The Red Pill Parent


This week I’ll be exploring a new angle in the Red Pill: how parenting and family relations influence and direct the Blue Pill conditioning of a generation, and what Red Pill aware men can do to redirect this. It was encouraging to see fathers and sons together at the Man In Demand conference. I honestly wasn’t expecting this, but it was a humbling experience to see fathers and sons coming to a Red Pill awareness together. I also met with a few men who told me their sons had either turned them on to my books or that they would be required reading for their sons before they got out of their teens.

One of the greatest benefits of the conference was the inspiration and material I got from the men attending. A particular aspect of this was addressing how men might educate and help others to unplug and in that lay a wealth of observations about how these men’s upbringings had brought them to both their Blue Pill idealisms and ultimately their Red Pill awareness.

I’m beginning this series with some of these observations, but I plan to break protocol and be a bit more proscriptive in the last essay with regard to what I think may be beneficial ways to be a Red Pill parent. In The Rational Male – Preventive Medicine I included a chapter which outlined how men are primarily conditioned for lives and ego-investments in a Blue Pill idealism that ultimately prepares them for better serving the Feminine Imperative when their usefulness is necessary to fulfill women’s sexual (and really lifetime) strategies.

That chapter is only available in the book, but if you have it, it might be helpful to review it after you read this.

Reader (and MiD conference attendee) Jeremy had an excellent observation from Solipsism II:


The only thing I take issue with is the advice, from the book that his wife read, which told her to place her husband above her children. Children come first for a mother, and they should for the father too. I’m not advocating to neglect her husband, but he needs to accept some biological facts and not be hurt because of it

What you’re repeating there is actually the first steps of a hostage crisis. That is first-wave-feminism boilerplate response. It is the first redirection in a misdirection perpetuated by women in order to sink any notion that men should have some authority on matters. Think of the children. It’s been repeated for so long, it’s a cliche…

It’s typical crab-basket behavior. Women seek power over their lives and somehow instinctively believe that the only way to achieve power is to take someone else’s power away. So they attack male authority by placing children above the man. This then becomes a stick with which to beat male authority into submission, as the woman is allowed to speak for the needs of the children. This is literally textbook subversion, and plays out on so many levels of human culture it tends to make one consider how boring humanity must look to any alien life that happens to stumble across our unremarkable corner of the universe.

When the children’s needs become the “throne” of the household, and the wife is allowed to speak for the children’s needs, then the authority of the household becomes a rather grotesque combination of immediate child needs and female manipulation. Worse still, the children are now effectively captives of the wife, because at any time she can accuse the husband of anything the law is forced to throw him in handcuffs for, and take away the kids.

What you’re repeating is the first steps in that hostage situation. Equalists will try to convince you of the logic that children come first, that children are the future, that all of that which makes them better is more important than anything else. This is bullshit.

Do you think cavemen sat around in caves all day playing and socially interacting with their babies? Do you think they had some kind of fresh-gazelle-delivery service that allowed him to interact with the children directly? Do you think the mothers were not under exactly the same survival condition, needing to forage for carrots, potatoes, berries, etc, while the men hunted and built structures? Do you think the “children” came first in any other era of humanity? If so, you are very sadly mistaken.

Children are more than capable of getting everything they need to know about how to live simply by watching their parents live a happy life together. This is how humans did things for eons, changing that order and putting the “children first” is frankly perverse and the beginning of the destruction of the family. Children are more than information sponges, they are blank minds that want desperately to be adult. Children want to understand everything that everyone around them understands, which is why a parent telling a child that you’re “disappointed” in them is more effective than a paddling. If you focus on children, you are frankly just spoiling them with attention that they will never receive in the real world. If instead you focus on yourself and your spouse, you will raise children that see you putting yourself as the MPO (as Rollo calls it), and your marriage/partnership as an important part of what you do each day.

Don’t put the children first. That’s essentially like negotiating with a terrorist, they’ll only make more demands on you until the cops storm the plane and lots of people get shot.

Your Mental Point of Origin should never waver from yourself.

American Parenting is Killing American Marriage

Of course, Ayelet Waldman’s blasphemy was not admitting that her kids were less than completely wonderful, only that she loved her husband more than them. This falls into the category of thou-shalt-have-no-other-gods-before-me. As with many religious crimes, judgment is not applied evenly across the sexes. Mothers must devote themselves to their children above anyone or anything else, but many wives would be offended if their husbands said, “You’re pretty great, but my love for you will never hold a candle to the love I have for John Junior.”

Mothers are also holy in a way that fathers are not expected to be. Mothers live in a clean, cheerful world filled with primary colors and children’s songs, and they don’t think about sex. A father could admit to desiring his wife without seeming like a distracted parent, but society is not as willing to cut Ms. Waldman that same slack. It is unseemly for a mother to enjoy pleasures that don’t involve her children.
There are doubtless benefits that come from elevating parenthood to the status of a religion, but there are obvious pitfalls as well. Parents who do not feel free to express their feelings honestly are less likely to resolve problems at home. Children who are raised to believe that they are the center of the universe have a tough time when their special status erodes as they approach adulthood. Most troubling of all, couples who live entirely child-centric lives can lose touch with one another to the point where they have nothing left to say to one another when the kids leave home.
In the 21st century, most Americans marry for love. We choose partners who we hope will be our soulmates for life. When children come along, we believe that we can press pause on the soulmate narrative, because parenthood has become our new priority and religion. We raise our children as best we can, and we know that we have succeeded if they leave us, going out into the world to find partners and have children of their own. Once our gods have left us, we try to pick up the pieces of our long neglected marriages and find new purpose. Is it surprising that divorce rates are rising fastest for new empty nesters? Perhaps it is time that we gave the parenthood religion a second thought.

I think these quotes outline the dynamic rather well; a method of control women can use to distract and defer away from Beta husbands is a simple appeal to their children’s interests as being the tantamount to their own or their husbands. If the child sits at the top of that love hierarchy and that child’s wellbeing and best interests can be defined by the mother, the father/husband is relegated to subservience to both the child and the mother.

