The Power of Emotion


Science fiction has always sought to portray human emotion as a weakness to be overcome.
Some have gone further to express the notion of our physical being as a limiting factor. This is notably seen in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I’m aware this is fiction, but I just want to reinforce the point from my earlier post that we don’t have to be held to eternal hostage by nature. We can strive to be better.
A quote from Terminator 2, sums it up admirably.

T-800 to John Connor: “I now know why you cry. But it is something, I can never do.”

While emotions are a part of our experience as human beings, Red Pill aware men need to understand the functionality of emotional responses. Rationality is, of course, the charter of this blog and my books, and while I make my best efforts to approach each aspect of what I write from as objective an origin as I’m able to, I also understand that there are limitations to remaining completely objective. I’m human like anyone else reading this (chatbots excepted) and I’ve always been fully aware that my emotional state, my own ego-investments and biases, as well as the observer effect are all something I need to make a conscious effort to account for while I’m writing about a new idea or observation I’m connecting dots with.

In a few prior posts I’ve made an effort to account for a balance between rationality and emotionalism. I say “emotionalism” because I think there needs to be a separation between the physical experience of emotion and the significance our fem-centric social order would have us place on those experiences. There is a difference between emotional response (evolved stimulus-response adaptations) and the ideologies that elevate human emotion to a metaphysical state (emotionalism).

Seeking, rage, fear, lust, care, panic and play are what are commonly recognized as primal emotions. I didn’t make this list up myself, these are just the most base-level imperatives from which more complex experiences of emotion are distilled. All of these root-level emotional experiences have been studied extensively and can be stimulated chemically and neurologically today. An easy example of this biological connection to emotional experience can be triggered and observed in the ‘roid rages’ experienced by the users of anabolic steroids.

Have you ever been “Hangry“? The feeling of anger / aggressiveness due to being overly hungry is an evolutionary survival adaptation. You’re far more motivated to kill and eat something if the feeling of hunger, prompted by its chemical triggers, also stimulates feelings of aggression. In today’s era that aggression may be inconvenient or anti-social, but our hunter-gatherer ancestors found it both acceptable and useful.

There are dozens of other examples I can give for the connection between our environmental, physical and chemical conditions and our emotional state. Similarly, there are chemical (dopamine) and behavioral prompts we associate with a particular emotional state. I don’t imagine this is anything revelatory to most Red Pill aware readers, but reviewing the objective aspects of emotion is necessary in order to separate it from the social influence of emotionalism.

Testosterone is well known to stimulate feelings of aggression and sexual arousal, but did you know that the chemical make up of testosterone is actually an inhibitor of the chemicals that prompt sadness and crying? When considered in this respect and the fact that human males produce 12 to 17 times the amount of testosterone females do, is it any coincidence that men may feel less compulsion to cry over things? Yet, men are shamed for “holding back” tears. This is an example of the connection between our physical experience of emotions and the importance to which our social order places on (primarily female) emotionalism. There are a lot of complexities that make up our emotional state and the more we study the influences of our own biologies the better we can make a connection between the evolved, survival-beneficial, effect these emotions elicit in us.

The nuts and bolts science of emotions demystifies the more magical, romanticized association we like to apply to them. And at the risk of prompting any kind of nihilism, it’s important that we consider our emotional state in terms of the concrete physical stimulus that’s provoking our emotional states. It’s easy to get into the science of emotions when we’re trying to solve a problem like clinical depression and the feelings and potential behaviors it evokes, but it’s much harder to look at upsetting an elated feeling of happiness. If it ain’t broke there’s no reason to think about fixing it.

But what sets us off about really coming to terms with the science of emotion is it tends to kill our gods. Up until advent of our understanding the cause and effect influences of emotion we’ve applied a lot of metaphysical importance to our emotions. Historically, our emotions have inspired us to create some of the greatest cultural and artistic masterpieces, and they’ve urged us to some pretty ugly atrocities too. Even today, western cultures raise emotion to a mythical grandeur. We romanticize and apply great significance to how we feel. We prioritize expressing emotions to being some enlightened state and the repression or control of them as some kind of horrible evil or some form of retardation.


The Washington Post (I know, I know,…) recently published the findings of a study outlining how “sexist” men have psychological problems:

Researchers then identified 11 norms considered to be “traditionally masculine” — desire to win, need for emotional control, risk-taking, violence, dominance, sexual promiscuity or playboy behavior, self-reliance, primacy of work, power over women, disdain for homosexuality and pursuit of status — and looked to see whether they were associated with particular mental health outcomes.

In general, the men who stuck more strongly to these norms were more likely to experience problems such as depression, stress, body image issues, substance abuse and negative social functioning. They were also less likely to turn to counseling to help deal with those problems. The effect was particularly strong for men who emphasized playboy behavior, power over women and self-reliance.

As you might expect, what’s defined as “toxic” masculinity today is decided by people invested in a mindset that confirms the Feminine Imperative. This article follows along with what will likely be the Trump-era narrative for masculinity – anything remotely considered “traditionally” masculine will be conflated with a psychological disorder. The cure to which is, of course, ego-investing men in feminine-primary mental states; effectively feminizing men.

