The Creep – Part 2

Just so we’re clear here, yes, I get that there are a lot of ways to take the term ‘creepy’. In last week’s essay I wanted to dig into what women claim is ‘creepy’ and how this term is really another illustration of ambiguous fem-speak rooted in how a guy makes a woman feel. Furthermore, this feeling is modified by where that man is stationed in her perception of his sexual market value (SMV).

Last week I got linked a Tweet about ‘creeps’ by Roosh (he still hates me). He had a good point, and I paraphrase,

“Creeps are just guys that go from 0-100 in sexualizing a conversation with a woman way too fast. A good PUA knows that slow and steady sexualization works best.”

Take that how you want, but I think this is definitely part of the creep dynamic. There’s a bit more to being creepy than overly fast sexualization (or presumed familiarity); we’ve got to account for a Blue Pill / Beta guy’s lack of social intelligence to understand that taking it slow should be something he knows already. And still, how can we presume this slow and steady sexualization is a proficient form of seduction when we see more Alpha, more immediately arousing men, go from 0-100 themselves and get a same night lay? I’ve done this myself more than a few times back in a time when there was no formal Game to be had. Right guy, right place, right time, and 0-100 is what a woman is hoping will happen. Hypergamy is nothing if not pragmatic.

That said, I am convinced that this over-investment, too quick, too soon is definitely part of the creepy dynamic. I’ve made the call in several prior posts that it’s part of the Beta mindset to want to bypass the arousal and attraction phases of seduction to go directly to rapport. Thus, you get a guy who shares too much way too soon and this itself is creepy for women. It’s a huge telegraphing of that guy’s state of desperation and optionlessness. There’s no mystery left about the guy (assuming the girl even had an initial attraction) and nothing left to figure out. This over-sharing is also a huge red flag to women’s Hypergamous filters; it’s an indication that a guy ‘doesn’t get it’ with regard to how to play the Game with her.

You see, this rush to get to comfort and rapport is usually because that ‘creep’ is anxious to get past the arousal phase, the sexual tension, because he has no clue what to do in that phase. It’s a real source of anxiety for him, and besides, every woman he’s ever asked has said she needed to be comfortable with a guy before she has sex with him (false). Comfort, rapport, familiarity (all of which are anti-seductive) should be where the sex begins to his way of thinking, so again, male deductive logic would follow that getting there quickly would be pragmatic.

When a more Alpha, natural, moves quickly it’s almost always because he’s working with a receptive (proceptive) woman. As I mentioned before, arousal covers for a lot of men’s deficits in Game or feelings of creepery.

The Creeps

As most readers will have probably guessed I’ve timed the release of this series to address the current Hysteria of sexual assault / harassment / rape charges that are  moving like wildfire through Hollywood first, and now through the rest of our pop-culture social strata. While it may be satisfying to see mealy-mouth self-righteous actors and moguls take a fall, it’s important to see the larger social mechanics in play here.

I wrote that essay over a year ago and I’ll say now that I’d never dreamed how prophetic that post would turn out. Criticizing this #MeToo sexual assault hysteria is next to impossible. For the same reasons no one wanted to question the veracity of the UVA fraternity rape hoax that Rolling Stone and Sabrina Erdley perpetrated – no one now wants to question the accusations leveled at the various personalities being conveniently outed for sexual assault/harassment that in some cases occurred 30-40 years ago. We are expected to believe the testimonies of women without question.

This isn’t to say that the celebrities involved didn’t do what their accusers are saying they did, it’s that we are expected to accept that this behavior is endemic in all men, and based on the same principle of believing whatever a woman has to say about it with no afterthought given to its truth or her motives. It’s one thing to presume that whenever a woman comes forward with a rape or assault claim we are expected to presume the man guilty until proven innocent, but we’re rapidly reaching a point where any claim a woman has about a man bears that same weight. When it comes down to ‘he said, she said’, what she said will hold the full weight of the law.

Our Feminine-primary social order is now repurposing this ironclad believability of women – and presumed guilt of men – for every crime a woman ‘feels’ she’s been a victim of at the hands of a man. At the same time we see sexual harassment being defined as something that even a wink from a man can convey, we also see the rapid criminalization of men  who would dare to talk to a woman they don’t already know.

