The Advantages of Now

As of this writing my second talk at last year’s 21 Convention is now available for free public viewing on 21 University. I worked this ‘talk’ a bit differently as you’ll see. I find that I can address what most of my readers are concerned with most in and open discussion rather than my delivering a sermon from the stage. I think I’m more comfortable with this as I’ve been aggregating information with other men in a forum style discourse for so long. My time at SoSuave really taught me the value of that back and forth exchange of information, and it’s really what led to so much of the material I’ve covered on the blog for almost 7 years now.

For the sake of clarity, this talk was the second I did and took place a day after my first, Hypergamy, Micro to Macro. I had originally intended to cover aspects of my third book, Positive Masculinity, since it had been released about 2 months prior. I had an extensive lecture all ready to go, but I decided to switch up my talk that morning. The day and night before I had gotten into at least 8 different “sub-conferences” with spontaneous groups of about a dozen guys that went on for any where between 20 minutes to an hour. It occurred to me then that the best way to address my topic would be to have an open discussion about masculinity with the guys I was talking to just a few ours before.

As much as I liked the first talk – and I still feel understanding Hypergamy in its entirety is a keystone element in understanding intersexual dynamics – I think this talk was much more personal. I’ve always felt that the Red Pill should remain ‘open source’ and be an aggregate of the experience of men from all over the world. To this end I’ll always feel that a roundtable discussion style is the best way to encourage men not just to put in their two cents, but also as the best way for men to learn. I am first a writer and then a speaker, but my speaking will always be better when a man is expressing his concerns, problems, critiques and experiences within a group of men focused on untangling Red Pill awareness. I’m always humbled when an interviewer calls me one of the Godfathers of the Red Pill, but the truth is there is no father of the Red Pill. For as much as some writers would like us to believe they fathered the manosphere, Red Pill awareness is the result of a consortium of men who came together, offered their input to the whole and made it something greater than it was before.

I got to watch both my talks before the post-production and release, and while I was reviewing them it occurred to me how fortunate this generation is to have access to such information today. I’m from a generation that didn’t have the internet when I was in my early 20s. There were no Game Gurus and the only “how to pick up girls” books we’re only available from mail order ads you found in the back of a Penthouse or Hustler magazine. I did read Why Men Are The Way They Are by Dr. Warren Farrell in 1993, but other than that book there was nothing about the nature of women that would ever be published by the major publishing houses then.

After I reviewed my video here I watched a TED talk given by Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, and in it he recounted all of the dead end jobs and life experience he’d accrued up to around 1996 when a friend of his fronted him $30,000 to keep him going while he wrote the book. He’d always wanted to be a writer, but until the mid 2000s publishing was locked by a monopoly of a handful of ‘traditional’ publishing houses. Even the 48 Laws of Power had to get past their review processes. Now I think Robert Greene is one of the greatest minds of our time in his articulating power dynamics, I attempted to model my own writer’s voice on his example, but there was a time when anything resembling Red Pill awareness or truths that would be less than flattering to the status quo would never have seen the light of day. Print on demand and digital publishing (eBooks) wasn’t even a dream at that time, but today we take them for granted.

I never had a childhood dream of being an author, writing is just something I’ve always done as one more outlet for my creativity. I never thought I’d be a published author of one book, much less three. Nor did I imagine I’d have audio versions of them (book 3 is coming soon Sam promises). But now is the time. With digital publishing anyone can be an author so long as their ‘content’ is good.

We are living in an era in which certain things we take for granted are the only time in history that they could occur. That might sound self-evident, but think about it; our technology today is such that certain ideas that could never have been brought into popular consciousness could only be considered because of that technology. We have an advantage of now. It’s kind of humbling in a way – having witnessed the transition from a time when all of the dynamics we invested so much of ourselves in then are now made common, cheapened in some cases, and the legitimacy of having earned them is lessened as a result.

In my rock star 20s it took 4-5 months of all of the guys in my band to scrape together enough money to pay for a 3 song demo tape (no CDs for us then) in a recording studio, and that was with us having friends in the industry. Today I can do everything that very expensive studio could on my iMac. I have tools now to create the dreams I’ve had since I was in high school, but the challenge is no long the access, but the ideas themselves. We live in an age when access to the tools and means of creation has never been greater, but the ideas, the imagination, the abstract unrefined concepts is what I think is lacking today. We can produce masterpieces of music in our homes, but today music is only getting worse.

