Just Shut the Hell Up

Hello, I’m author Rollo Tomassi.

As one of the 3 ‘R’s of the manosphere, it’s important for me to encourage more men to unplug from the Matrix that is our present feminine-primary social order, but equally important is encouraging more women to sometimes just shut the hell up.

It’s not that men don’t value your thoughts (unsolicited, they often prove our points), it’s just that we don’t value all of them.

The world doesn’t need your opinion on everything. For example, what men should do with their provisioning and catering their lives by ‘Manning Up’ to fit your overblown sense of entitlement after you’ve exhausted your prime fertility window on the Bad Boys and criminals in your 20s. Hush!

Your contrived cries of sexism over the sexiness of who the next popular video game protagonist should be. Zip it!

Whether or not the color of your foundation is called “Sunset Earth” or “Neutral Beige”. Shut Up!

So as a public service I’ve made the following list of things men no longer need to hear women’s opinions on. Please take a moment away from Instagram to jot these down:

  • 50 Shades of Grey
  • Yoga pants
  • The thoroughly disproven 77¢ on the dollar ‘Wage Gap’ lie
  • Giggling about ‘Dad Bods’ being “sexy”
  • Your confusion about where all the good men have gone
  • Fat Acceptance
  • Red Pill Truths
  • ‘Designer cupcakes’ and hand-baked dog treats being examples of ‘female entrepreneurship’
  • Christian patriarchy in an age of feminine assimilation of religion
  • Any sentence that begins with, “As a woman I,…”
  • Pleas for men’s aid in advancing your feminist ideals at the United Nations after claiming not to ‘need’ men
  • Any form of flavored martinis (or boxed wine)
  • 50 Shades of Grey (again)
  • Whether or not your feminine responsibility to engage in traditional Holiday ‘cheer’ is un-feminist
  • And the complete lack of ethics in all forms of journalism

If you can control yourselves and hold back from further expressing your opinions on any of these topics we’ll let you keep weighing in (uh, heh) on important topics like blow job techniques and pole dancing classes for housewives in shape enough to pull it off.

But that’s a huge, big “if”.

Thanks, so much.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@Forge: “The Choir: It seems like you’re dealing with deeper shit than women here, bro.” When he was going through his crisis in youth, he inflicted pain on himself, perhaps even injury. I’m guessing he was a puncher, not a cutter. Although there were a few reasons for this, the most salient one was that pain validated his existence. After all, if there was pain, someone must be feeling it. “kfg: There is no try.” OK, I giggled. @Wild Man: “you can’t empathize?” No. I can synthesize my experience and observations and sympathize, but I cannot empathize. ” I have… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Wild Man It can be terrifying to find a new target for your instincts. You don’t know clearly what they might do. I’ve felt that. But there are options other than egalitarianism and violence. I intuit you have a pathology you don’t know the source of, which your current ego investments are keeping under control. Find its source, resolve it, and you will be free to investigate new paradigms. It is not natural for a man to be unreflexively violent, as you perceive you would be without your ideological chains. As to your comment to me, it borders on non-sequitor.… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – “Individually life is a messy and cruel affair, but together as adversaries they make the other a better version of itself.”

Yes – they really are collaborators. When you see this with humans – it humbles you, it makes you love everybody. It makes you love your enemy too. Everybody is just doing the best they can. Somebody like me has a desire to make people aware of that. I guess I’m not doing a very good job.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

Well kfg beat me to it, if you’d like the ‘1/4 as many words’ version. I need to bust out my old Strunk and White, damn.

“Ok, I giggled.”

Lol fucking finally.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – “Complementarity can be cruel depending on the circumstance, but it’s been the dynamic that’s made us a better species.” If you mean that of the sexual selection aspect of humanity, yes, I think that is correct. “Egalitarianism only leads to homogeny, stagnation and extinction.”, – if you mean that for sexual selection aspect of humanity, then, yes, as the correlate of the above, correct. “Egalitarianism only leads to homogeny, stagnation and extinction.”, – if by this you also mean the survival selection aspect of humanity – you are wrong. Because the egalitarian is the golden key for humanity’s… Read more »

8 years ago

Q. E. Motherfucking D., Mr. Kurtz.

8 years ago

I hear a lot from Americans about Europeans deserving this and that for voting for something or other. And than I find out the Americans elected that thing for a senator? You must be kidding.

