Male Authority – Be a “Man”

How women and a feminine-primary social order control men by reserving the title of “manhood” for men who comply with female primacy.

In the Manosphere we often discuss the dynamic of men holding the burden of 100% responsibility yet are conferred 0% authority when it comes to intersexual relationships. This didn’t used to be the case. There was a kind of default authority imbued in men that was part of simply being a male under the old social contract. A lot of western societies still presumes this is the case in fact. It’s one reason popular culture presumes such a thing as ‘male privilege‘ exists today. They may even have a case with respect to the Old Set of Books; being a “man” inferred that a male had some degree of power, authority and decision making capacity over the course his life would take, as well as the lives of any women or children or extended family members who were dependent upon him being a “man”.

Responsibility is what defines men to this day, but the utility in this being hammered home into the psyches of men has become something the Feminine Imperative has found very useful in consolidating power in the hands of women. We’re ceaselessly told that responsibility is something men need to assume, but under the old set of books the incentive for a man assuming that responsibility came with a commensurate portion of authority (power). That was what used to earn a man the title of “manhood”; men were expected to possess the competency to produce surplus resources, enough to ensure the security and survival of his immediate and extended family, and then his tribe, his clan, his nation, etc. We still call this “being a productive member of society”, but now the incentives of a default authority that made assuming that responsibility a reasonable exchange have been stripped away along with all the grounding that a family name or tribal identity used to mean to men. In their place is all the same expectation of responsibility, but not even the pretense of male authority that stems from it.

In prior posts I’ve defined power thusly:

Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.

How many men today have real power; power to direct the course of their own lives? As we commit to various aspects of life, family, business, the military, a woman, we incrementally exchange power for responsibility. Wealth often enforces will, but unless we can be one of the moneyed outliers in life there is no true authority granted to men now in exchange for that responsibility. A man who would even presume to use an authority that might still be implied in these exchanges is labeled a tyrant; a vestige of a Patriarchy that’s now painted as a net negative to society. And that’s just the societal level. In a legal sense that man has no authority with respect to his power over virtually every aspect of his interactions with women or a wife. A gynocentric social order’s prime directive has been to remove all vested male authority and by extension almost all power the man has to dierct the course of his own life.

There are numerous ways a feminine-primary social order removes the teeth from male authority today. First and foremost is the social pretense of blank-slate equalism. A default presumption that men and women are coequal agents in every aspect – physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual – is the cover story necessary to remove an authority that was based on the conventional differences between the sexes. To the blank-slate equalist gender is a social construct, but gender is only the starting point for a social constructionist belief set. Social constructionism is a necessary foundation upon which blank-slate equalism is built, but ultimately it’s a means of control. By denying each sex its innate differences social constructionism denies men their innate advantages and strengths. Once this became the normalized social convention it was a simple step to remove male authority.

In order to destroy that authority it was necessary to destroy men’s grounding in the identity of their own gender. The first step was to deliberately confuse men about the evolved nature of conventional masculinity. Thus, masculinity became subjective. Never has the idea of being a ‘man’ more reviled, obfuscated, blurred, ridiculed, demonized and loathed by men themselves. Wait for the “masculinity is toxic” articles to follow the next mass shooting incident. The worst shame, the worst clichéd vitriol, will come from male authors stepping up to apologize to women on behalf of all men for the violent ignorance of what they think is a learned toxic masculinity. It’s these Vichy men who’ve been taught that gender is a social construct, so there’s really no definitive answer to what makes a man a Man. These ‘men’ who’ve been conditioned in their feminine-primary upbringing who are so confused or gender-loathing with respect to masculinity that they feel compelled to believe they speak for all of ‘mankind’ when they apologize for all of us.

Blank-Slate Equals

But none of this works unless men and women are blank-slate equals. One reason a guy like James Damore is hammered down and erased with such zealotry for suggesting men and women are inherently different is because so much of gynocentrism rides on the social belief in the blank-slate. What’s offensive about it isn’t the idea that men and women might be prone to innately different strengths or weaknesses so much as it’s about the entire system scaffolded by the falsity of equalism.

You see, the confusion, the subjectification of masculinity has a design underneath it. This confusion is a means of control; a means of not just denying men authority, but to systematically remove anything inherently male from the whole system. I’ve detailed this removing the man in prior essays so I wont dig into it here, but it’s a means of control in an age when men are expected to know their utility and their role in women’s sexual and life strategies.

As we progress towards a social order based on a consolidated gynocracy it becomes more important that men not only be confused about masculinity, but also that men be dispersed and isolated. Men who would challenge this social order must be made into suspects and the suspicious of an “outdated masculinity” – a masculinity that pretends to be about innate authority based on evolved gender differences. Male Spaces must be outlawed, ostensibly for the misogyny they will surely lead to, but actually because men gathered together as men is a threat to a gynocentric power base. This is why the Manosphere and events like the 21 Conventions are so egregious to the feminine-primary social order; they connect men and their experiences about women. So men must be taught to be suspicious of each other. While masculinity might be loathed or confused, men gathered together can only mean homosexuality – because what other purpose could men exclusively gather for other than to fuck one another?