I’ve seen videos of brilliant instrumentalist virtuosos on YouTube. Kids not older than ten playing complex pieces of music they learned and absorbed themselves online, yet few could actually create an original song with any expressiveness themselves.

We also live in an age where access to information has never been more ubiquitous. We have access to the knowledge of all human history in a device that we can put in our pocket, yet we’re still too lazy to actually use the search feature or cite an easily had source. We have a connectivity today that spans the globe, yet we readily factionalize and atomize our social networks according to ideological biases.

A lot of this disconnect from real genius, from true creativity, I want to chalk up to the constant distractions we’re bombarded with daily. It’s really the price we pay for having unlimited access to information and the tools of creation. Paraphrasing the late Chris Cornell, there are no more writers like Shakespeare because all he had was a table, a candle, a pen and some paper. Today, learning to avoid distractions and focus on a single task is an art itself, but there’s another reason for this lack of honest genius and that is we’re gradually seeing a new generation of men and women who are themselves the product of a social order that has never known a time or condition where this access didn’t exist.

I think it was Dave Grohl who said something like kids today think rock stars are generated from talent shows on TV. Even with all the easy access to creative expression there’s still this idea that the process is somehow out of their control.

So why am I freestyling this post just to introduce my next talk video? Because I want my readers to get some insight about the radical nature of the information that the Red Pill presents today. I’ve written essays about how the 1990s really represented the pinnacle of the Feminine Imperative’s social influence. This was due to the limitations of information inherent in that time. In those essays I wanted to stress just how influential the Imperative was on western culture, but more importantly just how ignorant we were of ever perceiving it then. Today, the jig is up.

The internet has exposed the influences of feminism and it’s opened up a dialog – one that the controllers of the means of it would like to censor – in which it can no longer hide its true intent. The nature of women, the mechanics of intersexual dynamics, the good, the bad and the ugly of everything the Red Pill makes us aware of is increasingly expanding. It’s expanding so much that I fear we’re reaching a point where the means to explore new ideas in the ‘sphere are being limited by the means itself.

When you watch this video, any Red Pill aware video, when you read the latest essay here or anywhere else, keep in the back of your mind that knowing this information is only possible in this time. I wrote Preventive Medicine in response to men telling me how they’d wished they’d had this information back when they were younger and didn’t know better so they could make better, informed decisions. The truth is that the information I’ve been spreading since 2002 could only be realized in this age. Some will say, “yeah, but ancient scholars (and deified psychologists) knew this stuff a long time ago”, to which I’ll say ‘no, they didn’t’. Not to the extent we do today. Not with the degree of accuracy we know now. Only now is this possible, and only later will we have an even greater understanding of the Red Pill – for better or worse.

You are fortunate to be here in the now. Some of what you’re made aware of will frustrate and anger you, some of it will depress you and some of it will bring you to that “Ah Ha!” moment. The Red Pill can enlighten you or stifle you, but you are better off knowing it now in an age where this is finally possible.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Advantages of Now […]

5 years ago

I got my hard copies of Preventative Medicine and Positive Masculinity yesterday and as I jump into these books, watch the RMG, read red pill blogs and watch/read other Manosphere material. I think about what would of happened to me without this kind access to material. I most likely would of offed myself. I continually thank people in this sphere for what they have provided me in my life. I now look at women and say “OK she’s in her late party years now, so she’s doing this and that and etc.” Instead of her ass is phat I would… Read more »

5 years ago

For some unknown reason, I don’t like Rollo feeding all the truths. If you see the Gamers , they’re doing good actually. They are preparing themselves for girls right the way they should have been, so they’re getting girls. But… When I was a kid, I knew what masculinity is, it was fully instinctive. I was raised by a single mom, so I used to be regularly punished for my instinctive behaviour. By the time I was being punished, I could clearly feel that my mom was oppressing on me. I used to look around, to find someone to stand… Read more »

