The Enemy is Us

The more I watch this video (h/t to Yohami) the more I’m reminded of this post – Could a Man Have Written This? This is a fantastic indictment of feminism, but it’s only effective because a woman is the one delivering it. In our contemporary fem-centric society only a woman could ever legitimately endorse such a message and be taken remotely serious. Imagine a Man, even the most respected, intellectual scholar, reciting this message verbatim. In today’s social context, the message is completely different if the narrator has a penis. Misogyny is a presumed precondition before any critical thought is applied to the actual content of the message.

In making this observation I was also made aware of a social meta-dynamic. On a micro level, women’s communicative process is more concentrated upon the context of information being processed, in preference to the content (which is men’s innate domain). On the macro, societal level we see this same dynamic framing the our public discourse – fem-centrism demands a feminized preference for the contextual (the feel of the debate) above the critical content or the factual.

Thus, in a greater social arena defined by the fem-centric, a man delivering the same message as Girl Writes What? already feels wrong before the information of that message is processed.

The Scope

Recently I’ve been posting on other blogs & forums that are not specific to the “community” per se and I came back depressed. This, and the articles I’ve read and written freelance recently, plus personally dealing with friends, coworkers, business associates, hell, even church pastors – everywhere, the Matrix is there. It permeates society on so many levels. Little habits to deeply internalized beliefs, it is SO all-consuming. I know, for my readers this is like saying the sky is blue, but it is literally fucking everywhere. Turn on the TV, watch a movie, listen to the radio, surf the internet, talk to a friend, look at a billboard on the drive home, it is all encompassing.

I realize how paranoid and conspiratorial that all comes off as, but sometimes paranoia simply means you have all the facts.

I sometimes feel like John the Babtist decrying the truth in the wilderness. Yes, I know modern western culture is a cesspool of feminized Beta-AFCness, but it’s got to be preached. I recently revived a thread on SoSuave about being a positive mentor to young men and I can only think that this is a fantastic idea, because it’s men, not women who’re to blame for the vast majority of where we find ourselves now. I know the MGTOW adherents wont appreciate this, but as much as we’d like to shake our fists at the nebulous feminist movement of 50 some years ago, but just as Girl Writes What? addresses in the video, it was men who really got the ball rolling for them. And it was calculated to be so. The mass feminization of western culture we know now is far more a result of men’s complicitness which evolved into adovocation as a means to women’s sexuality. Your Dad, my Dad, in some cases our Grandfathers, have all contibuted to this, either implicitly or complicitly.

Men like Women

All it takes is one critical thought that doesn’t tow the Matrix approved line on a forum like LoveShack to draw the ire of any woman. That’s to be expected, but what follows is a landslide of sycophantic males, like braying asses, all attempting to qualify themselves to be acceptable, not just to a single woman responding, not just to their generalized feminine sensibilities, but to themselves, in relative anonymity: Meaning they have nothing to really hide and this is their default go-to response.

Far more males (they’re not Men) will vehemently rise to defend the ‘victimized’ woman, without so much as a critical thought as to what’s been said. These men think like women; the content doesn’t matter, only the context. And if that criticism sounds even remotely disparaging of their AFC ego investments it’s met with such a throng of protest and so loud a chorus of a well taught and conditioned shaming response that even a woman with an opposing viewpoint becomes secondary to their need to prove amongst themselves who’s the more acceptable to the feminine norm.

Males have become assimilated by this feminization and are now more emphatic and effective feminists than the original founders of feminism could’ve ever hoped for.

Real Life

I’m also presently dealing with a guy I hired at work and have basically watched an otherwise confident, very good looking guy systematically go through finding a girl online, meeting up with her, moving in with her and buying a dog with her in the span of 3 months. I tried intervention, but of course I got the standard AFC rationales. Now he gets depressed because he’s in over his head, and is complaining about how he gets to the gym religiously and she gets mad because he even hints she get her fat ass to the gym. I recently met her, and at her weight, I simply cannot believe this girl should ever be in a position to dictate anything to my friend. Yet there he is, by his own doing, his own self-convincing and his own innability to see past what people like those on LoveShack are fostering. He’s talented, a good looking guy, bright, ambitious, he’s even a semi-pro club D.J. and now saddled to a woman who is in no way deserving or appreciative of a guy like him.

