Final Exam – Navigating the SMP

You know, there’s really no substitute for graphs, and charts, and data plot maps. Human beings, being essentially a visually oriented species, see a graphic heads-up display, a God’s eye view as it were, as essential to seeing the forest for the trees. You may not like being on a budget at home, but show a guy a graph of where all his money goes in a month and he’ll feel better about not pissing it away for a peck on the cheek over the course of a couple weekends.

So it was with this in mind that I took it upon myself to plot out a chronology of the little known and far too under-appreciated sexual marketplace (SMP) we presently find ourselves experiencing (at least since the sexual revolution). Bloggers in the manosphere (as well as other self-impressed pseudo-feminist gender pundits) often use the SMP in a context which presumes that readers are already familiar with their mental model of it, and understand the dynamics of the modern SMP. Personally I think this presumption is fraught with individual bias, both intended and unintended. And make no mistake, I’m about to define the SMP and sexual market values (SMV) from my own perception, but I fully recognize the want for defining these dynamics in a clear, understandable format, so I’ll beg forgiveness for this indulgence.

Can I Graduate?

As some of you know it’s about graduation time for many high school seniors, and with that comes a lot of pontification from ‘adults’ who want to impart some grand words of wisdom to the next genration as they launch headlong into a future of student debt and/or dismal employment prospects. This is a special time for parents and childless adults alike to reflect upon their own lives and ask themselves “what would I tell my younger self to do differently?” and hope against hope that the 18 year old they feel compelled to cast in the role of their younger selves will tear themselves away from texting their friends about who’s going to get whom to buy their prom night liquor long enough for it to sink in. So you’ll have to forgive me for playing the professor here for a moment while I make the same vain attempt.

Not long ago I had a commenter tell me,..

“Rollo, I just wanted to say that your stuff has been truly groundbreaking for me. This material should be a graduation requirement for all high school seniors.”

Well, far be it from Dr. Rollo J. Tomassi, Professor Emeritus, to be so remiss in his sacred charge of educating the next generation about the perils of the sexual marketplace they would otherwise so blindly stagger into. Challenge accepted. So please gather round the podium, turn off all your cellular devices (prom night liquor’s easy to come by), take a sheet of notebook paper from your Pee Chee folder and prepare to take notes on,..

Navigating the SMP

Now class, if you’ll direct your attention to the display above (click on it for the larger version) I’ll explain the parameters of this graph. In the vertical column we have Sexual Market Value (SMV) based on the ubiquitous ten scale. Professor Roissy emeritus at The Chateau did us all the good service of elaborating upon individuated sexual market valuations for both men and women long ago, however for our purposes today it is important to note that these valuations are meant to encompass an overal sexual value based on both long and short term breeding prospects, relational desirability, male provisioning capacity, female fertility, sexual desirability and availability, etc. et. al.. Your milage may vary, but suffice it to say the ten scale is meant to reflect an overall value as individuated for one sex by the other. Outliers will always be an element of any study, but the intent is to represent general averages here.

On the horizontal metric we have a timeline based on the age of the respective sex. I’ve broken this down into stages of five year increments, but with notable ages represented for significant life-to-valuation phase for each sex to be detailed later in our lecture. As an aside here you may notice I began the SMV age range at 15. This is intentional as it is the baseline starting point for the average girl’s midrange desirability value as evaluated by the average high school boy of the same age. Also of note will be the age range between 23 and 36 which represents the peak span years between the sexes, also to be detailed later.

Lastly, I’ve color delineated each gender’s respective SMV range bell curve and indicated their crossover phases accordingly.

Women’s SMV

In various contexts, women’s SMV is without doubt the most discussed topic in the manosphere. Try as we may, convincing a woman that her sexual peak lay actually between 18 and 25 is always an effort in debating denial. For all the self-convincing attempts to redefine sexual valuation to the contrary, SMV for women is ultimately decided by Men. Thus this bell curve is intended to represent the sexual value of women based on men’s metrics, not as women (by way of ceaseless social engineering) would like to define desirability. Please see the Myth of Sexual Peak and Sexy for cross references.