5 years ago

For some unknown reason, I don’t like Rollo feeding all the truths. If you see the Gamers , they’re doing good actually. They are preparing themselves for girls right the way they should have been, so they’re getting girls. But… When I was a kid, I knew what masculinity is, it was fully instinctive. I was raised by a single mom, so I used to be regularly punished for my instinctive behaviour. By the time I was being punished, I could clearly feel that my mom was oppressing on me. I used to look around, to find someone to stand… Read more »

5 years ago

We are Men, Men is What We Are

5 years ago

Paternal Postpartum Depression is Real PalmaSailor

5 years ago

Paternal Postpartum Depression for Men is Real PalmaSailor

5 years ago

Paternal Postpartum Depression for Men/Husbands is Real PalmaSailor

5 years ago

I’m banned . My comments don’t publish unless I thrust it with some legit usernames. Cracked the codes of Rollo’s website.

[You’re not banned. Are you having trouble posting?]

5 years ago

@Escher Reading comprehension lesson time. If you look at his blog, he says something like this, ” Using autism to bring some fun into people’s lives”. Nope. In my blog I state, ”Autism and bringing some fun into people’s lives”. I discuss autism issues, Game issues, social skills issues, and red pill issues. “Bringing fun” is code for “gaming.” It’s not the women who are truly threat on the spot, it’s the Captain Save A Hoe People. Sure, White Knights are a threat. We might as well throw up our hands in despair and go home, right? But before we… Read more »

5 years ago
“You are fortunate to be here in the now. Some of what you’re made aware of will frustrate and anger you, some of it will depress you and some of it will bring you to that “Ah Ha!” moment. The Red Pill can enlighten you or stifle you, but you are better off knowing it now in an age where this is finally possible.”

5 years ago

This article is more of the same great, current wisdom of Rollo and the Red Pill Awareness. Regarding the idea that historically society and its inhabitants were not as aware of the Red Pill issues, and especially hypergamy, I strongly suggest that such may have been the case, consciously. But then there is the collective unconscious and its effect on social norms and related behavior. I believe that the constraints on the behavior of women, only abolished over the last 100 years, were the cultural judgments gleaned out of necessity and the collective unconsciousness of how destructive unfettered hypergamy is.… Read more »

5 years ago

In your previous conference about hypergamy, you said that there is no corresponding principle to man. I can say that it is polygamy, in ancient societies polygamy was the normal thing, and men managed multiple plates easily. In modern society plugged deep into blue pill conventions, polygamy was fought with tooth and nail and hypergamy or feminine primacy took the lead.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Rollo – just watching the talk now. There is some brief reference to the Rockefellers trying to get more women into the workplace to keep the workforce more docile and less prone to unrest etc – I’ve never heard that before. Where does that come from? It sounds very conspiracy-theoryish (especially the Rockefeller name just instantly makes me think “conspiracy theory”). I guess in one way it’s just a variation of small businesses not wanting to hire 28 year old women who are likely to go off and get pregnant and impose huge costs on the business when they could… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Palma – yes. Seen it at my workplace too. It actually means they’re really good as junior employees in professional settings – in many ways better than 25 year old men. But even after accounting for the culling that takes place in late 20s/early 30s (marriage/motherhood), typically much less of a feel for taking risks, taking decisions, looking at strategy, the drive to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to get to senior management, that sort of thing. There are plenty of exceptions and I know women who are very good at those things, but this is true of the vast… Read more »

JJ Amer
JJ Amer
5 years ago

Good point about the limitation being ideas. Read a post a few days ago that users on reddit fall into 3 categories. Content posters 1 percent. Content expanders editors 9 percent. Content/post consumers 90 percent. Online communities are driven by novel ideas so much more than me too agreement. How red pill evolves in a world where female primary sexual goals are “right think” is going be interesting. Men and women are desperate to escape from the desert of modern relationships. But the message can’t be couched in terms of female surrender. Nor can we allow females to continue to… Read more »

5 years ago

@Culum That “Rockefeller” thing had more to do about The Rockefeller Foundation trying to promote women CEO’s because they were under-represented in top level positions. That Rockefeller Foundation push is more to masculinize women and have equal pay for women, than to make the workplace more docile. A more docile workforce may be the end result, because of how women operate (not on a meritocracy). (Kind of like the opposite of Glengarry Glen Ross.) And that was kind of a garbled point Rollo was trying to make in response to a question about whether socio-sexual ‘movements’ are trying to tame… Read more »

5 years ago

Henry Ford quote: ““Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”

Anyone who thinks polygamy is the answer should take a look at the Middle East.

