The Medium is the Message

I hate the term ‘Mixed Signals’ or ‘Mixed Messages’. “I dunno man, she sending me mixed messages” is a common refrain among many a Blue Pill man.

More often than not there’s nothing ‘Mixed’ being communicated, rather it’s a failure (willful or not) to read what a woman is communicating to a man. The average guy tends to ‘get’ exactly what a woman has implied with her words, but it takes practice to read her behavior and then more practice in self-control to apply it to his own interpretation.

When a woman goes from hot to cold and back again, THIS IS the message — she’s got buyers remorse, you’re not her first priority, she’s deliberating between you and what she perceives is a better Hypergamous prospect, you were better looking when she was drunk, etc. — the message isn’t the ‘what ifs’, the message IS her own hesitation and how her behavior manifests it. 10 dates before sex? This IS the message. Canceling dates? Flaking? strong interest to weak interest? This IS the message.

Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you. When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates. If she sorts it out for herself and pursues you, then you are still playing in your frame and you maintain the value of your attention to her. It’s when you patiently while away your time wondering what the magic formula is that’ll bring her around, that’s when you lean over into her frame. You need her more than she needs you and she will dictate the terms of her attentions.

What most guys think are ‘mixed messages’ or confusing behavior coming from a woman is simply due to their inability (or refusal) to make an accurate interpretation of why she’s behaving in such a manner. Usually this boils down to a guy getting so wrapped up in a girl that he’d rather make concessions for her behavior than see it for what it really is. In other words, it’s far easier to call it ‘mixed messages’ or fall back on the old chestnut of how fickle and random women are, when in fact it’s simply a rationale to keep themselves on the hook, so to speak, because they lack any real, viable, options with other women in their lives. A woman that has a high IL in a guy has no need (and less motivation) to engage in behaviors that would compromise her status with him. Women of all ILs will test a man’s fitness (i.e. shit test), and men will pass or fail accordingly, but a test is more easily recognizable when you consider the context in which they’re delivered.

More often than not women tell the complete truth with their mannerisms and behaviors, they just communicate it in a fashion that men can’t or wont understand. As a behaviorist, I’m a firm believer in the psychological principal that the only way to determine genuine motivation and/or intent is to observe the behavior of an individual. All one need do is compare behavior and the results of it to correlate intent.

A woman will communicate vast wealths of information and truths to a man if he’s only willing to accept her behavior, not exclusively her words, as the benchmark. He must also understand that the truth she betrays in her behavior is often not what he wants to accept.

We get frustrated because women communicate differently than we do. Women communicate covertly, men communicate overtly. Men convey information, women convey feeling. Men prioritize content and information, women prioritize context and feeling when they communicate. One of the great obfuscations fostered by feminization in the last quarter-century is this expectation that women are every bit as rational and inclined to analytical problem solving as men. It’s the result of an equalist mentality that misguides men into believing that women communicate no differently than men. That’s not to discount women learning to be problem solvers in their own right, but it flies in the face how women set about a specifically feminine form of communication. Scientific study after study illustrating the natural capacity women have for exceptionally complex forms of communication (to the point of proving their neural pathways are wired differently) are proudly waved in by a feminized media as proof of women’s innate merits. Yet as men, we’re expected to accept that she “means what she says, and she says what she means.”

More than a few women like to wear this as a badge of some kind of superiority, however it doesn’t necessarily mean that what they communicate is more important, or how they communicate it is more efficient, just that they have a greater capacity to understand nuances of communication better than do men. One of the easiest illustrations of this generational gender switch is to observe the communication methods of the “strong” women the media portray in popular fiction today. How do we know she’s a strong woman? The first cue is she communicates in an overt, information centered, masculine manner.

You don’t need to be psychic to understand women’s covert communication, you need to be observant. This often requires a patience that most men simply don’t have, so they write women off as duplicitous, fickle or conniving if the name fits. Even to the Men that are observant enough, and take the needed mental notes to really see it going on around them, it seems very inefficient and irrational. And why wouldn’t it? We’re Men. Our communications are (generally) information based, deductive and rational, that’s Men’s overt communication. Blunt, to the point, solve the problem and move on to the next. Feminine communication seems insane, it is a highly dysfunctional form of communication….,to be more specific, it’s a childish form of communication. This is what children do! They say one thing and do another. they throw temper tantrums. They react emotionally to everything. Yes, they do. And more often than not, they get what they’re really after — attention. Women are crazy, but it’s a calculated crazy.

