Dangerous Times – Part 1

We live in a very dangerous age for men. The Blue Pill is even more of a liability today than it was in times past, because we live in an era that encourages men going all-in in their life’s investment in that conditioning.

Welcome to the #MeToo era. What we’re experiencing in our social environment today is a sea change in intersexual dynamics. The underlying fundamentals haven’t changed; our evolved natures and the latent purposes that are driven by them haven’t shifted, but the social dynamics and sexual acculturation that serve as checks and balances on them has drastically shifted, and in a very short time. While you could make an argument for an idealized free love era that took place right after the Sexual Revolution, now we find ourselves in a time that is so calculating in its design on intersexual social dynamics that it makes the late 60s seem romantically naive.

Back in October of 2014 I wrote a post called Yes Means Fear. This essay was a response to the, at that time new, Yes Means Yes sexual consent legislature that was being instituted on California university campuses. Dalrock had written similar essays regarding this latest form of sexual consent aptly titled The Sexual Revolution’s Arab Spring and Making the World Safe for Promiscuous Women. It may take you a while to review these posts, but please read these and skim the comments to get a gist of the conversations we had going on just three years ago.

One of these comments was the inimitable Deti:

At the end of the day, college women (soon all women) will be able to use the “lack of consent” law/policy as a weapon against undesirable men to do the following:

1. Weed out and eliminate unattractive men by chilling their conduct

2. Making even the most innocuous sexual conduct (i.e. approaching, asking for dates) so dangerous that the only men who will engage in the SMP are attractive men with proven successful sexual track records who will never get reported for doing anything “untoward”; thus ensuring that only attractive men will approach them for dates and sex

3. Giving women more power over the SMP so even unattractive women can use and select men for alpha fux; then have the sole ability to pursue and select men for beta bux when they see fit.

Open hypergamy. It will be “we women are going to do this, and if you want sex, you’ll do it our way, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

Deti posted this comment on October 15th, 2014. The inter-blog debate then (at places like the now defunct Hooking Up Smart) was that Yes Means Yes was solely meant as a firm response to the supposed on-campus rape /sex assault panic that was being circulated in the mainstream media at the time. From the Red Pill perspective, we saw what potential this legislation represented to what would later become a societal scale institution.

Of course, they called us reactionaries, called us ‘rape apologists’ for simply pointing out all the ways this legislation would be expanded to a societal scale. They said we were exaggerating when we illustrated that, even for long-married couples, there would need to be a check list of approved acts of intimacy for each and every act performed, and men would need some form of hard evidence to prove that consent had indeed been granted.

The new California college/university sexual assault policy requires the following:

“An affirmative consent standard in the determination of whether consent was given by both parties to sexual activity. “Affirmative consent” means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure that he or she has the affirmative consent of the other or others to engage in the sexual activity. Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. The existence of a dating relationship between the persons involved, or the fact of past sexual relations between them, should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent.”

There was sex, which is clearly “sexual activity.” The question then becomes whether there was “affirmative consent”. In order for there not be consent, the woman would have had to show affirmative conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sex with the man. It is the man’s responsibility to make sure he had that consent. She had to manifest, verbally or nonverbally, consent to it.

Silence doesn’t mean consent. Her not resisting or saying “no, please stop” doesn’t constitute “affirmative consent”. So really, the only way to make sure that consent is present is for the man to continue asking her throughout the encounter: “Is this OK? Can I keep doing this? Is this thrust OK with you? Is THIS thrust OK? Can I thrust again? How about this one? Can I keep going? Do you want me to stop?”

If that did NOT happen, if the man did not get EXPRESS, VERBAL statements that he could continue, then yes, there was sexual assault.

The way this plays out in situations like this is that verbal consent is REQUIRED. She cannot manifest “ongoing” “affirmative consent” any other way. That’s because of the way the law is written. Lack of protest is not consent. Lack of resistance is not consent. Silence is not consent. Thus, a wife, just lying there, starfishing it, giving duty sex to her husband, is putting him in jeopardy, because she is not manifesting “ongoing” “affirmative consent”.

All of that they said was ridiculous. Women would never be so petty as to make a man ask permission for, nor hold him accountable for, sex that she wanted to have with him. Furthermore, this ruling was only meant to curb campus assault; any extrapolating to a larger societal norm, we were told, was just us Red Pill men and their insecurities about the intentions of women and sex. If we’d Just Get It we’ll have no problems.

We were told it was limited to penis-in-vagina sex only. We were told it was just in cases of “drunken sex”. All of these proved false. This law was intended to govern, regulate and control every single sexual interaction between a man and a woman. This law is intended to require a man to get express consent at every single step of the process, from initial touch to banging. This law is intended to chill all male sexual conduct. This law by its very terms requires express consent for every sexual act, starting with kino.

The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality – Heartiste

A World of Fear

When I wrote Yes Means Fear (also 3 years ago) it was initially in response to an article by Ezra Klein, Yes Means Yes is a terrible law, and I support it completely. This reads through as bad as any gender related article on Vox, but Klein’s salient point was summed up in one sentence.

To work, “Yes Means Yes” needs to create a world where men are afraid.