8 years ago

Oh, yeah, forgot to comment about something Gregg said–that doing emotional manipulation is feminine. Is leadership a masculine or feminine quality? Masculine. Do the best leaders manipulate their subjects? Macchiavelli answered that question–the answer is “yes”. Manipulation is typically based on emotions. Sure, women manipulate men’s emotions as a shit test. And women manipulate the emotions of other women in order to dominate them. It’s practice so that they can shit test men.

So, Gregg is wrong to accuse men of acting feminine just because they manipulate women’s emotions.

8 years ago

“Because the egalitarian is the golden key for humanity’s sublime future. Humanity is not the same as the rest of nature in this respect. We have superseded survival selection pressures, as our own agency now allows for work arounds.” @WildMan ????? You can’t just “work around” millions of years of evolution. From a birds eye level yeah I guess we are equal, but that doesn’t mean anything. Functionally when you’re talking about actual relationships there’s an unequal complimentary dynamic. Are you talking about some sort of Star Trek future where everything is so abundant that there’s no crime or wars… Read more »

8 years ago


“I hear a lot from Americans about Europeans deserving this and that for voting for something or other. And than I find out the Americans elected that thing for a senator? You must be kidding.”

I hate that line of thinking. Solidarity should be the order of the day. It calls to mind Ben Franklin’s line about how we must hang together or we will all most assuredly hang separately.

8 years ago

Women compete with each other. Men compete with each other. Women shit test men. Men shiv test women. Crime. Kinship and race-based movements abound.

None of that is going away any time soon, even if we all sing Kumbaya. There will be some cooperation and synthesis, but that will be partial and will be an inducement to be manipulated and used.

8 years ago

“Sophisticated people sneer at feel-good comedies and saccharine romances in which all loose ends are tied and everyone lives happily ever after. Life is nothing like that, we note, and we look to the arts for edification about the painful dilemmas of the human condition. Yet when it comes to the science of human beings, this same audience says: Give us schmaltz!” – Steven Pinker

8 years ago

@ Dutchman

Dude, referencing Pinker, with his Evo-Psych is just gonna be so persuasive with me, lol. Not. “Science”, lol.

“How the Laws of Physics Lie” is a philosophical examination of experimental physics, arguably the discipline for which we have the most confidence because of its rigor and our ability to control the experimental conditions. Cartwright demolishes that confidence.

If experimental physics lacks confidence, how much more Evo-Psych!

NB: Cartwright’s book is very heavy duty. Lots of math and physics. You pretty much have to be a physicist to understand it.


8 years ago

Pinker’s statement lines up really well with your statement about signing Kumbaya in hopes that it will lead to a situation where feminist egalitarianism really is realized and hypergamy actually does care.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


Wild Man miiight be trying to sneak some transhumanism in through the back door. Which, I mean, fine. But why not come out and say as much.


Good quote. I don’t mind idealistic art, it can be aspirational. Or at least good fun. But idealistic science is a magnifying glass upon human weakness.

8 years ago

Asdgamer……..dude…..check yourself. On every board you comment you come off like a spaz.

And nobody wants advice from a spaz.

8 years ago

@ Dutchman Pinker’s statement lines up really well with your statement about signing [sic] Kumbaya in hopes that it will lead to a situation where feminist egalitarianism really is realized and hypergamy actually does care. Sure. Still, it implies that we can somehow do science better when it comes to human beings and I have no confidence that we can actually do that. Rollo’s work is mostly art, with a little econ thrown in. Rollo’s work is helpful, but we must still examine it carefully. We need more data points and less preaching to the choir. We need some alternative… Read more »

8 years ago

@ annoying

Asdgamer……..dude…..check yourself. On every board you comment you come off like a spaz.

And nobody wants advice from a spaz.

Not sure if you’re talking about tone or ideas. You might take a bit to let my ideas percolate. Read, take a break, then come back and read again. If I’m not connecting the dots, then maybe I need to develop my ideas more in my comments.

We have to be careful about calling ideas “spastic”. The Red Pill seems “spastic” to Blue Pillers, for example.

One does what one can.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

Best line from that survivor flick.

“I’m doing a selfie know because you really need to know how I’m feeling”

Solipsism at its best.

8 years ago

A vote of confidence and social proof here for Asdgamer from me. Who’s Geez?