I’ve got another guy in another dept. who was a former Marine who served 3 tours in Iraq and is an amazingly organized and responsible guy. Alpha as fuck in all respects but one; he too is saddled with an overweight fianceé who barks at him via cell phone while he takes his smoke breaks. I hear them bickering occasionally and all the guy does is attempt to appease her – this former Marine, who war couldn’t bow, is crushed mentally and emotionally by a woman who should never have a position to question him. Why? because he subscribes to the societal fem-centric default mentality when entreating with women.

I have a designer on my team – a gorgeous 24 y.o. blonde – bright, talented, educated – who is like wise stuck with a Beta chump. She’s aware of my writing and I’ve made attempts to advise her on her own situation. Even in light of this, her constant complaint is that guys are indecisive pussies now, guy’s are whipped now, guys allow women to define them now – where are all the Men now?

Comfort Zones

This shit is EVERYWHERE. The pastor at the church I attend will be offering the annual Father’s Day diatribe this Sunday and I’m anticipating the standard fem-religious message that goes along with it. However, more importantly, I’m looking forward to taking a lot of mental notes on his attitudes directed towards gender interaction. I have a good idea of what they’ll be from observing his manner toward his wife (standard religious, male self-deprication, “boy I’m sure glad she took pity on a chump like me” attitude), but I think this might be a good jumping off point for some interaction with him on his blog.

While the feminine defined social landscape is depressing to be sure, I think it’s necessary to branch out into uncharted waters. It’s very easy to type away on my blog or other forums and get an echo-chamber effect. It takes more than that to hone the message. Sure, we get the AFC naysayers here or the unplugging truth seekers presenting an opposite view (even the rare rational female input), but I think in order to stay sharp we need to venture outside our comfort zones to bring the gospel to those still trapped in the Matrix. Where else are they going to get anything more than a juvenile impression of what our “community” is saying?

I have to admit that it frustrates me to no end to have my – what I believe, very well reasoned – ideas lumped into the PUA scam category or have them passed off as misogynous before I’ve completed a valid point. It’s become very easy to pass it off as such, thanks to the same men who’ve essentially done exactly the same thing we’re fighting against; making positive masculinity laughable.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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11 years ago

Thank you for this Rollo. It is excellent. I am trying to find the courage to go out there and begin to buck the system more and not sit idly back, though I confess, it’s difficult. Do you have recommendations for a woman trying to do this as the rules are very different. I have to admit that it frustrates me to no end to have my – what I believe, very well reasoned – ideas lumped into the PUA scam category or have them passed off as misogynous before I’ve completed a valid point. I agree with this whole… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

Heh, I should have re-read your Could a Man Have Written This? again before asking. Apologies.

However, I need to ask, if messages like these are more effective because a woman is giving it, in the end, isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t that spread the message further or is the danger of the message being “bastardized” too great?

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

Good thing? Yes, but what’s telling about it is that the Jezebel set would actually feel the need to do some sort of active damage control to contain a message like that of Girl Writes What. I’m not necessarily for or against the MRM / MRAs, but I have seen videos and read articles that essentially run down the same list that GWW has here, yet none of them merited a response or rebuttal from the opposition. The ubiquitous misogyny tag is automatically inferred without it even needing be mentioned if the writer is male. However, it’s altogether another thing… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

No such thing as an Ex-Marine.

Former Marine is the preferred term.

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  Vicomte

So noted.

11 years ago
Reply to  Vicomte

Ah, thank you. I misunderstood then. Thank you.

11 years ago

I’m also presently dealing with a guy I hired at work and have basically watched an otherwise confident, very good looking guy systematically go through finding a girl online, meeting up with her, moving in with her and buying a dog with her in the span of 3 months. I tried intervention, but of course I got the standard AFC rationales. Now he gets depressed because he’s in over his head, and is complaining about how he gets to the gym religiously and she gets mad because he even hints she get her fat ass to the gym. I recently… Read more »

11 years ago

GirlWritesWhat is, principally for the reasons you have cited, quite possibly the most effective men’s rights activist on the planet. I’m a big fan of Angry Harry, my view on many men’s issues have been wildly influenced by Paul Elam, ditto John the Other, but GirlWritesWhat is, to me, hands down, the most devastating spokesperson for men’s disenfranchisement I have ever heard.

