
Left: A child shows off his favorite nightgown. Right: Throughout the weekend make-up is applied, removed and reapplied and wardrobe change is constant.

I’ll admit my reluctance to address anything written by Kevin Powell, but as his most recent CNN pandering to the Feminine Imperative was the Twitter topic du jour in the manosphere this week I thought I’d make a perfunctory stab at it. I’m reluctant to do so because in doing a take-down article I’ll only be preaching to the choir and revisiting many well established topics I’ve covered on The Rational Male for years now.

What convinced me was a conversation I had with Mrs. Tomassi while walking my greyhounds this week. She asked me, “What the hell is wrong with boys these days? The all have no balls. It’s like they want to be girls or something.” We’ve had this discussion before. It usually gets brought up after she’s heard some story about the boys at my daughter’s high school or she sees it first-hand at a football game or some other event.

“Pretty soon, everyone is going to be a woman. Look at Bruce Jenner, “Woman of the Year”?! In the next ten years everyone will be a woman.”

I told her I think ten years might be too long.

When I read male-apologetics like Kevin Powell’s tribute to his own feminine ‘transitioning’ and his efforts at identifying and qualifying to be considered a more ‘perfected man’ in the terms set for him by a feminine-primary social order, it’s not hard to believe that social switch is right around the corner.

A Crisis of Manhood

Masculinity in “crisis” is a hot seller for click-bait articles these days. Women embrace the meme because it offers the tacit prospect of wrangling men into a more definitive control by the Feminine Imperative. Like all popular characterization of conventional masculinity, men have a problem and the cure is to become more like women.

Average men, the ones who make it their sexual strategy to better identify with the feminine, get behind the meme because it offers an easy opportunity to present themselves as the ‘evolved’, not-like-other-guys men they’ve been conditioned to believe women will sexually respond to favorably. Embracing this men-as-problem meme also offers them the opportunity to passively compete intrasexually with the conventionally masculine men then would otherwise never engage.

Before I dig into Powell’s article here I think it’s important to revisit my essay about Vulnerability. Powell’s ego is invested in the ‘strength in weakness’ theme his feminine conditioning has taught him is ennobling and as you read through his pleas for a more feminine-perfected social order he’ll return to it often.

From Vulnerability:

For the greater part of men’s upbringing and socialization they are taught that a conventional masculine identity is in fact a fundamentally male weakness that only women have a unique ‘cure’ for. It’s a widely accepted manosphere fact that over the past 60 or so years, conventional masculinity has become a point of ridicule, an anachronism, and every media form from then to now has made a concerted effort to parody and disqualify that masculinity. Men are portrayed as buffoons for attempting to accomplish female-specific roles, but also as “ridiculous men” for playing the conventional ‘macho’ role of masculinity. In both instances, the problems their inadequate maleness creates are only solved by the application of uniquely female talents and intuition.

Perhaps more damaging though is the effort the Feminine Imperative has made in convincing generations of men that masculinity and its expressions (of any kind) is an act, a front, not the real man behind the mask of masculinity that’s already been predetermined by his feminine-primary upbringing.

Women who lack any living experience of the male condition have the calculated temerity to define for men what they should consider manhood – from a feminine-primary context. This is why men’s preconception of vulnerability being a sign of strength is fundamentally flawed. Their concept of vulnerability stems from a feminine pretext.

Masculinity and vulnerability are defined by a female-correct concept of what should best serve the Feminine Imperative. That feminine defined masculinity (tough-guy ridiculousness) feeds the need for defining vulnerability as a strength – roll over, show your belly and capitulate to that feminine definition of masculinity – and the cycle perpetuates itself.

[…]Men are ridiculous posers. Men are socialized to wear masks to hide what the Feminine Imperative has decided is their true natures (they’re really girls wearing boy masks). Men’s problems extend from their inability to properly emote like women, and once they are raised better (by women and men who comply with the Feminine Imperative) they can cease being “tough” and get along better with women. That’s the real strength that comes from men’s feminized concept of vulnerability – compliance with the Feminine Imperative.

[…]It’s indictment of the definers of what masculinity ought to be that they still characterize modern masculinity (based on the ‘feels’) as being problematic when for generations our feminine-primary social order has conditioned men to associate that masculinity in as feminine-beneficial a context as women would want.

They still rely on an outdated formula which presumes the male experience is inferior, a sham, in comparison to the female experience, and then presumes to know what the male experience really is and offers feminine-primary solutions for it.

It’s important to understand the machinations in which the Feminine Imperative will define masculinity for men. In order to maintain social preeminence the Feminine Imperative must keep men perpetually confused about what masculinity really is. This is precisely why the “crisis” of masculinity will, deliberately, never be solved to the satisfaction of the imperative. To solve the ‘crisis’ would be to deny the Feminine Imperative a method of ever changing, fluid control over men.

Tail Chasing

Thus we get inquisitive articles or mandatory gatherings to discuss “what is manhood?” In a state of feminine social primacy men discussing new definitions of masculinity is always a proposition of men chasing their own tails, but the ambiguity of that question is a calculated one.

Men are encouraged to continually attempt to answer “what is manhood?”, but the touchy-feely equalist appropriate answer is never one defined by the men asking it; the answer is always provided to them and this is always “whatever serves women the best”. Their confused state is a deliberate perpetual one.