Covert communication frustrates us every bit as much as overt communication frustrates women. Our language has no art to it for them, that’s why we seem dumb or simple at best to women. We filter for information to work from, not the subtle details that make communication enjoyable for women. This is the same reason we think of feminine communication as being obfuscating, confusing, even random. The difference is that our confusion and frustration is put to their ultimate use. So long as women remain unknowable, random, irrational creatures that men can’t hope to understand (but can always excuse), they can operate unhindered towards their goals. “Silly boy, you’ll never understand women, just give up” is exactly the M.O. Once you accept this, she’s earned a lifetime of get-out-of-jail-free cards. The myth of the ‘Feminine Mystique’ and a woman’s prerogative (to change her mind) is entirely dependent upon this covert communication.

Now as Men we’ll say, “Evil, immoral, manipulative woman! Shape up and do the right thing, saying one thing then doing another makes you a hypocrite!” and of course this is our rational nature overtly making itself heard and exposing a woman’s covert communication. An appeal to morality, that’ll get her, but, doesn’t.

This is because women instinctively know that their sexuality is their first, best agency, and covert communication is the best method to utilize it. Appeals to morality only work in her favor, because all she need do is agree with a Man’s overt assessment of her and suddenly he thinks he’s ‘getting through to her’. As Men, we have become so conditioned by the Feminine Mystique to expect a woman to be duplicitous with us that when she suddenly leans into masculine communication forms and resorts to our own, overt communication method and agrees with us, it seems she’s had an epiphany, or a moment of clarity. “Wow, this one’s really special, ‘high quality’, and seems to get it.” That is, so long as it suits her conditions to do so. When it doesn’t, the Feminine Mystique is there to explain it all away.

Have you ever been in a social setting, maybe a party or something, with a girlfriend or even a woman you may be dating and seemingly out of the blue she says to you privately, “ooh, did you see the dirty look that bitch just gave me?!” You were right there in her physical presence, saw the girl she was talking about, yet didn’t register a thing. Women’s natural preference for covert communication is recognizable by as early as five years old. They prefer to fight in the psychological, whereas boys fight in the physical.

Within their own peer group, little girls fight for dominance with the threat of ostracization from the group. “I wont be your friend anymore if,..” is just as much a threat to a girl as “I’m gonna punch you in the face if,..” is to a boy. This dynamic becomes much more complex as girls enter puberty, adolescence and adulthood, yet they still use the same psychological mode of combat as adults. Their covert way of communicating this using innuendo, body language, appearance, sub-communications, gestures, etc. conveys far more information than our overt, all on the table, way of communicating does. It may seem more efficient to us as Men, but our method doesn’t satisfy the same purpose.

Women enjoy the communication more than the information being transferred. It’s not a problem to be solved, it’s the communication that’s primary. When a chump supplies her with everything all at once we think, yeah, the mystery is gone, he’s not a challenge anymore, why would she be interested? This is true, but the reason that intrigue is gone is because there’s no more potential for stimulating that need for communication or her imagination. Too many men buy into the lie that ‘open communication’ is the key to a good relationship and do an ‘information dump’ believing their wives or girlfriends will appreciate it. In doing so a man denies his woman the satisfaction of communicating in teasing out the information.

Nothing is more self-satisfying for a woman than for her to believe she’s figured a man out by using her mythical ‘feminine intuition’. This intuition is really just a name given to her preferred form of communication.

Lastly, I should add that women are not above using overt communication when it serves their purposes. When a woman comes out and says something in such a fashion so as to leave no margin for misinterpretation, you can bet she’s been pushed to that point out of either fear or sheer exasperation when her covert methods wont work.

“Can’t we just be friends?” is a covert rejection, “Get away from me you creep!!” is an overt rejection. When a woman opts for the overt, rest assured, she’s out of covert ideas and knows she must use men’s form of communication. This is an easy example of this, but when a woman cries on you, screams at you, or issues an ultimatum to you she is self-acknowledging that she is powerless to the point of having to come over to your way of communicating.

