Riff on This

A week ago I had a reader send me a link to this helpful list of “mother-may-I’s” and feminine-primary etiquette by Nicole Silverberg. Presently I’ve got a very in-depth essay in the works about exactly this shifting of the ‘toxic’ masculinity narrative to one that presumes all forms of masculinity are inherently toxic. However, as a prelude I guess, I think it’s impossible for the manosphere and Red Pill writers to ignore the debacle that was the Harvey Weinstein admissions of chronic sexual harassment with the up and coming starlets who (along with a long list of ‘male feminist’ celebrities) didn’t feel emboldened enough to not keep Harvey’s dirty little not-so-secret until now. This, as I predicted, was then repurposed by the Feminine Imperative to be presumptive proof that all men are prospective sexual harassers with the #metoo viral hashtag.

As I mentioned in Male Control, in the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting the Feminine Imperative took this as an opportunity to change lanes with regard to its gestalt perspective of masculinity. In previous eras, as with this one, the reflexive response to a shooting of this nature is to blame it on the accessibility of firearms in the US. That’s to be expected, but what follows this always-impotent reactions is usually some deep, ostensibly soul-searching, introspective as to the motives of the shooter. And in this the imperative always comes to the ‘angry male’ narrative.

The presumption we’re expected to come to is that it is men’s toxically masculine socialization that makes them all potentially violent. Overwhelmingly it becomes an argument about traditional masculinity and raising boys into men in a laughably clichéd, laughably anachronistic way that is always founded in social constructivism. Yes, the allusions to testosterone being the most volatile chemical on earth gets bandied about, but usually the proponents of the Feminine Imperative rely on the ridiculous lie that boys are being raised in some hyper-masculine tribal order that tells them to “toughen up” and “don’t cry, boys don’t cry”.

However, not to get ahead of myself, in this new shift it’s no longer “toxic” masculinity, it’s masculinity that is toxic. It ought to be interesting to see how the Village eels its way around men’s biological nature to get to some suitably social constructivist rationale for this shift. The difference now is that just being a man makes one a potentially violent criminal – or a potential sexual harasser.

What Weinstein and dozens of other accusation of (usually ‘male feminist’) men following in his wake has reinforced is that masculinity makes us inherently evil. So evil, in fact, that men must be reeducated by the Feminine Imperative to ensure that one’s fellow man (a prospective harasser/rapist/gunslinger) is acting in accordance with the dictates of the Great Masculine Scare of 2017.

The list below, which I intend to riff on, is one of many recent attempts of feminist writers to enlist the aid of sympathetic female-allies men (yes, the ones they say they implicitly distrust) to help police social discourse and intersexual interactions. There are lots of other ‘helpful lists’ like this, and before I dig in I’ll declare that this is a tongue in cheek response to what is really a very serious shift in the popular narrative about perspectives on masculinity.

  • Talk to your friend who is “kind of a creep” at work.

And what exactly would Nicole have us say to our creepy ‘friend’? What is it that makes a guy ‘creepy’? Rarely is ‘creepy’ ever concretely defined by women, but I’d define it as a guy who’s so socially unintelligent and sexually destitute that he’d unwittingly bet his personal life on the very low prospect of a woman responding positively to his ‘creepy’ approaches of her. I could likely write an entire essay about this ‘creepy’ dynamic (likely will), but what ‘creepy’ distills down to is a woman’s Hypergamous-level revulsion of a man believing he may be someone she would eventually have sex with. Creepy is an insult to Hypergamy.

  • Don’t talk over women.

Ah, the old mansplaining chestnut, only this is its newer cousin, men over-modulating women. Men and women communicate differently. We are different creatures and we have our own preferred forms of communication. Women place far more import on context (feeling) in conversation. Yes, this demand is presumptuous in that it presumes anything a woman would say is more important than men’s need to get to the damn point efficiently (we prioritize content/information in conversation). However, a lot of this gripe is about women’s wanting to prioritize their own communication style above that of men’s.

  • If you are asked to be on a panel/team and see that it’s all men, say something. Maybe even refuse the spot!

So, refuse a lucrative position on a work team project with the potential for advancement, greater status and maybe a higher state in the male dominance hierarchy (that attracts all the women who insist on never settling for a less than ‘equal’ pairing) all to appease what passes for women’s moral imperatives? If it ever were all men on the panel in today’s work culture I’d be thanking my cubicle Gods that we’d all get something done and have time to go home to see my wife and kids that evening.

  • When you see another guy talk over a woman, say: “Hey, she was saying something.”