As I stated in Vulnerability the narrative of the Feminine Imperative about masculinity is one that’s based falsehoods. If men define masculinity for themselves, and that definition serves men’s exclusive interests it is equated with posing or a front men falsely wear to mask the real masculinity that feminine primacy has ordained as legitimate.

So even when men collectively compare notes and prioritize their needs and their sexual strategy in the context of a legitimate definition of masculinity, the social narrative of feminism and feminine primacy readily disqualifies it as a being a macho bravado worn by men to cover their real vulnerable sensitive feminine-corrected egos provided for them by the imperative.

One of the ways of determining whether the propaganda you’ve dropped from the planes is sinking into the general populace is that your language, your narrative and your public relations material is willfully being professed by the people you hope to conquer. To say Powell is a Vichy Male wouldn’t do his obliviousness to being so credit. Powell is a testament to the degree to which feminine-primary, feminine-correct thought has saturated into men confused about their own masculinity, and the feminine correct definitions of it he’s ready to evangelize.


Powell’s ego-investment in his feminine-defined masculinity is glaringly apparent.  To attack his belief is to attack his personality, but it’s important to note that his evangelizing reveals his obliviousness to his Blue Pill conditioning. Powell isn’t making a case for a ‘healthier masculinity’; he’s advocating for men adopting a neo-femininity in place of conventional masculinity. Powell is essentially advocating men become more perfected women and renaming that state “masculinity”.

I knew the guys were not comfortable with these mandatory gatherings, so I started each with a simple question:
What is a man?

Sighs of relief and phrases such as “leader,” “protector,” “caretaker,” “responsible,” “head of the house” fell from their mouths. Each session, I told them that they had just described my single mother and most women I’ve encountered in my life. These young men would grow quiet.

Powell kicks things off here with the blank-slate “men and women are functional equals” I described in Hypergamy Knows Best. This is the same “women are just as good at fathering as any man could be” rationale that reinforces men’s superfluousness with women. However, in doing so he sets the stage for defining masculinity in neo-feminine terms.

I grew up as most heterosexual boys did: I played every sport possible. I learned early on the rite-of-passage of seeing girls as sexual objects, as playthings, as anything except my equal. I fought because boys were taught to fight, be rough, antagonistic, to never show weakness, not even to cry, at least not in public. I digested every kind of pop cultural icon one could name, on television, in movies, in books, in my beloved hip-hop culture, who represented the mighty male figure that armies of us were instructed we must become.

This behavior led to catastrophic results for me. I had no clue how to express a balance of emotions for many years: It was either thunderous silence or raw explosions of rage. I did not know how to give love to myself or women and girls, and by the time I got to college, I merely did what other young males on my campus did: I had sex as casually as I slipped on my jeans and sneakers, and often did not give much thought to the woman on the receiving end. And I eventually pushed a girlfriend, post-college, into a bathroom door as we were arguing, the culmination of years of backward and very warped definitions of manhood imprisoned in pain and trauma.

Powell attempts to frame his case for a neo-feminine definition of masculinity in what are now very clichéd, very expected personal vignettes. It follows the Script.

We have the ostensibly ‘tough’ boy who grew up to be so thanks to a comically stereotypically male acculturation that taught him how to adapt and survive in his environment, but all of which stunted his capacity to balance his emotions. Emotional expression and an overemphasis on understanding emotion (in favor of reason) in men is the hallmark of a social narrative that prioritizes the feminine as the correct social context.

The story continues as expected. The kid who had no positive model of masculinity presented to him has an epiphany, renounces his unhealthy masculinity and adopts a non-toxic feminine-defined ‘healthy masculinity’ that prioritizes women under the auspices of “equality”. Most of his corrupted upbringing of course being the fallout from not having his superfluous father around to instruct him. My guess is Mom wasn’t quite the ‘equal’ of being the man he hoped to equate her with earlier.

Just as the feminist movement in America has challenged male domination in every form, a men’s movement is needed now more than ever before. The movement must be inclusive of males of all ages and backgrounds, rooted in peace, love and healthy definitions of manhood that include viewing women and girls as our equals. It should be a movement that is not in opposition to women, not trying to return to the days of “the rugged man,” but one that makes room for every kind of man possible (including men on the LGBTQ spectrum), where we can be vulnerable, emotionally available, truly free.

This is the crux of Powell’s misinformation. The ideal ‘masculinity’ in Powell’s estimate isn’t one of rugged individualism, but rather one that is more feminine-corrected; one in which a believes that society has progressed to a point where his personal vulnerabilities and emotionalism will not only be appreciated, but a source of intersexual attraction. His ideal simply amounts to a common plea for men to identify with women so thoroughly that they answer the question “what is a man?” with “a better woman.”

That Powell subscribes to egalitarian equalism is a given here, but what he needs to truly grasp is that men and women are not, and never have been functional equals. It’s ironic that he should describe his single mother ‘as a man’ and then go on to tell the story of his misspent masculine youth – he makes the case for necessary complentarianism without even realizing it. While I do agree about the necessity of understanding individuals other than ourselves, Powell never makes the connection that it is men upon whom the onus of understanding women always falls. You will never read deep soul searching testimonials like this from women who look to redefine femininity in ways that better accommodate the emotional health of men.