If we look at the norms identified by this study we are expected to nod in agreement about the negative, potentially damaging, connotations these traditionally masculine aspects imply. But they are only negative because the objective environment we are supposed to interpret them from is one of feminine primacy. Anything that can be considered an impediment to female societal control, any aspect of men’s intrinsic natures that lessens the same potentials of women is considered “toxic”.

Desire to win, need for emotional control, risk-taking, violence, dominance, sexual promiscuity or playboy behavior, self-reliance, primacy of work, power over women, disdain for homosexuality and pursuit of status – by orders of degree these are the foundational aspects of masculinity that’s been responsible for the advancement of humanity for millennia now. I’m not entirely sure what ‘playboy lifestyle’ entails, but consider the problems these aspects of male nature evolved to solve for men. Each one of these characteristics has a functional prompt; they didn’t evolve in a vacuum. These parts of masculinity were and are functional benefits to men. Only in a society that defines supremacism of women and the primacy of female-correctness do these aspects become negative.

I doubt it will come as any surprise to the Red Pill aware that all of these traits used to have a higher social value in virtually all social orders prior to our present one. It’s not enough to make female social interaction the preeminent one, masculinity and its conventional aspects must be pathologized. They must become a sickness if gynocentrism is to sustain itself.

I’m exploring this here because the female way of socialization is founded upon emotionalism. I think it’s important for Red Pill men to understand that the defining of what particular emotional states are acceptable is intimately linked to what those states mean to the Feminine Imperative. In the past 60 years western(ized) culture has become one in which the feminine defines the predominant cultural narrative with regard to intersexual communication, correctness and the psychological values we are meant to infer from it. This discourse is one that is primarily informed by women’s high priority on an investment in emotionalism.

In past essays I’ve outlined how men and women’s brains are neurologically wired for different, yet complementary functions. Women experience negative emotions differently from men. The male brain evolved to seek out sex before food. And while our feminine-centric social order insists that, in the name of equalism, boys should be forced to learn in the same modality as that of girls, the science shows that boys brains are rudimentarily wired to learn differently.

“Greater emotional reactivity in women may explain many things, such as their being twice as likely to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders compared to men,” Mendrek added, who is also an associate professor at the University of Montreal’s Department of Psychiatry.

Yet for all of these very evident physical differences in men and women’s experience of emotion, it is women’s experience, and a feminine priority for the ‘correctness’ of that experience we apply to men. I would suggest that much of this is primarily due to women’s innate solipsism, but we’ve normalized women’s experience of emotion as the common and correct one in terms of intersexual communication and social dynamics.

Emotionalism and the applying of metaphysical meaning to the feminine-correct experience of them has pervaded our social consciousness since the time of the sexual revolution. This elevated importance of emotion has been a part of popular culture for millennia of course, but until the rise of a socially mandated importance of female Hypergamy we haven’t had female emotionalism direct the course of society as it has for over sixty years now.

As such, we see that men “getting in touch with their feminine sides” is really a concerted effort to repress their natural experience of emotion as a male, and to attempt to force their own emotional states into ones females can identify with. As I mentioned above, there are literally biological limitations for a man to experience emotion as a woman as well as his impulse to want to prioritize those feelings as women do. The presumption is that a man is emotionally stunted if he feel that repressing his emotions is what he ought to do. “Boys don’t cry” is a sickness when it is women’s experience and importance of emotionalism that drives our social discourse.

Women bemoan men’s stereotypical lack of “emotional availability”, and we put a religious importance upon our capacity to express our emotions in some way, but all of this is constrained to the box that is women’s correct experience and importance of emotion. This is not what men’s brains are naturally wired for, and in a Red Pill context this is not what women’s hindbrains want from men.

It’s important for Red Pill men to understand that our feminine-primary social order is founded up the importance women place on the God of emotion. Part of your Blue Pill conditioning was to convince you, as a young boy, that the way women emote and the importance they put on emotion is what you needed to accept as the healthy, normal way of experiencing and expressing it. The truth is you are not wired to experience emotion as a woman will. That isn’t to suggest you deny or repress your feelings, but to understand that you shouldn’t feel bad for not feeling as a woman feels. This kind of goes back to the point I was making in Empathy; while it may be possible for a woman to sympathize with your feelings, she will never be able to empathize with them as a man would experience it.

Furthermore, it should be part of men’s unplugging to come to terms with the metaphysical importance women place on (largely their own) emotional states. They remove the functional aspect of emotion and elevate it to something only women have a unique sensitivity to understand. Separating yourself from this self-induced, self-applied belief in emotion can be a very powerful tool for a Red Pill man in his dealing with women – and not just the ones he’s intimately involved with. Separating your ego from the religion of emotion and coming to terms with the science of emotion is a very difficult step for Blue Pill invested men to make. As I said, it’s like killing your gods, but it’s also killing the notion of the emotionalism you think you need to identify with in order to connect with a woman.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

I have a home gym, set up for power lifting and strongman. Took years but it was a great decsion. Haven’t seen a comerical gym as well set up as my back yard but hit Golds when i will need a spot ot the weather is too nasty. Or my daughters gym when I am in her AO

The team training events are great, and the gym is the place to pick up chicks but my home gym is one of my happy places

7 years ago

Ok, I see my original post now (When I said that my post was missing, I must not have been looking under “newer comments”… I’m kinda new here). stuffinbox I wasn’t trying to say that men are bad at domestic work. Actually, domestic chores are quick and easy, thanks to modern technology and the industrial food system. But as a profession, housekeeping and childcare are not well respected and pay very poorly, which is one reason why you will find zero men pursuing those fields. Even if we expand the ‘women’s sphere’ to include traditionally women-dominated careers, like teaching and… Read more »

7 years ago

Let’s also be careful not to misperceive

“Making different life choices than me” or “Valuing different things than me.”