He’s concise, he’s fun, he endorses red pill and game. He’s older and wiser and married, been there and done a few things. He’s also putting himself out there one his edge while still employing Law #30.

You can always scroll down past, but I don’t find the need.

8 years ago

@ASD: You are daring what he (and others before) don’t dare. Of course it’s threating to them.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

One of the markers of blue-pill blindness is an obsession with what ought to be, rather than what is. “Women and men ought to be as I believe them to be! Why aren’t women the way they ought to be?” Walls of text can be indicators of unclear thinking. An idea that is clear in the mind of the writer can be expressed in a simple, direct fashion, such as “women are not men with boobs, men are not inferior women; the blank slate is bullshit”. Or “Sexual dimporphism and hidden estrus are the reason for women’s superior subcommunication skills”.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Because the egalitarian is the golden key for humanity’s sublime future. First question: Why? Seriously, why is your pet fantasy a golden key to anything? Do you truly not get that egalitarianism in practice led to some of the bloodiest, ghastliest, disasters of the 20th century? Second question: what predictive ability is gained by embracing egalitarianism? Second stage feminism made a lot of predictions about how life would be once feminism was firmly in place. Have any of them come true? A way of thinking that leads to a man raging against reality in sheer frustration would appear to be… Read more »

8 years ago

@ASD which particular bit of hard sciences do you think “lacks confidence”? The reviews of that book on Amazon indicate that most real world situations are complex to describe from “first principles”. That doesn’t mean the first principles lack confidence: controlled experiments have proven many of those laws, and higher level “laws” derived from those first principles can be trusted and remain very useful.

Newtonian gravitation is superseded by relativity, but you don’t need relativity to build bridges (you do need it to have accurate GPS).

I don’t want to get into the soft sciences…

8 years ago

I find Wildman’s solipsistic ramblings to be curious. What does he think he’s imparting to us? Some imagined dichotomy that reveals an ontological truth he doesn’t bother to define? @Wildman – While I’m in no way overwhelmed by your use of language, you are intentionally obtuse and obscurantist, and flirt with pseudo-intellectuality. Even more grating yet is then positing that this dyad of nonsense is the ineluctable result of your existential crisis. That by adopting egalitarianism as a basic point of view you avoided insanity and violent impulses you possess uniquely, but have valiantly restrained. Fyi, I cosign KFG’s lack… Read more »

bob bitchin
bob bitchin
8 years ago

In nearly 50 years on this planet I’ve met a handful of women that I would be willing to listen to wjho could discuss foreign policy, economics, etc.
IMho women were better off in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant and under the thumb of someone with a brain ( a man ). The pandoras box has been opened and our civilization is in decline. Just watch to see how badly hillary fucks up america. It’s all downhill from here folks.

8 years ago

Are we really going to argue free will and biological determinism here? In this place? This entire space is about understanding how we are at the effect of ineffable forces we are only beginning to understand. I’m re-reading Edward O Wilson’s The Social Conquest of Earth. For a good part of the early going he describes how inclusive selection and Kin selection are actually inadequate models for explaining uSociality as observed in ants and humans – and very few other species. We are just starting to crack how group selection works, and when this additional layer of selection is added… Read more »

8 years ago

More for cunts to shut up about…Fuck hell!


8 years ago

Thanks for the votes of confidence, @SJF and @lh. Geez is probably some young skull-full-of-mush. I’m sure he has a bright future. lol @IAS, Rollo If you look at Cartwright’s simple conclusion, then all that experimental physics results prove is that they are really just special cases and can’t be applied outside the lab and in certain special real life cases. We are like blind men trying to describe an elephant. We know much less than we think we do. Cartwright is very clever and duplicitous in her mental workings like any broad. Fun to read for me. The take… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

What’s very clear is that rationality is often nothing of the sort and that how human’s make choices and decisions is not well understood.

“Man is not a rational animal. Man is a rationalizing animal”.

– Robert A. Heinlein via the character “Lazurus Long”

8 years ago

@Koboyashi – Disgusting. The reaction is just so precious, she can’t believe that people are disgusted by her thinking about using the detritus of her yeast infection as the starter for sourdough bread. As though it’s just some whacky idea – not an intentionally politicized radfem-cunt social media stunt. Like everyone thinks about smearing the sebaceous ooze of a festering vaginal yeast infection into bread dough. Sure, yeah, why not. But the problem in society is me and all white men. Not fucked up, headcase cunts running around smearing their infectious oooze into bread dough and then complaining that the… Read more »

8 years ago

But scribbler, don’t you see her body is producing life? The goddess! Watch in awe. It seems this one can’t do better.

