Domain Dependence


I received the following email from a reader this week:

Hi Rollo, I ran across the below thread on the TRP discussion on Reddit. I’m not normally a big follower of reddit but this one was good and is something that I’ve thought for a long time. Online Dating really, really, really sucks for men. And turns women into bitches. And has changed the world from an 80/20 market to a 95/5 market. The average male and actually for most above average males too … like SMV 6s and 7s have been completely shut out. And learning Game does little good for these men.

Was wondering if you’d care to discuss such things.

One of the founding Red Pill principles I explored over a decade ago was the tendency for men (and women) to create Buffers against rejection for themselves. I’ll still argue that men being the ‘initiator’ sex are subject to the consequences of rejection far more than women ever will be, but left unchecked, and if we’re honest, deliberately ignored, these rejection Buffers often develop into psychological schemas men internalize as a specific “preference” when it comes to interacting with with women:

Buffers are generally the paths of least rejection that become ego-invested “preferences.” Buffers aren’t so much about those “preferences” as they are about the motivations behind them.

At this point you might be thinking, “well, what the hell, I don’t want to feel rejection, why not employ buffers against it?” The main reason for embracing rejection is that rejection is better than regret. Scan back through this short list of buffers; how many of these have become greater, longer term problems for you than a briefly painful rejection would’ve been? Buffers also have a tendency to compound upon themselves in that one tends to dovetail into another, or more, until you no longer realize that they were originally rejection prevention methodologies and gradually become associated with your genuine personality. After a long enough period, these buffer become “just how I am.”

In the past Roosh has gone into some speculation that there will be a narrowing of the already harsh 80-20 rule of the SMP the closer western society gets to a total consolidation of feminine social primacy. Certain bloggers will debate the numbers, but I tend to agree with his proposition, though I’d say that a starting point of 80-20 might be a bit generous. However, considering the comfort with which women and popular culture are embracing open Hypergamy, I think I would actually step up his timetable for ‘Peak Hypergamy’.

For now, men are being presented with some very simple and pragmatic choices:

  • Learn Game, stay in the Game. Make the most of what they have to work with in their given circumstances and focus on self-motivated self-improvement. In a sense it’s a form of MGTOW, but with the expressed purpose of actively engaging in the SMP as it’s accessible to an individual guy. In other words, don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better – play the game better but always with yourself as your own mental point of origin.
  • Exit the Game. No one truly exits the Game, but they can minimize their active involvement in it. For the most part this doesn’t have to be a complete capitulation to one’s sexless, intimacy-less fate, but it does imply a degree of self-imposed indifference to women’s interest. Unfortunately this option seems the most pragmatic for men who either haven’t the patience or circumstance to opt for improving themselves and succeed at the Game, or they simply don’t see a commensurate reward for the investment they’d need to make in assuming the liabilities that come with dealing with most women these days.
  • Continue on in a Blue Pill ignorance. Although this ‘choice’ is the most common (i.e. at least 80% of Beta men) it will be the one to disappear the most rapidly. Even without a growing Red Pill community, Red Pill awareness is becoming more difficult for even the most plugged-in of men to ignore. Women’s flaunting of Open Hypergamy and blatant admission to a sexual strategy of Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks combined with a widespread Red Pill awareness will challenge even the most ardent of White Knight’s and idealistic ‘average frustrated chumps’. Still, there are diehard self-righteous Betas who’s dedication to the path that the Feminine Imperative has set before them has made any deviation from it unthinkable. They build a life of dependency on the untenable Blue Pill goals and the means to realize them.

The problem inherent to all of these options is that to a lesser or greater degree they rely on a static state of a particular environment, condition or domain.

Domain Dependency

Just for the record, yes, I’m quite familiar with the anti-fragile doctrine proposed by Taleb with regard to domain dependency. I do see a parallels in this with regard to Red Pill awareness, but this is in no way an endorsement of the book – I simply don’t have enough familiarity with it.

For Red Pill purposes though, Domain Dependence is being good at what you do in one setting, but completely unable to transfer that ability to another setting. I think this dependence is one of the more overstated preoccupations Game critics have in really accepting the validity of greater Red Pill truths.