I’m reasonably sure Ezra was aware of the larger scope – larger than just California college campuses – that his giddy Beta love of a world where men would be afraid to so much as approach a woman would lead to. But now we find ourselves here in his idealized sexual marketplace founded on men fearing to interact with women at the risk of losing everything. At the risk of being Zeroed Out. Today, just three years later, we’re experiencing the #metoo moral panic based exactly in the fear Ezra said would serve us so well. Ezra must be proud that the gold rush hysteria of sexual misconduct allegations any and every woman (who ‘might’ have ever felt an accidental hip brush 50 years ago) feels entitled to is the result of this cleansing fear he loved so much. Unless he’s defending allegations himself of course.

If you go before the college board and say that the woman accusing you of assault simply doesn’t remember that she said yes because she was so drunk, then you’ve already lost.

Gone is the college board now in favor of the popular court of social justice – the court that condemns a man for even the suspicion of an allegation of sexual misconduct. Gone too is part of women’s remembering the pretense of a sexual encounter. Whether a woman was drunk and doesn’t remember the details, or if she conveniently recalls them 40-50 years after the fact is immaterial. The operative point is that we always believe any and every allegation of rape or misconduct a woman brings forward.

Articles of Belief

Shortly after I wrote Yes Means Fear I wrote Hysteria, an essay intended to address the disgraceful (now thoroughly proven) UVA fraternity rape hoax story written by Sabrina Erdley and published by a complicit Rolling Stone Magazine. Just daring to question the validity of so outrageous a rape account was heresy to women back then. Bear in mind this took place after the Yes Means Yes consent ruling in California. At this time, just to question the story of a woman’s rape account was enough to earn you the title of ‘rape apologist’. But moreover, we were popularly expected to repeat this mantra and always accept a woman’s account as infallibly true:

“No matter what Jackie said, we should automatically believe rape claims.” http://t.co/3HFlXR7jme True insanity pic.twitter.com/AFXIyn32FS

This was the sentiment (now deleted) tweeted by Zerlina Maxwell on December 6th, 2014. Since then this meme that anything a woman had to say about sexual assault must be believed by default has snowballed into a default belief that anything a woman alleges against a man must also be believed. Whereas a male college student might stand in front of his kangaroo court at a university, now men must stand in front of the kangaroo court of public opinion where a woman’s word outweighs all pretense of due process. That college kid is now the average man who must prove his innocence because if a woman alleges it due process is reversed.

What we’ve witnessed in just 3 years is the systematic removal of a man’s right to habeas corpus with regard to women’s allegations.

And I expect that this removal will extend to much more than just women’s believability in regard to sexual misconduct. Imagine a culture where it’s expected that anything a woman accuses her ex of is to be believed in divorce proceedings.

We’re now seeing exactly what myself, Deti, Dalrock and countless other Red Pill bloggers and commenters predicted would happen, but it’s also so much more that what we could see coming. In just 3 years Yes Means Yes moved off the campus and into mainstream culture; a culture predicated on female social primacy. In a feminine-primary social order even “affirmative consent” isn’t enough – “enthusiastic consent” must now be established and maintained. That “enthusiastic consent” is a new ambiguously defined terminology, and part of the larger narrative meant to further confuse and instill fear in men.

Last week Novaseeker, once again, had a terrific comment that illustrates what consent has come to today.

Yep, that’s the newest goalpost move.

We went from No means No (which meant that if she doesn’t say no, it’s on … which pretty much is the basic human mating script) to “affirmative consent” (“may I kiss you now” … “may I lick your breast now?”, etc., per the “rules” required before any physical contact *and* at “each stage of escalation”). Very few people actually follow affirmative consent, as we know, but it’s the rule at most colleges and universities. It isn’t the legal rule for rape, in terms of determining what was “consensual”, currently, but the FI is working on that, believe me.

Now, we have the goalposts moving even further along, from “affirmative consent” to “enthusiastic consent” — which means that if her consent is even verbally expressed, but isn’t clearly enthusiastic, then it isn’t “reliable as consent” because it could be the result of “pressure”, and if the consent “was real, it would be expressed enthusiastically, because when people really are consenting to sex, they’re always enthusiastic about it”. So essentially the standard they are pushing now (and which is getting rolled out on campuses right now) is that if the girl isn’t jumping your bones and begging for your cock, it’s rape/assault. Of course, again, not the legal standard, but that doesn’t matter that much — as we can all see what is happening right now is that the legal standard is being marginalized, because people can be destroyed in our media saturated environment without any involvement of the legal system at all, and the standards that apply in that extra-legal environment are the ones that the FI wants to apply, whether the legal system applies them or not.

There are a few ways to look at this, but one obvious one is that this is a way for the FI to tighten the screws on betas. Very little sex that betas have, if any, is “enthusiastic consent sex”. Everyone knows this. Under this standard, basically all sex with betas is rape. That’s the intention.

And thus we come full circle to the latent purpose of legislating Hypergamy that I’ve continually repeated in many essays. It is Roissy’s maxim of feminism: The end goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.

Recently I found myself in a Twitter war on a story by CBS Los Angeles asking whether it was still OK for men to hug women. I used the cartoon I posted in The Creep 2 to illustrate my bigger point:

And of course the feminist tropes (from men and women) and the point & sputter ad hominem attacks flowed from there. However, this rage is precisely what I would expect from women who are now coming into a default expectation (entitlement) of all men to ‘Just Get It‘.

Only in this instance it is Blue Pill, Beta men who should know better than to approach a woman below their (self-perceived) sexual market value. Those men, the lesser men that her social media overinflated sense of SMV has convinced her are beneath her attraction floor should ‘just get it’ that they shouldn’t be flirtatious or even too friendly with her or risk the punishment of an allegation that might be his zeroing out. The Beta man who doesn’t ‘get it’ is an insult to her self-worth and deserving of an optimized Hypergamy.