Caricatures of Masculinity

I undertook this post today because of a story I heard on NPR recently. It was about a tribe of Native Americans (I believe in Montana) who were struggling to preserve their indigenous language. The problem was that most of its native speakers were dying out and there were less than six tribe members who still used the language.

During the late 1800s there was a program instituted by the government that made great, often cruel, efforts to assimilate these Indian children into western society. That meant forbidding them from speaking their native tongue and adopting an American social identity. Being young, the kids had little choice and not the same sense of ethnic belonging to really understand why their parents would resist this assimilation.

I think a similar dynamic has been in effect in western culture with regard to masculinity for over sixty years. It’s come full circle now to the point where ‘men’ like Powell only know the caricatured, ridiculous portrayals of conventional masculinity when they need a convenient straw man to blow down. It’s like Indian children seeing the grotesque cartoon parodies of people of their ethnicity in the movies or media; after the laughter and denigration they come to a point of self-loathing where they gladly embrace the new racial identity that’s prepared for them.

The point of Powell’s article was a plea to more thoroughly assimilate young men into a neo-feminine definition of masculinity. He believes that a re-education of boys would help avert more mass shootings by these same young men.  So invested is he in this narrative that the question of whether doubling-down on the re-education in feminine primacy already in place might in fact be the associative cause of these shootings, men’s 4-times higher rate of suicide or PTSD. This isn’t even an afterthought for him.

To Powell the only cure resides with women. To become more like women is masculinity to him. We will denigrate and admonish the overt sexualization of young girls, but when young boys wish to ‘transition’ into being girls themselves we praise them for it, we celebrate it. Feminine primacy consolidates power by replicating itself in men.

The primary reason I went to the effort of writing the Red Pill Parenting series was to help men stave off the total, ethnocidal-like destruction of any semblance of conventional masculinity by men like Powell bent on replacing it with ‘perfected’, male-embodied femininity. The problem isn’t one of boys adopting toxic masculinity, it’s the institutionalized gender-loathing re-education that Powell so desperately endorses. Neofemininity will be the realm of boys and men in tomorrow’s idealism.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

Dash Riprock
Dash Riprock
8 years ago

Universities as reeducation camps for men. The whole scenario with Powell was incredibly creepy and could have been played out in Korea in 1952. Powell is merely a latter day Commissar for the FI. That he is an African American man I is I suppose to give him street cred in the eyes of the feminists and their fellow travelers. Of course if he was just a regular black guy the FI would have no use for him. They’d think he was just a potential Ray Rice waiting to explode. We can sadly however only expect more of this in… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

“I learned early on the rite-of-passage of seeing girls as sexual objects, as playthings, as anything except my equal. I fought because boys were taught to fight, be rough, antagonistic, to never show weakness, not even to cry, at least not in public. I digested every kind of pop cultural icon one could name, on television, in movies, in books, in my beloved hip-hop culture, who represented the mighty male figure that armies of us were instructed we must become.” Where does this shit come from? I’m heading into my late 30s and even I got the exact opposite of… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Neofemininity: helping men by making them redundant.

8 years ago

Divided line, He’s a lying sack of shit. He was raised the same way both you and I and most every other man in our age range was raised…to defer to women. To make women the center of our world. Equalism. To hand over our power. To hand over our masculinity. They don’t even have to shame men anymore, we do it for them. Either we shame ourselves or traitorous men like Powell do it for them. If they ever line up the masculine men for execution…I’ll go first, with my head held high. Fuck the FI. Is that all… Read more »

Fred Flange, dunking furball
Fred Flange, dunking furball
8 years ago

The obvious parallel is with the recent school class billboard: “What I hate about being a boy.” Also cannot stress enough that Cis-Male-Encumbered Citizen Instructor Powell had no father figure to speak of. And therefore is not qualified to instruct men on masculinity, about which he has no knowledge. Who better to do the re-education than an “innocent” who has been uncorrupted by the old evil culture? Where have we seen this before? Year Zero anyone? So who was “instructing” him to be Macho Slap-A-Ho Dude? Note the passive voice as he states this. The “instructing” had to be the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Divided Line

Where does this shit come from? I’m heading into my late 30s and even I got the exact opposite of this while growing up.

^Fucking this.

It’s a dude that got a one aspect of masculinity wrong (he became abusive) because (surprise, surprise!) a single mom didn’t know how to raise him properly as a man, so he decided to throw the baby out with the bath water and supplicate to women to compensate.

He is the product of exactly what he’s trying to advocate for. He’s actively sowing the seeds of producing other men like him.

The Question
8 years ago

I’ll make two simple observations. He says absolutely nothing about his own father or how his absence might have contributed to his struggles understanding masculinity or manhood. It’s incredible that he doesn’t even mention why his father wasn’t present in his life. The words “dad” and “father” are not used one in the entire article, which is about teaching boys about real manhood. It’s as though in his world there is no such thing as a father. One has to wonder if this noticeable omission was intentional or merely a subconscious part of his social conditioning in which fathers are… Read more »

8 years ago

Teaching cats to be dogs and dogs to be cats.
Fuck this gay earth!

8 years ago

Also, this is the first I’ve heard of Bruce Jenner being woman of the yaer for glamour rag.