Likewise, men can and do master the art of covert communications as well. Great politicians, military generals, businessmen, salesmen to be sure, and of course master pickup artists all use covert communications to achieve their goals. It’s incorrect to think of covert communication as inherently dishonest or amoral, or even in a moral context. It’s a means to an end, just as overt communication is a means to an end, and that end whether decided by men or women is what’s ethical or unethical. The medium is the message.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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12 years ago

Yes it’s a mean to it’s end. Always find it funny that men, even guys who have taken the red pill yearn for a time when women will stop acting like women… it’s not going to happen. Because it works on a biological level. And until it stops working it will continue in this way. As you point out men can learn to communicate this way (or maybe relearn it / discover it in themselves). Because women are reading HOW men communicate just as much as WHAT you are logically communicating. They can read through the lines and see the… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Y

*Yes it’s a mean to its end.

12 years ago
Reply to  Y

I’m one of the guys you point to. It’s probably the biggest obstacle to further improvement in my Game; once I met a chick who I deem both smart and pretty, I start treating her like a male friend…and her attraction evaporates. There is a detour around the frustration Rollo describes: masculine women. I like a pretty face as much as the next guy, but if I have to trade it for masculine cognitive qualities in a woman, I do so, more ore less without complaint. I feel sorry for guys who can only get it up (or, at least,… Read more »

12 years ago

nailed on the head again

12 years ago

Good post Rollo. There are women who do prefer more direct forms of communicating (i.e. overt) although they may use covert forms in some instances. Are these women masculine in nature b/c of that? I think being able to be both overt/ covert in communication and knowing when and how to use them is important. I don’t think having one over the other is beneficial. I believe a healthy man/woman knows when to use both depending on the situation. For instance, growing up I found that I can only tolerate very small selected group of females as friends and acquaintances… Read more »

12 years ago
Reply to  Neecy

“Also, could it be that the way men and women communicate has more to do with culture than biology?”

No, I’d say these differences are cross-cultural.

I’d also bet dollars to doughnuts that African-American men wouldn’t agree with your characterisation of African-American women as “more overt”.

As for as what men prefer in relationships, I’d say that OVERT communication is the way to go.

If you try to communicate something negative covertly, he will know that something is wrong, but he won’t know what it is. That’s doubly frustrating.

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  Neecy

I would definitely agree that there are cultural variations that should be taken into account, however I’d still argue that the mechanics – essentially the neural hardwiring – make women far more prone, or at least more sensitive to nuanced forms of communication. Certain cultures have stronger gender influence in their communication than others. Using your example of black women or Puerto Rican women, there is more of a cultural necessity to use overt, male forms of communication as a priority. This isn’t surprising considering the, generally dominant, more masculo-centric influence in those cultures. Basically the women in those cultures… Read more »

12 years ago

Good post.

One thing that has worked well for me (when I’ve had my wits about me…) is to call a woman out on any incongruity between what she says and her affect, body language, tone of voice, etc.

In situations where that’s not appropriate just IGNORE WHAT SHE SAYS and take away the real message.

12 years ago

Great stuff. I am very fortunate to have caught this blog at the beginning.

12 years ago

ROLLO SAID This is an interesting contrast when compared to more feminized societies, where the reverse is true – the men are left confused and frustrated because of the social emphasis placed on covert, feminine-centric priority of communication.

EXACTLY. But when the feminized society is the dominant one, those who come from more masculinized sub cultures will be viewed negativley for the way they overtly communicate.

I also agree that women are much more prone to various forms of communicatoin generally.

12 years ago

Johnnymilfquest, Thanks. Point taken. I always believe being overt in communicating with your partner is best, but since society seems to reward more covert behavior from women, it can get confusing as to what men want vs. what society has placed upon men and women in terms of how to communicate effectivley. The reason why some men may not prefer overt forms of communication from women, is b/c sometimes its not what you say but how you say it. Some people think being overt means that you can just say any old thing any kind of way and that’s just… Read more »

12 years ago

I love it! I’ve been guilty of accusing women of “mixed messages.” Thank you for helping me to clarify for myself what this means. I’ll be reflecting on this article and adding it to my repertoire.

12 years ago

Rollo you use the phrase “more often than not” too often.

More often than not, it spoils the language. Why not use something else every once in a while>>?

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  qsdasdasd

Duly noted.