And it’s because she’s a chick. And her empathy for the male condition is epic awesomesauce with jalapeño!

11 years ago

Nail a copy of “The Sixteen Commandments of Poon” to the church front door on Sunday.

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  driveallnight

Don’t tempt me.

11 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Do eeet! You know that’ll get the fembots hamsters going at warp-speed. XD

11 years ago

She needs an Oprah-like show

11 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

No. We need her to have that show!

11 years ago
Reply to  zorroprimo

True. It only takes a bunch of money to make it happen. One more for my todo list.

11 years ago

I share your frustration.

Fred Woodbridge (@fwoodbridge)

I had a situation happen on FB last week in which the husband of a woman I know went off on me for having an emotional insecurity with women, he then proceeded to cut and paste a few paragraphs from a wikipedia article–unsourced. Why? Well, I’d made a playful tease of his wife in a picture. If you know this guy, you’ll know his wife treats him like a bad puppy. She vehemently excoriates him in public for which he’s always apologizing. He complains about her constantly to everyone who’ll listen for a second, always ending the diatribe with a… Read more »

11 years ago

I became unplugged two years ago and it is because of writers like you. Continue to write, there are many more men now that are aware of this government enforced feminism/control. I believe big social changes are coming to our civilization in the next few years. Your efforts are reaching many men and it will have an impact on our lives.

11 years ago
Reply to  Luis

I agree. I just wonder what these changes are going to be. It’s as if the 2012 prophecy ‘awakening’ will be that of men who read people like Rollo & others.

The Mayan Calender, the Annukai, the Galactic Federation of Light, the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucian’s, the Youtube conspiricists are all missing the point: the new End of the world, the rise of the New Order, is the revelation that some men will come to, and revolt against.

This is not entirely serious, however: FIAT LVX, nonetheless.

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  anony

Rollo Tomassi – Harbinger of the End Times. Fifth horseman of the apocalypse,.. I like that

11 years ago

I can’t even get my separated parents to believe this stuff, even after they agree with all of it. I tried giving two friends last night an introduction to what Rollo writes about, and they tried to change the subject with every point I made. Until I asked one about his relationships with women, their trajectory, what happened, what he did, and how it went down. Basically, describing/explaining to him what happened, and has been happening since. Then he took a piece of paper with this blog and few others written on it & left. I wonder if he’ll read… Read more »

11 years ago

Similar to Luis, but I am still in the process of unplugging and it’s your (and yohami and ferd…….) writing that keeps me going. The matrix IS everywhere. It’s like trying to climb out of a slime pit. You’re covered with slime and it keeps trying to suck you back in. Keep it up, my mentor, I need it.

Love's Orphan
Love's Orphan
11 years ago

The resistence to this mindset is huge. I decided to show some links (including this blog) to a good friend. Not only we dont speak anymore, but he told two mutual friends as well. Three friends lost. They prefer to sit down and repeat “im different than the rest, im not a jerk, im not a player” instead of accepting the biology. Funnily, all three got married in the last 4 months. Unplugging a guy is like making a hole on a steel wall with a needle.

Simon Corso
Simon Corso
11 years ago
Reply to  Love's Orphan

Timing is everything.

You’ve got to catch them fresh after a divorce or a painful breakup, or after they find out their beloved wife or girlfriend has been cheating.

I’ve always believed that pain is best teacher.
That’s why “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. ” because you learn from it.

11 years ago

Great Article Rollo. I can relate to being disenchanted by the Western World’s self-enslavement to a feminine centric ideal. I don’t find it depressing per say, just disappointing. But quite frankly, I stop giving a damn about pussy-whipped Beta males and their fellow soon-to-be Feminist Spinsters. These two types do not want to hear the truth. They’re satisfied within the confines of The Matrix. When I started embracing The Crimson Arts (as opposed to just being aware of it), my eyes were opened. And I wanted to share the knowledge and tools I had gained from embracing this perspective. However,… Read more »

11 years ago

Every divorced guy I’ve discussed this with starts bewildered then they think back and the light goes on. Too bad it takes a divorce first.