“Nihilism” or “Giving up”

There’s a big difference between being judgmental and simply observant.

Although, if and when you are in doubt, lean towards judgmental when it comes from my keyboard.

7 years ago


This topic has been beaten to death in the manosphere and by feminists.

The bar has been lowered so the fems can get over it many times already.

We may see a future trend to more commission work and piece work,this will cause fems to fall even further behind in earnings.

When they change the rules to accommodate one specific gender this is favoring a handicap.

So men are still better a doing what really needs to be done,so what?

I can only assume you are referring to the emotional imbalance of the feminists in this article?

7 years ago

“There’s a big difference between being judgmental and simply observant.”

And there is often not much difference between being judgmental and doing routine maintenance/touch-up work on one’s own decisions.

7 years ago


The bottom line is women and feminists an feminized men have been living on easy street in the modern world for too long already.

They have been living on borrowed money and borrowed time in a fantasy world where they are victims,jobs have been created out of thin air and time is up no more free money.

Eventually if you aren’t strong,smart,fast or cunning enough to survive you will have to attach yourself to someone that is,then we will see the pay off for masculine traits in full bloom.

7 years ago

@Kaminsky My ego is busting at the seams due to my enlightened self-interest, masculine self-improvement in red pill awareness and game while doing routine maintenance/touch-up work on my own decisions via those avenues. I wish the best for others in the same venues, even despite Schadenfreude Forever (T.M.) being an antidote to social and societal decline. Tribal behavior is not a glitch in the programming. (Damn, I hope I don’t sound too much like a chat bot…. or trying to mirror KFG too much) P.S. Ego is not a bogeyman, enlightened self-interest is a tactic, masculine self-improvement is anti-nihilistic, red… Read more »

7 years ago

“he does not believe that any organism that has ever existed has been able to see reality as it is.”

to construct “reality”, sensory data requires electrical transmission to the brain for processing. this takes time to happen. we all think we are living in the “now” but in fact that “now” is already gone by the time we sense it.

it is physically impossible to live in the present

7 years ago


Feature this.
“Everything that happens,happens within time..We like to think that time stretches illimitably forward into the future and illimitably back into the past while we exist on a hairline of time that separates the future from the past,the hairline we call “now.” Quite the reverse is true: all there is and was and ever can be is an endless now,within which change occurs..

Within that endless now,we are eternal,as is everything else,all of us and everything going through endless change.”

From, The I Ching Interpreted by wu wei

7 years ago

My all time favorite,mumbo jumbo.

If you are good in this life,you will never have to be reincarnated as a woman again.

7 years ago

stuffinbox The point of Rollo’s essay is that society is trying to impose women’s emotional experience on us men, through the PC civic religion of gender equalism. There is of course plenty of truth to this, but it is not the whole truth. Because women are themselves punished by modern society, thanks to the *disadvantages* that their emotional experience presents in the workplace. The fact that some feminists have caught onto this (an impressively honest admission, since it admits that male success is due to biological advantages) presents an interesting opportunity to find some common understanding based on an objective… Read more »

7 years ago

Here’s one for the OG’s…

Doing this longer than you’ve been alive…

From the oooooold man of the Old 97’s… 46 YO Rhet Miller…

For the 20 YO guys… you can be 40 – 50 – 60 or more and not just be cool but Dynamic, Passionate and Authentic. don’t believe the hype…

7 years ago

@Sentient @scrib @OMG A YS buddy of mine doesn’t want to be alone. He’s lonely. Still recovering from getting dumped in a 5+ year relationship. He was abused while growing up. My buddy still wants to be loved by a woman because his mommy was a druggy and said all kinds of abusive shit to him (e.g., I wish I had aborted you…you’re stupid…you’re worthless). He was beaten up multiple times in inner city schools and he’s white…gangs beat him up. Girls spit on him and taunted him in school. So, my buddy has major psych issues, including a dependency… Read more »

7 years ago

” Because women are themselves punished by modern society, thanks to the *disadvantages* that their emotional experience presents in the workplace” I don’t see how they are being punished by society.. “The fact that some feminists have caught onto this” Caught on to what? The supposed punishment? Masculine superiority? Biological advantages? ” (an impressively honest admission, since it admits that male success is due to biological advantages)” What is so impressive about recognizing the facts and admiting them when they may play into your own victim status. ” presents an interesting opportunity to find some common understanding based on an… Read more »

7 years ago

decent call.

7 years ago

Decent hell,missed the first two free throws.