A cheetah is a deadly and effective predator when he can use his speed to run down prey on the wide-open African plains, but put him in the Brazilian rainforest, with its dense jungle, and he’s probably going to sleep hungry more nights than not.

Translated into predictable Red Pill critique, the idea is similar – “Yeah, sure, game works well for picking up low self-esteem bar skanks, but I’m looking for a Quality Woman.” What’s implied isn’t necessarily incorrect; the most ridiculed, stereotypical examples of Game came from the trials and errors of early PUAs making observations and applying what they’d learned in a contextual domain – night clubs, bars, etc. While those observations were, and still are, invaluable information to a greater meta-understanding of Red Pill awareness, for the most part those early successes were dependent on that specific (club style) domain.

Game has branched out from that beginning to be applied in broader domains. Thus we have specific areas of application dependency based on what can produce at least somewhat replicable results in those settings. Nick Krauser writes the book on day Game, Roosh the book on South America and Northern & Eastern Europe, while other authors ply their trade writing about Game in marriage or under the auspices of religion(s).

And while I have a great deal of respect for the most of them, a creative mind doesn’t work like this. The creative mind has the ability to migrate from one realm to another without even thinking about it. It’s what allows us to connect this dot with that dot. There is a certain applied reasoning and science behind a Red Pill awareness, but it’s important to remember what the ‘A’ in PUA stands for – Artistry.

Crossing Domains

I’ve known a number of guys in my time who swear that there’s nothing hotter than a woman 15 – 20 years their senior. Others love to explain to me how behind the times I am by pointing out the inherent dangers and liabilities of dating single mothers (for anything more than a one time bang). Still others tell me how enthusiastic a lay the obese women they regularly bang are. All of these guys express a preference for the type of women they can reliably get into bed with and will staunchly defend and praise their preferred type of woman.

Their domain dependency became their internalized, ego-invested preference.

I’ve touched on this dynamic in a few of my earliest posts, but I think it’s important to realize that domain dependency isn’t just about the type of woman you’ve developed a preference for, but rather how you’re predictably rewarded (in this case with sex) within that particular domain. You can semi-reliably do well with Goth girls, fat girls, older women, single moms? It’s important to understand the specifics and motivations of the women within that domain. You went on a sex safari in Southeast Asia or the Philippines, yet get flaked on by every western girl you approach? There are (obviously) specifics that influence those domains.

After all of this, the Red Pill is universally applicable, or it’s not. The same fundamental Red Pill dynamics, operating within the context of a specific domain, are applicable with the correct art necessary for that domain.

Red Pill truths are domain independent. Hypergamy is the same to a girl in Brazil as it is to a girl in Vegas. The domain changes, and with it the necessary art based on a woman’s incentives and the priorities for that given domain, but the underlying purpose and requisites of Hypergamy is unchanged. Yes, cultural, religious and familial limitations of that Hypergamy may apply within that domain, but root level Red Pill truth is still the prime directive for women.

Within a man’s lifetime he will have no choice but to cross into, and adapt to unfamiliar domains many times. These domains are not just locales or social settings, but the specifics of a particular stage of a woman’s life as well as his own life. Marriage is a domain. Single man sex life plate spinning is a domain. Online dating, a dependency on impersonal texting, really any of the Buffers I’ve elaborated on in the past are all examples of a domain men develop a dependency on, and later a rewarded preference for.

While it’s vitally important for a man to have a solid grasp of the elements of his own, temporal, domain it’s equally important to understand how and why he came into it. What rewards did he receive or hope to receive that led to his developed “preferences”? Were those preferences dependent upon a Blue Pill condition for reward?

This is key in avoiding domain specific dependency. That’s a pretty tall order for most men, and actually it’s one of the prime reasons most Blue Pill men never come to Red Pill truths. The Blue Pill is itself a meta-domain that men are largely conditioned to be dependent upon. Coming to Red Pill truths requires the self-realization of a domain dependency on Blue Pill idealisms, their promised rewards and then letting them go.

It’s important for a man to develop a fluidity of transitioning from domain to domain. Red Pill awareness prepares him for fundaments that will be applicable in all domains, but accepting that those domains exist and influence (sometimes adversely) his ‘preferences’ is the first step in developing the art necessary to excel in a new domain.