In the next post I’ll be exploring the ramifications of the “enthusiastic consent” concept and how even consensual-but-unwanted sex and “duty sex” will be the next chapter in marital rape. I’ll also be detailing the the “Cat Persons” story that’s been making the rounds this week.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Dangerous Times – Part 1 […]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Unleashed hypergamy is just getting started. It has a lot of running room towards the world of “80 / 20” and then on to “90 / 10”.

6 years ago

Descrition and demonstration

6 years ago

Here is today’s reality: A woman’s word alone can destroy a man. No evidence is required. No due process is afforded the man. Presumption of innocence? Not for a man, he’s assumed to be guilty and must prove his innocence. A woman lies about birth control and intentionally gets pregnant? The man is her slave for the next 18 years. A woman gets pregnant and wants to abort a man’s child? He has zero say in the matter, his future child’s life is terminated. A man goes through the travesty of family court? The odds overwhelmly ensure he will be… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

The obvious threat to Beta men was in the cartoon Rollo posted earlier and mentioned in this thread: women’s self-esteem, self-image, hypergamy has become so inflated that they no longer just tell Beta Bob to have a nice day, now they have to drop a nuclear rejection on his head, getting him fired if possible. The short term effect will be to make workplaces even more hostile to men; walking on eggshells will become the norm. The longer term effect will trickle down to younger women: any approach by a man not perceived to be Alpha, who “just gets it”,… Read more »

6 years ago

That’s why calibration in your game is critical.

Many of these high profile cases involve: powerful man substituting that power for true game.

Taking what you want has to come after IOI’s… going for the k-close has to be calibrated otherwise it comes off as creepy.

Interesting that so far the guys truly seems Alpha: clooney. Brad Pitt…David Beckham have come off as squeaky clean in all this.

There is something a little odd about some of the men implicated in this: Weinstein …Louis ck…

john smith
john smith
6 years ago

I personally found out the hard way that everything our host says is true but three years earlier in 2011. Young dudes, learn from the battle scarred veterans. We are telling you the facts.

Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
6 years ago

Thirst betas may try to obey for a time. Hoping to qualify for a pity fuck. They won’t. Soon even they will have to keep all campus interactions platonic or else. I’d love to go to a party or show with you, but I can’t. I want to graduate. Can’t risk it. Even dating off campus will be proscribed by codes of conduct governing all private behavior. Yet somehow, as everyone’s favorite dinosaur movie says, life will find a way. How will that work in the future beyond turkey baster breeding? How will the overly sublimated male urge manifest? We… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange How will that work in the future beyond turkey baster breeding? Polygamy will be one option – soft or hard harems. 80/20, remember? <i<How will the overly sublimated male urge manifest? VR porn and sexbots are progressing every day. Sexbot brothels exist already in Barcelona and Vienna. Newer bots have SIMD slots for customization. Did you know T levels continue to decline world wide? I see where some of the liberals who wanted Al Franken to go go go are now asking him to rescind his resignation and stick around awhile. Fallout from be careful what you ask… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for, you know)
6 years ago

Indeed. And I think by Valentines day we will see the first reported marital case touting yes means yes violations as grounds for divorce.

6 years ago

This metoo op is being tested in “safe zones”…expect it to also be tested in your social circle and at a bar/club near you.

This brings into question Rollo’s bottom up plan.

Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for cooks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (great books for cooks)
6 years ago

Maybe thus worldwide group think hysteria is how the planet shakes us humans off like a bad case of fleas.

6 years ago

In the unlikely case that colleges still teach anything worth learning ten years from now, I’ll give each of my sons a fleshlight and say, “This is your girlfriend for the next four years. Study hard and stay away from college women!” They’ll thank me later when they marry non-feminist virgins who never went to college, while watching their college buddies struggle through life as convicted rapists and registered sex offenders.

Or maybe those college buddies will be using their prison tats and “fuck it all” attitudes to get laid like tile, and I’ll be the village idiot.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

That will drive the 80 /20 to 90 /10. Neither math nor hypergamy care, but together they will demonstrate once again the law of unintended consequences. Future cast: The 10 among men will bed the corresponding 90 among the women, or maybe all 100 of them. At best possible outcome for the women, 10 of them would be able to snag an attractive, desirable man. Probably less than 10 though, as some of those top men will not be snagged. A total of 90 or more women from every 100 will have to become permanent cc riders with little hope… Read more »

6 years ago

Wow 40 years photographic memory. Iv’e known some pretty sharp seniors and this is a rare phenomenon. In the seventies we used to have to get consent for a sloppy second gang bang.

Not to worry brutal can still be handsome, “now you got me squirmy” with her legs wrapped around you in a grapevine,hips gyrating ” whats next?” may still be positive consent IDK but it works for me.

Am I in trouble?

6 years ago

There is another outcome to this that isn’t being explored because maybe people haven’t gotten that far. . In an 80/20 world I think you get massive violence. In essence this is one of the aspects that drives Islam – a culture where some men get 5 wives and the other 4 guys get sheep to fuck. In such a world, there is no incentive for young men to follow ANY rules or to contribute to society in ANY productive way. If I was an Incel in such a society I would do my best to fucking burn it to… Read more »

6 years ago

Genuinely- this is the rational all men need to tape all aspects of all of their sexual encounters.
If they are accused, then it’s their DUTY to release the tapes to show their innocence. If little Suzy victim turns out to be little Suzy slut – then great, all can see it.