When we combine this overarching presumption of male guilt with the potential crime of men dealing with a woman with the intent of establish intimacy, and then add to it the ever changing definition of what can constitute sexual assault or harassment (and with a uniquely endless statute of limitations), we begin to get a clearer picture of the direction the Feminine Imperative has for men.

I’m sure this all seems very reactionary, but so was the questioning of Sabrina Erdley’s story about a nameless girl who was violently raped on the shattered glass of a broken coffee table by fraternity boys. Once again, I’m not saying sexual assault doesn’t happen, I’m saying that the direction gynocentrism is taking is one in which men ought to lose rights and liberties that only women ought to be the judges of.

Creepiness is a feeling women get from men who lack the social skills to ‘just get it’ that they are or aren’t into them. What this distills down to on a root level is women’s presuming that men should know better than to approach them when they are beneath their Hypergamous attraction floor. It is the criminalization of men not understanding how they fit into women’s sexual strategies. I made a case for this in The Political is Personal. The more men resist the social intents of Hypergamy, the more it will become necessary to legislate men to comply with it.

Feminine-primary social doctrine is an extension of  women’s Hypergamy.

Any deviation from this is on the part of  men is met with a cultural reprisal designed to convince or coerce men to accept their inevitable role in providing those entitlements to women. When those social contingencies fail, or become played out, the Feminine Imperative then appeals to legal legislation to mandate men’s compliance to what amounts to women’s social entitlement to optimized Hypergamy.

We’re rapidly reaching this peak Hypergamous state. As I mentioned in Male Control, since the Las Vegas shooting the narrative of masculinity has shifted. There is no more “toxic” masculinity – it’s masculinity on-whole that is toxic. As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

In the Zone

Morpheus had a great comment last week that hit on what I went into in Sexual Zoning:

The term “creep” can really lead in a bunch of different directions discussion wise, but I think a really big one is “sexual zones” vs “non-sexual zones”. Increasingly, there are all sorts of places where the default presumption is that women should be “free from” male advances. Work, school, etc. In these zones, the margin for error is very small. Unless you are an objectively visually attractive man with super tight game, the odds of you being perceived as a “creep” are much, much higher. In sexual zones, such as the Friday night bar, your margin for error is higher. The default presumption is men are there to meet women. You still need to have the right social vibe and not come across as a weirdo but you have a little more room to play with.

And from that post:

I would argue that a large majority of men accused of sexual harassment or even just suspected of impropriety are men who’ve found themselves in an environment they believed was an acceptable sexual zone. We are fast approaching a time when all zones will be so arbitrary and ambiguous that every environment with sexual potential will be avoided. This will have the effect of putting women into unilateral control of their own Hypergamy. It will be a state of Sadie Hawkins world – only women will make approaches on men and only those who match her Hypergamous ideal, an ideal fostered and reinforced by a steady diet of social media ego inflation.

A while ago I read this piece about Mike Pence:

“In 2002, Mike Pence told The Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.”

Naturally the media wants to pass this off as some masculine insecurity on Pence’s part. Certainly there’s a religious reason for Pence not wanting to present any perception of impropriety – I’ve know pastor who will never have closed door meetings with women or do counseling for women without their wives present – but there is a practical side to this habit. It prevents the accusations and opportunity for anything like what we’re seeing in the accusation cycling through Hollywood today. But still, shaming the masculine is the first reflex for the mainstream media.

This Atlantic article is an exercise in deliberately not seeing the intersexual writing on the wall. This is the practical contingency for a social order bent on removing men via accusations of sexual misconduct. Yet still, for all of the inherent dangers of a frivolous sexual harassment suit at the disposal of any and every western woman, men are supposed to leave themselves vulnerable to them:

Pence is not the only powerful man in Washington who goes to great lengths to avoid the appearance of impropriety with the opposite sex. An anonymous survey of female Capitol Hill staffers conducted by National Journal in 2015 found that “several female aides reported that they have been barred from staffing their male bosses at evening events, driving alone with their congressman or senator, or even sitting down one-on-one in his office for fear that others would get the wrong impression.” One told the reporter Sarah Mimms that in 12 years working for her previous boss, he “never took a closed door meeting with me. … This made sensitive and strategic discussions extremely difficult.”