11 years ago

For those of us who have seen the light, so to speak, it is such an eye opening experience that we feel it’s our duty to share this knowledge. Problem is, I’ve learned that for most guys, this info will just go in one ear and out the other. You can’t make someone, who is content in their own ignorance, want to change. They need to want to change on their own, and sadly, this generally happens only after a dealing with a traumatic or heart-wrenching female.

11 years ago

Glad you linked to GirlWritesWhat’s blog—she gets it. “I know the MGTOW adherents wont appreciate this, but as much as we’d like to shake our fists at the nebulous feminist movement of 50 some years ago, but just as Girl Writes What? addresses in the video, it was men who really got the ball rolling for them. And it was calculated to be so. The mass feminization of western culture we know now is far more a result of men’s complicitness which evolved into adovocation as a means to women’s sexuality.” This is, of course, spot-on. Part of the reason… Read more »

Mark 9:24
Mark 9:24
11 years ago

Fantastic article and video! It illustrates very well how feminists have manipulated the message of the Biblical model of “Servant Leadership” to their own ends and wussified not only the modern church but society as well. Men being “Servant Leaders” is instinctual unless society steps in to override that instinct. Men have always been “women and children first” in their beliefs and actions. Protecting their women and their children at the expense of their own comfort and often their own lives. This is what it means to be a servant leader. Doing what is best for your woman (servant part)… Read more »

11 years ago

“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.” ~Henry Rollins

I can’t thank you enough Rollo, for providing the insight that has opened my eyes in the society we find ourselves living in today. I have almost felt rejected by society being raised in a positive masculine family, and for all these years holding women accountable for their behavior while having something seemingly lost among men called dignity.

Sam Spade
Sam Spade
11 years ago

I have tried saving souls on places like LoveShack. It is like walking into the lions den.

11 years ago

the Enemy is Us. It needed saying.

11 years ago

As a woman unplugged its not so easy speaking out to other females as I’m made to feel like I’m a traitor of some sort. It’s not my place to speak to men although I prefer it; their comments and attitudes aren’t as biting as the ones I get from the females.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jacquie

They see you as a traitor because you’re a threat. Don’t let it deter you 🙂

11 years ago

“it is literally fucking everywhere. Turn on the TV, watch a movie, listen to the radio, surf the internet, talk to a friend, look at a billboard on the drive home, it is all encompassing.” Yup. But you can also have fun with it. I do a regular series where I pick a popular song off the radio and break down its gender dynamics content. This one so far is my favorite due to a) the catchy tune and b) DOLPHINS CHEERLEADERS. FYI guys if you haven’t heard there’s a meme going around where groups of hot chicks lip… Read more »

11 years ago

“I have to admit that it frustrates me to no end to have my – what I believe, very well reasoned – ideas lumped into the PUA scam category or have them passed off as misogynous before I’ve completed a valid point.” Just keep doing what you’re doing. Its quite clear that you’re on another level. Some PUA stuff may be a scam, but others are legitimate businesses and have to be run as such. And they do provide a valuable service. Who else is taking groups of men and teaching seminars to them? They are out there in the… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  GeishaKate

It’s even more than that though because not only have they not been taught trig, but they we taught math 101 wrong. A fresh start would easier than starting from a place that is wrong to begin with. Admitting error is not easy.

11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

It probably gets easier after you have children 🙂 As you realize how difficult it is to raise another human being, you tend to be a bit more forgiving of some (although not all) things that happened in the past. If people (parents and teachers) really have done the best they could for you, what more can you ask? The fact that we have so much information at our fingertips thanks to technology, as well as the incredible ability to connect via the internet ,changes so much. A co-worker of mine is fond of telling the joke of an older… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  GeishaKate

Christmas cookies! I forgot to include my main thought: at a certain point in a person’s life, they accept responsibility for themselves and say, what is in the past is the past and that can’t be changed. Its all about today and what is going to happen tomorrow. You stop blaming others and you stop blaming yourself, and you just live 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  GeishaKate

My intent is not to blame, only to say that it is incredibly hard to let go of ones biases. When one is taught from infancy X, accepting and then learning Y is very difficult.