This is the “lets you and him fight” social convention women are all too happy to use when there is absolutely no contingent consequence to themselves. This suggestion already appeals to Blue Pill White Knights who believe that their AMOGing at work will go appreciated and maybe get them laid for championing women at work. Ironically, it’s the ‘creepy’ Betas we’re supposed to say “something” to who are most likely to employ this if they thought it would get them in good standing with women.

On a serious note, all this convention reveals is the solipsistic self-assured certainty that anything a woman might say is, by default, worthy of undivided attention.

  • Learn to read a fucking room.

Most Red Pill aware men already know how to read socially. What this is is an appeal to Betas to know when to shut the fuck up socially.

  • Don’t call women “crazy” in a professional setting.

I would suggest not calling anyone ‘crazy’ in a professional setting, but again the intentional ambiguity of not defining what constitutes ‘professional’ is why this is disingenuous. Can I call a woman crazy if the project team is having drinks after 5 on a Friday?

  • Don’t use your “feminism” as a way to get women to trust you. Show us in your day-to-day life, not in your self-congratulatory social media.

The reason this is chaffing for Nicole is that most of the male-feminist / female-allies are usually facing sexual harassment lawsuits within months of publicly declaring they are male feminists. I get that this is just Nicole venting, but that need to vent comes from knowing that the only reason men say (or even show in their daily lives) they are feminists is because it’s a deductive form of Beta Game.

  • Don’t touch women you don’t know, and honestly, ask yourself why you feel the need to touch women in general.

Good advice, don’t touch women you don’t know; you are giving a woman the keys to your castle by doing so. In today’s workplace women are constantly looking for even a hint of impropriety they can take to HR for the next harassment suit. Better still, refuse to work in situation where just the impression of her advancement depends on your hard work and behavior around her.

Nicole, the Beta need for physical contact is a desperation born from dealing with women who think he’s creepy.

  • Do you feel that any woman on earth owes you something? She doesn’t. Even if you’re like, “Hm, but what about basic respect?” ask yourself if you’ve shown her the same.

There is a constant presupposition on the part of fempowered women to believe that men feel entitled to anything from. The real truth is that it is women who feel entitled to virtually everything in their solipsistic experience – this very extensive list is a prime example of what women believe they are owed from men.  In 2017 no man ever concerns himself with notions of being owed anything (even basic respect) from women. But what confuses men is women constant (Hypergamously incentivized) implications of a transactional nature. If you don’t want men to feel like they are owed your time, concern, respect or attention then don’t present a transactional pretense to your interactions with them.

  • Don’t send pictures of your penis unless she just asked for them.

Never send a woman dick pics, especially if she asks for them. Never send a woman dick pics, even to your wife. In 2017 this is a red herring for women who are planning to file for sexual harassment.

  • If a woman says no to a date, don’t ask her again.

Agreed. Next her, and move on. That said, no guy asks a girl for a date today. They hook up on Tinder or bump into each other at the club. It’s so quaint Nicole still thinks dating works like it did on Happy Days.

  • If a woman has not given an enthusiastic “yes” to sex, back the hell off.

Guys learn this part real easy, what they don’t learn, and what women deliberately keep ambiguous, is that even after “enthusiastic consent” is officially declared, he can still be charged with rape for touching her boobs (or anything else for that matter) the wrong way. Again, control the narrative, control the definition of the language and control what the consequences are and you can control the frame.

  • If a woman is really drunk, she cannot consent to you and she also cannot consent to your buddy who seems to be trying something. Your buddy is your responsibility, so say something and intervene.

Funny how we never see public service announcements stating that women still need consent from drunk men to have sex; but my buddy is not my responsibility, just like driving a drunk woman too hammered to drive home isn’t my responsibility. Good intentions get you put in jail today. If a woman is really drunk is she now ‘owed’ my assistance?

  • If you do the right thing, don’t expect praise or payment or a pat on the back or even a “thank you from that woman”. Congratulations, you were baseline decent.

Oh, trust me, every Red Pill aware reader I’ve ever had has come to realize that women fundamentally lack the capacity to appreciate anything a man does for her.

  • Involve women in your creative projects, then let them have equal part in them.

Why would a woman deserve being included in any creative project I endeavor in just by virtue of being a woman? Why still would I allow her to have an equal part in a creative project I envisioned? Is it because they are owed that honor for being female?

  • Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability.

But wait, I thought ‘vulnerability was sexy‘? Weakness is strength right?