8 years ago

@ASD: without having read the book I can’t say, but I think “duplicitous” seems like an accurate description of it, and some of the reviews on Amazon called her on it. Fairly basic Physics, and neglecting those small effects, can still describe and better than that, predict things pretty well. Of course Physics needs to be reverse engineering from Nature, that is basically what the word means in Greek. I’m not sure I will convince anyone but I’ll try once more. Real situations get very complicated, very fast. There will be many small effects, some of which are hard to… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribblerg: flip the script and imagine how badly it would go down (pun intended).

Apologies in advance for exposing you guys to this (which is still not quite as bad as the yeast thing)


8 years ago

“As regards physics theory, there are some problems where it seems that both Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity cannot be true. Hence no Grand Unified Theory.”

I’m also a QM skeptic. But then again so was Einstein.

Here’s one GUT:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Oh, and by the way: mouthy “shut up, men” Claire in the vid at the top of this posting is a 2nd stage feminist, and she’s surely all about teh equalitarianism…

8 years ago

@ IAS “duplicitous” seems like an accurate description of it, and some of the reviews on Amazon called her on it. Better to read what the Philosophers of Physics wrote about the book. It’s a milestone in the field. Cartwright is well-respected and this is her best stuff. It made me think. Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science is an excellent collection of thought-provoking essays on Cartwright’s many and varied contributions to philosophy of science. Cartwright is without doubt one of the most influential philosophers of science writing today and a volume like the present one has long been overdue. Her… Read more »

8 years ago


The problem with getting a quantum mechanical version of the general relativity is an issue, but for the foreseeable future it is a complete non-issue for anyone that cares more for engineering than physics.

You have just expressed a couple of key statements by Cartwright.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Andy … that’s pure cold-fusion-based bullshit. “BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills’ assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state. Mills calls these hypothetical hydrogen atoms that are in an energy state below ground level, “hydrinos”.[1] Mills self-published a closely related book, The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics and has co-authored articles on claimed hydrino-related phenomena.” We need alternatives for… Read more »

8 years ago

“Physics is useful, but we must hold onto a skepticism about confidence claims for Physics.” If you push it hard enough, it will fall over. It is, however, a principle of science that all confidence claims be held onto with a certain scepticism. Science isn’t a dogma. Yet it works well enough that you are here by applied physics that would not have been discovered by tinkering in the shed. Quantum Mechanics was necessary for the engineers to work with. The fact that it is engineering that gives us “stuff,” not physics, which only gives us ideas, is a tautology.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Andy: “Here’s one GUT”

May I interest you in investing in my Reactionless Drive?:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionless_drive

8 years ago

“We need alternatives for QM as it’s an imperfect model in need of revision or replacement, but crackpots peddling yet another fake technology intended to steal gullible VC dollars are not where it’s going to come from.” That’s the ONLY way it will ever happen. You have to realize that. It’s a religion. If you don’t believe that the cat can be dead and alive at the same time then you aren’t a believer. They weed out rational thinkers in the second year of undergrad. You cannot get a man to understand something when his salary (and life’s work) depend… Read more »

8 years ago

“May I interest you in investing in my Reactionless Drive?”


Hey man, don’t judge until you’ve actually looked into it.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Andy That’s the ONLY way it will ever happen Yeah, and Deepak Chopra is the only guy who’ll have the cure for cancer, just give him time. It’s a religion Bullshit. It’s gotten results. Praying has never made a multicore processor at a 15nm process a reality, but engineering processes based on QM have. There’s your stark contrast between religion and science. Science, while acknowledging its imperfection, usually gets intended results. Religion, while claiming its perfection, almost always fails to deliver the intended results. Good physicists and engineers are the first ones to complain about QM’s failings, but they’re also… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Hell if I’m being real, complaining about the tools you have is half of being a good engineer. The other half is making them suck a little bit less.

That’s the complete opposite of a religion.

