Chick Crack

Of all the strippers I’d ‘dated’ in the past every one subscribed to some form of non-mainstream spiritualism. This girl Angie I used to bang kept Tarot cards in her pink lady’s devotional Bible, another professed to be a psychic; in fact the only people I’ve ever known who self-seriously wanted me to believe they were in fact psychic were all women.

These types look for that connection in a guy. For instance I bought a little silver yin-yang ring that I’ve worn for almost 18 years now when I was in college. I don’t really have any eastern mystic beliefs, I just bought it from a street vendor when I felt I needed a reminder to keep balance in my life. But damned if I didn’t have (and still do) more women point it out and ask me about it, and have it be some karmic conversation starter since I got it. The thing is tiny, but that’s what they gravitate to.

For the stripper set this seems to be par for the course, but I wish I could say this chick-crack phenomenon was limited to just women who had some vacuous spiritual/emotional hole in their lives to fill. No, all women (yes I said all) are predisposed to the intrigue that metaphysical imaginings sparks in them. If it smacks of secret, covert knowledge, privy only to a chosen few, then you’ve got an attentive listener in a woman. UFOs, palm reading (always a classic), psychic premonition, ‘gifts of prophecy’, really anything that hints at knowledge beyond the ordinary is fair game. Chick Crack is not just limited to off-brand spiritualisms either, you’ll find that far more women than men will develop (conveniently) an affinity for, and are more invested in, religion than men.

Feminine Mythology

Women’s natural pull towards the mysterious and metaphysical has its roots in the sex’s historical characterizations. In keeping with the very useful associations of women’s unknowability and feminine mystique, it’s perhaps unsurprising that we find most mythologized representations of women and femininity cast as brooding, fickle, rapacious and often as a temptress, possessing secret knowledge that foolish men (the mere mortals) are neither capable of, nor encouraged to understand. Sometimes childlike, often conveniently eroticized, women are literally cast as forces of nature – whether sexualized nymphs or tempestuous witches, each characterization relies on women possessing some form of secret or forbidden connection to the metaphysical. Even the commanding presence of Joan of Arc, while leading the armies of France, had a connection to something otherworldly. By their very nature, feminine mythology, by default, presumes women are more in tune with the nature of reality, while surpassing the ignorance of brutish men.

Women revel in their mythology. Since covert forms of communication are the preferred language of women, their affinity for secret information is a natural fit. Ever wonder why gossip seems to be uniquely endemic to women? Look no further than women’s innate impulse to acquire secret knowledge. Take away the Vampires and Werewolves – the metaphysical component – from the Twilight series and what you’re left with is a relatively bland romance novel. Add the otherworldly and you have a runaway hit popular with every female age demographic, from tweens to octogenarians.

In women’s evolutionary past, concealment meant everything. Confusing a man as to the true genetic heritage of his children was often a matter of life or death. Pursuing pluralistic sexual strategies depends upon creating a characterization of women as legitimately unknowable, thus the feminine mystique is instituted. Ergo, the sociological PR campaign over the course of millennia has been to perpetuate the mystery of woman.

Doing Crack

If it weren’t so predictable, it would almost be ironic that one of the first useful Game observations PUAs made about feminine nature was their tendency to entertain magical thinking to varying degrees. It wasn’t too hard to figure out that women could be engaged more easily if you started an approach topic, at least playfully, regarding some metaphysical belief. The association is one where (albeit disingenuously) a Man would seem ‘in the know’ about something a woman has a private belief about, thus establishing a point of identification that both would otherwise want to keep secret. Currently the most popular (at least in the circle of women I know) metaphysical concept is actually called The Secret. On the surface of it it’s sheer idiocy, but you’d be surprised how thoroughly the feminine has embraced this new age Jabez Prayer.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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11 years ago

Im an atheist and unapologetic about it. Its always interesting to see how during many of the atheist meetups men vastly outnumber women. Of course there are women within the movement who are just as “militant” as any man, if not more so, but I still havent heard a satisfactory answer as to why men abandon religion more readily than women.

11 years ago
Reply to  KarlVonMox

Men –
have to work
for a living

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago
Reply to  KarlVonMox

Explains everything. You’ve adopted the feminist understanding of religion, which is why you think it is somehow manly to reject an inquiry into the limits of philosophy. Religion is not tarot cards or palm reading. It is a program for living in a world that has insuperable limits to our understanding. You don’t break those limits by simply saying you defy them. Rather, your defiance putrefies into ignorance of what your limits truly are — while the rest of us laugh at the impotence you think is a strength. All atheism really means is you’re easily swayed, semi-educated, and the… Read more »

11 years ago

Why don’t you call up God and have Him start the Rapture. Then we can live without your shuck and jive.