Isolation is dangerous. The presumption that conditions will never change and / or the preoccupation with security is a woman’s realm. Men must accept that they must adapt themselves to adequately perform in changing domains.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Miss Tea
Miss Tea
9 years ago

Other than your standard spiel about “hypergamy blah blah blah,” this is a very smart article. As a woman, it’s precisely what I look for in a man: not “domain alpha” but autonomy. But that’s only because I’m part of NAWALT. All my life, my family’s moved from place to place. I’ve never had the luxury of being a good ole boy. I’ve had to learn this myself: if I don’t win in this scene, I move to another scene over here. Have friends in all places. DON’T carry all of your eggs in one basket. There’s more pressure to… Read more »

The Ronin
9 years ago

It’s beginning to boil down to the return on investment, better to specialize with some chance of success in what you know than play the Penny Stocks. A great many men I know post divorce have pretty much given up on North American women and now head to Cuba and the Dominican Republic when ever they can.

9 years ago

But doesn’t it make sense to fish where the fish are? Having game but no access to a wider pool of women isn’t productive. Part of what I’ve learned in the last year is that you have to be in it to win it. It’s a loser mentality to suggest you can’t find decent women online—or in the street or in bars or in special interest classes. Women are everywhere and sex is everywhere IF you know what to look for. The girls I’ve banged this past year would be the last ones you’d expect to be wild and crazy.… Read more »

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
9 years ago

Amused mastery will carry the skilled adventurer through most domains and make them his. However, from my 52 years of life experience as an active observer of human nature, no one individual is absolutely universal. To pull some measure of true multiplicity off, you have to be very entrenched in your red pill mindset and simultaneously cultivate a refined social awareness and the adaptive intellect to adjust your alpha presence to a variety of social phenomena and cultural landscapes. One size doesn’t fit all, and I’m glad it’s not that easy for most red pill aspirants to game across a… Read more »

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
9 years ago

P.S. Hats off to Rollo. This is the most intelligent ongoing conversation about gender relations on the internet.

Seething Lurker
Seething Lurker
9 years ago

Introspection is key in identifying your unique buffers and how they develop into “preferences.” It is very easy to forget the positive or negative forces that lead one to embrace a buffer which then becomes a preference which such preference then becomes internalized like breathing. For example, my comparatives success with black women and a job with early morning hours resulted in my “preference” for black women and day game. Now that the change in job hours and relocation to a less diverse area have disrupted my domain, I’m the proverbial cheetah in the rain forest. It’s adapt or die… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Isn’t this essentially a more in depth break down of how a man must always perform with a specific focus on the importance of flexibility to that performance? What the is the idea a man should focus on to put it in to practical action? If one must always be prepared for a domain change and success is defined within a particular domain, how then does one define success or progress after a domain switch? Is all that progress simply burned up and lost in the transition? Not dismissing the idea, mind you. It sounds like an idea I’ve been… Read more »

A WIse Sage
A WIse Sage
9 years ago

Success is measured by your ability to change. Only when you change from without can you change from within, grasshopper.

A Wise Sage
A Wise Sage
9 years ago

Become adaptable, like the river snake. Only then can you master the change in your own environment.

As a young lad, I dealt with many traders, and learned their ways and languages. Eventually, I understood my own tongue better.

A Wise Sage
A Wise Sage
9 years ago

He who suckles the same tit indefinitely becomes laughing stock of village in old age…

9 years ago

Rollo, I can understand you advocating game because it’s really the only thing we can control but nature hates to be fooled and women abide by their hypergamy by tooth and nail. I am a college student and it’s so ruthless out here for the average, let alone below-average looking guy EVEN WITH GAME. I say this as a guy who’s been in the game for nearly 5 years (I first read David DeAngelo’s and Pook’s book when I was 14 years old). As this last semester passed, I’m becoming more convinced that things that we cannot control (like looks… Read more »

9 years ago


Are you are saying that game will not materially improve your success, or that game doesn’t help you get top-level girls who are several points above you in relative SMV?

Also, see several Rollo posts back about women’s time schedules.