8 years ago

@Andy: you are making some massive generalizations there. Given that this is Red Pill, we can joke about having a Schrodinger’s baby setup where you don’t know if a kid is yours or another guy until the paternity test. No one that actually understands Quantum Mechanics actually thinks a cat or any macroscopic system can be in a quantum superposition. This is just popular media or philosophers talking about the science that propagate this silly notion. Quantum superposition does occur though, it was tested many times in the lab and scientists try to push up on the size of the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Andy: Life is short, while crackpots and conmen are plenty. I do not have time to look into every con out there. Some, however, can be practically looked into in a matter of minutes. I have looked into BlackLight Power and the shoe is now on his foot. He has a “theory,” now all he need do is demonstrate the practical reality behind that theory, a hydrogen atom with below ground state energy. In the meantime there is nothing further for me to see and I can safely turn my attention (and money) elsewhere. Were I a conman I could… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@Andy “You cannot get a man to understand something when his salary (and life’s work) depend upon him not understanding it.” http://cyj.me/2008/pdf/philosophy_time_travel.pdf Many beat ideals die that way and some service while some observations get destroyed by the offended. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pillaOxGCo Imagination should be used, not to escape reality but to create it. The worst crimes are not committed by evil degenerates, but by decent and intelligent people taking ‘pragmatic’ decisions. These men are in prison: that is the Outsider’s verdict. They are quite contented in prison—caged animals who have never known freedom; but it is prison all the same. And… Read more »

8 years ago

To put what I’m trying to get across in RP terminology, it seems to me that Cartwright’s apparent dismissal of current scientific knowledge is akin to a woman or a Blue Pill man criticizing some general RP truth with “NAWALT” because each person is so complicated and we are all special snowflakes. Although sometimes the small effects of the individual woman’s personality can’t be neglected… No, Cartwright’s arguing that you can’t study a man and apply your knowledge to a woman or to a frog or to an eagle…imperfect analogy. Cartwright is arguing against foundationalism aka fundamentalism. Cartwright isn’t dismissing… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

When anyone wants everyone else or a large portion of everyone else to “just shut the hell up”…… always consider their motives for doing so. When the voices of any portion of the community bothers a particular person, always consider that persons agenda. Such people always have somthing to hide or hide from. Consider the following taken from Wikipedia to be the tip of the iceberg concerning Senator McCaskills hidden agendas…. From Wikipedia – On March 16, 2011, McCaskill told reporters that she was “embarrassed” about revelations that her office had used taxpayer money for the senator’s use of a… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago


Adsgamer Dread dancing and women are dying to dance with him

8 years ago

@Andy “That’s the ONLY way it will ever happen. You have to realize that. It’s a religion. If you don’t believe that the cat can be dead and alive at the same time then you aren’t a believer. They weed out rational thinkers in the second year of undergrad. ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance#Argument_from_incredulity.2FLack_of_imagination Arguments from incredulity take the form: —–P is too incredible (or: I cannot imagine how P could possibly be true); therefore P must be false. I cannot imagine how P could possibly be false; therefore P must be true. These arguments are similar to arguments from ignorance in that… Read more »

8 years ago

“I’m pretty sure the most spiritual descendants of the people of Nagasaki and Hiroshima believe in the concreteness of physics.”

Hehe…Damn! Couldn’t have said it better.

8 years ago

@Scribblerg: It’s bat shit neuroses of the highest order!
@lh: This really is what can be summed up as the “successes” of feminism!

To my fellow RMers…You need to watch South Park this season, as Sun said! Effing brilliant fam!

8 years ago
keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

The Party is such a great Sellers movie, full of little truth nuggets.

8 years ago

Like all rich white women, this cow needs to shut up about every bloody thing under the sun. Someone so privileged is highly unlikely to say anything that isn’t self-serving.