As we continue along you can see that the peak years for women’s SMV tops out at around 23 years. Fertility, desirability, sexual availability  and really overall potential for male arousal and attention reach an apex between 22 to 24 year of age. Remember this approximation isn’t an estimate of personal worth or character, or any metric beyond a baseline of desirability invoked in men. Ladies, on average, this is your best year. I don’t think I’m relating anything the cold truth of your hindbrain hasn’t woke you up at night over.

At no other phase in your life will you enjoy more affirmation or legitimate male attention more zealously applied for your sexual approval than this brief stretch. Once past the apex, every effort you spend on generating male arousal cues will be in trying to recapture the experiences of this phase. Every post-apex, pre-Wall (24 to 30) calorie you burn will be motivated by the memories of your SMV peak.

By the age of 27 women’s SMV decline has begun in earnest. That isn’t to say that women can’t remain stunningly attractive and vivacious in their post-peak years, but comparative to the next crop of 22-23 year olds, the decline progressively becomes more evident. Competition for hypergamously suitable mates becomes more intense with each passing year. The age’s between 27 and 30 are subliminally the most stressful for women as the realization sinks in that they must trade their ‘party years’ short term mating protocol for a long term provisioning strategy.

It’s at this point that rationalizations of ‘living a new life’ or ‘getting right with herself’ begin to formulate; not as a result of guilt per se, but rather as a function of relieving the anxieties associated with the new reality that she will eventually no longer be able to compete effectively in the SMP. The writing’s on the Wall; either she must establish her own security and provisioning, or settle for as acceptable a provider as her present looks will permit to secure his long term provisioning.


It may seem dismally pessimistic to begin boys SMV at so low a starting point at 15, but recall that we’re looking at overall averages. A 15 year old girl will look at an 18-20 year old man’s sexual approval as more valuable than that of her same age peers. It’s not that notable boys’ attentions are worthless, but they are far more mundane to a mid teens girl, thus the evaluation starts much lower.

As men age you can see that their SMV tends to level off during their 20’s with a gradual rise up to age 30. This represents men’s slow build SMV as they become more valuable by metrics of physical prowess, social gravity, status, maturity, affluence, influence, and hopefully dominance. It’s a slow process and unfortunately, of a man’s significant maturing to his SMV, most of it occurs while women are reaching their own SMV peak. At age 23, while a girl is enjoying her prime SMP value, a man is just beginning to make his own gradual ascent.

By age 36 the average man has reached his own relative SMV apex. It’s at this phase that his sexual / social / professional appeal has reached maturity. Assuming he’s maximized as much of his potential as possible, it’s at this stage that women’s hypergamous directives will find him the most acceptable for her long-term investment. He’s young enough to retain his physique in better part, but old enough to have attained social and professional maturity.

Comparative SMV and the Peak Span Years

One important note here is to compare men and women’s SMV decline. Women’s SMV being primarily based on the physical, has a much more precipitous decline than that of men’s. who’s decline is graduated upon a declining capacity to maintain his status as well as his health / looks. Since a man’s SMV is rooted in his personal accomplishments, his SMV degradation has much more potential for preservation. Women’s SMV burns hot and short, but men’s burns slow and long.

Now class, please address your attention to the critical 15-16 year span between a woman’s peak SMV and that of men’s. It should come as no surprise that this span is generally the most socially tumultuous between the sexes. The majority of first marriages take place here, single-motherhood takes place here, advanced degrees, career establishments, hitting the Wall, and many other significant life events occur in this life stage. So it is with a profound sense of importance that we understand the SMV context, and the SMP’s influence as prescribed to each sexes experience during this period.

At age 30 men are just beginning to manifest some proto-awareness of their sexual value, while simultaneously women are becoming painfully aware of their marked inability to compete with their sexual competitors indefinitely. This is the point of comparative SMV: when both sexes are situationally at about the same level of valuation (5). The conflict in this is that men are just beginning to realize their potential while women must struggle with the declination of their own.

This is the primary phase during which women must cash in their biological chips in the hope that the best men they can invest their hypergamy with will not be so aware of their innate SMV potential that they would choose a younger woman (22-24) during her peak phase over her. I wrote about this in The Threat:

Nothing is more threatening yet simultaneously attractive to a woman than a man who is aware of his own value to women.