This is the social environment feminism and our gynocentric social order has chosen to establish for men and women. Men pragmatically look for ways to guard themselves against allegation, and yet are shamed for that sensibility. It’s gotten (or will get) to the point where old books “decent” behavior is too risky to engage in in the modern workplace. Powerful men must hide behind open doors, and still those men are shamed for being prudent. Why?

We live in a new era where marriage has become disincentivized for men by the risks of capital loss in divorce that overwhelmingly favors women with cash & prizes. Now add to this the increasing ego entitlements of women to high value men. As the prospect of marriage looks less and less like a good deal for men wanting to protect themselves there comes a need for women to create ways to bypass the requirement for marriage to access men’s capital. Enter the era of increasingly more nebulous, acrimonious, accusations of sexual harassment or assault and de facto believability of women’s testimony. Exit the era of frivolous divorce (okay maybe not entirely) and enter the era of more easily accessible capital via frivolous sexual assault lawsuits.

More to come in part 3.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Candid footage of a natural alpha doing what naturals do…


6 years ago

@ Scribbler
LOL she probably hit the gate on her way in drunk driving. The woman judge would never consider that she picked him up rather than him her. In her eyes it is always the woman that is taken advantage of.

One expensive piece of ass all in all.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Lol. Great video.

6 years ago

International Men’s Day followed immediately by Tranny Day of Remembrance, Monday Nov 20 — recalling what some advocacy group claims is the 100-plus transsexual murder victims. Guess which day has already received more advance media coverage?

6 years ago

Actually, who cares?

6 years ago

And why?

6 years ago

” . . . recalling what some advocacy group claims is the 100-plus transsexual murder victims.”

So, like, a normal day for cisheteros in Chicago?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

International Men’s Day followed immediately by Tranny Day of Remembrance, Monday Nov 20 — recalling what some advocacy group claims is the 100-plus transsexual murder victims.

It is unfortunate that people with mental problems sometimes wind up doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people. Celebrating mental problems doesn’t help one bit.

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

“Can men really not tell when a woman doesn’t love them?

No, they can’t.

Why? Because men want to believe that they can be happy, and sexually satisfied, and appreciated, and loved, and respected by a woman for who he is. It is men who are the real romantics, not women, but it is the grand design of hypergamy that men believe it is women who are the romantic ones.”

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comment image

6 years ago

Ah, the new tube rig is sweet. At 55 I find myself interested in metal music for the first time, lol. Well, I got hit with west coast rap in 2011, listenin’ to Snoop as I type in fact. Life is a trip if one is open to it…Only complaint is that this damn flu will not quit. @Boulder – Alred actually got the call right from a legal perspective. Acts of deception on the record impeach a witness’s credibility. Interestingly, failure to live up contracts, especially capriciously in the way the blonde did can be used the same way… Read more »

6 years ago

“Can men really not tell when a woman doesn’t love them?

No, they can’t.

Why? Because men want to believe that they can be happy, and sexually satisfied, and appreciated, and loved, and respected by a woman for who he is. It is men who are the real romantics, not women, but it is the grand design of hypergamy that men believe it is women who are the romantic ones.”

Ahhh, there’s the rub right there.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

Elon Musk is Rolling Stone’s cover story. So much RP material (or rather BP material) in the parts about his love life: “Then he heaves a sigh and ends his effort at composure. “I just broke up with my girlfriend,” he says hesitantly. “I was really in love, and it hurt bad.” He pauses and corrects himself: “Well, she broke up with me more than I broke up with her, I think.” Musk discusses the breakup for a few more minutes, then asks, earnestly, deadpan, “Is there anybody you think I should date? It’s so hard for me to… Read more »

6 years ago


Composure is something women have around everyone, men learn to have around men and seldom learn to have around women, Yep that guys got it. Totally funny he took the lying bitches car after fucking her.

If he could have proved the deception on her part the judge was falling for him to;
I would have beat the rap, from the picture the gate is smashed in not out.

6 years ago

“Elon Musk is super beta”

how the fuck does the ability to talk govt idiots out of hundreds of millions of dollars not translate to the ability to talk girls into spreading nightly?

he has sucked more value out of this country than a million girls have to offer. how does he not see this?

with that kind of pitch ability, he should be using hb7s as footstools

amber must be some kind of pussy eating superfucker. would definitely bang a lot just to find out what’s up

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

how the fuck does the ability to talk govt idiots out of hundreds of millions of dollars not translate to the ability to talk girls into spreading nightly?