This gets back to the preternatural Empathy myth that women, by virtue of just being a woman, has some instinctual, empathetic insight about placing that child above all else. That child becomes a failsafe and a buffer against having to entertain a real relationship with the father/husband and really consider his position in her Hypergamous estimate of him.

If that man isn’t what her Hypergamous instinct estimates him being as optimal (he’s the unfortunate Beta), then “she’s tolerating his presence for the kids’ sake.” Jeremy was responding to a comment made by Capper about an incident where a woman was being encouraged to put her husband before her kids in that love hierarchy priority. The fact that this is so unnatural for a woman that it would need to be something necessary to train a woman to speaks volumes about the facility with which women presume that their default priority ought to be for her kids.

Most men buy into this prioritization as well. It seems deductively logical that a woman would necessarily need to put her child’s attention priorities well above her husband’s. What’s counterintuitive to both parents is that it’s the health of their relationship (or lack) that defines and exemplifies the complementary gender understanding of the child. Women default to using their children as cats paws to assume primary authority of the family, and men are already preconditioned to accept this as the normative frame for the family.

As with all your relations with women, establishing a strong Frame is essential. The problem for men with even the strongest initial Frame with their wives is that they cede that Frame to their kids. Most men want the very best for their children; or there may be a Promise Keepers dynamic that guy is dealing with an makes every effort to outdo, and make up for, the sins of his father by sacrificing everything, but in so doing he loses sight of creating and maintaining a dominant Frame for not just his wife, but the state of his family.

It’s important to bear in mind that when you set the Frame of your relationship, whether it’s a first night lay or a marriage prospect, women enter your reality and your frame – the same needs to apply to any children within that relationship. Far too many fathers are afraid to embody that strong authority and expect their wives (and children) to recognize what should be his primary place in the family.

The fear is that by assuming this position they become the typical asshole father they hoped to avoid for most of their formative years. Even for men with strong masculine role models in their lives, the hesitation comes from a culture that ridicules fathers, or presumes they are potentially violent towards children. Thus the abdication of fatherly authority, in as positive a tense as possible, is abdicated before that child is even born.


At the Man in Demand conference last weekend I had a young guy ask me what my thoughts were about a man’s being interested in becoming a single parent of his own accord. I had this same question posed to me during my second interview with Christian McQueen and essentially it breaks down to a man supplying his own sperm, buying a suitable woman’s viable ovum to fertilize himself, and, I presume, hire a surrogate mother to carry that child to term. Thereupon he takes custody of that child and raises it himself as a single father.

In theory this arrangement should work out to something similar to a woman heading off the the sperm bank to (once again Hypergamously) select a suitable sperm donor and become a single parent of her own accord. It’s interesting that we have institutions and facilities like sperm banks to ensure women’s Hypergamy, but men, much less heterosexual men, must have exceptional strength of purpose and determination to do so.

Despite dealing with the very likely inability of the surrogate mother to disentangle her emotional investment in giving birth to a child she will never raise (hormones predispose women to this) a man must be very determined financially and legally to become a single father by choice. In principle I understand the sentiment of Red Pill men wanting to raise a child on their own. The idea is to do so free from the (at least direct) influence of the Feminine Imperative. However, I think this is in error.

My feelings on this are two part. First, being a complementarian, it is my belief that a child requires two healthy adult parents, male and female, with a firm, mature grasp of the importance, strengths and weaknesses of their respective gender roles (based on biological and evolutionary standards). Ideally they should exemplify and demonstrate those roles in a healthy fashion so as a boy or a girl can learn about masculinity and femininity from their respective parents’ examples.

Several generations after the sexual revolution, and after several generations of venerating feminine social primacy, we’ve arrived at a default collective belief that single mothers can perform the function of modeling and shaping masculinity in boys as well as femininity in girls equally well. The underlying social message in that is that women/mothers can be a one woman show with regard to parenting and thus men, fathers or the buffoons mainstream culture portrays them as, are superfluous to parenting – nice to have around, but not vital. This belief also finds fertile ground in the notion that men are obsolete.

Secondly, for all the equalist emphasis of Jungian gender theories about anima/animus and balancing feminine and masculine personality interests, it is evidence of an agenda to suggest that a woman is equally efficient in teaching and modeling masculine aspects to children as well as any positively masculine man. With that in mind, I think the reverse would be true for a deliberately single father – even with the best of initial intents.

Thus, I think a father might serve as a poor substitute for a woman when it comes to exemplifying a feminine ideal. The argument then of course is that, courtesy of a feminine-centric social order, women have so divorced themselves of conventional femininity that perhaps a father might teach a daughter (if not demonstrate for her) a better feminine ideal than a woman. Conventional, complementary femininity is so lost on a majority of women it certainly seems like logic for a man to teach his daughter how to recapture it.

Raising Betas

This was the trap that 3rd wave feminism fell into; the belief that they knew how best to raise a boy into their disempowered and emasculated ideal of their redefined masculinity. Teach that boy a default deference and sublimation to feminine authority, redefine it as respect, teach him to pee sitting down and share in his part of the choreplay, and well, the world is bound to be a better more cooperative place right?

So it is for these reason I think that the evolved, conventional, two-parent heterosexual model serves best for raising a child. I cannot endorse single parenthood for either sex. Parenting should be as collaborative and as complementary a partnership as is reflected in the complementary relationship between a mother and father.

It’s the height of gender-supremacism to be so arrogantly self-convinced as to deliberately choose to birth a child and attempt to raise it into the contrived ideal of what that “parent” believes the other gender’s role ought to be.

This should put the institutionalized social engineering agenda of the Feminine Imperative into stark contrast for anyone considering intentional single parenthood. Now consider that sperm banks and feminine-specific fertility institutions have been part of normalized society for over 60 years and you can see that Hypergamy has dictated the course of parenting for some time now. This is the definition of social engineering.