7 years ago

Biology and ethics
“For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I’m suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I’m not leaving… maybe I’m going home.’

7 years ago

Q: Why do you have to eat protein?
A: Because you got rid of the protein you already had.

The skeleton you have now (it’s made of protein, not calcium. Compare a fresh chicken bone to a clam shell) is not the same skeleton you had a couple years ago. You are a different man, a, literally, new made man.

And the stuff of the old you is already making its way back to the stars.

7 years ago

stuffinbox, lol not Canada, but definitely a deep-blue state. Regarding your questions — we are just so completely talking past each other here, that I could only respond by repeating what I have already said. But I have to respond to one previous statement of yours: “The bottom line is women and feminists an feminized men have been living on easy street in the modern world for too long already.” I lived with low testosterone for most of my adult life (low, but still higher than women), and the idea that I was “living on easy street” is just totally… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo, Blaximus – oh, good, grief, I’m looking at RooshV’s latest vid at ROK Rollo, chop the URL if you wish. What a rambling, unfocused, pointless waste of my time. “Learn like child” “live doesn’t have to be a job”. Really? If RooshV falls off of a ladder and breaks his arm, is he going to want to have the bones set by a doctor who “just lived”, who didn’t bother to need to read a book, who just learned when he wanted to? Or is he going to want a doctor who went through a rigorous education of… Read more »

7 years ago

Boxcar Again it is good that you got your hormones balanced,my hope for you is that sooner than later you will learn to also discuss things as a man. I honestly never felt like any kind of victim due to an understanding of the red pill or any of Rollos essays. What I am seeing are the negative changes for all of society that have happened in the last 50yrs and what I am reading in Rollo’s work is likely the best explanation I have found. Perhaps with high testosterone and an even higher education under the right parenting you… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Serious question,how are things in Canada?
Fucking cold dude.

7 years ago

@Boxcar who may have previously been known as “Wildman” life is much easier with lots of testosterone. Society did not impose some sort of man-penalty on me. Very much the opposite — I have begun to succeed in every way possible. It’s not fair that men have so much testosterone. Hence, women have to be helped via compliance regulation so that everything is fair and women can succeed as well as men can. Hence, we need affirmative action for women so that women can do as well as men at getting admitted to college and be employed in business. We… Read more »

7 years ago

“Q: Why do you have to eat protein? A: Because you got rid of the protein you already had. The skeleton you have now (it’s made of protein, not calcium. Compare a fresh chicken bone to a clam shell) is not the same skeleton you had a couple years ago. You are a different man, a, literally, new made man.” Collagen, yes. But I’ve read in numerous (relatively reputable, medical journal studies) sources that diets very high in protein are linked to loss in the bone minerals (specifically calcium). The kidneys seem to excrete more calcium with a high protein… Read more »

7 years ago

“You will be required to do wrong no matter where you go. It is the basic condition of life, to be required to violate your own identity. At some time, every creature which lives must do so. It is the ultimate shadow, the defeat of creation; this is the curse at work, the curse that feeds on all life. Everywhere in the universe.” ― Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? “Today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups… So I… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG “The skeleton you have now (it’s made of protein, not calcium. Compare a fresh chicken bone to a clam shell) is not the same skeleton you had a couple years ago. You are a different man, a, literally, new made man.” The skeleton is a fixed type of structure that is not designed to be optimally varied much. The brain, however, as a whole including its various functions, Cognition, emotions and hindbrain autonomic fuctions is designed to vary considerably according to external conditions that might have popped up for humans over the last 60,000 years (out of Africa). Because… Read more »

7 years ago

“Why are people fighting biology by trying to make the workplace more “fair” for women?”

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to raise a family on a single income, even a single middle class income.

But is this wage stagnation due to the surplus of labor from women in the workplace?

7 years ago

“A copy is just an identical image. There is the possibility that a single virus could destroy an entire set of systems and copies do not give rise to variety and originality. Life perpetuates itself through diversity and this includes the ability to sacrifice itself when necessary. Cells repeat the process of degeneration and regeneration until one day they die, obliterating an entire set of memory and information. Only genes remain. Why continually repeat this cycle? Simply to survive by avoiding the weaknesses of an unchanging system.” “It can also be argued that DNA is nothing more than a program… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo, you probably already noticed this, but there is a site called “Red Pill Israel” that links to TRM from time to time. The androsphere continues to expand world wide, that is good news.

7 years ago

“The advent of computers, and the subsequent accumulation of incalculable data has given rise to a new system of memory and thought parallel to your own. Humanity has underestimated the consequences of computerization.” don’t we max out silicon in like ten years? moore’s law holds until then, but then what? I haven’t heard anything about what comes after silicon. but I have heard a ton of people patting themselves on the back about this great technology we have but as I look at all my favorite things in the world I realize they all predate fucking electricity. “So, man is… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Fleezer You are right on target, man. Here is the Afterward of Yuval Harari’s “Sapiens” at the end of a sweeping history of humans. And he doesn’t think humans have the good sense to refrain from technology uber alles. Afterword: The Animal that Became a God SEVENTY THOUSAND YEARS AGO, HOMO sapiens was still an insignificant animal minding its own business in a corner of Africa. In the following millennia it transformed itself into the master of the entire planet and the terror of the ecosystem. Today it stands on the verge of becoming a god, poised to acquire… Read more »

7 years ago

there more “tech” gets shoved in my face, the more I seek out the real physical world.