Duh. The combination of logic and emotion required to get a special tax break for your car is not the same as the combo required to get wet panties dropped.

Perhaps he’s borderline autistic. Perhaps he’s borderline bipolar. Whatever his issue(s) may be, he proves pretty conclusively that “money game” ain’t game at all.

6 years ago


6 years ago

“The combination of logic and emotion required to get a special tax break for your car is not the same as the combo required to get wet panties dropped. ” not the same combo, but the same approach. pitches can and should be reverse engineered. that’s basically rsd. but owen aint talkin nobody out of hundereds of millions. he can barely talk incels into dropping hundreds. big tax breaks are far more rare than pussy. he found the keywords and approach to talk people out of something far more precious to them than a pussy is to the woman who… Read more »

6 years ago

Musk is a victim of the blue pill lie and believing the media. He is a man with vision and creativity. It would be impossible to go from 6000 production to 6000000 production in the time he estimated. Even if he wasn’t fucked by the lie of equalism, a non competitive workforce of participation trophy hunters and the rising cost of compliance. He still couldn’t get it done in time. When people started to realize this and began pulling their money, coupled with the sexual harassment suits in the company, the necessary firing of 300 some nonessentials all broadcast by… Read more »

6 years ago


“I’m looking for a long-term relationship. I’m not looking for a one-night stand. I’m looking for a serious companion or soulmate, that kind of thing.””

Go watch the Tommy Sausage MTV vid. You have the heart of a day laborer…

6 years ago


“Can men really not tell when a woman doesn’t love them?

No, they can’t.”

Well they can believe that a woman will not love “him”…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

fleezer not the same combo, but the same approach. pitches can and should be reverse engineered. “Should be”…pretty obvious Musk doesn’t see that. Can’t see that. Will he see it? No idea. Read all that emotionality about how he can’t sleep alone and his house is so empty and blahblahbah – obviously he stinks of thirsty, needy Beta, women can smell it and eventually they can’t stand it. Clearly he’s got alll the Dynamic, Authentical Passion that is needed to close really big deals, carve out unique tax breaks, inspire entire teams of very intelligent people to build new and… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

I didn’t post the rest of the article but if you keep reading you’ll come to the part where the reporter goes back to his house a few weeks later and he’s hanging out upstairs in his home with his ex wife Tallulah Riley (her of the married, then divorced, then remarried, then filed for divorce, then withdrew divorce filing, then divorced again finally, now hanging out together fame..)

6 years ago

Bet he ain’t sendin 5 copies to his mother.

6 years ago
6 years ago

“Clearly he’s got alll the Dynamic, Authentical Passion that is needed to”

Bang Amber Heard…

Alpha is attractive. What you do from there is different.

Cue Tommy Sausage video…

6 years ago

“Composure is something women have around everyone”


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Culum I didn’t post the rest of the article but if you keep reading you’ll come to the part where the reporter goes back to his house a few weeks later and he’s hanging out upstairs in his home with his ex wife Tallulah Riley (her of the married, then divorced, then remarried, then filed for divorce, then withdrew divorce filing, then divorced again finally, now hanging out together fame..) I’ve known thirsty Betas who did a limited version of that “break up – take her back – break up – reconnect” game. Most men figure out in high school… Read more »

6 years ago


“Women have mentioned a time or two in various places that thirsty betas are lousy in bed.”

Women also break up with uncontrollable Alpha’s who are great in bed.

And settle down with said betas.

Just sayin…

6 years ago

Hehehe man I know how he felt. Elvis has left the building.

Anonymous REader
Anonymous REader
6 years ago

Sentient, don’t move the goalposts like that, it’s unmanly. Read this quote from Musk. “I will never be happy without having someone. Going to sleep alone kills me.” He hesitates, shakes his head, falters, continues. “It’s not like I don’t know what that feels like: Being in a big empty house, and the footsteps echoing through the hallway, no one there – and no one on the pillow next to you. Fuck. How do you make yourself happy in a situation like that?”” Come on, is this man an Alpha or butthurt lonely Beta? You tell me. I get that… Read more »

6 years ago

Many more have figured out finances and science than have ever figured out women.