11 years ago

“Religion is not tarot cards or palm reading. It is a program for living in a world that has insuperable limits to our understanding.” Please. And you wish to address those limits by making shit up about a celestial totalitarian that cares about what you eat, who you sleep with and in what position, what you do on Sundays, and what you do with your foreskin. All the rhetoric in your post doesn’t make a coherent point about what distinguishes the claims made by tarot cards and palm readings against those of traditional mysticism (i.e., Christianity) – both make claims… Read more »

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago
Reply to  KarlVonMox

And you wish to address those limits by making shit up about a celestial totalitarian… Fill in the blanks about what I “wish” with whatever borrowed, contrived horseshit your little mind can handle, bro. There are plenty of blanks, and plenty of horseshit. Theology is the discipline that comes at the end of philosophical inquiry. Mysticism is what comes at the beginning, prior and hostile to rational inquiry (the “logy” in theology). There are elements of mysticism that encroach on theology, but only a completely untutored individual possessing a limited familiarity with the discipline would mistake a vanishingly small part… Read more »

11 years ago

“retarded questions?”

Whenever someone refers to a question as “retarded”…..

… know you’re dealing with someone with the intellect of a junior high school student.

But then we all already knew that right ?

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

I in fact did not know that. Hm. Learn something every day.

And what does it mean when someone refers to an interlocutor as having “the intellect of a junior high school student”? Can we conclude the referrer is retarded? Do give us the master decoder key.

This is like the liberal who insists anyone who condemns faggotry is latently queer. Okey doke. Whatever helps you make sense of this big ol’ confusin’ n’ contradictory world.

11 years ago

“Theology is the discipline that comes at the end of philosophical inquiry. Mysticism is what comes at the beginning, prior and hostile to rational inquiry (the “logy” in theology). There are elements of mysticism that encroach on theology, but only a completely untutored individual possessing a limited familiarity with the discipline would mistake a vanishingly small part for the whole.” Empty rhetoric to cloak and defend empty beliefs. Theology is entirely mysticism. Faith-based claims, wether they come from astrology or monotheism, are asserted without evidence and therefore can be dismissed without evidence. You are the one that needs to be… Read more »

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

Theology is entirely mysticism. How can I not mock you for positing unexamined, regurgitated nuggets like these? They don’t impress me. It’s harrowing to think they impressed you enough to not just repeat them, but to accept an entire modus vivendi based upon their flimsiness just because somebody told you it’s courageous. … asserted without evidence and therefore can be dismissed without evidence…. That’s catchy. Did you make that up? I am not arguing with you. It is impossible to argue with dullards “who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, [and who] are usually the slaves… Read more »

11 years ago

God is a superstition, and King A is a false prophet.

You simply have to laugh at a man who believes that an omniscient deity created the world and oversees (and, on occasion, interferes) with everything we do — and then has the smug arrogance to condemn others for being “easily swayed” for rejecting that belief.

At heart, King A is no different than an ignorant, superstitious jungle savage bowing down before clay idols. Evaluate his comments accordingly.

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago
Reply to  Tertullian

“God is a superstition” = received dogma. Whoa. Like think about that. Two-thousand years of the kind of cogitation, rhetoric, and debate that created the university, the scientific method, 90% of the world’s great art, and modern civilization itself; and Harold Tertullian of 521 Apple Lane, Schenectady, NY in 2012 is the first to wonder if maybe this whole thing mighta been made up. No worries, brethren. I’ve already alerted the Vatican to this astonishing development in the history of thought. I gotta admit, they may have to close up shop. Heyyyy. Hang on a second! Are you punking me,… Read more »

11 years ago

Christianity is responsible for the university and the scientific method? What a joke. Galileo was right. Evolution is true, and always was true even before the vatican was forced to admit it. Get these basic facts straight and then maybe we can have an informed conversation. Until then, Tertullian is right – you are just another ignoramus that hallucinates about seeing Jesus on the wallpaper. Also, I think the Vatican will be forced to close up shop soon – its only a matter of time before enough people realize that on a daily basis homo pedophile priests have spent decades… Read more »

King A (Matthew King)
11 years ago

Christianity is responsible for the university and the scientific method? What a joke.

What a joke! LOL!

Educate yourself before you open that flatulent sphincter you call a mouth in my presence again.


11 years ago
Reply to  KarlVonMox

Men abandon religion more readily than women because women are natural followers.