5 years ago

A good listen on what is within your control to Alpha up

5 years ago

“That “Rockefeller” thing had more to do about The Rockefeller Foundation trying to promote women CEO’s because they were under-represented in top level positions.” Because he wanted a workforce that: ” . . . will follow instructions / processes without any problem and more or less do as they’re told in a way that men won’t.” Whether or not “docile” is the correct word to denote that I’ll leave up to argument. He didn’t phrase it that way, because he was the PR arm of the project whose job was to “sell” it to the public, but that’s what he… Read more »

5 years ago

Although I am not unaware that what I wrote above is just some shit you’re reading on some Internet page. Hi ho.

5 years ago


Culum Struan
Culum Struan
5 years ago

Thanks @kfg and SJF – interesting re the Rockefellers

5 years ago

Palmasailor and Everyone From my childhood, my mom didn’t let spend an average time to play with other boys. Being nice doesn’t make you socially dominant, an alpha with no performance at all can control the shit. I want social dominance. I worked so hard on performance just to have control in my social life. But failing at this contributed to a trauma 5 years ago(even I used to be bullied for my good performance ). Someone tells me what to do is the worst nightmare of my life. But guys of my age like to gang up. I have… Read more »

The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
5 years ago

Palmasailor and Everyone From my childhood, my mom didn’t let spend an average time to play with other boys. Being nice doesn’t make you socially dominant, an alpha with no performance at all can control the shit. I want social dominance. I worked so hard on performance just to have control in my social life. But failing at this contributed to a trauma 5 years ago(even I used to be bullied for my good performance ). Someone tells me what to do is the worst nightmare of my life. But guys of my age like to gang up. I have… Read more »

5 years ago

Heavy Autism Alert

The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
5 years ago

Be careful Mer Sonia. Big Brother is right behind you

5 years ago

comment image

The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
5 years ago


How do you Game a Pop Up… That frog face Merson always pops up when I comment something.

5 years ago

Didn’t read the article past the first few sentences. Started to watch the vid, but decided to post instead … if I could. Cause in the past, its seems like I’d been banned here. So posting, to check. So here is what it comes down to, Rollo: “My time at SoSuave really taught me the value of that back and forth exchange of information, and it’s really what led to so much of the material I’ve covered on the blog for almost 7 years now.” And I call BULLSHIT. You don’t know what an exchange of info is. Because it… Read more »

5 years ago

Gang up you say? I don’t know how old you are currently, but fuck guys ganging up. Especially if they are unarmed and only rely on their numbers. If this kind of thing is really a concern, to immediately and learn how to fight. I don’t care which discipline you choose ( best to chose a few over the long haul ), but to and learn and practice diligently and watch that concern of ” gangs ” vanish into thin air. Remember my fave saying ” you have to bring ass to kick ass. If you lose, make sure one… Read more »

5 years ago

Shit. I fell for the troll.

The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
5 years ago

thanks blax, that’s why I’m here.

5 years ago

My point all along here, is that the underpinnings of the western tradition incorporates everything you have listed there.


5 years ago

How do you Game a Pop Up

lol (it’s only serious to you if you let it be serious)

5 years ago

@Rollo: much of this knowledge is truly only discovered now… But now is also the time where “academic” research on these topics is stifled or misdirected, and where discussing it openly leads to repercussions.

I’m still worried for you, but I’m cautiously optimistic. Been about a year and it seems the FI hasn’t really targeted you.

[I got skillz]

5 years ago

Because Trump is against illegal immigration, therefore he’ll lose hispanic support. Right?

The Border Patrol is overwhelmingly hispanic. The professional military is heavily hispanic and Marines competed to guard the President for the first time in eight years. The loyalty of the most northern Mexican provinces leans heavily pro-US. Their men are likely to serve in the US armed services and they keep an American flag displayed prominently in their houses. Aliens who serve in the military are fast-tracked for citizenship.