Adding SCALE (and its issues) to this… the future is bright for investments that deliver privacy, security and natural beauty… all are diminishing resources…

7 years ago

“the future is bright for investments that deliver privacy, security and natural beauty… all are diminishing resources…”

Definitely…but, using what currency?
(more-but-different privacy, security, and natural beauty?)

7 years ago

@ asdgamer What does DPA stand for? Also, I’ll vouch for the effects of abuse, and while I don’t even know what DPA is it sounds like it would be more effective than PUA. It’s easy for guys who don’t have past abuse issues to say PUA is the solution but abused and non-abused people’s brains are wired completely differently. I grew up hearing that I was worthless/annoying/made everyone’s life a living hell/was from the devil/was evil CONSTANTLY. Along with physical abuse and general neglect on a regular basis. On top of that I was bullied at school, and I… Read more »

7 years ago

DPA is the Alpha Triad – dynamic, passionate and authentic.

7 years ago

@ Sentient Thanks. re: technological advances Hypergamy hasn’t changed in women in a few generations, right? How much more would that go for deeply, primitively evolved biological processes related to diet and physical survival? Light exposure, sleep, food, water, physical activity…speaking of shitting in the woods, seated toilets are probably responsible for a large amount of diverticulitis cases today, as well as many other intestinal ailments. Notice how there are no tree stumps neatly carved into the shape of a seated toilet outside. The natural way is to shit with your heels on the ground, a posture that a lot… Read more »

7 years ago

tl;dr = Feminism is like the modern seated toilet. The promise is that it gives everyone the experience of royalty (seated toilets were once reserved for kings and queens), and that it’s a tremendous modern advancement, and something that raises us all above the beasts and peasants. But in reality all you end up with is a pain the ass. In all seriousness (comedy hour’s over, don’t worry), I do see this as equitable. Modern “advancements” that completely ignore hard-wired biology. Emotions and ideals are placed on a pedestal above the reality of evolution and what we are biologically hard-wired… Read more »

7 years ago


Great website. I have read both of your books which are great guides to female mating strategies. Just curious what do you think the difference is between mate switching (i.e., monkey branching) and securing good genes (i.e., alpha fucks/beta bucks) in the short-term mating arena? You may have mentioned it before. Just seeing what your take is on how to spot it in real life.


7 years ago

Softek Everyday i come across more and more people who are getting off the sugar and debt fueled lifestyle… whether by their consumer choices, how they spend their free time, wat they eat or how they are educating their children. and this is in a very urban area… not off in the hills. Shared a table in a crowded cafe with a early 20’s guy. interesting he is a UVA grad, with a Psychology degree and he is now going to HVAC school because he realizes he enjoys working with his hands and the economic prospects are better… bought his… Read more »

7 years ago

@ AR Watched the Roosh video. I disagree with what The Great Straw Grasper had to say ( surprise!!). He’s equating, for the most part, self improvement with material stuff and the acquisition of sex. The nonsense he spouted about ” there is nothing wrong with you..” showed that he marched down a path or confusion rather than the one of understanding. In fact, he doesn’t even really get what self improvement is. I laugh up his sleeve at the notion that improvement is something that takes up a lot of your time and makes one miss out on life,… Read more »

7 years ago

But is this wage stagnation due to the surplus of labor from women in the workplace?

My guess is, yes. Initially. Now? A shit ton of factors not the least of which is technology.

Don’t see any practical solutions to it either. Yeah we could change a right fair bit and improve the current situation but long term is a different critter

7 years ago

@theasdgamer I have no idea who “Wildman” is, but I am assuming that the comparison is not a compliment. You raise a good point about affirmative action — it is absurd that the government awards contracts based on gender. But in the free market… hey, let the companies that care about gender equalism compete with those that don’t. The end result is that men frequently out-compete women, and it seems like we at least agree on that point. I agree with Rollo’s goal here — male traits should be described objectively, not disparaged simply because they are male. But he… Read more »

7 years ago

@SFC Ton: “Don’t see any practical solutions to it either.”

Both theory and the historical record suggest a ride of the the Horsemen, with a heavy emphasis on a shit ton of Death.

Practical ain’t always pleasant.

7 years ago

@Softek December 15, 2016 at 11:11 am It’s very counterintuitive to me to be assertive, because my baseline is “I don’t deserve anything good from anyone,” which also makes business a huge struggle. I’m having a very hard time being assertive with customers who are ripping me off and trying to get out of paying me for my work. Anyway…it’s easy to fall in love with your problems. It’s very hard not to identify with the idea of being a victim of abuse once you know it happened to you. Red Pill helped me a LOT with that, though, and… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo “Against boredom the gods themselves fight in vain.” I see what you did there Rollo. I bet you feel like Nietzsche sometimes in relation to how some people take The Red Pill. Like when he wrote in the preface to The Antichrist back in 1988: “The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me— I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops— and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

Bet Nietzsche isn’t bored now.