8 years ago

@Andy “We need alternatives for QM as it’s an imperfect model in need of revision or replacement, but crackpots peddling yet another fake technology intended to steal gullible VC dollars are not where it’s going to come from.” That’s the ONLY way it will ever happen. You have to realize that. It’s a religion. If you don’t believe that the cat can be dead and alive at the same time then you aren’t a believer. They weed out rational thinkers in the second year of undergrad. You cannot get a man to understand something when his salary (and life’s work)… Read more »

8 years ago

FR: despite being sick of playing, went to local dive for nightcap. Had to get out. Scene is kinda lame for Sat night. Caught some IOI’s fm young chick on other side of bar so gave her a wink after laser eyes. she comes over to piss off her date. Made a little small talk, she takes selfies with me. Asks my age (39), she’s 21. RP might be fun, but, dang a couple kids living in another state with ex-wife and a bastard just arrived this year babymomma hates me, worried where this new found knowledge is gonna take… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


That’s….kinda sparse. How did you open her? Ask about her date? Did you disqualify yourself? Do any push/pull? Tease her about her need to take a selfie? When she asked your age did you just answer her, or did you make her work for it? Did you go for the number close? If not, why? How could you have?

8 years ago

@Forge Yes, that was a bit sparse for an FR. After I saw she was IOI’ng, I walked past her to darts where a couple of the bartenders about my age were throwing and said hi, caught up for a couple minutes~ this is my old hometown watering hole. She came over to me about 3 mins after I went back to barstool. I opened her with “did you come over here to piss him off?”. She laughed and said yes, he’s not my boyfriend. Then started with selfies with me and was glancing over at dude. She asked how… Read more »

8 years ago

Pretty much seems like I have the other teams play chart, too easy. I’m not sure if I want to use the knowledge to bag more or go back MGTOW. N-count does not need to be any higher, probly need to develop more hunger before closing, for some reason the slutty ones arent appealing anymore. use your knowledge to be more selective. For me its a smart Kristen Bell with a great ass. Know what you want, go for it. Business Insider had a good review today of the Paradox of Choice: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-modern-life-is-screwing-up-millennials-2015-11 As it says at the end: Nobody… Read more »

8 years ago

Good article. Here’s some background- I’ve been Galt for a few years now, livin in a camper in the woods. Doing plumbing and home improvements or whatever to survive, ony way I could figure out to support and see kids. Corp jobs resulted in 65% child support 30% taxes couldn’t afford to drive legally to work much less pay rent. Kinda figured out women / blue pill system on my own after divorce/custody rape. Then went through another version with latest kid, his mother ditched me a month after I impregnated her and proceeded to sleep around while pregnant. I… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@SlatternsRing Holy hell man, sounds like you’ve been through the ringer. Thanks for posting here. I don’t blame you for withdrawing as you figure shit out. At the same time, just vaguely exercising the old game muscles every once in a while is a good thing – keeps you from becoming stale and bitter. Redlight is correct, now you can keep your eyes open, be more selective, and be able to capitalize on things when/if a good prospect crosses you path and you’re open to it. It’s cool you helped the other dude out. Maybe it worked, but it sounds… Read more »

8 years ago

@SlatternsRing For myself the stuff that galls me the most is what happened with my kids during a three separation and custody battle with a highly manipulative bitch of an ex. I never in my wildest nightmares imagine she could be so toxic and manipulative with our children. The impact was devastating. Had I read this site a few years back it would have been soooooo helpful. Recently I’ve learned what it means to empty your cup and create a new Frame. At least for myself establishing a Frame I believe in one that makes me feel strong is what… Read more »

8 years ago

Thanks for comments.
Forge- you’re right spectating aint doing.
Roused- yes, ten years ago this info would’ve changed the path of my life for this past decade. Managed to keep relationship with kids from marriage so far. Bm2 and newborn probly not gonna work out as well for kid. Hurts, but she doesnt want me around and I dont want to fight her about it. I’m fatigued from dealing with liars.

8 years ago

“As a female senator it’s important to me to tell women to get into the office more”. Stopped listening here. It’s a beautiful day and I don’t want it to be wasted by some non sense.


[…] Gregg brought up an interesting, and as you’ll read timely, comment about why Dag is in […]

Lady Supreme
Lady Supreme
8 years ago

Umm..fool..a woman brought you in this hell hole..you’ll need one to dig your way out..Sooo…kiss my ass and love every moment of eternity of hell

8 years ago

You wanna know about the limp dick that gave me 2 gifts?

Lady Supreme
Lady Supreme
8 years ago

I have yet to encounter a man that offers a land of milk and honey


[…] Perhaps we haven’t reached it quite yet, but we are approaching a social tipping point where the physical necessity of conventional masculinity will outweigh the liability to women in ceding the power that feminine social primacy represents. The need for ‘Man Up’ will outweigh the need for ‘Shut Up‘. […]

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