This is where the facade of blank-slate equalism conveniently slips when it suits the purpose of gynocentrism. Men and women can be innately different, but only on the occasions when innate differences would prove that men are violent, abusive, potential rapists, sex addicts or incorrigible homosexuals. On those occasions, the occasions when it serves the Feminine Imperative, women will gladly agree that Boys will be Boys and men are naturally beasts. Through this caveat in the blank-slate society men can be justifiably hated for being men if only because some nebulous male-chauvinist ‘society’ taught them to be so. So the clichés and the old lies get perpetuated because only a belief in the ‘masculinity-is-toxic’ narrative can justify teaching the next generation of boys to hate their own sex and sustain a gynocracy.

Men must be taught to hate themselves for their maleness. Thus, a form of institutionalized gaslighting of men about the nature of masculinity became necessary, and it is primarily men who sustain it. When men are conditioned to be both gender loathing and suspicious of the worst aspects of ‘masculinity’ in other men the result is a self-perpetuating cycle of policing ones thoughts while policing the thoughts of other men. There’s a default belief that this policing is part of identifying with the feminine that will make these Vichy Males more attractive to women of the gynocracy.

But what makes a man a Man in this social order?

As we’ve moved from a blank-slate basis of gender to an ambiguous, subjective definition of what a man is the Feminine Imperative has found a utility in assigning the title of ‘manhood’ to whichever man best exemplifies this utility to the gynocentric social order. In other words, the more a man meets the shifting needs of women the likelier he is to merit the title of being a “man” or a “real man”. In fact we hear this last one all the time in the memes that serve the Feminine Imperative. A “real man” does [insert whatever serves women’s long term sexual strategy] and Betas gleefully retweet it to prove their quality. In our feminine-correct paradigm, the authority that was inherent in masculinity which allowed men to declare what qualities make a ‘man’ has been casually assumed by women to be tossed around as whim and necessity makes convenient.

In Rites of Passage I elaborated on how, to an older conventional masculinity, Manhood was something merited and conferred onto a boy by his adult male peers. There were rites of passage, rituals, tests and qualifiers that transitioned boys into the world of men. This was a part of his grounding in a tribal belonging that used to at least somewhat direct his purpose in life. To be a ‘Man’ was to be a part of a sum whole – E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one. It was the collective of men who conferred manhood onto another. How this actually played out in real life and the integrity of that collective was always particular to the character of the tribe, but prior to the rise of gynocentrism conferring manhood on an individual was something unique to masculinity.

Today, the Feminine Imperative’s efforts to disempower and subdue men means destroying the legitimacy of the tribal aspects of all this. As I mentioned earlier, men gathering together, and pretending to authority is something threatening to a gynocentric power structure. Destroying, shaming, ridiculing, etc. the whole of men, keeping them dispersed and isolated, meant usurping the authority men had in assigning ‘manhood’ to one another.

Aspects of the old masculine social order, including men’s natural inclinations towards duty and honor amongst each other, have always been dynamics that could be turned to the uses of the Feminine Imperative.

From The Honor System:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Essentially, this convention keeps beta males in a perpetual state of chasing their own tails. Over the course of a lifetime they’re conditioned to believe that they’re cursed with masculinity (Patriarchy) yet are still responsible to ‘Man Up’ when it suits a feminine imperative. So it’s therefore unsurprising to see that half the men in western society believe women dominate the world (male powerlessness) while at the same time women complain of a lingering Patriarchy (female powerlessness) or at least sentiments of it. This is the Catch 22 writ large. The guy who does in fact Man Up is a chauvinist, misogynist, patriarch, but he still needs to man up when it’s convenient to meet the needs of a female imperative.

In a gynocentric social order both the concept of honor and masculine responsibility is set by whatever is ‘correct’ for feminine utility. If that means only ‘real men‘ do something to satisfy women’s imperatives, it implies that men who don’t are ‘false men’. Those men are outside the tribe called ‘men’ as well as being unacceptable for reproduction, intimacy and love.

It also implies that only women have the authority to bestow ‘Manhood’ on men, and then only for performing specific behaviors or believing correct beliefs as set by womankind. It’s as if women uniquely hold the ‘medal of manhood‘ to give exclusively to men who can qualify for her wanton needs. The authority men used to claim innate legitimacy of in the past is now only legitimate when a woman wields it.