7 years ago

comment image

“What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more’ … Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: ‘You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

7 years ago

Rollo, thanks for responding. I know what you are talking about, but Freshman orientation at Colleges and Universities just does not reflect the reality of the society that we live in. Of course men need to be aware of PC ideology, but that also means being aware of when it does not apply. This seems like a key part of RP teaching: Despite what society tells itself, women want men to act like men, etc. So it seems like a major disconnect when you describe this ideology as being way more controlling than it actually is. That applies to work… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus on recent RooshV vid: He’s equating, for the most part, self improvement with material stuff and the acquisition of sex. The nonsense he spouted about ” there is nothing wrong with you..” showed that he marched down a path or confusion rather than the one of understanding. Yeah, exactly. He’s totally off in the weeds now. I wonder about his physical health. To be trite, does he even lift? Can’t see how this latest vid does anything for his franchise. It’s just mush. So what is the deal in the larger picture? Athol Kay had a heck of a… Read more »

7 years ago

“There is a real opportunity to change unfair perceptions about masculinity, but that will never happen if we don’t offer a fuller and more objective description of reality.”

7 years ago

@ AR Most people can’t truly swing ” teaching ” over an extended period of time. Take Roosh, he had a certain viewpoint of life and then he decided to concentrate on pickup(?) and Banging women. That’s a specific niche that if a man solely puts the bulk of his efforts into, he will indeed become competent at Banging women. But because it all comes from an analytical place, there will be no joy in mudville eventually. It’s all a bit too contrived and unnatural, but he doesn’t really consider this….until much later. Now there he is. A partially developed… Read more »

7 years ago

Roosh started out telling the truth about a lie,then he started believing it himself,then went public with the bullshit. The public didn’t buy it,sending him back under into hiding,now he can’t admit to himself or anyone else the facts,without giving up the fame he has lost but cant let go of. Many a man has had and lost then tried to figure out how to get it back. Really the best choice is to move on,sure some spiritual growth is good and the beard is a cosmetic improvement for some,but saying self improvement is a sham is like saying I… Read more »

7 years ago

@ SJF It’s going okay. The hardest part by far is applying the concepts in real life. I feel a lot better right now by the way after working out and getting back on board with some nutrition stuff. I make a lot of different fermented foods and am pretty convinced of the positive effect that those bacteria/yeast have on mood and energy, especially over a period of time. I was feeling really down, anxious and depressed and I just figured I’d go do a workout on the gymnastic rings and make some food. It’s good to have go-to things… Read more »

7 years ago

@Boxcar You self admittedly are not familiar with Rollo’s essay work. If you click on the sidebar link to The Feminine Imperative and click back to 2011 on older posts, you will see that the bigger picture that Rollo speaks of doesn’t just apply to workplace issues and emotions. It is about all of life in society and the handicaps for women against men. Once again, we are not whining here, just observing objective things. Here is the sidebar link. There are 25 pages of essays that cover the wider picture. Not just the work space issues. Men do have… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@Boxcar But he exaggerates feminine dominance of society to an absurd degree. He’s practically holding back. It would be worth it to take SJF’s advice if you haven’t read many of the essays yet. Your comments remind me of me when I was just starting to “get it”. I no longer think the FI is overblown. If you can absorb the information with an open mind, you will start to see it play out clearly; all around you everyday, and retroactively in your own past. Many men here have overcome it for themselves on a local level, because they are… Read more »

7 years ago

“Many men here have overcome it for themselves on a local level…. ; but on a societal level the influence of feminine imperative can hardly be exaggerated.” Thanks Lost Patrol, you fixed it for me. I found it odd after I hit post comment that I said we weren’t whining (or winning for that matter) here. I meant on a local level. In our own individual bottoms-up approach to red pill Power and Frame, while the top down Societal framework of The Feminine Imperative via Feminine Social Conventions has done won their Frame battle. Frame is not power. From the… Read more »

7 years ago

@ stuffinbox Speaking strictly about Roosh, I’ve known a couple of people that were similar to him during my life. The way I see it, some people just kind of Sit their way through the first portion of life. Not really trying to explore who they are, what they want, and learning what they have to do to get whatever it is that they need and growing through that process – emphasis on the ” Growing ” part. Then all of a sudden, they try to do 10 or 20 years worth of ” figuring it all out ” in… Read more »

7 years ago

….which reminds me, I better renew my CDL because you never know.

7 years ago

So, RSD is breaking down female phycology now? ( I’ll refrain from linking, but it’s up on youtube as ” The Truth About Women “.)

7 years ago


“So, RSD is breaking down female physcology now? ( I’ll refrain from linking, but it’s up on youtube as ” The Truth About Women “.)”