The confluence between both sexes’ comparative SMV is perhaps the most critical stage of life for feminine hypergamy. She must be able to keep him ignorant of his SMV potential long enough to optimize her hypergamy. In men’s case, his imperative is to awaken to his SMV (or his potential of it) before he has made life-altering decisions based on a lack understanding his potential.

Every man who I’ve ever known to tell me how he wished he’d known of the manosphere or read my writing before getting married or ‘accidentally’ knocking up his BPD girlfriend has his regret rooted in not making this SMV awareness connection. They tended to value women more greatly than their own potential for a later realized SMV peak – or they never realized that peak due to not making this awareness connection.

Well, I’m afraid that’s all I have space for today class. I hope this brief intensive has given you some food for thought as you enter a feminized world legally and socially dedicated to the benefit of optimizing hypergamy. Just remember, as you see your illustrious manosphere instructors gazing proudly from the gallery in our professorial caps and gowns, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Class dismissed.


[Update] Star student White Raven at Elephants and Trees has posted his most excellent term paper regarding the SMP. A+, highly recommended.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] thinking about this I remembered a graph of male and females SMV by age on The Rationale Male (full article). I’m now going to talk through the graph. I’ll compare the author’s view on the […]


[…] moves to the second point, namely that Rollo’s SMV chart really is pretty darn accurate. If anything he might have female peak SMV be a little too older, […]

9 years ago

[…] why a LJBF is a rejection, why Beta Game comes naturally to men but is self defeating, or why SMV accrues and decays over the course of a lifetime, Game and the red pill have benefitted […]


[…] Side note: it’s interesting how closely female-male bone density decay comparison charts mirrors my SMV graph. […]

9 years ago

[…] larger dynamic of open Hypergamy Alpha Fucks during a woman’s prime fertility window in her peak SMV years, and her post Epiphany Phase necessity to retain a comforting (but decidedly less sexually […]


[…] perhaps more importantly, Rollo Tomassi’s Sexual Marketplace analysis makes it clear that I, as a man in my early 20s, am not particularly attractive to women. This […]


This is a brilliant piece, Rollo. I don’t know how or why my mother knew this stuff, but it’s scary how it’s almost verbatim.


[…] Obvious Fact #2: Men mature later than women. The following graph (source) shows that while the attractiveness of women peaks between about 16 and 28, men peak much later, […]


[…] This is a good reason to work on business and go to the gym as well as practice your game. Your SMV can be increased in many […]


[…] of years. He also has an answer for what happens to PUAs after they get old. A man’s SMV (sexual marketplace value) comprises of many factors, including looks, fame, game and money. If you have fame, you […]


[…] Of course Gruber doesn’t argue that the technology encased in the Apple Watch can or should serve as a substitute for human contact, but he does suggest that it could serve as a bridge to that end. I’d argue that this is untrue, and the fictional teens (let’s call them Chris and Scarlett) can’t avoid the realities of the Sexual Market Place. […]


[…] minute.  The problem for marriage delaying women is that they now approach marriage not in the power position in the SMP, but at an age when men are in the power position.  A panic at this stage would fundamentally […]

8 years ago

[…] these bell curves look eerily similar to the male SMV curve I introduced two years prior to them being published, it’s only because my experience in the manosphere led me to then […]


[…] based solely on how much desire they would obtain from the opposite sex at their current state.  It is in a woman’s best interest to capitalize on her peak SMV, to find a man while she is in her 20’s that she can lock down into marriage.  I’m […]


[…] combination of Alpha and Beta traits she can reasonably acquire at any given time. We assume that, at age 23, she is (generally) most able to maximize and monopolize those traits. We also assume the wall […]


[…] each year goes by you become less physically attractive, your Sexual Marketplace Value drops and the number of quality men available to you for marriage shrinks. This is offensive […]


[…] steady job (d = -0.73), earned more than they did (d = -0.49), was highly educated (d = -0.43), and was older by five years (d = -0.67). Young or old[28] [29] [30], gay or straight[31] [32], sex differences in long-term […]


[…] I first published the comparative SMV graph a few years ago one of the first criticisms was that the age comparisons between men and women seemed too concrete […]

8 years ago

Does feminism and female empowerment ultimately create more carefree and promiscuous women, lowering the cost of sex, making men feel fulfilled and making women unable to find a partner willing to marry?