Just a dude
Just a dude
6 years ago

It’s about power over alphas as much as throttling approaches of betas. Women may use threat of accusations as blackmail to extract commitment/investment and follow through as punishment when said commitment/investment withheld. Cf. Recent story on false accusation against Oklahoma football player after he refused to take a girl he had been banging as his girlfriend.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

kochevnik In an 80/20 world I think you get massive violence. Depends on the average level of T. A lot of people keep assuming that men in the future might act as men in the past did, but that may not be reasonable. In essence this is one of the aspects that drives Islam – a culture where some men get 5 wives and the other 4 guys get sheep to fuck. In such a world, there is no incentive for young men to follow ANY rules or to contribute to society in ANY productive way. Except that there are… Read more »

Sparks Liner High
Sparks Liner High
6 years ago

Can’t ever let your guard down.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


They don’t put up with this shit from their women

Not in this form, but Islamic women are women. The FI is adaptive.

Population doubling every 7 years by some estimates

Cite those estimates, please.

6 years ago

“In an 80/20 world I think you get massive violence. In essence this is one of the aspects that drives Islam – a culture where some men get 5 wives and the other 4 guys get sheep to fuck. In such a world, there is no incentive for young men to follow ANY rules or to contribute to society in ANY productive way.” Gini coefficient = beta fighting with beta. https://youtu.be/M3XYHPAwBzE “It’s about power over alphas as much as throttling approaches of betas. Women may use threat of accusations as blackmail to extract commitment/investment and follow through as punishment when… Read more »

6 years ago

Be careful what you wish for….. I managed to survive nearly 30 years in government service (25 of those as a manager or an executive) without one “thing” happening with either female co-workers, subordinates, or managers because of a very critical lesson I learned as a Child Protective Services Investigator: Always have a witness. I witnessed more then one male peer go down in flames by either being accused by a client of something untoward or making the mistake of hitting on a co-worker. They lost their jobs. Period. With no chance of defending themselves. No habeus corpus. This created… Read more »

6 years ago


Witness to a stoning looks like the after effects of gini coefficient, as in lack of men and surplus of women. What to do when the women lose value after the surplus of men have killed each other off. And the pendulum swings.

6 years ago

The excuse/explanation I’ve read is that “enthusiastic” doesn’t actually mean “porn style begging for it” but is a legal term meaning “not coerced”. Although the term “not coerced” is itself nebulous and prone to misuse.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

Enthusiastic consent world could turn into unattractive women, (especially older drunk ones as Bill Burr described when he was talking about Harvey W having his representatives when Bill goes to autograph sessions or goes out after shows) getting lecherous themselves to men several levels above their smv and disclaiming it as that is their enthusiastic consent they’re giving. That’s the wish at least. So yes, it is removing all constraints. All social scenarios, all the low smv women have their eye on any high smv man, just go over and get your strip club fantasies on. She’s just showing her… Read more »

6 years ago

I have a feeling we are way over analysing this. The ‘just get it’ mantra makes total sense. Why would a woman want a piss poor beta hitting on her and tolerating it ? She has a right to an alpha as thats what she finds attractive. Is it any different than a fat, ugly chick chasing us when we know whe can get the thin blonde in the mini instead ? Its distasteful at best. What worries me more is when an alpha fucks the chick, and she then turns on him because she got hurt that he pumped… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

palmasailor They might be women but they get buried up to their necks and get their heads cracked open for infidelity. Eh, in Shia Iran. Sometimes. A legacy of Khomeni. Doesn’t seem to happen in Egypt or Libya or Tunis or Algeria or Morocco or Jordan or a lot of other Sunni countries. Ask men who spent time in the Stans how much men really control women there. I was referring to Western Europe population growth not global C’mon, that’s borderline “how to lie with statistics” stuff. It’s easy to get a huge growth rate starting from a small number.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Ok, palmasailor, so as of 2014 Saudi and Pakistan would let women get stoned to death.

So what?
A. Doesn’t mean all of the Islamic world does that. Because they don’t.
B. Means nothing for us.

It’s irrelevant to the OP.

6 years ago

Here is a scary thought: ‘Does it matter if the majority of men are removed by an external event or if women actively select them away from breeding for the resulting social dynamic?’ Let’s say like the first world war (leading to the roaring 20s) or if these men are selected away by female agency (#metoo)? In my estimation, the societal dynamic seems to be the same. Here is a description of Fridrich Ebert, Chancellor of the Weimar republic. See if it reminds you of someone who is in office today, just flip ‘right’ vs. ‘left’: “Vicious attacks by Ebert’s… Read more »


[…] seinen Artikeln sagt Rollo Tomassi immer wieder, dass die Zeiten für Männer immer schwieriger werden. Sie haben immer weniger Rechte, sind immer wertloser und Frauen werden immer mehr auf ein Podest […]

6 years ago

Agree that we are getting to the point where females see an approach by a subjectivity lower SMV male as an insult to her divine hypergamous “right” to a higher SMV male. The problem comes in the subjective nature of SMV, I’m 50, 6ft 1 and 235 at about 18% bodyfat with a better physique than 90/95% of men in my age group, but facially I’m certainly no brad Pitt, I am and never have been the “pretty boy” type. There are a certain demographic of females that prefer bigger masculine “rugged” looking men over the conventionally handsome archetype, and… Read more »

6 years ago

I guess what I’m trying to say is to some high SMV women, if they like my type ( big, muscular, masculine and rugged ) then I will satisfy their hypergamy and an approach will not cause affront/insult. But I could approach a hb6 ( my lower cut off point) but if she likes pretty boy skinny hipster type, then I’ve offended her hypergamy. So it’s not as simple as saying I’m a male 7 so if I stick to approaching female 7’s or lower I will be safe because in the first example a hb8/9 may evaluate me as… Read more »

6 years ago

“Interesting that so far the guys truly seems Alpha: clooney. Brad Pitt…David Beckham have come off as squeaky clean in all this.”