I’ll admit that when I got the question of single fatherhood I was a bit incredulous of the mechanics of it. Naturally it would be an expense most men couldn’t entertain. However, as promised, I did my homework on it, and found out that ectogenesis was yet another science-fiction-come-reality that feminists have already considered and have planned for:

Prominent feminists and activists, including Andrea Dworkin and Janice Raymond, have concluded that not only will women be further marginalized and oppressed by this eventuality, but they will become obsolete.

Fertility, and the ability to be the species’ reproductive engine, are virtually the only resources that women collectively control, they argue. And, although women do have other “value” in a patriarchal society–child rearing, for example–gestation remains, worldwide, the most important.  Even in the most female-denigrating cultures women are prized, if only, for their childbearing. If you take that away, then what? This technology becomes another form of violence.

Women already have the power to eliminate men and in their collective wisdom have decided to keep them. The real question now is, will men, once the artificial womb is perfected, want to keep women around?

[…]“We may find ourselves without a product of any kind with which to bargain,” she writes. “We have to ask, if that last power is taken and controlled by men, what role is envisaged for women in the new world? Will women become obsolete?”

This was a great article and it came at an auspicious time – the time we find women sweating about having their sexual market leverage with men potentially being undercut by sex-bots and/or immersive virtual sex substitutes.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

He thought that wives who do that are using it as an excuse to mask their lack of real, raw, passionate desire for their husbands. haha, sounds like he’s a lucky guy. How many wives does he have? Personally my wife didn’t deny me anything while nursing. She never does. But at this point in my life if she isn’t into it, it doesn’t do much for me. Look, if it wasn’t a hormonal problem then why would she go back to normal after weaning? My point is this: I’m going to say a vast majority of women lose their… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

@andy I don’t think fatherhood was by committee. Most men would be hunting, farming, or fighting in wars. The solution to what you’re describing is a harem. That’s why men had them, and the conquered tribes were castrated and turned into eunuchs to protect the harems. The one man one woman concept was for betas, heiring property, or arranged marriages for breeding Alphas(a general would want his daughter married to another general) think along the lines of breeding dogs. Kings were usually warriors and they would want their sons to be guaranteed good breeding stock and they would want “daddy’s… Read more »

8 years ago

Whether a gal loses her sex drive hormonally or not during pregnancy and nursing isn’t really the issue though, is it?

If she feared his leaving, if she truly recognized him as a high value man that wouldn’t tolerate lack of sex, she would put out anyway. At the very least she would attempt to please.

Short of the actual physical inability to fuck (bed rest and such) it seems like a test or a lack of attraction.

8 years ago

Hell now that I think about it, years ago my sister had a major medical problem where she was bed ridden for months.

She didn’t want her husband to go without so she had him masturbate onto her tits while she talked dirty or just made eye contact. (Yes, sister and I are close enough she tells me this shit)

Said she didn’t want him to fuck the chick at Starbucks that likes him so much.

Sister has mad attraction for this guy.

8 years ago


Yeah maybe. My theory is that their focus would be on provisioning. Plus it would make sense in an evolutionary sense that the woman would want the next kid to be from a different man anyway to diversify DNA.

8 years ago

“Sister has mad attraction for this guy.”

So say she still has attraction, but can’t perform. Do you think the Alpha is going to wait around when there’s fully functioning hotties walking around the cave?

8 years ago

@Andy My point is this: I’m going to say a vast majority of women lose their sex drive while nursing. Increased prolactin, decreased estrogen, decreased testosterone, no ovulation… No cave man Alpha is going to put up with that shit when the next girl is ready to go. Personally my view is that fatherhood was probably by committee in our past. What should make you question your conclusion there is that newer research is finding that greater percentage than that of marriages are considered “Sexless” to begin with. So exactly how much of these investigations into arousal blockers is real,… Read more »

8 years ago

Which is why my sis attempted to keep him happy.

She knew he would probably fuck someone else if she didn’t.

He’s gone full beta since then, and she has since gotten fat and sloppy because of it.

I see the point about post partum chicks being about provisioning, but I also wonder if it’s a rationalization on the man’s part.

8 years ago

“So exactly how much of these investigations into arousal blockers is real, and how much of it is simply a band-aid explanation slapped on an existing problem.”

Okay, but google “Breastfeeding and Sex” If it was a problem before the baby, then why would it be something you would be concerned about at all?

8 years ago

Maybe those hormonal issues after pregnancy have more to do with the man after all? Many fathers say how overwhelming those emotions are when she gives birth to your first child. Many fathers seem to enjoy playing with the child, cuddling and all that. And last but not least there won’t be many men who aren’t more caring and less tough with their women in that phase.

And of course there is the issue of the unconditional (because helpless) love of your child, which is so rare for men and which may make fatherhood so attractive for many.

8 years ago

So a new dad goes beta? I can see that.

Hmmm..the one and only time I’ve ever cried as a grown ass man was the birth of my daughter.

8 years ago

“Many fathers seem to enjoy playing with the child, cuddling and all that.”

Meh, for the time that they’re nursing full time all they do is sleep, cry, and shit. I don’t know any guy that has gotten attached to their infant at that stage. I would hold them, but just to get them to stop crying. They’re much more fun when they can interact with you.

8 years ago


“He’s gone full beta since then, and she has since gotten fat and sloppy because of it.”

God, this is so depressing. Women really do love opportunistically. There really is no loyalty to the man himself, just his frame.

8 years ago


He had a job loss and bankruptcy from a work injury, with surgery and months of rehab.

The previous 20 years of good frame counted for exactly nothing.

8 years ago

Is this still where they are now, or did they divorce?

8 years ago


Yeah babies are the worst in my book. Love my kids, but my God I hate babies.

Took me until my kids were about 3 before we were tight.

Anybody else get accused of being jealous of the kids getting more attention from their mom than you do?

Big shaming trope that I heard when they were young.

8 years ago


Still there, not divorced.

3 years ago he almost had an affair. (Not sure if he really did or not) This was just before his injury.

Big fights, lots of drama.

She accidently got pregnant during that time.