6 years ago

I ” like ” Elon ( as much as you can like someone that you don’t know and have never met once ) and I respect his ideas and a lot of what he’s trying to accomplish. The Tesla is a very cool piece of machinery, and it will continue to evolve. It would be optimal if Elon could get around the automotive dealer/manufacturer monopoly that’s trying ( successfully )to stifle him until they can perfect a real way to compete with him. I see a couple of Teslas on my way to work every day, so hopefully he can… Read more »

6 years ago

… he just needs to hang out with this guys for a while –


6 years ago

“if DPA all by itself is more than enough to draw women in, and if Elon Musk is Dynamic, Passionate and Authentic” Hold everything there. Elon Musk is not authentic. And yes he has some autistic traits. So do I, which is not the same as actually having autism disorder. For guys like Elon, he revels in his traits, so do I. What that means are that traits are not disease. And here is where I differ from Rollo. All this fucking talk about Myers-Briggs not being valid is totally true. All this twitter feud with Pat Stedman and TheArful… Read more »

6 years ago

I guess as men we usually get to a point where we desire a woman to love us. Even when Scrib says he wants to ease a bit on chasing pussy and try for quality, I suspect he is getting the itch for companionship and quality interaction rather than just rubbibg genitals with someone. The love. But it is nowhere to be found.This is the ultimate test I think. Brad Pitt and Tesla have had this itch too and found out like all of us that there are no exceptions. Very few men live their entire lives without getting to… Read more »

6 years ago

cheupez “Very few men live their entire lives without getting to the point of desiring companionship with a woman. I think that, for me, the time it dawned on me that this kind of love did not exist is the point where pussy chasing started. They are selfish, so I too had to be. I have slept with so many women I have no idea how many, yet I cannot find true happiness in that.” “even after knowing all that, I find myself looking for it from time to time. Damn, fuck this. It wont go away this… Read more »

6 years ago

So…. time go long on brothels? Are the any publicly traded ones that anyone knows of?

6 years ago
Onder Hassan
Onder Hassan
6 years ago

When you understand how female attraction works and some social intelligence, this will all make sense. It’s all to do with comfort. A good looking guy will naturally create comfort in a girl due to his good looks and thus assumed to get the same feedback with other girls. Thus, he’s able to say things that average guys won’t be able to at the start. This is why Game works. It levels the playing field for guys who aren’t blessed with good genetics. Thus, all that’s required is a bit of verbal rapport, banter and familiarity. It’s no different to… Read more »

6 years ago

Just for the record. Tommy sausage is just a scared shit talking kid, that starts trouble for his friends. If he was alone he would keep his big mouth shut. if the guy really lifted forms and paddled crete all day everyday his pencil neck would be nonexistent. Good for him getting out there and chasing tail. Really just a germ wanabe wop, good looking kid with no brains. Blue pill beta all the way. When the shit hits the fan his type is the first to hide behind the big guys. I like how the little guy walked right… Read more »

6 years ago

What happened here last night? I check in and see Alpha is all about keeping girls in relationships and meeting their emotional needs? Crickey!!!! Someone better go tell Genghis Kahn. Let’s get back to basics. Back to biology. Biological success is what? Procreation. End of. AR’ s attempts to Build A Better Alpha are merely reflections of his own desires… Hit it HABD!! Amber Heard was banged out for some reason… On the Plains of Ur she would have his child. Today via abortifacients he is denied his lineage. His sperm do not know this though… Now that we have… Read more »

6 years ago

“revamp the car industry and the Low Earth Orbit launch vehicle industry”

Women who desire you don’t care about your low or high or anywhere in-between launch vehicle.

Alan Green
Alan Green
6 years ago

I don’t see how the “red pill” will prevent hypergamy. Even if you could use “game” to make women choose different partners, all that would do is put a different set of men at the top, the ones with the best game. Given that fact, I don’t see that women _or_ men benefit, on average, from any attempts to influence women’s desires as to who they want as partners. (And women obviously freak out when men try to control their sexuality, not necessarily because they like hypergamy per se, but because of humans’ evolutionary history of rape. Women who were… Read more »

6 years ago

Red pill isn’t supposed to stop hypergamy, yet a man can quell into a great extent. Yes, men with game will always have the most options/abundance. Not a bad thing at all. Cultural wealth shit aside, women’s basic software remains unchanged over time. There are an few more twists added to the mix, but chicks are mostly the same and under the right conditions, react in similar ways to stimulus. The FI wants you to believe that women don’t want their individual sexuality ” controlled “. This is grape flavored kool aid. What most modern women object to is the… Read more »

6 years ago

Generations of men, BP trained, ate required for the present power structure. Alphas, then women, then Betas. Women in the workplace reduce payroll costs, betas trained to accept female equality reduce their own expectations.