[…] the behavior of the attention whore is her overtness in grabbing that attention. Consider that women’s preferred means of communicating is to be covert. There’s no subtlety in the attention whore’s methods and maintenance. […]

12 years ago

[…] always remember why women resort to OVERT communications (the language of men) – so there is no, or less, margin that her message will be misunderstood. If […]

12 years ago

[…] and repression of what’s really going on. What they don’t realize is that the MEDIUM is the message; her behavior, her nuances, the incongruencies in her words and demeanor (and how your gut […]

12 years ago

[…] better method for determining intent, fights against this. Becoming Game-aware teaches Men that the medium is the message, but to varying degrees Men still want to believe that women are completely self-honest, rational […]

12 years ago

[…] a much better gauge in reading a woman’s interest level. It’s part and parcel of the Medium being the Message, so be pragmatic in understanding when you’re being rejected and that her pseudo-contrition […]

12 years ago

thank’s a lot rollo for your articles, this one and the “femminine mystique” has been especially illuminating to me: finally I see the whys (and hows) of years of crap in my steady agonizing 10-year-long relationship (well the early four was ok)…now I know it’s always been based on my ignorance haha… all expirience, yeah, but your contribution is invaluable.

Rollo Tomassi
12 years ago
Reply to  tom


11 years ago

Wish I had read this over last week after a plate went cold and I overtly chased after it. I probably could’ve salvaged it if I saw the cues coming and went ghost instead. It’s tough remaining aloof and indifferent to the shit tests power play frame control struggle. Spinning 4 other plates at the moment, but this was the top one. Any advice how long to wait before I attempt to re-engage?

11 years ago
Reply to  unscathed

If there’s a lot of shit test power plays and struggles and you find yourself losing your frame and boundaries, just drop that plate, it’s rotten.

11 years ago

[…] of your status a woman will generally default to some form of filibuster. This goes back to the medium being the message for women, however, for men, one of the more confusing strategies of hypergamy is the female […]

11 years ago

[…] The Medium IS the Message […]

11 years ago

[…] of quality (or lack thereof). As most Game-aware men (and women) ought to know already, the Medium is the Message and it’s women’s behavior, not their words that should be used as the only reliable […]


[…] Mixed signals – […]

11 years ago

Hey rollo, thanks for the posts, they flesh out what I’ve known since grade 3 or so. Because women are so different from myself. Imagine the troubles in communication for a guy with asprger’s such as myself… I just want direct communication to get the information across and to speak no more. But yes, size and handsomeness matter and alpha relating which intimidates them becaue of how cool and above it all one seems, make up for lack of talking etc. Really appreciate it man.

11 years ago

[…] entertain her the longer you will be paralyzed. You will be in limbo because you refuse to see her behaviors are her message, not her words. When extinguishing a behavior, in behavioral psychology, subjects universally […]

11 years ago

“One of the great obfuscations fostered by feminization in the last quarter-century is this expectation that women are every bit as rational and inclined to analytical problem solving as men. ”

I couldn’t have put it better myself. It’s become something of a social taboo, even in academic circles, to even ALLUDE to inherent cognitive differences between genders, as far as logic and analysis go.


[…] their intent is. You just need the ability to read the behavior. As I’ve said before, the medium IS the message. The LJBF IS the message. Women with a high interest level don’t get to this point with a […]


[…] means he’ll probably be there somewhere in the neighborhood of seven.  For women, “the medium is the message“, there’s a hell of a lot more going on that mere words.  Words are just a tiny part […]


[…] go? Instead of trying harder, you have to be willing to throw unresponsive prospects away. The medium is always the message. Experience will teach you how to understand the female language. Read between the lines. What do […]


[…] was becoming something more. Men could now see the code in the Matrix: we knew the medium was the message, we began to see the  feminine social conventions used to control us, we began to see the […]


[…] [The Medium is the Message] […]


[…] after I sleep over at hers due to some family stuff. Nothing happens – I just missed the covert […]

10 years ago

Mixed signals are negative signals. Low interest. Drop her ass right there.

10 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with this article. When conversing I’m quite frank and always forget that most others, especially women, aren’t. Needless to say, I miss a lot of subtle come-ons…many of my girlfriends later revealed they thought I was either a snob, wasn’t interested, or gay…contrary to what many profess appearing aloof can be a hindrance. Though I’m able to laugh off my denseness, it’s bothersome to miss so much covert sexual communication, and in instances when I do finally recognize it, it is only much later. I’m truly one of those guys that needs a long gaze, broad… Read more »


[…] her actions. Please read this essay concerning female communication and how men interpret it. The Medium is the Message | A relevant paragraph in the essay: […]

10 years ago

When a woman won’t change her name on Facebook to her married name…..nor post any wedding pictures…..guess that IS the message.