8 years ago

Anybody else get accused of being jealous of the kids getting more attention from their mom than you do? Pffft. I WAS jealous. I’ll admit it. My first kid wasn’t that bad, mostly because I forced my wife to stop nursing at 12 months because I couldn’t take it anymore. Plus we were both nervous her “condition” was permanent. The second one… When he got old enough he would be nursing and look me straight in the eye and you could tell he was like “fuck you, she’s mine.” You could say it was projection, but I’m telling you. He… Read more »

8 years ago

@Andy Okay, but google “Breastfeeding and Sex” If it was a problem before the baby, then why would it be something you would be concerned about at all? How many of these men had wives who were giving sex grudgingly and they didn’t realize it? I’d wager it’s a large percentage. Hell, since sexual frequency in marriage is such a taboo topic, most men are absolutely clueless as to how much they’re getting from their wife vs other men. The fact remains that married women in the developed world are withholding sex en mass. So finding a “chemical” that supposedly… Read more »

8 years ago


“The fact remains that married women in the developed world are withholding sex en mass.”

I suppose there is no data, but one wonders how long this has been going on. Were marriages mostly sexless in 1850? How about 1550?

8 years ago

“How many of these men had wives who were giving sex grudgingly and they didn’t realize it?”

Dude, did you google it? They’re all women asking that question on baby/nursing websites. Women talking to women.

8 years ago

Honestly, why should I google that? Why should I listen to what women talk to women about publicly as if there is no duplicity in it? Why should I let what women say about themselves wholly influence me as to what their responsibilities to their husband might be? There was a time when people stopped and engaged in deep thought and discussion about topics. There is value in that activity. Simply saying, “Go google that” removes all thought and discussion, it is a wet blanket. You’ve said over and over, “google says”… I can accept that openly manipulated google searches… Read more »

8 years ago

Here’s another way of looking at it Andy… All this study that you can find on google has discussed this one particular chemical that stops sexual arousal in women (and supposedly men), right? Why is there no chemical therapy then for women with this condition? We have hundreds of types of pills for women who want to control their fertility… why no pill that restores normal sexual function after pregnancy? There’s no risk to the baby at that point, no reason to not resume normal relations, so why have the ladies not clamored for therapy for this condition? Shouldn’t that… Read more »

8 years ago

We can boil femininity down to two basic qualities, beauty and respect. If I were to choose to basic qualities of masculinity it would be strength and restraint. Feminism has perverted the equality of the sexes by mixing up these qualities and saying women should be strong and beautiful, while men should show restraint and respect. It’s why we see men demonized whenever they are displaying strength, even when it’s appropriate (unless it’s protecting a woman, then it’s usually OK). Men and women have always been equals, feminism undoes that balance by taking both strengths for women and leaving both… Read more »

8 years ago

CC – “So a new dad goes beta? I can see that.” I was already heading down the beta path, but the birth if my son pushed me over the edge. In fact, within six months I quit the band I was gigging with and severed contact with all built 2 of my friends. Why? My ex said I was spending too much time away from home and my responsibilities were with her and my family. And of course my duty as a husband and father was to do whatever she needed from me… There’s no doubt I did it… Read more »

8 years ago

Why should I let what women say about themselves wholly influence me as to what their responsibilities to their husband might be? haha. Deep breaths. I don’t disagree with any of your points. My point is that “Responsibility” doesn’t mean shit to me. Fucking a woman that isn’t thoroughly enjoying being fucked is BORING to me. Desire is what concerned me. Not responsibility. Consequently why would a cave man Alpha only fuck a girl that he knocked up just because he knocked her up? I mean for fuck’s sake, they probably didn’t even know why or why not women got… Read more »

8 years ago

RT: “Indifference. It kind of comes back to the Rejection and Revenge post: Too many guys think a NEXT (even a tactical NEXT) should be some kind of punishment for a girl who’s just not that responsive. It’s not, it’s pragmatism, plain and simple; particularly for a guy in Striver’s situation. Red Pill, 49 y.o., he’s aware of the social trends women kvetch on and on about. He knows the stats with women complaining about a lack of “good guys” with maturity and status, yet this woman is playing high school Game with him? NEXT. Striver doesn’t have time… Read more »

8 years ago

@Andy Ok, that’s a good point. I still say that if a wife is not aroused by what you do, pregnant, not pregnant, or nursing, doesn’t matter. You should be able to arouse her except in literally the most rare of circumstances. If you can’t, I believe that says that she’s holding back and she doesn’t actually consider you alpha. Consequently why would a cave man Alpha only fuck a girl that he knocked up just because he knocked her up? I mean for fuck’s sake, they probably didn’t even know why or why not women got pregnant at all.… Read more »

8 years ago

Women holding out sex doesn’t happen if she respects the man. Women fuck who they are attracted to.
This hormone conversation is bullshit. Women use that because either the dude was a Beta or he turned beta before/after the baby & the women lose attraction because he’s a boy now, so he’s not respected now.

8 years ago

@Andy!! “The second one… When he got old enough he would be nursing and look me straight in the eye and you could tell he was like “fuck you, she’s mine.” You could say it was projection, but I’m telling you. He was claiming her. My wife agreed with me.” LOL … my husband says the exact same thing about our second little boy. And when my husband teased him and tried to kiss him on the cheek (still nursing), the baby actually hit his face away. He did it several times to see if the baby would still push… Read more »

8 years ago

typo alert… “They’re mutual dissatisfaction with postpartum or nursing feeds on their **dissatisfaction** making it actually grow the more they complain.”

8 years ago

“This hormone conversation is bullshit. Women use that because either the dude was a Beta or he turned beta before/after the baby & the women lose attraction because he’s a boy now, so he’s not respected now.” “I still say that if a wife is not aroused by what you do, pregnant, not pregnant, or nursing, doesn’t matter.” Okay, there isn’t much research on this and obviously you can’t experience what I did. But two kids in a row, desire vanishes after baby. Comes back after weaning. That’s my experience. And it makes sense to me from an evolutionary perspective.… Read more »

8 years ago

IB: “Would I tolerate your endless abuse, attempt to understand WTH is going on in your heads, if I did not love you? Would I come where I was obviously not wanted and attempt to communicate with any of you?