Ben Affleck and Jeremy Piven seem Alpha (to some extent) and both were accused of harrasment. I know that grabbing boobs (during interview with young hottie giving IOI and to some slut in the Playboy mansion) is not the same as masturbating in front of someone or “raping”, but even some Alphas can be made into attackers by that stupid environment.

6 years ago

Never thought I’d see the day when Rollo put up a post that basically says, “The only safe thing to do these days is to go MGTOW.”

Fuck it. If this is what society wants, fuck it. Let it all burn down.


[…] Dangerous Times […]

Personlig coach
6 years ago

Another great post!

Oscar C.
6 years ago


haha, thought the exact same thing. This just screams MGTOW all the way.

America always arrives first at the future, so we will have to keep our eyes peeled.

It is harder not to see hookers as the best deal after this.

6 years ago

The FI has nearly completed its push for unilateral control of human sexual agency. That is simply too much power.. you literally have to give zero fucks about the law, your future or repurcussions of your actions in order to be succesful in today’s meeting enviroment. I recently, publicly told the story of how i was in a 2yr straight relationship with a girl who was 16 at the time we started being romantic. I was unaware of her age until after she turned 18. I was 28 when we started dating. We broke up 5 months after her turning… Read more »

6 years ago

Boulderhead That Jordan Petersen video was the closest one concerning poverty and crime. I’ve heard the debates for years, and sociologist and the like seem to always miss the mark. Too steep differences in a hierarchy. Perfect. Relativity matters. All men operate by the same internal program. Not everyone will know relative poverty in life, but there’s about to be some relative pussy poverty very soon. Already the mutters of anger are beginning. Violence of some sort would logically follow, except men have been trained to be non violent en masse. Over generations in the wider populace. If you think… Read more »

Mr Sarcastic
Mr Sarcastic
6 years ago

The interesting thing to me is we have moved beyond this already. Look at the allegations against Franken. They are marginal at best, one being by a woman who says he squeezed her waist after she approached him and asked him to take a picture with her. Think about that for a second. We are rapidly approaching a time when any accusation of anything at all, even without evidence is treated as rape/sexual misconduct. Any man in his right mind, especially any man at work should be actively avoiding socializing or even talking to women more than as strictly needed.… Read more »

6 years ago

“In the long run, I reckon this will come around naturally … and why, because women realise that they still need sex, and in particular good sex.”

There should be plenty of subscribers to the Religion of Pieces who will be more than happy to provide them with it – even if they aren’t “in the mood.”

6 years ago

Total Muslim population declining, only slower than others. Lower global T, indeed. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-muslims-population/muslim-birth-rate-falls-slower-population-growth-idUKTRE70Q6AQ20110127 We commented on Islam vs. the West before. Most Muslim men are Beta, might perceive themselves Alpha as the culture and sharia reinforces it, benefitting the few. Underlying human male personality remains Beta, hence polygyny is lawful, they legalized hypergamy. I’d prefer not to live in retrograde Islamic shit holes, but whatever, I’ll adapt. Meanwhile If you ever want to get laid your best options are these now: 1. Spend massive amounts of time, talent and treasure for drip sex, prostitution.. 2. Alpha up and never backslide.… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Thankfully, women need morons to enforce this type of shit. Our work is just beginning.

6 years ago


Ya Peterson is getting some real mileage out of the contextual US social experiment, he finds it very interesting.

On the male interracial and interstatus violence it could be manipulation as lets you and him fight,or just a natural effect. On the other hand when I consider the antifa violence It apears to be more sociosexual manipulated violence and the climate is becoming more divisive by the day.

Men need to be heroes and the mass media is setting them up to defend and defer to women.

6 years ago

“Men need to be heroes and the mass media is setting them up to defend and defer to women.”

Word. MSM push pull. Men are usually displayed good looking, buying holiday fueled jewelry or tail-tucked simps. Both negotiating provision sex.

Except Jered Leto:


6 years ago

Lol @ the commercial. The MSM is responsible on so many levels for driving levels of fuckery and confusion, and the sick part is that 90% of it all, commercials and movies and television and social media – is fake and false and contrived. It’s all about spiking emotions be they positive or negative ones. The bombardment is relentless. Full disclosure: I have 2 bottles of Gucci Guilty on my dresser currently. Ha ha haaaa. I don’t know if men need to be ‘ heroes ‘ in life. High levels of selflessness aren’t mentally healthy over the long haul. Speaking… Read more »

6 years ago

I share some of the concerns mentioned by @Paydontplay.

If this situation keeps getting progressively worse, even top shelf alphas that don’t want to “settle down” with some hotties (in a serial monogamy or serial OLTR) can get “zeroed out” eventually.