10 years ago

[…] I’ve elaborated before The Medium is the Message; when single women painstakingly prepare themselves primping and preening before a night out with […]

10 years ago

You called this post today. In the matter of fact, after readings practically all your articles I think this one is the best.
My respect and gratitude once more.

10 years ago

[…] This pretty much confirms men and women’s communicative methods I outlined in The Medium is the Message: […]


[…] Artículo de Rollo Tomassi, The Rational Male […]


[…] you were a REAL man. Hmm?”. Women’s convert and paradox nature as this post, and this post as well talks about is in full gear in just a couple seconds.  She keeps doing this until HE as a man gets […]

9 years ago

[…] basic truth is what inspired The Medium IS the Message and as stupid-simple a truism as it is, it’s often the most difficult part of Game-awareness […]

9 years ago

[…] been mentioned in many a manosphere comment thread that, the medium is the message, and women’s medium has been proving that their interests lean much more openly towards Alpha […]


[…] to another date, and she said she was busy and had no idea when she’d have time. Knowing that the medium is the message and this is basically the end, I told her to give me a call when she has time, fully understanding […]

9 years ago

Access on actions; not words. – CHECK
Covert communications frustrate men – CHECK
Overt communication frustrates women – ??

These concepts are not new to me. I first read “Women are from Venus….” 20 years ago, and that book says much of the same. However, it never occurred to me that overt communication frustrates women just as covert communication frustrates men. This is worth much more thought….


[…] Women pick up on cues like this. Men are often oblivious to them, but there are subtle differences in our behaviors, indifferences to women’s expected behaviors from us, and subtle attitudes we sub-communicate which women are attuned to thanks to an evolved psychological understanding of when they have a sexual competitor for our attentions. Women who have a genuine interest in a guy, rarely confuse that guy with “mixed messages“. […]

9 years ago

[…] I’ve written in the past, the Medium IS the Message with women. On some level of consciousness men instinctually understand their relative status with […]

9 years ago

[…] rationalizations and repression of what’s really going on. What they don’t realize is that the MEDIUM is the message; her behavior, her nuances, the incongruousness in her words and demeanor (and how your gut […]

The Celtic Predator
9 years ago

Someone buy this guy a beer, that was genius! 😀


[…] low interest. A woman interested in you will not give mixed signals. Rollo’s brilliant post The medium is the message is a must read if you haven’t done so […]

9 years ago

I dont think “mixed signals” is a bogus concept. Sometimes a woman is using push/pull to stir excitement, but she is genuinely interested. Other times she might just be interested in playing around, she is keeping you interested just for the fun of it. Its just another form of attention whoring. Its just to easy to blame the guy for not being good enough at decoding female language or actions. The guy might not even have very much behaviour to interpret apart from sparse interaction with the woman. The “mixed signals” is often part of the message. She is activily… Read more »

9 years ago

Reblogged this on Mastermind and commented:


[…] — The Medium is the Message \ The Rational Male […]

9 years ago

I’ve read this post so many times in the last month! Trying to bash this information into my skull, it seems. And not with complete success. If we discount a woman’s words, but she is quite clearly flirtatious, no matter her relationship status, how do we tell apart the girls who are actually keen to fuck from those who are just admiring an alpha without wanting to jump ship? It can’t be as simple as saying she will be the one sucking your dick, because many women I encounter still want to be pursued … though maybe I’m doing that… Read more »

9 years ago

Reblogged this on 254MGTOW and commented:
Timeless….and timely!

9 years ago

I’ve gone through this 4 times today…This is probably one of the most valuable posts Rollo has ever done. I faultered, but my kung-fu shall be stronger.
The way I see it, Rollo’s work and other relevant work in the manosphere can be related to the dialogue Morpheus had with Neo…”Are you saying that I can dodge bullets?”
“I’m saying that when you’re ready you wont have to.”
Here’s to not having to dodge bullets.


[…] Stops responding to communications (and possibly resumes after a period)? – The Medium is the Message […]

8 years ago

A good read indeed. Anyone ever notice that overt and covert communication can both cause hardship of talked about in the wrong place?

serwis anten Gorzów
8 years ago

Bije z tego bloga naturalnoscia i szczeroscia. Ciesza mnie takie posty, zgadzam sie z kazdym zdaniem.