…Were I indifferent to you, I would not be here…”

Hahaha….Holy shit!

8 years ago

From a resource stand point it makes more sense to keep the man around to supporter and the kid, and then sneak alpha in on the side.

NOT overtly replace him.

Cuckold makes more sense.

8 years ago

@Andy A nursing woman devotes all her resources to ensure the survival of the baby. That’s a mischaracterization. Even in still-primitive cultures, it is not uncommon for women to give birth and then continue doing whatever survival task they were doing that same day, even the same hour after delivery. Women (and babies) are tougher than you’re giving them credit for, hell they’re tougher than they give themselves credit for. Developed-world cultures have coddled pregnant women or women who just gave birth to a huge degree. A significant portion of that coddling did not exist in village/cave-man cultures, women were… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy


“Except, women are not programmed to seek genetic diversity, men are. It is men who appreciate a variety of women, not women who appreciate a variety of men. Women are the ones with strict physical requirements on men, it’s the men who can find something attractive about most any (in-shape) woman. Women don’t give two spits if they had an asian baby, a black baby, or any other specific race so long as they took seed from and delivered for alpha.”

That’s a money quote!

8 years ago

Which means either a post partum woman that won’t put out considers him a beta to be cuckolded, or she would also cuckold an alpha at that point. But a strict caveman view would dictate that she keep a man around. So…I think that means that it’s a test at best and lack of attraction at worst. Hormones whatever, she is still a conscious human being that could choose to fuck or at least supplement orally or whatever. Which means that her needs, disguised as the kids needs, came first. I would guess that the thought of putting out never… Read more »

8 years ago

@benfromtexas “She talks about wanting to get married and have kids, but she has yet to bother settling down. The men she meets doesn’t meet her “bragging rights” celebrity standards she was used to, so she just works & goes home. It’s crazy to observe knowing what I know. Women psychologically do pay a price hopping from cock to cock. The number of alphas or at least their last Alpha really does affect them in a crazy way.” It doesn’t need to be a woman who was hanging around guys who are literally celebrities. Most American women have a story… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Vitriol



Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@benfromtexas, pay don’t play I think you’re right about “bragging rights”. It’s just like Rollo says, she doesn’t care about who you are as a person, she only cares about What you are and how you make her feel. Women want men for their status above anything else. I forget the study, but I remember seeing one that found women want (in order): 1) status 2) looks 3) intelligence, but only inasmuch as it brings you status Status is of course an abstraction for many things: money, power, fame, etc., but the bottom line is that it’s your status she… Read more »

8 years ago

Except, women are not programmed to seek genetic diversity, men are. It is men who appreciate a variety of women, not women who appreciate a variety of men.

What planet are you living on?

8 years ago

I agree it is going too far to say that solipsism can be ignored in a family dynamic. That’s not what I was trying to imply. What I was trying to say is that I know what women are going to tell me, I know what to expect from mainstream search engines, I know what to expect from the FI w.r.t. whether or not women should satisfy their man. Why should I base my understanding of what gets a woman going on what women tell me? That’s basic blue-pill thinking. There’s very little different from that than being a blue-pill… Read more »

8 years ago

Even to Trad-Con Evangelical women the thought of any responsibility to their husband doesn’t even enter their heads.

I would argue that in certain ways, it is harder for trad-con women to see this responsibility because they already believe they are following the traditional conservative role. To tell them that they actually are not is a slap to the face and can make it harder for them to see.

8 years ago

@Striver, Thanks for the feedback. I don’t think I would try to escalate with hiking bitch. Frankly I was turned off when she did that. I’m not going to escalate when I’m turned off. It’s really too direct to be a shit test. Thinking about it, I think the anger toward the woman is misplaced. She DID communicate to you how she felt, although she did it somewhat covertly. It was up to you to respond keeping your needs in mind. Whether it was a shit test or she was communicating that she just wasn’t interested in you sexually would… Read more »

8 years ago

What planet are you living on?

We don’t seek a variety of men. We are always on the search the better man. That’s not seeking diversity. It’s seeking hypergamously.

8 years ago

“The fact that it was necessary for Dragonfly to point any consideration for their husbands out to them speaks volumes.”

It sure does. It speaks volumes of total bovine poo from someone who is more interested in confirming your biases, than in speaking the truth. She’s a smart girl, she knows how to tell you exactly what you all want to hear, but it isn’t kind and it isn’t loving.

8 years ago

“Dalrock’s recent posts about the War Room movie is a prime example of why Evangelical women have no consideration of male headship, much less consideration of responsibilities to their husbands.”

And Dalrock is a few doughnuts short of a full dozen. He also orbits on his own little planet confirming his own biases. Male solipsism, it’s a real things in the world.

8 years ago

@blaximus: “This is part of being a father/having kids. Sacrifice can take many different forms. Sure, you still have your biological needs as a man, but you also have a newborn that has ( unwittingly ) wrecked your woman’s body internally and externally. The sex will resume” The problem is that women have almost TOTAL control over when, how, how much, and who they sex up. Society and conventions and law give them almost total power. By ceding the tiny bit of power the man still retains you feed the monster after midnight and turn your marriage into a low… Read more »

8 years ago

We don’t seek a variety of men. We are always on the search the better man.

I don’t know. I went to college. It sure didn’t seem like every subsequent guy a girl fucked was better than the last.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


It’s not what you think is better or what actually is better. It’s what she *perceives* as better vs. what she has right now.

8 years ago

@Andy: I’m going to use Vox Day’s terminology here ( , because I feel it is more appropriate for the situation than the simple binary model. The blue pill delta man has a very specific set of criteria for what constitutes a “better” man – and he is wrong. But his wrong belief is largely extinct proof, because no matter how many times women demonstrate to him that he is wrong he defends his position by projecting the error onto the women. When a women ditches the engineer for a homeless musician, a guy hanging out in the Home Depot… Read more »

8 years ago

kfg’s got it. Only “better” man might confuse some. More arousing man is closer. More tingle inducing man.

