observation: I’ve known swinger couples and was invited to check it out it twice (once was enough, and I bailed as I couldn’t tolerate a guy’s own cucking, it was weird, and not erotic). FYI, it was all about the woman, always is, she is the bait, and.mostly the woman is fucking another woman and the guy was… Read more »

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