If it only takes one woman who doesn’t happen to fancy you to have serious undesirable consequences… Or even fancied you until you make some wrong move a bit too soon… I mean, even a success rate as high as 90% (which I don’t think even the best PUAs can get) would give one failed approach pretty soon.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“Men need to be heroes and the mass media is setting them up to defend and defer to women.”

nice, good insight of the at-the-moment setup for getting simps to carry their water

lol, a while back I had inquired here about recommendations for smell-goods… I ended up with that GG shit above… it does smell nice but the instructions don’t mention needing to bathe in it nor that it helps to look like the Joker first

6 years ago

Petersen: “Envy causes crime.” + people don’t want to put in the time it takes to make money in lawful ways = “envy + quick-buck-approach causes crime”…crime takes effort, but people don’t want to wait for the seeds to grow and plants to produce a fruitful harvest

6 years ago

Back on Weinstein…he was crass, rough, but never threatened to destroy a career…with all the independent producers, that power is gone…

Kind of weird that the girl went to his hotel room if she really felt bad about him groping her breasts. Contrast with Jane Seymour who went to a private screening with a producer as a naïve kid, was propositioned, declined, and it was no harm, no foul.

#metoo =#imawhore

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

You couldn’t make a more effective attempt at ending the human race with the use of nuclear weapons than with these new rules. If I didn’t know they’re just incredibly gullible, I’d assume all the people buying in were hell bent on erasing our species from the planet.

6 years ago

“It’s all about spiking emotions be they positive or negative ones.”

“High levels of selflessness aren’t mentally healthy….”

Solomonic wisdom. Either we serve them or ourselves. Stetson man myself.

6 years ago

@Playdontpay “The problem is with an Alpha IDGAF mentality, I approach all the women that pass the “boner test” for me! , I don’t wait for IOI’s I just go after what I want! This has been working fine for me so far as the the worst that can happen is a rejection and I’m fine with that, but going forward the way things are developing it looks like I’m going to have to calibrate by waiting for an IOI before making any move, and that just doesn’t sit right with my “go after what you want, you gotta take… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Sun Wukong
You couldn’t make a more effective attempt at ending the human race with the use of nuclear weapons than with these new rules. If I didn’t know they’re just incredibly gullible, I’d assume all the people buying in were hell bent on erasing our species from the planet.

The new rule regime is not aimed at everyone on the planet, just men in the US.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Men don’t “NEED” to be heroes. Because heroes then get to be obligated to “sacrifice”.

They want pickled cocks. Give them sand.

6 years ago

OK. Time for my weekly ASD push back. In Hollywood and in the music industry, it is absolutely possible for one man/exec to end your career. Particularly if you’re just trying to get established. Where do you think their ” power ” comes from? It’s a tight enough network where one dude could put the word out that you were troublesome, and most of the other producers and studio heads wouldn’t bother with you, in unison. Blacklisted. Shut out. Even men, over money or being difficult to work with. Ask Jean Claude Vandame. During the height of his career he… Read more »

6 years ago

“To have them (the men) self-announce what league they put themselves in. That makes it easier for the women to filter, less work, more efficient filter.”

There’s many ways to skin that IDGAF cat. A predator stare, coolly word-fencing her, bold kino, subtle eye play, on and on, all Alpha tells when shamelessly and naturally delivered from the heart not the head.

Fucking women is supposed to be fun and not work. IDK, perhaps it’d be easier if we’d accept game as life.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Chicks are still going to use sex in Hollywood any way they can. That shits woven into the fabric of the industry humanity.

Fixed that for you. No charge.

It’s just that now they have more control through fear and they don’t even have to follow through.

Feminism: not just a giant shit-test, but now also a giant cock-tease?

6 years ago

Lol @ Blax…bullshitte artiste par excellence! if you are actually working for a director and you are actually hard to work with…acting like a diva…demanding unreasonable money…unlikeable and moneygrubbing…a socially awkward skunk…you destroy your own career…no producer or director has ever had the power to affect a career unless you were contractually obligated to work for him a producer/director has the power to help advance your career because contacts and influence…social networking…see Jane Seymour who is well liked by all and who has had a marvelous career without having to whore herself…#notaskunk Kevin Sorbo whined about not getting roles because… Read more »

6 years ago


What time is sunrise in your world?

6 years ago

” hardworking ” went out of vogue 2 generations ago. Catch up and pay attention.

The reward for hardwork is mostly fatigue a majority of the time, unless you work on an oil rig or on Wall street.

Look for ” reward ” to be removed from all dictionaries any day now.

6 years ago

@playdontplay “Agree that we are getting to the point where females see an approach by a subjectivity lower SMV male as an insult to her divine hypergamous “right” to a higher SMV male.” Women don’t care about smv “but going forward the way things are developing it looks like I’m going to have to calibrate by waiting for an IOI before making any move, and that just doesn’t sit right with my “go after what you want, you gotta take it, nobody gives it to you” ethos.” LOL “Unless you wait for IOI’s it’s impossible to know what you’re dealing… Read more »

6 years ago

Wow I should really try to be more clear ….oh well

6 years ago

McPaper USA Today: “But its last report, in 1994, found that 19% of the men who responded to a survey reported they had experienced some form of unwanted sexual attention during the preceding two years“ Men haven’t cared to weaponize sex, it’s not a pride thing, they just don’t care when a woman kinos them. Guys think it’s flirting. It doesn’t improve men’s lives to reject female advances. Our all-knowing keyholders, think they can control men, using women as proxies, by waveing social, financial ruin in men’s faces. We’re never to step outside our lane. We’re slaves, apperently. I got… Read more »

6 years ago

Another pseudo-alpha taking it on the chin: https://pagesix.com/2017/12/19/t-j-miller-accused-of-sexual-assault-domestic-violence/

Calibration, gentlemen.