8 years ago

I have to go with Andy on the sex after child birth one. I have four kids spaced 18-28 months apart and my experience was identical to his. Once the breast feeding stopped the horniness returned. My wife had episiotomies at each birth as well, so it was three months of blow jobs and hand jobs before I resumed regular sex. She generally stopped breast feeding right around three months. People are saying the hormone issue is an excuse, I don’t know for sure, but I can tell you my wife got postpartum blues that increased in severity with each… Read more »

8 years ago

As many of you have already mentioned in the stories you’ve shared, it is usually the father who pushes their children towards a higher standard of success. This is critical for the child to develop into a successful adult that excels in society. It is usually the mother who coos and coddles their children. This is also necessary, as it’s vitally important for children to feel loved and accepted by their parents. This shows the necessity of the roles of both mothers and fathers in the development of children. If a child faces only criticism, it may have lasting effects… Read more »

8 years ago

IB seems like she’s trying to redeem herself, lol. BPD, bipolar – who knows, she surely a fucking cunt either way. Although for her to think she has a shred of credibility after her relentless insults and disparaging of men here surely indicates some kind of cognitive defect. And try to keep in mind IB I didn’t lash out at you until after you insulted and denigrated every man here. Try to keep that in mind – you asks for it @Dragonfly – You consistently demonstrate that you take being a woman and the complementarity of men and women to… Read more »

8 years ago


I’m not sure what counterpoint you’re trying to express to me. Where am I in error (honest question) ? Are you cautioning me against ignoring what is said in hen circles?

8 years ago

@Rollo: I noticed all but one (who had very dark hair and grayed very early) of my friends got their first gray hair at the time of their first child. And those without children don’t get gray hair (at least till now). How did you make it so long without gray hair?
[You’re kidding, right? Heheh]

8 years ago

Rollo. On the Red Pill Parenting, the one thing I want to impart to my sons that I never learned until I came here is that men and women are different. Call me stupid, but I really thought it was same features, different fixtures. How we love, how we’re attracted, how we communicate, loyalty, honesty, etc. We are just different. That’s why her behavior never made sense and drove me crazy. Thinking back on it, I know my Dad knew it. He must have just assumed the we all knew it too and never told us. That’s a mistake I… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Frankly I’ve been wondering when Stingray would show up in this thread, it is about time. Where’s Elspeth at? Stingray I would argue that in certain ways, it is harder for trad-con women to see this responsibility because they already believe they are following the traditional conservative role. To tell them that they actually are not is a slap to the face and can make it harder for them to see. Sure, because it is not in their interest to see such a thing. Because if they saw such a thing, they might wind up acting on it, and actually… Read more »

8 years ago

Hypergamy doesn’t care who you think is a “better man”.


8 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader, actually acting on it would be oh so much work. Partly, but it is also a power play, just like all feminists (or women. As you said, AWALT). And along with all those things you listed that Trad-Con women know, what they also have going for them is less cognitive dissonance. I tend to think hardcore feminists have more cognitive dissonance. Look at the SJW’s. There is a reason Vox Day is able to so accurately read them and come up with hard and fast laws. They fight so hard for their power and against that dissonance… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

Stingray, that’s some good points. I like the way you worded it too. “Churchianity”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Seraph to Striver: Thinking about it, I think the anger toward the woman is misplaced. She DID communicate to you how she felt, although she did it somewhat covertly. It was up to you to respond keeping your needs in mind. Lately I’ve boiled down a lot of thinking and come up with two key facts that IMO drive women’s inborn behavior: 1. Covert estrus + the relative cost of ova vs. sperm. 2. Sexual dimorphism. Babies are expensive to women in a lot of ways, even now some number of women die in the process of pregnancy and childbirth.… Read more »

8 years ago

I hear what you’re saying Rollo. I probably don’t have anything further to contribute on that topic, given that I have not stopped to consider the meaning behind those behaviors in detail.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

And Dalrock is a few doughnuts short of a full dozen. He also orbits on his own little planet confirming his own biases. Male solipsism, it’s a real things in the world.

Argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy, dearie. Your reflexive Disqualify! doesn’t cut any ice in this place because this is a group of men, not one of your aging, postmenopausal, 2nd stage feminist hen parties.

Now run along, I bet your attic is getting stinky again…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Atticus, likely you were force fed the same 2nd stage feminist crap that I was: Men and women are exactly the same except women have babies. Far too many tradcons have that crap in their heads as well, they just express it differently. Science has blown that out of the water. The fact that giving estrogen to men shrinks their brains ought to shut the mouth of every feminist, but of course it won’t. As for your father, yep, he likely assumed you’d just get it. My father was the same, he grew up among men, spent some time in… Read more »

8 years ago


I would argue that in certain ways, it is harder for trad-con women to see this responsibility because they already believe they are following the traditional conservative role. To tell them that they actually are not is a slap to the face and can make it harder for them to see.

I assume by using the term trad-con women, you’re referring to women who did not ride the CC until 28, then become christian purely because it is a beta-husband-rich environment.

8 years ago

I ran into that exact thing with my traditional conservative wife. Says she honors her husband, others tell her she honors her husband, bit behind the curtains is a very different story. Begrudgeingly doing chores, never mind “homemaking”, and then complaining about being a maid is not honoring. Using these values as leverage in the relationship is not honoring. Traditional chicks are very good at pretending the man is the head of the household, when the truth is that they only have headship with her permission and approval. Harsh reality that a chick that has seemingly traditional values is only… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Rollo I just think it’s important to make a distinction between believing women’s words to the point of adjusting your own beliefs and behaviors, and listening to what she’s saying as an observation of behavior. Another way to think about this: women’s words are data, not facts. Often women will say what they wish was true rather than what is true, for example. It’s like asking a 12 year old “Did you do your math homework?” and the answer is “Uh….yeahhh…can I go play?”. The 12 year old wishes the math was done, even though it isn’t. So it is… Read more »

8 years ago

Traditional values


Good girls

All just various flavors of the same hypergamy.