11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

Very true. I know you’re not blaming. I sometimes do and I tell myself what I wrote above to snap myself out of it.

11 years ago

Rollo, Don’t you know that all of this is the product of Post modern philosophy and it transmission through the Left? The Left is the political/cultural/social implementation of Post-modern philosophical premises. They are philosophical skepticism, epistemological relativism, Comtean altruism (secularized Christian ethics), moral relativism, social subjectivism, Rawlsean egalitarianism (as well as the more consistent Marxism) and political collectivism (ie welfare statism). Alot of terms I know. But that is the Left. They have taken over since the 60s. Every culture will be a mirror of its universities. And those universities are defined by the humanities departments. Our culture is a… Read more »

11 years ago

It’s difficult to discuss these issues even on the internet at times. Men often seem like they simply don’t want to hear it. For example, I tried to discuss some of this on the Art of Manliness site a year back or so, got hounded out of there by some female members and their male followers pretty quickly. Men on sites like that should be leading the effort to change things, but instead they’re so indoctrinated it’s not even allowed to be brought up. More recently a guy on that site mentioned in the community section of it that he… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Yeah Art of Pansiness is pretty blue pill. They talk a big game until it comes to controversial stuff.

I’ve had my comments deleted there a few times, they don’t appreciate dissent. For the record, I was not being inflammatory.

11 years ago

These days I routinely blow people’s minds when I open my mouth. Women think I’m a crazy bitch, but men often stop and think. I respect men and I’ve never considered it my place to educate them, but they sure sit up and take notice when I tell them they’re worth more than they think. And when I tell them why, they find themselves unable to contradict me. It seems I have far more influence with my male friends than with my female friends. I keep trying to “educate” my son’s female friends, but maybe I’m trying to infiltrate the… Read more »

11 years ago

Suggestions regarding your pastor’s Father’s Day sermon- Be proactive as hell! Have him take a look at YouTube channel ManWomanMyth, starting with the video Men Don’t Exist. Email him the link or go to his office and play it in front of him. ASAP, ask to see his sermon. If he plans to mention deadbeat dads, women’s oppression or similar, offer constructive criticism. Ask him if he would preach a similar thing on Mother’s Day. To drive the point home, ask him to substitute “women” for “men” and read the sermon aloud in front of you. Tell him his sermon… Read more »

11 years ago

I have written this one countless times. Of course – enemy IS us. But not in the way you think. The very bodies of males are made to be the slaves of women. Even the body of author – despite his obviously high IQ, his mind is so obsessed with women that he can not stop thinking and writing about them. The bodies of males ARE matrix – there is no secret conspiration or femboots revolution. In natural state – men is a slave to woman. Protective instincts, responsibility, romantic nature, high level of testosteron, etc. – such a creature… Read more »

11 years ago

I share the frustration of trying to get guys unplugged. I have three brothers. One went MGTOW early on. The two others still pedestalize women. My brother treats his daughter like a princess and doesn’t spare the whip for his son (figurative, he doens’t raise his hand to the boy). I’ve found my nephews, early 20s to teens, are much more willing to listen. A good deal of that is credibility. I was always the “cool uncle.” Still, I bought Mystery Method for them, Day Game, etc. I’d like to find that article about mentoring the younger crowd. I have… Read more »

11 years ago

The only solution: dump the whole system and reboot. Like you point out, today’s world only exists because everyone implicitly or complicity agrees in feminization. This country was formed by men making the decisions with enemies where men made the decisions. Not because they had some vendetta against women. Simply because all men made the best case for survival. The day will come when men will be expected to re harness the reins and band together for survival on the battlefield or the economy. We all implicitly know that men will be expected to do that. Our survival might depend… Read more »

11 years ago

I am actually seeing some very positive changes. At a few online forums I sometimes hang at there has, for years, been a bunch of guys arguing the male position to some degree. Lately there are many more of them and their arguments are much more coherent, well informed and much closer to the manosphere. Some of them have clearly been her writing about men being the true romantic and posting links to girlwriteswhat. Several of them are quite advanced PUAs and there is a PUA coach or two who also posts a lot. THose guys are now making a… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Wudang

That sounds like an awful amount of work. Glad someone’s doing it.