Are you seriously claiming that men want to be married more than women? Why don’t you just walk outside and survey the first 5 men and women on whether they’d like to be married and why. Or just ask your friends. As kids, there’s a reason why women…


[…] […]

8 years ago

[…] Hypergamy is triumphantly crowed about when women are at their SMV peaks, and sometimes again once that woman has secured her long-term provider or divorced him, but when a […]


[…] Konzept des sexuellen Marktwertes stammt nicht von mir, sondern von Rollo Thomasse. Rollo hat auch diese übersichtliche Grafik […]

8 years ago

Your graph completely ignores the obesity epidemic. I believe that young men no longer have enough salient cues to evaluate age and fertility as they mature and as they gain experience with their peers because their female peers look like 40-year-old uglors at 15 and they themselves are fat, inactive, low-T basement creatures. I had looked forward to not having to deal with awkward advances and strange fumblings as I sail right past your graph’s predicted point of obsolescence. Instead I find myself cornered by an older friend’s teenage stepson, or accosted by “dudes” at a music fest, or chatted… Read more »


[…] […]


[…] […]

8 years ago

You’re a service to men able to not be duped by bs and see things as they are. I’m 28, and can say admitedly that the women I dated wasn’t the best I could get. I’m on the young enough spectrum of smv to have thought that womens smv is somehow always higher. I am on the fence with wanting kids but am relieved to have my back of the mind echos confirmed, if i pull it together i can pull 23 year old good girls at 40 (like ive seen happen). Mens smv not peaking until 40 simply buys… Read more »

8 years ago

[…] wants a pre-made Man. If you look at my now infamous comparative SMP curve, one thing you’ll notice is the peak SMV span between the […]


[…] Sex could be calculated in terms of the cost of hiring a professional, cleaning the same. This is the first post in a series that I’ve entitled “Gendernomics” that deals with how each gender approaches the sexual market place. […]

8 years ago

The chart says so much.

7 years ago

[…] Have a read of the whole article, but the short version is a breakdown of how women (all in their SMV peak years) look for “arrangements” with generous men eager to fund their lifestyles or […]


[…] una gráfica extraída del sitio de Rollo Tomassi que ilustra claramente este pico, declive, y comparación entre ambos […]

7 years ago

[…] suggest that professional women didn’t deserve to be afforded the same opportunities men, who peak in their own SMV well after women’s prime fertility years have passed, had in life, career, and family. The […]


[…] Navigating the SMP (Rollo) […]


[…] Original SMV chart and article. […]

7 years ago

Incisive article.

Wonder how the curves might shift if the polled could be grouped by age cohort or even demographic. Example: a (highly educated) woman on the far right “tail” still obtains a multitude of hits on a social media platform; yet indicates she is not interested in younger men, preferring instead someone in her own cohort where there is commonality of historical world perspective (of course, perhaps more Matrix manifest — who knows.)

Interesting dissection of something everyone implicitly “knows” yet few (if any) truly understands.

Strong Work.

7 years ago

A quote from 10×10 in the comment section of the Mental Point of Origin essay “When analyzing relationship dynamics it is important to understand that women will sleep with a man whose TOTAL value crosses her threshold, not just his game value.” From my own experience I would say this is true. I’m a 5 on the SMV rankings. On a good day (and in a certain light) a 5.5, maybe a 6* (* for vanity’s sake). Certainly no more than that. But almost, inexplicably some features of mine are elevated to a 10 for an intermittent period. I’m aware… Read more »


[…] The current Marriage Marketplace is broken, and is almost completely subsumed into the greater Sexual Marketplace (“SMP”) which has largely taken its place. This process has been a complete and utter disaster, […]