Yeah that vid is a fail

comment image

7 years ago

“That dumb beard tho…”

. . . is a trapping of his lean toward Eastern Orthodox:

7 years ago

Roosh V, A Sky Pilot with no heading,get a fuul set of his random insights today.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

That beard

. . . is a trapping of his lean toward Eastern Orthodox:


Or maybe Rumi.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago
7 years ago

SJF & Lost Patrol — Thank you for the helpful responses. I am still working through Rollo’s stuff, but I will be sure to check out those links. I have never felt the urge to put a ring on someone’s finger, so maybe this is not as personal for me. But you don’t need RP to see that marriage is a huge risk, regardless of what you may think or feel about it at the time. I get that society encourages women to maximize their sexual strategy in a way that it does not for men. This contributes to dissatisfaction… Read more »

7 years ago

@Softek – I like to pickle (ferment) cabbage/nappa/bok choy with turnip chunks, radishes, hot peppers and tons of garlic. When preparing vegetables means just pulling them out of a bubbling vat in the corner of your basement — that’s pure culinary bad-ass (and all that stuff about a healthy gut, yadda yadda). I am convinced that getting sleep, diet and exercise right (in a moderate and balanced way), enhances our masculinity in a profound way. I say this based on how I feel (simultaneously relaxed and assertive) but there is also research that shows that growth hormone, IGF-1 and insulin… Read more »

7 years ago

“I like to pickle (ferment) cabbage/nappa/bok choy with turnip chunks, radishes, hot peppers and tons of garlic.”

There’s a word for that.

” . . . a bubbling vat in the corner of your basement . . .”

A reason why the people who came up with the word used to bury the vats.

7 years ago

@Boxcar The urge to not put a ring on someone’s finger post 2016 and seeing marriage is a huge risk is good health objective red pill thinking. An no you are not as invested as some of us. And you are taking Rollo out of context. Some of us did that 26 years ago (and still married to women that have a huge Societal Feminine Imperative tailwind filling their sails) and some of us have 22 year old sons. Violence crime or violence for men is weak frame. Masculine men should avoid it at all costs even if the impulse… Read more »

7 years ago

““I like to pickle (ferment) cabbage/nappa/bok choy with turnip chunks, radishes, hot peppers and tons of garlic.”

There’s a word for that.


7 years ago

After sleeping on it,I am beginning to see a Jonesvillesque correlation in the whatif rsd maintained popularity while going roosh.

It may wind up like this rsd video.


7 years ago

“So, RSD is breaking down female physcology now? ( I’ll refrain from linking, but it’s up on youtube as ” The Truth About Women.” Y’all older guys are watching more RSD than us now 😉 They’ve been talking about it and breaking it down the entire time. Do you think they can deconstruct and backwards engineer this shit without any knowledge of female pshych? Like, PUA is literally knowing how she will react to certain things (female psych) and using that knowledge to direct (leading) the interaction where you want. The difference is in the depth of that understanding. They… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax

Full video title is this, right?

“The Truth About Women – Attraction, Social Conditioning and The Female Mind”

Watched about 5 minutes and after not seeing any references to TRM while talking about theories originally put forth on TRM:

comment image

7 years ago

“A reason why the people who came up with the word used to bury the vats.”
In the ROK, the landlord who lived under my apartment made kimchi and used his bathtub for the “harvest”.
If one ever wanted to recreate the smell of central London in the summer of 1858
that was probably a pretty close approximation.

7 years ago

@ Boxcar Nice. I haven’t made sauerkraut in a while but am going to again soon. Saurreuben is another good one. Same exact thing, except with turnips. I actually like that even more. Not to mention indole-3-carbinol and its anti-estrogen effects, and its high concentration in cruciferous vegetables….which is elevated even more during fermentation. It’s one of the main reasons I started doing ferments and reading this makes me want to get back into it again: ——- A systematic investigation was carried out on the influence of fermentation on glucosinolates and their degradation products from fresh raw cabbage, throughout… Read more »

7 years ago

re: OP “Testosterone is well known to stimulate feelings of aggression and sexual arousal, but did you know that the chemical make up of testosterone is actually an inhibitor of the chemicals that prompt sadness and crying?” At my most depressed and anxious I was crying regularly. I’m convinced that I have some hormonal issues, judging by my sensitivity to things like lack of sleep, not eating on time, or being mildly stressed out. My tolerance for mild to moderate stressors is very low. I do my best to counteract all this but I know it’s not normal and if… Read more »

7 years ago


“And that was back in 2006. Half a decade beyond and I’m sure levels are falling even more.”

*a decade beyond

Brain got scrambled. 20 years, 2 decades, half a 2 decades….just finished my coffee, I’ll be OK.

7 years ago

“Against boredom the gods themselves fight in vain.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

High testosterone, Blue Pill invested guys….that would make sense. They have the energy and drive and AMOG the shit out of everyone but it’s from a Blue Pill perspective. I have known a few men like this. Cops, military or ex-military can wind up in this trap. One of the most Dynamic, Passionate and Authentic men I know is completely wrapped around his wife’s little finger. He pedestalizes her, caters to her every whim, and if she ever leaves him I’m afraid he’d very likely kill himself shortly afterwards. Because he’s a romantic who can recite 19th century poetry and… Read more »

7 years ago


This is why Sentient’s D P A may be necessary, but it is not sufficient.

Gotta AMOG White Knights and be able to persuade them that pedestalizing women is a bad idea…they likely buy into chivalry towards women and you have to be able to persuade them that it was never considered chivalrous to defend the honor of whores and sluts…which leads to discussions of Hypergamy and the Madonna-Whore Fallacy.