11 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

Yeah it can be. But I have found ways to make it more efficient. I almost never participate in debates anymore I just start them. If there are not other threads discussing MRA/PUA/antifmeminist stuff I start one by making a short post and linking to a manosphere blog with some good statistics or a news story etc. Then other guys who agree with me will argue for pages with those who criticize my post. One feminist debate went for over twenty pages and I just made the short opening post. If someone else has started something I write quickly about… Read more »

11 years ago

Showing your pastor Dalrock would be awesome.

11 years ago
Reply to  FFY


I was also going to suggest a few, well-picked Dalrock posts to plant some seeds and get the juices flowing. Dalrock, the Christian gateway drug to the manosphere.


[…] I left this post at Rollo’s website: […]

11 years ago

Rockthrowingpeasent, get your sons to martial arts classes. THen the will have a foundation of confidence and masculine energy.

11 years ago

Your post prompted me to address this in a longer article if you care to read it. (

The synopsis is that I have noticed that many Manosphere / MRA blogs tend to define many problems but posit no solutions. I think that your final paragraphs and references to “talking in an echo chamber” are very relevant and true.

There has to be a goal at the end after exposing someone to all the negativity and revealing the feminist matrix – even if that goal is one simple sentence or idea.

11 years ago

This research is absolutely gold to use as evidence when trying to explain power dynamics in relationships:

11 years ago
Reply to  Wudang

From the article:
But most men didn’t seem to mind having to ask permission before doing things.


I can’t decide that, you’ll have to ask my wife…

I say this to people all the time (obviously, I say husband). The looks I get are amazing.

But, even for men who are fully entrenched, wouldn’t it just feel strange to say that?

David Collard
11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

I never make that kind of stupid remark, and I tell other men not to, when I get the chance. My wife sometimes asks my permission for things. Not me. Men who do that deserve contempt.

11 years ago
Reply to  Wudang

“Last night, Professor Alexander Gardner, a psychologist based in Glasgow, said that who made the decisions in a relationship was based on trust, love and how much emotional equity had been built up between the pair.” If that’s the case, then why having a man ruling the house was a problem to begin with? when a man rules he’s an oppressor, when the woman rule it’s because… she’s trusted. Gold. Now measure their chemicals and happiness and compare them to the other couples, the 40% where the woman didnt call the shots. Measure divorce. Measure the shit out of it.… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  YOHAMI

I came across some research that found women were more attracted to men who were benevolent sexists than men who were gender equalizes. And also research showing both men and women who had sexist attitudes where more happy in general and in their relationships.

11 years ago

that who made the decisions in a relationship was based on trust, love and how much emotional equity had been built up between the pair.”

His wife made him say that.

11 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

“emotional equity” = she makes all the important decisions. Got it!

11 years ago

Rollo, thank you for writing posts like this. I’m going to bookmark that video for future reference — at some point my wife (who considers herself a feminist) is going to fully realize that I no longer subscribe to the feminist point of view, and the Girl Writes What? video explains it in such a way that can’t be easily dismissed as the ignorant opinion of a privileged white male. Unplugging is a long and arduous process. I’ve been at it for about a year and a half, and I still have regressions to my submissive, pedestalizing ways from time… Read more »

And Balls
And Balls
11 years ago
Reply to  PaleoGuy

Why don’t you grab her by her fucking hair and beat the feminist out of her. Take her to your cave and show her who’s boss!

11 years ago
Reply to  And Balls

Yeah, then steal her purse!

Sam Vincente
11 years ago

Rollo, take the red pill.