Men need to retake this authority and own it as is their birthright once again. I realize that sounds kind of LARPy but it’s the best way I can put it. One thing the Red Pill has made men aware of is the social machinations of the Feminine Imperative. Amongst Traditional Conservative ‘thought leaders’ a popular idea is that we find ourselves in the intersexual conditions we do today because men have dropped the ball. Men have shirked their manly responsibilities and women are the way they are because not enough men care to correct women’s behaviors. This argument fails on two counts. The first is that it presumes women bear no moral or behavioral agency and as such cannot be blamed for their own participation in our social condition. This presumption, I should add, is actually indicative of exactly the manipulation of honor I mentioned above.

And secondly, more importantly, it presumes men hold an authority they simply don’t have. Even claiming masculine authority would smack of misogyny today. Churchy, moralists pretend that men have a headship / authority that our gynocentric social order empirically contradicts. To paraphrase the MGTOWs, your headship counts for shit when all a woman has to do is call 911 and police will physically remove what you think is your authority from the family home, no questions asked. This is a result of the Duluth Model of Feminism which I’ll be covering in an upcoming part of this series on Male Authority, but the short version is feminism’s design is to remove men, maleness, masculinity from our social consciousness and this begins and ends with which gender has an enforceable authority.

There are guys who’ll challenge this idea of female authority. Red Pill thought emphasizes men disconnecting their sense of identity from a female-correct paradigm. In my own work I’ve stressed that the most important aspect of Red Pill awareness is men making themselves their Mental Point of Origin and this necessitates a realigning of oneself as his first priority. It’s easy to make declarations about how your self-worth begins and ends with you and that no woman can influence that image, and in a way that seems liberating. Like you’re taking at least that much authority back for yourself. But it’s another thing entirely to wrestle with a social order that’s now founded on a consolidated female-primary authority.

In the coming series I’ll get more into this question as well as what men can do to take back the authority of assigning manhood. Thanks for reading, more to come.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

As I once wrote about it on TRP, “good” translates into “You serve my imperatives” and “bad” is used when “you (only) serve your own”. It is never defined in terms of what is good or bad for you but only in the way it impacts me.

Avoid walking into frame traps.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

Hello again – dropping by after being away hanging with hung Chads down in Florida… Our sensei likes to chortle now and then “ I hate being right all the time.” I do not claim such certitude for myself but my Magic 8 Ball has had a pretty good track record. Apropos of this week’s topic, see this article. I told you all this was going to happen. All of it: The death of dating. Celebrating celibacy as a virtue. Putting off relationships because you’re too busy, meaning too self absorbed, to even get off the couch. Marriage, family… Read more »

Aryan Blindboy
5 years ago

wow – another great post but all I can think is MGTOW – {Blank-Slate Equals – a Man in this social order – Rites of Passage – The Honor System – Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22 – Avoid walking into frame traps… women uniquely hold the ‘medal of manhood‘…} Yah I get it – and thank you – all I can say is MGTOW… stop focusing on the externals – take care of yourself – be your own point of origin – work on yourself, for yourself – let what comes to you, be yours.… Read more »

5 years ago

What is defined as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ by society is thus which benefits women themselves and not you as a man. To even suggest something is ‘good’ because it benefits you, even if it doesn’t them isn’t understood by women and confusion is apparent to them. The irony of this occuring is due to their innate solipsm, so their is no point pointing it out because it reeks of appeals to reason. Fortunately, if you just ‘do’ what benefits you, it shows strength and that’s what is rewarded by women, good or bad, it doesn’t matter to them. It’s not… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo: kind of a downer ending here 😛 “But it’s another thing entirely to wrestle with a social order that’s now founded on a consolidated female-primary authority.” Cue Blax and Sentient saying that LTRs are not for everyone and “burden”. Still a sobering thought: “To paraphrase the MGTOWs, your headship counts for shit when all a woman has to do is call 911 and police will physically remove what you think is your authority from the family home, no questions asked.” Although I imagine to get there in the first place the dude has failed quite a few shit tests… Read more »

5 years ago

Cue Blax and Sentient saying that LTRs are not for everyone and “burden”. Even assuming no LTR, it behooves us to develop game. We cannot (nor should we want to) escape some sort of burden. And, if we develop some skill at game, burden becomes play. Mating is a dance and a game and we are creatures who mate. And we have lineage and want to propagate our lineage, so it’s to our advantage to take reasonable care to ensure that our offspring are reared properly, because proper rearing gives us a reproductive advantage. So, if we don’t want to… Read more »

5 years ago

Two comments: 1) I absolutely do believe us men have a big responsiblity for letting all this happen and yes for not ‘correcting’ female behaviour. Women are just like little girls, and when they get older their hpergamy instincts kick in. If men tolerate their shitty behaviour and not call them out or shut them down their behaviour will just get worse. So fuck yes, we need to be the rock and call and correct bad behaviouir in our women. 2) Totally right about how women define being a ‘man’ but also as I fully absorb RP I find it… Read more »

5 years ago

Was watching an episode of My Three Sons…old men were playing cards…one was saying semi-BP crap…one was saying RP stuff…a teenage boy liked ONE girl and was trying to get her to notice him…

…mixture of RP and BP messages…you have to filter…observe from other boys/men what works and what doesn’t and talk with other men…

5 years ago

In my Latin dance classes teachers have started using gender neutral language to describe what had always been the male – female dynamic.