Says a lot about your wife too rollo, that she said Bruce and not Caitlyn.

8 years ago

If a majority of boys actually want to be girls (as per Mrs. Tomassi), to me that is a confirmation of overall misandry in society.

I read recently (I think in TRP reddit) a report from a feminist who went undercover as a man also ended up depressed and concluding she was lucky to be female.

The proof is in the pudding.

8 years ago

You will never read deep soul searching testimonials like this from women who look to redefine femininity in ways that better accommodate the emotional health of men.

Great point. We should form a 501(c) and put shit like this on billboards. Start our own propaganda campaign.

8 years ago

Bruce is and will always be a man, unless they figured out how to remove that pesky Y chromosome. Sure he can get all his man bits removed, and even have lady parts added. Still has that Adam’s apple though!

8 years ago

“If they ever line up the masculine men…”

I wonder the number that’s left

8 years ago

@Sun: Neofemininity: helping men by making them redundant. Haha!

How about on the biological level:

Neofemininity: helping sperm cells spoon the egg and buy it dinner before entering.
Neofemininity: helping sperm cells bend over so the egg can stick it up the patriarchy’s ass instead


8 years ago

“Heh, I dare you to click on this post’s picture.”

Good God. I WAS in a good mood today…

8 years ago



That article is hard to understand.

Why is it that when we want to talk about defining men, we have to start with rape in college as the point of departure? Women go out get drunk, get fucked willingly, regret it, cry rape.

Also just saw this:

A lot of the barbs directed to Whoopi seems to be for nothing else if the fact that she seems to be defending “rapists.”

8 years ago

Why is there such a strong thrust to pussify men, especially the white man? Why? I don’t think this is just FI. I am afraid there is more than meets the eye.

8 years ago

What funny is that in my blue pill nice guy days, I was trying to be different from masculine men and attract women through my “not being like those other guys”

When in actuality, being masculine IS being different from all those other guys. Lol

8 years ago

Why is there such a strong thrust to pussify men, especially the white man? Why? I don’t think this is just FI. I am afraid there is more than meets the eye.

Yes, for male thinking it is so much it looks like some evil masterplan. But I think it’s just what happens when women do and no one stops them. The FI does it on societal level.

God is Laughing
8 years ago

Lacking male role models they ape masculinity and as a result have no respect for it. This makes it easier to caricature it, as they are the manifestation of those caricatures.

What they never discovered was comfortable, natural masculinity. Rather than just being masculine they were always posing as what the THOUGHT was masculine. Pointing out their own fraud isn’t a virtue.

8 years ago

Don’t get mad. Just lol @ all their bull5h1t. Ridicule them mercilessly while having fun doing so.

8 years ago

“When in actuality, being masculine IS being different from all those other guys.”

I know. My boys are going to be swimming in pussy. I’m a bit worried that I’ll be on my death bed by the time they decide to have kids. haha.

8 years ago

You will never read deep soul searching testimonials like this from women who look to redefine femininity in ways that better accommodate the emotional health of men.

I have pointing this out to anyone with ears for about 10 years. And always, looks of bewilderment.

Great article. Thanks.

8 years ago

Rollo: Do you have any plans for upcoming books/project?

8 years ago

Feminism, the biggest shit-test in human history!

8 years ago

Why is there such thrust to pussify men? It’s really pretty simple-to grow the government bigger and bigger and bigger. Women always vote for more gov’t so if you pussify men they vote for more gov’t and liberals have more and more control and citizens ie men have less and less rights. The worst thing to happen to this country was allowing women to vote.

8 years ago

I think this is a bit Off-topic for this post, but my wife just sent me this story:

8 years ago

This post is hard to stomach. This is the crux of Powell’s misinformation. The ideal ‘masculinity’ in Powell’s estimate isn’t one of rugged individualism, but rather one that is more feminine-corrected; one in which a believes that society has progressed to a point where his personal vulnerabilities and emotionalism will not only be appreciated, but a source of intersexual attraction. Just, gross… probably very accurate, but it just disgusts me to think that. It should actually disgust anyone. There’s a friend I have who thinks much like Powell does. He honestly believes that masculinity is now toxic and must be… Read more »

8 years ago

I recently finished reading “The Way of Men” by Jack Donovan. In one of its chapters Jack makes a comparison between Chimpanzees and Bonobos social structure. Chimps are patriarchal, while Bonobos are matriarchal. Chimps live in areas where there is some scarcity in food, there are more conflicts between males, but they cover greater areas compared to the Bonobos, who live in smaller areas with greater/easier access to food. They spend much more time having sex and and doing recreational activities. They can afford to that since the resources are easily accessible. Having these two examples in mind I ask… Read more »

8 years ago

^This was me with a different name 😛

bob bitchin
bob bitchin
8 years ago

This douche is just another cultural marxist. These assholes have circumvented the greatest philosophies of mankind (individual rights, consent of the governed, etc) and the constitutions produced by said philosophies. In its place they have given us big brother, thought police, hate is love, propaganda and sundry evils. Fuck em all. May they die a miserable death and may the vultures pluck out their eyes whilst still alive. That may seem harsh. Consider this: if rousseau, voltaire, thomas paine, ben franklin, george washington and all the other GREAT MEN too numerous to mention were alive today what would they say?… Read more »

Nataliya Kochergova
8 years ago

So much feminist writing nowadays is about projecting female nature onto men and thinking how they act is just an act… Obviously it won’t make male nature go away, but it can fool men into thinking they’re defective and evil.