Okay, sorry, I can’t possibly subject my readers to more of this inane list. You get the picture. My point is that lists like this only serve to highlight the new gender landscape that’s been brewing for years now. We now live in the “future is female” years and this is what we can expect from the Feminine Imperative that’s now comfortable in in asserting its true agenda of disempowering, disenfranchising and eradicating men and masculinity from popular discourse.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo What is it that makes a guy ‘creepy’? Rarely is ‘creepy’ ever concretely defined by women, “Creepy” is “beta acting like an alpha”. YaReally’s famous line “Surprise! I have a penis!” would describe behavior that many women would call “creepy”. What men would call “creepy” would be the old pervs in raincoats that flash people in the park in ancient cartoons, or sad sack men who try to cop feels in crowds / on mass transit, or desperately thirsty betas who really do try to get girls drunk at parties then offer to take them home. Stuff that isn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

The whole list is garbage to be honest. It’s one long litany of female entitlement, hatred of men (especially creepy beta men), and the desire to restructure all social interactions around female norms. It’s a lot of nonsense, but, yes, it is also indicative of the direction in which things are heading.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo Good advice, don’t touch women you don’t know; you are giving a woman the keys to your castle by doing so. In today’s workplace women are constantly looking for even a hint of impropriety they can take to HR for the next harassment suit. Better still, refuse to work in situation where just the impression of her advancement depends on your hard work and behavior around her. VP Pence’s pollicy of never being alone with any woman except his wife got a lot of flak from feminists. But is is just basic self protection. Plenty of men in the… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Do you feel that any woman on earth owes you something? She doesn’t. Even if you’re like, “Hm, but what about basic respect?” ask yourself if you’ve shown her the same. For sure she doesn’t actually work in any professional environment, and has never supervised anyone. When I put on a supervisor hat, a certain degree of respect and obedience is due because of that hat; it’s for the “office”, not for me. That said, the underlying contempt for men that this girl displays is not very well concealed. She wants men to earn her respect, but to give respect… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

desire to restructure all social interactions around female norms.


6 years ago

Look forward to your return Rollo, Kinda O/T but kinda not, all day long I’ve been besieged by Rose McGowan all over the airwaves ( radio, tv and satellite. good thing I had hundreds of channels to evade ) yapping up a storm bout how she was ” abused ” and tried to warn everybody, but wound up being black-balled ( he he heee ) and cast out and ignored and slut shamed. …. Slut Shamed… Rose… McGowan… BINGO!!! Now I remember her, but my immediate memories go directly to this – http://www.feelnumb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/rose_mcgowan_1998_mtv_awards_manson_date_see_through.jpg Hmmmm…. haven’t thought of her in ages,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus the FI backs you down, further and further until you will avert your eyes and dare not speak. Compliance with the FI proves Beta status – part of the 80% unattractive, soon to be the 90%. Refusing to comply, or shrugging and slyly noncomplying makes a man something else, the desired and sought after 20% soon to be 10%. Of course, a lot of this MeTooing is just the girl herd following the lead mares, because victimhood gets Pokemon points within the girl herd. I expect it will fade slowly, because there’s only so many men to humiliate and… Read more »

6 years ago

Tongue-in-cheek or: let’s get serious in a male space in light of recent twitter, regular news and social environment. The air is thick with masculinity is toxic. I think the tongue in cheek proceeds from male masculine defensiveness and stand-off-ishness. It stems from don’t suffer fools gladly. It stems from Judmentalism. Good on you Rollo. Excellent throw away post. Really good. Thanks for being a beacon on that article of Female lack of introspection. Thanks the gods I’ve always been non needy and non-creepy in my professional life of employing 7-9 women (without men around in the office) and as… Read more »

6 years ago


Just whores being whores, past the sell by date. You can rest easy, the young whores are doing it proppa…

comment image

For now… Time and tide wait for no man… errrr… sorry.

Look, if women didn’t spoil with age, non of this would be a problem. Imagine how horrible it would be to have your worth (80%++) determined by your genetics… and know that that is perishing by the minute. could make one crazy (er)…

6 years ago

To bad Silverberg doesn’t have any advice for a married man that women keep hitting on, they expect compliance or damned if you don’t.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

I know no one else will believe this outside of this forum but isn’t it blindingly obvious that the Weinstein’s and Tobacks and Halperins and O’Reillys and other gross growers of the #metoo world are showing how super Gamma they are? Super Beta instead of Super Bad? That no Alpha would act like them? About as Red Pill as a pussy hat? That obviously their money did not confer Alpha status upon them, despite the myth far too many still believe that big bucks equals Alpha Dawg? Mike Pence is a tight assed virtue signaler, worse than any SJW. The… Read more »

6 years ago

“What a great time to have red pill knowledge.” Amen brother. Best statement ever. Speaking of massage, I was out to lunch with my wife today and she “opened up” about this chick crack thing called Reki massage that she went for the other day. Which I gather is not really massage at all. It is like: Both Reiki and massage are systems of natural healing that focus on body energy, and today Reiki massage is a common and effective treatment. If you’ve ever had a great massage, you understand how you can feel both relaxed and invigorated at the… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

That should be “gross groper”. Fucking automobile corect.