9 years ago

The sexual revolution benefited women and a few men at the expense of most men. But there are trade offs in everything. The average young man isn’t getting laid as much as his grandfather did 50 years ago, but he also has less responsibility and more freedom than his grandfather ever had.

And with solid game, today’s young men can get laid much more cheaply (though perhaps less often than their grandfathers did) as long as they don’t get married and don’t get any woman pregnant.

9 years ago

Rollo, you’ve had many terrific posts over the years, but I rank this amongst your very best. Hit home hard.

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
9 years ago

The triangle is contaminated.

9 years ago

Any broad who starts off with how she isn’t like that almost always is just like that… & that turning star is getting stranger by the post. In social settings, strength, power etc and the willingness to use your power to achieve what you want is universal. I think books on game etc have their place but the seem to stop @ the “fake it till you make it” level which is why I recommend men learn to fight, ride, shoot and scout over reading X number of books, web pages etc on pulling ass. Reading, studying etc is important… Read more »

9 years ago

Rollo, I think that the biggest component of domain dependence (ie context) is a man’s confidence. After all, confidence is one of the most potent things a man can have to attract women. The irony is that although confidence is an attractant to women regardless of context, the reasons why a man would BE confident are often highly dependent on context. I have written elsewhere about my theories of why a man may develop confidence, but I’ll summarize here: 1) Contextual confidence – developed logically based on experience or education. For example, the confidence of a professor giving a lecture,… Read more »

9 years ago

LOL w/ Jeremy….. Which is why I tell men to learn to fight, get in the ring, get your ass kicked and kick some ass. Being familiar with violence sets most of life in its proper perceptive

9 years ago

Another brilliant post. Any chance your next book could be aimed at teen boys? I’ve got 2 sons aged 11 and 13. 😎 It would be the perfect stocking stuffer next Christmas!

9 years ago

Another example: big fish small pond

9 years ago

@freshman I can definitely relate to your post and what you described makes sense but I think you’re in an environment or domain that is very competitive (college), its like the real world on steroids in terms of gaming girls. You are in a situation where money doesn’t really hold true value since everyone is just living on campus, what you own material wise is confined to your dorm and I would say its nothing luxurious on a student budget. Every addition of value to man is removed in your domain and all you are left with is the basic… Read more »

9 years ago

I think this is why I found it useful to skip over most of the highly specific, coded behaviors that PUAs go on about is they are derivatives of true game, not first principles. They illustrate aspects of universality, they are not per se universal. If a man can fly a plane, sure, he’ll work his home airport and do his touch-and-goes, and fly 25 miles away for a $100 hamburger, and become familiar with that downdraft and fast-sink that always requires a little nudge of power crossing the fence, on short final. He can go to parties and tell… Read more »

9 years ago

You go to Game with the Domain you have, not the Domain you might want or wish to have at a later time. Whereever you go, there you are.

9 years ago

Freedom comprises the ability to cross domains, to destroy buffers, to adjoin your pond to the ocean.

Atlanta Man
Atlanta Man
9 years ago

Very good read.

9 years ago

Rollo’s point is excellent, as usual. As one of the bloggers who adapts Game to LTRs, one of the greatest challenges I face is rectifying the knowledge of “Basic Game” that most men first luck into with the more sophisticated elements of “Advanced Game”, i.e. Married Game. As Rollo points out, the principals are eternal and unchanging. Yes, Virginia, AWALT – even Mrs. Ironwood. And AMALT. Hypergamy and Polygyny are hard-wired into us. But the Game-aware husband has clear and decided advantages over his BP counterpart, even if he struggles with the idea that seducing his wife is NOT the… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

Red pill men have yet to take the next step. Engineering the domain.

9 years ago

@Freshman, I’m in college too, although I’m a few years older than you. I too learned game as a teenager, but I’m relatively tall and good looking so my experiences are the polar opposite of yours. Its relatively easy for me to get laid. I rarely ever have droughts. But my message for you is that IMO you are making excuses. While it is true that most guys college guys that are good with women are tall, good looking naturals, not all of them are. I have more than a few friends / aquaintances who are smaller dudes who bang… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

And by engineering the domain I mean things like changing the laws/culture.

lazy guy
lazy guy
9 years ago

Yup, like walawala said, “Women are everywhere and sex is everywhere IF you know what to look for.” and ‘Go fishing where the fish are’. To which I add, you must know which fish go for which bait, and observe how it goes, independent of your ideas of ‘how it should go’.