6 years ago

@mersonia: what is being discussed is basically that the stakes for making mistakes in pick-up (and intersexual dynamics in general) are high and being raised. This is a real problem for anyone trying to learn, or even improve, unless they already have a quite high skill level. You supposedly already know what to do and how, at quite a high skill – but even then you make mistakes. Metaphor: people trying to learn slacklining, and a few years ago you used to be able to do it between two trees, close to the ground. Not necessarily easy to learn and… Read more »

6 years ago

““He just tried a lot of things without asking me, and at no point asked me if I was all right,” the woman, who remained anonymous out of fear of retribution, told the Daily Beast.”

Spit-take laugh.

Anyhoo, Yeah, calibrate because the rough stuff can go bad fast….especially if she’s been drinking. Her sensations are blunted and won’t recognize being hurt, losing her airway.

6 years ago


Ever heard of a ” Live Fire Drill “?

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
6 years ago

Great article, Rollo. As I said in the other thread, this shit is dark right now but there are upsides: It’s red-pilling men left and right. You can only blue pill sjw so long until you yourself get accused or your fellow blue bill brother whom you know at your core to be a completely blue balled harmless sap (same as you) … human DNA wants to survive and replicate. Survival comes before replication because without survival, no replication. There comes a point where the survival instinct from your male DNA dominates everything. Men can be pushed only so far.… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blaximus: fair enough, but you do get my point as well.
Otherwise you wouldn’t be taking precautions at your own work. And you are a guy with a looot of previous training, would you not describe yourself as having a high skill level at “pick-up” or flirting or whatever you want to call it?

But even guys like you do not want to slackline across the Grand Canyon on a regular basis, because one misstep might be all it takes…

6 years ago

Hi Trent.

“It’s gotta be through legislature.”

IDK, that’s handing the keys back to the drunkard, you know? You’d have to reinvent society before the law changed.

I suggest ground up tactics. One guy at a time. You admit the law itself it’s RPing guys already. Let them step on their own dicks, save guys as you can without sacrificing you and enjoy the view.

6 years ago

@ IAS Lol. I consider myself a very highly skilled seducer of females, if raw numbers are any indication, and NOTHING the FI can conjure up will ever change that. As I explained to Hank, I take more precautions now because of the heightened social awareness/bullshit. Precautions are not = to fear. The FI is announcing a rule change mid game, so I’m paying attention to the ” new rules ” so as not to foul myself out of the game by ignorance. But I am not a big believer or supporter of fear. I’d rather die a horrible, fiery… Read more »

6 years ago

So zfg, smashing shit tests, and rational self-interest still apply but carry greater risk, aka destruction, should the application of any of the above fail to locate the intersect of her hypergamy-solipsism-hindbrain point. Aka calibration. So you only have to solve for the 3 axis intersect on each individual woman you encounter (with just-in-time delivery) all while the great world spins and she is leaning-in toward a vortex of unknown quantity known as her phone. Burden of performance or absurd and humiliating subjugation of my masculine energy? I kid. Sort of. But I really do feel like the poolside with… Read more »

status confirmed
status confirmed
6 years ago

Yes means yes is the dumbest concept the FI has invented yet. Among the multitude of reasons, “No” serves more than one function for women: A. Her: “No.” = Stop, I’m not into you or this. His best response: “OK.” = I’m stopping. You can get up and go. If you’re not into it neither am I. B. Her: “No.” [Insert some contradictory signal] = Slow down, I’m enjoying this so go a little slower. His best response: “OK.” = I’ll back off a bit and keep going at a slower pace. You’re into it, and so am I. In… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yes, I totally forgot this a couple of days ago.


“Friends, I intend to defend myself against any alleged charges you may have been reading about in the media,” he wrote. “For the record, I did not assault the person making these accusations in the manner alleged in the complaint or harm her in any way. I am conferring with my lawyers with the aim of vigorously countering the allegations. And I look forward to my day in court where the evidence will prove my innocence.”

comment image

Calling Doctor Love…

6 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

From the top all the way to the indvidual women, the entire legal, cultural system will be femnisized until the society collapses under it’s own weight


Only difference, this time the revolution will be televised. So sit back and get the pop corn ready whilst we watch the decline of Western Civlisation

6 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

@metoo is the same old shit women have always done, just with wifi: “With the seed of paranoia planted, a stream of accusations followed for the next few months. Charges against Martha Corey, a loyal member of the Church in Salem Village, greatly concerned the community; if she could be a witch, then anyone could. Magistrates even questioned Sarah Good’s 4-year-old daughter, Dorothy, and her timid answers were construed as a confession. The questioning got more serious in April when Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth and his assistants attended the hearings. Dozens of people from Salem and other Massachusetts villages were… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Trent Lane There will have to be incentives for the F.I. to avoid betas getting their basic sex through prostituion and removing themselves from the cattle market, even more so now that simply shaming men won’t do it anymore since any women can fuck your life with one hasthag. Hypergamy doesn’t care how Betas get their sexual needs met. They are the 80% and don’t matter. Prostitution? Sugar babies? Massage parlors? VR Porn? Sexbots? Doesn’t matter, as long as no high value woman ever accidentally beds down with a Beta thinking that he’s Alpha. That’s where we are and where… Read more »