6 years ago

Lol. I like naked chicks. Quite a bit. I’ve mentioned here before that I might wind up in ” sexual harassment accusation ” hell eventually. I forget that I can’t say shit . I dunno, I’ve never considered myself the brightest bulb in the fixture, but I just cannot censor myself 24/7 in every situation where a female is involved. Ok, quick story ( that I think I already shared here before, but I’m pleading ” old man forgetfulness “)- Long ago I worked for a pharm company’s IT ( it was just becoming ” IT ” from computer/data processing… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh, prologue

After my divorce, I tracked down my smoking buddy and banged the absolute shit out of her.

The End.

6 years ago

… I meant ” epilogue “.

Dementia is a motherfucker.

6 years ago

” Mike Pence is a tight assed virtue signaler, worse than any SJW ”

I lol’d hard.

6 years ago


Alphas have very different reference experiences than betas.

Jay Fink
Jay Fink
6 years ago

For 10 years I was in a very alpha media position. As a nice guy beta I was shocked at the hate I was getting in our workplace, particularly from the women in our sales department. They were calling me creep to my face. I never was called a creep before or after. The more popular I became the more intense their animosity towards me. It was all worth it though! So yes absolutely “creep” to a woman is a beta in a alpha position.

6 years ago

I know no one else will believe this outside of this forum but isn’t it blindingly obvious that the Weinstein’s and Tobacks and Halperins and O’Reillys and other gross growers of the #metoo world are showing how super Gamma they are?

Yeah, exactly, we talked about that last thread. Not. Alpha. At. All.

6 years ago

Look forward to that suggested article on creepiness Rollo as it is a subject that interests me greatly.

Even my girlfriend who is very much one of the women you describe as “not caring of the lyrics” can identify malevolent creeps and nice guys who creep women out (unless she’s simply playing to her audience).

There’s a truism in soccer that the worst thing you can do when facing seemingly superior opposition is treat them with “too much respect”. This sums up a women’s attitude to creepiness for me.

6 years ago

I feel better now. Dopamine rewarded with Pussy.

Did the mental and the physical in front of the TV screen with Stranger Things playing in the background.

Good Night Moon. I’m working my one Saturday a month tomorrow morning.

Riff on.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability.”

Don’t retaliate against a woman(with the many different ways available) for attempting to make an example of you at work for rejecting the untenable prospect of communicating with her.


Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

Off topic. This new gender fluid propaganda is just sick!!!

6 years ago

“We now live in the “future is female” years and this is what we can expect from the Feminine Imperative that’s now comfortable in in asserting its true agenda of disempowering, disenfranchising and eradicating men and masculinity from popular discourse.”


6 years ago

Blaximus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chph_EPNNAs “A big part of my ” creepy ” theory is, trying to be a little intimate with a strange woman can creep them out. We might think that they love it because it’s soft and loving or whatever, but it’s a losing proposition. Calibration. And that’s what most sexual harassment ethos completely lack – calibration.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ESlS2jrhXY SJF “And I’m so unique (so as to be weird) in the fact that I have no need to be touched by anyone other than my wife. To seek a massage would be the last thing on earth that I would ever… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange, live Mike Pence is a tight assed virtue signaler, worse than any SJW. The rule he claims for himself is, as we know, the Billy Graham Rule. Yeah, ok, so? Can’t see where you have a point. The really sad outcome of all this is that the most obvious toxic manhood targets will be shy Betas trying to learn how to approach and open sets with women, at which of course they will fail at the outset as all beginners would. But now a college boy’s blown approach is to be criminalized. Yup. Women don’t get cause and… Read more »

6 years ago

These new rules are enforced selectively and guys who lack game and social calibration are prime targets. Weinstein is a prime example of a beta creep: overly aggressive at the wrong moments, the everyone knew shows he lacked discretion and used his money as social proof rather than having a solid frame and inner game. One other lesson from all of this: white knights who call you out also serve the feminist imperative. Example: I told a “friend” to fuck off for undermining me and chasing a girl I was fucking. He apparently went around to girls in my social… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