5 years ago

My filipino nieces speak flawless English–you’d think that they grew up in the States. They received a top-level education in the ‘pines.

5 years ago

nice frame

5 years ago

Any serious novel written in the past centuries shows, no matter how indirectly, the realistic nature of women, as well as men. They knew: but who were they? People who lived in the nobility circles, men of distinction who moved over the largest cities and had their eventful, socialite circles too (more or less overlapping with the aristocracy’s). Because one needs hundreds upon hundreds of… experienced instances to infer constants and rules. The Internet makes the collection of such experience and derived analysis possible to far more people. Also, the restraints enforced by tradition having now been lifted, many more… Read more »

5 years ago



5 years ago

“All white male” is corporate boardroom bete noir

And it’s not about the whtite or male so much but the leveraging of fear as a provisioning advantage. White males happen to be easy pickings. Nothing personal, just bidness.

5 years ago

Blax, they’re from Alpha Centauri. (In law, an alien is a person who is not a national of a given country)

5 years ago

Trump has a problem ( and a proven track record, as did his father ) for not caring for ” minorities ” of any kind period. The newcomers to the Donald kill me trying to make excuses for him not knowing much about him at all prior to The Apprentice and his running for President. …. They’re being drugs, they’re bringing crime, and some of them, I suppose, are good people. Gimmee a break already. If he’s going to crack down on ” illegals “, do it across the board and include both borders northern and southern, and get the… Read more »

5 years ago

in ancient societies polygamy was the normal thing,

Lemme guess–math wasn’t your strong suit.

5 years ago

Illegal immigration has been steadily falling over the past 7 years, but boogey men are very useful.

Something smells funny about this statement, Jackson. Something smells damn funny. I dunno why and I dunno how long it’s been percolating, but it smells damn funny to my way of thinking.

5 years ago
Living Life with guidance

5 years ago



( Not Fox )


5 years ago



5 years ago

Immigration activists have sharply criticized President Obama for a rising volume of deportations, labeling him the “deporter in chief” and staging large protests that have harmed his standing with some Latinos, a key group of voters for Democrats. But the portrait of a steadily increasing number of deportations rests on statistics that conceal almost as much as they disclose. A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data. This is the source of the figures that everyone… Read more »

5 years ago

Trump’s claims look pretty good under the NYT fact check.

5 years ago

I’d argue that people who think they know about immigration don’t know as much as (and should follow) an organization that’s spent decades making it their business to master it better than anybody on the block.

5 years ago

Ok, so I have an off the wall question.. For whatever reason it hit me tonight that some of THE MOST Alpha SOBs to ever walk have been, basically, cult leaders. There is something about that combo of charisma and over the top Alpha attitude that draws both sexes, but esp women. Examples range from Rasputin to Charles Manson.. yes I know he was a crazy fcker, but he had a harem that would literally kill for him. That’s an extreme ‘dark triad’ example, and I’m not comparing RP men to psychos, but I do want to ask the question:… Read more »

5 years ago

Sjr Ever hear any interviews with Hanson’s female followers? Ever watch a bunch of full length Manson interviews? Some sheeple are weak, mentally deficient followers. Charismatic guys can attract more attention/women or whatever, but most stable minded people beat a nasty retreat from crazy, while others are widely attracted to it. I can’t see Manson as alpha because he was an insane psychopath. Some folks get off on that stuff. That’s why murderers get marriage proposals in prison. They don’t get dozens and dozens, they get a select few. Mindset not ( extreme ) demographic. With an emphasis on ”… Read more »

5 years ago


Nice comment. Old great novels are rich in wisdom before the fucking internet of things, and the Oprahism of whatevet the fuck wave of feminism legitimatized The Fi to take over.

You can’t find better stuff than Tolstoy and Doestoyevsky.

Anna Karenina was the best novel ever written. I don’t read non-fiction. But when I do I read shit like that.