I wonder if this isn’t just another way for modern priesthood class to gain power and money, since they are constantly needed to pour resources and “expertise” at this unsolvable “problem”.

8 years ago

“Heh, I dare you to click on this post’s picture.”

Jesus wept.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

Rollo: Do you have any idea when the audio from the Man In Demand Conference would be available?

8 years ago


I clicked the link. Fuck…

8 years ago

I’m starting to believe the FI isn’t just a one-time viewpoint of a few social leaders and women ; rather its a total social shift of magnetic polarity from a male-centric world to a female centric one. The realization hit when I watched 1968’s Bullitt yesterday, and noticed that McQueens girlfriend behaved in ways I’ve seen no young woman behave today. Then there’s the actual plot; men are the directors and actors of the events from start to finish. Then , earlier today I wound up in a showing of “The Intern”. We had a training conference in the city… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo- Having been similarly steeped in these same intellectual toxins, and at one time actually even doing the “professing the FI” bit, why did it take so little to turn me? I will never forget once reading the statement “American women have priced themselves out of the market”. And the world suddenly righted itself. And then I found Roissy. My red pill realignment took, like, a week. The knowledge and wisdom have taken much longer of course. The only thing I can think is that even in my bluest of beta blue-pill delusion, I have one principle I would never… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo I have been seeking egalitarian-complentarianism my whole life (the idea that you can find a partner for which their is mutual appreciation and respect for your partner’s strengths and weaknesses, a good many of which will naturally derive from the manhood or the womanhood, but with a relationship approach based on equal partnership). Had been married for over 20 years, divorced 10 years ago, other sexual relationships before and after marriage. So far I haven’t found this egalitarian-complentarianism in any of these relationships I have had. I’m 56 now and am without a partner for awhile now, deliberately (until… Read more »

8 years ago

I never did want to open that Slate article….then I did…didn’t even read, just skimmed through the pics….HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
We as men need to be very vigilant, extremely…

I’ve been going through Nietzsche’s & Schopenhauer’s writings…my awareness increases concerning the wisdom of old.

God save the woman who tries to put my children, boys &/or girls through this….heaven help you!

8 years ago


> bride certificate of purity

an overweight near-wall wallard, a center in every shot narcissist, surrounded by high consumptive luxury, has a degree of self-anointed purity. ’cause that means something… or not.

an empty gesture, that even if factually valid, fails to negate the rest. purity from a 90 year old is categorically irrelevant.

8 years ago
Reply to  zod

@SD “and men are socially raised to support female interests ahead of their own…” Damn that’s familiar @Yollo Comanche Working an getting Christian my audio already sent to Sam. Don’t have iTunes on computer and recorded with iPhone. Will make a point to get done on Sunday. @Wild Man Holy hell your on to something. Men and the modern lack of… Ect It’s Ours there is always that space there just before they get to us that space that fine relaxer the breather while say flopping on a bed thinking of nothing or say pouring a glass of water… Read more »

8 years ago

It makes you wonder how this dude could get anything other than a SJW. He’s pathetic.

8 years ago

Watch this video & ask yourself which one are you? Which won is Mrs. Powell?

Ang Aamer
8 years ago

Side note: Those poor college guys forced to hear Powell’s drivel should have asked about his dad. You know the obviously absent one. And did Powell really think he was qualified to teach masculinity since he was only taught by his MOM! This is getting ridiculous Powell walks into college talks to young men and compares classic male traits immediately to his Single Mom. The mind boggles as to how Powell can think he is in any way competent to make such comparisons. I mean after all if he had a father around he could make the comparisons directly no?… Read more »

Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@jack on When you put it that way, I suppose I had a similar experience. When I found the red pill, there was very little resistance to it. I mean, there was a lot of emotional shit that accompanied it, and some attempts at bargaining. And learning how to apply it effectively took even longer – still a work in progress 😉 But I remember reading just a few articles here, and my entire blue pill frame came crashing down. I read ‘Hypergamy doesn’t care’ and was in a state of grief, but I didn’t try to resist it. I… Read more »

8 years ago


I guess I was willing to let go of anything. I had no ego investment in blue pill. I just didn’t know there was anything else. I thought I was completely alone in how I could not make sense of women.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


It’s definitely a combination of having had the experience to show you the dots and being able to be uncompromisingly ruthless in your own self improvement, caring only about the results and little about the process or your own ego. From there, RP philosophy just connects the dots and tells you to not fear doing what the picture you see tells you to do.

If you lack either of those two prerequisites, you’ll never take the first step. Having both doesn’t guarantee you’ll succeed (as I’m finding), but lacking either one guarantees you’ll fail to even start.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


It had been a while since I’d heard about Who Moved My Cheese? but thinking about it now it’s pretty much a treatise on how to handle the the burden of performance.

Strange that it hadn’t occurred to me until now.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Sun Wukong

I thought the same thing.