Now those roles are referred to as “leader and follower” and in some instances guys are starting to virtue signal and become “followers” .

But as we’ve talked about so often here’s when a guy can dance and carries himself with confidence women will abandon the “leader” role and immediately revert back to “follower”

When I first started it was guys and girls…

5 years ago

I am by no means a MGTOW fanboy. Im in a LTR that I can get out of pretty easily of 4 years thanking my lucky stars. From what I read in this blog it seems that is the answer until shit changes. I just always think Im giving up or throwing in the towel if I go that route. But I cant help but think every time I see a Rollo article its blinking in my face go MGTOW you idiot. Thoughts? Thanks.

5 years ago

Strange picture; the image, for me, connected to that blockhead Charlie Brown who has the privilege of always trying yet never impacting the ball.

5 years ago

It’s easy to make declarations about how your self-worth begins and ends with you and that no woman can influence that image, and in a way that seems liberating. Somehow this quote leads to… But I cant help but think every time I see a Rollo article its blinking in my face go MGTOW you idiot. disconnect because fear and/or lack of confidence In the coming series I’ll get more into this question as well as what men can do to take back the authority of assigning manhood. Thanks for reading, more to come. The following is necessary, I believe,… Read more »

5 years ago

@777 “Thoughts” You will never be a pure MGTOW no matter how hard you try as you have the capacity to relate and do with women. Rollos writing does the same for me , as I feel every good man ( as I define man ) should find a cave today and hole up. Still these are interesting times to be alive and I wouldn’t want to miss any of the entertainment value that this mass of confused people has to offer. The trick is not to let on that I am amused at them rather amused with them. Having… Read more »

5 years ago

“A gynocentric social order’s prime directive has been to remove all vested male authority and by extension almost all power the man has to dierct the course of his own life.” It’s not so much gynocentric as oligarcic. Women by nature subjugate themselves to TPTB. Women in power aren’t really directing the course of their own lives; they serve the dehumanized system. “Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.” Real power is how closely bound our freewill is to freedom. How broadly one chooses to exercise freewill determines their freedom. Hence the intense… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

It also implies that only women have the authority to bestow ‘Manhood’ on men, and then only for performing specific behaviors or believing correct beliefs as set by womankind. Watch pairings that are out and about on foot. See how many men are literally following women around or standing by waiting for them (perhaps holding some of her cargo). This may be most prevalent among the middle aged but I’m not sure. They are just the ones I’m more likely to see. If he is there or close behind when she stops or turns all is well. Good dog. If… Read more »

5 years ago

Has anyone read “The Shore of Women” by Pamela Sargent?

The blurb on Amazon claims “it’s perfect for readers of Margaret Atwood and Ursula K. Le Guin, but whoever wrote that failed to notice that (1) the novel depicts a world in which female supremacy is unquestioned and unquestionable, and (2) it’s a dystopia.

5 years ago

Soviet Russia was BIG into state-sponsored gender egalitarianism before it was cool, btw.

The soviets experimented with GE first, then they weaponized it against the West. I’m not sure that they were able to remove all of it from Russia or seriously contain its damage.

5 years ago

Now THIS is the old Rollo. Women have no capacity to claim power on their own and their only power is ceded them by men. They count on men to enforce this paradigm. Most modern men have been socialized by modern women to protect modern women, and see that act (and by extension themselves) as noble. Like asking your barber if you need a haircut. They got tricked by a business. There is one pin holding the entire thing up however and women know it. The power they are given is revocable at any time, for any reason. This terrifies… Read more »

5 years ago

“Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.”

That as a phrase sums up your choice in taking whatever happens to you and crafting a sculpted art form of yourself to the world we live in.

“When I first started it was guys and girls…” i see this with zouk and many other dances. Not sure if going along with it makes it acceptable but the dancing itself is the main reason why i am their.

5 years ago

(perhaps holding some of her cargo)

Had a plate, boss’s daughter. She went shopping with me one time, I bought a pair of shoes. We walked out, I was holding the bag, with my shoes in it. She took it from me… said it wasn’t right that i carry the bag… good girl that one.