Still, if I can’t enjoy the process of hunting, gaming, etc., then it’s not a worthy investment of my time. We can choose to make a point of trying to enjoy the process as its own reward, independent of the outcome.

9 years ago

 Chicks don’t give a shit about what you know but rather, how you look and how they will look with you (Does he up my status? Will my friends think he’s cute?)

That’s real red pill

Baysideplayer you are 6’2″ with steroids.Common man get real with this guy.

I will say face > height.

Lose weight get ripped. It makes your FACE look angelic = score pussy

David W
David W
9 years ago

@ ianironwood ” As one of the bloggers who adapts Game to LTRs,”

Where do you blog?

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 12:23 pm

I’m working on an aircraft design. That was very helpful.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 8:52 am

“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Mr T.
Mr T.
9 years ago

The only thing that strip a man’s dignity and pride is the feeling he experiences when he knocks at the door of a prostitute.

It’s the image of a miserable wet dog with tail between its legs.

Put that in mind x10 of that feelings when you go to online dating.

Online dating is the definition of delusional women.

It’s a scrap yard, it’s delusional women looking for slaves not men.

Nothing drives me insane except when they use the words Spontaneous and confidence. (talk about oxymoron).
Avoid online dating at all cost.

9 years ago

It’s all very simple. Don’t be fat. Don’t be unsuccessful. Always maintain exercisable options in your life.

9 years ago

I want to complement Ian Ironwood.
He runs the Red Pill Room blog.
I read his two books Manosphere and Alpha last month.
Fantastic writing skills.
Expert at married man game. Thank You!

9 years ago

re: “You will get what you’ve gotten if you keep doing what you have done.”

Until you’ve caught all the fish out of your little fishing hole. Then it’s time to move on, or stock your pond (as M Simon said, engineer your pond).

Mr T.
Mr T.
9 years ago

Rollo said :
Men must accept that they must adapt themselves to adequately perform in changing domains.

I do that when I go out. The women I talk to at 11 are different from the ones I talk to at 1 am.

Mr T.
Mr T.
9 years ago

Mmmmm,where did I read the : I played by the rules?.

Leopard cannot change its spots.

9 years ago

re: “I don’t really care if you don’t believe me.” Personally, it’s not that I don’t believe you are frustrated being a rules-player, it’s that I believe almost all men are much more frustrated. I have known a LOT of girls over the past five decades that I believe are just like you: raised in church among many nice boys, taught to be open to courting instead of secularish dating, and refused to be courted young by nice boys they considered too young. The vast majority of such girls either dropped out of church whining that there weren’t any “good”… Read more »

9 years ago

Is this her 4th name.change?

Height is a huge advantage. Huge. Every bit of research confirms this.

9 years ago

For Trugingstar: the sexual desperation comprising the *daily* *ordinary* life of the vast majority of men most of their lives would be utterly unbearable by almost all women for even one day.

About the only thing comparable, maybe, is the relationship desperation of a woman hitting the Wall.

9 years ago

On judging the relative difficulty of being a girl vs being a guy:

Would you rather be a whiny princess whose only choices seem to be a bunch of frogs, or would you rather be one of the frogs cursed to compete for such a whiny female?

9 years ago

@Some Body re: projection.

Men, especially marriage-minded men, are NOT attracted to flashy girls, to “ex” sluts, etc. WOMEN are attracted to bad men; men are not attracted to anything about bad women except for the hope that they will be sexually easy.

9 years ago

re: groupies. We all know of girls squealing and fainting at males celebrities. Guess who squeals and faints at female celebrities? Girls.

Some Body
Some Body
9 years ago

“Men, especially marriage-minded men, are NOT attracted to flashy girls”

I think I’ve been to church long enough to know what I’m talking about. 🙂

9 years ago

On topic, but mostly about The Selection Effect. As I’ve noted before, a man (e.g., me, yesterday) garnering the public admiration (and possibly infatuation) of an Important and Picky (and older) lead mare does NOT lead to extra attention to him from other women. It leads to more attention from women to the lead mare.