Red Pill pierces the FI vaneer, increasing men’s options.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Our sensei (and others, SgtTon knows) have spoken before in Burden Of Performance and its sequels how lots of us men say they tire of performing, want to lay down this burden, relax, give it up and coast into Valhalla. Which RP swallowers know cannot be done safely. The Burden never stops for any man, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Epsilon, Froot Loops or whatever. Your stated refusal to perform is your performance. As Sam Kinison screamed: “It never ends! It never ends!” You must Always Be Closing. I know this and you know this and I say it again here but… Read more »

6 years ago

Alpha is all about keeping girls in relationships and meeting their emotional needs? Game, to some degree, is about spiking girls’ emotions and giving comfort to avoid ASD, LMR, etc. Whether they are just some stranger or in a relationship with you doesn’t matter much. Let’s get back to basics. Back to biology. Biological success is what? Procreation. End of. Sex =/= procreation (usually necessary, but not sufficient because birth control, luteal phase, babymaker broken, etc.) If you want to say Red Pill is important (but not essential) in managing a relationship with a woman… Some naturals can manage a… Read more »

6 years ago

Maybe Musk was lacking and his ex isn’t talking? Just asking.

6 years ago


the production of offspring; reproduction.
“in general animals copulate purely for the purpose of procreation”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Here is a true eccentric. Believes the Earth is flat, plans to launch himself in a steam-powered rocket in the California desert.

No women in sight, though. Maybe this is what MGTOW really looks like?

6 years ago

@Alan Green As Rollo often states Red Pill is your Awareness, Game is your practice. Your awareness of Hypergamy and its ramifications are tremendously valuable to adapting to a society in which there is less monogamy in the system. Despite some naysayers, awareness of Red Pill is valuable for Game practice. “Even if you could use “game” to make women choose different partners, all that would do is put a different set of men at the top, the ones with the best game.” That is correct. Women will only behave better in a society in which most everyone is paired… Read more »

6 years ago

Nah elon will marry a sexrobot and continue his plan to remove humans from the world

6 years ago

Maybe Musk is a romantic Alpha… A la Johnny Depp (Cue New York Stories, Life Lessons) “woman” as muse to his creative process… “”I helped him out of his limo,” she alleged. “Our eyes locked, and he asked me to marry him.” ” Tally Chanel Also “Writing in her autobiography, she [porn star Traci Lords] wrote: “I was thinking, ‘Would Johnny expect me to be amazing in bed?’ What if I wasn’t? How could I possibly date anyone, let alone sleep with him, with all this pressure? He climbed into bed next to me and smiled. I was nervous… Read more »

6 years ago

Gratuitous Tally Chanel pic…

Classy nom de guerre…

6 years ago

“Kate [Moss] said of the time: “There’s nobody that’s ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did for a bit. I believed what he said. Like if I said, ‘What do I do?,’ he’d tell me. And that’s what I missed when I left. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust. Nightmare. Years and years of crying. Oh, the tears!””

6 years ago


in general, humans have sex for recreational purposes

in general, women use contraceptive devices to prevent procreation when they copulate

6 years ago

“I would not be surprised if Elon Musk swallowed a bullet after his next ‘soul mate’ leaves him. ”

Dont think he is a Heath Ledger.
I think he is faking his blue pill beliefs for profit but time will tell.

6 years ago

Re Rollo’s theory on Weinsteining… No Alphas.

The FI is trying to get Uncle Terry…

They can hit his pocket book but having trouble getting the girls on the dame page…

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6 years ago

” Maybe this is what MGTOW really looks like?”

MGTOWs say, “Thats what Incels look like”. Many MGTOWs look or aspire to and live like Lui Marco.