[…] picking through various sections and, expectedly, got really pissed off at the chapters on SMV (the chart in particular). They both discussed the parts she’d read and she admitted she wanted to read the whole thing, […]


[…] Carol is “ready” for a Good Man, is the time those Good Men have become aware of their increased value in the Sexual Marketplace, and many aren’t ready to settle down just yet.[1][2][3] And the […]


[…] It’s easy and dismissive to write these young, hot girls that are easily 9.5’s on the SMV (Sexual Market Value) curve as materialistic, gold-digging fashion whores that aren’t worthy of a Blue Pill […]


[…] just want to go out, have fun and get laid. Many of the girls using this game using it during their peak SMV years, before “maturing” and resorting to other strategies to exercise their […]


[…] Market Place (MMP).  Older men’s higher remarriage rates come at a time of SMP strength, as Rolo’s chart predicts.  Most of them don’t need to remarry to be successful in the SMP.  Older women on […]


[…] hawt chicks of the week are posted with sexual market value in mind. Click on the link, look at the chart, and there you have it; the average sexual peak for […]


[…] me first preface this post by saying that this breakdown is looking at things from the context of intersexual dynamics. This is not a social ranking or reflection of individual worth, societal value or social class. […]


[…] case your dad or older cousin or playboy uncle hasn’t already broken the news to you, men, in general, peak later in life than women do. But for Asian guys, it often takes a lot longer to get the momentum rolling, and they are […]

6 years ago

betas and gammas are primarily visual thinkers


[…] first problem for me was that I never understood my Sexual Market Value (SMV).  This contributed most of all to my oneitis, I believe.  I mean, if I had simply believed I had […]


[…] let her in too easily. 12. Boredom is the kryptonite of LTRs 13. Cheaper than my coaching 14. See Rollo’s life-cycle for why this is the period of peak danger for women blowing up their families for one last shot at […]


[…] write my own post about this stuff soon. In the mean time, here is Rollo Tomassi’s curve from The Rational Male. I obtained his permission, via Twitter, to use this image in my articles. I recommend checking out […]


[…] She’s usually dark-skinned, divorced mom, over 25, or all of the above, which disqualifies her for local boyfriends. She speaks English somewhat OK, which gives her high status in her community. She may be sexy enough to fuck interesting Western men, but she knows she won’t be able to keep and control them. So she settles for the Boring Western Man whom she knows will behave. As for him, he’s very happy to trade his cultural ignorance for an Asian girlfriend ranking much higher than him in the SMV chart. […]


[…] subset of men women want could become greedy just as women succumb to fear (as Rollo Tomassi’s Sexual Market Value chart helps explain). I see both of these problems coming due simultaneously, and I don’t see a […]


[…] of men that women want could become greedy just as women succumb to fear (as Rollo Tomassi’s Sexual Market Value chart helps explain). I see both of these problems coming due simultaneously, and I don’t see a […]

Opel Rhyms
6 years ago

the only way a man can make himself feel better, prop up his value, is by saying he’s more attractive when older and stinkier, than when he’s younger. this is bs at full steam ahead. all people are most attractive in their 20s. it’s just fact. after 30 – forget it. I dated a 27 year old guy when I was 19 and I thought, even though he was quite attractive, his older body just didn’t really turn me on. I preferred guys my age. think of that next time you go for a younger girl – they’re not interested… Read more »


[…] wants and expects of men. Now that her ‘party’ years are over (20-27) and her SMV (Sexual Market Value) has peaked, or more than likely is in decline, you should be there waiting for her….and feel […]

Larry Kummer, Editor
5 years ago

Request permission to use your graphic of SMP in a repost (with permission) of Dalrock’s “Women’s morphing need for male investment” – which includes your graphic.

Re-posting it at the Fabius Maximus website.