Same chicks, different paint jobs.

8 years ago

Hypergamy doesn’t care who you think is a “better man”.

I mean I suppose it’s possible women have zero interest in sexual variety. Is that your point? I find that hard to believe. You can’t tell me the mystery of an unknown man doesn’t impact her level of attraction. I mean did nobody else go to college? I got laid for two reasons. I was there. I had a penis. I didn’t see much hypergamous scrutinization.

8 years ago

it is about time.

Sorry I took so long! 😉

8 years ago

@ Jeremy ” After childbirth I am prone to give a woman a pass. They have a volatile hormonal cocktail inside of them and it takes many of them months to get fully back to being themselves. Why? Why assume that the presence of your sexuality in her life is bad for her during a hormonal mix? I was reading a while back that sex during menstruation, when done correctly, actually alleviates many of the symptoms of some women. I would argue that human life evolved to accommodate persistent male sexual needs in most aspects of a woman’s life, whether… Read more »

8 years ago


What I mean by tradcon women is what CaveClown described above. A woman who touts traditional values but does not actually practice them. Most of the time, these women lead from the neck.

8 years ago

“I didn’t see much hypergamous scrutinization.”

You’re looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Look at the men who didn’t get laid. They were there too.

8 years ago


Thank you but I can’t take credit for “churchianity”. It’s an old manosphere term.

8 years ago

@CaveClown There’s a loose friend of mine, more like a nice guy who is a friend of a friend. I’ve been trying to introduce him to this stuff. He’s very very christian and is absolutely insistent that the woman he finds also be christian. He shares his stories with a friend of mine, who relates them to me. Almost without fail, the women he’s been dating for about the past 10 years all went to church purely to find a mark to use. They literally operated like con artists, pretending to be christian, pretending to agree with the teachings there,… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy


I’ve had friends have similar experiences with women “posing” to be Christian to get a free ride. It’s amazing how common it is. Women go there after they’ve started to rot and their SMV is dropping like a rock. They also know that they can get more “control” over a lot of those men via having the church members help them out via peer pressure & male stupidity.

8 years ago

You’re looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Look at the men who didn’t get laid. They were there too.

Yeah, but you had to be REALLY strange or ugly. Those girls were fucking HORNY.

8 years ago


” I have a hard time understanding how guys can appreciate hormones and shark week’s challenges, and not realize how a female body can be affect by child birth for longer than a few weeks. ”

… I’m finding this fascinating

8 years ago


Not surprised.

Looking back I think that is one of the reasons my oneitis is so strong, I thought I did it right.

Traditional, virgin, big tits.

So I ignored the dominating mother, weak father, and the obvious signs of crazy.

I thought I was doing better than all you fuckers out there banging those sluts…lol

8 years ago


I got laid for two reasons. I was there. I had a penis. I didn’t see much hypergamous scrutinization.

I could also look at the sunrise and say it happened for two reasons, the earth orbits the sun, and the earth rotates on it’s axis. This explanation completely ignores how and why nuclear fusion happens. Don’t over-simplify for your own benefit when there’s tremendous value in knowing the details.

8 years ago

“Yeah, but you had to be REALLY strange or ugly.”

So, you did see it, even in a socially presorted environment, but disqualify it.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


It’s a true triumph of Third Wave Feminism that all women, regardless of their upbringing, assume they don’t need to bring anything to a long term relationship while a man has to bring the entire world. Hell all they have to be is a wet hole, and they only have to be that much until marriage. After that the Damocles Sword of modern divorce law hangs over the man’s head. All stick, no carrot. And they wonder why marriage rates are falling like a rock…

play don't pay
play don't pay
8 years ago

At the moment, for me nihilism is where it’s at. Took the red pill 18 months ago, hit the gym, I’m 47 with a 30 year old main plate and 44 year old milf plate. I have one son 13 with my ex, would have liked more kids but now I just don’t believe in women they are not fit for purpose anymore. Basically have decided that at this point women are just for entertainment purposes, I’d hoped for so much more. I feel like I have had my purpose in life taken away from me and all I can… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Jeremy, another way to put what Stingray is saying: “backleading”. Ask anyone who dances touch-dance (ballroom, tango, jitterbug, etc.) about the strong&independent women who keep trying to lead, even as they are dancing backwards. “Lead me, but only where I want to go” is another way to put it. I know several tradcon men whose wives are all about teh submission in public, but from what those men have let out in bits and fragments over the years, Dear Wifey ain’t always so nice in private. Julian O’Dea once noted that women tend to reserve their bad behavior for private… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Andy

” Meh, for the time that they’re nursing full time all they do is sleep, cry, and shit. I don’t know any guy that has gotten attached to their infant at that stage. I would hold them, but just to get them to stop crying. They’re much more fun when they can interact with you.”

This is why I love the comment section. Diverse opinions.

I was attached to both my children from birth. For my 2nd child I was in the delivery room and cut the cord. My experience is 180 degrees different from yours.

8 years ago

If you’re tying to tell me that college girls don’t like variety then I don’t know what to say. There’s a variety stage in there. If a virgin finds a stud how does she know he’s a fucking stud if she hasn’t been around the block? Rollo even says this in Preventative Medicine. If she didn’t get the variety stage in the 20’s she’ll look for it in her 40’s.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Andy Yeah, but you had to be REALLY strange or ugly. Those girls were fucking HORNY. The vast majority of my friends and I were a bit strange (nerdy betas), but not ugly. We just weren’t hot. We weren’t getting laid at all most of the time. When we did, it was the FUMPs. Never the slightly above average chicks. Never mind the true hotties. Hypergamy was very much in play during college and even high school in my experience. I want you to try something for me: go to a coffee shop near a high school or a college,… Read more »

8 years ago

@Blaximus & Atticus ” I have a hard time understanding how guys can appreciate hormones and shark week’s challenges, and not realize how a female body can be affect by child birth for longer than a few weeks. ” … I’m finding this fascinating Affected by? I never said not affected by. But I disagree with the automatic notion that the needs of the husband should automatically be curtailed. Somehow I really doubt that for most of the history of pre-language versions of humans, and in the 100,000 plus history of humanity that there was a significant portion of men… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Stingray Trad-Con women, while I believe they still have some dissonance, have much less because they have the power of churchianity behind them. They have the other wives behind them, they have the white knight men of the church behind them and their pastor as well (the AMOG) whom they just so respect. Good point. I’m working up a set of links on male vs. female brains that I can drop as a stink bomb into any random “I Fucking Love Science” SJW crab pot. People who claim to “luv science” can get wound up into cognitive dissonance pretty fast… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . I’d hoped for so much more.”