8 years ago

“When a woman opts for the overt, rest assured, she’s out of covert ideas. This is an easy example of this, but when a woman cries on you, screams at you, or issues an ultimatum to you she is powerless to the point of having to come over to your way of communicating.”

Is it a bad sign than she is screaming on you while you pack your stuff to move out for exmpl.?

8 years ago

What i mean here, that she is trying to use your way of communication, “overt”, cause post says than she is powerless to having communication her way, and what is interesting is it a good sigh than she try communicate your way? As I feel she would just ignore you if it’s really unimportant to her?

8 years ago

[…] gone back and forth about covert communications vs. overt communications on this blog over the years. There is a certain school of Game that teaches a bold, direct action […]

8 years ago

[…] the cartoon is that women possess the capacity to compartmentalize their emotional investments. The Medium is the Message; women can only compartmentalize their feelings for men they don’t see as Hypergamously […]


[…] (Enlace al original en Ingles) […]


[…] I wrote The Medium is the Message I primarily focused on observing women’s behaviors as the primary motivator of what their […]

7 years ago

[…] From The Medium is the Message: […]

7 years ago

[…] All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority. The correction comes from a woman learning the value of a man the hard way. Demonstrate, do not explicate. You correct a woman by fucking her best friend. You correct a woman by putting all her shit out on the curb when she cheats on you. You correct a woman by being a man so valuable to here that she wants to comply with your rules. You correct a woman by being so valuable to her Dread is an ambient… Read more »


[…] strategy women will use when they are saddled with a man their subconscious recognizes as Beta. In The Medium is the Message I point out that there’s really no such thing as ‘mixed messages’ and that […]


[…] women will use when they are saddled with a man their subconscious recognizes as Beta. In The Medium is the Message I point out that there’s really no such thing as ‘mixed messages’ and that […]

7 years ago

Reblogged this on eghost247.

Blue Scholar Blues
Blue Scholar Blues
7 years ago

I was in a camp few weeks back. The first day at the camp this HB7 start talking with me, grabbing my hand, laughing at my joke. hich I consider it to be an IOI. Apart from that during the course of the program I caught her many time starring at me, but the few times I try to talk to her, she’ll act cold or move away. Even though the stirring continues I didn’t bother talking to her again. And the fact that she got a lot of men interested in her, buying her dinner didn’t help. So coming… Read more »

Omega Man
Omega Man
7 years ago

here’s how i take it: women know upfront what men want from them. there’s NO FUN in just being overt, going thru the necessary steps, and arriving at the conclusion = sex. what they want is the build-up to the romantic movie scene (in their heads). and they want MILD overt signals from you initially so they can CONFIRM your interest level before they start sending covert signals in reply (if interested). from there, as a man, you have to, “just get it.” my lady is equally covert & overt when she communicates bc i usually bind her up with… Read more »


[…] according to personality, need, environment and attraction you’ll get a better grasp of the message a woman’s medium is telling you personally. Then, learn to pull your head out of a female mode of communicating and […]


[…] The Medium is the Message | […]


[…] according to personality, need, environment and attraction you’ll get a better grasp of the message a woman’s medium is telling you personally. Then, learn to pull your head out of a female mode of communicating and […]

6 years ago

So in essence i should never give a women a straight answer is what i am taking from this….


[…] the woman giving him the indicators. It is a test of a man’s capacity to understand that the Medium is the […]

6 years ago

Good article I was wondering my sister says she’s tired and sleepy but on the other hand she’s bringing over company and going to look parties, now today she’s supposedly sick and her body hurts but she had company again and she was moving she even went to the store, she said she had to moving to get stuff from the store to make her better and she was asking people for help so after helping her they stayed over for a while,she was talking and everything but i don’t know, now she’s playing sick again and wants me to… Read more »

6 years ago

Was the “safety net” something you wanted me to read or did the link just lead me there?