5 years ago

Heheh Blax I’m not goading or toying with you, but I picked up Michael Wolf’s Fire and Fury book about when Trump got electes, how he and is staff never expected a win, and when it came, all thrusters were pushed forward. The triumvirate that was Bannon, Priebus, and young Kushner was a farce. The book is actually laugh out loud in terms of Trump being who he was for 35 years. Then still being who he was. And pushing who he was forward in the zone, to where the Democrats are in disarray. Via a red Pill lens: Laugh… Read more »

5 years ago

Great again from Rollo. This guy is a real man. Don´t get humble about it Rollo, you are the godfather of the redpill. Respecting to woman, there´s some situation that keeps repeating once and once again. The more you humiliate them and stand your ground, the more you are going to keep them by your side (if you want them to). So, yeah. we can take advantage of the advantages of the knowledge that we are getting now. I am talking from a perspective of the new generations( 80´s and up) . Thanks to the older guys, for their input.… Read more »

Chazz Reinhold
Chazz Reinhold
5 years ago

We live in amazing times. Never has been so much opportunity for normal guys in the west. As long they dont start a war with russia (i dont think it will happen as it makes no sense) we will survive and thrive. Eventually the US and Europe, the whole west, will shut down their borders against third world immigration in order to save our civilisation and nations. I think the old power map that has been build in centuries will show again. USA and western europe will be on top longer than we all live. China and the rest will… Read more »

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
5 years ago

The internet for the first time in human history gave men the ability to share and compare notes about their experiences with females. What had been an unsolvable mystery up to then now got under scrutiny of the combined field study of millions of individuals, reflecting, connecting dots, field testing, experimenting, improving … The result (up to now) is we got hypergamy down, AF/BB, shittests, IOI’s, war brides, the burden of performance, sisterhood uber alles …et al. For the first time in history men now have an field tested, battle scarred book of rules and guidelines down, forged out of… Read more »

5 years ago

There is much opportunity. However closing the borders will not necessarily stop the cancer that exists within, whether its the pound me too or other feminist agendas the feminine imperative has infiltrated deep, at least this side of the Atlantic.

5 years ago

New Swedish law recognises sex without consent as rape

5 years ago

Sex without consent is rape.
That is just common sense. This is what’s wrong with the modern age, we have to make laws that dictate what is common sense.

The only issue about codifying common sense is now who gets to use that as a hammer against someone else. Laws have always been used to persecute people.

5 years ago

Chazz yes there is much opportunity. However closing the borders will not necessarily stop the cancer that exists within, whether its the pound me too or other feminist agendas the feminine imperative has infiltrated deep, at least this side of the Atlantic.

5 years ago

I think the point is “explicit consent” (just reading the article) is required. So if she doesn’t say “yes” but takes your dick out and jumps on it, it could still be construed as rape.

You’re right that sex without consent is rape (even common sense laws are codified as law, and should be as that’s the purpose of the law…”don’t murder” is pretty common sense too)

5 years ago

Probably has a caveat that consent “under the influence” doesn’t count either.

5 years ago

Chazz I agree there is a lot of opportunity, however closing the borders won’t necessarily stop the cancer that the feminine imperative is spreading from within.

5 years ago

“I can’t see Manson as alpha because he was an insane psychopath.”

Yeah alot of people can’t see things for what they really are due to personal bias….and the fact that the truth of it isn’t what they want it to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

It’s the prevalent problem with discussing things like this loool

5 years ago

Just reading the article further: “Courts will need to pay particular attention to whether consent was expressed with words, gestures or in another manner, and judges will have to rule on the issue, according to the law passed in May.
Judge Anna Hannell, who helped create the law, said there was “absolutely no requirement to formally say ‘yes’, to hit a button in an app or anything else of the same type”.

So I guess it’s not as draconian as I thought. Not as far gone as USAF military law yet.

5 years ago

alas………the ideal that alphas are people to be admired…….. hmm

5 years ago


“Yeah alot of people can’t see things for what they really are due to personal bias….and the fact that the truth of it isn’t what they want it to be ”

Truth. The Alpha Triad is amoral.

5 years ago


“is there anything we can learn from these extreme examples of Alpha?”

Yes, everything.

Why would you want to deny your daughter her shot?

5 years ago

“I feel like I’ve spent forty years of my life working as hard as I can to become somebody I don’t even like “
Reading Warren Farrell’s “Why Men are the way they are”.

5 years ago

I don’t like to be a slave of white collars, But all my life I have been prepared for this kind of jobs. What should I do?