5 years ago

“Amongst Traditional Conservative ‘thought leaders’ a popular idea is that we find ourselves in the intersexual conditions we do today because men have dropped the ball.” this aligns with burden of performance. men made the world how it is, therefore we bear ultimate responsibility for everything that happens on our property. the idea of holding women accountable for maintaining/improving the complex systems we’ve engineered and built is laughable “Men have shirked their manly responsibilities and women are the way they are because not enough men care to correct women’s behaviors.” this aligns with men lead, women follow. i never blame… Read more »

DR Smith
DR Smith
5 years ago

@ Rollo – awaiting the post on your ideas how men today can to take back authority as a male in a female led society. Because as you point out yourself, it is easy to say “make yourself your focal point’ but much harder to do today with respect to LTR’s in the West in 2018.

5 years ago

It’s not harder.

Believing that is self fulfilling and gets you off to a very bad/difficult start.

5 years ago

“there is almost no man in the united states who has allodial title to his property, it’s fitting that his vote doesn’t count for shit either.” This is what I’m getting at. The second you look for answers outside of yourself you’re toast. And you end up thinking and writing “it is easy to say “make yourself your focal point’ but much harder to do today with respect to LTR’s in the West in 2018.” As if is true, real, permanent. And it is as long as you say it is. Feel that yoke settle on your shoulders and pull.… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

good girl that one.

Ah yes, plate. No leverage. Unable to consolidate power on her own, but clever enough to play that situation very well and stay viable.

5 years ago

TIP #10 HONOR THE HARD SKILLS As you probably recognize, most talents are not exclusively hard skills or soft skills, but rather a combination of the two. For example, think of a violinist’s precise finger placement to play a series of notes (a hard skill) and her ability to interpret the emotion of a song (a soft skill). Or a quarterback’s ability to deliver an accurate spiral (a hard skill) and his ability to swiftly read a defense (a soft skill). The point of this tip is simple: Prioritize the hard skills because in the long run they’re more important… Read more »

5 years ago

The oak tree is a judgement on the acorn.

5 years ago

Lost Patrol

No leverage.

Archimedes has no leverage on me…

5 years ago

Im probably the rare kind here – theoretical incel. It means that i cant lose against women if i dont play game (in larger sense). I do not orbit, court or try to impress any girl and saves so much time. Is my life pathetic? Probably. Am i missing something? Perhaps. I have all the defense maneuvers thanks to rollo and red pill in general.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Serendipity strikes. The current article at Dalrocks:

A paper is cited on the issue of joint custody after divorce that has good news/bad news. Joint custody tends to reduce suicide by men but not by women. :(Surprised face)

The introduction of joint custody reforms reinforces the traditional division of labor within the family and gives men greater bargaining power over the intrahousehold allocation of resources.

Worth a quick read.

5 years ago

I do the same especially not try to impress (Not incel.) I bluntly ignore them at the gym. Thing is I have been lifting/dieting religiously for the last 4 years. Have a Chad Bod. The hottest girls at the gym look at me for attention and follow with the exercises I do. When I act like they dont exist it drives them absolute mad. Its an experiment I have done at the gym and its so fun. I get to lift and experience red pill at its realists.

5 years ago

Lost Patrol at 8:09 “Watch pairings that are out and about on foot. See how many men are literally following women around or standing by waiting for them (perhaps holding some of her cargo). This may be most prevalent among the middle aged but I’m not sure. They are just the ones I’m more likely to see. If he is there or close behind when she stops or turns all is well. Good dog.” I see it with teenagers. I have a second job where people come on dates. It has become somewhat more common to see high-school girls who… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago


Archimedes has no leverage on me…

That’s why we like to read your stuff.

5 years ago

Responsibility is the ket commodity in relational trade, and the balance sheet is whacked these days. It’s true not just in M/F but in society through politics and the victimhood olympics where strive for victim class. Victim means “I’m not responsible”, someone else did it to me and someone else is responsible for fixing it for me. To have a victim there must by definition be a persecutor too in M/F it’s obviously men by societal consensus, and that includes most men buying into it. But anyway, back to responsibility. A man taking on responsibility has about zero value in… Read more »

5 years ago

Lost Well I’ll give you a little snippet from the “other side” then. Married, long term, kids, money etc… She has full leverage right? Nah. Wife has been frosty last few days. She want’s something and I don’t so she keeps bumping into my NO frame… Annoying? yes. Threatening? No. So I’ve been doing my thing and ignoring her pouting and trying to make an issue etc… Going out for drinks with a buddy. She is extra frosty now. But I’m cooler. catch her and give her a kiss… She is like “What’s that for?” I shrug. Then she tries… Read more »

5 years ago
Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

You only get manipulated if you let them.

Words to live by.

5 years ago

@ Sentient You’re stealing my moves. Prior to TRM, I do the same things but it take days to resolve her comfort tests. I’d fuck around with ignoring her, pinging her, ignoring her more and she attack dog wind up when I’d be half out the door on day 3. After her crying meltdown I’d finally get around to guiding her back to earth. I thought that was our lot. I didn’t like it but sex was plentiful through it all so compared to the faithful chumps I was o.k. My life is much, much easier, she’s happier and things… Read more »

5 years ago


Yeah man was in quicksand like that for 10 years in the middle…

“Rewards where can”

Brought me a cocktail and snack before a big dinner…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Bitchute is an alternative to YouTube, a non-SJW-censored alternative.
PayPal just dropped Bitchute for mumble mumble reasons.