Here is our About page:

Here are our posts about the gender wars:


[…] Tomassi has created an excellent graphic to help his readers conceptualize this.  See Rollo’s Final Exam – Navigating the SMP for more information on the chart below. {Click to […]


[…] I first published my now infamous SMV Graph in 2012 I took a lot of heat for allegedly not being thorough enough in my  estimation process. Honesty […]


[…] Rational Male: Final Exam – Navigating the SMP (June 4, […]


[…] a ‘hater’, but in my humble opinion these guys what I would label as 4-6’s on the SMV scale (Sexual Market Value), with the possible exception of the tall Swedish fellow. Additionally, Tom’s friend/wing […]


[…] Here is a link to the rational male blog which discusses inter-gender hierarchies and the sexual market value of both males and females: […]


[…] discussed in great detail in the manosphere, going all the way back Rollo Tomassi’s famous chart. I generally agree with his viewpoints, but I tend to look at them a little differently. As always, […]


[…] this chart, study it, learn what it means, live […]


[…] that, check out this one that goes over navigating the sexual market […]


[…] It shows they have value. If you chase her, it’s because you are below her level in terms of Sexual Market Value, or you think you think you could lose […]

Dr. No
Dr. No
4 years ago

Bottom graph (#4) correlates.
This time involving sleep characteristics.

Just another tidbit


[…] by past observers, including the infamous Rollo Tomassi where you can find an in-depth article here. I’m deeply passionate about inter-dynamic relationships between men and women – but […]


[…] a topic that's discussed in great detail in the manosphere, going all the way back Rollo Tomassi's famous chart. I generally agree with his viewpoints, but I tend to look at them a little differently. As always, […]

Glenn Whitney
3 years ago

A few hasty points to make in response: No distinctions made between hunter-gather societies, agrarian societies, industrial societies, and post-industrial societies How is this helpful? What are the practical implications of these observations? Is this “news you can use?” No consideration of changes in sexual behavior driven by reliable birth control, nor by hugely decreasing the risks of sexually transmitted infections No consideration of medical advances that have extended female fertility by 15 to 20 years; with the average age of mothers when giving birth having risen steadily over the past three decades No use of the insights coming from… Read more »


[…] a major miscalculation in the value of the information found by OKCupid, and described by Rollo in Final Exam – Navigating the SMP (2012 June […]


[…] I learned about this by studying the work of Rollo Tamassi. To hear him discuss it, check out this blog post.  […]


[…] the contrary, apps like Instagram give young people an artificially inflated sense of their dating marketplace value. Twenty years ago, an 18-year-old in rural Missouri received superficial external validation […]


[…] the contrary, apps like Instagram give young people an artificially inflated sense of their dating marketplace value. Twenty years ago, an 18-year-old in rural Missouri received superficial external validation […]


[…] comparativo del VMS del hombre y la mujer, realizado por Rollo Tomassi. Tener en cuenta que, aun si los valores reflejan muy bien la realidad, estos son promedios […]

1 year ago

“ Once past the apex, every effort you spend on generating male arousal cues will be in trying to recapture the experiences of this phase. Every post-apex, pre-Wall (24 to 30) calorie you burn will be motivated by the memories of your SMV peak.”

Oh please I hardly do anything around 24-26 to get a men attention. I still have high quality come after me even at 26. I guess I was lucky.

1 year ago


I guess I was lucky.

Nah. You’re just at the end of the party years

1 year ago I disagree. Each men should have a choice on how high he wants to go. He can end at 23 or 26 or 28 or 30. I was meeting with guys in my early twenties, but all of them came off as not being providers and protecters. I didn’t met the one until I was 26. According to this site I was lost apex, but pre wall young lady. Anyway I’m glad I did because men left me alone or will leave me once they see I was taken. Some of us find our men at 20 and some… Read more »

1 year ago

Well it’s a good thing I got a high value husband at 26. I was a few months away from turning 27. Close call.

Big T
Big T
1 year ago

Agree with this graph. I’m 24, and I definitely notice 19-20yr old girls that are highly attracted to me.

1 year ago

Where can I find the raw data you used to make this graph?

1 month ago

I think men are the ones who have a big decline in their appearance. I have been dating younger men since more than a decade and not even see at men my age. I don’t like to discriminate, but as long I have so many young suitors (+20 years younger even), what is the point to date older men, neither to say that if they are mysoginous, would be a complete waste of time. To my younger suitors I’ve asked if they mind about our age gap and they tell me “age is a number”. That is the kind of… Read more »

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