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

Last year I met a nice and sweet twenty something girl. She sent me some IOI´s and I started to chase her. She began to send mixed signals and I was absolutely baffled. Looking for information I found Heartiste´s blog and I realized that she perfectly matches with what Roissy calls the “Eternal Ingenue”. It was until I read your books that I understood her game and in consequence I did what I have never done before in my life; I walked away, cut all communication and did not look back. Now when she sees me I can feel she… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks Rollo since reading this post more than a year go I’ve completely changed my communication approach with my wife. I take my cues from careful observation – before I’d puke out a direct question. Your whole blog has been life changing. But this is one of the top 3 for me. I’ve also started to gently explain some of this to my eldest son. I have 3 sons and my mission is to try and help them navigate the troubled waters in front of them without the pain I’ve lived. If you ever find yourself in Sydney the whiskey… Read more »

6 years ago

[…] The Medium is the Message […]

6 years ago

This article is just the shit, really changed how I perceive women’s ‘signals’.

I have to come out and say that I’m pathetic at reading the covert communication, are there any means to learn how to pick up on it and how to deduce what their hidden undertones are to their spoken messages?

Cheers brother.

6 years ago

“That’s not to discount women learning to be problem solvers in their own right, but it flies in the face how women set about a specifically feminine form of communication.” I agree with everything up to this point. And i only disagree with it because of semantics. While it isn’t incorrect to refer to meaning being conveyed in a more complex form than simply stating it as a “feminine” form of communication, I think it misses a very large fact. By implying that only women communicate this way it creates a blind spot that will only be remedied by personal… Read more »

6 years ago

Wouldn’t ‘covert talk’ just be talking like a girl and becoming more womanly. Why the fuck are we conforming to women’s speak?? To game them? Fuck that shit man. Men should be making women be more direct, fuck this covert gay ass bullshit man. “It’s the only way! Women are DIFFERENT! We have to talk like this to ‘GAME’ them?” – fuck this shit man. This is why men are in the trenches. Because were ALL conforming to womens covert bullshit. I realize its HOW THEY TALK, and I very much like that women are different. But the conversation should… Read more »

6 years ago

I realize after reading a few more of these posts / articles that covert game is suppose to display masculine alpha awareness when a girl is giving oyu indicators of interest or whatever, but ultimatly I odn’t know why men need to conform to her reality and world frame – why must a man ‘go into’ her reality??? I realize its one of those rare moments where a women actually feels she is ‘winning’ – the problem here is that reinforces her solipsistic mindset – ultimately its misleading to acknowledge her covert game – the example was used of some… Read more »

6 years ago


But the implication is that were still promoting covert talk as a means of gaming girls correct? I’m implying covert talk isn’t necessarily ‘fem-speak’ but its still entering her perceived natural reality frame. Point is less about appearing ‘womanly’ to her and the fact that your acknowledging whatever twisted reality is in her head by being ‘covert’ with her.

Are you saying covert talk = fem-speak?

6 years ago

Here’s the deal man, when you acknowledge her reality frame via covert talk you open the floodgates of whatever reality she may have. Can you imagine a girl entering the covert frame of a man>? Think 50 shades of Gray. Here’s an example of what I’m trying to illustrate – there was an example on this website about Mad Men and the girl was on all fours while in lingerie cleaning or something and teasing the guy saying he wasn’t allowed to have her – I realize OBVIOUS (i.e. overt) displays of teasing are ONE thing, but there is a… Read more »

6 years ago

Right man, I agree, but the point is women are solipsistic, so anytime you play the game (even if its on what you think are your terms) you will still be submitting to her because your entering her frame of reality. When you tell a girl explicitly your playing a game it takes her out of her reality bubble, she doesn’t like this – the point I’m making is even though she may like you (and fuck you) if you play along, it still means your submitting to her frame man. There’s no other way to phrase it dude. If… Read more »

6 years ago

It doesn’t matter how much the man demonstrates his ‘own reality’ – women are solipsistic as your aware, so any perceived ‘frame’ the man thinks he’s leading her into is false – women always think the frame exclusively revolves around them, and so it doesn’t matter how much the man demonstrates his own personal pov, the girl always believes she’s the one ‘seducing’ the man – the point I’m trying to make dude is if the man enters covert game he’s entering her frame – anytime you enter her frame she will always believe whatever she wants to believe –… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

the point is women are solipsistic, so anytime you play the game (even if its on what you think are your terms) you will still be submitting to her because your entering her frame of reality. No. You play your game via Game and she fits herself into your frame. Her frame of reality will bend to fit yours. What is the shape of water? It takes the shape of what it is in. What is the shape of woman’s frame? Ask any of several men here, starting with Rollo. You are using far too many words because your thinking… Read more »