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader “One of the most Dynamic, Passionate and Authentic men I know is completely wrapped around his wife’s little finger. He pedestalizes her, caters to her every whim, and if she ever leaves him I’m afraid he’d very likely kill himself shortly afterwards. Because he’s a romantic who can recite 19th century poetry and some Shakespeare, in a Dynamic, Passionate & Authentic manner. He’s a good amateur actor…” So the guy has a more feminine nature and his wife has a more masculine nature (right?). That can still work. How is his sexual strategy working out for him? What’s… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader Either I have a short memory or Rollo posts a hell of a lot of essays. He covered the idea peripherally in his Blue Pill Alpha essay recently: When I watched how the Marvel writers (ed. in the Daredevil series) handled the character of Wilson Fisk I got chills because I have personally counseled Blue Pill, but predominantly Alpha, guys who’ve stabbed the new boyfriends of their ex-girlfriends because he was perceived as the catalyst to the destruction of his Blue Pill ideal – union with his ONEitis girlfriend. I’m emphasizing this because I think it’s important… Read more »

7 years ago

“Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)?” I keep getting in trouble with this. I lose people who matter when i bring this up in a context to help them with. I want to lead not manipulate. But so far I’ve gotten in more trouble and been through more pain than just observing. Reading a… Read more »

7 years ago

You can only WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to RP awareness if they have a desire and go along willingly.

WK’s, Betas, and Blue Pill men essentially present themselves as a shit test to Red Pill vested men. And as Rollo has said: it is not about passing a shit test per se, shit tests should be used to your advantage with you in your Frame, however that may play out.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo @ASD & AR, all, Question: Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)? Sheaaaah….my first inclination is always to try to help other men. I was once betaized pretty badly, don’t want other men to suffer in that pit. Especially 20-something men who need all the building up that they can be given, and sometimes… Read more »

7 years ago

“Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)?” The Adult Experience Adults who have experienced early trauma are engaged in a lifelong struggle to manage their high levels of arousal. They struggle with dissociative responses that disconnect them from their body, with the vulnerability of ruptured boundaries, and with the dysregulation that accompanies such struggles.Individuals with… Read more »

7 years ago

“Sheaaaah….my first inclination is always to try to help other men.” Keep in mind that when you start talking about Fight Club (Red Pill Awareness and Game), your buddies will always default to distilled Game tactics quickly. Why? Because it is more seductive, immediate and more desirable. (It is also concrete and tangible with fast benefits.) And thanks to PUA tactics that have been distilled very well since Project Hollywood, it is relatively easy at first. It is very prescriptive. I’ve seen the dynamite go boom in their face more than I care to (but only twice actually). Red Pill… Read more »

7 years ago

“Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)?” Well intended or accepted with honesty… Embracing the agony and the terror of taking away everything your told is the way of life must be replaced with something else Immediate Otherwise you revert back to old familiar ways. Is it better to help someone halfway or… Read more »

7 years ago

White knights always back down. Sure they might be pissed you’re banging the 20 year old hottie and not them but they always back down. Always

7 years ago

“Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)?” I first always try to help and don’t like to repeat myself,some guys don’t want to get it they want me to get it.I dont suffer fools gladly. As for using people,as that goes,I have to work for some WK,Beta,Blue pill men and quite often single feminist women.And… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

…Wild making the rounds, huh?

7 years ago

And continuing to win friends and influence people wherever he goes.

7 years ago

@ Rollo Whether or not I help a WK or beta dude depends on 2 things: 1) How I happen to be feeling that day 2) If the guy is open to hearing, or if he’s a jerk. I work in very close proximity to 2 super Knights. Both are like the Ironman of betas. Over the years I have not been able to impart any knowledge to either. ! of them in particular really gets under my skin with his pronouncements. So whenever I can, I will say unspeakable things to females in his presence and laugh as he… Read more »

7 years ago

Thanks for the link kfg.

Looks as if wild man is even more unhinged than usual,more so than Boxcar seems.

7 years ago

@Rollo @ASD & AR, all, Question: Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)? It’s generally to all men’s advantage that RP awareness spreads. As RP awareness spreads, men will generally see an increase in their status and men will get laid more often, generally. There’s nothing to prevent men from using RP solely for their… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@ASD & AR, all, Question: Should it be a RP aware man’s attitude that he ought to help WK’s, Betas, Blue Pill men to become RP aware (however well it’s intended or accepted) or should a RP aware guy use BP men as useful tools to improve his Game and/or quality of life (outside of intrasexual contexts)? I agree with the consensus so far, which sounds like BOTH. If you are RP aware, there are some men you will want to help due to close personal association, you like him, or you’ve just decided he’s worthy for whatever reason. There… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus If a guy looks like he really could use some words of wisdom, I am down for the cause. It’s been my experience though, that the lion’s share of these guys will never listen under normal circumstances. Anonymous Age 60-something used to observee over at Spearhead that a lot of men in his age group would simply not listen to any advice until they’d been frivorced, and a lot of them stayed in denial for months after that. Some people just won’t learn, not even the hard way. It’s been a real challenge to me over the years to… Read more »

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