11 years ago

Just be careful that you don’t fall for the false post-feminist peace-treaty:

11 years ago

Within the manosphere we also find the same habits of mind. Emotional thinking that avoids facing ideas that threaten ego protecting views. One such religious view common in the manosphere is that all attractive traits boil down to nothing other than confidence. For instance even though scientific studies show that a buff body is in and of itself attractive independently of confidence (as Rollo made a post about), the religion is that this is so because the buff body makes the man confident. And on and on – the RSD Nation dogma is a religion, and talking about it logically… Read more »


[…] made a post today where he laments the society wide brain washing of men to take on the feminine imperative. He points out that men refuse to hear the truth, and dissimulate like women when faced with logic […]

11 years ago

operative social conventions on facebook
comment image

11 years ago

You just have to keep preaching. I really like your blog though. It’s a slow inevitable change….the hardest part for guys though is realizng that there is plenty of pussy out there. I think 98% of guys just stick it out because it’s the only pussy they have access to at that point in their life. I think most guys just want to settle down and chill and don’t feel like goign out chasing ass all the time. I think that’s why they put up with the bullshit. They overvalue the ass they have and as a result turn big… Read more »


[…] And finally I owe him my very existence as a daughter that he prayed for specifically in all the temples, churches and mosques he went to, just in order to preserve his mom’s sanity; for distributing sweets and candy at my birth in the face of universal jest, shock and amusement at celebrating a daughter’s birth; and for listening with patience, compassion and forgiveness as his own mother exhorted his new born infant daughter to make her father’s life miserable, but spare her mother, because women have it very hard in this world, don’t you know! Somehow it is… Read more »

11 years ago

For me the eye-opener was shit-tests, frame control, and being cocky-funny. Especially frame control. I won an argument against a bunch of rabid atheists, by constantly re-framing, all the while being cocky-funny with the women on this forum.

One avowed atheist said she liked me, because I was “entertaining”.


So Rollo, write some posts on frame-control will ya. Especially with some personal testimonies. I love reading personal testimonies.

11 years ago
Reply to  Marellus

+1 for frame control

11 years ago

Mentoring young men is absolutely the bedrock of making change. I am very, very fortunate because I am in a leadership/mentorship role for two different groups of young men. I do my best to help steer them towards a more positive, active, engaged masculinity. It’s very hard to break down years of “men suck, men are pigs, men are oppressors” that they have heard since essentially birth, but truth outs in the end.

11 years ago

well, this book ( has his own explanation about the spreading of the “fem-centric” disease. take it with your own personal discernment…

The One Reason
The One Reason
11 years ago

“Men have always been “women and children first” in their beliefs and actions. Protecting their women and their children at the expense of their own comfort and often their own lives.” The recent Costa Concordia disaster and the resulting abandonment of the “women and children first” principle, on the other hand, showed that the chicken are coming home to roost as the social “contract” of male sacrifice has been eroded by the continuous demands for equality. In the same sense as the video commendably presented the change (and resultant hypocricy) within the demands for equal employment — ‘a coal mine… Read more »


[…] Male – Creative Intelligence, The Peacekeepers, The Enemy Is Us, Double […]

Chris Allen
11 years ago

GirlWritesWhat’s admirable dream of gender equality is shown to be impossible by the dearth of women like her. It’s no coincidence that it’s basically only a woman with her masculine physiology that could muster the abstract reasoning and non-conformity to come up with such a smart argument.


[…] The Enemy is Us […]

11 years ago

that was a good sermon rollo tomassi the matricks is real all right, and not new Christ didnt say machine intelligences from the planet machine were enslaving us, he said that women ruled over us, and children were our oppessors so we can believe holywoods or him when the bible talks about disengaging from babylon, it refers to the matrix you describe female-appeasing and female-pleasing conditioning runs tremendously deep in human males, with u.s. males at the, uh, pinnacle of that graph breaking such bonds will end up breaking the planet, so . . . pretty deep even “manosphere christian”… Read more »

8 years ago

“Recently I’ve been posting on other blogs & forums that are not specific to the “community” per se and I came back depressed. This, and the articles I’ve read and written freelance recently, plus personally dealing with friends, coworkers, business associates, hell, even church pastors – everywhere, the Matrix is there.” Three years later and we’re still here (and I believe growing). It will take some time to ‘right the ship’ but I believe that day is coming soon. In the mean time, I know I’ll continue to spread the word and I’ll work on educating more males into men.… Read more »

8 years ago

The “men” I know are the most fierce femenist I have ever meant.

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