[You should read more and troll less ]

5 years ago


all your trolling and general autism aside

Make your own decisions.

5 years ago

@mersonia @Sentient



What happens when you take a group of men that exhibit alpha traits and put them together in ‘one room’?

comment image

We say that even 0.1% makes a difference… so a matter of degree. I guess Blax puts these guys next to his alpha reference and they look ‘cheaper’ by comparison.

More than one trait, more than one level, more than one reference experience.

5 years ago

Don’t think you know some Red Pill Sentences that makes you any better. I’m talking about a change in greater extent, not just in mental but physical world as well. Things need to be changed to better facilitate our reality.

5 years ago

“Don’t think you know some Red Pill Sentences that makes you any better. I’m talking about a change in greater extent, not just in mental but physical world as well. Things need to be changed to better facilitate our reality.” The general autist consensus that i’ve seen is that alot of you 1. Think the world needs to change when you just need to focus on yourself. 2. You just need to focus on fixing yourself making a change in w/e you can (w/e dimension you live in ) 3. You need to accept that shit is how it is… Read more »

5 years ago

“What happens when you take a group of men that exhibit alpha traits and put them together in ‘one room’?” Don’t care………………… Everyone room is full of men who exhibit alpha traits…. it’s just to what extent isss likee Beta ——————(most guys)——————————————————————-Alpha Most guys are at like a 80% Beta scale… every guy has some alpha traits usually BUT THEN THE CONVERSATION CAN GO TO WHETHER YOU MEAN SOCIAL SEXUAL ALPHA OR SOCIAL STATUS ALPHA DISCUSSION BECAUSE THEY ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS AND I DONT CARE FOR THE SOCIAL STATUS ALPHA DISCUSSION ^ and idk which u mean so i… Read more »

5 years ago

One last one, then it’s back to game stuff where we can all agree…

Fight for your borders because THEY WILL CHANGE, sometimes for the worse where your country is no longer there:

5 years ago

Anyways since im bored and this bitch is texting me telling my im a pig and manipulative and took advantage of her etc. etc. So whether you’re speaking about the sociosexual hierarchy alpha (Basically like the scale for what attractive to women )or the social status alpha ( Basically the who has the highest standing socially (for some reason this is the one guys seem to care about more )) So lets call the sexual one A and the social dominance (status ) B A is going to have a combination of X traits effective to getting P>V B is… Read more »

5 years ago

Better video here:

5 years ago


Ok I’ll take the bait

– Wat is difference?

– who are good examples of the two?

– can someone be both? If yes, then what would you call that person? …Ultimate Alpha?…lol

Thx for contribution

5 years ago

Mersonia Good morning. I readily admit to personal bias re: alpha being murderous psychopaths. ” violent ” is different from ” randomly murderous driven by delusions and hatred “. My bias comes from my history of having to deal with violent , basically beta assholes that everyone around me were scared shitless of, and if they were here among us, they would shout that these dudes were apex alphas. I also agree about percentages. I don’t believe there’s such a thing as 100% alpha, conversely I have experienced males that exhibit 100% beta combined with no discernable measure of masculinity… Read more »

5 years ago

Damn idk what I had ate…..but yeah “So I don’t describe myself as ” alpha ”” yeah I don’t think anyone who’s really Alpha describes themselves as so or cares. ” basically beta assholes that everyone around me were scared shitless of, and if they were here among us, they would shout that these dudes were apex alphas.” Lol there are alot of those and RP thinks they are really badass for some reason. “I don’t believe there’s such a thing as 100% alpha, conversely I have experienced males that exhibit 100% beta combined with no discernable measure of masculinity… Read more »

John James R
John James R
5 years ago

It’s the ascendance of the female mind. Feminine Imperative. Females can’t create at all. Full stop. They never have (outside of Frankenstein the novel, auce) Now a society of female-minded males and women in power all over the place, we have no sign of creativity. Every commercial, tv show and movie has the same narrative; men are feckless, women are amazing. Women are now writing much of that and aren’t capable of creating so they cling to that same narrative; be it a bottled water commercial, a dinosaur movie, or a medieval fantasy TV show, or a tale of future… Read more »

5 years ago

Ima try to awnser these I may have better well thought out shit later but the gist from my brain blast it (lol brain blast) @J “– Wat is difference?” A Generally deals with what women find attractive B Generally deals with social influence and standing…… The thing is one thing women find attractive is men with social influence and standing so you can see the place where the things intertwine it’s just that A is more about just definitive ++ traits and things that lead to the most efficient rate to P>V . While B includes things that are… Read more »

5 years ago

For guys into classic lit, First Love by Ivan Turgenev is an absolute scorpion of a redpill novel. It’s less than one hundred pages in most editions.