What *does* lead to much more attention to him is him being in the company of Unimportant and Slutty mares. Women like to compete with sluts; women will not compete with alpha females.

9 years ago

re: “Men aren’t prone to seek attention, compliments, validation, etc.” If only you knew. When a woman wants attention ,she CAN get it. As you said, short skirts, showing skin, smiling eagerly, getting on her knees in front of some random guy, etc. A woman is *guaranteed* to get attention IF SHE ACTUALLY WANTS IT. The only thing she isn’t guaranteed is attention from some one particular guy. The only reason a woman doesn’t try to get attention is because she doesn’t want it “all those frogs will bother me”. In total contrast, almost no man can get attention when… Read more »

9 years ago

re: “Don’t downplay how awful that is.”

Let’s discuss for a bit what “that” is. I contend that you have been approached by young men, possibly shyly such that it didn’t count to you, many more times than you are letting on. What do you expect young men to do when they are *repeatedly* turned down by *every* woman they try *anything* with?

Some Body
Some Body
9 years ago

Oh… you should see the GAME these women spin. “I’m so glad I finally found a home here.” “Remember that every day is precious.” “God, I’m so glad that You show me the beauty of Your creation in every sunrise.” Whatever: point is – people buy it. I’d feel bad about saying stuff like that. That’s using God to get attention for yourself. But they seem so virgin-y, and a lot more interesting than the girl sits next to fat chicks. “Time for a road trip with my favorite (sluts) sisters in Christ!!! <3 #blessed" "Me with an African orphan!… Read more »

Some Body
Some Body
9 years ago

I contend that you have been approached by young men, possibly shyly such that it didn’t count to you, many more times than you are letting on. What do you expect young men to do when they are *repeatedly* turned down by *every* woman they try *anything* with?

No! I’m not going to date the fat guy or the guy who’s socially embarrassing, but other than that, I’d an average-looking guy who shares my beliefs. If he asked! They just don’t ask.

9 years ago

LOL wonder if she is stamping her little foot while she makes these craptacoulr demands strange men validate the feelings and experiences of her special snowflakeness.

The gift that keeps on giving on why Christian are to be avoided.

M Simon
9 years ago

Mr T.
December 23rd, 2014 at 1:48 pm

The only thing that strip a man’s dignity and pride is the feeling he experiences when he knocks at the door of a prostitute.

The two times in my life I ever had an experience with one of those they chased me. I had to be talked into it. It wasn’t worth it either time.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 1:57 pm

It’s all very simple. Don’t be fat. Don’t be unsuccessful. Always maintain exercisable options in your life.

If you have confidence you don’t need much else.

M Simon
9 years ago

Another Name
December 23rd, 2014 at 5:11 pm

What I am doing is proving myself correct. What I’m not doing is expecting validation from anyone.

Evidently reality is not validating you either. That is no way to go through life. But I do understand your problem. Self confirmation bias.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool. – Richard Feynman

9 years ago

LOL now the special Christain snowflake has a new name and is cursing etc. and wonders why she lacks credibility.

9 years ago

@ jf12

Women like to compete with sluts; women will not compete with alpha females.

Interesting observation. Explains some things I’ve seen. Preselection is nuanced. Someone who perceives herself as more alpha will compete with another woman. “Alpha” as in “dominant among women.”

M Simon
9 years ago


Given the limited number of hours in a day – and supposing the 20/80 rule is in effect – when men are reduced to 5 women will be reduce to 20. So 20/80 becomes 5/20. And even ‘nother Name and all her sisters will be whining.

Forced settlement may have been a bad deal, but no settlement is worse.

But things won’t get better until we (men and women) want to restore the environment. Change the ecology. There may come a day when the old rules (or worse) look attractive. Or not.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 5:25 pm

The first mate is an alpha. It does cause more than the usual share of problems. But she does like competing and winning. So I can confirm as well.

9 years ago


If what you said is true about the different domains and using specific tools within them from RP I think it would be a great idea to include that as a separate section within the archives and go into detail on which tools to use in each domain (the major ones at least).

Another note, I cant take anything females post on here seriously, even if it is indeed agreeing with RP, it just seems too fake.