What all the game/PUA techniques really come down to is that if you show a woman that you are one of the “cool kids” she’s more likely to fuck you.

Women don’t “go their own way” like men do, they just change allegiances.

Men follow philosophies, women follow Alphas.

11 years ago

Strippers are annoying to be around, for any guy with an IQ above 95.
Like brothel girls you’re forced to listen to, before sliding it in.

I always needed a Mental Bath afterwords.

11 years ago

repost? pretty sure i’ve read this before.

11 years ago
Reply to  patrick

Deja Vue..

Rollo Tomassi
11 years ago
Reply to  patrick

I touched on it in The Feminine Mystique (linked), but I never really covered Chick Crack in detail.

11 years ago

This is really funny, and oh so true.

11 years ago

Its a byproduct of hypergamy for sure. I can only imagine that a girl’s id peeks out from her depths with a periscope, scanning the horizon for the next mystical alpha.

You bring up a good question- now that we have the science to do paternity tests, havent we denied women their most critical power? The ability to regenerate their mystique by hiding their true actions?

11 years ago

So true. Since the social/sexual revolutions of the 1960’s we’ve seen a explosion of Chick-Crack. Everything from Shirley McClaine’s New Age stuff, Celestine Prophecy, Deepak Chopra w/#1 fanlady Naomi Judd, Ya Ya Sisterhood/EPL, and all the rest that the Oprah demographic buys into. Interestingly enough, while trying to remember the author of ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ I found this book review of ‘The Celestine Prophecy’ which could have been written by Rollo by all rights; “…When I finally got around to reading it on the New York City set of The Money Train (I did a lot of extra work in… Read more »

11 years ago

This article is so timely in the sense that I was just blogging about spiritualism in pick up.

Dudes need to realize that anything of spiritualism,tarots and astrology is chick crack.Women go crazy over the supernatural or spiritual.

Good Luck Chuck
Good Luck Chuck
11 years ago

Czech girl and her (ex) best friend were into the secret. They used to ramble on and on about how “the universe will provide that which you will into existence”. I couldn’t handle listening to the bullshit anymore- I had to see where they were getting this from so I agreed to watch part of it it with her one day. Needless to say it was one of the biggest steaming piles of bullshit I have ever laid eyes on. But they totally believed it and never hesitated to advise me that if I wanted something all I had to… Read more »

11 years ago

I’ve used “The Cube” on chicks. If you build comfort and then run it…girls are eating out of your hand…and bring it up repeatedly if you get the responses right.

If you run it too early, they’re not paying attention.

The Cube: run it after comfort or after she’s indicated she’s into this new age, astrology, tarot, fortune telling etc.

11 years ago

I’m not sure that women are naturally more predisposed to this stuff. I think it’s just that boys get called out as dumbasses if they like astrology or whatever. Girls get indulged. And so as adults, a significant percentage of women still enjoy these fantasies, while the equivalent male is pretty rare.

Love's Orphan
Love's Orphan
11 years ago

Now I can see why so many women ask me what’s my astrological sign.

11 years ago
Reply to  Love's Orphan

When an uninteresting chick asks me what my sign is, I usually like to say “STOP”

11 years ago

I have a problem with my sacral joint that requires strengthening different muscles around my pelvic girdle, a chick friend recommended that I go to a mystical ‘healer’ (apparently to remove an alien implant in my spine) so yeh chicks dig mysticism, beats logic anytime.

11 years ago

You can learn palm reading in less than 5 min on youtube.Goes far with college girls and bored trophy wives from my experience. With practice you may be able to keep a straight face while acting like you believe in it.

Paul Murray
11 years ago

“really anything that hints at knowledge beyond the ordinary is fair game”

The real attraction is “something for nothing”. The secret behind “The Secret” is its promise that you don’t have to work to get stuff, all you have to do is wish hard enough. Pagan or christian, wishing or kissing God’s ass, it’s all the same.

Emma the Emo
11 years ago

I was into new agey stuff in my early and mid teens, but arrived to atheism. It’s appealing for several reasons. The star sign stuff is flattering, tells you about yourself and might make you feel special. And the appeal of the Secret is obvious – it makes people believe they can get anything they want by wanting it hard enough (Sure, the book will tell you you have to work too, but on another page it says wishing/believing ITSELF will make things happen.). It gives you an easy solution. And if it didn’t work, you probably attracted the negative… Read more »

11 years ago

“But they totally believed it and never hesitated to advise me that if I wanted something all I had to do was believe.”

Mental asylums are filled wih thousands of people who believe with 100% conviction the most unlikely things. Despite their belief none of it materialises.