5 years ago

“A is more about just definitive ++ traits and things that lead to the most efficient rate to P>V” Yessss!!!! den that means I’m Alpha! Woohoo! (wait…but I can’t really be Alpha if I describe myself as alpha…..Damn…) “if X female (hot) wants you to fuck her and you don’t the female considers you a beta (inb4 “I don’t give a shit if some silly girl thinks I’m beta lol”….you beta (to her)…end of story) “But scale B will say WELL IF HE DIDNT WANT TO FUCK HER HE DIDNT AND HES STILL ALPHA BECAUSE HE DID WHAT HE… Read more »

5 years ago

@IAS June 30, 2018 at 2:12 pm @Rollo: much of this knowledge is truly only discovered now… But now is also the time where “academic” research on these topics is stifled or misdirected, and where discussing it openly leads to repercussions. I’m still worried for you, but I’m cautiously optimistic. Been about a year and it seems the FI hasn’t really targeted you.” Rollo’s fine for now, The SJW’s, parasites and FI in general are adsorbed with Trump and pound me too and a few other distractions. The academics that have him front and center of their powerpoint manosphere presentations… Read more »

5 years ago

Thanks for all your discussion guys. I wasn’t really trying to say an apex Alpha man should be like crazy ass Manson.. and the Alpha types A and B is interesting. I personally would like to think that being Alpha does in fact make you more of a leader (for good or bad causes) and by virtue of having that power and status it increases your attractiveness to women. Alpha traits may well be amoral, but that doesn’t excuse socially destructive behavior. I think it more that women’s hind brain seeks alpha but hardly filters for good vs bad traits… Read more »

5 years ago


“Archive this shit.”


5 years ago

@mersonia That may be a little too much algebra to explain social and intersexual dynamics.. lol I personally am not a big fan of PUA and don’t consider being skilled at it (I fully admit there is skill and art to it) as any real indication of a man being Alpha. I know that getting laid is what a lot of RP material is on, and why many guys come here. Just saying there is a much deeper world to being masculine/alpha/etc than just getting your junk wet every weekend. Lots of beta guys pick up girls, so your ‘scale… Read more »

5 years ago

@Palmasailor July 1, 2018 at 1:06 am @IAS “I’m still worried for you, but I’m cautiously optimistic. Been about a year and it seems the FI hasn’t really targeted you.” It’s too intelligent for them. This means they can’t point at something mindless and put a bullet into him.” The SJW’s, parasites and FI in general are adsorbed with Trump, pound me too and other wonderful diversions. I think the academics that put him front and center in their manosphere powerpoints aren’t really interested in him. That being said it doesn’t hurt to buy a bunch of his books in… Read more »

5 years ago


“Just saying there is a much deeper world to being masculine/alpha/etc than just getting your junk wet every weekend”

Cause you can’t dipshit lol (“well I could I just don’t want to” lol) That’s why you, and the other OMGs, have to redefine what “alpha” is lol.

I didn’t come up with the definition of what a
“Alpha” is. Neither did mers. Evolution did.

5 years ago

… And add to that, there’s more to ” alpha ” than killing or engendering fear from the populace. Recently I was deeply saddened when I heard and then watched the video of a 15 year old boy attacked, dragged outside of a bodega, slashed and stabbed by a group of trinitarios yang members. The kid ran to the hospital after being stabbed multiple times, and died there. No one helped him really. It’s heartbreaking. Unless one has dealt with being attacked by a group of guys, you cannot fathom how totally alone you feel in that moment. I’ve seen… Read more »

5 years ago

How many kids born today worldwide have alphas for fathers?


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