Lots of mischaracterization on this echo-chamber page just reflecting the frogs-in-well biases of alphas-in-their-own-street projecting out to rest of the world.

6 years ago

Rugby Other doods… Interesting 4 part interview. OLIVIER ZAHM — Who was your first girlfriend? TERRY RICHARDSON — She was a Mexican girl. I was messing around with girls a bit in Junior High. There was this girl in drama class who’d take me backstage when we did theater productions. I was 13 and she was 14. She was a teacher’s aide. She’d pull me backstage after class to make out with me. I would look forward to her seducing me. I’d never been with a girl before. It went on for months and it was incredible. I never… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol… OLIVIER ZAHM — Is that why you have like so many bicycles? TERRY RICHARDSON — I love bikes. I’m happiest when I’m riding. Cruising clears my head. It’s funny. I was just thinking that when I was young I never had a teacher — sexually, I mean. I never had an older brother or friend teach me about the birds and the bees, how to kiss, how to touch. No one told me that this is what you should or shouldn’t do. I had to figure it out myself and it took me a long time. One girl kind… Read more »

6 years ago

From Apples grow Trees… OLIVIER ZAHM — Do you think your father was getting more and more radical himself? TERRY RICHARDSON — Yeah. In his best work, especially in that of the Sixties and early Seventies, he really fucking pushed it. He cared so much about a goddamn picture that he would put all the energy he had into it. It was so important to him that it be powerful and perfect. When he was with my mom, in the Sixties, he would put a piece of tape on the floor, and my mom would have to say to people,… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Sentient

7th grade, she gave me a hickey and I fingerbanged her, then nothing.

2 weeks later my baseball teammates tell me I’m going to be a daddy. I remember not worrying about the pregnancy and the issue faded but was too inexperienced to see what trouble she was: high sex drive, low self esteem.

6 years ago
6 years ago

“I’ve seen his story played out many many times before.” he’s crying out for help. doesn’t the fucking guy have a twitter or something? just as long as he didn’t kill the messenger, the man that opened e lon’s eyes to the facts of human nature would be rewarded handsomely. just imagine sarging with a red pill superpua version of musk. that shit would be INSANE. somebody should puddle him with lsd too. for weeks on end. and record it all there is only one man here who has the cred to pitch him on the red pill. of course… Read more »

6 years ago

“just as long as he didn’t kill the messenger, the man that opened e lon’s eyes to the facts of human nature would be rewarded handsomely. just imagine sarging with a red pill superpua version of musk.”

He’d prob just kill everyone

6 years ago

““Clearly he’s got alll the Dynamic, Authentical Passion that is needed to”

Bang Amber Heard…”

and what if she likes to be choked until she passes out, and fucked into oblivion alonside as many gorgeous whores as he liked to rent for the weekend?

I would not be happy about losing an asset like that as specialty items are often difficult to replace

amber might be the kind of specialty item one must test drive to fully appreciate

6 years ago

Lol, Elon Musk is in no manner an alpha ( as I understand it to be defined, which is close to the standard definition ), and as much as I like and admire the things he sets out to accomplish, it still remains to be seen if he has the stuff to be considered alpha in the industrial world. He’s off to a nice start and all, but his glaring deficiency Wrt being super blue pill with women is foreshadowing an idealistic weakness that could fuck him sans Vaseline in the end. He’s still one hell of a guy though,… Read more »

6 years ago

Btw, there’s absolutely nothing special about Amber Heard. At all.

” fuck that hoe ”

Johnny Depp.


6 years ago

“amber might be the kind of specialty item one must test drive to fully appreciate”

Proly have to get in line she just cashed in all her tesla stock. She will have it spent soon enough AWALT.

Lol on the puddle and film picture, stuck in my mind like a fat church lady scarin Jesus away from comin back, sein whats in his savings account.

6 years ago

The pregnancy prank is brilliant…kind of like the $500 for a bj prank.

6 years ago

OLIVIER ZAHM’S story sounds like this scene.