8 years ago

Long time reader, first time commenter.
This is what happens when a person has no religion.
What is a man?
In Islam a being created by Allah to solely worship him.
Everything else is just empty talk.
All that matters in life and that we are sure of is that we are going to die.
Everything else is just a waste of time.
Putting a woman or someone else before Allah is shir. irreligious.

8 years ago

Rollo, you and your readers, have you looked into Islam?
All i see is you are trying to cure one aspect of a larger disease.

8 years ago

In Islam a being created by Allah to solely worship him. That is an interesting point because it goes to the core use of religion: To give a man something he can submit to so he doesn’t submit to a women. It seems many have in inert desire or need to submit to something. And if we say “to love something” (which in my view is the same thing), we can understand that need or desire better. I don’t know how Islam sees it in detail, but in Christianity the love of self is associated with the Devil. It is… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, you and your readers, have you looked into Islam?

several of our readers, such as emily, are looking into religion for us, and we are all praying they find Islam on their red pilgrimage

8 years ago

@Wais – I could be polite, but I just don’t feel like it. Take your premodern, supremacist, primitive religion – Allah, the Koran and the Sharia – and shove it up your ass.

Just where in the fuck do you think you are? Have I considered Islam? Yeah, and I shit on it. Move along fucktard, move along.

8 years ago

@lh Thus, we come to why Religion serves such a crucial social role. It takes mental strength of self to look around at a scary, uncertain world and realize that in relying on oneself means accepting you won’t know all the answers, and that purpose is defined by you. I’d love to say everyone has the ability to be so independently minded. My experience says otherwise. Most people, male and female, need some external structure to derive meaning for themselves and their lives. The prospect of independent contemplation is scary, and there’s science to support the notion that advanced cognitive… Read more »

8 years ago

The Powell article is galling on so many levels. H/T to SD and Bitchin’ Bob for some great comments. A few thoughts: Notice what is presented to us as “masculine” – depraved, hood-rat ghetto culture. Fatherless family, and a criminal subculture portrayed as “normal”. While I criticize racists here, don’t confuse me with someone who doesn’t know what is what. It’s also interesting to note that this culture already is a matriarchy, men have been stripped of all dignity in that society long ago. If you actually look at it carefully, the primitive and crass masculinity aped by thugs can… Read more »

8 years ago

” It’s also interesting to note that this culture already is a matriarchy, men have been stripped of all dignity in that society long ago. ”

Important point.

Detroit, Newark, Camden, Chicago South Side, etc. are messed up because they are matriarchies. Matriarchy is the root, voting Democrat or Liberal is not the root.

8 years ago

@jack “I will never forget once reading the statement “American women have priced themselves out of the market”. And the world suddenly righted itself. And then I found Roissy. My red pill realignment took, like, a week. The knowledge and wisdom have taken much longer of course.” Ditto dude. Mine took a bit longer than a week but unless you’re blind once your eyes begin to open yo can’t go back, otherwise I truly believe you will go insane. I can’t write it enough, I am so damn grateful for this blog. The insight, support and strength found here is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribbleberg Foundationally, the default family unit for humans would seem to be a matrilineal clan. I use the word “seem” because theres little science on the subject and our modern scientific establishment wouldn’t profit much from publishing the truth if it disagreed with feminism. In a matrilineal system, based on what ive learned about modern day matriarchies like the Mosuo , women orchestrate the social decisions while men are merely appliances for those decisions. Women control the property and resources, while men administer and do the drudge work. Insofar as sex goes , women fuck who they want with no… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roused “I’m a newbie and don’t mean to be preachy, maybe I’m still feeling “high” from swallowing the Red Pill. While I feel “high” at times it’s also really fucking challenging dealing with my children who have no clue what I’m going through or trying to do. Even if it takes what remains of my life to fix my Frame and learn to live a life of dignity and self-respect I’ll take this any day over the Blue Pill I used to overdose on. I’ve alienated my son, confused the living shit out of my daughter and have lived through… Read more »

8 years ago

I also clicked the picture. Slightly disturbing.

Personally, I’m bothered about make-up and high heels being used regardless of gender, but I think most RP guys probably like that stuff.

Actually I think both make-up and heels historically were used by males as well (high heels I think even started being used exclusively by males but I don’t know for sure).

8 years ago

@SD – I get what you are saying but you miss a couple of crucial things from my POV: – I’m not Mosuo. What western civilization and WASP values gave rise to over the past 500 years are nothing short of extraordinary in the history of human civilization. The Enlightenment generated an entirely new direction for human development. It’s better than other cultures, period. – Women are incompetent as leaders and managers in many real respects. Just start with the fact (studied, and I can’t find the cite – but googling should confirm what I’m saying) that women have much… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Scribblerg: I’m not sure this is what you are thinking about, but there are studies linking oxytocin and ethnocentrism:

8 years ago

@IAS – Not directly but it’s a great insight. The paper does make reference to another basic fact of economics – if one studies it that is – trust drives economies and societies. Culturally homogeneous societies have higher trust, and higher trust societies have higher civic engagement and more economic activity. Free market societies function better with higher levels of trust. The opposite is true. Multicultural societies have much lower levels of trust, and much more social isolation and less economic activity. They have higher social tension and are easier for central govts to control and manipulate. Multiculturalism also makes… Read more »

8 years ago

Powell talks about “re-educating boys” – we already have re-education camps for boys. They are called elementary schools.