Fugitive King
11 years ago

this post is full of truth and win.

11 years ago


When you lack logical rigurosity and the willingness to change your ideas to fit uncomfortable data and facts, magical thinking helps you wrap the unknown into beautiful lies that make you feel good.

11 years ago

In the post after this one, you talk about AFC’s and how they take the path of least risk. This is the same mentality a friend’s wife has in regard to religion. She’s a Christian, I’m an atheist/agnostic, and her husband’s a deist. We debate for hours, and her go to response is that she’s a Christian because she’d rather be safe than sorry. She’s one of those faith without works people who thinks all she needs to do is to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. I can’t tell you how many girls I’ve met that say stupid… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  141

Imagine if people in 1700 believed that electricity was ‘stupid shit’. People are always inclined to think that new forces are impossible, just because they haven’t seen them yet. It is very ignorant to call the Law Of Attraction ‘stupid shit’. What makes you think that your eyes know everything? Quantum physics show us that everything can be in a superposition. When a conscious mind notices it, it becomes reality(/a real object). I am agnostic. I am aware of the fact that people think they know if there is a god or not. I am also aware of the fact… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  G

Not really, people in 1700 believed in falsehoods as well – like bleeding with leaches. Stupid shit.

How can you believe something, if you do not know it?

You answered your OWN question:
by believing in the same way
as you believe
in agnosticism

11 years ago

Women like religion (their version of it) because it gives them power. It promotes the ‘spiritual’ and degrades the physical, so they see it as something which caters to them and should be used to control men.

And men leave religion because women and white knights turned it into a tool to have power over them.

11 years ago

[…] women to want to nurture this ‘artist’ because it plays into the whole romantic, chick crack predestination idealism that so many women want to believe can happen for them. They’re […]


[…] it on women in bars, airplanes, grocery stores. Start talking New Age BS with women, what PUAs call "Chick Crack" google the term, and their legs magically spring open. I'll keep that in mind, mach, next time I […]


[…] In doing so, he broke the first commandment and succumbed to the temptation of Eve. Eve was told that if she ate the fruit she would be like God. He accepted that flattery and died. Now, this is so common: consider this observation by one of the more effective observers of women in the field […]

Kriya the Creole
Kriya the Creole
10 years ago

What wou

Kriya the Creole
Kriya the Creole
10 years ago

“Of all the strippers I’d ‘dated’ in the past every one subscribed to some form of non-mainstream spiritualism. ”

You mean not affiliated with an organized religion like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, etc?

I’m under the impression that the majority of people in the developed western world are not official members of organized sects. Am I wrong?

9 years ago

[…] Mastery, Command Presence, Agree & Amplify, Cocky & Funny, Social Proof, Dread and even Chick Crack, whether you’ve applied them or not, Game has expanded your consciousness of women’s […]

6 years ago


It’s probably got a lot to do with the renewal of pagan/wiccan ideas in the last I-dunno-how-many decades.

These ideas are absent of the ‘patriarchy’ that they fear so much. Therefore it is appealing to them.

Also, women rely on a very practiced intuitive sense in their day to day interactions. I think this leads them to give more credence to mystical occurrences than men.

You’re absolutely spot on though. They all like to think of themselves as spiritual Goddesses or some shit.

eddie lee
eddie lee
6 years ago

Being an atheist doesn’t mean you can’t be ‘spiritual’ or connected to ‘what is’, as a woman pointed out to me 😉 She has a point though; metaphysics doesn’t innately require a belief in a ‘god’ force, but that does not mean it doesn’t have rules and laws to it, after all, maths does. So something like the concept of ‘the secret’ (obviously a huge simplification of the paradigm, but touching at truth) can be a natural part of the Universe and thus ‘spiritual/energetic’ regardless of religious dogma. Is gravity ‘spiritual’? Philosophical question… but you best live by its apparent… Read more »


[…]  woo woo magical thinking whipped into the mix. I really need to do a more expansive post on Chick Crack […]


[…] years ago I wrote a post outlining what the PUA community referred to then as “Chick Crack“. It was a pretty straight forward post that I delved into just to explain why playing to […]

Anthony Waugh
Anthony Waugh
5 years ago

Got a friend who lost his dog, his ex rang him up explaining that she knows someone who might be able to help. Excitedly he said “who”? She said “ I have a friend who is a pet phycic.” It’s still a laughing matter to this day!


[…] and I don’t know why. Maybe because I’m intuitive or it’s something related to “chick crack” but I don’t give much think on that […]

1 year ago

The sebret is not a idiocy
Combine the sebret law of attraction and Redpill , you can suprised

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