6 years ago

“Btw, there’s absolutely nothing special about Amber Heard. At all.” except she was able to fuck her way on to johnny’s velvet boat. just like there was nothing special about that chick with one leg that took mccartney for multi millions these are serious girls running serious cons. all kinds of girls aspire to be gold diggers, many of them much much better looking on the surface than heard or mills, yet they fail to achieve admission to the big game like their hb6ish counterparts… why? ” fuck that hoe ” sounds butthurt. and I don’t think he’s one to… Read more »

6 years ago

We men tend to make a lot of false assumptions about other men that have fame and money and bang tons of chicks because of these things. One can bang a thousand chicks and still not really know much about females other than how to put a dick in them. These are the guys that get taken by chicks with game and gold diggers. The chicks read their weaknesses and exploit them. If the man in question was red pill, he’d already know how that ” weakness ” shit makes him vulnerable in a very bad way. Game recognise game.… Read more »

6 years ago

“He was alone with his girlfriend,” he better stand up, couldn’t bear to watch anymore, how many big guys did it take to put him out.

6 years ago

Musk has more going against him than women, most tradesmen change negotiating tactics when bidding a rush job. communication needs to be set between sub contractors or nothing gets done at all.

Still is odd this airing at the same time as the sexual harrassment case against his company.
Like wag the dog or something.

6 years ago

This type of negative publicity never helps.

6 years ago

That article illustrates exactly why I want Musk to succeed.

Investors have been taught to only invest in as sure a thing as possible for speedy and huge profits. Most of our heavy industries would never have gotten off the ground if this thinking would’ve been in fashion 120 years ago

Go Elon, Go.

6 years ago

Or the Chinese will hijack the technology and use it to cement themselves as a number one superpower while a handful of billionaires laugh and count their fake money. Lol.

6 years ago


“Lol, Elon Musk is in no manner an alpha ( as I understand it to be defined, which is close to the standard definition )”

Please share your definitionon and the standard dedinition of what “is” Alpha.

6 years ago

“These are the guys that get taken by chicks with game and gold diggers. ”

How was Musk “taken” by Heard? Zero dollars changed hands.

Depp left $7M in the till for her… The only 9ne he married despite a life long proclivity for engagement… 6 or so engaged?

Who is more Alpha… Depp or Musk?

6 years ago
6 years ago

Charlie’s confession…

““I have learned a great deal as a result of these events, and I hope others will too. All of us, including me, are coming to a newer and deeper recognition of the pain caused by conduct in the past, and have come to a profound new respect for women and their lives.””

This kind of thing triggers disgust in women…

6 years ago


Hair eyes teeth tits waist…

She is a baby maker…

Your dick knows wazzup…

6 years ago

“Go Elon, Go.”

Is it funny that a large amount of investors cashed in on the popularity Bull? And the latecomers aren’t going to.

I would love to see him succeed, he will have to pull it out like trump did the election.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Musk is the calvin kline of cars, CK made a pair of jeans sold them on a nice ass. Then put in his own orders to cover sale.

6 years ago

Chicks running girl/gold digger game don’t necessarily have to fleece you ( well, except the gold diggers that is ). You get taken when you fall for the game they run on you for you to invest more of yourself than they do. I can’t count how many times over my life when I’ve witnessed chicks discussing how they have a ” herb ” strung along and how he is all in ” love “. Shit, I heard that discussion for the thousandth time just a few weeks ago in my dining room amongst a group of 20 somethings. Sure,… Read more »

6 years ago

Rollo will you delete the stock advise article above, if any one missed it they weren’t paying attention.

6 years ago


Please share your definition and the “standard” definition of what “is” Alpha.


6 years ago

“Milton Bradley ” tatted on your forehead. You become an amusement and the clock is ticking on you. Lol. Throw you out, take you back. They’re running the show ultimately.”

LOL she already stacked the deck and loaded the dice, before extending the invite to play.

6 years ago


I’m not gonna list out the qualities that make up ” alpha ” because they’d have to be explained and I’ll inevitably leave out a bunch of stuff. We know what beta is, alpha is the opposite.

The most important thing in this discussion is that chicks know it when they experience it, and they are basically powerless around it.

It can be a positive or a negative depending. One thing is certain though, its rare and getting more so. Depp and Musk = beta all day long.

6 years ago


” We know what beta is, alpha is the opposite.”

Cop out?

You phrased your comment with your definition and a standard definition. So you have something in mind beyond “not Beta”. So what is it?

6 years ago

Apology to Blax upfront.

Is it maybe a guy that doesn’t let his mouth overload his ass? Is it? Is it? ami rite?

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