Ding, ding, ding, ding! Indoctrination of the Pedestalization of Women, Feminization of boys, Socialism, and White Guilt begins here and continues throughout formal education (with a few exceptions).

8 years ago

Ouch, Rollo.

If she has the fortitude to actually read those essays it is going to leave a hell of a mark on her boyfriend/fiance.

I doubt (but hope) it will end in ego-investment revenge sex with him.

8 years ago

Oh, and it seems you forgot this one:

8 years ago

I know Roissy isn’t popular with some here, and I certainly don’t care for the racist stuff or for most of the comments posted there, but he has a good recent blog post about betas’ lack of male friends (i.e., the kind of friends who will pull him aside and say, “You are screwing up big time.”). Many commenters are pointing out – correctly – that it’s difficult for even more masculine, red pill guys to find & make such friends in this day and age. I believe this dovetails perfectly with this blog post. If you don’t have a… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo: “If your step mom is 26 and you are actually 20 it sounds like your father is a pretty good example of exactly the dynamic I outlined..”

She’s completely oblivious…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

– Women are incompetent as leaders and managers in many real respects. Just start with the fact (studied, and I can’t find the cite – but googling should confirm what I’m saying) that women have much higher “ingroup prefernces” than men.

Here ya go:

The ingroup preference appears to be 4:1, that is women will favor other women vs. men by 4X. That’s why HR is a fish market.

8 years ago


emily didn’t find this thread yet, we were still winding her up in the last thread overtime

8 years ago

@TheLastCoyote October 24th, 2015 at 12:20 pm “I believe this dovetails perfectly with this blog post. If you don’t have a few good, masculine guys in your life who are willing to be blunt with you about how you’re making a fool of yourself with women or whatever else, you become much more susceptible to the FI and to neofemininity type crap.” I’ll cosign that. And re-iterate this: “A man’s capacity to receive another man’s direct criticism is a measure of his capacity to receive masculine energy. If he doesn’t have a good relationship to masculine energy (e.g., his… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

This is just the latest version of the FI’s 80:20 rule. Naturals won’t buy into this beyond maybe some verbal parroting. So the 20% of men that women really want will still be available. Sure, women will have to share them, so what? Five minutes of Alpha, am I right? It’s another turn of the screw, the FI is tightening the clamps just a little bit more on humanity. Making boys into crossdressers? Just more of the same ball-cutting that’s been going on for generations. No need to make men into actual eunuchs when the FI can use brainwashing to… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roused: You sound like a perfect candidate for reading Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men. The way of women is the hive. All women belong to the hive simply by virtue of being women. The way of men is the trade society and a few good buddies he will put his life on the line for. Men are not alone when they don’t have a woman. Men are alone when they don’t have a right hand man, a fireteam and a secret society defined by trade. Belonging to all of these requires some formal or informal right of passage. The… Read more »

8 years ago

“Keep moving in that direction, but don’t blurt out your new-found awareness to all that are “supposed” to listen to you.”

Point well taken. Thanks for the comments and reminder.

8 years ago

That Powell did not speak of his own father says much. That Powell pledged a fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, says much, especially when doing so undergrad, as I did (Not the same as he did). That he did not speak of brotherhood aside from being raised by his mother says much. Knowing him briefly throughout my time in the music business while in New York and in college, watching him run for office (and me being asked, but not conributing to his campaign) I can only think…what propelled him to write this drivel except for some new public relations and… Read more »

8 years ago

I just clicked on that photo and…geezus…

8 years ago

As a man with african roots and grown up in a patriarchic society, i can really say that i have compassion with african-american men. But i don’t have compassion with Mr. Powell, because he is foolish, inexperienced and yet he has the nerve to try to teach other men about this highly important topic. When a man try to teach somebody else what it’s like to be a man and never talk once about his own biological father, than he is not credible. To walk through life as a red-pill-aware man, it’s really tough, nasty but also funny and thrilling… Read more »

8 years ago

This struck me: “Embracing this men-as-problem meme also offers them the opportunity to passively compete intrasexually with the conventionally masculine men then would otherwise never engage.” I think this point Rollo made reveals I primary driver, an escape method, the easy road – as it’s sold – to becoming better with women. Yet, the social response is unfavorable in the long term for both genders, something we’ve seen technology accelerate with the interconnectedness it provides. Being from the midwest, noteable changes in women’s behavior en masse, usually took about 2 years before it was fully recognized here, often starting in… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

@Roused Your post made my run that much better. That was a hell of a good read. I hope your journey takes you to the best places not yet found and sorely needed especially for young boys growing up. I sure as hell still need help. @SJF “Have other inputs such as adventures, “peak experiences”, collegiality with other men, pursuit of women that are feminine and give you energy, passions and hobbies, and reading non-fiction for intellectual self improvement.” Nice @ChocDoc “When a man try to teach somebody else what it’s like to be a man and never talk once… Read more »

8 years ago

Once upon a time, men had their own gods.

8 years ago

Here is a very interesting articel from dalrock about christian religion.