The point is Pence doesn’t get credit for the Billy Graham Rule. Some other guy whose name it bears does. That Graham had to invent it for himself shows self awareness, since he was far more likely to be endangered if he didn’t have it. For which he deserves much respect.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

Haven’t heard talked about during the me too thing is how the Weinstein thing finally came public. All the now called brave actresses who kept quiet, not only the ones actually harassed, but the ones who weren’t but still didn’t say anything who are no different than Tarentino who’s being criticized for not saying anything, didn’t break it but it was a no name actress who went to the police that caused it to break. The ones who have the best platform to bring it all out didn’t do anything. Rose McGowan, trying to be the poster child for it,… Read more »

6 years ago

Old IPod songlist in play at bedtime: https://youtu.be/Hk04jBuyO10 Katy tried I was halfway crucified I was on the other side Of no tomorrow You walked in And my life began again Just when I’d spent the last piaster I could borrow All night long We would sing that stupid song And every word we sang I knew was true Are you with me Doctor Wu Are you really just a shadow Of the man that I once knew Are you crazy are you high Or just an ordinary guy Have you done all you can do Are you with me… Read more »

6 years ago

True it’s the Graham Rule and not the Pence Rule, but either way, it’s the right rule in *most* circumstances. I had an “off-campus” work social event this afternoon with my group, all women by the way other than me (God I love corporate America!), and was walking out of the garage near where we were going the prettiest woman in our group was there pretty much the same time. We shared an elevator together and talked and walked to the event place together … we were alone in an elevator (scary!, per the rule, but fine if you maintain… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange up all night The point is Pence doesn’t get credit for the Billy Graham Rule. Ok. So is the rule a useful idea for a beta man or not? Some other guy whose name it bears does. Notice that I didn’t refer to it as “The Pence Rule”. I stated “Pence has a rule”. Is it a useful rule for him or not? That Graham had to invent it for himself shows self awareness, Graham named it for himself. I doubt he invented it. Is it useful for a beta man or not? since he was far more… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Water Cannon Boy Haven’t heard talked about during the me too thing is how the Weinstein thing finally came public. Ashley Judd as far as I can tell. Has been decides to have a twitter fit. Frankly, I find the whole Weinstein thing odd, because he could have been thrown to the hyenas any time in the last few years, or this could all have been papered over with some Miramax money. Can’t help wondering who decided he was not only expendable, but should be expended. Maybe there is something more unpleasant that is being kept quiet in part by… Read more »

6 years ago

Don’t touch women you don’t know, and honestly, ask yourself why you feel the need to touch women in general. I presume this only applies to the work place. In bars and dance studios, women frequently kino men they just met. Happened to me last night when a woman I just met and danced with made knee and hip and shoulder contact with me when we were listening to the instructor. I’ve written at length about a woman who did a hit and run grabass on me. If a man did that to a woman, would Nicole feel outrage? Why… Read more »

6 years ago

But all the famous ones keep things quiet for 20 years and now they’re supposed to be heroes.

Twenty years later regrets

6 years ago

Why does Nicole feel allergic to the touch of men?

I had the same response as you did to that part. I don’t think she’s just talking about the workplace. She seems to think that men’s desire for women is somehow itself toxic. This is brainwashing to the nth degree … that, or she is lesbian … there are quite a few lesbians who have been prominent in feminist discourse, and when they write, they come up with things like this that almost no actually non-writer, non-activist real world women would ever come up with.

6 years ago

“Why does Nicole feel allergic to the touch of men?”

comment image

Those grapes were probably sour anyway?

6 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg: on Nicole & spur grapes😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 years ago

He he he.

6 years ago

@Novaseeker “I don’t think she’s just talking about the workplace. She seems to think that men’s desire for women is somehow itself toxic. This is brainwashing to the nth degree … that, or she is lesbian … there are quite a few lesbians who have been prominent in feminist discourse, and when they write, they come up with things like this that almost no actually non-writer, non-activist real world women would ever come up with.” You know, when I read that I think that even the non-feminist activists can even let that toxicity speak get into their rhetoric. I listen… Read more »

6 years ago


Sour grapes, more likely raisins. How hard did you have to dig to find even one pic?

Parts her hair on left,caught a right cross,80/40 vision and a couple of ripe ones on her chin.

Eyes show signs of a hamster wheel about to fly of the axle.

6 years ago

“Alphas have very different reference experiences than betas.”


6 years ago

crazy html

HB5 =

6 years ago

lol… ok

HB5 and lower have very different experiences than HB 6 and higher…

6 years ago

“How hard did you have to dig to find even one pic?”