6 years ago

You all have missed the point of #metoo…the point is to show women the power they can have when they gang together to accuse men and so to get more women to gang together to accuse men…it’s a power display aimed at garnering more power…kind of like a tribe of men taking down an elephant herd by killing elephants individually these broads didn’t even consider the possibility that men would become afraid because they don’t even see men who would become afraid…such men are invisible to them…women are incapable of empathizing with men so they wouldn’t understand the fear that… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus So yeah, HR is playing a game of Simon Says with Job Loss for losing. I think I’m wise enough ( and as you say, skilled enough ) to stay inbounds No doubt. How wise and skilled are the new hires? How wise and skilled were you at staying inbounds – the 2017 inbounds – when you were 20 years old? What if you had miscalibrated the first week on your job, got a nuclear rejection, and not only got fired but got smeared across social media as a “creep”? Highwire with no net and no practice. That’s where… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Gene Simmons is a bit more of a hard target than the rich betas that have previously been targeted. There are still some rules within the lawsuit / court of law world – Novaseeker can address that better than me – and when the whole idea of “discovery” gets explained to whoever is after Simmons, I expect this case will just kinda quietly fade out.

6 years ago

@AR Lol, I’ve been fired plenty of times…you live and learn…when I was 17 I think it was for looking up a girl’s skirt, lol…it was a little creepy, I’ll admit…I’m sure I’ve been called a creep on social media somewhere…probably not where I could see it…zero fucks given I know it’s hard to imagine a time without social media, but there really is life outside social media. You come across as way too emotional and fearful…childish and unbecoming of a man…not trying to pick a fight…others have said this about young men in general…you have to try shit and… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Also, Gene Simmons has been behaving beastly for over 40 years. Meaning any gal in his general proximity knows who he is, what he’s gonna do, and what he can get away with. He’s another No Apologies guy so that should serve him well. Also his known history in a real sense actually inoculates him, as it does Jagger and did Bowie and other cocksmen. The more incidents one calls up from his past, the more his answer will be: So? That Swedish proposed law in the Independent article cited by @Albert is concerning. What you have to watch out… Read more »

6 years ago

Much has been said about VR sex for men in the bottom 80 percent — but what about VR for women?

In a world where betas have been banished and alphas are thin on the ground, how might women interact with VR sex-tech? Or use it for additional leverage? Look at what phones and social media have already done to twist feminine behavior.

6 years ago
6 years ago

…. the interviewer in the Smiley story…. hmmmmm…..

6 years ago

We need Bombard to analyze that clip

6 years ago


I completely agree. Burn baby burn

6 years ago

Simmons will be fine. They’re hoping they can get him to settle to avoid cost or publicity (the lawyer for the plaintiff is probably doing it on contingency), but Simmons is a ZFG guy. I’ll bet it gets settled for a small amount after a while, and quietly as well. YMY was not adopted in the MPC last time, that’s correct. My guess is that they will keep trying until they succeed by having enough numbers in the ALI to do so. There is a passionate activist hardcore in the law schools that is advocating these changes to rape law,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@albert Only a couple of years back Swedish feminists marched in Stockholm with banners like “We don’t need you to protect us!”, aimed at Swedish men. But revising the law means just the opposite. Not that Swedish feminists will admit that their fried ice is too cold. Of course the Swedish cops and court system are already overloaded with rape cases now, and probably 80% to 90% of them involve men from some other country. Moslem “refugees” are ignoring the existing law…better pass more laws for them to ignore! That surely will work! As usual with stuff like this the… Read more »

My Dreamland Kingdom
6 years ago

Reblogged this on My Dreamland Kingdom.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

O.B.I.T. In a world where betas have been banished and alphas are thin on the ground, how might women interact with VR sex-tech? 1) Most sexbots are modled on females. Not all of them, I’m sure. 2) Camgirls already exist. They bank coin off of virtual beta orbiters. For now the high def VR cameras are bulky and expensive, but that’s changing. For just about any woman, there’s a potential constellation of beta orbiters out in the depths of the Internet. 3) “Teledildonics” already exists in a primitive form via the internet and/or cell phones. https://infogalactic.com/info/Teledildonics Combine this with VR… Read more »

6 years ago

Another outcome is possible. Current punishments for sexual stuff are high because these are perceived as rare events. Now, that the thing becomes popular, the governments might be compelled to tread it similarly to other popular law breaking like driving related stuff. Where you get a speeding ticket, or some points. Which is also a reliable source of income for the governments. Governments can’t afford to put all of the taxpayers in prison, they’d loose big on tax revenues then. That’s why they can’t put people in prisons for speeding – despite it being dangerous. That’s also what they might… Read more »

6 years ago

The overlords in Europe and America are aware that they allowed (by design) way too many foreigners into their countries and the rape crimes are bound to rise. The people will ultimately blame the politicians for this. And to save face they are using the #metoo movement to create these laws to label “all men” as sexual predators. Also, with the decline in marriages and men not making enough money (relative to women) as before, the money in the divorce law industry is drying up. The lawyers are happy with this new movement whereby they just need an “anonymous” client… Read more »

6 years ago

Hypergamy doesn’t care how Betas get their sexual needs met.

But look at Sweden which has made all prostitution illegal, and is now trying to prevent their citizens from buying sex overseas, even with consenting adult prostitutes where prostitution is legal. How long until Sweden moves to place restrictions on adult porn too?

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