Hope springs infernal. Hope was in Pandora’s box of evils, and the only one she managed to retain.

“But what’s it all about?”

Same thing it is for the sparrow, the elephant and the warthog. The problem with life not having a “higher” purpose is that it leaves you responsible for giving it purpose yourself. You have to take the blame for it.

On the other hand, you get to take the credit for it as well.

8 years ago

@bluepillprofessor ” ..The problem is that women have almost TOTAL control over when, how, how much, and who they sex up. Society and conventions and law give them almost total power. By ceding the tiny bit of power the man still retains you feed the monster after midnight and turn your marriage into a low sex marriage overnight. The sex will NOT necessarily resume once she has total power over you. Nothing is less attractive to a woman than giving her all the power. So if you do, don’t be surprised when you post on /r/deadbedrooms in about 6 months… Read more »

8 years ago

@Anonymous Reader: “I know several tradcon men whose wives are all about teh submission in public, but from what those men have let out in bits and fragments over the years, Dear Wifey ain’t always so nice in private.”

This is the secret of the Asian unicorn.

” . . . women tend to reserve their bad behavior for private moments – no witnesses, y’see, and women do care what other women think of them.”

And this is the secret of Silver Head game.

8 years ago

@Anonymous Reader I’ve stated before I expect feminists to abandon Science, in time, because it contradicts their pretty stories so completely. Nah, they’ll just co-opt it like the CAGW crowd did. Science is corruptible. Also, as an FYI, I’ve been a fairly serious salsa dancer for 12+ years now. So I know exactly what you mean when it comes to backleading. Interestingly enough in the social dance scene, backleading girls get their reputation preceding them a lot and find themselves not dancing as much as other girls very quickly. What’s more the good female teachers often stress to the girls… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

kfg – Just thought of an interesting experiment, it may be related to whatever “Silver Head game” is. A man has a woman who wears one face in public, another in private? Let bits and pieces of her private nastiness leak out. Indirectly, of course. Mention it to some of the men married to her gal pals, for example. A few tiny doses. It’ll get back to her.

The effects should be interesting. This should only be tried when a man is fully operating with a ZFG frame, of course.

8 years ago

@play don’t pay “At the moment, for me nihilism is where it’s at.” “Basically have decided that at this point women are just for entertainment purposes” “I feel like I have had my purpose in life taken away from me and all I can see for the future is a selfish life of hedonism” “Marriage is not an option” These statements sound like you’re heading in the right direction. It sounds depressing to some guys at first, but you’re better off enjoying your life and only using women for fun, rather than attempting to play by an old set of… Read more »

8 years ago

Missed this:

“I’ve stated before I expect feminists to abandon Science, in time . . . ”

This is already one of the foundational tenets of post modern, cultural Marxist thought, hence a foundational tenet of Patriarchy Theory.

When science supports the narrative they will wield it as a weapon, but when it does not they will disqualify it. To them it’s just a rhetorical tool of the revolution, not something they believe in.

8 years ago

” . . . whatever “Silver Head game” is . . . ”

A Silver Head (or Silverhead) is an alpha man with grey hair, analogous to the Silverback Gorilla. Silverhead Game is what keeps him rolling in 18 year olds.

“Let bits and pieces of her private nastiness leak out. Indirectly, of course.”

That is the meat of Women’s Circle game. Smile in your BFF’s face while at the same time poisoning her social well. This also how men are cut from access to women in the circle.

Interestingly, it is also how those with NPD operate.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@kfg That’s actually what caused me to begin questioning some of my more extreme Left friends. “Wait, you folks are real quick to rake an idiotic ultra conservative Christian over the coals for ignoring science, but the moment the science doesn’t fit your narrative it’s invalid? Somethin don’t jive here…” People that tell me that they believe in science will start denying it the moment it doesn’t fit what they believe. It’s at least excusable to pull this move in religion; religious texts are often touted as being “open to interpretation”. The sciences on the other hand? Dude it’s true… Read more »

8 years ago

“It would be called “religion”.”

There is only one God, and his name is History.

8 years ago


That was 10 years ago. Now the people who speak as if they are “believers in the scientific method” literally come across as religious themselves. Gone is natural curiosity. Gone is inquisitiveness. Gone is humility in knowledge. What passes for doctrine for these people is what the typically government-funded, and often PC-sanitized-subject “scientists” say.

It’s getting to a point where I’d rather call myself an engineer in public, just so I’m not associating myself with a field that is ever-more a servant of political winds rather than its own master.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy


Good point. Science is just a political arm to control us now. If it goes along with the narrative being pushed, then good for our rulers. If not the change it, overlook it, or if you disagree then they destroy people in a modern day Inquisition.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Engineers always make good scientists strictly because their paycheck depends on shit that actually works as predicted.

8 years ago

Dinner last weekend in my back yard. Myself and my date with dear friends (married for almost 20 years). They have a 4 y/o son* who was in bed already. As the conversation split and my (male) friend and I were on our own tangent, I could overhear bits of the conversation between the women. Many observations, consistent with what has been said above, but also interesting how the tone acquires both the status posturing and emotional competition between women while still adhering to the female superiority aspect of entrenched FI perspectives, i.e. men are pigs, men are just large… Read more »

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