She’s a professional “media” person. Headshots are mandatory. The one I posted was neither the best, nor worst I could find:


comment image

That last one is the one she chooses as her current Twitter headshot.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

@antimousse redrum: Not sure what we’re arguing about. Pence is a showboat about using the Graham Rule and so now it’s a running gag about him. That’s my point. Feminists laugh at him, that lets them discount the rule as a desperate gambit by a moralist tightass who thinks bitches be out to get him. Makes it look silly when we know the threat is very very real. I give Graham credit for discerning it 40 years before congressmen, employee liability insurers and corporate HR departments caught up to him and decided yes this is good (if regrettable) policy. Regrettable… Read more »

6 years ago

“potential sexual harasser” Let’s be honest here and accept the we as men are potential rapers…it a simple biological fact and historical too. Guess what is the favourite sub-activity of men in every war: RAPE! This is not an excuse to hate men or call them all evil …it’s similar to hating all women because of the biological source of hypergamy. Most men want to fuck the shit out of 80% of women around him. As a man I feel this urge to fuck all this women I see in my daily life…can’t help it. I don’t harass/violate them because… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

Is this not at least partial advocacy for MGTOW? Only 10 to 20% of men are even in the game. Maybe another 30% have a shot at being in the game. The lowest 50% have no other realistic choice other than MGTOW. It should be every mans default position until they start getting solid IOIs. Unless we wait for some final solution regarding toxic masculinity on behalf of the FI, the only way masculinity regains any respect in the public eye is for as many men as possible to willingly take themselves off line. That or some form of collapse… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago
6 years ago

“That last one is the one she chooses as her current Twitter headshot.”

Looks like a coffee advertisement.

I must be old school,as I would expect a woman to hide those photos.

“Don’t make assumptions about a woman’s intelligence, capabilities or desires based on how she dresses.” I won’t assume she is more intelligent for not caring about how she looks.

6 years ago

“Looks like a coffee advertisement.”

Aimed at last stage crack hos.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Nicole has a passing resemblance to Shulamith Firestone. Authoress of “The Dialectic of Sex”, a book that reads just as you’d expect.

6 years ago

Don’t send pictures of your penis unless she just asked for them.

What theguardian writer fails to see here is that asking another person to send you pics of their genitals constitutes its own sexual harassment. …But I don’t think she’s capable of seeing her own sexism. In her mind, accommodating the other sex and controlling one’s sexuality is only something that men should be doing.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange on the radio Not sure what we’re arguing about. Pence is a showboat about using the Graham Rule and so now it’s a running gag about him. That’s my point. Ok. Frankly I have not paid attention to Pence, and so his use of this rule only came to my attention when the usual FI suspects started tittering and hah-ha-hahing about it. Feminists laugh at him, that lets them discount the rule as a desperate gambit by a moralist tightass who thinks bitches be out to get him. I’m pretty sure feminists had almost the same reaction to… Read more »

6 years ago

“Don’t read a list like this and think that most of these don’t apply to you.”

She is obviously in touch with men that normally subscribe to the guardian. As these would be the ones that this advise would apply to. Doesn’t make it good advice,only well targeted.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

@antimouse redditor: “Feminists don’t like the Graham rule because they want fried ice. The right to eject a Beta (by force if needed), and access to an Alpha. Beta men need to get over caring about female temper tantrums.” This be the shit right here. Yes, to this degree I take feminist arguments seriously. Beta men should hear, and disobey. Interesting how some churchians are the ones pushing back against the rule. I did not know that, but ok, they like fried ice too as a garnish for that Sunday-go-to-meetin’-bun. Assuming Mz. Nichole’s personality matches her countenance, I sense she… Read more »

6 years ago

“But in *general* in the office itself, I do not hold closed door meetings with women — that’s asking for trouble.”

6 years ago

“Learn to read a fucking room.”

Good advice,I will add that if your read tells you your the most intelligent person in the room it is time to find a new room. Cancel your subscription to the Guardian now.