M Simon
9 years ago

Another Name
December 23rd, 2014 at 5:34 pm

If I had any sense I’d be indifferent to you. But I’m out for a little amusement and you are providing little enough.

M Simon
9 years ago

Another Name
December 23rd, 2014 at 5:34 pm

I’m out of your league. But if you’d like to meet me and the first mate I’m sure she would be amused. For a while. Assuming you are at least a 7. She doesn’t care much to compete with no competition. And in that respect (and very few others) I respect her.

9 years ago

When I was 15 years old I was attracted to a specific type of girl. Pretty face, porcelain skin, short stature, thin but curvy body, long brunette hair, 20 years old When I turned 25 my tastes were the same. Pretty face, porcelain skin, short stature, thin but curvy body, long brunette hair, 20 years old At age 35 my tastes hadn’t changed. Pretty face, porcelain skin, short stature, thin but curvy body, long brunette hair, 20 years old Recently I turned 45 and you guessed it, I’m still attracted to the exact same type of girl. Pretty face, porcelain… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

And one other thing Name. You should be between C+ and D. We both like top heavy girls.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 6:00 pm

*sorry I’ll never be good enough for your threesome.

Well that’s a relief.

9 years ago

Some random named Christian woman – seems we all agree that women are causing issues. You and your sisters at arms are in a MUCH better position to fix this, as most men have very little sway among the “herd”. Other than that, I don’t have much advice. I left the Church because I found it to be corrupt and full of Hypocracy, and I simply couldn’t imagine that God intended for me to follow THOSE folks into his grace. The Church is no less susceptible to the taint affecting us all, but may be less able to see it,… Read more »

9 years ago

re: “I’m just not to the spiritual caliber that an average man requires to “take a ‘risk’”.” You get points for awareness. An average guy risks as much, or more, getting shot down by an average girl, since if he’s shot down by a high-caliber girl (not necessarily with the bigguns …) then at least he can reason away his failure. re: “I just want a man to idolize” Go right ahead. Nobody stopping you but you. “I’d an average-looking guy who shares my beliefs. If he asked! They just don’t ask.” I am hearing that a lot. But I… Read more »

9 years ago

Hedda’s a fine name. In my 30s I went out once with a young woman named Hedda whose parents were both from Sweden and met in America. She had baby-fine brunette hair that she unfortunately bobbed off, Audrey Hepburn-like.

9 years ago

Hedda – personally, my fix was to “roll my own” faith and flip the bird to the political organization called the Catholic Church. Like you, I realized they didn’t really want me, and I had nothing to offer them but contempt.

Realize this: faith is not based on a church membership. A church is simply a social structure of supposedly like minded people. Sounds like you are not of like mind with your current flock.

Artisanal Toad
9 years ago

@Hedda I probably won’t stay a Christian. People say that they don’t see me as being very Christian anyway, so what’s the point. There’s nothing that really sticks out to me as God wanting me around. I’ll just use it the way other people do. A belief is something that you hold to. A conviction is something that holds on to you. You can give up a belief but you can’t let go of a conviction because it is holding on to you. If Christianity is merely a belief for you, you aren’t a Christian. That’s the whole “new creation… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

@M simon
that feeling apply to Betas too.

9 years ago

LOL & the crazy Christian broad is ready to give up.her religion tried to blast me for not being religious and wonders why I don’t give her any credence.

Just gets better and better in that train wreck sort of way

9 years ago

SfcTon – “The gift that keeps on giving on why Christian are to be avoided.”

As a Christian Separatist myself I have to agree. Nothing less attractive than a women who can’t stop talking about her faith, and her spiritual boyfriend Jesus. Too bad convents have fallen out of favor.

9 years ago

Once again, nicely done Rollo. A question though .Why does an alpha need to be domain independent if in any case he will always be his own mental point of origin?Or maybe being “self centered” isn’t the only thing required.Why will he care to be versatile in different domains if he truly reflects the IDGAF attitude ? If game is so heavily domain dependent, it’s truly difficult to make any sense of it given how rich and varied circumstances can be for each of us. If i were to take a guess an alpha is game competent but not game… Read more »

9 years ago

“If you have confidence you don’t need much else.” Incorrect.
There is a reality to this, and confidence is necessary, but by itself, insufficient.