The screw has tightened just a little bit..

5 years ago

I have all the defense maneuvers thanks to rollo and red pill in general.

pathetic immature manlet

5 years ago

Will you insist she own her shit, have high standards, have boundaries and leave her if things aren’t to your liking while being a decent dependable guy?

Well, I’d vet first to see if she has been well trained.. If she brings enough good qualities, I might train her myself. But I wouldn’t try to have a rational discussion with her about anything important. You shouldn’t expect a cat to behave like a dog.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Man arrested for serious crime in our gynocracy, because Women Must Be Believed, They Never Lie.

Saved by a selfie…

Editor’s note: KVUE is not identifying Precopia’s accuser because she hasn’t been charged with a crime.

Remember, women never lie…

5 years ago

Oh this last nugget about male responsibility. A testing woman will wait until you are handling multiple things, responsible for others safety, essentially at your most distracted to pounce on you with her test. She doesn’t need to time it. As long as you look like you are in control, although shes irked, her hindbrain will not demand enough attention for her to test UNTIL you look like you can’t handle things smoothly. I didn’t say can’t handle things, it’s the smoothly part that keeps her at bay. Classic example: She’s miffed but quiet about it. You say “good enough,… Read more »

5 years ago


“The hottest girls at the gym look at me for attention and follow with the exercises I do”.

You don’t have the balls to approach them and risk getting rejected, so you settle for attention hot girls give you. It’s like how some guys will match hot girls on tinder, but will never message them because they’re too scared of “fucking it up” lol (they will however send you a screenshot of the hot chick they matched with tho).

5 years ago

777 just arrives, says some things he’s proud of and……

master of the PUA universe blows in cuz being fat, zit faced, and Chad hating feelz threatened.

5 years ago

lol, tinder.

5 years ago

“they will however send you a screenshot of the hot chick they matched with tho”

10th graders still doing that?

5 years ago

Who Frame this is???

5 years ago


Scared of approaching hot girls is nothing to be proud of.

“being fat, zit faced, and Chad hating feelz threatened”

comment image

Man….must hurt to know none of your insults are true LMAO. Projection maybe?

And for gods sake, where are your signature “good morning”??? I miss thoses. U been feeling down lately, broksi?

5 years ago

Why does j even care about me? Why does he even respond? Hm?

5 years ago

“10th graders still doing that?”

Insecure 22 yr old guy I know. Who also goes to a gym with lot of hot girls in NYC and brags about girls checking him out at the gym just like @777. That’s how I knew.

5 years ago

“10th graders still doing that?”

Exactly. He’s 15.

He knows everything about being a incel teenager, nothing about real life beyond 20.


5 years ago

and another signiture teenager tell….

“where are your signature “good morning”???”

Adults say good morning, good evening, good night without any sense of irony.

5 years ago

I’ve been around ya know.

It’s ok to be confused, it’s not to be willfully malicious. You are a bad person. You will be chewed up and spit out. It may not be today but it will happen.

Ask Blax what happens to all-talk assholes.

5 years ago

Good night.

Oh j on entering his high school basement beer party:

comment image?auto=webp&s=8232a246241658e79603f86bfd79accc62dcfe36

5 years ago

Headlines. Justin Bieber Won’t Return to Music Anytime Soon, He’s in a ‘Season of Self-Discovery. Justin Bieber is taking time off from his music while he figures out what he wants to do next. Some one needs to tell that faggot that you are ‘sposed to figure yourself out before you get with a girl. Or something won’t end well. YGBSM, you are doing everything wrong for her. It won’t take her long to figure that out and cash out. The insider adds that, “Justin is searching for his purpose right now.” “He’s thinking, ‘Hey, maybe it’s not music. Maybe… Read more »

5 years ago

Intimacy vs isolation and authority
What Are some point’s in history did men have authority in leading relationships. Comfort and security does this lead to authority.?
comment image

5 years ago

Cooper and Bruno

5 years ago

MGTOW! I love it. I believe in being MGTOW yet still attempting to form an ltr and breeding a woman.

5 years ago

You seem a bit frustrated if you start insulting anonymous people online.

5 years ago

Rollo makes some great points here, a couple of thoughts. You cannot create your own reality as we are innately social creatures living in a social order. I’m so glad Rollo tried to cut this crap off at the pass as it’s way too common in the Red Pill world. What one can do is develop social intelligence and different social strategies to achieve one’s ends. Hint: Careful observation of “female power” reveals many glitches in the matrix an individual man can exploit for his gain. Better hint: Don’t spend so much time on meta analyses and politics. Your circumstances… Read more »

5 years ago

“Insecure 22 yr old guy I know.”