6 years ago

” . . . he didn’t invent it, I have first person stories from men who followed that rule before Graham was a celebrity.” Before the world wars, that was the way general society was structured, only it cut both ways. A woman who allowed herself to be alone in a room with a man would likely face accusations of impropriety as well, just on the fact of it. Now see the whole NeoGAF flameout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TquHyCXsJ-w A woman who ostensibly had a boyfriend went on a road trip with another man, sharing a hotel room. Years later she accuses him… Read more »

6 years ago

Women, you want better treatment? Don’t listen to Nicole Silverberg


6 years ago

“Weinstein is a prime example of a beta creep” very powerful film exec fucks hot actress in hotel (she later claims full on rape). he sends her script for musical film. she goes to fucking audition where he (her alleged rapist) is present. she agrees to meet him (alleged rapist) in a hotel room again. she is escorted up to room, enters, finds her alleged rapist in room getting blowjob from some hottie this guy bought a best picture oscar. he presumes not just the sale, but threesomes where the women are total strangers. has any of these women claimed… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

weinstein thing went public to hamstring the bitch’s checkbook so she is forced to go away

That’s one theory. There are others. Ask Cory.

6 years ago

@ fleezer

You killin’ me man.

Weinstein = creepy ass beta.

Stop being fooled by ” power “. Weinstein is now being shown what power is.


6 years ago

…. that’s more like it.

6 years ago

By the way,

Biggest Democratic Donors in 2016

•S. Donald Sussman. $36.8 million.
•Fred Eychaner. $33.1 million.
•Robert Mercer. $21.2 million.
•Michael Bloomberg. $20.1 million.
•Paul Singer. $19.8 million.
•Marilyn & James Simons. $18.5 million.
•George Soros. $17.5 million.
•Dustin Moskovitz & Cari Tuna. $17.3 million.




Dem, repub, lol, they are all bought and paid for. There is no money ” man “.

6 years ago

Robert Mueller is compiling the Russian Top Donor list right now.


6 years ago

Great link to victory girls,Marta is cold but funny.

6 years ago

“Marta is cold but funny.”

Ironic because I thought she was being completely serious (and she was cold because of being pissed at Silverbergs feminist ideology). And Nicole Silverberg fancies herself as a satiric, comedic writer. Whereas she may be merely just a funny-looking feminist.


6 years ago

@SJF “This laundry list of femderpaherpery has me wondering if this woman will a) ever date an actual male – you know, one that actually owns a functioning set of testicles – let alone get married to one and b) ever own enough cats to fill that empty space on her bed, because no guy in his right mind will occupy that space for any length of time. Don’t want men to make assumptions about your intelligence or capabilities? Then perhaps those twelve piercings in your nose, your bright blue asymmetric haircut shaved on one side, and a skirt so… Read more »

6 years ago

That is laugh out loud funny. I should lighten up a bit in my Red Pill Studies. (….which are going great for me, by the way)

6 years ago
6 years ago


6 years ago

We now live in the “future is female” years and this is what we can expect from the Feminine Imperative that’s now comfortable in in asserting its true agenda of disempowering, disenfranchising and eradicating men and masculinity from popular discourse. Let’s you and me dis-empower those guys that don’t appreciate my funny looking self and funny Guardian articles. (The original article by Nicole Silverberg was born out of her comedic satirical writings. She forgot to make it a comedy (funny). She ended up writing a non-satirical straw man piece. A pure click-bait piece with no humor. Feminist pablum–bland or insipid… Read more »

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

“In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else.”

Lol. Fiction.

6 years ago


For the moment. But we’ve covered a lot of ground already.

You know this.

6 years ago

January 2009 was quite the time of Fiction turning into fact. With Obummer, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, et al. ‘Atlas Shrugged’: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years By Stephen Moore Jan. 9, 2009 11:59 p.m. ET Some years ago when I worked at the libertarian Cato Institute, we used to label any new hire who had not yet read “Atlas Shrugged” a “virgin.” Being conversant in Ayn Rand’s classic novel about the economic carnage caused by big government run amok was practically a job requirement. If only “Atlas” were required reading for every member of Congress and political appointee in… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah, its all Obama. He fucked up the economy. He got us into our longest war to date…. Oh wait, he waged war while cutting taxes on the wealthy… Oh wait. He went to his ranch and a concert while an American city drowned…. Oh wait. When he won election, Mitch McConnell pledged to work with him to get shit done… Oh wait ( opposite happened ) and congress has double digit approval ratings because they worked so hard and got so much done…. Oh wait. The housing crash and accompanying bailouts…. Oh wait. He destroyed the surplus and replaced… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Let’s see what yet another non-black has to say about Obama.