6 years ago

Point is simply whenever you try to game her your entering her frame – and whenever you enter her frame she believes your subconsciously agreeing with own subjective reality – i.e. she thiks, “oh this guy LOVES to play around with me in my fantasy roleplay frame reality, so he won’t care if I do the same with other guys by doing the same thing” – she abuses the seduction process man. The probem is her frame is biasand always will be – unless you explicictly tell her her frame is wrong (which she will hate you for) she will… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader – my words ARE clear – my thoughts are simply more abstract than most normal readers- I’ve thought about this shit for nearly a decade man – I agree girls are like water IN SOCIETY, but they still live in their OWN solipsistic reality bro – THATS what solipsism means man – solipsism is thinking ONLY your reality exists dude – the ONLY reason girls CONFORM LIKE WATER to society is because they are solipsistic – maybe you don’t understand the existential nature of girls man – yeah, maybe I haven’t been CRYSTAL FUCKING CLEAR, but it’s… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader – -think about it for a second man – why do girls so willing enter into porn? Why are girls ‘better’ at your job than you arE? You ever thought about why girls are ‘so much better’ at your job than you? I have – this will create a bit of controversy – but girls (being like water) excel at mundane tasks – EXCEEDINGLY excel – I’m not talking about some rocket scientist jobs here ok, but your customer service jobs girls are insanly proficient at those – its insane man, watch a girl for 40 hrs… Read more »

6 years ago

Girls frame = subjective dreams – similar to a man’s oneistis – if you don’t understand what subjectivism and relatavism is in philosophy than you will never understand what solisipsim is – a girls reality is almsot completly subjective – but where is she getting her subjective ideas? From society – so we know her ideas are based in society – her ideas a re subjective impressions of how she ‘feels’ in the moment, theres no real logic invlved – it’s like awatching a movie – how do you feel at the end of THIS scene? – “Oh, I feel… Read more »

6 years ago

I agree – girls are like water – so mold them to objective reality, not subjective fantasies – anytime you enter a covert frame with a girl your telling her its ok to believe whatever subjective bullshit she wants to believe – which is false – and its the same thing for men, any guy believing in some oneitis fantasy I’m sorry to tell you that’s just subjective nonsense – I’m not a hard materialist here, but the fact remains that subjective fantasies and relativism (in both men and women) have corrupted society – nearly beyond repair. What is ‘game’… Read more »

6 years ago

Stoic 101 so how do you know you are entering her frame?and how do you stay out of it? I’m new to this so I wanted to get a good understanding of it.

6 years ago

Stoic 101 so how do you know you are entering her frame? and how do you stay out of it? I’m new to this so I want to get a full understanding

6 years ago

Stoic 101 so how do you know you are entering her frame? And how do you stay out of it? I’m new to this so I want to get a good understanding of this.

6 years ago

Stoic101 Nice rant. Some observations: I agree – girls are like water – so mold them to objective reality, not subjective fantasies – anytime you enter a covert frame with a girl your telling her its ok to believe whatever subjective bullshit she wants to believe – which is false – and its the same thing for men, any guy believing in some oneitis fantasy I’m sorry to tell you that’s just subjective nonsense – I’m not a hard materialist here, but the fact remains that subjective fantasies and relativism (in both men and women) have corrupted society – nearly… Read more »

6 years ago

@ SJF: “Were you drunk when you wrote that or just feel the need to have a run-on sentence?” -Just how I write What I mean when I said ‘you don’t have to game girls’ isn’t the typical meaning you think I’m suggesting. What I mean when I say you don’t have to game them is because exactly what you said; it’s unconscious predominately. Yes, men learn game because it’s fun and useful, but the point I’m making when saying YOU DONT HAVE TO GAME THEM is because she ignorantly believes (one way or another) that she’s the chooser –… Read more »

6 years ago

You can’t care what a girl is thinking, it’s like caring what a child is fuckin thinking, it fuckin changes moment to moment, it’s pointless to give a shit about what’s going on in her head, because it’s entirely subjective. All you’ll get is useless information if your basing ‘game’ off of what she say’s, her words almost never line up correctly. She’s entirely subjective, so there’s no point trying to ‘decode’ her. You already have the code; she’s subjective and relativistic and solipsistic, there you go, thats ALL you need to know about what’s going on in her head.… Read more »

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