Odd description.

I never know the age of an loose acquaintance, if it’s not important. Why j needs to include it: it sounds to j more realistic, he’s hanging with adults. But he’s lives an teen incel fantasy, and writes what he reads.

j makes shit up like it’s his job.

Oh Good Morning at everyone. 🙂

5 years ago

“We’ve lost, they’ve won.” It’s a pyrrhic victory and no more a decline than an ATM societal churn. There’s not much the individual can do other than one’s best, I mean that which serves you best, proximal to distal. Get involved or not, vote or not, it’s not all that important. Scrib has the benefit of future hope in his daughter and grandchild. He might not see the upswing, but his DNA might. That’s real, consequential and persisting. I agree. The verdict on the west is in. It is a judgement on all of us, over generations, per se. Things… Read more »

5 years ago

@eh “Why j needs to include it” How old are 10th graders? Aight well I personally know someone who is well above that age who still does this shit. I’ll send you the address to the gym he goes to and I’ll make sure to let him know this old dude on this anonymous forum wants to meet u cause he thinks u an imaginary nigga lol. “But he’s lives an teen incel fantasy, and writes what he reads.” Bro….is your goal here to try and “insult” me or make me lol? Cause your def succeeding if it’s the… Read more »

5 years ago

@Eh – Voting, lol, like if you think that’s gonna change things you are asleep. Our society has been morally corrupted from the top down via what Antonio Gramsci referred to as “the long march” through the West’s cultural institutions, and this began in the early 20th century. It took a long time for Marxists to overtake the academy, and they did so by empowering and creating victim groups. Without feminists, they would have not succeeded… Who thinks an election will change the left’s values utterly dominating the academy, the arts, our entertainment media and our new media? Wake up.… Read more »

DR Smith
DR Smith
5 years ago

For the leftist approved version of a manly man, look no further than this TV commercial running this Christmas gift buying season: I very nearly vomited when I saw this for the first time. It pisses me off so much I turn off the TV or change the channel everytime I see it….and this has happened on ESPN alone (yeah, I know, they went full leftist converged years ago) 6 times in the last week. Nothing like being subtle in getting your message across, is there? Hate to say this, but unless something happens within the next generation (10-20… Read more »

5 years ago

Very good comments on this post, @scribblerg, spot on analysis in your two posts. It’s one of the reasons I don’t vote, while I am not as educated as yourself about history , it’s plain as day the current system is very corrupt on both sides. I see people get caught up in this political LARPING , I myself was caught up in it earlier for years when I was younger. With regards to responsibility over women and their actions, the theory is easy, but the application is not so easy in the current environment. I give out the authority… Read more »

5 years ago

Yeah, all y’all reading along here are just a bunch of ignorant fucks. And get this: you’re probably gonna die along with half the population when the revolution starts.

Viva la revolution!!!!!

The more I learn, the more 😠 angry and murderous my pronouncements become. It’s not because I can’t truly grasp and understand what I read, it’s because I’m the smartest mentally fucked person currently consuming oxygen in the planet, and I will remain so until I finally pass the fuck away in a puff of anger dust.

Most of you won’t get this.



5 years ago


Knowing a lot of obscure shit that only serves to make you need medication isn’t the same as.being educated.

Victim. ” right wing ” dudes shooting up people for.decades and doing all manner of shit, never ever mentioned or acknowledged. But muh Marxism.

This shit ain’t smart. This which is a severe type of victim mentality for weak assed.people. The ‘ left ‘ is invisible, while everywhere at the same time😂.

Solution? FINAl solution? Kill em all. Mail bombs. Shoot up Massacre.

Smart, like Fredo.

5 years ago

American jihad.

5 years ago

Blax trying way too hard as usual.

Question for all following along here: Do you think Blax is in my head, or that I’m in his? I know the answer to that question, and I don’t need to present it in some overly arch, convoluted way in a desperate attempt to show that I’m smart, giggling. Blax, you lower your standing in this community every time you try and sort me out. But please carry on as I find it amusing.

5 years ago


” never ever mentioned or acknowledged”

You’re kidding me… lol

5 years ago


Lyon doing Lyon stuff…

5 years ago

Rollo – lowering the quality of comments with the image ban… 🙁

5 years ago

Lol. Vanilla Isis.

5 years ago


I think either WordPress is fucking up or Rollo’s attempt to stop hits and spammers is causing the jpg issue.

It does take some of the fun away.


5 years ago

Voting, lol, like if you think that’s gonna change things you are asleep. Trump has been a sabot in the socialist machine. It’s good to slow the march. it’s plain as day the current system is very corrupt on both sides. …”both sides”, lol…there’s many more than two sides…and that even the main two aren’t what you think they are…it’s clear that you have very little understanding and are fine with that… …Spain killed a lot of leftwing fucks and they are socialist today because edyewKayshun…fuck the academy…you’d have to kill a lot of “liberal arts” profs, but then you’d… Read more »

5 years ago

Bots, not ‘ hits ‘.