6 years ago

I guess the concept of ‘sleeping her way to the top’ is unfamiliar here. Pence is very talented, a natural if you will, and in this case his chaperone rule trolls the hell out of the thirsty female social climbers who just want some regular one-on-one time with him and her low-cut top. But they have already thoroughly shit in that pool, haven’t they? So I applaud him, and think more men, all men, should do the same in the workplace. OK, maybe not all men. I was a few years ago told about one now multinational company president who… Read more »

6 years ago

Pence is a natural because

* Before becoming VP, electrocutes gays to cure them.
* As VP, institutes Pence rule, entire offices of ambitious feminists freak out.
* Shows up at Hamilton and leaves, entire cast of GRIDS zombies freak out.
* Shows up at Colts game and leaves, kneelers freak out.

What will he do next?

* Has older brother, who looks just like him, running for Governor of Indiana, just like he did.

6 years ago

“Nicole Silverberg” eh, lol. Maybe I shouldn’t go there but take this in a lighthearted spirit, ancient friends. Hey Jews, what are you planning to do better? Because you need to do better, Tikkun Olam! Here are ideas on how you should treat goyim better. Talk to your Jewish friend who is “kind of a creep” at work. Don’t talk over goyim. If you are asked to work in a law firm/bank/media company/The Federal Reserve and see that it’s all Jews, say something. Maybe even refuse the spot! When you see another Jew talk over a goyim, say: “Hey, the… Read more »

Fallow Way
Fallow Way
6 years ago

– “Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability”

Can someone please explain to me what the f*** she’s saying here? The others are pretty obvious but that one is truly baffling. What does that even MEAN…?

6 years ago

@ Yollo The trope that somehow Obama ” divided ” the nation is disingenuous at best. Obama became President, and then nation divided itself. But my take is that yapping heads like Shapiro know exactly what they are doing and saying his not rational or logical or even true, but ” for some reason ” they are compelled to call out the ” unworthiness ” of Obama, yet were silent about Bush, and are weak on trump. The truth of the matter is that the govt had already inserted itself into the gay marriage clusterfuck by trying to pass various… Read more »

6 years ago

@Fallow Way

– “Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability”

Can someone please explain to me what the f*** she’s saying here? The others are pretty obvious but that one is truly baffling. What does that even MEAN…?”

My take is that at some point she has pointed at a mans weak spot or chink in his armor,then taken advantage and been punished for it. Most likely emotionally.

6 years ago


“I’m still waiting for trump to be called a shitty president by the same crew that relentlessly called out Obama. ”

You mean like GOP politicians? Romney? #nevertrumpers? Bush? Corker? McCain?

6 years ago

@Fallow Way The question is how does a boy get into a relationship with someone like Nicole in the first place? Not having any first hand experience,only observation. The first thing he does is listen to women’s advice about what they want or how to treat them. Then follow her instructions into blue pill beta orbit, catering to her every whim and fancy,white knighting all the way. Next invent some grievance against the “evil patriarchy” achieving victim status soul bonding on a superficial level (having a common enemy),they have nothing else in common. He can make that bond even stronger… Read more »

6 years ago

@Fallow Way – “Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability” Stuffinbox “My take is that at some point she has pointed at a mans weak spot or chink in his armor,then taken advantage and been punished for it. Most likely emotionally.” Good point Stuffinbox Silverberg is implying her evolutionarily given ‘right to manipulate a man’ when she sees chinks in his armor. With chinks in his armor, she has more power and demands to right to use it (for her safety and the safety of her babies all the way down). She wants to not just witness a man’s vulnerability,… Read more »

6 years ago

“In fact for a woman’s sexuality to be satisfied, it is important that her manipulation attempts against her man not be too effective.” This is where a lot of women screw up in their efforts. And why a lot of women move on (esp. Divorce). ‘Cause compromising in their manipulatory efforts would take effort to change their evil ways–it’s easier to move on. Once that individual woman has power over their betatized man, or collectively in society SJW feminists “feel” ideologically that they have power over the collected Beta men–then my friend, they don’t want to give it up. And… Read more »

6 years ago

“Succinctly, the more manipulation is used by a woman, the more it becomes natural and unconscious to her. It is like learning to play a musical instrument: at first it is difficult and one needs to pay conscious attention to each note being played, Then, as mastery is gradually achieved, manipulation becomes more and more unconscious.”

She will be more attracted to a man that cannot be manipulated, but will never admit it.

6 years ago

“My take is that at some point she has pointed at a mans weak spot or chink in his armor,then taken advantage and been punished for it. Most likely emotionally.” That’s a possibility, but it’s more likely a man called her out on some bullshit, which she interprets as lashing out with violence because she wounded his fragile ego. Remember that her brain lives in Bizarro World, where speech is violence (if you do it), violence is speech (if she does it) and having to curl up in a corner to cry is a sign of her emotional strength, and… Read more »

6 years ago


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