9 years ago

@Hedda re: “People say that they don’t see me as being very Christian anyway”

And what, precisely, do you think is the downside to people seeing you as becoming more Christian? Besides you becoming more successful with Christian gents? See where I’m going with this? This is “that”, I think: the failure of ordinary men to float your boat.

9 years ago

Marriage was intended to be The Domain, The Buffer, succouring both those who need more sex and intimacy and those who need less. If everyone stayed in their marriage, then the unmarried would also be less tempted to stray because of the lack of opportunities.

9 years ago

“The only thing that strip a man’s dignity and pride is the feeling he experiences when he knocks at the door of a prostitute.”

I think what’s worse is not getting any in the real world, but not being able to afford the prostitute.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 7:25 pm

I can answer your question. Navigating on dry land is different from swimming in a lake. If nothing else the moves are different.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 8:28 pm

Money saved. Whores are disgusting creatures unless they are your girlfriend. And that is only a relative improvement.

9 years ago

The poor woe is me female virgin trope is a crock of shit, they all want the same thing, apex men. The virgins are just bitter god didn’t send it to them on a platter like they expected, they’re just the female version of blue pill men. I tried to introduced my virgin counsin to a 6’4, awesome physic and handsome as fuck engineer (earning 1/4 of a million) whose only downfall was that he was a little shy and awkward around women. Nope, she wouldn’t even allow an introduction, she wanted me to introduce her to a tattooed ex… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

Nathan December 23rd, 2014 at 7:43 pm Well I know a 5’6″ alpha who was so attractive that he snagged a lesbian. Way long time ago I was a 186.69cm (6′ 1 1/2″) beta who couldn’t get a date let alone a girlfriend. I got taught game by my first GF (’62) and did much better. Think of all those dirty, no account, no body, BAD Boys who seem to do well. As part of my training I hung about with a group like that for 3 years. Body is not insignificant. But it is also not essential. I’m 70.… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 9:13 pm

How about dropping a link to the Minter rant. I was unkind to him and would like to say something nice.

9 years ago

@BC: “Are you are saying that game will not materially improve your success, or that game doesn’t help you get top-level girls who are several points above you in relative SMV? Also, see several Rollo posts back about women’s time schedules.” I’m saying young girls who are homely or average are becoming super selective as well. Rollo recently linked an article via twitter of some Asian chick who’s a 4 at best and she’s draining men dry for money simply because she knows she has more options than the average man. Chicks that are average and even below average have… Read more »

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 9:13 pm

I believe this is the Minter link. I just skimmed it so far but it looks very good.

9 years ago

I readily admit that the PUA in this video is a rock star. But it took him hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of practice to become this amazing. Condom sex isn’t worth it. I don’t want sex, I want a sex life. In my humble opinion that requires a LTR with a woman who possesses a high SMV.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 10:14 pm

Before AIDs it was the happy hunting grounds. All the ladies were on the pill or used diaphragms and the vast majority were willing to bareback. Never did like being sheathed. I turned girls down that insisted. Got the clap once. From a high class chick (relatively). I was the rebound boyfriend. The previous boyfriend was contaminated. Oh. Well. Fun times.

9 years ago

As you guys discuss life with the Christian girl keep in mind that many women on the internet are actually dudes. Your welcome.

M Simon
9 years ago

December 23rd, 2014 at 10:25 pm

1. Do not identify
2. Do not consider
3. Do not tell lies
4. Do not express negative emotions

Read “The Fourth Way” by P. D. Ouspensky.

9 years ago

@M Simon
Contamination? DOH! I turned 18 in 1987 so just as I came of age the party was already winding down.

9 years ago

@freshman “I’m saying young girls who are homely or average are becoming super selective as well”

this, if true, is excellent news for the betas, as their bucks can then buy a low mileage GF/fiance/wife/bitch/stbx/exwife

9 years ago

It would be interesting to find out how cross cultural these findings that women orgasm more for richer men are

9 years ago

I wonder how many “good Christian girls” are in this group of young women. And how many “good Christian boys” they’ve turned down for dates.

9 years ago

Some screen captures of graphs from that study:

comment image

comment image

And a copy of the sunday times article on the study

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