8 years ago

@KFG and Roused: “You sound like a perfect candidate for reading Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men.” Good pickup KFG. I would be disappointed in Roused if he didn’t read that book ASAP. In its chapters he will find a way for him to relate to and redeem his son even if he never speaks of it’s contents to him, but leads him with it’s descriptive format. It does not contain much of a prescription, but he can easily format one for his son’s circumstances. Roused, do you foresee your son developing the four tactical virtues to be better at… Read more »

The Tingler
8 years ago

Rollo, you missed the most obvious part of all this: Powell’s black. The crisis he’s talking about is a black male crisis, white males have a different crisis going on (I’m assuming Mrs. Tomassi was commenting on genderfluid white boys, not black or latino boys). Here’s why race is important: misogyny is rampant in black culture, far more so than in ours. At the same time, black families are all matriarchal, matrilineal, led by single mothers, and black girls are the most promiscuous in our society. Is it a coincidence that, with this background, black male culture is so misogynist?… Read more »

8 years ago

I know Roissy isn’t popular with some here, and I certainly don’t care for the racist stuff or for most of the comments posted there, but he has a good recent blog post about betas’ lack of male friends (i.e., the kind of friends who will pull him aside and say, “You are screwing up big time.”). Many commenters are pointing out – correctly – that it’s difficult for even more masculine, red pill guys to find & make such friends in this day and age. I believe this dovetails perfectly with this blog post. Generally speaking, betas that are… Read more »

8 years ago

Yet another universal nuclear beta bait 5h1t test.

@ Anonymous Reader

Best response to this poor man is out and out laughter.

I said it first. P

Don’t get mad. Just lol @ all their bull5h1t. Ridicule them mercilessly while having fun doing so.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Wais Keep your metaphysical and philosophical beliefs free of religion. Religion is simply an act of codifying said beliefs for the purpose of social control. The moment someone new is in charge of your religion, they’ll be telling you that you have to change your beliefs. Most of your fellow followers will go with them simply to avoid social ostracism. Religion is just as much a dead end for the self-actuated individual as any other social control mechanism. It’s just dressed up in bespoke trappings trying to pretend that’s not the case. Religions will be changed to suit the controlling… Read more »

This Chap
This Chap
8 years ago

@ Hoellenhund2: “I’m sure we all recognize this type of guy, don’t we? It’s that beta dude who used to be a good pal of yours. Then some fat or plain-looking broad pairs up with him, and he stops going out with his bros, stops visiting sports events etc., gives up his hobby, he suddenly has no time for anything. And he starts to have this nasty, condescending attitude towards single men he used to be on good terms with. He thinks he’s a winner in life because he sometimes gets to fuck a broad whose SMV is 2-3 points… Read more »

8 years ago

I lived my entire life  (I’m 37) in active hypergamy without knowing / understanding what was wrong with me. I’m a successful woman, relatively smart, relatively attractive, with increases in my SMV based on not sleeping around in between my serially monogamous relationships and assorted talents and hobbies that interest men. (“One of the guys” in hobby.) I’ve been married 5 times. I’m successful enough to have had to pay alimony to men in some of my divorces. Every time I have left a man -1- My partner didn’t “deserve” it, but I had built a rationalized case anyway. -2-… Read more »

Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
8 years ago


The fact that Powell is black and coming from that perspective
is a good point and is important to understanding where that essay comes from. But Powell doesn’t dare say he spoke only to black campus leaders or emphasized that perspective as coming from the ‘hood for obvious reasons. It could be seen as an attack on black men and black culture. So the essay must be taken on its face as written, aimed at all cis-het men everywhere. And taken down accordingly.

bob bitchin
bob bitchin
8 years ago

‘Men Against Female Hate Speech’
‘Men For Divorce Reform’
File Discrimination Suits.
Case in Point: The german kid mattress girl fucked over. If men start using Constitution against the FI then theiris a future. Otherwise get on a pla ne and go to the third world. Stand and fight or else….

Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
8 years ago

Mz. Double H hockey sticks:
Smells Like Teen Spirit.
As in: 4chan troll.

The Tingler
8 years ago

“Mz. Double H hockey sticks:
Smells Like Teen Spirit.
As in: 4chan troll.”

Hate to say it, but after I had finished masturbating to her post and achieving an earth-shattering red pill orgasm to her tale of feckless female woe, I had to admit to myself that it was just a troll.

Well played, Mrs. (or Mr.) Hopeless Hypergamy.

8 years ago


“At least I can (hopefully) help my children.”

I think you should start reading and listening to Dr. Laura Schlessinger. She would most decidedly tell you to do what is best for the children. It is really quite simple.


Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

This post could have been aptly named theasdgamerinity…..

Undoubtedly Rollo was inspired to write this post by theasdgamers comments since they are so thoroughly neofeminine and his (he-she’s) self image is based on submitting to the feminine frame of dancing.

Remember theasdgamer actually defended his (he-she’s) comments with IB. You guys that have been keeping up know what I’m referring to.

Here is theasdgamer theme song….

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

“What I hate about being a boy.”

WTF kind of question is this?

It has only one answer that makes any sense.


Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

“Heh, I dare you to click on this post’s picture.”

Just did. Was not suprized to see the picture of theasdgamer in his (her) earlier years.

8 years ago

Taking advice about masculinity from a man without a father is like taking sex advice from a priest.

8 years ago


You’re a nice guy and you have a great future.

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