Also, if I try to post a comment starting with a symbol of just periods/dashes, it vanishes every time.

5 years ago

“…Head FBI Trainer Jeff Cooper . . .”

Contract shooting trainer and consultant for the FBI and various police forces, mostly at his private facility. Co-inventor of Live Scenario training used by the FBI, SWAT and popular to depict in movies and TV shows for dramatic effect.

But not FBI. Most of his time was spent training private citizens.

5 years ago

Don’t ruin a good narrative with pesky things like facts.

5 years ago

Back when we audited the FBI academy in 1947, I was told that I ought not to use my pistol in their training program because it was not fair. Maybe the first thing one should demand of his sidearm is that it be unfair.

Jeff Cooper set the standards for the FBI training program. You are correct that he was a firearms training entrepreneur.

5 years ago

Clowns gonna clown…

5 years ago

Don’t call yourself a clown.asd. You’re alright.

5 years ago

But your no J .Edgar.

5 years ago

“Voting, lol, like if you think that’s gonna change things you are asleep. ”

Wow. Voting is too myopic a subject. I wasn’t explicit enough about that in my comment and regret mentioning it.

j is a fraud and insults himself. He needs no help.

5 years ago

Back when I took my concealed carry course, they taught the Weaver Stance. However, when I qualified, I used single-handed point shooting. I was the first to complete shooting and all shots were in the target. Not in a 3 inch radius, of course, lol. First was in the area of the heart and the bullets made a diagonal line down and to the left, as expected. If that had been a man…

5 years ago

I 👍 j.

He’s young, that’s all.

5 years ago

I’ve linked this video before, but it’s worth doing again:

5 years ago

“He’s young, that’s all.”

If he gets old he’s going to do it quickly and painfully. Hopefully the pain will be eased somewhat by what he’s read here finally clicking into place. Sometimes laying down “truth mines” to “go off” later when he steps into it is all you can do for a man.

5 years ago

Absolutely. He can still hear us over his laughter.

5 years ago

@Blaximus I’ve always considered you and @scribblerg as two sides of the same coin. @scribblerg in my opinion is accurate on the theory aspect of the current time and what has led to the current state of affairs, yes his assessment is awfully negative and it’s application would not lead to a positive place(internal war) , however, I view it as necessary to understand the negative state of things in order to forge a new path. I’ve always viewed you Blaximus and your comments here as a guide to a positive implementation of the red pill. The theory(@scribblerg) and implementation(@Blaximus)… Read more »

5 years ago

“@scribblerg in my opinion is accurate on the theory aspect of the current time . . .” I disagree with him. I think it quite likely that the US will divide into 6 countries. Peacefully. That’s when the slaughter will start, as each of these new countries struggles to build a nation. And just because you aren’t interested in taking part in the slaughter doesn’t mean that the slaughter isn’t interested in taking part in you. There will be little matter of “choice.” Shit gonna happen. But that’s a matter of assessing the odds as I see them now. Things… Read more »

5 years ago

Yall bored af….. go outside

5 years ago

I think men get more than enough anger and negativity out in the world. It’s crucial to understand the forces ( negative as well as positive ) that act on a man, and what he do so to attain enough balance between the two in his life so that he can form resolutions that impact him in a more masculine and positive manner. Men aren’t women, and all that emotional reaction and lashing out and crazy proclamations that show weakness isn’t a good thing for men as a whole. You can ‘ understand ‘ red pill, but it can’t assist… Read more »

5 years ago

RP isn’t negative. I agree. We tolerate the negative like, uh, a cold sore or j’s or mersonia’s infantile presence. We don’t accept all that but we tolerate it until it goes away. We love are neighbors, well, we’re supposed to, not necessarily what they do. That we tolerate. We don’t tolerate RP as it’s beneficial. RP is contemporary, nonreligious way to self improvement. There other ways to do the same, and all this has been expressed elsewhere, in less explicit terms but that stuff is out of fashion. BTW, nothing more ironic than mersonia commenting on TRM that we… Read more »

5 years ago

“And let us not kid ourselves.. whatever is left of MRA-ism, conventional MGTOW-ism, most ‘game’ and ‘seduction’ communities is a big fucking joke as are the pathetic attempts to restore masculinity by alt-right idiots. Pretty much every supposedly “masculine” community is filled with captain save-a-hoes, delusional incels, shlubby white guys who end with Asian chicks, “reformed” players and other virtue pimps- not to mention all those greedy losers who want to sell you everything from bitcoin schemes, dietary supplements, books on positive thing and “perseverance porn”. In other words, there is not much real help from conventional sources for the… Read more »

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